ril-W' tr V April 1.') lOi; :|: 'HE F 1, K S II K IJ I O N ADVANCE the:« A» Inilependen* newspaiHT, pnbliiiheil cvwry TNiawday at th** office. Collinifwoqd Street, t-'lesherton. KiilMciiptiiin inice ?l pfruniiuni whra |>aid in advance ;$l.rij wlitii not no paid .A tvrrtislojr rates i>n a|>|ilii-atii>n. Circtiliition 1,100 weekly M M. Thuraton- Editor COMING! ,*^*J'l"^C"-rr':?'Z "^ '^ '"^ .^. ^"" '•'' 'â-¼'-â-¼' "V -r- -^., '^^" T^i â- ^esherton^vvA/^ Baptist Church II C. Kerr. Sunday Sclioc Service at 11 • I 10 a IMiouf 33 K. 2 Flcshcrton- Methodist Churcli Itev. .lames Uudi^euii, {iistor. II H. 111. imd 7 I'. ni.-Tlie iHistor i5u»J»y, 10 a. III. Follow8hi|> ISurviic. Monday evening Epworlli Lengiie ut H p. in Mark Kveretie WriKlit choir leader and Orgtnist. Pr(»f. Pc'uibei' of liair <ioo(ls store. the Avc'll Uiiowii roionto, will be ii' FLESHERTON at tlio Mutvshaw House ....on.... Thursday, April 22 with !i hill lini' of the latest styles in hair jioods i.)V ladies juh! gentlemen, uianut'iU'turod fioin the finest Euro pean hair and perl'eclion nude. For Bald Men I a , • JL>. ri;gsggR':;yr^.7^;^.^."', 4 t a^ Artemesia Council The .Munici|al Cuuncil of the rowii- ship (f Arleiiies'a, met nt tho Town H»ll, Kli-.herton, on Monday, the 5tli (lay of \pril, liMi'i. Tin- inenr tis were ill pn-niil, the I'.eeve in the cliair. Tl e minute -. of list iiiretiiig were read end cinfirmed. ('oniinanicnti'inH were read iis fullowii: .1 S ftlcMillaii, rehigninK the o8ice of ov rsoer: J C Wriali', asking to hive Hoino of hi« proptfrty placed in I'ro- t>nStni.ioii Road Division; Hif.h iSchool eiitiuiates for 1!»1.">. jlylawr No. ll>, to authoiize a loan of $l:!:.'0.(<U for High School |>urpo!ie, whs introductd, read, .'signed and enteral in Uylxw book. Cameron- -Graham â€" That the Council Jo now ((o into committee on Bylaw 15, l'.iir>,-C*riied. C4nterun â€" \ldc):i Thtl Hyhw No t>, llUn, appiin'ing ovei^ecib, fence- viewera and potiiidkerperH be now rend a third I. iiip, iji|fiied, s<-iUd aid eiilered in Hyl-iw Imok . â€" Can ied, IJiowo Aldcorn-That liy'aw 'W !(â- np^ii up certHiu Htieets in Ku|{eiiii lu iio«reitd a third liiiic, ^io| ed. Healed .n')d entered in [iyUw Ixiok. Ciriied. Cameronâ€" Orihani Th.-il i-ou niitte.; np|)oitjtoJ to ieitle t!i<- dinrtge ilitini re Wliiiiiikir, lie paid for I heir services as roller: Reeve ?:l.Of, Mr. .^Idcorn *:i.tW. Mr. Urowii 9U OU.â€" Curric I Aldoorii â€" Brown That tlie Ueeie, TiIi-HHra. OrwhaMi, Ciuuron and tht C eik be p.iid l^lO.'ilt eat'h, liiiio and expenses waiting on C:ovcrninent ro l.iiid taken over !'>' li>ilio Klei'tiic (.'uioiiiHsion in thii To vnsliip. â€" ftiriid Brownâ€" Orahaniâ€" Tint the otlor of A. Ceasor to i>pur.>:e hlone crusher at ^ >'iU per day, ir.cliidins; tlie fiirnisliino of oil and all niovet under th xv miles di«tHi;ce aftir hi.v o'eloek atid keep <ru>her in umid lei air, he acoepled. .C'lrrieu. . Camer n Aldeorn â€" Th*t tlie sc«Ie of waxes to li? piid lor woik in HMo he as f pIIowh: I'e nil iiid min on trader ?li,'>0; .(leain auJ man on oidimiry work if:i.t)0; 'Him per day Â¥1.50; I'perating t;radcr 9-.'.'u jiiT day. Ciiriied. Ol'ahain Brown That in ley.iid to Tri|Ut»t of depul'ition from near town- line of (Isprey, asking to have townlific houth of ceiilii' line opei.e I, the Kievo •• and Cin.iiiihhioini he appointed to meet ihc Osprey (.' luneil on saij ro^id and n- . tiorl to this Council as soon aa poHitilile as I I the cost Hiid ailvi.Hahitity of opening «iid lownline.- tarried. Brown Aldcorn Thai t! 1350 00 is lierehy appr oprialed to lie e.