tyfmns^foii''^^ r -m^m- May 101.") niR F L E S II ]•:â- *•' r O N ADVANCE J An m<l8i)*ndent iien-siiaixr. jiublislied every Thursday at th" ofliie, C»lliii(ru'<>(id Sti-eet, Kl-nliertiiii. SulwcriptiiMi piice j<l iH-rttninmi wh-n (laiil in advince ;$l.5>) when U'<t «" paid Advertinintr rateB (ni »p|)licatii>ii. Circulation 1,100 Weekly A' H. Tlnnsloii- Ktm€>i- *^lesherton-^vw/^ Baptist Ch'urch R. C. Kerr, I'Hdor. Vhinw :5:i U. 2 Sunday Sclioid 10 a. lu. Service at 11 » ui. Flesherton -^^^..^ MethDdist Church ilev. JaiiK's l>ii(li;e(in. [lasloi. Siiridiy, May :;0-ll'v. T. Kurd Har- kei. 14 years a mission.iry in Turkey, who is out nf tho country -ii account of ilie M»i, will pn-acli at both hervicei-. 11 a.m.â€" A Gospel Sermon. 7 \> ni â€" Miesionary Life Anioujj the Turks. Mi>nday Eveningâ€" An Illustrated Talk rjii 1 urkey. Si I- Wills. A COALITION GOVERNMENT Few reoplt are interested in the juabblcs of party politics in Great All .\iiKiifaii WHS fiiii'd for liissing his own wife. ISiil think what might have hnpiKiied liad he refused to kiss her. o As a man eeweih that shall he aUo lip. i A Torohto seed Loose created a sensation lecently when a certain pre tJertnan sentiment a|ipareuilyj cropped up and vented iiselt npon two former employees wearing the King's nnifoj'iu. 'It has now been decided thai all the seeds sold by thai tirm â€" Walkertcn Wliile Sam Truax, jr., was jabbing a butcher knife into the watl at Mclll wain's s.lau^lilei' house here on Friday last his I hand slipped down ihe ;;reasy handle on- I to till- blade, almost seiering four lingers from his liyht piw. Although still in a ni"8t painful condition, the injured milt is (.n the muiul. Bdl H^^uah, uj;ed V), who came to the House of Utfuye here about three years ago fn m NVittrton, has come into the lime light as a star deserter from free grub. Abscohdini; fr-un the county .shelter al)ont a month at;o, he walked tlij railway tits to Palnierstoii, an'l after c'r^iuT^-v "^TL- '^ â- ^.Zfj^^^>:i'2.f.<.cz/isjL-;^^tr^^-^^iZf^^^ will come up if tiie weather is favor. I vainly tryiny to secure work, give bim able! The Army Worm IJritain, and to many of us they are a bewildering ina/.e not worth the time to unravel. But we are vitally interested iu the success of the Brit- ish in the war, and therefore we are interested in the work of the Brittsli cabinet. For that reason the casual observer is quick to imagine that a coalition government, which puts the be>t men ill all the parties to work at the job of rimuing the country, will bo of luucli assistance iu the wise pursuit of our uew national job of trimniing the | Kaiser's moustache. A Government torn with disscntioii amoug political factions cannot give undivided attintion to the big issues at stake: and while a proper watch - lulness on the part of the opposition may uueaith and ren>ove boot and binocular scandals, it also harasses llie Government. This war is too big a thing to bo dallied with, and it is big enougn to 'demand the best that the people can 45ive to it. It wcm folly to imagine that in any one party there is a mortgage on all the clever men. The Advance imagines that out of tho new adjustnuMt of public life in Great Britain will come a stronger and more aggressive organization than even the one which in the past inontha hau steadied the country and pulled it through a terrible time of testing. The jVtmy worm probably above other kinds of insects which increase in enormous numbers peiindicidly, ciuves widespread anxiety amony fanners when it appears suddenly in a locality, and in a very short tini',- completely destroys fields of oats and oihei grains. The Entomological branch of the De- partment of .\grieulture has just is-ued Bulletin \o. '.>, on the .\rmy worai,'prt- t>ared by Mr. .\rihur Gibs^op, Chief .