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Flesherton Advance, 1 Jul 1915, p. 1

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>«-*"«!«»«, ^i J^le0l)^rtxrn %hmnu. ^â- , LlLgL B i gg' TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" " PRINCIPLEb NOT MEN.' ?0I 3.-) No. 4 I Flestierton, Ont., Tliui'sday, .July 1 IQlo W. H THORSTON ^°"°" and FKO Priceville Jottings List Weak's Itema. The frequent showois that we h«ve been getting lately with Kuiishine days between, is cauaiiijj k rapid growth in the jiiain fields, and the timothy in the old meadowa that appe nod .ilraost worth- li»s« two weeks at'O is also stretching up nio«ly. Principal Miller of otir Public school bad a large C3ntinua:ii>n clasR which wrote on then exarn^. 1 i8t week, and a lar(je extrance class have been writing Ibis week. We mentioned in a former iisue that i'te. Don Cameron who joined the 48lh HighlanderR was in the huapital owinj( to injiiiiet, but now we see the notice that he hat been killed in action. Cameron'!) wife and family lire on Rlm.St. Toron- to. Mr Alex. McArthur who had been ailiai( for gome ntoii(h«, (Mwed away on the 2nd of Jane. He came to .Arteiueaia with his parent* in 18o3. He waa born in the Isle of Lysee, ScoUand, 8S years ago. Dicaased waa a member of the Baptist church for over 40 years. < >wing !o the absence of a Baptist minister.Rer. J. A. Mathewson i-onducted the services at bousj and ceaeterj. The Women's Inatitu^e bad a suecesi. ful meeting this lUiHth, at which the Institute TVelc>p>t«, Miss H. McMurehy addre.strd the aieetin; and spoke on wo.-nen's work in war 6ime,and i^ave then some oew ideas about raising money for relief work etc. A nuniber of the mem- bers and others also contributed to the eatertaiomenl of the meeting, and as utaal a dainty I'jnch was served by the ladies. .\bout tixcy ladies and a n um- ber of gentlemen were present. The In- stitute is glow inc. Eugenia Paragraphs Uev. Jones preached hi.s farewell ser- mon to a crowded house Sunday evening. Mr. and Mm. Williams and daughter, Hilda, visited Mr. and Mrs. Harbottle of Lady Hank, The Sunday school convention which wa.s held here on Thursday was ijuite a success Lorrie Munsbaw of Allistob is visitint; his parental home. Miss Le)ne Weber entertained lier j{irl friends to a birthday party on Sat- urday afteruoon. Mrs. Munahaw has gone to AUiston for a visit. Mrs. T, Bradbury of Thornbury was the guest of her bister, Mrs. T. Genoe. Miss Uetta Marshall of Meafurd and Mr. and Mn. Charles Mitchell of Ottawa were the guests of Mrs. Frod Pedlar the past week. The Ku^enia union Sabbath school picnic will be beli at Kugenia lake on Friday afternoon of this week. Onr Excelsiors want In Flesherton Friday evening to play their return gime of baseball and as usual came home vic- torious. Eugenia boy* are never afraid to face their friends on any ground in a fair game. A number of our good people went to the Kimberley (lata on Saturday for a picnic, which was very enjoyable. The Women's Institute will hold their regular moolhly mee'ing the brst Wtd- neaday in July at the home of Mrs, .\. Smith. Feversham Items Ceylon Clippings Mrs. Griffin of Toronto is visiting with het daughter, Mrs. W. White. Mr. Hupter vi-'iied with his friend Mr II . Gciilin: Mrs. Cecil Legate and b:ihe of Cadogan, Alta., arriucd un Saturday nii(ht to visit Mr.^. R. V. Le;<ali: and family. Mrs. .Vrrowtmith and daughter, of Durham, and Mr>. Isthma of Nerval, visited their sister, Mrs. Archie Mc- Mullen, recently. Stanley IticMulleu of Toronto is visit- ing his parents. Mis* Kate McLeod, 'Toronto, catre up on Monday for a two weeks visit with her mother. Oar Sabbath School held their annual . picnic on Friday afternoon. The day was ideal and a larre crowd were present. Friendly games of ball were pisyed be- tween Flesherton and Durham Road «nd Ceylon and Fleshertun, the Utter game being 11-S) iu favor of Oevlou. Miss Klla Gilchrist returned home from BaOjertia on Tuesday. The C. p. K bus about 00 intn cm- ployed gravelling the road lied. Heathcote Last Week'.s^Iteins Miss lldda Ducks u{ Thornbury spuiit a fijw days last week with friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Mills of Woodford spant Sunday with