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Flesherton Advance, 30 Sep 1915, p. 1

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/Ie0l)^rt0n ^hmntt. • •TBDTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" '• PBIfiCIPLEb SOT MEN.' ?0I 3.5 No. 17 Fleahierton, Ont., Tliursday, September 30 tOlo W. H TfiDKSTOH ^''"°* â- od PhO Ceylon Chat i Mrs. Joe OliTer hM rttnriicd from a fortnight's visit with her sister in Toronto. Mr. Wilson of Toronto is also visiting his nccl, Mr. Oliver here. M's. A. Ratledge and little grand- son fpent a day in O-ven 8oaud the past week. We offer congratu'»tions to* Mr. and Mrs. .Ta?. Sargeant and extend a hearty welcome to Mr â- . Sargeaut to our burg. Mr. and Mrs. ^jeol^e Suell and family and Mr. A. Kennedy motored to Egremont on Sunday. Miss Clara Cook of Toronto spent the past week »ith heipareucs. Mr. and Mrs. Alt Down, who Ijave been visiting friends li«re the past three mouths, left for their home in Cleveland last week. Mrs. 3ohu Oriffin of Walkerton was a goest of Miss Ella Whittakcr the past week, Vr. A. Kennedy and a naoiber of others motored to Durham fair on Thursday last. Messrs. Wilson Mc Mullen.. D. Mc- Leod and T, Genoe attended the Collmgwood tair la^st w«ek. Mr. Mervin Cuxter, who h*s been employed at Mr. Jas. Pattison's the past moinli, severed his conueclioQ wi'ili the tirnia'udis leaving for his home in Collingwood. Fortb.w The tsiremely wet weather has igreatly hampered harvesting opera- tions, and alihongh the majority have finished there is -still considerable grain in the fields. Mrs. Geo. Uillockis ill at the home 'Of her -eon, Mr. tieo. McMaster. Dnring a recent thunderstorm Mr. David £lakey'« -stable was struck witk li|,'htuing. The damage done was only trilling. Mr*. \V, Ci. .Jamie^son has been â- ''~.i jug with a badly iiyiived ankle for the past three weeks, which k improving. Aliss Crawford of Alberta was a visitor at the home of htr uucle, Mr. Wm. Love. Miss 'jiajys White goes to Toronto this week to attend McMaster Uni- versity. Mr. Lewis Sheardown had the mis- iortnne to lose hiis yonng driver by intlammation. Mr. W. G. Jamicson went down to Toronto recently to see his father and uotliet, who are both 'Very ill in the iioapual there. Duikdalk Mr. J.iuK>9 Louswity, nf the Gravel fttual, {dulnucthoii, niut with a .very |>jiii{ul Hcciilent on Wediiwdty uf U^t week «vI\iL> drikwiiii; in uiuin un hU faum. It appears thtit on vntoriug tho bam «Hth » U)m\ uf sheave« ibe ton;;uo df-Lhe WM^'oii dtQp{ieJ ami Mr LttiKswa^- n:M .thriwn suddenly {mm iku load under >tlie holies fuel where lie \«a8 ttaiuplat) .U(>un when the hunsiK backed uf the ifim^ytHy. W'uson kihI kxul tuupled u«et' Aud tiLe leaiu r;tii away. Mt. houswuf «u«tiiued a biolirn rili wbieb (>r«Mied tta JiM rigliit lung ; he was alau eutwideralxly kruiaed but la iinproviug us well as could tie expected. Frauk K»se.\, second eldeat *mi »rf diHepii K«Mox, of 4th ooii., S. \V. \le\- anethou, 4is«k(\penrei from hoiu«i on Fri- day afteruauu last while in a deraiti^dJ inen'Hl eonditwtt. For some weeks it was noticcud hi» n>iiid was alfocted aiid he wH-i cai'efuUf watched by hm friends until he had grejttly improved and was •lile fur the urJitiairy work on the farm. ^ He was at^work lu the fields .>n Friday when his parents c.