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Flesherton Advance, 18 Feb 1915, p. 3

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t DEADLY ANAEMIA Nine Women and Qirls Out of Every Ten Are Atflicted With This Trouble. It is an unfortunate fact that nine ^women and girls out of every ten are afflicted with anaemia â€" which means bloodlessness â€" in one form or another. The girl in her teens, the wife, the mother and the matron of middle age all know its miseries. To be anaemic means to be pallid, with dark marks under the eyes. You are breathless after slight ex- ertion. You feel worn out and de- pressed all day. You have no de- sire for food and often cannot digest what little you do take. Headaches, backaches, and sideachss make life miserable. If you sleep at night you do not feel refreshed in the morning and are utterly unfit for the day's duties. If neglected, anaemia al- most surely leads on to deadly con- Bumption. Renewed health can only be obtained through the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pillsâ€" the most re- liable blood enricher ever discover- ed. These pills actually make new, rich, red blood; they bring bright- ness to the eyes, and the glow of health to pale cheeks. They have literally saved thousands of women and growing girls from the grave. anU what they have done for others they can do for you if given a fair trial. Here is the proof. Mrs. W'm. Kierman, Watroiis, Sask., says: "I have used Dr. Williams' Pink Pills with wonderful results. I suffered for upwards of two years with anae- mia in c severe form, and was dcc- toring all the time with no benefit. I was so weak I could scarcely walk. I suffered from severe headaches, and at times from backaches that were almost unbearable. The trou- ble affected my digestion, and this caused additional discomfort. Final- ly, through the persuasions of a friend, I began the use of Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills, and I shall ever be grateful that I did so, as after using nine boxes I was fully restor- ed to health. I would earnestly urge all antemic women and girls to use Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, for I feel confident from my own experi- ence that they will renew their health." These pills are sold by all medi- cine dealers or may be had by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medi- cine Co., Brockville, Ont. be taken small wards have been arranged, while on the top deck a number of private wards for officers have been prepared. Altogether some 500 beds are available on the vessel. HEAD OF INDIA'S tlOSLEMS, Offered Lord Kitchener IliH Ser- vices as a Private. Widely travelled and as well known in the best English and French circles as in India, the Aga Khan has done more valuable work in connection with the present word cri.sis than any other Indian potestate by feely and wisely using his great position as the acknow- ledged leader of the Indian Mos- lems and the spiritual head of a widely-distributed section oi the followers of the Prophet, the Is- mailis. When the war cloud burst he was in Zanzibar on the outset of a tour to meet his followers in Af- rica, and he immediately telegraph- ed to the councils of the Ismailis FOR.MKK "EMPRKSS OF INDIA" >iow Completely Equipped as Hos- pital Ship. No passenger steamer on the Pacific was better known than the "Empress of India," <ii the C.P.R. Pacific fleet, but in the last six months this vessel has suffered so many changes that she would not be recognized by her old friends. When the British Admiralty first requisitioned her, she was painted a dull grey and her fairy-like char- acter was almost lost in the trans- formation. Then the Maharaja Sciudhia of Gwalior and other In- dian princes bought her and fitted her as a hospital ship, and as such, with the new name of the "Loyal- ty," she left Bombay a short time ago, repainted white with long black strips on the water line and on the deck line, with large red crosses amidships. His Excellency the Governor and Lady Willingdon paid a visit of in- spection to the ship shortly befo.e her departure. Deck space which was made for holiday seekers with idle hours is now mostly covered with beds for injured soldiers, just as