/tehertxrn %\fmnu "TBUTH BEFORE FAVOH." â€" •• PEI^riPLEb NOT MEN. * â- , ?0I 3t No. 41 Flestierton, Ont., Tliursdav, March 25 l91o W. fi THUaSTON ^^^Z uiU PbO \ ^ Kimberley Budget Every indiciidon of spring. Blue birds, rutins, crows ar« al back with us 8^»iu. James Wright of C arlsbuta »»3 a calWr in our burg on Munday'Iast. Ajieep 5!o<jm waa os*t jvei our com- 111 ani'y on Thursday l.L-t vi!.ea it vr»s iVitrned th.'it Millie Oiltua had pusid Kway froji an acute iittiick of appeudi- i;:tLs. Deceaseii was in lnr 11th yeir and Wiis beloved by t'l w".io knew her. The reuuiius were inteiicl in the new En:>Und cemetery oo.Suuiday last.whirit * Urge cuucour^>« of fiiinds paid their I fit tribute. The next miieting of the Women's lu- F'ltute will be htdd in the town hall on \Veduesd4y afternoiKi. March 23, at 2.3). A full attendance is re«iuested. Alex. McKeown of Uc-ithcote was in tuwn on Muodiy last. Diedâ€" Cornfield- Ou Friday, March l\f, Mabel CornSeld, in her loth yciir. The reiuiius were interrtd in the New England ceaieti^ry on Sunday last. •Joe Uassui is visit. ug T"ronlo friends ihij week. Fred noul>;r.ive'« sal." ou Friday af- teiniK)u laiit was well attended. Walkerton While Mr. Arthur I'engelly, c.ire'aktr of rlic Methodist Church, was felling tone trees at the MctbodTst Par^uO'tie here, one of the trees in l.dhug caiue iu contact with the electric li<ht wires, s.iappiui; them otf .ind causing t short circuit uD the line, which rciulled lu tbe buruinK out of one of the Ur^e trans- formers. .\i Mr. I'engelly had Ift-en previoucily warned of the din^jer of such a mishap the Methodi.st Church will lik- ely h.kve t'> deftly the coit of ihe damage done, which it is expected, will amount tn about three hundred dollars. Thjra l»ciui about 9iM) still out- standing of U'U jrear's taxes in Walker- ton, Collector Crawford is now reeortin.: iu some iustauces (o the on.liiiaDce >f (•uttiug the bailit]' ou the heeU ot certain of the delin<|uents, wiih the :esutt (h.tt the bAiliU's fees are l>eini; added to their bill,aud the seixuiv of their };'iods threat- ened if ihey don't come act<>s8 with the coin. Ttie lUuks are clurgiug heavy in- terest to the town i<>i inouey loaned tbe municipality, and lUe Collector is bain^ urijed to take dnujtic mM.Mires to collect t'le back lates aud save fuither uunrcess- ary burrowing. Re*. ThoB. WiLsoo euteied on Tuesday last on hi* 13th year as pastor of (he PrMbyterian Church here. During Mr. Wilsitu'8 paaiora'e the congre-^atiou has gown from 4M to tii>0, a 'uinse has l>een purotvaiMd by the coi>gregati<iii,ib« church leuovaied and a new hearinj; •ysteni iu- •talled, while the i^ifts tof.irei^n ini-uioi.s hav* invretsed troui $oQ0 to 9^.'.V>. Thit is a rec ird that any elervym.'tn might feel proud ut, and >4uiks jfrogres.* of lh^> -uiuai pruuouuced cltiuracter.â€" Herald. Irish Concert a Success The Ladies' Aid uf the Met<iodis( Chuich are well ki;v>wn for ihe:r excrl- lint eiuertaiiiiiieuts, and they excelled tlienuelvtD no Wednesday evening; of last week, when thoy gave their annual Irish Sui>per in the church here. The sujipir was irvily ui>h, setvoil by the kdie-s (li'osed in their white and groeu gowns. After the suiipet a progiau was uivoii in the auditorium of the Chuioh. Kev. Mr. Waugli of Dui.dalk oK*l .iib.y ^cttfd as tliainn&n »itd during the evening v'^^u a stiort addiesf, which was very much a{>pre.iated, on the all- important to|iic of (he Inur '"The W ii." (Hhn nuiiil>vt8 un llie program were reajiujjs by Mrs. W. \V. Tiinible, Miss Kmily .\chesoii and Master Frank liuui, aoloa t>y Miss Millie Ui&uio atnl Mr. I). Fairey, aud *a cborua by tweu'y-hviuneiuliers of the Ladies' .