-ia^ t(> Uundalk to do •nine shopping. It was durinj; thci,. nbaence that lui left liM woik and when % «,hey letuined lii> could not l>e found, ita Monday ntoruiiig trace of bint was > fiwnd on the tuwnlin« o( Melancthon ^ HiW Amaranth, where ou Saturdny he wacaaenbytwo or three pei sons going along <be road and in the u^iposite dir action tu his home. Since thw time the '<^ haio not been able to Ke ito him. , He was weanng his rou^h working clothes Mid sKiuvh bat. Ho ia a man of niadiuin bnild, dark rompUxion, innstahe, beard ' unahavcd « coup'.u of weeks. He haa ; always been of a quiet ar.d buni ea^ dit. â- Â»â€¢ position. Any information of his wtero- alH'Uta wil! be gratefu 11/ uc;»ived by bit Nj'Mher, Joaep'i Ktsex, Me*i«nctljop P. O. > p. R. No. 9- lierald. Kimberley Budget We experienced a terrific rain and windstorm in this vicinity on San- day morning last. Miss Elsie Plewes of Collingwood IS visiting at present with her motuer, Mrs. John Plewes. The carpenters have completed their work on Jasper Stuart's new resi- dence. MissElvie Bishop and Wu. Ham- mond left last week to attend Toronto University. The way the grapes are disappear- ing from some of the vineyards in onr burg it wonld seem that the sons of rest have still a good membership iu this locality. Its too bad that some of them are not a little older so they could enlist and be sent to the front immediately. Mr. Alfred Hill, one of oar most progressive yoang agrieultuialists has recently built one of the latest styles of 0. A. C. poultry honses. It is qmte evident that there is a great awakening in the ponltry tndastry iu these parts. Messrs. Wm. Flood, John Taylor, Ian Carrnthers and Z)aIton Fergason motmed over to Collingwood on Fri- day last to attend the exhibition in that town. Miss Viola Lewis visited recently with her friend, Hena McNiven, of Wodehouse. bquire Stuart painted bis bouse last week which ailds greatly to its appearance. Mr. J as. il. Fawcvti's corn roast on Wednesday evening last was a hnge success, over 100, both old and young being present. Mr. Ed. Daker of Vandelenr was a caller in otir burg one day last week . Feversham Items A number /rem here attended the Great Northern Exhibition in Coding- wood last week. Miss Little, Glen Haron, is visiting her brother, Mr, Wm. Little. Miss Lyla Alexander haa returned home after spending several days in Collingwood and Clarksburg. .Mr. and Mrs. D. McDonald motor- ed to Georgetown ou Saturday to visit the latter's parents. Mrs. John Buckingham visited with friends in Collingwood last week. ilr. and Mrs. Wm. Ross, West Toronto, visited last week with the latter'3 sister, Mrs. Ira. Perigo. Miss Ivy Crawford, of Cajley, Alu., visited .Mrs. R. J. Colquette last week. We are sorry to report that Miss Sadie Jnlien is very ill with typhoid fever, A trained nurse in in attend- ance. The Union Sauday School re- opened on Sunday with a good attend- ance considering the inclemency of the weati:er. Don't forget the Worlds Fair in Feversham, Oct. a and i. Walkerton The icliun of the county council in douatuiK $4(jOO per uiiioth to the Patri- ot ic Fund to aid in caring fur soldiers' families as long a.s the war lasta, is bein;; well received by the ratepayers of Bruce. This wdl mean $4il,U(;t) per yetr or H mills on all the taxable huid in the county. 4 ije of the woman who acoxuptuiied a biiiid of4;i[)sies here on Tuesday Kvl-iet.; the t')il.