Ma; l:? lit 15 T II K F L E S II E R T O N AD V AN C E i tl V 'I- BUSINESSCARDS WH.WUIGHT. TKI.FOKD A McDOXALD IlKrrlttvr, Holicitoro, &c. OtUcsa, Urty A Brucs Klock, Uwi-i> tiounrt. Stauil»rd Hark )'.lock, KleslJurtoit. (Sa!.ir<Uys). W.H. Wright, W. J*. I'olfora J.,). O. UcUonal'l,l>. u. h. SocrutiES A U 'W meets ou the Ust HoDdk? in ftcb mouth, in their loane tovva Ikvtuu'e ball Pleohertoa, at H p.m. M. W., A'. J, Hellaiuy ^ Keo., O. H. Muoeham; in., K. J, Spiouie. ViKitiog bretlirM luflud PRINCE AKTHt'K LODGE, No. 333,A.F.& A M. luefti in tht Uaaonic ball. Arm •troiiR s Hloek,K;e»hertoii, every Friday on or hefore tlie lull iroru T. lllakeley W, M 1 t'liaa.Munshaw, Secretary, p OURTIFLBKHEBTOS. 995, L •0. K. njeetiin | '^ liaytou'a Hiork Iho la^t Wedni'udav eveuing each niniitb. Viniiiup KoreBtevc lieartily | come C. li.. (i. Hellauiy :B. B, U, ( airtu I Fi Si'C , W. Huikiu. Pie voe pay duel to Fio. See. before the flrit av ot the inoutli. CHOSEN FhtEN'LlSâ€" KlesUerton Council ChoB*n FrieiulB iiiects iu Clayton diall flrIt nd third Weilueiday ot each month H p. U) Pav asheiif nieiits to the lte<'Ordi)r on or btfora tpeiirst lav "I im-h month. Chiel Councillor . Blakelev: Keoopler V{. H. Bsut. Making Good Progress Thftie wlio were inAlromciital in liriiij.'- h'ii thu two little Bt;li(ii«ii j{iiU,Mi«itfieUi3 K'l'l .SuMiniia WfPis, ',1.1 Owoii Sound, 'liroui^li c<mtri>iuliiii,' to I'nu (Jills' Cluli ftlieiiif 111 iMixing fundi fnv the purpait', -!-hutilJ ii(i!o M'ith pleiuuro ihitt tlie name of the oldest Iff thesu xiils n|i[iear..> lliis month on ihp Iioiku' icll uf her clas.-, tit Duderin-sohoiil. )!(l^h littl« yirls, the •eldest I'f whiMii i.<! fourteen, »tid the youiiutst thii'leeii, iire iimrkedly hrii;lil j children, hut it nhows uoiiderful iidupti. hilily for •» student in a foreign hmd, ,t.s thetie cliildren nre, (o he ab'e to ho aiiii>ii'_r the foiv who figure on the honor full of II claws of twenty or nioi-e. The little Ueigiaitfl have acccinplihlied a i;ieat deal since coming tu their new home, where tliey ttii ly under the ditHcullies of an ahsolutely for<.i>;n Un<;uage, and their pre.seiiLe in the c!.iss Dhniild Le a 1 stimulus to some of tliuir t' Hchool mate*. â€" Sun. Medical DK CARTER M C F & 8 Ont. Pbyaician. BnrKecn etc Office and reeideuceâ€" Peter Bt., Fleebertou 13* \H. \V. T. LITTLE. - Graduate of Toronto ITnlvernltv Medical Collfije. Itenidonce anil OOici- at I'ark lloufi', Kieeberton. l»*»oufc -24 r'i. JP OTTKWELL Veterinary Surgeeo iraduate ot Outaiio Veterinary CoUere rerideuce â€" ascond door •omfa weet^oc kary etreet. TU« atreet raiM outh Pretbyterlfto Cbnrek. DfiNTISTRy e. C MURRAY U D. «L, Cental anrgeon bODOi graduate of Toronto Uuiveraity and hi.;al College of Dental SnrReons of Ontario, OaJ aduiiainiateied for f eth extraction