i.» J ^ ••^** -â€" • m» ,*•• /ksli^rt^n !^^tittm^. !?! TBUTH BEFORE FAVOR.' PRINCIPLEb NOT MEN.' vol 3r> No. 7 Fleaticrtoii, Ont., Tlnjxsday, July 22 lOlo W. H TEDRSTON '^""?« kud FhO Eugenia Paragraphs The lite Mrs. Elizi Wooaburn whose • death was announced last week, waa born • in Co. Antrim, Ireland, vid left there in • ISOOfjv Philadelphia. There a'le mar- . ried .lames Woodburn *\\\ came to Eu- < geiiia iu 18?<> and bouel t >i home, where . they lived until the death >A Mr. Wood- burn in 1011. She then fiild her Ihnme to her nephew, Rubeit Purvis, aad lioarded in Kugenia ant! Toronto until her death while on a visit with her niece, • Mr«. Fred Jamieson, on luly \X at the • aie of 7"J yeari", her death bein^ caused . by acute ludi^tstio i. All of her family . Ihit survive l.er is ooe hister, Mrs. Wm. • Purvis, who lives with her son in Ku- genia. Tne funeral t'Kik place on 1 hul^l• • Aiy tc Salem cemetery, The floral off- «riri((8 wpre a beautiful spray of caruii- ' tiona from the Presbyterian conjreua- ' tion and cross of roses from the I.*dies' • Aid ; alsi beautiful wreaths from Mr. • and Mrs. Wm. Walker and Mr. and Mrs. . Alex. Carruthers, showinsj the hitjh es- . teem tn whii;h she was held in the , chuicb, of which she was a faithful mem- , ber since coniinx to Eugenia. Everyone ^ will miss bur, as she was a kind neighl)or ^ and fiiend. In the absence of her p.is- , tor, Rev.s. Jones and Madden took ^ charge )f the burial service. . Mrs. Pluiubel auU ilaughter, Cora L., ^of Butt'alo. ar« ;hB" guetta ot Mr. mid .Urs. R. Purvis. . R. Ho'.linijer of Toronto attended the • funeral of hi» aunt. Mis. Woodburn. • Mrs. Wm. Walker, Mrs. E. Paul.Mre. 'Win. Wil-Mjo and W^iU Wilson uiotured 'over to Craeuiore to visit friends. Mrs Beniham and Mr«. Dudgeon were ;;ueet8 uf Miss R. Paul. Mr and Mis. Ward i>f Collingw.>od 'have Mtoved into the reajdeoce of Fred •DucKett and inteoi stopping for the .Mimmer months. . Mis. Slack and daughter, KJua, of .Tuwuto, are i;ues» of Mrs. K. Planti. 'â- * . Mr. anJ Mrs. Wesley Latimer mot- ored over from Tiwoiito ;o vii-ir fi lends. . Mr. and Mrs. Win. Campbell of T.i- ,rontii are the ({ueats «f Mr. lud Mrs. R. Campbell. Mis. C. i« convalescent. Mi«» Klsie Wi!liaai» of Toronto i.s vis- 'iting friendN here. • Hi!da Williams i« vititins; her cousin, .Bessie Stcw.4»t, of Fle«herton. . Presbyterian people j»urpo»e h-ivini; ^ome eniertainiiienl t'M civic h<jliday, Aut;. 'I. Further particulars next week. Mr. .ind Mrs. Uowbothum of Toronto 'are the guests of .\. E. Williauia. • Miss Miniiie Graham of Vandeleur 1^ rtisiud wi b .Mrs. J. Williams. Kimberley Budget All kinJa of rain. On account of a wet day on Thurs- day last the baseball clubs garden party will be lieldou Tbui-sJay, July •22nd, when a bumper crowd Id t-S- pected. S. Fawcett spent a pleasant visit with Duncan friends one day last week. Mr, and Mr?. Hugh Hammond of Priceville vieiied with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. .M. R. Ham- mond recentlv. Mrs. Geo. Stuart and family of Flesherton visited friends in oiu burg duiiug tL« past week. Win. Clark, one of our highly re- spected citizens, was trying to catch his horse one day last week, when the horse cauglit Wm. first, with the re- sult that he is laid up with s'^me broktu ribs. Stanley Wallace of Collingwood, accompanied by Miss Bailey, visited receutlv with his paveots, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wallace. Jlr. and Mis. Snell of Bay view visited with tue lalter's brother, John Fawcett, of the "Traveller's Home" a few dajs last week. Mr. and Mrs. .John Mauarey of Beaverdale vi.sited friends iu our burg recently. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Stnart of Tho'nbiuy motored over to our burg en Thursdey last. Robt. Thompson of Sault Ste Marie is visiting with his sister, .Mrs. John Piewes, at present. Geo. Proctor and son, Ernest, arc bricklaying iu Thorubnry at present. Both these men are experib in their line and are hard to excel. Ashley .McCallum of Duncan visit- ed recently with friends here. James Stuart, vLsited dniiiig the past week with his sou, Robert. lu Thorn bnry. East Back Line « The Miund of the uiowcr is heard oiico ^loie III this viuiniiy. Mr. aiid Mrs. K. .Stifl'ord and family ul Uerkelt-y spent the wtek eud »ilh Mr. and Mrs. ti. CUrk. Mr^ G. Chapman is spending a few days with fiivnds in Duthaiu. Mrs. J. Thompson of Markdale visited recently with I er dauxhter, Mrs. Wm. Holej. • Mr« J.Clark, Miss Maggie and Mr. }}a.ssell of Owen ISouad vwiteJ with Mr. and Mis. W. Cai-go. ' Mf»' J- Hiip|i8 of I>ornoc'< U rcuew- JMg old acquaintancM in this vicinity. * Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Teeter and fam- ily of Markdale visited with Mr. and Mrs. p. Teeter. -t Mr. and Mrs. A. i?t«wartof Stratford iA« visiting with Mr. and Mrs. J. Teeter. When returnin!{ from church Sunday evening one of our hijjhly respected resi- dents with his lady friends was held up bv a number of hideous luokin;; fellows wliile pa-ssini; through the swamp ou the AiJleroad. Tlie hor.se being hti{h spirited ra\i at a furi'iu» P'ice and left ihe cul- prits far behind. Young fellows, do not tofment our bachelor friends ; you iiiiiy n«ie day be one. W. Cargo had a very suceetit'ul barn rii»int! on Monday. NEWS! FLESHERTON A lu'W phime to liog, to P Steinhait, ♦la^kdil*-, .*7, f r p<;u try alive, produie, IliilfN, skins anil wiml, rubhera, ii>g-, Wi^^^h lir. iioi>, c pi^er, biass, itinc. lead :4tf .lit .Holt-*, tup price paid in cash, or dr â- !> a cmA to H..X 121, Markdale Will «all f'-r it. Uoii'l mistake the iituii-, P. STEINHART Hatherton A nunilier of farmers have started hay- ins;. .A lur^u iiuuiber of Orangemen sn I friends attended the I2th of.luly Cele- bi-Htioii at Maxwell. Dr. and Mrs. Ryckman and little son, .\llen, of Hainiltim, irut.ired up and spent a week in Vaxwell lenewing old ac<iuaintancts and were the guest* of IMr. and Mrs. H. Ouy ML«s McKenzio, a former tea(h>r of Maxwell, spent a week renewin.: old ac'tuaintances, and waa the gue-st of Miss Ida Osborne. Miss Bertha Winters, Toronto, who has l)een visiting her brolner, James, returned home list week. Mr. Y' uuz. Mr. and Mrs. It. .Sueley, and Ihe Misses McNabb motored up from Stay Ber rfceutly and were t lie guei-ts of Mr. and Mr.s. James WinreiH. Mi-8 .\licc Win(er.«, Torou i-, was tli« gue.l of hvr hro hes .lames, lor a week, returning l.o iie Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Will Findlay niotnifd down from Markdale ami spent .Suuduy with the lattet's mother, Mis. E. Seeley. Mrs. Dolphin ind two children of Weston, are visiting her piueiits, Mr. and Mrs James Gordon. Mr. and Mrs. Dales motored up from H<.a'.hcote and were the guests of their daughior, Mrs. Howard Gordon. Mrs. Liveruiore Hud little infant, of Toronto, are vis.tiug with Mr. and Mrs. Jesse (irumuiett. Mr. and M:s. Sii clair and daiiijliter, HnZi'l, visited with Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Winters recently. Mr. and Mrs. French and two children called on Mr. and Mra. Chas. Winters on the 12th and attended the celebratiim a'v MaxwelL Mrs. MoukniHU, Toronto, spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs Down. Kov. P. Tiller preached an excellent 1 sermon to the Orangemen on Sunday eveuins;, July 11th, the church being packed to its utmost capacity, many re iiirtining outside. Miss Alice tVinters, pupil of Flesherton high school, passed her examination with Kist class honours. K. Down of Durham spent the week end at his parental howe. Dv-tective Keaburn, Toronto, lias been «<) king for soincdaysun the myNtertou8 ili :<pp«aiance of Mrs. Winters. Soatch- iui' pnitiea have been out for several days l.'ut no trace of the njissing woman can be foUIMl. Ceylon Clippings A very pleasant afterooou was spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. Whit- taker, the occasion being the leunion of the In' ler'.t family. Among t'le â- ut-of- t iwn ituesls were Mrr. R. Lynees and dauohter. Edith, Vancouver ; Mrs, Jas. Tryon, .â- Vkror, Ohio ; Mrs. .\neus Mc- Doiatd, and Daughter, Idi, Creemore ; Mr. and Mrs,. H. Pell and daughter, Dorothy, Tor(mto ; Mr. and Mrs. Poole, Thornbury : ano other immediate fi lends and relatives. Amont; those who attended il e funeral of the late .Andrew Ferguson fi-om a distance were Mrs. Ba.xter, Miss Eiith Baxter, Mr. Ferguson and Mr. and Mis. Camphel), all of C-dedon. Mr. and Mrs. Cummins and Mrs. Major are visitois at S. McDonald's. Fred Chislotl of Shelburne s| en" Sju- day with his parents. Mr. liamsge an 1 two daui;ht rs of Durham visited at R. P. Legate's. Mrs. .\lton o: Markdale and little daughter visited the formers parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilcock, the past week. Mrs. George Sluait and chtldre:., who have been visiting her pkrents at Thorn- bury the pxst fortnight, returned home. Miss C. Lamont and niece. Miss .\niiie La.nont, of Charlton, were visitors over the week end at the home of Geo. F. McKenieie, Cedar View farm. We are sorry to report Capt. Mc- Laughlan quite ill, but under Dr. Lane's care we hope foi a speetly re-Hiveiy. Mrs. S. Kaiid and children and friend. Miss Wild, spent a day of the pa^l week with Shelburne friends. Mr. and Mrs. Campbell, Caledon.were guests of the Utters brother, John Muir. Miss Etfie Chisleit is apendiiig a week with her friend, Lilly Muir, Dundalk. Mi's Myrtle Hemphiii and little sister Rita are visitinij Fevershani friends. .'Mrx. McRae left the past week for a trip to the West. Mrs. H. Piper is spending a few weeks with hea daughter at I..iuriston. Mm. Piper's many friends are ulad to see her about again. Walkerton Herl'ert Strone, a crazy man from li ons Head, was brought to the Walker- ton jxil on Tuesday to await removal t» the asylum. He i4 said to have gone violen'Iy insane and was too dangen>us to be allowed at large- He is about '.'t\ years of age and ha« 'i wife and family. John Hinitnelsiiach, a Hanover bar- tender, Fred Gibbons, an hot-l |)orter, and Reuben Fink, caretaker of the Han- over lioii.se boal, were each fined iSotX! and costs at Walkerton on Saturday for running whiit the law bulievfs is a cloij bouse .III Ihe Saui;utn river below Hanover. John Cassidy of Ctiop<t.iw and .Andrew Hanmoi'c of Cargilt, who wire recently lined $'J<> and uosis oirh, I'r a total levy of about $'JS.T5 apiece, on the cliarge of (ravelling stallion.s without having their