â- *^»W*J» W -Si^* ^* my-mt^M •♦'*â- -- â- â- '*^; 1^ " TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" " PEINCIPLEb NOT MEN, a ' 701 3i No, 4-2 Flesticrton, Ont., Tliursday, Aprils tQlo W. H THDBSTON ^"p«< and PUO Ceylon Clippings J. Chislett has leturued from a three- weeks' visit with Glerelg friends, Mrs. Bolton moved the p.ist week into the residence Utely purchased from E. Purdy. Mri. Cuinmios and Miss Kate ftlc- D.inald life Wednesday t) sltend the funeral of their aunt a' Arthur. Charles Stuart, teacher at Embro, called on hit brother hi-.t- Thursday l:ist. Mrs.- FAlia, Kimbeil-y, «l8o vi^iit^d her brother, O. Stuart. J. W. Cu>«hnie, Toroi.to, is a visitor at R. Cook's. Miss Willa McLeod of Toronto spent K»ster under the parental roof. Mr. Grirtin, teacher here, i» i^ixindinj vacation with hi« mother in Toronto. James McMuUen is visiting with his sons in Toronto, and Ficd McMuUen, Torontc, visited with his mother here. Mils Sarah Hazard, Owen Sound, •pent h^ister with her mother on Stone'* Line. Mrs. Hazud accompanied her daughter back to Owen Sound for a few days' visit. » Ella Whittaker has returned fiom Durham . Miss H. Coleiii-tn, Owen Sound, si«.nt Easter with her friend, Misd Ness CoUinson. Mrs. Biiloy, Toronto, spent over Sun- day at S . Hand's. Lena Leg«le, teacher at, Irish L»ko echool, visited with her mother here. Helen Gibson, Toronto, nirived Fri- d*y and will a«i8t in waiting on her mother, who has been ill. Mr. Parks and Mvgs Uenison of To- >outo are Ruests of Mr. and Mrs. Itoy Piper. Roy Fletcher and Wells WbitUiker of Kingston univeiuity hsve enlisted to go to the fi ont, and -pent the E«»ter h.li- days with their respective p»reut.s. They returned Tuesday to Toronto- Kobert Tucker, a former resident of this place, now of Kingston university, has also en- listed and spent Easter with his luotlier at Paisley. Mrs. Torrey of Liuriston is waitinj,' on her mother. Mrs. Piper, who had her leg broken [ particulars elsewhere Ed. ) Mrs. J. McMilUu returned >Niturd»y to resuuio her studies at Guolph. The service in the hall on Salil>»th afternoon was well attended. The pas- tor, Rev. Mr. Kerr, gave a very instruc- tive Easter sermon. The hall was very prettily decorated by friends fnr the occasion with daffodils, carnationf. ferus and other plants. Miss Emma Whittakvr rendered a very sweet solo. Mrs. D. Hineks, R.R. 1, is slowly recovering fron> a severe ilhies.« from poeiui.onia. We are also pl«;ised to report Mr. Hincks about again after an att K-k of pleur'isy. Riverdale The glorious spiini; t'"'" '^ ''*'•' »«"'" and Kencvklly speaking It is »s welcome a« the Howeis in May. Mr. F. C-jtlins{ and sister. Miss Mil- dred, spent Eas-or wiih friends in Tor- onto. Our Public school teacher. Miss Mc- Gill is holi.laying at her |>arcntal home, Krin. .ludgiui; from reports the maple .syuip making industry this season to date h;\s bten rather poor. W ode house Doings still liugei-3 ill the lap of Gravel Road, Osprey t Winter i? hani{iiis on well this year. The people of the gravel road will bo much please^l to see the smilini* f^ce of Miss Wright back aasin after Easter. Mi-s. D. Henry of Toronto is spending the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. .