\i 1, who sjitis ihe K-iittini; 5o»^, some uf the ladiea being alnioat too busy knilt- ti*t( tl"Kf <^*<^''* ^v "ixii- The iHusiug numbtv wiu entitled "Hiitaiu and Her Alli««, " when te«»!i youQ-; ladies weie dreAi«d to re,>r«s««t the ditfeieut c«un- triea â- 'f the Allies, and ivich saug the Kat-ioual Aiitheui of tbe rountiy 4i« iepresente<l. Those taking part were Mia<*m .\delaid : Gaudiu, Kdna Patina, I'vne Wiltiin, Sla^e) HenUrtoD, Muriel ilrndeisvu, K'nuit Wliitlaker and Pearl it«Hle««<u. The in«iliuj cUvsed with ihe Nat oual Ai.th»in. The proceeds am uutt(d i« *bout •W.Oli Ceylon Clippings Mrs. J. Kennedy was in JLukdale 00 business Sit rrc'ay. Mts. Bennett ani t«<> children spent Sunday wich MarkdMe friend-i. Misses Uaiy and Georgina McLsuch- Un spent Sujdsy w'.th their ffieud, Mrs. Bates of i'roti>u. Mr. G. CoUiuson WiiS in Durham for a tea days during the past week. Mrs. White left Saturday f<.ir Toronto to see tiec httle son who has been in the sick childrens" hospita'. •R. Cook was in Yovell last week. Wearesiiryto report Mis. E. Sar- gent very ilL Mi:is Edna HcL oJ is clerking in Geo. Sncll s store. Mrs. D. Whittaker spent tbe pa.'il week iu Durham wiiting on her sun-io- law, Mr. Fred Sproat, who while work- ing in the bush was knocked duau by a tree and piuued under, breaking his leg io two places lelow the knee. The le-.: IS aUo badly bruised . Mrs. .V. Kutlelge received x telegram e u:ly Mi'dd^iy uioming stating that her son. Fortes, who has leen very ill for several weeks in the hospital at Leth- bridge had (Ntsaed away. The corpse is expected to arrive heie 011 Fridsy even • ill,'. Much sym^^hy is expressed for Mis. Rulledge aud family in ther hour of trouble. Nearly Bled to Death For souku time (Kis: -about two luua. - MLss .\r:idtiie Connel, daughter uf .Mr. J. M. Cuunel, Sixth avenue east, h,ia been a sufferer fro.u aevero b'eefling .at the nose, and her coiidiii->n I ccame so ser:oui as to caui^e c->usideable anxiety to her pareuts, and alarm to her medical advi-sets. The condition uf her blood was such that ic would rush fiviii her n'jse and eyes, and in fact, as oue '.'hysi- cian expretsed it, she was bled al-U'iat white. .\ charge from the u^ual order of tveatiuent was decidevl upon in order to save, if p> »«ible, the yonnj; l.idy's life. The plan hit up<.>n was t > take a iiuantity of blood from touie (>erson aud iuject it in <he vicliin's side. Her father ofl'eied to furnish the blood, aud accordingly a 'luautily of lUt.s.1 wvs taken from his arm and injeclea uiwU tbe tiilferer s side. .\buul an hour after the injection of the new bWd, whi':li look place on Monday tha bleeding ceased, aud the patient is now doiug as well as can be expected. Advertiser. Eugenia Paragraphs Mr. and Mrs! Robt. Purvw g»re a grand bouse warmnz to thsir frieud-s on Fridiiy eve-img. A happy ti.ue was en- joyed by all. Tlie neigKbots ou the 8ch line aui pris- ed Mr. James Carson aud fami y >,a Friday evening. The laiaily will be greatly missed as tfccy were good neish- bors and always ready and willing to a»»i»t in any good work. The Lest aisb- e« of the community fjUow them to their new home. Mr. aud Mrs. John Williams of Paris had their two children baptised by the Rev. Mr. McVicar at the preparatory service on Wednesday evening .lean Leone and Hilda Margaret. Mr. and 5Irs. Williams have returned to their home after spending the winter with John's parents, 5Ir. and Mns. Henry WiUi.iini. County Clerk Dead <>w»u isMiuil, March IT- -This even- ing death lomovrd t ue of tbe oldest and tiiust wivlely known resideuls of t>«en Sound, Mr. .iohii Uuthert'oni, who hatt been in failing health for the past two years, and whose coud.f.on siuco last Satuiday had caused concern tn bis fam- ily. .Iiihn Ivuthctfonl was in his 70th yea'. He was b>.>ru in T iroiito and came to t>wrn Sound in IS.'!! at the age if Kt years. For a i.unihir i>f ye.irs he was joint pn)pri«> or of the (.