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Flesherton Advance, 25 Feb 1915, p. 1

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/k0l)^rt0n %hmnu* TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" " PRINCIPLES SOT MEN.' ?0l 31 No. •X Fleshierton, Ont., Thursday, Februarv' 25 lOlo W. H THURSTON ^°'7^?< a.Bd FHO The Making Of A Good Canadian The New Speaker Is Banqueted At Durham Durhrm, <Jnr., Feb. 20 â€" HuadreJs of citizens of South IJrey turued out here night to do hi>ni i- to Dr. Diivid ./iimiesuD, M.P.P. and c >i)gratulate him ' n his elevation to the speilcership of the ODt«tio Legislature. A prophet may be without honor io his >i>vu country, but Dr. Janiiesou is Dot uithout honor, high honor, ill Lis houie town. Oowds of cheering jieople, headed by a brass band, escorted the doctor from his residence to the tovn h.tll where many were unable to ;;<«in adnaicttnce. Kulogi.stic .iJdresse;, i>peeche3 and a musical program followet?. Speaker Jamieson thanked M for the many extended to Mr?. Jduiiesoii and binuitilf by tlie citizens of Durham. "\ years aj{o 1 drove into Durham, the bu<(ey containing all I possessed, and I had p;iid for ic am! the horte by giving my note. I was a pretty treen youth; you will all know how ^reen when I tell you the first ihinj; I did, wa^ to trade U'lrses with Mayor llunter, .k ^iroof of verdant lireenects.' The doctQi sikid that on looking around he could easily imagine hioi.sclf in attend- ance at a meeting of the ^><luth Grey Liberal Association and he hoped they were thinking of otfering hiai the uuniina- iuu, making it unanimous. As a Con- ervative standard h^'arer he had many warm political battles with .-.(Xne of those occupying seats beside him, but when he x^iw how contests weie conducted in other ridings, it aatistied him that in .Soutli Grey they fought the cleanest oattles in the province. Warden Calder's congratulations were appreciated. "The iSpeaker," said Mr. Calder, "has tho knac!( of getiins what he was after, his job." "I can sea my Hni.sli," was the comment of Dr. Jauiieson. Mr. «•. M. Dowmao, M.P.P. lor Centre Rruce, the M.iyor «nd Reeves of Durham and Hanover and prominent residents of South <irey congratulated the new Speaker. The Hanover band added to the gaiety >( tho ocfA.sion wliit:h included a splendid musical program. Only two of the present members i-'ccupied seats in the Legislature of Ontario when Dr. Jaiuiesou was tirst electeil, they are Hon. Thomaa Crawfoitl, West Toronto, and C. Andrew Brower. K.ast Elgin. .Vbout a do^eu members now (ittine were sworn in at the same lime, so in point of service the distinction betits the .loctor. Votes for wutuon^ .\s speaker the doctor lu».i no opinion. .\s a me.nber nf tho Legislaluie, he is oppoaeu to .my legislation by v>.hich wealthy men can transfer properly to his wife aiui through Ker cnfrunchi.scmont have two choices. The doctor strongly favors â- .iiie man, one vote Doctor Ja'iii-)st>u was born of ni^^gcd pareat:ige, in the township of Puslinch, near iiuelph. Three otlicr men l)orn in tho same township aio making their liiivne-isioii in Canadian history; Sir llonald M ami, axuian, builder of Oanadi- a'l Northern Uiilway; -1. J. Hill, tanner, linancier and railway king of tho north rtosttrn states; and d. J. B. MaoLoan, i>i.iblJ«hor, foront >. Tho initial capit*! â-  all w;>s somewhat similar, mi^gcil liivilth and b'luiidK'is ambition and il Ins !<iiltioed. .\t the ago of thirteon youn^; .lamieson saccessfiilly wiMte ott' his tirst-cUss e.