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Flesherton Advance, 15 Apr 1915, p. 1

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fkBhtxim %ltfioanu. TRUTH BE'FORE FAVOR," â€" •• PRINCIPLEb NOT MEN. 7^ 3t No. 4:} Flesh-erton, Ont., Tliursday, April 15 IQlo W. H THURSTON .f^^^"?."* Priceville Jottings h%it Week's Items Milder weather the boKiuning of this Week md wild geese were observed H/in',' over liere om the "ith. Any person j»it!iin 1') nuUs i-f Piice- \ille, wh.) wishes to eut^r ih« field crop lutnpetitioii in vrlite, sli.'ul 1 c'rop :k card to the Secretary, F^ill Fair, Pri.e- vHle, and net an entry f>rni or any other infornmtion desired. The nami'S of the ..ItiL-ial hoird of our Agricultural Sncie-y foUjivs: Hoii.l'res., D McMillan: Hon. 1st Vitv-Pres., !>. McConn-wck ; Hon. 2ud Vioe.-Prcs., Ur. McJnlyie; Pres.. Thos. Xiohol; l';t Vi::ePrcs , J. Buroeit; 2nd Vice-Prea., Win. Aldcorn; Sec.Treas., T. A. M. Fergusni; Direct- or". .Jo.s. C jultt-r, for Proton Township: Win. Rsniage, for Eijreuiont; Don Mc- li^chlan, D. L. Sinclair and (i. Camp- t>ell, forGIenel:,'; D. Harrow, A S Muir, >V J Mead.-, Al.x McMillan, W 'J Wat- son, P F McAnhur, .1 McR^ie, Jos Black, Dr Line and F P Riley, for Arteiuisi*. The shaft in lh.» s^w mill, which liroke H few days '\s;o, his been promptly re- VlJiced liy a new .me, nnd the mill is in workini{ order a;jiiii. Among the numerous Easter visitors we nuliced the fo'Iowing: Misses Mary Aldcorn, Laurii McKinnon, Mina Mc- Lean and Edna Ferijuson, of Owen Sound toUegiate; MLss Lju WhIsi-m, Iciicher at Shelbirne; H B McKinnon, of the Globe Staff, and Stanley Ferguson, Huron St. School, Toronto; Um McKiniioj, Postal Clerk, C P U; N K McKinn.m and H A Watson, teachers at Grind Valley and Inglewoixl. Mr. iud Mrs. David Hincks and several ^f their fan.ily have liee'i very ill late'y. Mr. Hincks was laid ii|> with pleurisy, ar.d Mr*. Hincka wxs critic.nlly i'l with pneumonia. Dr. Lane and Mi .<> Belle Harrow-, wlo is considered an ex- Ctslleitt iraintd nurfc, have been in attendance on thu sick o'le.s, and we learn that they are al uupruvinK now. Malcolm Mclnnis aliipped a c:ir of »1ik:'« to the ci'v on .Mniday l:isl. Some of the tl'ree -year-old steers weijjhed over KUN) Ills .Siotlurt iV McLean shipptd a car of c . !tle an J Ikists on Tuesday. Walkerton Over ^1700 ..l unpaid tales in Walker- ton are still nutstandini;. * While relurnin;; fnui I he post othce laAl week wiih an arinfiil of uiai', a Walk- erlnu yoihn la-ly laid a bunch of leiters down on the counter of a loc»l store while she wi-nt to oxiimine .some goods, and when sl.e reuiriud sh« Ji.scovered thai a le^islored k-tlor which contained ♦ sum of nn.«noy was uii.sain.j from the lor. The well-drillers at tin; pumping sta- tion struck a llowin,' woll on Tuesday night whon down -iluut -'M feel, and it seems thai WalkeiOm will now have an uuliwiti'd supply of splendid water.which is wcirtli many thou>:auds <.if dollars to the town. This is the luckiest strike the corporation has mude in years, as the water IS gushiui; up and uverrtuwinsj the land like a IUwkI, and the need of ex- pending huge sums in punipin;; the w«ter to till tlie reservoir seems at an end. Herald. Gravel Road, Osprey We are sorry lo .state that Baker h-»8 left fur her homo in Toronto. .Mr. and Mrs. IVdlar wrre visiting Mr. and Mrs. McLean last week. Mrs. Mcl^>uarri9 had a very successful wiwid hee last Sa'urday. Mr. n'.i Mrs. McArthur were visilioit Mr. and Mrs. Mclu'yre last week. Wo understand Herb Neil is l)uildin<{ a uew tish hatchery. It will be complet- ed ue^t week. Miss Wright has returned to her school »gain. \ .Arch Mcla'an has not for^it the bush road to the 8th line yot Bert West has left fr«)»ud and liaa ^one tn England, and hi* n«-xt iiiovr will be Scotland for the summer. I Jini ^u'Uvan ia drawing lumlssr from i .luliaii'.