all the available cabins are serv- ing as private wards for wounde<l officers. On the main deck of the steamer space has been provided to fill the purpose of wards. Cleared of everything unnecessary the main deck is well suited for this purpose, for it gives two wide strips of sipace on each side and gives acconunoda- tion for a large numher of beds in mont pleasant positionsi on the steamer. Here rows of beds have been fitted and all the require- ments of a hospital are installed. The work of reconstructing the in- terior of the vessel was put in hand Boon after her arrival, and this work completed, the fitting up of the wards, etc., has been carried on under the supervision of Major J. W. Watson, Major J. R. J Tyrr'Il and Major C. W. E. Kerr, of the Indian Medical Service. Between the two wards a small operating room has been constructed and has been completely equipped. Then here and there wherever space could within the Empire and on its bor- ders directing the members of the community to place themselves at the immediate dispo.sal of the local Britisli authorities. Xot having had a military training in youth fitting him for a commission he offered Lord Kitchener his services as a private, stating that it would be a profound gratification to him to i^tand shoulder to shoulder with his fellow countrymen and British troops. The authorities justly felt that his life was too valuable and his influence too great tu permit of its acceptance. FAR SUPERIOR TO CASTOR OIL Baby's Own Tablets are the best medicine a mother can give her little ones. They are absolutely safe, pleasant to take, and never fail to cure stomach and bowel dis- orders. Concerning them Mrs. \. Sauve, Sheerway, Que., writes: "1 liave used Baby's Own Tablets for my three children and can truth- fully say that I know of no other men to equal them. They are far superior to Castor Oil and I would not be without them." The Tab- lets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., B:ock- viUe, Ont. Kiduey Disease in Every Syiiiptoni WHY MRS, MARK FOl NU QIICK RELIEF IN DODD'S KIDNEY PILL.S. >'ew Brunswirlt Lady Who Suffered for Six Years Tells How She Found a Speedy Cure. Miscou Harbor, Gloucester Co., N.B., Feb'y loth (Special).â€" "For some five or six years I was trou- bled with backache. I tried many tonics, but kept growing steadily worse, until I decided to try Dodd's Kidney Pills. They gave me almost iuiniediate relief." This is the statement of Mrs. A. Mark, well known and highly re- spected here. Asked to give more particulars in regard to her case, Mrs. Mark said : "My trouble started with a cold, and gradually grew worse. I had stiffness in my joints and cramps in my muscles and suffered from neu- ralgia. I had heart flutterings and headaches, my sleep was broken and unrefreshmg and I was always tired and nervous. I had dark circles un- der my eyes, I was irritable and of- ten dizzy and had a bitter taste in my mouth in the mornings. I also had attacks of rheumatism. "It just took three boxes of D'.-dd's Kidney Pills to fix me up." Every symptom Mrs. Mark^men- tion.s spells kidney disease. That's why she found such quick relief in Doilds Kidney Pills. HOW BRITAIN TRE.\TS ENEMY. Prisoners to Have Old English .Man- sion to ThiMiisi'lvcs. The London Daily Mai! says the British Government, at a cost of •SlOti.OOO. has converted Donington Hall. l>eicestershire, one of the mo.-Jt beautiful old halls in England, into a home of rest for captured German officers, of whom it will ac- commodate nearly three hundred. There are about sixty acres of parkland, with spacious lawns and charming views across the valley of the Trent. The house is finely ap- pointed and contains a dining-room with carved oak panels, and a carved and polished elm ceiling, a smoking lounge, equal to that of a good hotel, six bathrooms with hot and cold water, and a shower bath ; also a medical ward with a doctor and constant attendants. Electric light has been installed and all the compartments are heated. There is also a canteen from which the prisoners can obtain wines and spirits of all the principal brands. "They will be waited upon by Ger- man valets, shaved by German bar- bers and served with food by Ger- man waiters, captured in the Ger- man ranks. .Alongside the hall is an old cha- pel with stained glass windows, in which a German priest will' conduct services. Beneath the window is the te.