Office at reaidence, Toronto Street. Fleahertoo. D Legal LUCAS, ItASEV & hESKY-Barrietera^ Bolicitora.eic-I. It. Lucae, K. C; W. E, Kaoey, K. C. : W. 1>. Hcoiy. It. A. OAoee. roroutn. hOC-9 Tiadcra liaiik HIiIr.. pbooe icain 1412: Markdale Lucaa lllock, I'lioiM) i A. Braucli otlice at Ouudalk open every tiaturday. Business Cards *«CULl>Ol/'OH * YOUNG '* llaukera Markdale oeral banking buaiueae . Money lOAaed reaaooable ratea Call on ua. DMcPHAICi, Tjievnead Anetionear for tbt • County of Grey. Terma moderate and tia 'action guaranteed. The arrangemeuta 1. 1 latea of aalea can t>e made a*. TUB Abva.scK Jlllee. Keaidence and P.O. , Ceylon, Telephone unnection. Dm. 6.07. \yM. KAITTING, Liceoaed Auctioneer toi " the countii-a of Grey and Biincoe. Farm and Hlock aalea a specialty. Terma aioderate. aatinfacticu guarantied. Arrange- aiantn for daiea may be iiiadeat the Advance .>0ice, or ( 'entral telertione ottlce teveraham or by addi'eHhiiig me at Feverabam. Ont. Advertise Your Business Don't idiagine for one inoincDl that advevtisins; »'ill not liiini; you re.siilts in your iiniiiediite field. That's an error that niany mer';haiits make, when they HSHure llieiiiseKes that their store is «o well kiioirn that it doesn't reijuire newt )j4|jer aU'ertiaini;â€" that the trade will •ntiurally drift his way anyhow. There isu t a4>>ore Hiiywhcie in the world that his «ii . secure » looiiii!; as lliat â€" not a .sin 'le stureâ€" itnd you are not doinn bus- iness in a field but that your sales can be increased by careful;ier ailver- tiaiuii. II this is not true, why is it the streiin ot mail oidtrs is ciiislanily yoiiii- out of our own town to cit.iloijiie houses.' And are ihcse Nalts made hy iheiie cata- lu.>uc hol»>^s the tesiilt uf persiateiit iid- ver'isin||» in the very held jou feel that yuu haw culuvuted to the limit < When- ever you net .such an idea iixed in yuur uiiud, and real y belicve that tbere'i nothing moi-e to c<.iii'^,|ucr, you are simply UjriHiisuver ready uioney to the man that diMw |)n.iKt!»s the baoader vi»'oi â€" you are oediiii; leiTitoiy and riyht^ to others that e ireful paper aiUeilitjni; would le- tiiiii ill y'lUi posspssioii. Alt Wtsley, editoi' o/Tlt« Krnce Ib.-r- aid iuid Tiiiic". of \Valker4<an, hiniicif iiiaiTied leu tlinn a yeir >)><•, and there- fore an authority, writes as f<jlluH'«: - "Kive happy, laughing, woddin;; couples on whoiii the nuptiil knot had ( been tied, drove into W'alkertnn on Tueiduy and had their piei urea taken. It is al- uavK well to net them taken l>eforo tli« smile coiiien ott, for pici urea nf married couples when taken later always seem to lie iniiiUK the siiiiIun. It is therefore, nice for thu >(riionis to look back and see how happy they unue were before wrest- ling «ith coal bills and the raii-e in flour. Know