\|>ended on the liighwayH of the Township as follows: Oivisioii No I. fl"0.OO; Division No. U, «:!iiO (HI; Division No ;',. SlW.j.OO; Divi- Hioii No. 4, *:!(K).(wi. me V.ilhy l( ad, #12.J.0'i the aljove iinount to imlu'Je all walk on town lints, exccptiny openiiit; op new paits and over and uliove open- iiioiip new roads in (ho Town-hip and aim e«pi'n<lil tire on bridges msliiio moio than t<'.'o.lKJ each. The |{ce\e and Coiiiinifsioner of a Division in ivlijch a bridijo is to he built cosiini{ over ••J.'i (m «lm1l I e a cuniiiiilteo to huild the rame, mill no sp»cial expemlituie shall lie made I'loept 111 casOK of eiiiergeiuy. wiih'iit lesoluiioi) of Ciiuncil. Kach ComnMsslon' or shall report to the Council before re ceiviiig his Coinmi.saion. Ths Treasurer shall lie rei|uired to report lo Ciuneil M-heii any ('onunis.s'onor has e»pen(leil llis sppiiipriation. The amount appro, nriulttd to '>e exclusive of any eoniiins- aion, and C'omniisiionerH shall not re- ceive eominis»ion 'on ntiy expenditure not anihuri/cd by this Coiunil. - ('avriid. Aldcorn Brown-Tliai ihonextmeel- 1n;< of this Council he held at EiiKenia on •the Isl Monday in May, in order that the Counnl may jiisp.jct the ro\l from the 7th lo 'lie I '-'ill ec iCOMHion, being niider considerition for extensive rejiairs â- Carried. CuUluilailjoun.e !. Tlic IVmbcr lii^lit weight venti-^^ lated toupee or wig is the natural substitute tor your owi hair ever piDilueed. Alsi) con- sult him about any scalp troub ie.". Advice Free of Charge Remember The Date Munshaw House, Thursday, April 22 Letter From A Soldier Mr. W. H. lianley of the ii:or.ey order branch of llio Prst (illice d>-oartnient, C>ttawa, and well known in Fleshertnn, Sends UK the followinj} Ic'ter which he has received from his S' n, Fred A. Han ley. in the -nd battery, lat bilgade, dit isional artiller) . Ii Ih da'e I Miir<:h, the writer slating il at he lud le n in France then since tie u.iddle < f Feb- I uar) : "Wc liHVc be -Ml in this eounlry since Removes to Sunderland Mr. Harold Mili.he!!, son nf ih- iiiiin- ger, who has been teller in ihe 8t.ii.d»r I bank In-iv for some tim», is lieinji le- moved to Suiiderlani'l, and on Fiidxy n'ght last aliDiil fifty people, y .ung aii.H old, held a farewell r e.-ption for him in the hijjb school, wli- n a very enjojaMe lime was spent. Durieg '.he course of I the evening he was presentid \\\lh a v.l- uable club ba^ and the fo lowinn uddr. ss: I Dia.- Fjieiid,â€"'.Ve h-ive learned with I F. R W. HICKLING FLESHERTON ONTARIO. spring"spiecialtie^ NEW SHIRT tWAISTSâ€" Two shipments of New Waists, fresh from makers, iiu two alike, whitt; .-^heer lawns, fancy crepes, black and white stripes, sizes 34 to 4")4, Prices $1.00 and Up. NEW KID GLOVESâ€" Guaranteed stock, black, white, grey, tan, brown, chamois, w'rjst or elbow length, sizes ."> to 7h. Prices $1.00, $1.25, $2.50. NEW WASH GOODSâ€" Prints, galateas, crepes, bedfords, pitjues, lawnsT f^ voiles, ducks drill.s, delaincttes. Every conceivable color and pattern. Prices 12i to2nc NEW SHOESâ€" CJui) metal, dongola, tan and patent leather, button or lace, cloth top in different colors, all the new lasts and all sizes. All reasonably priced. NEW SUITS -MenX Youths' and Boys' Suits, all sizes up to 44, navy blue anil all the new shades in fancy tweeds, the best range we have ever shown. We specialize on a $5.00 suit for boys and a $10.00 suit for men. See them. Tiicy're undoubted bargains. SPRING MILLINERYâ€" We have an elegant display