\t of "Peace on Earth, Good Will Toward Men." The Daily Mail says cynically : "One must suppose that the War Office has really at heart the idea of reforming ♦^he Prussian officers and by letting them soak in the sug- gestions of beauty and peace, show- ing them the difference between the 'Kultur' that watched Louvain burn and the culture inspired by a sun- set in the vallev of the Trent. " IIOIV a Sid Woman wnATerrHm.' Can Regain llcaltli ' "'"â- '""ti;;:'""'"" Many queer things happen in war READ THIS VERY CAREFULLY. time. Tliere is a story which is to- 'day repea«ted in Highland troops "For years I was thin and delicate. ' of a funny incident that befell one I lost co^or and was eaaliy tired; a Johnny R<jss of the 93rd Sutherland yellow pallor, pimples and blotches on Highlanders at Lucknow, in India, my face were not oaJy mortifying to tfurint Hie ureat miitinv my feelings, but because I thought my , ^1/^,^^ fy '""}'"'' ' , skin would never look nice again I ^V ® '»^'''»K "J i<^r the assault grew despondent. Then my appetite on the begum s palace Johnny Ross failed. I grew very weak. Various *'^*' George Puller, with some remedies, pills, K>nlcs and tablets I others, had been playing cards in a tried without permanent benefit. A i sheltered corner, and in some way visit to my si.ster put liUo my hands i quarrelled over tlie game. They a box of Dr. Hamilton's PlUs. She ' were still arguing the point when placed reliance upon them and now the signal was given to fall in and 1 that they have made me a well woman , PuHer told Ross to "shut up." \^^^ ^Lrr^^^'dV^HS • ^ t^cTTrr 'h 'i ton's PiUs by their mild yet searching ^ f h^ f .u ^"^^ ''n«<^k'-d out action very suitable to the deUcate '''""^ ""^^'f, **«*^- Johnny thought character of a woman's nature. They "^ 7"** Puller who had struck him, never once griped me, yet they estab- ; ^"" ^' once returned the blow. Ushed regularity. My appetite grew j "You fool!" said Puller. "It keen â€" my blood red and pure â€" heavy I wasn't I that struck you. You've rings under my eyes disappeared and ' got a bullet in your mouth!" to-day my skin is as clear and ua- 1 And so it was.' Ross put his hand wrinkled as when I was a girl. Dr. ; to his mouth and spat into it four Hamiltons Pills did it all." | fro„t teeth and a bullet. Heat The above stra^ghforward letter | „nce apologized to Puller '- r hav, from Mrs. J. \. Todd, wife of a well-!;„„ =,^,,-.1^1,; i i j j ii • ing ST ruck him, and addv-'<l : "Hovr shall 1 manage to bite my cartridge^- now V Those were the days <jf muzzle- loading cartridges, which had u> be torn open with the teeth when load- ing. I known miller in Rogersville, is proof I sufficient that Dr. Hamilton's PlUs are j a wonderful woman's medlciae. Use I no other pill but Dr. Hamilton's, 25c. I per box. All dealers or The Catarrh- ozone Co., Kingston, Ontario. Heâ€" 'My dear, the bank in wiicQ my money is deposited has gon» smash throaigh " Sheâ€" "What*, & mercy you ve got your cheque • book at home, love '." = MInard's LinlMMit Curt* Diphtheria. Many a wuman sits up fur her husband in order to be prepared to ?:t dijwn t.n him. FAnnra for sale. GERMAN WAR MASTERS. ThooloziaiiH and Schoolmasters iu the Firing Line. Great satisfaction is expressed in German newspapers that so many pastors and students of theology ; I are voluntarily serving at the I ' front. Of the 168 pastors who have | I been called to arms in the Kingdom \ of Wurtemburg 90 are serving at I the front, and of 170 divinity siu- j dents at the Wurtemburg Univers- ity of Tuebingen 150 have donned the Kaiser's coat. It appears that in the German army of the Argoune there is an Luiiibap's .Misery Ceases Every Aciiiuo- .^!usf le Cured JUST RUB ON OLD TIME "NERVI- LINE." Not ;:rc'>.