nothing, fear nolhitif;, probably acciMiiil.s for tlii) .smiles on most wedding pliiitoH, but the man who is ctuglit laiigliinit later should be viewed with a u.xpicion. -Telescope. ALL No, 9 FENCE Of "Ki>eo Excni'sions For The Dealer " Take your choice! Whicli do you want for your fence moiiey.' Wlieii yon buy Patre Ftnce Diiect yon get all No. 9 Fence of tiic liiglicsl qualityâ€" at cost plus our very small marijin of profit. What we save by seliiiig direct â€" by cutting ont Sali'inatiagers' and Dlockmcii's Balai^e.s, ai}tl Deal- ers' Commissionsâ€" we give you in liiyliest quality at lowest cost. We give you Lifetime Fence â€" a'- little (if any) more than ordinary Fence. All that we save you by .selling direct â€" the other fellows must take oitti of quality or add on to ptice. lor d fi'lU'f* can't Ih" sold at I'-.tN than I'iiKi" pricf'^ .Viid wiM'ii vmu tilfiire lli<- fxtra 'st'llillR t.X|l<-||K< â€" yiMi uniler>tiiii<l thereaHin for >.'". 1 1 KniilH ill Nil. !• I''ence-at N... ii prices. I'agi^ Kinci.' is all Nil. iievcii t<i tb* locks. WbiMi yiivi buy I'atfc Keme you h'cty nil iiif'ii. ov°« wiu'th ill Veiue. PRICE LIST UKAVY FENCE Ko or IJUI 5 7 7 8 8 S I » 9 9 » !• It U nur Height lzkcai.»iipart 37 40 40 4S 43 42 47 47 48 4» 51 53 4» 52 55 12 21 â- Ji It 32 22 32 I6.'i 22 16i<,' 16H W-i SparlPK i'Tloo in 0. Ot lioru'intul.i Outari't 8, •>, 10. 10 »».21 (•'i. 7. Kl.j. 9, V 24 -''. 5S. 7, 7, 7,'i, 8 2i â- â- *. d'A. T.i, 9. 10, 10 26 6, 6, 6, 6. 6, 6, 6 2» 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6 31 4. .S. i\i, 7. 8H. 9. 9 '9 4. .''. Wu 7, 8 4. 9. 9 32 6, 6, 6, 6. 6, 6, 6, 6 .^1 6. 6, 6, 6. G, 6, 6, 6 36 4. -l, .â- ), 54, 7, 8><, 9. 9 34 4, 4, S, !,>i. 7, «H, 9, 9 36 3. 3, 3. 4. 5!^, 7, 7, IK. 8 .3« 3. 3, 3, 4, 5U, 7, «!i. ♦. 9 .38 3. 3. 3, 3, 4, S5i, ;, 8S.9. 9 .41 New Ontario Prices on Jlequcst. ALL FULL No. 9 GAUCE SPtCIA^ FENCE No. top and bo»*on>. HajAnc* No. 1.1. t ;)ri({l:t& •. mc-hf » cport. 18-bar, 4«-lnch X'i.Ai 20-bar. 6tl-inch 51 3-ft. Gato _ 2.J» 12-ft. Gate 4.35 13-f t. Gate 4.M 14-ft. Gato 4.85 Set toola 8.M 25 lbs. Draco Wlro „ .75 25 lbs. Staples 8* FRElGirr PAID ON ORDER.S OP $10.00 OR OVER Mill yonr order ti> tlie nearest I'aKeilranch. Kn- • hiseeanb, ohecl:, niHiiev .a- express Ki'iler < r twiiik dr.'lft. (Ii-t illl- iiindiate shipini'iit â€" I'Veiubt pai'l <\n J-IO and I Air. r>f sure »o get a free opy of tlif big l'ai?e .Mer- iliandi-e tatal.i^'. WliuKsiIi} prices im liiglicBt fjiade fniiu and hi'nie ni'fissitiei*. PAGE WIRE FENCE CO.. LTD, Dept. ' No.1'12, li;{7 King St., W. 87 Church St. - TORONTO WALKERVILLE PAGE FENCES WEAR BEST Columbia Grafofiolas Records, Needles, Catalogues The Columbia is the poifivt talking niachiiir. Coinpaio all others, tiien hoar ihirtiind wo aic not ulraiil of tlio result. Wo can sidi