« for working a rather imo )th .game on Ncrnian Walford, G.T.K. sta- tion anient here. Having a weakness for tellinv: fortunes, she accosted her victim at the sijiliou and insisted on readini; his iMnH. Part of the f>amc was that his haud be full ot money, and not .stispect- ittt; anything Norman enc!oa«d in his bst -s«veial silver i^uarters tnd allowetl the stianger to fondU over bis paw. She went un deliueatiig his character and re- voatin>;his tiirure, 4nd when he after- wards openeJ his list and counted his chaiigo ).e wai> just $2.25 short in his finances. As ha couldn't understand how she had extra<:ted the coin, he kept ;iddin<; and tiguring away until she g"t out '•{ siuh', when he set out in search of her :incl came up #ith hi* <iuarry at U. A'. Baker's store, wht^re she wius appar- ently trying to .(lull utf the s»ine game on the merchant. On heiag accused uf itheft she at limt denied tho charge, hut lact-r h.tnded KoFuian back the cv>ln. T-liinking th'kt atie mii;ht be Hoecing oth- tr--, Walford u<<tiil>o<l Chief Ferguson, who arrested >>«ir ua the atreer and UJdoC'd her screatMirt: ami shouting to j*il She was lil»enU*d iifror being in {li«^ t'fU.s a few hounian^aUowo'l to fet out <L>f t'>wn. In (lu> death of Dr. Laueii'in Jiiliiiclair, whi<:h took pltce at the li<>s|i«tai liero on Tue.«d«y «ve"iug last, Kiuco Oiuvtf Jivses itti olUest uiedtcil practitiuiirr and Walk- eriou ilJ pioneer doctor and one of is bett known ^ind mo.«t useftil and highly esteemeU citizens. The decease*', who was iiiU hs 77th, was born and riiseil ill Middlesex couiity. -Herald. Eugenia Paragraphs The revuUr aioothly meet'ng of this branch of th« W.nncn's Institute will meet un Thurslay, <)ct. 7, at the home uf Mrs. Kru. Morgan. The day is chtinged to tecuatodate the su.-iety. Mi.'s Iteitha Smith of Markdafa visited the Week euU with her cousin here. We are 9«>rry to report Mrs. M. Mc- MuUen and Mrs, Win. Walker rn the sick list. Miss V. McMulIen of Hills' Millinery, MM'kdalc, M this we«k attending her mother wtio i« ill. The Hydo-o Power Commission has a gang of employees buil.ling the line from the Power house to the Gate house. Mr. Stanley Parli.'kiuent has enlisted with the «oldieis. Karl Pailiauient and Mr. Daivid Armstron.; aie now in FraiKv. I^^S Miss Mabel Wc\^^H|a Feversham w*» iko guest oi !H i.s» -5a; bira .Arm- â- Jitrong. Mr.McMa.ster entertained a uumlier of young friends on Saturday evening, it bein.; his anniverMry. Mr- Uaiiy i..f St. Thomas is at present light ini! the serge tank which is one hundred and seven feet high : also in- a ailing the electric heater in the kta:e house. Voters' List Revision Singhampton Mrs. L)>dia ATcLean returned home on Wednesday »fter spending a week with friends ac Map'e Valley. Miss tterLrude t^uiy. h of Toronto has been spending t''.e holidays with her par- ents, Mr. aivd yii«. Kobt. Smyth, Blind Line. Miss Lizzie Knglish called on friends at R.irk Mills recently. The many friends of Mrs. Susan Tay- lor and .Mrs. Knglixh will be |ilHase.l lo learn ihst at the time of writiui: both weie recovering froiH th.e tint has confined them to their homes. Miss Myrtle Service of the C. V. 1 spent Sunday at her home here. We congratulate Miss Myrt'e ou pa-ssmg into the second form and wish her continued success. We are sorry to i'e|>o!t that Mrs. .Tames lUteman is under her physician's ciie Her many fr'euds hope for a speedy re- covery. Mr. Fr.incis Winters of Maxwell spent Sundsy with his -sister, Mrs. W. K.1- wards. Wodehouse Doings Chilly weather. Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Hutchinson of L'xbridge i.s visiting friends in this vicin- ity. Mrs. John Pickering is visiting friends at Thornbury. Miss Emily Porter who has been some time with Mre. J. Cherry, left Saturday momio^ for Toronto. Mr. W. J. ShepherJson of Walters Falls was a caller in our hurg Saturday. Bornâ€" To Mr. and Mrs. Thou. Faw- cett. East Mountain (nee Irene Fawcett of thi« place) on Sept. llib. 1915, a son. Mr. Aaron Eirjh and sister, Mary, took in the OuUingwood fair the past week. The Xew Eog'aud annual .Anniversary and Harvest U<>Qie services takes plate October lOt'i. The followiug evening, the llih, a fowl sup^r will be serve*', fulluwed by a good progiaiu. Keep the dite clear, coiur and bring your friend. .Aaron Tboinpaoa had the fouudutii>n laid on Wednc.'iday a'teruoua for » straw- shed which will be erected next summer. .A lart^e number from here attend' d the fowl supper at Kbenezer on Tuesday erenin^ which was h bumper success and they are certainly to lie connratulated, chough tine we.ilhrr favored them they were amply paid fur the work and eti.>ti.s thev put forh to make it a success. Word was received here early Sunday morning of tie death at Thornbury of .Mr. William Best. Mr. Best and bis esteemed {larluer have spent tha past â- even years with their daughter here, Mi-s. K. H. Wiley. They both suffered a severe attack of lit-grippe last spring and at one time little hope was held out for the old Udy, while he seemed to stand the tus^el best, and when Wih after a long seige were able tu be up again, the oil iteDtleniao thru *a usual went to Thornbury for a visit with his daughter, ftlrs. Kcott. Being verv' fr^il and feeble the trip was tro much for him and gradu^dly getting weaker he was un- able to coinu hack, ^nd has lor the past month been cuuhcel to his bet'. He is S2 ye«rs of age ard b< s been up ti'.. last spring exception.tliy smut .ind I ealthy and his death is the 6rai I'leik iu their family of four x us and thrie daughters, namely: Will in the West, .John of Wo-id- ford, George and Ben of ilwen Sound, Mrs. of Owen Sound, Mrs. Knott iif Thoinbuiy Mrs. R. Wiley of this pisce. Thi! iciiiait.s ate being truu;^ht t.i the lallei's home fiom which the funeri^l will take place Tuesd.ay afterrnxm to New England Cemetery. Much syni- [Mthy IS extended to the bereav«'d ones, especially Mrs. Itest, who is loft in very trail health to luuurn her loss. W'e understand Mr. Joseph Lanlittve of III s place and Mr. .lohu Wiley of Maxwell have traded farms; the* change til take I lace next spring. We .-iie Sony lo lose .'oe .ind his family, but hopi> ihe exchange will noneHi; both parties, mil wa welcome Mr. and Mrs. Wiley and Miss Mary back to old huiue scenes. Two new corn biuders are coniiag into this iieighhothoi'il ihi.> week, the pur- ih.ssers bvini; Mr. William W iley and sons. Jim ami W. L,, auJ T. I. K.-iwceil, J. Kirkpatiick and E. Wilcox m tliv .second coniusny. The corn and sihw .ire f>st coining into fiivor, and are a rtal necessity now .iiiiong i ur real agncul- tuiisis. Mr. A. -A. Thoiiipsott has been coii- liiied t > the ,»iid under the Di's. care for some time. Burial J. W. Bates, late of Bates & Dodds Fine fnneral goods at very moderate prices. Motor ambulance service. Votor eiiuipmect if desired. New and up-tcdate premises. 