\Bsislant Kntouuolcaist, who has ch.irL'e (.f invest ig.'it ions uii insects artcctinx field crops. Li thif i)ul)lic.itioii of ;{4 pages a full de.scription ia ;,'iven of the remark- able outbreak of this notorious cater- pilhr which occured in eastern Caiiada In 1'.'14. The recent outbreak was the most sererc of any which occurred in Canada, and the damage caused is e t I sel up to the police, and was ticketed j back to Walkerton. In about two \teeks he disi|)pciired oj^aiii, this tiiii'; yoiir^ north instead ol south, but lind'ns; con- „ii ! ditions no lietter iu lb it direction, ho all I / returned after a two days' absence, this time apparently «8 penitent as the proli- wal son who came home to Ihe fattid cab". lUii last week I hi' travel bui,' ag.iin got him aiic". he vamoosed in a noilh- easterly direction and landed after ak long trudge in Owen Sound, where he fell into the hands of tliu police. The chief swiii-j; up there wired the Keeper of ilie i'oor House here seeking advice as to whit •<) do with his dusty prze, but not ({0' <•"(,' »")' *«=â- â- > urgent appeal lo ticket him b.ick here, the Chief clapped hiai into ihe Owen .Sound jail, ttliere, we understand, he will rusticate while elforls are l>eing made to catch him a [dace on theiJuelph Frisun Farm. IVter Waechter of near .\mhlesido was lined JIO and coits by Magistrati'S James E H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON ONTARIO. 1 J .••>»<. I iiui n.- „;.n.„ ,f _.!.• 1. 1 Tolton and Jthn Lamhertus in Walker- mated at V-ilK',! lUU, tlve-sixths ot winch Penman' High Grade Hosiery for Men & Women riiiin or Kiljbed Cashmere, Lisle Thread â- ind Cotton in Black, White and Tan. Silk Hosiery in Black, Wlnte and Tan Children's sizes in Black, Cream, Tan, Blue and Cardinal. Prices from 15c. $1.2.3 per pair. to Penman's High Grade Underwear Men't Combination Suits, all sizes; Men's Balbrig«,'an Underwear; Men's Porous Knit (Jarments; Men's Natural Wool Underwear. All prices from 50c. up. All sizes from :54 to 44. New Specialties in the Millinery Department again this week. HIGHEST PRICE FOR BUTTER AND EGGS ^1 took place in ihe province of Ontaii '. The v:t!u» of the treiicbiiig method of control was amply deni h strated. No matter h'lw big the .idvaiicing army of Worms were, it was shown that croia could be saved from their ravages. In ihe bulletin ilie iiisict la dcscrihud in all Its Ht.igea, and niethodi- vf controlling it arc Kiven. .\ full discussion is included on the lite history and habits of the worm, its iood p'anis, natural enemief, etc. The bulletin hai 1'.* useful illustra- tions, several of which show clearly the diguing of prop.'r trenches and the re- sults ubliincd in controlling the worms. Copies of this bullet iu may be obtjined free of charge on ap^jlication to the Chief o[ the I'll) lications Branch, Department of .\griculture, (Jttwa. K ii|uiric< re- Kting to injnrious insec's should be addressed to the Dominion Entmnologisf, Department of Ai^riculiure, Ottawa. THE ORCHARD The Aivauce does not set itself up as an agi icnlttiral Bible by any means bat it does seem that the neglected orchards in this part of the country could be made to do soraethiog worth while for the owners if they were given a little more attention in the way of careful pruning and spraying. How many men with half neglect- ed orchards know that orchards "should" bo sprayed as much as four times every year? Judging by re- sults, it is easy to reply "not many. ' If the orchards were given even two sprayings it would do a world of good in fighting tho insicts and diseases which attack the bark, the (lower and the fruit of the trees dm ing the season. It's too late now for the first spraying, but in a short time the trees will be ready for the second one, and would bo thoroughly grateful for any atteu tion along that line. L SCRAPS rresident Wilson is a man of peace. Tlie Germans are men of pieces. Business as Tisual is the slogan of liritisli shipping. But that "usual" is V. here the hitch comes in. What is â- "iisiial'* these days'.' Elbert Hubbard declared that the Kaiser "lifted the lid off hell." Tiiero «re certain things to be said in favor of the open door. Premier Boiden scolded two of his followers in tlie House and one of them decided to resign, but who has hcaul of any resignation from Mr. Garland. Mr. Kred Wickhani, of Walters Fulls, received a mcssa'^e on Tuesday to tho effect that his son, Kdward (Juy, had hia right hand blown off and his thi^h in- jured in the baitla on April 24lli in Franci'. lie is lyinjj in the hospital in France and exijeits to liu taken to Kng land ill a few days to recii|>ernte. When he has sutlicienlly recovered ho will bu sent home as hi.s usefu'iiesi at tho front isatan end. While we regret Ihe liindi- eap in which this yoilng mm will he coinitelled to contend with the rest of his life, yet one can not help but admire the heri'isin and patriotism displayed in hi-i efforts to :issist in suppressing tlis Satanic Majesty in (Juiaiany. Guy Wickham is entitled lo and will receive the deepest sympathy as well as the li'ghest praise. â€" Meitford Kxpre^s. ton on Friday last for poiniing a gun at and ihreatenini; to shoot, his cousins, Ben and Michael (ioetz. It seems ihat |jl*, Ben resides in a farm .idjoining Wacch- tei's, H'ld while he was in his own field tilkins to bis hrotlier, Michael Goetz, hutcher of Teeswater, on Monday, May ;ird, they were startled to ste a man coverini! them with a double l)airelled gun. It was their c<>ii»in, Peter Waech- ter, who, it seems, has had (ome grudge ngainsl ISen for a couple I'f years. C'on- glable Feguson took Mr. Waechter to the Walkerton jail, where he remained until Friday last, when he was fined, bound over t) kicp the peace and hand- ed over to his aged mother for safe keep- liiK un.il he comes up for trial here on Friday next on an insanity charge. Kver since the s'.-rp'snt tempted Kve, women, espi'ciully have had a holy horr' r of snakes. But a lady teacher in brant has overcome this aversioi, to the serpen'^ and has adopted a rcpuUive looking finaKe, which she fondles and allows ij coil around her aim to tho astonishment and dismay ^of her pupils. Although si ' feeds the ropUlu with meat, and hainl." it a liberal hill of fare, she was grie\ej to find I ho serpent failini; under this care, and on consulting the Di-parlmenl of Agiicullure at Walkerton learned th it she was drying the snake out by plaring it in II Ixiitle oii the window and exposing it to the .sun. As it is said thai the rep- tile will anap menacingly at a stranger, it is uossiblu that the Brant sehoobna'am is something of a snake cliiirmer. Con e to think of it, all the ciiciis-itages wi h Ihe big reptiles in are manned by wonn n which recalls that the sox which wis I madn last wis Krst beguiled by ihc ser- I pent, which shows that the Brant lady in J. Ralph Smith OSTEOPATH Office and^Residence-468 0th St. Kastj[jj] *Owen Sound, O'lt. Hoursâ€" 9 to 12 a.m., 1.30 to 4.30 p.m. to 8 p.m. Other hours by appointment fWV>S The Old Adage =1 A Business Scho^ I That successful school whose graduate* occupy pr.miiner.t po- sitions from the Ailant.c to the I'lciHc, re-oi»ens for the FALL TKRM .Spt ember 1st, 1914 Send tor free catalog at once to COLLINGWOOD BUSINESS COLLEGE T. E. Hawkins CoUingwO'id, Ontario. H Principal h iJ! I adopling a .sn'iko as n pet is returning to the old origin.il animal Ihat the tirtt Pniirt nf Rpvimnn I Q I R woman of the race is recorded as takin.: Township of Artemesia ii|) wrh. around. Hope there are no apple treei Herald The firft sitting of the Couit of Itevis- ' ion of the Assessment of Ihe Township , of Aitemesia forthe y<.ar 191f>, will be I I he Advance is agent for all the city held al the Town Hall, Flesherton, on P'»per8. See our clubbing list on ftlonday, the Seventh Hay of .lune, liMu. 'another page. Konew at once. Our Dated May ii.i, 1915. , terms are cash in advance as we have no â€" W. .1. IJELL.XMV, (Jli'ik. accounts with oihei papers. New General Store For Priceville. We h'lve purelia.sed and taken possession of the l)nsiii(!.s.s and .stock of Mr. S. J. IJrander and he.spciiU the lilioral patronage of the citizens of this district. We hope to meet with all former (•ii.stoiiicrs and many new ones, and are prepared to otter you coniteotis and unexcelled .service. We purpose carryiiig one of the most select and iip-todate stocks ofCJeneral Dry Goods, Boots and Slioe.s, (jroceries. Crockery, etc., to be found in the county. Fresh goods, (|uick turnovers, and small profits will be our motto. ]Juy your Seed Corn, Kape, Turnip and Mangle Our prices are the lowest. Special iirand Keedthis week. Give us a call. .See tho snaps we otter. Let us serve you. Open Evenings' Seeds now. prices on Klon F. G. KARSTEDT, g Brander's Old Stand, Priceville, Ont. HEREFORD BILL FOR SERVICE The undersigned have a Jiure bred Hereford bull for service on lot 171, 3rd W.T.S.U.. Arteme.sia. Termsâ€" $3 for pure hreds, 81. ."iO for grades. All cows served must be uaid tor. -T. & .1. WATSON. 