Fe'jruarv TR 1915 T II E F I. E S H E R T N A D V AN C E f« 1 1 BUSINESSCARDSj -plCKAQES in Portugal WH. WKIGHT. TELKOBD & MoDONALU ; Karriater, SoUeitorn, &e. Ulfioea, lirey i i( Itiuo Illock.OwoD Sound. Htiiiiltrd Hank Hlock Kltxliorton, iSatvirdays). W. H. Wright, I W. 1*. I'eltord J;.. J. C. McUouttH.l'. u K. Societies i AO W meet« oa »he laB» Uonda; ' 111 acti mouth, ia thalr loage rooui , n«ytoo'»hall Pleaberton, at 8 i>.ui. M. W., W. J lloUaiuy ; Kec, C. H. MuoBliaw: in., K J, SjJtoule. ViBitlng brttthrinlnTited j PRIMCR ABTHl'K LODGE, No. :OS,A.F.4 A U. uioets in tilt UaBOiitctaall. Arm | •-UoaR's Ulock.Kleslierton, every Friday on f.r before lUn lull mocn T. lllakiley W. >f.; t'.'iaa.MuiiBliaw. Betra'.ary. P OURXyLESHERTON, 9M, 1. 0. F. iDC«t« In \ *'Clavton» Hlock the last Wednesday evouluR . each luooth. Viaitioc Forestem heartily i coine'C. M.. n. Rellauiy ; B. B., IJ, CairLK | n. See , W. Buskin. ' Flease pay dues to Fiu. Sec. before the first ayoftLe mouth. CHOSEN FKIF-SDRâ€" Fleeberton Conucil Chonen Frien.ls meets in Clayton'shall first nd third Wednesday oJ each mouth B |>. ui I'ay assessments to the Be<-order on or btfore ice first ilayof ea/'h luonth. Chief Councillor . Itlakelov; Recorder W. H. Bunt. D Medical U CAKTF.R M C I' & 6 Out. I'hysician. .Suruecn etc Ufflce and residenceâ€" I'eter St., Fleeherton Dlt W.|T. I.ITTI.K, - , .. , . ' Ciradiiaie of Toronto bniverxiti' Medical lollece. Itesldenca and OfHco at Park Mouie, Klasherlou, IMion* -ilia. JP OTTEWELL Veterinary Burgeon Graduate of Ontaiio Veterinary College residence â€" aecond door south west. on k«ry street. This street runs outh I'resbvtmiaa Cbnrefa. I M«M*nB*ra Carry Th«m, at Stores Oo Not Um DoMvary Wagon*. Llgbt dellTeiT In Portugal la done al- most entirely by men and women. D^ Hvery wagons, aucb as are used lo American cities, are unknown bere. Some of tbe large department stores nre now using motor trucUs, but none bns Introduced a special parcel carrter. Lisbon and Oporto, tbe only large cities In tbe republic, are built on bills, aiid most of tbe streets are very steep, attaining a grade of 17 per cent. They are paved with stone and generally are in good condition. Tbe ronds immedi- ately nbont these cities are fair und the grades are e.Tsy. County highways are a mixture of very good and very bad. They nro not Uept iip as they should be and for short distances are apt to be extremely rough. Nearly all articles such as are de- livered in the Utiltcd States from a light wagon or inutor vehicle are sold here by men and women, wbo go through the streets orylug their wares. Fish, fowls, vegetables, bread, oil, fruit, etc., are .ill earned on the bead or shoulders of the vendor. Delivery of goods from small shops is made by boys or by the "galego," who Is found .It every street corner. These men also transport pinuos, furniture and other articles of a similar character.â€" Oook siilar Report V -â- ^" T T T T^-=T-T-T- T' T-T-r ,-^ T^^.-^- MILITARY MESSAGES. De.stistry r E C MURK AY 1: 3. S , dental surgeon huno. Kraduat* of Toronto t'uiversity au.l B«ya! Coll^tje of Dental Burgeons of Ontario, Gas aduiiaiuiatered lor teeth extraction OIRce at roeldence, Toronto Street. Fleefcerton. IV Legal , UCAS. BASKY A. bF.NBY-llarristers. '-' Bolicitors.ejc.