>weH Sound Tiiiiis, his (Nkitiisr being Mr. l>avid Cieightoii uf Totont". Fioiu the first he took a lively iiitetes* in municipal alf.iirs, :uid for many years .ser\ ed the towu III viMous capacities. He was Mayur of iVou Sound, and whle hdd- ini; that (Hrsitiou iniiiat.-d many progres- s vo steps. Lal.-r ho wai appointed County C'.eik, which p<.>sitiun ho has held fi.r many }C' rs. Ue wa« a!s > .-.ecretary- tt'casutei of th-) i>weii S<'uud Board of KiucHli'U. I'litil afj» years ago ho took au active part iu poliiics, lieiug a St luiich Coiiservative. Ho was presi'leut for s.-veral years of tho No ill t> ey Libeial-Coiigorvative .\ssociatioii. a id 011 one occasion de- clined ihe noiuinaiii>n for this riding for tha House of Ci>mnioi>s. In religion Mr. Rutherford was a motnber of the Fir>t Mrti.vMlist chuioh, and was a nien:- bcr of thu oliicial beKtrd. Ho wms a i ong the foieiu' st iu all moveiiients to \ard a realii-vlioti of blue ribbon idcal.s. In fra- te>rnal cucles he was well known, being a past ui^kster of St Cie^irgv'* Lodge, .\. F. and .A . M , a past Z in Oeorgian Chapter K'.>yal .Arch Ma.sons> ; a charter uieuiber of the -\. O.r.W , of which he waa also (Ntst d strict deputy of this drstrict. He IS autvived by Mrs. Rutbeiford auJ six sons and one daughter, a.s f»lt- uas : Peter Ruthoiford, Torout > : Wui. J,, Wcs' Torontii ; faroeis H., .\ttbur U. l>i. .A..B . Fie.1, *nd Mias A t! , all of Cweii 8<^uiid. Britain's Herculean Task The ' )liioial Eye Witness with the British army has issued a w^ruing against the suggestions that the C:ermHn.s are a beaten nation. He says that they ;ire still well organized, have abundant re- sources, are fed up with illusioos, aud a-e stdl confident of ultima'e success. No inti nation was needed of the maani- t'lde of the ta^k that is bcf.>rj the Allies, but. if 'here were, this ^urely supplies it. In addition there is also vit id indication that the area of the war will spread in the uear future, aud thvt countries now exfieriencinj; unrest iu their attitude of neutrality wili break iu one side or the other. This, of course, mcaus turthei withdrawals from agricultural vid indus- trial activity. It also indicates greater shorta;:e in Europe of all kiud9 of r<x>i stulfs. ^rain, regetabl-s and live stock, and ol horses Ths depletion aid have to be made up from countries that .tie enjoying tbe blessings ot peace, thie <>f these is Cinada. It is our bouudeo duty to see that Britain shall uot. as t'-ar as preventable, suH'vr ftoin j 'ack of food stutfi or of such other useful niatetial as this country can produce. In other wotds, boih men ai.d wouicn are called up<iii to put forth their la'.st ett' ott> so that wlicii the time arrives any deficiency can readily be M»et. Tlie at- complishmeut <>f this does nut uecessarily imply extra labor, b-Jt it dues iiaiticulai- ly suggest more care in pteparatiou '>f the se>il atid iu the selection of seed, ami in the at'.euliou to tbe breeding and rearing of live stock. Towards this enil the con- ferences promoted in ivnnection w.ththe Patriotism and Pvuducti <n camixtign an.l the 'MiUetins, pamphlet', iec><rds and reports that are l» ixt had jn av plication to the Publications Bra<ich, Depaitmeot of .\gticullix.-e. t-Rtawa, witigrratly help .Viiotbrr uf the i(ra<>d old ur<!) of ^hnx- tey ^'.he third wiibiu a few weeks) in the person of John Mctjuairic. sr. . p»-«sed t4> the groat beyond uu Sunday at the age of f- jetrs. The decascd. who was one of the hardy pioneers, was b>)rn in the Isle of II u I, tk-otlani). and came to t.an- ada IS 1 Isd of H ye«f, le^idioi; lii-*t m il.'vri.H's;!, Victoria Coui.ty, where be iiiaine<l Catherii<e MclKiugall, who now survives him. In coming lu '.his (Kiit of the Ci'Uiity they lived in Ej>;reui«iiir for a f<»w years, then ru Proton uear W-u ly, anil thiity-four years »go tli-y n o ed t • t'le pres.