\- aminalii'ii. He never obtained his p.pcrs, however, on account of bting under age. Student ability did not rank hisjh with his fiis: employer, a general merchant in Mount Forest. Two dollurs ,1 month WIS the iM'ginnor's p«y, and tm six months the future s[)eaker diew this pittance, A ijrund opening soon pre-'onted itself. The Mount Forest K.\aniinor ivaiited a "devil." Jamieson wanted a job ai.d got it as he h»s (jot many of ih« gixd things of life. For live yea-s he swept the ortice, lemleJ the "tjpo lice,'' wrote locals and set type, all thti while lilting liiroeotf for tho battle of lif>;. .\ record lell t) his nimble tmgers of which he is very proud. The young "swift " entered a competition for the best time )!i co'n- pofition by hand "f -'4,0<X) ems of long piimer. His 'ttke" Was rejirin*, a serial story and the typo was all stauJiiig in ;. few minutes over sixteen conaecutire hours. The day before .lamieson left for Victoria College, latll' amalgamated with the L'niversity of Toronto, he was at his case sticking type, and the second day of the holidays found him again stick in hand. lu this fashion he w^irked his way through college, graduating in lb7», with what he Wiis many years later to learn, the highest standing in the class. One year previously to graduation he had practise] at Ctdarville. in Proton Town- ship, Grey Cmnty. • >n gradmting D jctor Jauiieson hung out his shingle in Durham. He was twenty-one. Succe&s early attended him in his profession. Five years later he w;is married to Miss Isabel of Toronto. Four years in municipal ottice in Dur- ham awakened a desire for larger tield. He becime a candidate in 18^ and Dr. Landerkin, then representing South Grey in tfte House jf Commons, got the scare of his political life. His majority over young Jamieson was but ninety- 'cven. Twice more the Doctor U'.- successfully ottered his services, in Dominion poli'ics, the last time in lt><56, when with two Conservatives in the held the Liberal majority was but forty- seven. Three times beaten, there would have been excuse foi him to withdi-aw. Not so the doctor. Prompted by his good angel, said to be his wife, he entered the provincial Held anJ from ISVi he has never known defeu'. In the elections of VS, ••>.', •(>.-., OX, 11 and 14 his majori- ties have risen to well over i he thousand mark. Now at the asje of tifty nine, hatiuL' fought fairly and strenuously for twenty-eigbt years he passes from active politics to the Speakership of the Ontario Lesislature, where he will play no favor- i'.es. In the life of the town and country the doctor h IS always been a prime favorite. (H great naturtl strength he t lok active |iart ill athletics, excelling at the shot put, and rirte shooting. *>nly last Thanksgiving Day he made the highest •core at tho Durham ranges, though he had not pointed a rirtj for years. Uis training in the *v*ueen's Own Rittes in student days stood hiin in good stead. During his three years in that corp*, he was a â- .'onsistent scorer. He rose to the rank of sei-gcant. TIte many-sided character of the uew Speaker is further evidenced by his success as a business man. Ever active iu the iuccrtsts of his home t jwu, he muM amply rewai-ded for his strenuous work in behalf of the Durham Furniture Co., and the National Portland Cement Co. They are employing many hands des|i:le business depression. Ill his .>plenJid home with wife and family, the new Speaker, utler the cheer- ing crowds departed last nighf, settled more comfortably into an easy chair and musing, decided that there are many heights Hill to be won by a man in the prime of life. Feversham Items Leinaikably tine weather for this lime of the yeiir. Mr, 1). .VIcGowm ami Mijs Biicha nail of lUvouiia visited with .Mr. ;iiul Mrs. Fred WeliUick over Suuday. Miss .