-I. B. I'UO". l^- •-â- '• *^- '^• Kaney K. ('.;«'. !l. Henry, It. A. Dltices, lorout'o, HOC 'J Tiadois Baok HlUi:.. pl.on ; u'.aiii \i\i\ Markdale l.iicas Block, I'lioiie 'i. A. Hraucli oOlce at UuuUalk open every Saturday. liLsixEss Cards >« CULliOUGH 4 YOU.su <' Bankers .Varkdale neral bankiuK business. Money loaned reaaooable rates Call ou un. DMcPHAIli, Licensed Auctioneer for the • County of Gitv. Terms moderate and' til action Kuaiauteed. Tbe arranReDients I. 1 lates of sales can be made a*. TuK Aovanck jlllce. Residence and F.V., Ceylou, Tela|ihoue oonection. Dec. 6,07. WW. KAITTINO, I.icenaed Auctioneer foi the cuuutirs of <>rey and biiiicoe. Fariu and Ktock sales a Hpecialty. Terms .jiuder>te. aatikfaction iiuaraotied. Arraut;,,- aients fbr dates may be made at Ills A<lvsii('e jBiCf. or Central teUilicine oil. ca 1- etersliaiii 01 byaddreaaing nie at Feyershani. Ont. Soma That Were Made Famous by Their Pith and Brevity. Of famous military messages there .ire scores, beginning witb tbe never to be forgotten "Veni, vlUI, vlcl" ot Cnesar and that equally famous dis- patch of Commodore Terry, "We have met the enemy and they are ours," but loth were beaten for brevity by Qen- eral Sir Robert Boyd, who while gov- ernor of Gibraltar, being in need of beef for his troops, wrote to tbe agent In England this laconic dispatch: "Browne, beef, Boyd." Browne sent the stores with tbe reply, "Boyd, beet Browne." And this In turn recalls the story ot Peter de Dreuz, tbe celebrated fighting bishop of Beauvais, wbo, being taken In arms by Richard Coeur de Lion, wni imprisoned and fettered. Pope Celes- tlne III. remonstrated In behalf of tba prelate, and In reply tbe Ulng sent the bishop's helmet and ai-mor to Rome with tilts uent dispatch taken from (Jenesis xrsvil, 32: "Know now wheth- er it be thy sou's coat or no." The pope declined further Intercession and replied tb.it the coat the Ulng bad sent did not belong to a son of tbe church, but of Uie camp, nnd the prisoner, therefore, was at Richard's mercy.â€" Detroit Free I'ress. Bull For Service F'T suivice. Miirciii Holly No. »»42'_'. ASci'duen Anjiu*, un !ot ;!4, '.lili cmceMM. ion. Ari«iiieKi«. Terms. SI.Oi) if jjniil U'fori! lat, Jan. liH.J,- W. J. Miaet-. May 1.-. Bull for Service Pure bi-ed sliitrlhciiii bull, 'AlK-i-di-eii Kyvie 8,0»X)- for k.-mvIcb on lot •_'!), .SS. it.. Ai'li-meMia. 'IVrms tl.CO i'<x -^lailu*, I'm.) Iii>'il towK %'^w. Pure lirc'l 'r.iiiiiwoi'li lioi! f'jr »i'ivl(,-« â- 11 ilia ub'jvt! lol. Ti-iiiis $l..'><l f II 'til aiiinmlH. Servuil jiiU"!. be [I liil for. fiiiiur - \V. .1. MciiiN Flesliei^ton >f^ Tonsorial %- Parlors >Vi! .\iiii to liivi) Kiitiri! Sati-.f.icli'iii L.WNDKV- I'.iAct flohoj Moii'biy iii.:lit, il.liVi-ry !â- ri.liiy cvi'iiiiif . CLKVNI.Vi ;imI DVKIMJ- W'r ar. flUiMilN for PrttliiMs l)yi< Wiirlis -Clcitliri cllMIII-l nil 1 (lyi'l, f.'llhlTS lloilVfli.lll' I. T risni:if, - - i>R()i'R!i;T()i/ J? ,. , . , ?S \f \ oil emi ii('i{iil liny iliiy «n W^ III lb.! ^r, y>, i(Wi:.\ ,siil Nl), uXT., ^ f^> iiulltiilll'ii lllKlllliMiiill. ^ Jl^ < till- own line (• hlory IhhIiImil' ^ \|j* iikI o4 iiir .oshfiil yenih ot e.\ «^ g piiio.ic... ^. w!r I'.xpptI iinliiltli'ii ihikIiui- ^\ W tlxi vuiy I u*r lusiilN. ^ £f ('itiiiloi^im FroD, M £ r A. KI.KWIMi, F. (?. A., ^• WL l'»iiioi|iiil. 'i» i I) Fl.K.MI.NO "•â- .oreiiiry.^ OWILNjSODNI) - ONTARIO ^ \.\ i»id irrtKcil.y li i| puni'il yi'«'eiil.ty iii-iii / .4ti)eniiory, u liMi HHiry Muijiliy w. n «' I'l.^iitly iliil i»ii<l ilitwl llie HiiiiK e\rii- %\i bix lioni llio wiiiiiij*. .No P'U'tiL'iiliirs i>f i^{ • tho ti'ittfeily woru ({ivtiii in iha iiiitthiii(i> Jk : received UhI nijilil, fiiillicr lliiii tlmt tlio ifrif^ojuiiei nera cuiiDcd by tlin Mutiilitiittl R ,, di»i:1iarge of IiiH own „'(iii. ^\\. Miujiliy J WHN wall known in Oaren .Soiiiul, I ei ii; u »^V,iiii (if Mr. itiil M»«. .TaiiioH|K. Miii'|ihy. I .