-nt luinastead at SSrigley. .Mr. Mc<^*uarrid whs known amoug h's ueigb b >r» as a man of the h!gb>.>s: iiite;;rity. Tw'i -ei'iis and font eUu^hlers surviv«, nai->ely ; l.aughlan 1 11 the boine'r>li"«d. John iu Owen Sound. Mis. Ge». E- l>ai\'yaiid Mrs. Je>seph Cole. Sliriv>Uy, Mrs. McLeat., Eyebrow, Sask., aud Sarah at home- Tbe fuuerKil was h>-td on Tuesday to Bedjeii's ceuielery.-â€" Herkld. Harold Wooli'er, I he tw. Uo-yearold sun of Mrs, Jaiuea Wootner, Haiiutti^tn street, made a lucky find on Saturday, which was ui toe a lest to his honest^'. The Ud was playing ou HuiKiilario street when he jpitnl a roll of bills tied wiili a |>te€« of tape. Piomi>tiy he banded the money to the chief of police wh'j counted it in tbe pie«enoe of a cridible witness and found $'Ji>r In juirles were made, with the result thtt th^ owner, a lady, bad lost the uk n 'y. N> ediess to st^ «be was greatly relieved aud was so p'eaeed wilh ih'< b(<;'* heiuesly that abe gate hitu ten dollars Ha old was e I'lally pleased and lite :iienio-y of hia KuuetU act ivill d»ubtle>as HlK>--d him warty ptetisaut thougliM iu tJie future. t.'ollini{w ;.xl Bulletu. Boy Murdered Girl Then Slew Hlmseif OrangeviUe, March IS. â€" A sid tragedy occurred about three mdes from here about S o'clock this Doming when James Stevens, a Barnard' < Home Iwy of 1-^ or IB, in the employ of Robert Arm s'rong, murdered Vrolet Arjistrong. 14, the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. .Arm- strong, aud 'ben cut his own thi^ ar as well. Mr. .iimatrong was abtient at a neighboring farm. &(rs. Armstrong was in the barn where young Steveus Wi» doing L-hores Stevens took this oppor ruuiry of rcurning to the house where Vu'Iet, the daughter, was. Siie had not yet risen. The lad citefu.ly removed his boote and outer clothing, ,md taking Mr. .Aruiiliijug's raiior with him. commit- ted the crime in the gill's he'd- room. She struggled hard fcr her life, frvm the appearance of the reiora, and made her way downstairs and out of doors in her uisht dress ;u tar as the pumj', some tif- 'een yards ftooi the back dour, where she fell and died. Stevens evidenUy cut hi» tbiejac at the foiU of the stairs, where theie « >i t iarge pool of ble>od iu which the r.; . i liy. He made his way ups-tairs lo his bedroDii', where his b<s.ly «ss l"Ut.d. Mrs. Armstrong, returning t" the houise. siw the blood, and mainni< Her way up- stairs ill search ot her diiujth'er, fjuud the b.dy of Steven*. She then came di-'Wii ;tgaiu and found her dau:;hter <iuite de.td in the snow. Xo ot;e ei'se was near the home. The only se'u was away at schovd. Coroner Dr. Riyner ui P«lgrave wav notified. l>r. Thomas uf Caledon was sent for, but. uf ct'urse c\.>ulel dj m- thing. No motive lor the crime b.is been dis- covered, as the boy was treated .is their own ch Id, and the Kirl aud he hud al- wiys been ou the beat of i-rni.-.. Stev- eus has been in Canada three yeais. He catue to Mr. .Armstrong lest Easterr. The boy was between l.'* and lO years of age. the girl abuui l-( yeiurs el age. Durham t >u op.-ning ihe teuder U<r tbe High .School, the Board discuvervtl they were shoit of money to erect a building iu aecuidaucc with the plans and s^iecili- cations. They find themselves two or three thousiud collars >bor'. aini in .» 'luitndary as to wh.at c urse '.o pursue. .A citixen w:es gatlieret! iu Saturday uigh» by cotistab e .Arrjwsniith, enter- tained in theoeiop over Sunday, aud to (i|Uiue himself Monday moruiux he appeired l>efor« Polive Magiatrate Tel focd aud was liberated ou payment of a twenty dollar fine aud live dollars ad- ditional to e-over coats. He was cherjted with liviag drwak, to which he pieailed ituilty, and the i|uiuiug of the 'inidounc, revealed the fact ibat.he w«s only one >>t a I'laitette who were testing die vicrnea of a biittle <>f whiskey in one of the town .