\lcx. Morrison ; also Miw* IJakev is 8peudin>; the holidays with the Misses Morrisons. Wo understand Mr. Herb Neil has been improving his house, getting ready for his lady friends return inaslKH-t time. No camping ont this summer, Herb. Th«>re wiis a slight mistake in tho cion story last week, as the prices stated were rallier large. Thoy took the markut price and wiid iiothin.?. best policy after all . Mr. S. Ciayteu of Bad^jero called on Mr. J. Radley one day iftst week. Statins is about over for this spring, l»ut SonibeiveVi pond is very good yet. Spring winter. The Easter service at New Eng- land on Sunday afternoon wad quite a disappointmeut. Ed Fawct-tt of Heatli.jote, who was to take the service failed to get here and after a short prajcr and song service, the meeting was brought to a close. The sick are but slowly rocover- ing. .Vis. Best, who has been very ill tlie past month is no better and slight iiope is entertained for her recovery. Stanley Wiley of Toronto Velinary College is holidaying with his parents here. Mrs. Edgar Donnelly left Monday for CoUingwood to spend some time with her sister, Miss .\nuie Gilray, who underwent a serions operation in the hospital there on Saturday. Mr. and ilrs. Jos. Cherry were in Clarksbnrg ou Sunday, the lattei's brothel in law, Mr. Clarke, having suffered two paralaytic strokes, witli little hope ot his recovery. Mr, and Mrs. W. Lyoas and Miss Vera Lanktree of Markdale visited friends here over Sunday. Will Lawson was in Toronto a few Jays the past week. .Mesdames. J. B. Hntchin;;ou and J. M. Davis visited the latter's daughter, Mrs. Luiidy .'ohuson, at Vaudileur, on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred CuUis atteuded the funeral of the latters aunt, near Toronto, the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Smith and family have moved to the Illli line, where Mr. Smith has engaged with Thos. narv!>y. Will Brown had a aucce ssfnl wood bee ou Monday . Otto Foy and Miss Lily Abeiciom- bie. of Rocklyii, visited the latter's brother, Bal, on Sunday. Ml. and Mrs. .loe Ward, Kimber- ley. were callers in our burg the past week. School is closed for Easter vaca- tion, .Miss Wiley holidaying at her home at Kiverdale. Miss Flla McArthiir. teacher at Cherry Grove, is holidaying with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L). Mc- Arthur. Wn>. Abercrombie and daughter oi Thornbnry are with the former's parents, Mr. and .\Iis. .J. Abercrom bie, uursmg them over their siege of la grippe . Much sympathy is extended to Mrs. Robt. Drown in the death of her father, Mr. Ileury Wyvillc, town line A. A- E. Deceased was in his â- ">7th year. He had la grippe trom which he took congestion of the lungs, which developed into pletuo pneumouia. Hope was still held out for his recovery but fie passed away very suddenly early Wednesday niotn- lug. A large number front here attcuiled the funeral which took place on Friday afternoon to Ebeueier cemetery. Rev. Dudgeon of Flesher- ton preached a comforting Keiinou to the many friends assembled iu the church, where the remains were taken before burial. He was assisted by Rev. riialon, of Markdale. wlm also assisted in the service at the grave, Mr. Wyvillc will indeed be long miss cd in tlio neighborhood, where he was beloved by all, being of a kindly lUs position and hospitable in his home, where his loss is keenly felt by his bereaved wife and family. The sym patliy of the coimnuuity is extended to thi-m, especially the mother and daughter, Laura, the lormcr having her arm broken a short time ago and has not yet recovered from la grippe, while Laura, who