horses properly euro led wiih the gov. ernmeiit, had their Knet rescinded on Saturday last and were dismissed on e:ich paying $8.75 costs, it being loarned that they did not travel their horses or actu- ally carry on a business of this kind. The charge aijaiust Henry hriist was a!so similarly treated, he being allowed off' on paying the court costs on the grounds that, although his stallion was du'y en rolled, a iiii.stake had been made in the spelling of its name. Notwilhstanding the nptatcd calls for recruits, Walkorlon stivets are beine di.saraced with numerous ablu bodied loafers blacksnakiug in the sun, and ,ap- imrently as deaf to their country's call as an Egyptian mummy in a dime inu.se-iiii. Week in and week out ihe ssme jjallery of faces aru on extiibition on the sleepy side of the street, and as there is .such an urgent call for men, and no excuie at all for such wholesale idleness amongst the young, able-bodied fellows here, ihe au- I hot it ics should wake up and lay chariies of vagrancy .against these continual loaf- eri<, and either oonip»l them to cnliet for the front or bet ike themselves to some other clime, .is they are a posime dis- ariice lo WalLeiton and an eye-.soi-e to every ime who real zes tlio dang-r ihat the einp 10 is in and the use this bunch of forget-iiic-Mo'S ini|{l.t be in the tren- ches. Instead < f Leiuv slur boarders on their patents they might be stout defeid- cisof iheir country. â€" Herald and T.in s. Wo de house Doings Sliowery weather. A few of our citizens have com- menced haying. Mr. and ilrs. Johtt Shaw of Ravenna spent the week e.ud witli their neice, Mrs, Edgar Donnelly. Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Lyons of Mark- dale were guests with the iatter's brother, Jfr. and Mrs. W. T. Wiley. Miss Elsie McNevin of Thornbury is renewing old acquaintances in our burg. Her many friends are glad to see her again. Mr. and Mrs, John Best and fam- ily of Owen Sound motored down and were the guests of the former's si.ster, Mrs. R. H. Wiley, over Sunday. Miss Mary Biicli is visiting her sister, -Mr:. Victor P.owes, Strath - nairn . Diedâ€" At Sunuidale, Jniy 12, John Pickering, in his Totli year. De- ceased was a former much respecteil resident of this neighborhood and one of our worthy pioneerp. Jos. Cherry, and James and liobt. Diowii attended the funeral of the late John Pickering at Sunnidale on Wednesday last. Nearly the entire ueighboijiood, young and old, spent the 12th at Eugenia. All report a good days outing, k few attended the celebra- tion at Owen Sound. Mr?. Edgar Donnelly and sister, .Mis3 Annie Gilray, s|>ent the pa.st week with friends lu Owen Sound. Mrs. John W. Cotlendeii and sou, Lome, of Sault Ste Varie, who are visiting friends iu tiiese parts, visited John Buskin and family on Friday last. Mrs. Luiidy Johnson accom- panied them. Our junior baseball team had a hvely match with the townline A. k E. boyp on Saturday evening on the home grounds. The score was 10-5 in favor of Wodehonse. Master Little of Owen Sound is holidaying with his cousin, Master Ivan Donnelly. Mr. and Mrs. W. Ruskin and Misges Rela and Lillian, visited friends here on Sunday, guests at "Green Hill." Miss Elsie Williams of Toronto is visiting her sister, Mrs. A. k. Tlioinp son. The ladies of New England Cjii- gregation havo greatly improved the appearance of tlie tr<iic<! around the grave yard, by giving il a gecerous coal of paint in black and white. .