of the .season's novelties to .show you, a larger and more varied range than ever. You will be pleased if you entrust Miss Long with your order. Our prices are moderate too. HIGHEST Price for Butter and Eggs ('lease accept iliis club bag, not f' r its intrin««ie value, but simply to remin I yon I'f the frienU left in Flcslierton Signed - -H. H. Sullivan, Krei (i Kai stedi, G. A. MeTaiish. the m ddle of Fe'.ru .ly an 1 the {'egrot that yoi are a'lom to remove fr. m Huns lo's of excitement tl cse days and "U"- "''''•-*'â- '"""'-' ' I''"' "-' *="'""' ''"' taking the s*mc ours-lvc.'. It's Kient to jyonr departure pavs uonol ceJ. ge< on th'j sunny silo of some bulidini; | Many of ui have known you ^ine and watch the (ierinan shripuel bursting jchilohood, and t 'erefore feel more kern (i|uite close .sometimes when wc aie lly your remoVHl. We arc well a r.ire «alkiiii{ on the road). The most inter- that yon * ill l)e missed, pirticii'arly ir CHiing p'ace is on the telephone with the isocidl circles, hut our loss will be otheis forwHid obBcrviiig ollicer at the CanadiHii gain. trenches and it waa thure yesterday lh\ * We tms^t that your success in the fu- I was first undei lire. For the first half ] tmt will be as marked as in the past, »nd hour I feU like lak ii'i no chances against ,,ii j^n i„ wihh'iig you many hNjiiiy ao" the (ierman snipe: s and kept duckinit as inrnsperous days, the bullets went past my head or the ( machine gun opined (i:i the road. The only I imu to uet into the observing' station ii at ni;{ht almiit a mid swej)'. I viry hour ('r »o by Uoinan machine guns and lit up by »tar shells and an ex- tremely poweiliil seaich liuht. When this oicur.s eie:yone piles for the ditch or drops Hat. Many I'f the infantry have lieeii liilon this ro d. Fioin one nbser- I ing station lo another is abou' foity yards which is done in about live seconds with 111,' ping of the snipers' bullets ttini- ming the hedj:e over lieid. '1 hey dropp- I il I hiriy four .shells into r place abont liity yards from us a couple of days aoo. One Toiirey heard one coining and di'opiied. The shrapnel landed It) feet Iroin him and didn't hit him, but the snipei.t aie wiirfe Iliiin th,! shells. To expose oneself in tie open is Ktrui^ht auiuide. We have funk hides, or duo ouls near the guns which are made as comfoitable as pojsllile with str<iw oii the | lloor ai.d li I'e co.l sline<, where the gnu | crew Iiv9. I am on the lino of eoininun- cat'oii takln({ my imn on the telephone. Dr. J. Ralph Smith OSTEOPATH Dflice and Residence- 4t>H Oth St. East Owen Sound, Out. Hoursâ€" 9 to 12 u.m, 1.30 to 4.30 p.m. to 8 p.m. Other hours by appointment. - --^^^ The Old Adage A Business School That liuccessful schoid whose graduate* occupy pr.imincr.t po- sitions from the Ailant.c lo the INcitic, re-opens for the FALL TERM Spteiiiber 1st, 1»14 Seed for free catalog at on(>e to COLLINGWOOD BUSINESS COLLEGE I â- T. E. Hawkins. - Principal J' s, CidlingwO'd, Ontario. .J Address and Presentation A few of the friends if Miss Kit- Thompson, met at hei home on Mood -y evening cf last w.eU, prior to her mar-'- I Site, and presjnted her with a bisiii ' ' and ilie following nrblress: ' Dear Friend â€" W'e. your friends . I iChaliiiHr's Ch ireli Sunday Sihool aim (iuild, have aBsembled Icre forihe pne pose of speniling a so ial eveiiini{ wi h yoii I ebue your depaituio from oio midst. Y"U liH\e been ainonusi us r<o soiiK- lime and will begrea'ly missed, not only ill the socio] circle tut also m ih Salil.sili iseliiiol and (iuild, vsh-re yii have done sui-h earnest siid faithful WO' k. We felt tint we could not IhI you de part fi mil our midst without showin. CHEAP FARM FOR SALE $240*)â€" twenty-four hundred dollarsâ€" « ill liuy the west half of lot No. 2 and part of the North west ([uarter of No. 1, aM on the 4'h con. of Euphrasia, con'aiii- iig about 1'2."