had an attack of appendicitis, is in a very delicate state of health. Kimberley Budget Very muddy roads at present. Henry Lawrjnce of Trout Creek spent the past week with friends in this vicin- ity and was the ?ueat of his mother, Mrs <i .'0. Lawrence of "Silver Brook" farm. Rev. Fish, a Methodist clerayman ( f Owen Sound will jive a lecture in the Methodist church on Thursday evening, April 15, at H o'clock on "Rone in its connection with mixed marriages" and "uilingnalism.'' Everybody welcome. Admi.ssion free. Mr. .\llen Watkins who has keen vis- ing friends in our burg for some aionths returned to his home in the Wtsi <m) Monday lisr. Allen was a genial chap and made many warm friends while here. Here's that his shadow may never grow- less. The pastor. Rev. Mar;<hall, occupied th>^ pulpit in the Methodiiit church on Sundiiy eveuing last and preached a poweiful discourse on EasWr. .J. E. Htmmoucl, commercial s^ieciulist of the Healord High School is spei.ding the Esster holidays at his parental home. J»». Fawcett is slowly recovering from a severe attack of la gripi^e. Harvey t'orntiell brought to our burg ou Friday last a King Edict colt th^t was easily the best one we have .seen for a long time. Harvey has takencareof the Coll all winter and its appearance indi- cates that he is no amateur as a horse conditioner. Harvey is truly ae'chip otf the old block." as there are not many men will " put it over " tieorge in handling the ribbons. Misses Marjory and .\nnie Hyslip of Eukreiiia are visiting at present with their aunt. Mis. .James Walker. Chai lej .Stuart of the Embro public scbiMjl staff, is spending the Easter holi- days at the parental home. Mis.ses Nellie and Enna Burritt. also Elsie Ferri", who are attending Meafonl high school, are holidaying at their re vpective homes. Ernest Proctor has purchased the prop- erty of John Mauee in the south end of the vilUge. Mi.~s Mae Uutchins4)n, teacher of the junior deparlineiit of our public school, and Miss Katie Walters, arc vusitiug ai present with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stu- art of Thurnbury. East Mountain Some of the people iu this part are busy makiug maple syrup. Thompson Allen had a very ^tiocess ful wood bee ou Friday. In the even ing he gave a party to his friends and ueighbors- Ghas. Martin, aooompanicd by J. MacKenzit ivom Duncan, attended .Miss Beecrofi's sale at Eugouia on Thursday. The Misses S. auJ M. Smart and , A. Allen are home from Flesherlon Honesty is the i ujgj, q^^^^^^ fy^. t,,^ g.^t^^ jj^,i_ ' days. Feversham Items Ira Perigo, who has been in tjwen Sound with the second cooungent train- ing for several weeks, spent the week end with relatives. Will Perigo of Toronto spent a fi;w days with friends here last week. Mrs. A. Stewart and Miss Ret* Bus- kin of Ficsherton spent Sunlay with friends here. Mies Mae Whiteoak of Toron'o spent the holiiUys with her parents in tliis village. ~ Will Widciuan aiid family hjve m-ived from the vilUge to Mr. H-inter's farm on the Xth line. .John Spoer of Clarksburg Kp.."ul a few d.*ys with his sisters here. ( )ji teachers have gone to their homes for tho Kaster holidays. We welcome Mr. and Mrs. (â- eomo Pallister to oiir village. Mr. Ivnibbs h.»s sold his property l>< Robt. Mcliitr, and has moved onto his farm near Rob Roy. Diedâ€" At tho residence of her son. in- law, Mr. tico. Saycrs, on Friday, .