-i mill. I Very glad tu hear thai A. McLeHi. has I rnturnel tot)«i>rey. j lli<« Lizzi* Sotnbcrger gave her aister. j Mrs. D. Cameron, a Hyini; viiit last i â- reok. Kimberley Budget Spraying is the whole subject with the fanners of this vioinity. .\t a very enthusiastic meetin; in the '•Travellers' Homo ' on Wed :e8day evcnmg last. It was p.- ipo-cd that they 1 u-ld a phnt for the prepariti.m and mixing "f the spray- ing miierial. This will certainly im- prove the "juaity of I hi apples in this part. Gordon Le-r.e visited Thoinbury friends one day last week.' .Mr. H-nry Hurd purchased a heavy team of horses from Wui. Lucas one diy last week. .VIrs.Jo::cph' MeCulhiUith who has been an i>'d respected ciiiz.'n of our burg, left on Monday list for Biyvi-w, where she will live with her daughter, Mrs. Geo. Mct-'aitney. Mr. .Ja.spor Stuart, nur enterprising butcher, is ening to build a new up-to- d.ite slaughter house in accord-ince with the new goveinmtiit rulesiud regulation". ft will be a cement structure and will I'e a rine building when completed. Ru'sell .McMuUen of Kaaenia visited friends in this vicinity one diy last week. Mr?. Georse Hutchinson nnd litile daughter, Kathleen, visi'ed the week with friends iii Dund.ilk and Corbetton. .John Taylor purchased a htodsiMue driver from Andrew Wallace recemly. It is certainly very sp.'edy. .Jack siys it can go at a 2 :><) clip. Born â€" .\t I'liion. on March ;!Is»', to Mr. and Mrs. .\'tliur .Xuderson, a daughter. Mr. Wui. Floml, our luw b' certainly a hustler. You can always t^nd him in the shoo early in the morning. Verily the oH siying lipids true. "The early bird catches tho worm. Portlaw Mr?, (jeo, Thouipsoii. sr., who is residing with licr daughter, Mrs. B. llargrave, of the Collingwood road has boeu critically ill. lUrold ueigh- bors and fneiid.s lieie are glad to hear that she is uow in a fau' way to complete recovery. -Mr. Robert .McKee has snrely liad his cup ot trouble v>'('ll tillud. A few weeks ago his wife died leaving two little dangliters. The youngest child was being careil for by Mr. McKce's sister, .Vis. .1. Tlioiupson, of Colling wood, and last week died and was laid beside !icr uiotlier in Flesliertou cemetery. Mr. McKee bad driveii down to Collingwood to .see hi-: child, putting his team in Mr. Tlionipsou's stable. Puriiig the night the stable and loiitents were burned, including Mr. McKee's horses and harness and Mr. Tlionipson's hnrse. Mr. and Mre. Tliomas Taylor sptnt a few days lately in Owen Sound, vi.sitiug friends. Mrs. M. Coinou, of Dniidalk. visit- ed with her mother. Mis. Hill, and other friends here. George I'dell received a severe kick from a liorse last week, and ad a cou- sequeucc bus his iiglil aioi iu a shng. Fortunately no bones were broken but '.ieorge had a iiarr'iw escape from more .si-rious injury. Mrs. \V. .\. Morton and s:ni, Rob- urt, visited relatives ill Toronto dur iiig th.; holidays, tsince coming home .Mrs. .Moiton lias been very ill but is uow reeoveriiig. Mr. and .Mrs. Tlioiuas Fletcher visited recently with Orange Valley friends. .Mr. W. K. Simmons had both bands badly lacerated last week. He was attempting to tie up a new dog wlieii the animal resented having his pcr.soiial liberty interfered with and viciously attacked hi-) new master. Jlr. Simmons' hands are healing nicely under tlie doctor's treatment, and the dog is now ijuiet, and lianu- less. The Foundering Of Th' Eugenia