^jL^ft riimrly of Ueptvorili, Ijir now miiilini,' ifesin Tflr -nt. I Every Woman a Nurie. Kvery woin.in, or .it least almost every woman, has, at one time or an- other of Iier lire, cbnrge of tbe personal health of somebody, whether child ot invalidâ€" In other words, every woman la a nurse. ICvery day sanitary knowl- edge or the knowledge of nursing, or, In other n-ords, uf bow to put the con- stitution in such a state as that it will have no dlncnsc or that It cm rccovet â- from dise.iRO, takes ii higher place. It Is recognized as the knowledge which every one ought to haveâ€" tllstlnct from medical knowledge, wlilch only a pro- fession can have. If, I ben, every woman must at some lime or oilier In tier life become a nurseâ€" namely, have clmrgc of some- body's liealtbâ€" how Immense nnd how valuable would lio llio product of her united e.tpcrlciice If every wunino would tliltik how to nurse.- I'lorence Nisbllngiile. Values In Exhauit Steam, A coiiinion error iiiiioni; plant ownera I* to nscrllio iiiidiio economy to lliclicat that may be cnrricd in water resulting from llio coiKlciisatloii of stoain. 'i'hoy toiivcrscly );ri'.itly iMiderc-itliniito tile lieat caiilod In fxliaiisi: sleiim. As u iiiiiltor of f.Kt. tbe li^nt In n poiinil of water at 'Jl'.' (l(';.;ri'i'« Is only ISO llrlt- Isli (IkmiiimI units recli'iiii'd nliovu the frce/liij; (Kiliit, wliiTi'iis In ii pound of Ktc'ini at tlio saiiie leinpiMntiiru tliu lii-at mills iiiiiiilier 1,1,'iU, Ileiico If this KtcMiii Is fdiiiloiiscd ill a raillator It t'lvcrf (lilt 1170 lieiit milts, iiml thu drip will ciiiitalu ISO boat units,â€" lingineor- lug .Magiixino. Ceylon's Busy Store 1 SALE ! SALE ! Commencing Thursday, January February 10th SALE! 28th, ending Grrates; sale of tbo Rcasou in Dry iiooils, fjioccries. Boots and Shoes and llabber.^. If you are waiuiii« aiijtliiiig ill Ladies' Coats and Furs, .M<!ijs 'Jvercoats und I'ea Jackets, Boys' (Overcoats and Tea Jackets It will pay you to inspect our slock and get, our prices, wliicli will be posted up in our store. Also on firooeries and Flour, and almost ou every line of goods we carry, we must reduce our stock to ujukc room fur spviugtjoodj. ,^: In F<?ll Uoots for meu, woiupu and cliildicu you will find prices interesting. Ladies' Coals, regular SlO.dO for 8S.0O Ladies' Coats, regulai SH.OO for 8:^.75 / • Ladies' Coats, rc-ular $S.Ol) for §5.00 Ladies' Serge Dresses and Suits selling regardless of cost. < 1 His Experiment. .All li'IsliniMii went Into a hardware t-loi-e lo liiiy a looking i;las». Tbe sliop- iiiaii l>i'oli;;lit liliii Boiiio 10 chonso from. Pat left one on tbo counter and, walking back ii feiv foet, closed Ills «'ye». "What arc you closing your eyes for?' asked tbo siiopkeopcr. "lUslad," said I'lit, "I want to acB ' bow I look when I'm sleeiilug."â€" Cbl- ' eii};o .Sews. On Time. "Is tills train runnlni; on time?" "I shoiilcl say so," answered the con- ductor, "It can't run any other way. The company has had to get so many extensions of credit that the who1« rood Is now running on time."â€" Wash- ington Star. JAMES PATTISON & Co. , Making Sure. | "I Will show my lore not by woi^ but by deeds." i "I think, de>r, yon bad betler show VQ.% docdi to our lawjer."â€" Bnltlmoro Amtrican. i 1 I Ought tp B« Warm. *nVBltor, this pQddIng is qult« colif* ! "Impossible, sir! This Is the flftii i tlmi It has been warmed since morn- ing,"â€" Paris Journlil Amuaant. ^ ;M HEADQUARTERS FOR Sleighs, Cutters, Cockshutt Implements, Melotte Cream Separators, Lister Gasoline Engines, Baled Hay and Straw D. McTavish Agent FLESHERTON, ONT •» â€" w-wrw fw^»*w"'w â- •^1 .V N i 4 I m Columbia Records For February On Sale Today 85 -UP No Rtcorda offer the lame value none wear to lon){ ns the fanioui Culembia Double Disc Kecoi'ttt. They nre the beit Recordi on the market toctay< 85 HEALTH AND WEDLOCK. POISON OF NICOTtNE. Condltlona That Should Be Studied Be fora It If Too Late. Marriage, from any point of view, i« of course a serious proposition, as it may bless or wreck two human lives. If not more. Not the least Inipcrtant of those