inacliiiics on caoy tcilils to nsponsihle people. If > 7'' > m HEADQyARTERS FOR Massey-Harris and Cockshutt Repairs Cockshutt Implements, Melotte Cream Separators, Lister Gasoline Engines, Baled Hay and Straw The Adam Wagon Agent D. McTavish FLESHERTON, ONT Executor's Sale On the 12th day of May, l!»15, the ex- r.l.ecutor of the Estate of JaneCorbett, late of the VilLtge of Flesherton, widow, de- ceasetl, will oHer for sale by public auct- ion at Flesherton, Lot No.T.on the South Westerly aide of Toronto Street, in the Villajje of Flesherton, formerly owned by _ the wtid Jane Corbett, deceased, and ^j; heini; part of Lot l.-»l, in the First Con- Vj' cession. South- West of the Turonco and fjt Sydenham Road, in .Vrtemesia. ^jj I On the prin)erty is a two storey fran,e( ft) I, 11 good well and atable, and tlie, y|,re»idonee is very convenient to school land church, i Honor Roils Uepoit cf S. S. Ni'. 8, Artemesia, for April. Sr 4â€" RTajl ir, M Cornfield, F WTiile, A Wilkinsoii. Jr 4 -L Pedlar, V McNally, L Ped- lar. .Sr ;> -L Tliominon. Jr :{-D Wa'son, H L'dell, B Jlclx) d,. J Wilkinson, II Blakey. 2-U Lyons. 1-L (dell, V Taylo', O Wilkinaon, I Blakey. Primer -A- f J Lyons, O Btdgerow.E. Croft, M Phillips. Primer I'.-M Pedlar, B Churcott, R Croft, K Bidgero*, G Wilkiu.son, I* Bs.daerow, L Blakey. â€" E. k. MacKay, Teacher, Report uf Priceville Junior Room for April.] Sr3-W McL-an, K Clark, A McLean. I Jr .â- } â€" L Sackett, B Carson. ! .Sr 2 -A McLean, K MacDouald, G MacLean, E JLicLean, T Clark. I Sr 1-F MacDoujjall, E McLean. R I MacDougall, D Nicholl, E Wat.son, D I McLean. j Jr 1 A H Sackett, N MacDoujjall, J i Ferris, K Mathewson, N MacLean, M Carson, M Watson. Bâ€" J SlacMeekin, D MacDouald. C G MacLean, L MacDonald. L Mac* Arthur, F Carson, E Carson. â€" M Little, Teacher. Report of Primary Division of Kim*- berley Public School for April. Jr •}â€" M Stafford, E Ward, BCarruth- ers, W Ellis, H McConnell, A Burritt, H Fawcett, U Ellis, M Hutchinson, H Cornfield, G Ward. Sr 2â€" R Myles, R Stafford, V Fawcett, E L iwrence, P Reid and I' Carruther*^ eijual : K Start'ord, C Fawcett and T Fer<{uson, equal. Executors' Notice To Creditors >) At the same lime and place there will Of cifi't-red for s.'ile a ijuantily ot house- hold chattels. Sale .It 1 p.m. I" the nutter ..f the estate of Uithard- .,,, 15 of ibe purchase uf the R-alKs- Smith, late of the Town.hip of Ar- •• y I tale .... , f sale and I he balance with- 1 p:"^L'l"'f o" , " f^ °' ^'"V '" "l* >' |in tbiity (:tO)d.ya Province of Ontario, f.mner, deceased. I Dated at FleBhertoii this 21at day of i April, 1<>1.