Paragraphs In a recent issue of the Toroulo papers, we were pleased to see ll.e puolo of our former resident, now of Stoughcon, Man., Captain Carr, of the I'Jugetia Fusiliers, who led Lis men to victory in ly(39, at the Fcuinn raid. No donbt he is busy traiiiitg the young ideas now how to shoot. What might ha\e proved a very disastrous tire occurred early Friday morning at the power iiouse ic the valley, t»o buililings being burned which were tilled with gasoline and other explosive material. Fortunate ly all escaped with their lives. Robert Williams has returned from Hamilton and is feeling quite hiin.self again after the operation . The yonng ladies are delighted with his success. Miss Sbaw has returned to the city after spending Easter with friends here. No. 1 dam is tilling up aul mrkes a pretty sight at present. Tiie Hue gates are kept open. Mr. George Graham has a gasoline launch and canoe ready for tlie sum- mer visitors to have a sail ou oni lake. Miss Walker has returned home to Creemore alter spending a m^jnth or so with Miss Beecrott. Mr. and .Mrs. Randlett have gone to the State of Maine after sp<>nding six mouths with us. Wo were sorry to lose them. Married â€" In Toronto, ou .\pril 5th, Miss Ma Thompson, of Eugenia, to <"""".",". .. iirii o TO 1- ^ lort y littoic .Mr. William Savage. They are liv- ing in the city at present. We wish the voung couple a long and happy life.' We offer congratulations to .Mr. and Mrs. Walter Russoll who were married in Flesherton recently. .Mrs. Russell was formeijy Miss Lizzie Osborne. Both are highly esteemed yonng people. Miss Etta Thompson, a foimer resident of Eugenia, wa« united in the holy bonds of matrimony to Mr. Edgar 13etls. by Rev. McYicar, at her parentil home, Flesherton, on April 7tli. Eugenia friends tender them congratiilutious. The Methodist pe.)ple were dis- appointed, but sorry to learn of their Pastor, .Mr. .Jones, being so .seriously ill. His circuit will be supplied next Sunday. Some of )ur young men complain of the bad roads to Markdale. wliicli makes travelling very diiUcult. Messrs. Scrivens and White paid Eugenia a visit on Monday and le- turued home ou Tuesday in their auto. First ride of the season. Cha;. Hoy has moved his barber shop up t:i his bungalow, next door to the general post oftice. Mr. and Mrs. l.ncas have reiiuned to the city after spending a couple of weeks at .\daui Hyslop's. Misses .\dii Thompsou of Flesbei- tou and .M. Boweis of Shelbtiriie weie the guests of .Mrs. Woodbmn. Regina Singhampton East Mountain .\ pleasant time was spent at a party held at .iohii Welsh's, one night iteciitly. Making maple syrup and cntliifg wood is the ordcf of the day at present. -Miss .Mary Humbei stone siJeut her Easter holidays at home. H. Smith is recovering ftom ]ii$ recent illness. Bert Cameiou of Hamilton visited one day last week at U. Uai bottle's. Muddy t-oals an! :• ce day* are- in order now. The Wiartun Record is pubbsliing a serita of t,ile» of the Georgim Bay, : nd last week gave ils rea^'ers the f.icts le- garding the foundering of the sailing vessel Regina, nh eh was lost near Cove Island, in l.*sl. Th ; td to f.fl he .VI- vance lived in t)a-en .Sound at the tine and was well ac<]uu'nted with Captain Tripp and deeply deplored, with n.auy others, hia loss at the lime. The eJitor of this |>ai>er, t'lu, was the tirst and only man to write the story of the lo*s fomi the lips uf the survivors iheuvMivesâ€" Lawrence, Vouna and the other ujhu. .Vfter the aSaiiJonnicnt of iho vessel »iir| Capt i:n Tripp these men lauded at Tob^'r- mory and walked all the way to Dwen Sound, where we found them iu ihe owner's ottice one niorniiiu ••ly shortly after their arrival, and got h minute story of the wreck from their lips, which was published in the Toronto" Globe. Shortly afterwards repre.sentafives ot other newspapers called on these men but they would not talk sny more; their mouths wure shut and c aild U"t be pried ofcTi. They evidently tlimight they had already talked too muchâ€" as they ceriaiu- ly had, as wil lie gleaned truiu the followiog remiuiscence as published in the lleord: T le crew of the llegina coosiated of Captain .