1 24 Avenue Road, Toronto Telephone Hilicrest268 1 aug Jewelry A Splendid Stock from which you may readily maJte A Satisfactory Se- lection. We catr- ry Photo Supplies. DR. BURT 5pecUliit la discues ol the Eye, Ear,Nose and Throat^- ^ Armstrong, (>FFICE-l:!ii 10th st,Wcst.Owen Sound «Je^vdep At the Revere house, Maikdale. 2nd ' Thursday each mouth from 8 lo a 12i m DunJalk,l8 Wednesday of each month . FLESHERTON, ONT • ^ .s's. .alt. .M. .M. .ale. Get your Peaches ami Tomatoes. Rogular ship ^ St" m m m m m m # « « nient.s Tnestlay.-^, Thur:^tlay.s and ijatiinhys. FLOUR OH- now yon can see it «\ithout your mil we are liL'ht hei-e with McGowan".* I.-*(lown so 1 spex on Pastiy Eclip.«^e. Five Koses, Puritv a"nt.r"Koyal Hoiisehiii.l Price from ^DiM) to »:i.-25 per bn^:. •JOc. per bag more lor Htmr made from old wheat! All kinds of Fee.1 and Grain. W. # m m m m # * # m V»^^lt jM'. vM^iMf. JlV, ,M/, .,1,, ^,.,, ^..,, ^„.^ _.,,^ _j^_ ^^ BUSKIN I #« Notice is hereby niveu that a t'nurt will be held purauaut to thu Ontario Voter*' Litts .-Vet, ly His Uonou', the JudjiB of the Coiniy Com' of the tVunty of Orey. at the Town Hall, Fl-sherton, on Tuesd.iy, the 28th day of Septeniher, l',»l">, at ton o'clock a. m!, to hear and determine conip'aints of otro:s and omissions iu th.< Vote-s' List.s of ili< Municipality of Artenieiia for l!>U"i. Datgd thi» 8 h day of Scpteniler W .'. BtLLAMT, Clerk of .^rtenesia. Roderick Graham, a Ca'edon fanner y^ut too near the dnviug bell «' a thresh- ine. .'V splice of the be'.t stru.k I iui on the forehead inHictini; a nasty cut which r«<)uired eight stitches. NEWS! FLESHERTON ! .-V new phone t j ring, to P t^teinliart, : Markda'e, 87, for ixjullry alive, protluce, hides, skins an 1 wool, rubbers, ng^-, horsehair, iron, cop^r, b, ^^nc, 'ead ; of all sorts, top price paid in cash or ' took place t . Vaxwall cemetery Susday drop a oaixl to IV>x 121. Maikdale Will ^^ „ r» ..: -u , call for it. Don't mistake the n»me, '" : »ft«»"«"'' '=«'' ^r. Somcrvdie, I I Thornton, taking the Mivioe at the Creemore O. M. f'eiui, late of the Heuwoith I'l !>!{«â- Â»â™¦. haa purchased and takcu [icsession of the Brudfovd Witness. John Bulincr is to hand with a bunch of tipe strawberries, one nhich uiea.«ured 4j' inches in circumference. Thm'.s going .some ill strawberries at this time •.>t year. Little J:ick Jones ulso brought us s<.>iue black berries froui the garden of his grandfather, Ue<>, Robinton. Robert Stewart, of Osprey, dieil at the home of his nephew, l\obt. Moore, on the nver road, on Thursday las', after an illness of two weeks with theimic fever, a tho age of to jears, The funeral Nice Summer Shoes i The Fleshorton Shoe Stoi-e is well ^ stockfil with many varieties of .Sum- > luer J>hoes for ladies and pents. at right prices. Also Trunks ant! Suit Cdi»os. K repairing as ii.<ual Thos. Clayton^s FLESHERTON NEW SUITINGS i New Suitings just to hantl â€" some of X the nobbiest weaves to be foun<l any- J where. ^ that regret new it. Leave your onler now for suit. You will never Satisfaction guai-itnteed. Don't .forget that w» tlo cleaning, pressing ami repairing^ Our prices art; rijjht and ourworkmanshi[i is tho very l>est. of p. STEINHART house iu the absence of Rev. Mr. Bud)(e. -Star. S.J. BOWLER I Sole Agent for the Hcbberlin Tailoring. 4*

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