-|. % W~^ NAVAL WIRELESS. » la Almott ImpotiibU to "Jam" • Wall Organized Service. Many suppose that It la iwsslblo for ID enemy to disrupt nod suspend all wireless comiunntcntion nt will by pro- ducing very iiowcrfiil waves of Irreg- ular lengthâ€" in other words, by Inter- ferenco or "Jainuiing." Accoidlng to Commander I-'. G. I.oring of the lirlt- Isli navy, such tactics aiv seldom suc- cessful. It Is very hard, If not liii- All the best appointed city hoinea ! I'"S'''l''f- '" "Jam" a well organized have llieirparloi inacliiii.'s und tiicii; ii no rraion uliy tin; fainicr slionld not liavf IJK! host iiiueiflof the day in his liiiiiie. iiichidinj,' band luiisn;, vocal artial.s, and poi foiincis on all kiiiils of iustniinenls. ^ on can hivi- ii on a Coliiiiihia (iial.iiiola. as pci feci as the oii;;, and for iiiii(;li Ics^ ijmn >oii W'jiiH pay for -^ ('.inimoii (>r(jaii. Thoy lun;,"! I10111 %1\) up. The Perfect Columbia 1*1 » lUarvi'l of iccordiii;; iiistni- mriits and the Colitinbia ipci.rds, made in ("aiiada, einhiace ihmiaaiidt! of Rh'ctioiis from wlncli tn clionsc. W. H. Thurston Agent Flesherton Bull for Service Purebred |ihi,rthorii bull, 'A lie. dun Fjvie «,0<'(<l for aeivice on hit ifll, S..V. ft.. Arteniiyia. T.-rin»- tl 'jD for gi«dc», Pnr.i bri'd COWK f.'< )K). Pure bred 'I'.iiiMirur'.h \\^n for i^n tlia above lot. Terms -tl.Tit) f ir all ai.iinals. Kervud liinat be pud for. finiar W, J. Mflnds •ervioi- Bull For Service TliornughbrcJ Shonhorn Bull. " Hil;. rre«l rto»ernnr," No. (*.">4tt8, for service oil !<>• 27. con 14, Arteir.niia, Tnrin.s tl.fitt liir 3i«de». f.Hfiir lhorou;.(librpil, - ALEX. CARItl'THKns wireless service, for tliero nru many ways, liolh teclinical und niethodlcal, (0 del'eat sur-h tin inti'iitioii. U the enemy iitli'iu|ils liitcrlcrcnco he must |)ut his own wIrc'li'Ms coiniiuinli iitUm coinplclcl.v out of iiclloii for llie lliiie beliis. "illi II" ccrtiilii prospect of si'- rlonsly liiconvcniciiriiig tlio coniinimi- ciilioii ot Ills OII|>Otll 111. CoimiiJiKlrr I. oil ii:; also hi'llevi-s Iliat the ilsU of lirivinu the kIkumI.s of tliu tlci't liiteiccpted by nil ci't'iiiy Is very Sllylit. â- â- (.'0 opi'l:illoii lielwecii opera- tors, with lull hnowlod;;!' of ciicli oth- er's nu'thuds. Is exlrcmi'ly Iniporlniit when liamlliny ilillb nil code liii'ssa;;cs, and lliu inoi'i- sUillcd the or;;M nidation I lie iiiore (liliiciilt It l.s for ii i>iriin;;e iiperiitor to talvo down wllli the iicccs- siiry iicciiiiio.v the groups of a cnde lUesHiijin. Ho o.niinnt iisk for I be repe- tition of doubtful i;iiiupH, iiikI he lias no lull le iind ibilly ratiilliiirily wllh the nii'tbods of the sender to assist hini 111 his task. ".