1 ni ir 1 The Proof of the Pudding is in the Eating The same is equally true of the litOO Gravity Washer. Try one and be convinced that there is none better. S. HEMPHILL Agent, - Ceylon Full line ot McCormick Farm Implements, Binders, Mowers, Kakes, Loaders, Drills, tultivators. Flows, Kiding and Walking, Harrows, Brantford Wind Mills, Pumps, riping and Fittings of all kinds, Bcattie Hay Garriers, Hay borks, iSlings, Filter Carriers, Folding Bath Tubs, Frost Wire and Fence, Cutters and Sleighs. Property For Sale Fart lot 151, con, 2, N. K. T. A S. IX. \ containing 2si acres, about 1 mile fioni| Flesherton. There is a good frame house and stable 'and the jttoperty is wellji fenced and watered. App'y lo .li'sephi A. li'jtiurd, Flesherton or vin the proper- ty. A CalLSolicited. Satisfaction Guaranteed. S. HEMPHILL Agent, - Ceylon, Ont. | Bull Fori Service For Service. â€" Baron Hollyâ€" No, ()42"J. Aberdeen Angus, on lot 34, iUh coiiiesh- iim, Artemesia. Terms. SI. 00 if paid before 1st Jan. 1915.â€" W. J. Magee. May 15 Obituary One of the old pioneers of Oapvey, in kbe person of Mr. William Lougheed, 8th lino, passed away at the home of his son, Win. J., on Tiieaday, May 18, at the ripe old age of 80 years. He had been in good healtli, only failing with I Id age, until within six days liefore hi.i death, when ho took to liis hed. De- ceased w.'is born in the townshi|) of .Al- bion, near Toronto. .\t the age of 'S> he came to O.sprey and settled on the farm uhero he has since resided. Al 20 years of age ho married Eliza Smith of Smith- dale, who predeceased liiin 25 years ago. .\ family of five sons and two daughters survive, namely, Wm. .1. on the old homestead ; David, Kth lint ; Ueorge, at â- Singhampton ; .lolin, 3rd line ; Keuhen, uB tho police force, Toronto ; Mrs Dan. Mc.\rthur, Gibralter ; and Mrs. Honry McKonna, Medicine Hat, .\lberta ; also an adopted daughter, Mr. MeKinimn, Hinghampton. In poliuus the deoea.iied gentleman was a lifelong Consirv.itive, in religion he was an .'\nglicaii. He was a g<>od neighbor and kind father, which was proven by the large number ot neighbors and friends who gathered to pay the last tribute of rosptct to the de- parted. His piLstor, Rev. Slemin, Dun- troon, c nducted a short service at the hou.se and preached an appropriate and impressive sermon from the text, "In tho niidat of life we are in death," after which tho ronriins were interred in Ihe family plot at Singhampton. The j),ill. bearers were his four sons. Win. J., David, (Jeorge, John - and two nephews, Willia n and James Loughee>l ^ Flesherton Tin Shop. I have just placed on the shelves a full line of Tinware, I^ickelware and Agatewaie for domestic use. Gall on me and get your supplies. I Eavetroughing, Stovepipes and Stove Furnish- ings. Repairing of all kinds promptly attended to. Pipetitting, including pump work. Furnaces installed. Agent fjr Clare Bros. Furnaces. D. McKILLOP II CHRISTOE BLOCK i m FLESHERTON i^ ONTARIO. | stock for 5ale A oounle of brood S0W9. 1 Rui'-oliiro aii,1 | iiwovth for sale. Tei ms lo suit purcljase â- GEO. W. ItOSB, Maxwell P.O. Flesliiex>to]:i ^- Tonsorial "^ Parlors We Aim to Give Entire Satisfaction LAUNDRYâ€" Bjskct closes Monday night, delivery Friday evening Pure Bred Holsteln Bull Channeling Prince Joe Bred by Changeling Butter Boy out ^ of Tidy Ahbckork l'rince.ss Josephine The greatest butter making strain known CLKANINO and DYEINGâ€" \\V are Term of service- »l..-)0 for grades, 8,5 agents for Parker's Dye Works- Clothes for pure bred. | cleaned and dyed, feathers rojirvenated GEO. MOORE & SOX, Prop,., 't FISHER, - . PROPRIETOR