\pril 2inl, ^Irj. Wm. Daud, sr. , at the great age of 'Ji years and 7 months. Mis. Dand »-^s lUie of Osprey s early settlers. Her husband died some years iigo. A large gathering of friends and iieighb(U8 attended the funer^il in Fevwslia.ii i u Sunday. Victoria Corners Mr:', tleorge Ludlow was called home to Clinton on Saturday to see her mother who is very ill. Miss Violet Steven* visited over the week end at Hanover with Miss Nier- gar-h. School is closed fur th'S ««ek, Mr. H. H. Oallaghor visited his sister at AlUston wbo is suffering from a fall. Mrs. U. H. Gallagher ran a i>a>l Miss Jennie Moon i» LoliJayiug through tl>c palm of her brud one dsy at licr borne in E«dy iiiss LmIU Qorley has gone to Markdale to learn the millinery. last week. Hiss Uargrave ot War^ham visited Miss Ella BB^t at L'wter. Eugenia Paragraphs Ea.stcr has [Kuwed |\vitli b-.aiitiful weather. Rev. MeVicar treated the people to a line dinuourse iud the music by the choir wa.s .ippiopiiate for the 'â- eca-^iou. .\ grodly number was present. Millie McMullen. C;u-d Graham ar.d .Mrs. L Litimer silent Eitster in Toronto Mr>. Fmiik Tli">mi>.son and .John Uonni.s.m are Imlh on tlie sick list but arc imprciving. Mis. McMuUen spent the jKist \wvk with her daughter. Mrs. Hammond I'f Priceville Uonalda .-uid Ft-ru Stuart »( Kimber- ley arc visiting friends hei-e at present . Miss Shaw iif Toroiiti" is the guest ••{ Jlr. and Mrs. Ueorgv Williams. Miss CoiK-y, who is gone to ('eyhm. is much luiMied by the y'-uiig people, with whom she w.-is a geuer^l favorite. Mr and Mrs. Fm-ster entertained their friends to a piuly on Wood Frithiy eveuing. All ioihuI an enjoyable time. Mis. Woodbuni h;k4> gone to visit her friend. Mrs. Thmiii*uin of Fleshertoii, and attend the wedding ^if her lUnuhter. Mr. ami Mrs fJeoige ('.-urns uf Flesh- ertoii spent the week end «ith Mr II. t 'aims. Kol>vrt WilliauiH. who went to Hnuiil toll to undergo an oii«r;ition for goitre. is being siicces».fully tii'ateil. .iiid his many friends will be pleased to see him home again. Miss A. ^Villi.'iiiis is visi'ing fricLds in Dundalk. .Vnnauias and Sapphii-a must have Iveii resurreciril fp'iii the dead and are just ;iH hu.-y as they were I'.KXI years ago. Mi-s. Gi-anger t^irahaui of Toronto an<i daughter, Kleanor. are vi.siting her mother. Mrs. W.Armstrong. We have vi-rv Uid roiuls al pi-esent.yet our faithful mail carrier never fails to bring Us the news every day. Priceville Jottings The weather is si ill cimiI: signs of a chau.{H soon ; big bli/.zard >>uuday after- noon. The roads are still bad. some driving to church on Sunday with cutters, but the going was \ml. The sick are getting a little belter, but some are poorly yet. David Hiucks' whole family were laid up for the last couple of weeks, but are getting better again, but Mrs. Hicks still keeps uoor'y from the eflfects of pneumonia. -She is considered out of dinger now. .^rch. McCusig of Top Clitt'sttendttd a meeting of the 'Jrey A Druce losuranee Co., held at Hanover -in Saturday of last ^ week. Norman McDuugall's sale on Tues<lav, the 'iofd March, went well under tlie hammer of .\ucti.ineer McPhail. Born â€" To Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Mc Lean, townline, .\rtemesia, a week ago, a .son . A h.appy event took place al the home of Mrs. Charles Mi.Di>naId, south line, iilenelg, on the evening of ihe 24th il Wirch, 1915, when her youngest dnuiih- ter. Miss Christena, was united in the holy bunds i>f iin'rimony lo Mr. .Jhio.'s Brown, jr., son i f Mr. .Junes Brown, sr., of Mc Williams. The cereiiiouy was p^o- formed hy the bride's pastor. Re*. J. .