\uuie C'niy of .Maxwell spout a few days last week with MisS Kota Osbonu'. Miss Ida Usbonu' uf .Maxwell visit td with Mrs. H. Alexaudcr last week. MissFiancie Mexaudei- i:! visiting -Mijs Ida Osbonic at .Maxwell, Mi.« .vlabol Btiokiiigham visited with hcrauiu, .Mis. loliii Luickiii;;- liain roecQtly. Mrs. iieo. Juh:»u spent a low days last week with hor brother Jo»iah Hudson, at tho r.atteaii. J. R. Lush has sold iiis lanu in the suburbs to .\llen McLean of Maxwell, and has puieliased a larru in fciunui- ilaie, about •"> miles from Stayuer, Wm, .Melon has purchased .Mts. Uuckiughams house on Wolliligton St. Kast aud is moving thi? week. .Mi-s. Ihickiugiiam is moving back to her old home. .\ number of our villagers gatiicied at the homo of H. Alexaiulfi on Kimberley Budget Intended for last week The loads are very icy after the recent thaw. We are sorry to report Mrs. \\tn Sloan on the sick list at present. .Mr. Tbos. Clark aud >Ir. .Mo5Iuichy of Nottawasaga visited with the formei's bi-nther, Wm. Clark, of the valley read north, recently. The box social held by Kimberley L. I). L. N'.«. 1340 in the town hall oa Thursday evening List waa a huge success. E.\cellent addresses were delivered by Rev. Mai-shall, Jas. U. Fawcett and Gordon Leslie. The musical part of the program was fumi.shed by Mr. [and Mrs. Elmer Knott of Owen S.-uiid. Miss Knott of Epping aud Hartley iLawrence. Mr. John Welsh of East .Mountain furnished no smalliwtt of Jbe prosram with his excellent phonoai-aph. Mr. J. Lawrence presided iu the absence oc the Worship- ful .Ma.ster, Mr. W. H. Sloan. The pro- ceeds of the evening were in the neigh- borhood of $20. Mr. ;oid Mrs. Wilmer Turner of Eu- genia vi<ited with the tatter's parents, Mr. aud Mrs. . Ja.s. ^Hill, one dty Ia.-t week. * Miss Ella Lawrence is spending a few days with friends in Clarksjiirg. U. Mai-shall of Melancthon is visiting at J^uper Stuart's at present. IJ. R. Fawcett of Toiooto is renewing old sc<|uaintooces iu our baig. Died- At For' law, on Wed., Feb. 10, Mis. Robt. McKee. Mrs. ^McKee was formerly Miss Amy Hill of this place. The remains were interred in Flesheriou public cemetery on Friday la»c. * This week's Items Oil fur a litti« mure souw : Mr. Win. FIix)d of Thornbury tisited recently with his sou, Wuj. MoikI, our enterprising blacksmith. Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Breeu of Ftesher- ton visited during the past week with friends in our burg. We are sorry to report Mr. Wm. Harris on lb« sick list at present. Ueal Estate is on th>^ btH)iu in our burg. Mr. Jasper Stuart has puix'h.-ised a tine lot from Mr. Geo. Frocior, and will erect a tine brick structure on <iame iu the spring. The brick will be the far famed pressed 'brick from the Milton brick yaida. The next me«tiog of the Kimberley Women's Institute will be heli at the home of Mr. and .VIrs. .\. E. Myles, "Springbrook " farm on Thursday after- noon, Feb. "Joth. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Stuait of Flesber- t on, visited friends in our burg recently. l^Uiile a uumbei attended the dan e at Chas. Wieken's on Monday evenins; last, and ail re[M<rt a very enjoyable time. The music for the occasion w is turnished by Mt. Wu). Lewis, the musical wizard of Duncan. Mr. .Mbert Litter's sale on Frilay last was well atttnded, an<l good prices wei\' ieali/.-;d on the ditlcrent coiii- modiies. Gravel Road, Osprey List Week's I 'ems W." are sorry to learn that Miss Jessie Mc.-Vrthur has left this locality lor the west- Mrs. Cameron and -Mrs. Pedlar visited Mrs, Mcliinis Ih's «cek. Miss Klsie Wi'gh!, who has lieeii our teacher <irce the tew year, visited over tho weekend ai her pirentil homo in Flesheiton. .