^licys. The accused wat ijuorani as !o <be onner of the wli.Nkey, and had n<> kneiwlctlge I'f who bitugbt It, or when, where ur how he ^ot it. U wait a first "Ifeuce, and to auve his already nouodcd feelings we withhold his nam". Mr. Fred Sproat had the misfortune Tuesday t«> get his left le,'; I token, and will be lad up fir some time in om^^e- â- pirnce. He ,itid John Shutz were in â- « lni.>.h nt-ar l.iviogstoii's Corners tnd 1 small tree they bael cut down ledited lu â- enoti or. .\itcr lieing rele.ascd, the tree fell OH laith men, s'riking Shuti! on tbe he.aJ an.l ivndrrni; bini u>.es>nscious,aoil piu'iing Sproat to the uiound in such a *ay iha' he was unable to free himself. His cdis f uled lo ajvuse'Mr. Shut/, but tinal y attracted the atteutico »f a passiug boy, and a.ssistance was soon secureel. It was iounil th-t Wv Spi-Kit's leg w»s br 'ken below the kiie>e, and Mr. Shut.', wa.s bruised abe>ut the hi ad. The tatter will Soon be all rivht again, but Mr. Sproat wili not be arntind for s >ine we«sks. Chron:cle. .A ye-un: man named .Vlc.Arthur hail- ing from Slajiier, was anvsleel in town Saturday afternoon by Chief (.'lirke tor totwitiug subscriptioits iu aid of the Rrd Cross Seviety. The young loan entered tome of the local stores atid inula appeals fe>r the *''ociety, but »as not suci-ejsful in raising any iuoii«y for the Reel Cro«s. U« did not get very far when ha was ap- prehended .>y the Chief an 1 l>H.-ked up until Me>nday, when be was let go with a warning He apparently had no: b «n making a pracitce of gulling the puM^c, but waa uyiiig to get tQiiNlgh money 10 (el out uf tuwn a< he was broke. .M«af I'd Exu-es-s, I>R. BURT 5pcciaiiat io dlacaacs st ibe Eye, Ear,Nose and Throat I Ofnce-UO iOtii at. West, Owen Sound At the Revere h'ui.se, M.ui^lue. 2ud Thursday each month from 8 to a lia-m DunJ-ilk.lst Wednesday of i"ach month . Flesherton Planing And Chopping .Mills I am now prepaied t.. do cLiopping every day ill the week except Sundays and every week in the year. Brinix along : your grists. Our sash and d>»jr factory is ilw.-iys ati our disposal tir ;ioythiov yiu want in; imr lineâ€" planing, matching, ere. Floor Jew eiry iiig. sash and doors, and -dl house fur nisbings supplied promptly md at leis- imable rates. Get estimates. Blakely and Henry Proprietors Febl". i:{ ly A Splendid Stock from -w^hich you may readily make A Satisfactory Se- lection. We car- ry Photo Supplies. A Armstrong, 1 Jeweler FLESHERTON. ONT -.!<• ^ We Can t Be Beat For Quality, Price and Choice lecnnies' XXX n.-viMs. Steol l>rier;j:s, Liun Bmiul, Keiths ami Whitt-s Mauinioch, Com. Keil. .\l<ike. HndTiiuotby Seeti. .\l!soX>ntuno >riown AUalth. irop io ami .-;fe our goo.ls. , w. buskin! On.hartl (Iia^-s Flax Jieet^l. Kapt». Htuiiiainan. MiHtt. Mangle. Beet. Tmuip, Carrot ami a htll line i>t Gardeu !jee«l?. A full line «>f Flour. Ijion. Short.<. Corn Chop, llarlev Chop, Fee<l Hour. Liu.sef.l Meal. Oil Cake. Molasses MoiU. Uraiu an<l Stock KotxI. g RUBBERS! RUBBERS! Tho<e in need of Kubl)ers!, ei'.lier Hi^h Lace Leather Tops lu- Low- Lace Tops or KubU'i-s w ith- out To^>«> or if you have oW Leather Tops brinj^thein iu anti ,^; jij^t new V^ttoms t>» them. " WHEKEf WHY A I * / Thos. Clayton^s § FLESHERTON «9 I i NEW SUITINGS I Now Suitings just to hamlâ€" .-Mvnio of the nolil>ie:st \veave.> tt) be tounil any- wheiv. Leave your onler now for that new stiit. You will never regret it. S;uisfHetio^ gutuauleet.1. Dout forget that we ilo eleauiug, pressing autl repairing. Our prices are right and ourworkuiaiisbip is the vtrv l»es^. S. J. BOWLER S<Je Agent for the Hobberlin TailoC^ig. I I 3iP^4'.^^^if^'*T ^!'fc.4!?fc!f5?fc-'k^^^.T^^?fc?fiHRij^