\. Jlaihesoii, XI. A.. B. A., at six o'clock in the evening. The bride was given iiway l.y her brother, .\vcliibald, wlole .Mrs. /ufeldt, sister of the groi ni phiycJ the wedding inarch. Tho bride, who w,»8 uiiatleiideJ, was veiy tastefully dressed for the happy occasion. .\fter c )ii'.jrBlu!atiuns, the guests who wtro near relatives of both parties, s,it d. « ii to a suinp'uous lable prepared for the occss'o:). After all «ere saiisticd, itho evening was spent in music, coiisisti:is: ofvi'diii selections by Messrs. Archibald and Ch»rles McDonald, accoinjjanied ou the orgin by tlie hiide. Sirs. /.ufeMt gave some hne insimnu'n'.'«l and vocal selections, whlc .\rch. BIcDonalJ give some bag pipe se'.ection.s. The parties all left for iho'r dilTorent hoo,es before the big hour of 12, wishing the jnuug coaple long life and prosperity in their voyage. The pretienfs to the happy couple aero both costly antl uumcruus. They are now happily domiciled iu their cosy hooie at McWiUiaui*, OleneL; town- ship. â€"Cbrooiele. Percy Scott was sentenced to c'eath tot the iBurvltr of F. Lewis in Vau Home toVDStiip, neu' DryJeo, in JaDoary. OR. BURT 5peciallst in dis. ascs of Ihe Eye, Ear,Nose and Throat (.)FFICE-I.;ii loth St, Wtst.'Jwen Soucd At the R.!vere h.vuse. 5Iarkd:ile, 2ud Thursday each month from S to a 12;i. m ; Dund-ilk,Lst Wednesday of each month . Jewelry Fleshcrton Planing i And Chopping Mills I am now prepared to do chopping ' every day iu the week except Suudays \ and every week iu the year. Bring along â- your grists. Our sash and iloor factory is alw.iys at ' cur disposal for anyiJting you want in our line â€" planing, luatcbing, etc. Floor ing, s.-uh and doors, and all house fur- nishings supplied promptly and at reas- onable rates, (Jet estimates. Blakely and Henry Proprietors Febl.-) l.i ly A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se- lection. We car- ry Photo Supplies. W. A' Armstrong, Jeweler FLESHERTON, - ONT cW. *!«. 01*. •>!', -i"- -o/, .s'<. c". •!<(. .M«. ..»'', ..Mi. ,}i<. oi'.. ..o?. -''t- â- >"â- • «."«. .M!. Jifc ^!t^!«;:^'4^!fe^feJSt• t We Can t Be Beat For f Quality, Price and Choice lliMinie.s' XXX Clovers. .Steel Brigi;."*. Lion Braml. Keith's and White's Mauimuth. Com. Red, Alsike, and Timothy .Seed. AUtrOiitanu p'owu Alf;ilfa. Drop in ami .-ee our good.^. Orchanl (Jras.^. Flax Seed, IJape. Hun.trariati. Millet. Mangle, Beet, Turnip, Carrotyand a full • • line i)t Garden Seeds, A full line of Flour, Bran, Shorts. Corn Chop, Barley Chop, Feed Flour. Lin.-^eed Meal. Oil Cake, ., . Molasses Meal. Grain and Stock Food. W. BUSKIN â- w '/iP .Me. ^%- '/«?'/iF^i? '/iP'/iFW w'/if '/K' '^^^.v^Tw^;? TiS^ifr^ «fw^W^R?T»*« i RUBBERS! RUBBERS! Tliose in need of liubl»ers«, either Hii^h Lace Leather Tops or Low Laee Tops or liublieis w ith- out Tops or if you have old Leather Tops bring them in and get new bottoms on them. W![EKK? WHY AT Thos. Clayton's § FLESHERTON NEW SUITINGS New Suiting.s just to hand â€" some of the nobbiest weaves to be found any- where. Leave your order now for that new- suit. You will never regret it. Satisfaction ijuamnteed. Don't forget that we do cleaning, pressing anil repairing. Our prices are right ami our workmausliip is the very l^est. S. J. BOWLER Sole Agent for the Hobberlin Tailoring.