points of view is that of the hcilth of both parties to the contract. The health commissioner of i'enusyl- vania In an official bulletin gives tlio following advice to those about to marry: "First, a man should not marry un- less into a family with a hl.story of reasonable longevity, free from hered- itary disease, tie should not marry a woman advanced In life, delicate, feeble or afHicted with any inherited deformity. The age most proper for women In this climate is nineteen or twenty years and for men twenty-four or twenty-Bve years. Women of a nervous temperament, those who are extremely Irritable, hysterical, subject to convulsions or to epilepsy from or- ganic disease, ought to avoid matri- mony. "In this country marriages before the ngea of twenty-Ove and nineteen respectively are coutralndicated, be- cause, as a rule, previous to these pe- riods of life the body is not fully de- veloped, the different functions are not (lerfect. and any offspring developed by them In their immatnre condition must be deficient In vital power." "CAMEL'S HAIR" BRUSHES. Tha Very Baat of Them Are IVIade From Squirrels' Tails. It may sound rather strange, but it Is nevertheless tme that oo brushes are ever made of camvl's hair, yet they are asked for daily and sold as such. There ere very many kinds ot hair osed In tbe making of "camel's hair" brushes, such as bear, fox, rabbit, squirrel, etc., and, indeed, one au- thority states that over 150 sorts of brnsbes are known as "camel's hair" brushes, but there is only one defini- tion accepted by the British board ot tradeâ€" t e., "camel's balr" brushes made from squirrel tails, these being the best and most expensive. Real camel's balr is absolntcly use- less for making brushes and resembles soft toi^ of a yellow-brownish color. The mane of a camel is tbe only part which could be nsed. and possibly a dozen brushes could be made from one mana As a matter of fact, there are only two specimens of brushes made from the actual hair of a camel in existence. Tbe reason for the term "camera haii-" Is the fact that a man named Camel was the first one to make these finer kinds of brushes, and they became generally known as "real cauiel'a hair brushes."â€" lA)udon Answers. It Affects tha Coronary Arterica and- Producea Tobacco Heart. 'Tobacco benrt" is a condition well known to physicians. It Is really â- - phase of arteriosclerosis, due to exces- sive smoking, and is generally charac- terized by angina pectoris, a severe paUi In the chost The New York Med- ical Record, commenting on some sta- tistics publlBbed in Germany by Dr. J. I'awinskl, says tbe important con. ; elusion to tie drawn- from tliem is "that ' tobacco has a certain, possibly a ape- i clflc, affinity fur the coronary arteries." These are the arteries of the .heart it- self, those tliat supply Its muscles with blood. That nicotine is a powerful poison has long been known, but there has I been a wide divergence of opinion as I to whether tobacco smoke containt nicotine or not The investigations ol Znlinskl and Zebrowskl prove that it • docs. The quantity of nicotine ab- sorbed by tbe body from tobacco smoke 1 Is probably small, nnd if smokiuj; be { indulged in with moderation it will not Injure healthy adults, but when car- I ried beyond the limits ot moderation , or when indulged in by young people it is certain to do harm to the heart Its effect Is to cause a considerable thickening of the inner membrane ol the coronary arteries, a pronounced de- : generation of their middle coat which Is composed of muscles, and marked' ; changes In the muscles that contract ' and expand the heart thus bringing i about disturbances of its rhythmical beating. ! EGGS AND THE HEN. Roaaballe's "Favah." .Never was there