> acres. There is supp sed 'o lie ninety acres cleare.l, the balance liood hardwood bush â€" maple, beech and elm. There is on the property a frame house and kitchen, a frame barn, straw hojso with stone (oundatmn under it, Ills • wood shed, driving shod, pi.- pen The Proof of the Pudding is in the Eating The same is etjually true of the lJ»oij Gravity Washer. Try one and be convinced that there is none better. S. HEMPHILL Agent, - Ceylon Full line ot McCorniick Farm Iinplenients. Binders, Mowers, IJakes, Ltiat'ers, Drills, (. iiltivatois, IMow.-j, Riding Mills. antl Wallving, Harrows. IJrantfonI Winn Pumps, Piping ant' Fittings of all kinds. Jieattie Hay Carriers, Hay torks, Slings, Filter Cairiers, F'olding P.ath Tubs, Frost Wiieand F'ence, Cutters and Sleighs. A Call Solicited. Satisfaction Guaranteed. S. HEMPHILL Agent, - Ceylon, Ont. H l! ^KluuirusfiSB and hen house. Theiea:e also two or- cimds oil ihe farm orowing different kinds of frui- - apples, (lears, plnm«, eheni-saiul urapes. This farm is web | Bjj X _ feiie.d wiih wire and patent frncing. I'',B| free from frost. It is also well watered | feSJSs^Hj&t^ill with water in nearly every li-'ld. There i is a uever-faibnu .'prinu within 40 vaids 'mile of the thriving village of Kimbe-ley. |jj|.--i*X*X-^S'Xt-i*^JS^XiXiS;X*Xt5sSWX^•^ For further pailicnlirs apply toâ€" .lAMKS STIAUT, Kimberley P. O. ISept About iny ftlrival in France and our iy"" "• some way our keen appreciatio tiip of a week in a box car there is noth- | of all y">ii' (.ininess .ind faithful s rvi.o ing exeilii'K III relate except that it was a anionic us, m wo ask ynu to accept thii big iiijlit when we 1, ft Devi/es. It is veiy cold at pre^ei.t, a Iglit mow falling today. Tlieio was a blizzard when we left for the tiring line. "The (lenuans knew iiiimediately we were here for they shouted to Ihe iiiiant- ly, "Coiiij on you t'anadiiiH with jour iiisty Itoss litles." llo»'* iliingi in Moiilieal.'' We aie nearly surioiiiided hete as this is the apex of ihe liiitish wedgt? into the Ijerinan lines and it iliey only feed ii-, le tor they can proloi.g this war for a couple of inoiiihs. I am going to find loiiie pi ice to live wheie I lie lain fall is zero per niinum and when 1 leieli that I'topii I'll have heif-bte.ik and onions for every meal." little gift Slid trust that you iiisy soiiir limes think of your many fr enls here. We wifh jou iiineh joy and piospeii'v in your i ew splieie < f life and sincor 1 hope ihat you may enjoy many y. a's o hipp n -s^ in your new hotiie. Sigiiid III! behalf of your fueids, Tlloiiias (.'haul, Aniamli Stowait, ()r„rg S ewart. In Memoriam III Memory of .laincs Chan',, Some day, sometime, our eyes shall see The face we loved so well ; Some day our haiiils shall ela*p in his And i.ever say farewell. The Mowers we lay upon Ihe grave May wither and decay, Hut Ihelove for him who sleeps beneath Will never f ide away. â€" Family. Bull For Service For servici),â€" lliron Holly No. (il2:.'. Alierdeon Amjui, on ol IM, fllli eonccss- Ion, Arteniesiii. 'I'erins. liH.Ob if paid , ,. , ,^ ^ r , • i before Ut ,lan 1!H,-..