>=ary to drug inside! That av.rui •^liffness that makes you' yelp wcr-d than a kicked dog will be curedâ€" cured tor a certainty, and quickly, too, if you just nib on Nervi- line. Rub N'erviline right into the sere spot, rub lots of It over those tortured muscles, do this and the pain will go. You see N'erviline Is thin, not oily. Therefore It sinks in, it penetrates entire company composed of theo- , through the tissues, it gets right to logians. From all German univer- | those stiff, sore muscles and irritated sities with theological faculties the j nerves that make you dance with pain, theologians are fully represented in \ 'i'ou'll get almost instant relief from H. W DAWSON, Mintty Colborn* Street. Toronto. K i'OU WA.NT ".O BUY OH SELL A Fruit. Stock, Ijriio or Dairy Farai. wr:te H. W. D.-iwaan. Brampton, or 90 Col- borna St.. Toronto . M. W OAV/SON, Colbornt St., Toronto. NURSERY STOCK. SrH.V\VBEUHJE.S. R.\S?BEKilIE9, PO- TJTOES. C;>guo free. McCouul-.I ii â- â€¢^111. Por t B;ii-Avc;;, O.Tl, MALE HELP WANTEO. I EAH.N BJUBEK rUADE â€" .\LWAYS _Lj tiuro empioymehi a.l tC('0<l wagtti; low weekti required to complete course wnt« for full pank'Uliiia and outaloeue tty4xr. Molcr Biirber < oi'.PKe, :i5 Quern East. Toronto MISCE LLANEOUS. t1 A.NCEB. rUMUUS LLilPS. KTw.. / mid external. cur<s«l witii- OQl pahi br oar brme treatment. Writ* n> betoro too l.i'» Dr. Bellmaj Ucxi.cil Co. Limitwl. To!! -^2»il(n^, On* prefer serving in the ranks, where j doesn't burn or even stain the skin. their influence among the ordinaiy soldiers is stated to be very great. It is computed that -lO.OOO school- masters are serving, or nearly one- fiifth of the entire number in the empire. Sure Thing. Paw. what is hollow Willie - mockerv- i Paw â€" A hungry parrot, my son. A SAD TRAGEDY It oft«n hapTi*nBâ€" your eore corn is etwp- Iicd on. Why not uue "Putname Corn Extractor." It tire* in one day. .Vb- solutely no pain with "Putnam's." I'te no other, 2&r. at ajl dealer*. ENGINE FOR SALE flew Wheelock 18 x 42 ^ufomatic Valve Complete operating condition, flywheel, frame, belt, cylinders and all parts. Can be shown running at present time. Will tell at l«M than half cost price. 8. FRANK WILSON A 80N8 78 AdolslcJ* 8t Wsst, Tqronto THE KINU OF ITALY. \ Real l<«'atler and Guitle of His People. In spite oi his ministers, who wished to keep him in Rome to con- sult about war matters, the King oif Italy as soon as he heard of the earthiiuake was off to .\vezzano to study the catastrophe on the spot and see with his own eyes ho'W best to minimize the disaster. When an earthquake wrecked Messina a few years ago he and the queen were everywhere and their e.xample quickened endeavor and mitigated miserj-. The King )f Iri.'y takes his pi'i tion most seriously. He thinks a king should be the real leader and guide of his people. He has learn- ed four or five modern languag.?3 thoroughly and is well read both in literature and science. In person, though well shaped and good looking, he is very small, not more than 5 feet 2 inches in height, but, resentiiig the dispen- sation, he has taken every care to increase his strength by constant exercise and is now a very fair ath- lete. In private life ;he King of Italy is really a charming c<.)m(panion, ut- terly witthonit pose or affectation, meeting every one on the frankly human level. He often says that a good book and a long automobile ride are about the keenest pleas- ures of life; but he ihas made him- self an admirable horseman and soldier and his duties as so-ldier and monarch leave him little time even for such innocent pleasures as au- tomobiling and reading. The little King of Italy has both heart and hea<.l. He is determined to leave Italy greater and richer and hwppier than he found her ; and already he has done much. ♦ Kind words the brightest of home floiwers ; they make a paradise iA the huiuibiest homt. KNOW NOW .\nd Will Never Forget the Experi- ence. Tlie tea or coffee drinker who has suffered and then been completely relieved by changing to Postum knows something valuable. There's no doubt about it. ''1 learned the truth about coffee iu a peculiar way." says a western woman (Tea is injurious because it contains caffeine, the same* drug found in coffee). "My husband, who has for years, been of a bilious temperament, decided to leave off coffee and give Postum a trial, and as. I did not want the trouble of making two beverages for meals I concluded to try Postum. too. The results have been that while my husband has been greatly benefited. I have myself received even