\uu s Trip[>. .Inliu Voung and Wui. Lawrence, all i f C .liiugwoi d; John *>4ks. Port Hurja; and a man whice name was unknown to the uwaers, t'le Ke^'iua went I'own she lu.aded lumber at I'arry .Soui,d dock, and (.'jptrtin I'ripp, who wa.s well known at every |iott on Lake Huron auil the Georgian Bay, was in conversation with a friend, who asked him if he was not tiuii<l about sailing such an old boat in the iM of the yejr, when ."tornis might be expected. TI:e ca(,lain replied by saying gool natjiedly; â- â- l)h,the old lioal is all right, ^o long aa she is loaded Wilh lumber; she'll tloat us ^isliure soinewbeiv.' I'nfurtuiiately for t.'apt liii Triup, the olvi ves-el was not U.adeJ with lumber "U the Uth of September, IS^il, She was oo an up trip from Guderich to a Geor){iau Bay port with a full cargo of salt. When uearing Cove Nland the Regiua w,is CJUght in a si|U»ll. Siie Ix-gaii to labor heavily. The a r4iuiu:: of ihe hull by the (Hiunding jf the se:is, aggravated by the heavy cargo she tarried, caused her to spring a lt>.ik. The waves washed over the doc'i. The «alt in the hoM became wet, and ih" \is.sel watorlogued. \\\ the crew except tl c c.i|itaii» look to the yawl boat and succeeded in getting asi.ote. The crew tcld ihe story of the wreck, saying th«t Capiain Tr pp refuseO t) leave the schooner, bcliev ng he cou J beiich her on Cove Island, on the liooi- gian bay side, in. si.elter from the sea. They told th>« story of the abondotiunMit of lUe ves.sul and of the diieclioii of the wind, which wai at variance with the fact-', as »ell as lllis^t itiiig the hour oi the disaster. i>u- setjiient invesngu'imi brought to bghi the tclioi'Ucr's cl"ck, * had stopped some hours later than the lioui which lli-' crew jjuve »•» iho one tC uhuU tils lte'.{ii;a hnd foundered. The .scho' ileis top iii.'ust M»s fuur.d siiuk- .iig out of ihe Wilier within a sh.-rt dis- tance if Cove Island, shoaing that liiil the ve.s.sel kept atloac a few ininiiteslon!.- er she would have reached shallow waier and been .S4iv«il. Fioiii all the circu'u- stanc.-a disclostd by the investigation it was Hpp.ieiit that the ciew stuck t» the \e.-scl ius'ead of abandoning her wheu lliey d d, she could have Oeeu rtiu on a sjind bar at Covo I.--1 ind and siivcd. .Vs it «as the .schooner was lost and Ciplain Tiipp perished in ci/nsei|uei:ce of his de- vu:i.>n t ' the interest of the owner, while the cio.v efcajied by wha. looked like a CO vauliy desertion of the .<:o;iooi or auJ le.l the ctptaiii to drown khiiosc within reach oi Uiid. DR. BURT Specialist in dli< atca ol the Eye, Ear.Nose and Throat ' iFFlCl-; l;;ii lOlh sr,,'Jwen Sound , At the Revere house, Markdale, 2Dd Thursday each month from 8 to a 12a. m Wcdnesday^jf each mouth.. H. ALEXANDER MERCHANT TAILOR Feversham - Ont. Fashionable Tailorini< Seasonable Goods, first class Workmanship. A line of Ready-Made Clothing Which we put alterations lu free of :hai/e, if reiiuired. Ist^n Jew eiry A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se- lection. We car- ry Photo Supplies, W. A Armstrong, Jeweler FLESHERTON, â-  ONT ^^ £'''£"'•>"â- ' -"'C -^'^jvl't-^"- â- f^'i'tr'!"