- \V. ,1. Magee. • '>""« l»"i"ch, Department <if Agriculiure, May 1,"> Ottawi, for ihe Pamphlet. Sheep Husbandry I I'lnler Ihe title of "The Or. lit Ne^lei I ill Sheep Husbandly ", which eonsliuite I'ampblet No. iloflho Sheep and (ioai Division of I ho Domioiou Department ol i Agiiciilliiie, MeKsis. T. Ueg. Arkoll and iNorinan SI i >(ield, two well rocogniz.'d authoiities. eyplniu the necesi>ily for the oarly lastr iti. II of ram lambs intended ifor shiii.'h'er II il the value of docking 'ill Ihe maiiiteuance of hoilth. Tlioy consider ill i! both â- >peratioiis are j le nrtiuial uinl oaniiol 'â- ee Ihat, while they are \ir» lis. il in olher an nials, iliere Ishoird lie any I csilar.ify in performing llicni on sheep. Rii it lambs Ireated de- ' ve'iip in lle^ll and oommand a belter MM'ice III I he inirke', while femilc lambs I being ilo.V.ed o'cipe disi'iise and msiH-t ' pests by reason if ii oreaaid cl auliness. ' I'liistraliiils HfO viveii of the methods employed and advice furuishid of the lesirable Hge and Ihe admiiliges that accrue. Farniers w.iub', In; seiving their o,»n iiileves! by sending to ilio Publica HEREFORD BULL The iinder.<ii;i!ed hav Hereford bull b.r service oi W.T.S. It.. Arlemesia. Terms - Si:n'or pure breds. 81. ."lO for lirades. All cows served must be imid ,„r. -T. &,l. WATSON. 1 le It '. Property For Sale I'alt 'ol I,J1, con I .lilt a II m; 'JXA fc i hbshertoii. and stable FOR (SERVICE ]|>J e a pure bred I I^J niot 171, <'<>d:|^ji i I I 1) I '2, N. K. T. A S. U . ., about I mile from Ihele isa o,,od frame bouse and the properly is «ell teiifd and malered. App'y to .tosepli A. I.etiaril, Fleshcrion or on the \ r iper- ly- Flesherlon Tin Shop. :J m I have just placed on the shelves a full line of Tinware, Nickelware and Agateware for domestic use. Call on me and get your supplies. Eavetroughing, Stovepipes and Stove Furnish- ings. Kepairing ofall kinds promptly attended to. IJ. g, including Toronto Line North Spiingl Spriiio! Ileauliliil Spring'. Il is the heart's delight. To listen lo the birdies sing. As we work fiom m 'rii till night Maple syrup making was not very siiicessfiil ill this e.inniunity this year, owing to the weather. MiiS ElvH Lever has ^oue i resume bo, dimes as leicber at Dui.ean, after the Easter vacation at home. Mr. and Mrs. 'D. Kennedy and family have loturntd to Toronto, after spending the winter with Ibe latler'-s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Davis. Harold Lover, Markdale, T. Lever's on Sunday. Mrs. Chas. Stewart is al the U>dside of h,r mother, Mrs. Colo, m town The hum of the liiiiw saw ii h.eard in Ibis vicinity at \irosent. Ti ^i. Tievcr has hi* saw in running mdei and iloos ipiick woik. m II i I II II II 1(1 lii I i igi D. McKILLOP ii l^jl! im m ^ ONTARIO. Z ,^ y Pipelittiu Furnaces installed. F'urnace.'- pump work. • Agent for Clare Bros. i M n SI i 111 HiaKssr CHRISTOE BLOCK FLESIt'RTON sasa-s* ssTi iTiSr Stock tor Sale A ooiii'le of biooil sows. 1 llerkalilre audi t Taniwortn 'ov pale. '1 eMiis to „uit piirelmsei-. QKU. W. ROSS, Maxwell P. (I. Pure Brctl Hoistein Bull Chani^eling Prince Joe Mrcd by Changeiing Uiilter Boy out o! Tidy Abbekerk Princess .losephino The gveate.-t butter making 'train known Term of s uvice -M.iM) fot grades, $!."> for pure brpd. , OKO. M()()UE\- Si>N, I'll pi., FlesHertoiT ^^ Tonsorial ^^ Parlors Wo Aim to Give Entire Satisfaction LArXDRYâ€" B.isket closes Monday nighl, delivery Friday evcni-ig CLKANINO and DYEINO - \\V- are agents for Parker's Dye Works Clothes cle:>ned and dyed, feathers rejuvenated T FISHER, - - PROPRIETOR â- aWifsMi