\iid, lifter all, Riving the oiieuiy ev- ery ailvnnlage, giving hitn n perfect record of the signals, the key of the code tu Ills bund and ential facility of skill and langiiago to irnnalutc It for use- a must liuprubublo cotnbiiiallon. It must lie nduiltled-he hna mill fail- ed to iirevent (he all Important liifur- motion from reaching Its dcatinntloa" â€" Bxchniigc. Ceylon^s Busy Store New Spring Goods Still Coming New Prints, llippcletls and Ciepc Ciotiis, New Oil Cloth?, Now (Inrtains. Scrimin.s and Matliasscs, New I'aiu (."oats and I'mhrrlla.s IMack or White bilk Hose 2ric. per pair. Boots and Shoes 111 the Boot 011(1 Siioe Line we have Men's Patent Leather, (!nii Metal, Vica Kid, Tans, Cii.sliion Sole an J Box Kip. For Ladies we havi' tho Moccaa, (Jlotli Tops, I'alniUs and Guoinutdl, eitiier buttoned or laced. We have also some nice strap slippeis and poinds ill patetilj tail or gniiinetal. Lots of nice slioc^ for liie kiflilieiJ. New Hals and (Jap.'s, New Puint.a, Oils, Ihushcs, New Wall I'apir and Alahasltiie, New Clothos liaskets. Boilers and 'rubs', New Gaidcii Seeds and Garden Tools. MILLINKIIV OPENING wa.f on Satmilay, April 10th. an 1 we have lots of New Spiiiij,' Hats for Women and Childicii. Inspect our slock unil ^et our prices anil bo oiivincoil they arc riolit. lil(illi:ST I'llUJKS AIAVAY.S I'A1I> KOI! PKoDri'K ^ Notice is hereby given pursuant to Re- vised Statutes of Ontario, Chapter 121, Section 5tJ, that >ll iieraons having any cliims ai^iinst the estate """"^ I of the 'ibovB named Richard Smith, r» „ , .. I who died on or about the !Kh day o£ Urey County Roll of Honor ! October, a. d. pju. are reipiired on or befoie tho 1st day of June, l!tlO. to aend by [xist prepaid or to deliver to the undersiuiud e>ecutors, I their namis,ai)dres«eRand full particulars I of their claims, and the i ature of the I security, if any. he!d by them, duly I ver tieil. WM. KEYES, Executor. Feversliaai, 'I I BRACKENBIUY, Ueii. i Wounded. I JAMlEStiN, Bert, Laiico Corporid, 1 Klesherton, ill of i$as poiruning. DYUF. John, Thornhuiy, wounded. I HK.ST, II. Cecil, Pte., Owe I Sound. I wounded. I L.^N(J, Barnie.T.aiH'o (.'.ifporul, Oacii .Sound, Wounded. SINCLAIR, Pto. 0. M. Siuclair, Durby, «onnded. j MATTIIKWS, Corp. Harviy, Ciarks- buii{. w niiulel. I IRVMN, Pte. X'oral Aitliur, Kocklyn, ' wound c 1. I j WiLsoN, J. ovi r, W'.ninl d. I lil.< la And take noiic», after the >(».'4' 1st day of .lune atl.'i, the afiiiet.ttil ( x- Kcuto s will piocevd to di-tiibuie iho asaitsof the snid decraaeil among tho p II ties entitled thereto, havinj/ reicard oi.lytoihe claims of whicli i hey shall I hen have had no ice, and the said exec- utors will not be liable for the aasets of the estate,or any jiart theieof to any per- Huns of wliixe claim nolic> has lot been rcjrived by the i xecutors at the tiine of such dis'ril.utii'ii. iJOIlN P.OLAND, Markdale, Oni.irio, I. ,..,„,..., .,„ II'ETER Ml NSHAW, Eugenia Falls, L.n.e t..ip,..ul,Han- ,)„,,,; .^ K.ecoto.s. ^ ,, , , , •;'"; ;" ,""• .*'''"'*'.^ ! Hy Browning ,^ Wallace, their Solici- Milon who HtciiJid high t.chiM.1 in , tors heleiii Kl.sho.i 11, but aii'.ilur with the siiueiDafid at T.