a blacker daughter of Africa than was Rusabelle Jack-sun when, as ii girl of but Ibirteeo ycai-s, slie was takcu into the liuine uf .Mr. nnd Mrs. Ocene, a clilldless couple who pur|>osed training Rusabelle Into a maid of all work, 'J'his tiiey Ruccecd- ml in Uoinc, and so many admirable tnilts of character were developed in Itusnbcllc that they became much at- tnclscd to the girl, and !icr nffectlon for them was iironouiiced Oia day when she was nearly thirty years old slie came to Mrs. Deeiie to ask ti "faviili" of somewhat stnrtliug character. "I wants to ask Jess one favnh. Mis' Ocene." she said. "Oli« U do favah. If I do dies liefo' you' does I want de favah ob bavin' you put a tombstone ovah my fiave an' have on It, 'Rosa- belle Jackson, only chile of MIstnh an" Missus Abner Deenel" â€" New York Post LIfa Work Nature Haa All Laid Ou1< For tha Young Chick. "There is water a-plenty iu a frest I laid egg, but no mure air than there li lu a hammer," said a dealer In eggs. "So long as yoa can keep air out ol the egg It will remain sweet and fresh., but no one has ever succeeded in keep- ing It out by fair means more than sia^ days. Tbe oxygen Is bound to find Itt way through na egssbell's pores, and the only way to save that egg then li to eat It It sounds funny, but the moment yoa give an egg fresh air thai moment you rula its beallb. "A good, healthy benâ€" not speaklni of any particular sUir breed, but jusi ben- does not fulfill her destiny until she has accomplished GOO e.?gsâ€" tifty dozen. That's what uature has fitted up the hen to do In the way of Jusl nncoacbed and unstimulated egg pro- duction, and she gives the hen elsht' years to do It in. "The hen divides the fifty dozen fitunt up among those eight years : Som« years she may not turn out moi'« than a couple of dozen, but when the eight years are up she will have man- aged her annual output so that the to- tal has come out all right Then the hen has ended her career as an egg producer, and too often. If she Is In. the hands of a thrifty owner, begiiu , another career, short and delusiveâ€" this time as the summer t>oardei spring chicken."â€" nttsborgh Press. UP- 'An arcbsr la kn iwo by his aint, Mt tg Ui arrows.â€" OItt Sayi^ / Tho iiaiiu' Coluiubia stamis toda.v for the best records on the market. And tliat in every detail. Tii a Columbia Record you have the ho.-^t feeord it is iHi.ssilile to .u'el at any price. Ymi have the tine.st recording, years ahead of ;iny other. You have luany (if the bi^u'est and lies! artists ami haiuJs, most of them exclu- sive. And in ('oiiiiiiliia voii have a record which will iinfail- inRly WE.\K TWICK .\S' LONC as any other make- no matter what you ptiy. It is tho.se coniliined points of superiority that have made ("oliiinbia supreme today the hest records and tlie hi^;â- tfost value lonly So cents). No other records dare make such specific claims, because no other records can prove them. If you are not ticiiuainlcMl \>'itli Coluiniiia Records «;et the demon- stration doulile disc for ;!(> Cl'nt^^ ( I'l cents e.\tra for postage). Feb'y Records On Sale Today All Double Disc Records a Selection on each side. Sister Susie's Sewing Shirts for Soldiers $1.00 By tbe Ori){in!ilor, AI, Julaon Tip Top Tipperary Mary ... a .85 When You Wore a Tulip .... .85 The Ball Room ( ""oTtV. Phon,'" *") . • • .85 WhenYou're along, Long Way From Home .85 Arrival of British Troops in France . .85 This is a splendid deacriptivo record. Be tur« to hear it. New Dance Records Including latest Fox Trots, One Steps. Tangos, Maxixes, etc, Columbia Records Made in Canada- Fit any Standard Machine. You can get Colunnbia Grafonolas and Records from W. H, THURSTON, Flesherton Bitter Lady Lytton, In "rniniblished I.cttci's of Lnrty