- v"'.. *", ,••. ..V", .>'>., o"^ :^"^''"-_;^"i£"ci"i,£''c£"-^"^^l'^ Tl[S'/i?'/i?^i?'/i? ".i?'/i?^,5'.i?^i?'/,C-'/i5'.ii^'-o^'iC'''i?'/tC- ',ii^ -/,{â-  '/iV- '/if •ii'f '<o~ '.1.- '<o""^»» t We Can t Be Beat For f J Quality, Price and Choice f ^ Jionn'e- XXX ('lovcis, ."^tot'l Krigijfc, Lion liniml, # ^1? Keith's and White .s Mammoth, I 'tiiu . Retl, .\Wke, ^ '^ and Tiinotliy .Scetl. Also Ontario f^rown A^fiilfa. ^ w Drop in and soo our ::'ood.-<. * V ^ Orchard (Jra-S.-^. Flax Seed. Kajic. Himirarian. w ;Mill.r. Mangle. Beet. Turnip. Carroty ami a full ^ line (tt Garden .Seeds. A t'nll line of Flour. Bran. Short.-;. Corn Chnp. Bailev Oliop, Feed Flour. Lin.see<l Meal. Oil Cake, MoIasse.-< Meal. Grain and Stock Food. I W. B U S K I N t i RUBBERS! RUBBERS! Tho^e in need of llid.ilieris, either lii^h Lace Leather Top.s or Low Laee Tops or Kul)hers with- out Tops or if you ::,.'' J ". liave old Leatlior ' \ Top.s bring them ill and get new bottom.-; on tiiiMii. Mr. D. S. .McKinnon, accompanied by his aunt, Miss N"llie Taylor, came home frou> the West last week. It is about six yeirs since Mr. McUMoii nnit WVst and he IS well pleased with Unit part of the country. lie will spend a couple of weeks wilh bis parents, Mr. and Mr?. Neil McKinnon, befoie retuiii- ing to Uegiua. We regret to report thil» Mrs. Win. Elliott hid t je misfortune to f:«ll and break her .inn last Fr'd,iy. This aeo • dent is particul ir<y sad as .Mu Eli<oi hi s been ill for seveial months au I is still confined to his bod. .VII hopt- to see li:>th Mr. and Mrs Elliot aide to te out soon. â- â- 0 Mrs. W. Haninill who has lie«n ill, is improving nicely under the skdiful treat- ment of Dr. Uossell. Mrs. p. Brown oTCqUingwuod is visit ing at ftockside, the guest of Mr?'. D. Tompkins. ftlr. Duncan Bn;e of Collhigwood spent V.ioo4 Friday uudot the (wrout-U roof. Miss L. Service and Miss I /cc^il i f lown are linme for ihe F.aiter holid 'ys- Mr. and Mrs. J. Stewart •â- â- |x)ni Sun- day with frienOs h -re. i )|r. anl Mrs. Gibson of the Valloy I oftllcd «n friends h3re on S.itur3»y. i , . , , », ,.,, , ,, „ . glass winJowi wore sniawed. There are Mr. CIvar.ts Miller is •lentitk! the l.c. ^-. . . • . j' I, ... . ^ , â-  ,: ^ '"" I t»o fk' ont entrances lo tU st«te, and I lK>liaay4 wih fr.ends in Iria. ; \,^ m^ i, „ . , t _ .i .i. j ». I ' â-  baa the .i^tjc tiken the i>tOer door he Mi« Ridi'e'l spent a f«w days neently [ would have landed i-i t! e millinery de- WlIElIFf WHY AT Thos. Clayton^s FLESHERTON Tw'i me 1 ill .Avion, says the .Ai'.\an.:i', j ;(^ wci-e hitchiui a colt lo a bii«;<^y. Whcu | lA* r«ady to jio the colt tuihed and dashed | ^L out into the .street. landed .'ii Mis< 11. j ^^ O'Sullivan's vetaini.ih. ri|ipiii;x twa xermi- j ^^ dah ['osn oil .ind ilieiislaiie'i down to«n. \ . The lunn who had been in the V'Uj;'j;y was { ' thrown oat, and the horv.- lUslicd »trtt;;ht ' i into the door iif Weuiic- Itna.' store.! I The bu^;y wis left hanging on an ir.n 1 tie poat iu fmn', au' the her*-; laodclat 1 the far e.iJ I f he ht^'-e in the egn de- partmeat. Ibe dot^r .and two plate NEW SUITINGS .New Siiitinos just to hand â€" si^nie of the weaves to he fouml any- where. Leave your order now for that new suit. You will never regret it. Satisfaction guaranteed. Dont forget that we (U> eh^tning, pressing and repairing. Our prices are right and onr worknwnship is the very l)est. S. J. BOWLER Sole Agent for the Hobberiin Tailoring. with M.48 Loa 'Jned. partmen', an I iher.- »>»>.- ^'\M, ym.'\M.- -«.-sa.- *.• -A- -A.- sa<- sa. â-  a. 'a -j^ ^ •^- sij' i>. - * • -..â- <â-  ^ t

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