^liss Olive Loujjeeed returned lo this vic:nity nfter t>vo year's absence in the groat west. Mr. A. Schomberger has been cutting Wood in Singh iiiipton. He cut UK) conis for one man aud arrived home this week, accompanied by Mr. H. Taylor. Mr. E. C. Pedlar upsot a load ef wood vshilo enroute to the school and in the exciU'inent lost a valuable shovel. Though we are far rviuoved from the nroa of war, dead soldiers have been soon in ibis vicinity. Rep 'riing from hero is open for ' Thursday eveuiug last aud pieseutc«3 , change of hands is the present reporter i Ira S. Perigo with a purse of money ! has a position el^jewbero ard is obliged to 1 befoio his Jtpavtuie lo Owoii SotuiJi^ leave '_>yIj â- â-  •â- '••.,.. 'J la Eugenia Paragraphs -Mr. aud Xi'is. Henry Rusie'l fixm the west are spending a few mouths with irieuds here. )h'S Meredith and gi-and 'laughter. Florence Boiirne of Torcuto, ai'e the guests of Mrs. A. D. Watts. Mr. and -Mis. Wm. Hill, of -Mark- dale, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Laige, re e.uly. Miss Cainea Williams entertained a number of bet friends on Wednesday eveuing, the anniversary of her birth- day. The mild weather sets us thinking of house cleaning time. No doubt some iu town thought it was going to be done in a hurry when Mr. Cook called one day recently. The regular monthly meeting of llio Women's tnstitnte will be held on Wednesday. Match 3, at the home of Mrs. Henry Williams. .Ml members are reipiested lo be present. M'sses Barbara .\riusliong aud Marjoric Park spent the week end with frieuds at Port Law. Miss Edma Williams has gone to the city on a visit . MissMiuuie Winters of Ma.xwell spent the week oud with .\liss Lizzie Williams. OR. BURT • I Jewelry Eye, Ear,Nose and Throat Office.-130 1 0th it West, Owen Sound At the Revere Markdde, 2di1 Thursday each mouth from S lo a 12a. oi ' DuaJalk.Lst Wednesday jf each month.. Fleshcrton Planing ! And Chopping .Mills A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se- lection. We car- ry Photo Supplies. I am now prepared to do chopping every day iu the week except Sundays and every week in the year. Brina aloi.-,' ^ your grists. m^mm^^^^^^^^"^^ Our s.iah and door factory is always at ^^^^^~^^^^ our disposal for anything you want in our line â€" planing, matcbina, efj. Fl.ior in-.', sash and uo<jn<, and all house fur- WT a 4 „___ a nishijigs supplied promptly and at leas- W. A AlTTlStrOng, onable iMies, IJet esiiniates. ' Blakely and Henry Proprietors Febl."> 1:5 ly Jeweler FLESHERTON, ONT S'4t4i&jJK:^fei.'<; •>''«• -i't- •a>^- •»'<• -V^ â- He.jf^M. j>t jifc .<"«. jf^ â- ^it.^fe. j»<. -tfe. Jife -jk- »♦".. ->"- 4 ^1? W' '. i«- '/if '(i? '/iC '/. ? â- ^,«- •7,? '/i? '/S^ â- :»y^|5'/^'/;? -/,?''/i^ '<i?'^iF'3(? ~nt- '/iF'/if '/a- 'li-i- '/ I Clover Seed Will Be I Dearerâ€" Why? 44. '/a- ^ ^ ^>yUcn he iii^? viiiisfifsi i^^Uio ^tina- j 'lau ExpiHlitionrtry i'irc«. Iva w.H , cue of our bovs wl;i: Sit Uvidmond Rotiliu, Premier of M!\ni« ins kigklj vc tobft, told a deputation of the Political »pectcd, and the best ft-uh^* of his iBiuality Leigus that it wcs not yet liina u'uueious hiouJs go wit^. hi,,,. ,., ,. ,:,tensi>„ of the suffw^e of wom«u. Walkerton Ale.v. Boyd, aged 44 years, aid the youngest male luuiute of the House of Refuge here. w:is found lying uaceu- acioui in the stable there on Saturday morning last near the feet of one of the hoises, with his nose broken. hi» lip split and the blood <iu.