their Jau':;hter, Mrs. Uolt- eit James. The Pre»byteri*ii Sunday schuol lieM ' their annuil picnic in the villige hall on Saturday last. Owing to the ra:n in the liioinlng iiJiey We're not able to hold it in the grove, nevertheless a vory enjoyable tinie was spent by the children . We axfi pleased to report (hat Master Qershoiii Gardi>er who in und«r Dr. Mc- ^Kee and (nurse) Shore's c;«re, is improv- ing after a very severe attack of pi»«u- tnoiiia. Mrs. (Dr.) MiM ire of Brandon is visit- ing with her sistur, Mrs. James Bovair. Mrs. Fieseheu attended the barn riia- ang of Mr. Kerr's at Duncan on Wednes- tlay Utt. We welcome Mr. and Mra. George i>:iok of Br.mdon to our village, who are \iiitin8 with friends here. The entraucs uxains. were held in aur school last a«ali with Inspector Huff preaiding. Tbete were twenty two pup- ils writing here. Miss Lyla Alexander and Miss Queenie Kaitting visited friegds at Duncan last week. Mrs. Gee. Mitchell of Flesherton visit- ed with friends here last week. Mr. and Mrs. Oolipiette visited friends in Heathcote and Duncan last week. Mr. K. C. Hammel was on a businees trip to New Hamburg i-ecently. Horn â€" On Sunday,.June 27, to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kerton, a son. Vandeleur Happenings Miss Hope Thompson of Onllia wis a visitor at Mr. J. I. Graham's a few days lost «veck. Miss Jean Wright of Harbord C"lle;{.- iate is spending the holidays with her paren's, Mr. and Mrs. (jeo. Wiight. Our Junior Baseball leaiu played a friendly game with the townline A. and E. team at Mr, E. Brodie's on Thur.sday evening, the home boys winning the game by two runs. The ladies of the W. I. served ice cream and lunch. A oullection was taken, and the proceeds amounted to fourteen dollars. Th's will be used in aid of the Patriotic fund. Mrs. Huson of Paris is visit ine her parents in the valley. Cochrane â€" Davis The home of Mr. and Mrs. J.M. Davis waa the scene of a very prett} wedding on Tuesday, June 22, when their fourth daughter, .^cnie Renetta, was united in holy wedlock t> William Jan. eg Cochrane uf Colbo' ne. The ceremony was per- formed in the s|iacious parlor before a bank of ferns and flowers,in the presence of nrai'ly a hundred guests, relatives of the bride and groom, and the school- mates uf the bride. The bride, who jras given away by her father, was charming- ly attired in rose-silk crepe with em- broidered net underblouse. The many beautiful gifts teatify to the esteem in wiiich the young couple are held, and many are the wishes being showered upon them fur a happy and prosperous life voyage. Those fnxa a distance who attended the wdc'ding ate, â€" Miss K. Davi!>, Orillia ; Mr. and Mrs. B. Ready, Misses Ready and Mrs. Ready, St. Mary's ; Mr. and Mr-s. Cochrane. Col- borne ; Mrs. Mitchell, Toronto ; Mr. and th's. Hudson, and Misses Hudson, Meaford. Eugen a MTS.G. Lady Bank Mr. and Mrs. J. Williams of .spent Sunday ^'nh Mr. and Harbuttle. Vuite a nuujber from this line attend- ed the Opera concert "at Fever- sham. .\ll re|x»rt a good time. Mr. and Mrs. J. Ferris of Meafoid spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. T. Howard. The weather i« agreeable just now, tine fur evening drives. Mr. and Mrs. D. Briggs of Flesherton visited with Mr. and Mrs. .1. Sewell Sunday Ihj'I. We welcome as our now |>iiMtor, Kev. Tiller of Colliugwood. Mr. and Mrs H. McCny of Sault Ste Mane visited on thoir honeymoon at the hnnio I'f Mr. and Mrs. tJ. Harb .t:le, also Mr. and ftlrs. (!. Ilarbottle of Durham. Davis is holding her si.-hool pic- nic un the MOih of June. .Ml coinu aid hive a go(»d time. Grey County's Generosity The County Council of Gruy pas.sed a by-law at its ui«etinx this week uranting the sum of fSW) to the Red t'ross Fund, the amount to KW" paid ikt one, and 9l&,000 payable $1UM) per month to the Canadian Patiiotjc Fund. F.arly ,iii the war tifey County Council sent a gift of aboMt f50lK) worth uf Hour to England and the fanners uf the county sent as a further war gift ;J5 cjuloads of farm pro- ducts. The county's ahare of the Pro- vincial war ui. of one will is more thau 9H0,C90 to be paid this year. Gioy is *. fine,, generous county, of vhich iM soim everywhere may well !