\ number of our young people attended the garden paiiy at Temple Hill ou Tliursdav last. TXR. BURT 5peclallil In dUtases of I be Eye, Ear,Nose and Throat OFFICE-i:W lOth St, West.Owon Sound At the Revere house, Markdale, 2nd Thursday each month from 8 to a 12a.m Dundalk, Is Wednesday of each month.. ! J ew eiry H. Alexander! MERCHANT JAILOR I Feversham - Ont. Fashionable Tailoring Seasonable Goods, first class Workmanship. â€" AL-SDâ€" A WvA of Ready-Made Clothing Which we put altpi-ations in free of 2har:,'e, if le'iuired. l.sep A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se- lection. We car- ry Photo Supplies. W. A Armstrong, Jewelerj FLESHERTON, . ONT Recruiting Slow Ten daysafier the i.'all lias been issued forlJ'i volunteers for overseas service by the :Ust R gimeiit, twelve recruiis have been pa«-sea as physically tit ami .accept- eil. While this rtspon.se is gratifying in view of the slowi.ess of recruiliuK all over, ftill al ihe same rale it will uke nearly a iiionih to co.nplete the '|Uoia. It is ae.sircd to havo the ipiota iro.u 'ho ;U>1 r.'giment cmnplele by the end of this week, and in order to accomplish this, rccruitu will have 'o come out. If (!rey ooiiirty docs not furnish its ipiuia wi.liin ;i leisouable time, it will be the privilege ot some other teution of tiie province t > nitko up the dcliciency. I'p lo now our county has iioi failed to sup- ply .ill mul even more liiaii the number • if recruits for which .she has been asWoil. Many other sect ons of Ontario have found it necessary to no lo the larger centi'os, principally Toronto, to gathvr recruiis. Do the people of Grey want their county classed among these .' The young men are here and they can still be spared. There arc still plenty to carry uu the work on the farn.s and in other industries, as is testitied by the number of idle men lo be seen cjii the streets and in the pool rooms of the towns. Let tjirey Continue to ho one of the districts llihl can always be couniod on to turnish its propoitiou of the men u-(iuired. If the i|Uola is tilled up ipiickly ibe ottiotr connnandiiig the ;Usl regiment has in- structions noMo slop recruiting, but to taku on all who off'-r iheuiselvos mid are found fl'. Those men alrer.dy enlisted are hard at work under Lieut. H.t'. Young of Hanover, who s going over seas with them. Enlisting is still >ioiiig on at the aimoiit'8 iu Owen Sound, in Meafotd, Haniver, Markdale and Clar'ssburg. Experts have disuovered who il is who yut the rush in Russia and the iferin id •Jermany. We all know alxiut the sind il, Saiidic. You Can Get Your I JJindiny twine Machine oil m * m ^ Five Iio.se, Purity, lioyal HouselioM, Kclipse ^ ^ ami l^astry flour. ^ m Corn chop, bran, .shorts ami niiiMIings Wheat, oats aud barley, at W. BUSKIN OvMfe :»'«â- -'*!• •»!& J.«. â- »'^ •><'â- ' M- vM'- jy, ..^<i. M. -M^'U -M- .»'«. .M'.. -il'^ -i ".. Si'^ -M- â- »/, M. MU M Nice Summer Shoes The Flcsherloii .Shoe Store i.s well stocked with many varieties of .Sum- mer .Shoes for ladies and ,ti:ents, at right prices. Also Tiuuk.s and .Suit Ca.ses. Kepairing as nsti.il. Thos. Clayton's § FLESHERTON o ^ I NEW SUITINGS | ^ New Suitings just to hand â€" .some of ^ the nobbiest weaves to be found any- X where. ^ Leave your order now for that new suit. You will never regret it. Satisfaction guaranteed. Don't forget that we do cleaning, pressing and repairing. Oiu- piices i^re right and our workuiaoship is the very best. S. J. BOWLER I Sole Acent fcr the Hobberlin Tailoring. ^