-foiii. iiiitiiils bur no lelitioii. ! Marob, \. I). Htl."!, this 2!Hh day of L< )iir Ml JAMES PATTISON&Co. Motto â€" "Smai.i. Puiiinr vvn fincK' liKTfUNS .'J Rtmlndtri. ^Mr».-I(e iinid i reiulpded hira of* jreek goddess. Mr -Huh! Mra.->What lo I remind you of? XIr.â€" Of ettry larned thing I overlook that you ask ne to do.-CIsvolnnd Leader. Rtvtriibl*. 8telln-l take my husband itlong to •elp chooie « hat Rella-I take a bat iloiig to help choose a htisbnnd.-New fork flun. Homeseekers' Excursions To Western Canada Piirl'i'iilar attuiitiuii it din ctod to tin r.'iipok ibly low Ui und Triii' Faics in ooonioiion with hiimeseok>ri' Kxcur- sinus to Wi!-.torn Canada via ('unadian I'lirilii: Ibiilnay. 'I'ii'l i'f« BIO on fide each Tuesihiy until t I tiilii'i 'Jlilh, liicliisivii, an I are good lo ri-.tin II nithiii two mouths fro ii dstu of HhIi'. begin any day You "» at the C^No^r^f^A X ^ TlmC. P. U. if'e K I he Hi|<ii| iiii'iit and fistcRl triin serv:od ill e of ihii most 'ac<-me n iit-is in W (II 1.1. lini'St piistlblu. M via thi SWP means Sherwin-Williams Paint (Prepared). This is the best paint for you to use because it is made (^AWJ^/^/Md/'f^/?^ **' pure materials- pure lead, pure zinc, pure Linseed \^_y ^^^vJ"^-/^^ Oil, and pure coloring pigments which are thoroughly ^ mixed and ground in scientific proportions by powerful ^ ' machinery. ^1 ^j It is better than the old fashioned hand-mixed paint X because the materials are put together according to correct 5*J j chemical formulae which have been tested out in a practical ^ way. Its fine grinding makes it cover nearly 50% more .^ surface than hand-mixed pajnt. ^1 %\ SWP is an economical paint because It will cover the ^ I greatest amount of surface, wear longest, and look best.â€" Ask OWEN SOl'ND, ONT, Individual Instruction. Oui own thiee story Imild'na and ;!4 lUccetRftil yeais if e\- paiience. Expert instructors piciduc.' tho very beat ro'UJti. Catalogue Free. C. A. FLKMINtJ, F. (\ A., Principal. KLK.MISG Socreiaiy *IQ- D '•jW OWEN .SOUND - ONTARIO Msny go for wool and com* horn* ihorp tb»m»elrf*-0erv«o(efc It is the only line opuiiiting ilimu^l \'\ eipiipiiieiit \f owne I mi 1 opimilMl by the C. P. R, atf.irdiiig the bixhest form I WOOD CUTTINP nf 1 thciHiicy . .. o ..•>,. . !f»».hatiip is under cmsidiaaii..,. | 'l''^'"*" ',""' 'i-^pa'; ''•'?" '" ""-'""'^ 'r* I Hardware. Paints. Oils. Glatis and Crockery â- ; rtiiv. M-' a Kowl htr.iiviiitnujf i.iiitij. |-,, c>CLl t?rjT«/-vxT Hpp'yloany «.!. P. 1}. .Kf.\\\\ f.r fill , S<iii,fd..|ion K'"avauiu<J. l.uave juiirl r L.iLorlrL.K 1 UIN i.uifii'iiLrs III' wrila M 1) M,,, ,,u„ I ordiiii. \\ itb lhiMiud«r»lfrTM< ». j-Mituuiars oi write fli. t#. atmpny ,,^,,, -(ii:n iillArKKM'.rUY, |) P. A , r.ronlo, l''Mer,b»iii FRANK W. DUNCAN