Itulwcr I..vtttm to A. 10 CImIoii, R. A.," the cilltor sll|>s In the folldwliij; when loforriii^' to S. C. Hall's liii[ircssious ot I.nily lliiUver Lytton: "Mrs. ll.ill ivtis Irish, nod Lndy f.yt- tun h.'ul no inutliillty for her coinim- lrit)ts. On oni> occ.'islon lior liiishtind en- tcrtMliuvl Daniel O'ConiiplI iind otlicr dish luomhiMs iit (llnncr. luul S. C. ll:ill ivliitcs, "nie m-xt d:iy I sjuv Mrs. i'lilwor diii'clliiK some iuniiiKoiui'iits In till' dliiiiis room. wliUli she told mo slip was fiiinlijsitin;; in order to get rid oC the hrogne.' " Weight AfUr M.ala. There Js, or used to be, an Men thst one weighs less after u meal tiiao be- fore, but that Is nonsense. There is- alwnys a dcllDlte increase of Tveighl after a meal, and with most people it is curiously imiform. After an .tveraffe diuner washed dowu with the arerajie amouut of liquidâ€" three-quarters of iv plotâ€" the average man will lavari.ibly tlud that be weighs two pounds more thnu he did before the meal. There sccuis to be no reason whj a really determined diner should not doable- that Increase. A half pint tumbler o( water or a breakfast cupful of tea weighs ten ounces, so that probably over half of the two pounds increase of weight after dinner Is accounted for by the liquid part of the meal.â€" Man- chcstur auardi.in. Tiger- like Cat, AlthoiiRh ho's no lil.uiiiT tluMi an ordl- 11,117 luniso cut. llio 0:i.syiire ot tlie Sodth Aincrliiiii Jiiimlcs Is strong and iK'vce. lie has tlio ti'iniH'r of a tiger â- out up In a soft co.'itcd. spooklod body if tomcat size. Cood Il.:;lifcr that ho la, ilie dasyiire never n;;lits for tils food, I'or his chief siiUsistcnce is the nut nnd jtlicr small Insects, but when nttncked by IX man the latter very often gets the •vorst of It.â€" Wisconsin State Journal. The Speed Limit. Motorists going through a small town up in northci-n Indiana bear witness to- the fact that sarcasm reaches a high stage of development there. Going Into the town one Is met by a sign reading, "Speed Limit IK) Miles an Hour." "Jllghty decent iX'ople In this town." thInUs the motorist. Rut before he ha» gone far lie realizes tlie sarcasm fully. The stri>ots nre so rough and the road through there to Chicago has so many turns in It that It would '>o Impos-slblo to go faster tliaii ten miles an hoar without rnnnliig Into some oue's front yard.â€" Indianapolis News. Selfish. "So Jack Haiisoni nas married Miss (Joldle." "Yes, and 1 was mighty sorry to SCO n." "Sorry? Por her sate or his?" •Ifor mine; I wanted her."â€" Boston Tiuuscrlpt Three Hard Words, There are three short und simi'le words, the liaide.st to pronounce In any language (ami I suspect they were no easier before the confusion of toiiguesi, but wlilili no nian or nation that can- .not utter can claim to have nrrlvtHi at manhood. These words are, "I was wrong."â€" Lowell. Truth and Fiction. "Tnith Is ttrnugcr than fiction." "I don't knew," replied Ulsa Oay- Mine, "whether It Is stmnger or only tcsrcer."â€" Washlngtoii Star. i The Art of Flattery. I Madara-Wlth thU goose I have Ix'en awfully cbejited. It la old aud toni^h nnd still It looks so young and tenderl : Cook (who likes to flatter her mistress) I â€"Yea, madniu. One can never tell by nppearnncos. You, too. look much yownjrtr than yon really are.-rHe- EtfDd* Blntter. Of Course, "Can yon t^ me which class of peo- "Why, etntanarlauk I tMUef*."- noston TraoMript The Beggar't Retort. Shfr-I shan't b1»o you an:?tblnjj he- cause I suspect you ann't Wind at an. He-That m.iy l)e, but I can assure yoa there are nioments nben 1 wish 1 were.â€" Pelt Mcl«, Trlmmlna, Th» old fashioned woman who nnA A ioHl OBMl to ball tb« battt»- i** "^^ ''•' '"^° •"•* "<" '»*• â- <>««>«•>- M{a.-01nc1iin«tt VBQotNn â- uiSt^.