>hing freely from a longuaping wu-ind 10 his cheek. At first it was thought he was killed, but on a doctor being summoued, his i.'ijuries, while serious, were found not to be fatal, .Afier re-tut! im' the broken nona aud sewing up the wounds iu bis face, the pby^iciaii succeeded iu restoiiui; the pitient to coiisci lusiie's, vtlitn the vic- tim related how in working near the stall the horse had suddenly kicked him iu the fice, leaving lii'M in the nnceu- seiouscoiiditi'ui in which he w<s found. Wi'h the uien's side ul the House of Hefuge hero full to oveillowing and app- lications (Hjuring in from gents in various l)artsof the country seeking idoiissioii. Itruce hndt' itself unable to accommodale the paup«r males that aie trying to catch a place iu the free food works. In erec- ting the House. Bruce ui.ide the mistake of ti|ually dit iJiii< the «pMce Ix'lween the women and the men. and like in pthet counties, if now tiuds that the in- digent males e.v^'eed the feni.iles to the extent of two lo cue, and that while there is lots ot room still ta more wom- en there is not sutl<cieiil cot space foi the men, who ate already so thickly huddled together that they .ue almost rubbiii'.; uoses with their neighb«)rs. Just how the prublem of further liousini: the male poor will be met is something lint ihe Council iiiiy have I" ded wi; h at its next session. .Mr. Sinn Fisk of Oreenock, fauidiaily known a.s 'T>oc. Fisk, Mxyor of lunis- killen. ' had a uariow e-icape from diatli last week . part iken freely of some cold cidei il JL'r. John L, Fi>k's, on Thursday a'tetuooii. he siaited for home and when en loutj called into Mr. David l^nkerton's for tew, where he seims 10 have eaten moie heartily than wi»ely of some fresh- made sausages. The saus- ages and the cider duin t mingle well, 'or after toavMiig home and A>liring for the uighr, his house-keeper heard uioan^ coming from his 100. n .iiid going in touud him lying unotaiscious on the bed, and in an appirently dying state. Rushing over the street she aroused Jacob KoUer and lit ill turn «ike .Maniii .M.issel, and together they »»oke Hilt Hawthorne and had bun pho;ie for a Walkerlou doc- tn. Ill the iiie.intiriie till Mr. Fisk's numerous rela'rms weie uoiiliod, and al about three o'clock in the morning, Kn- uiskiUou was a busy sight with all the i iliabiiaius busiling .arviund .aud relatives driving 111 tioMi all direction'-. N\ hen tho Walkerton physic an i;o' there and b.ially restored Mr. Fisk to conscious- ness, ibo lua^or o^iened bis eyes on the biggest nathetiiig of friein's iiid rehuivos Ihit I'.e hid evoi- i>eeped on it one time. It was i o'ose ca'l, is Mr. Fisk, who h.i- tlio aslhuia, wa« almost ttraugled and his heart almost stop{.'el when found,â€" Bruce Uetatd and Times. M^nitolw Loni'liuuro rejectetl a motiou to 'lanish bano'in sale of li>iuot,carryiog 1 an amendment ei>.ipbt»i/.'ng tho value j ande'iiciency of loci! option. the Ciovoruiueut has placet! 7 J per cent. increase tluty on all seeils iinporte<l I have some first class .seed in and wliiU^ it la.-^rs will sell at the old price. . GET BUSY. Watch Our Slate Hanging in the Store Somelhini: special everyday. It will pay yon. I W. BUSKIN m ^ ^ # ^ i RUBBERS! RUBBERS! Those in need of IJnbliers. either High Lace Leather Tops or Low Lace Tops or Kuhbers w ith- out Tops or if you have old LearhiM- Tops liringthein in aii^l ijet new ')Ottonis on them. WllKUE.' WHY Al" Thos- Clayton's 2 FLESHERTON NEW SUmNQS| 2scw Suitings just to haiul â€" some of ♦ rhenohhiest weaves to le found any- JT where. x Leave youi order iu)w ft)r that new suit. "! Vou will iK'vor regret it. Satisfaction guaranteed. ]>on t forget that we di> cleaning, pressing aud repairing. Our prices are right and our workmanship is the Qvery best. S.J. BOWLER I Sole Agent for the Hobl:erlin Tailoring. ^

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