>• pis>ud. Ba«f Storm at Meaf ord iievere damage was caused to property by the unusually revere electrical storm which vLsited Meaford about t>. 15 on Sunday evening. The .storm did n:t last more t ban leu uiinutes, but during that time it blew ueurly half the r<x>f oft' the .skating and curling rink besides twisting the sides of the building as tbuugh it had come through a flood. The damage to the rink is roughly estim- ated at tllKX). A lurge tree near .Steel's tannery was blown down by the force of the wind, falling across the main street. The tree had t > be removed 1)efore tratHc couU proceed. Many shade trees in various parts of the town were either up- rooted or broken ott' below the limbs. Some of the electric wires were blown down. At Mr. W. Gorbett's residence. Cook street, the door vas broken otf its hint^s and windows bioken. In St. Vincent while there was not much damage done other than that of trees uprooted and the crops beaten down by tliu wiml and rain, some of the country p. opio KUtf'ered se- verely from ih>: stoim. Mr. (â- . U. Joll- ey, L'lt lli, con. 11, hid the niisfoitui.e to IdKB two valuable liorsus. .Vbnut 2.40 in the in miiiig, Mr. .loliey, who was aw.kkened by the storm, was looking out tile wixdow and 4aw the horses struck. There were six animals in the lioKl and â- wliHii the lightning bolt struck, five r.f the horses fell to the «round, the other escaping unscathed. Two of tlioni were instantly killed.while the others struugled to iheir feet again. While sutt'ering from the ett'ccts of the shock it is expected that the other animals will fully recover. The hoLses killed wore a three yoar old bied by Buttress, and a yearling bred by McNeely. 5Ir. Jolly's lo-ss will bo o>'n- sideriblc as the horses were easily worth ?27ii.--Mirror. Kimberley Budget -Ml the faniieis are busy cutting and harvesting the alfalfa crop. Mrs. Duncan McBonald of Sault Ste Marie visited recently with friends in this vicinity. Geo. Proctor and «ons have completed the '-rick work on Jasper Stuart's new residence. Mrs. Hugh Hammond and children of Priceville are vijiling friends here at present. Rock Mills ba.seball team jourdeyed to our burg on Saturday evcuing last and played a seven innings game with our speedy nine, resulting in a win f<ir ilie locals. Win. Harris umpired the game and gave uiiiver.'^al satisfaction. The Rock Mills boys are a good clean bunch of sports and we would like to see them l>ack before the end of the season. Mr. and Mrs. A. McCurdy and Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton, of Milton visited last week at .\lex. Fawcetl's. .Ai>hley McOalluin of Duncan at Donald Wallace's recently. Wm. Plewes of Collingwniid wiih hi* mother, Mr.s. .lohn reiwntly. Mibses Kichael Hutchiiiaoii and Duiay Bishop are visiting with the hitter's auiit>, Mrs. W. Liiibury, i)f Markdale at pie.s- en'. Mrs. Cook of Markdale.guve an addi ess aad repoit of the Women's Missionary Meeting held in Toronto i-ec^ly, in the Methodist church on Sunday evening. FcUowing aie the newly elected uHicera uf tha Kimberley Branch of the Centre Gruy Women's Institute: Pres., Mrs. k. Wallace; IsL Vice Pres., Mrs. Jasper Stuart; 'Jnd Vice Pres., Mrs. A. E. Myles; Sec. Trees , Mrs. W. T. EltU. t^uite a number attCDded the baseball â- aatefe at East Mountain on Monday evening between East Mountain and Duncan. OR. JBURT .Specialist In diaiaxi ol the Eye, Ear,Nose and Throat • )FFICR-i:Hl 10th st, West, Owen Sound I At the Revere house, Markdale, 2nd i Thursday each month from 8 to a 12a. m I DundHlk,is Wednesday of each month..! Jfew eiry vibited visited Plewe.s, Artemesia AssaMment Has E^czt Reduced H. ALEXANDER MERCHANT .TAILOR j Feversham - Ont.| Fashionable Tailoring | Seasonable Goods, first class | Workmanship. â€" ALStJâ€" A line of Ready-Made Clothing Which we not alterations in free of A Splendid Stock from which yoa may readily make A Satisfactory Se» lection. We car- ry Photo Supplies. W. A Armstrong, we pot alterations in sharge, if re<|uired. Isep Jeweler i FLESHERTON, ONT m Straivberries I Are Jit their best now. ns your crate order. (iive goo«l supply of Flour Feeil alwiijs on hantl. and Mi^WO Poun^ of Wool Wanted W. B U S K I N 0.&U. .M, .»l«. v««. ^V, ^ M'.M .^'. -M^.-Mf- Mf. M. M. M>. M. -^lltllkll kAMl I t i « The sudden <l<!ath oh Thursday of Hugh T. Roberts, blacksmith, of Mclu- ijte, outs a gloom and creates a serious iom in that couiiuunity. Peifuration of lb« bowel w«« the cause of death He ly^ been sick only a few days. He was i.b"i|( &8, years of age and was very bi|!h- ly ref'pWed.â€" Htrild. Tlie Alton Foundry Co. h».s received ail order for 2SC,o60eh«lle for the Bi iiisU ArlnJ^ The nec«<«s«ry machinery i.i beingtostalled ir, the Barbor Carnage Co's. building, and it i« expected that manutscturing will bo ouminenced in tfiV Course of a (ww we^ks. .\ uian in Uidgetown, Onl., lias two youna wild goslings hatched I y one cf his domesticated biid.s. . ' Wliilo walking through a marsh a few weeks aijo he ca'iio Bcro'^s a wild goose's nest contMn- ing^three eggjiand took them hoiui! and "s^i" them. ''Twoihave hvched. NEWS! FLESHERTON .\ new phone to ling, to P Steinhait. Markdale, BS, for poultry alive, produce, hides. skioH. and wool, ruhhcr.s. rugs, hursehair, iron, onp^r, biah», zinc, lead of all sorts, top price paid in cash, or drip a card t<» Box 121, Markdale WHi' call ht it. Don't mistake the name, ^ P. 5TEINHARt The (irey t.'ounty Council June seskiun has been in progress since Monday. The forty members ut the council are all pres- ent, isusiioiis have been held each after- noon and evening The business so far has been principally of a i-outiiie nature, passing accounts for roadwork, reading of communiciticms, etc. Two important memorials were read â€" one from Welland county council, that the government re- duce the license fee on non-resident mo- torists : another from the city council of London, rciiueslin^ the Ontario tJovern- lueiit to adopt a policy that would en- couia^e I'le settling of farmers on home- steads iu New Ontario. Yesterday, a deputation from the Wellington county council, accompanied by Mr. Oeor.;e Allan, president of Mount Furest Board of Trade, wailed (m the c lUiicil and re- Hueslfd their co-<ipera*.iou in improving the county line between the iw > eouni- ies. This roa d is in a very bad shape at present, and the proposition is to make (if it a tirsi-class highway at a cost of about §1000 per inilo. Mr. Fred H. llullierfjid wasappoim- ed clerk, to succeed his father, the late .lohn Rutherford, at the same salary. Till! noccsiary Ifgislatioii to raise the extra urll fir the war ta.\, was put tlir<iugh. This will mean about $:{:!,0<il) for the c lunty, of which 0*cn Sound's share is $4,0()ij. The coiiimittee fco con- sider the e<juali«cd a&sossmont of the varions muuicipaliiies in the county re- porteJ recomni.Midina that no change bo made. The only objection came fiom Arteniesib township, which desired a re- duction on acotinl of the expropriation- by tha Hydro-elcclric Commission of lauds which reduce the township's tax- ab'e lands to tho extent of about ?5(),0»)0. However, no reduction can by law be ui«d« in the assessment of auy one luuni- cipaliiy unless it is added" on in some other, to keep tlio t.jtal up to the previ- oiM year, and no change* were considered advisable Ibis year. A by-Uw was in- troduced 'to create Ayloii a- police village tire protecioii. The report of Dr. Ltnuce I'Smtth of his annual incpeclim of the House of Refuge was favorabk in every respeel. Ttfe u.iu«l grant <tf tlUOO tothp Owen Sound deueral Hospi al was uiafe. . - "Phe Ciunbil wil 1 kely finish oil busi- aes^s on hand iu time to ailjourn on S 1» ontaiy morning. (Since the auove was itfAteflf" it has be^n decided to cut ArlemcsiB's a-s^ss- t niinit I'-'OJXXI) Advertiser. J I Nice Summer Shoes The fli'sherton .SIu)e Store i.s well stocketl with many varietie;? of Sum- HUM- Hhoe.s for ladies and j^ents, at right prices. / Also Trunks and Suit C', K «*pairni<; a.s usual. ♦ ' Thos. Clayton's § FLESHERTON NEW SUITINGS New Suitings just to hand â€" some of .^ tlie iK)bbiest weaves to be fount! any- w lie re. that your ortler now for You will never Satisfaction jjuaranteed regret new it. Leave suit. Don't forget that we <]o eleaning, pressing au<l repairing. Our prices are right and our workmanship is the very best. S. J. BOWLER Sole Agent for the Hobberlin Tailoring. 1 >'^

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