greater benefit. "When I began to drink Postum I was thin in flesh and very nervous. Now I actually weigh 16 pounds more than 1 end' at tha-t time, and I am stronger physically and in my nerves, while husband is free from all his ails. "We have learned' our little les- son about coffee and we know some- thing about Postum, too, for we have used Postum now steadily for the three j'ears aiid we shall continue, to do so. "We have no more use for coffee â€" the drug drink. We prefer Po.s- tum and health." Name given by Canadian Postum Co., Windsor, Ont. Read "The Road' to Wellville." in pkgs. Po.ituni comes in two forms:: Rosiular Pont iiiu must be well bulled. 15c aju'.i -iSc packasres. Instant Postumâ€" is a soluble pow- der. A teaspoonfiil dissolves qnickl.v in a cup of hot water and. with cream and sugar, makes a deliciotis beverage iii.staiitly. 30c and 50c tins. The cost per cup of both kinds is about the sanie. "There's a 'Reason" for Postmm. â€" Bold by Grocers. Arthur â€" "Do you really believe the pen is mightier than the sword i" Jim â€" "Well, you never saw anybody sign a cheque with a sword, did you I' Mlnard'i LInlmant Cum Cargtt in Coiat. Quard well the door of your lips that no unchaste word. jest, or story, or slander or cutting re- marks, no irreverent or untruth- ful statement shall pass out. Fairville. Sapt. X. 1902. Minard's Liniment Co., Limited. Dear Sire, â€" We wish to inform you that â- we consider your MINARD 9 LIS1ME.NT a very superior article, and t*o use it. ae a eure reliaf for sore throat and chest. When I tell you I would not be -without it il the price w»« one dollar a bottle, 1 xneftn it. Yours truly, CHA8. F. TILTON. It's the most harmless cure in the world for Lumbago. Back Strain or Sciatica. It takes away the ache at once and ends your misery quickly. Now quit complaining â€" don't sulTer another dayâ€" N'erviline. tliat good, soothing old-time liniment will limber you up mighty quick. Get busy to- day, the large .â- )0c. family size bottle is the most economical, of course, the trial size costs but 25c. Any dealer anywhere can supply Nerviline. ATENTS OF INVENTIONS PIQEON, PIOEON A D.WIS fSB St. Jimei St.. .Munlreai WclU lor Inio matlua fâ€" BOILERSâ€" I New and Second-hand, for he.itinj «nd power purpoeea. WaiM Flim<«. TANKS AND SMOKE STACKS. POl80ll"'e!*Mr^°ES'*'TOR3NTO Ent(ine»ra and Shipbuildtra Jumped at t'oneliiisions. { Beetles â€" Heavens. man that wasn't a collector you threw out thenâ€" he w.xs a customer! j Walle- â€" It was the second time 1 1 saw him here. A customer never ' comes here more than once. LOW FARES TO THE CHICAGO EXPOSITIONS. Via 6«iicago A North Westtrn Ry. i Four epleiuiid duil.v trauie from rhe New Paesenger Terminal. I'hica^o to San ( Francieco. Loe .Angeles and San Dietfo. \ Olloice of ecenic and direct routes. Double | trRck. .VutomaUc electric eafety signals ; all the way. Let tie plan your trip and furnicb fold- era and full particulare. B. H Benne<t. Oen. Agt . 46 Yonge St.. I Toronto. Ont. I'p to the Minute. Cranque â€" A wife is an expensive luxury. Blanque â€" So is an autotnobile. Cranque â€" Sure. But you can get a new model every year. INFOR.MiTlON FOR INVKNTORS Messrs. Pigeon. Pigeon it Davis, patent solicitors. Montreal, report that 137 Canadian patents were issued for the week ending January 26th. 1915. 110 of which were grant- ed to Americans. 15 to Canadians and 12 to residents of foreign coun- tries. An old bachelor says there is but one thing sweeter than love's young dream, and that i« to wake up and find yourself single. Mlnard't LInlmtnl Cures Coldi, Et9. "I am thoroughly ashamed of thii.< composition. Charles, " said the teacher sternly, "and 1 shall cer- tainly send for your mother and show her how badly you are doing." ".\11 right," said CTiarles. cheer- fully; "send for her. Me mudder wrote it.'' Wanted Full Inrunuation. Boss (to office boy>â€" If any one asks for me. I slialll be back in half an hour. Office Boyâ€" Yes. sir : and how soon will you be back if no one asks for you ! f^^^_,^^ Qraaalafed Eyelids. *^ ^^^ jure to Sao. Ousi and ttls4 quickly relieved by MlirlM CyeBemtdy. Mo Smartinrt Juat Eye Comfort, .^t Your DniggiifB 50c per Bottle. Murine E]r« Sllvein Tubes 25c. ForBsoksflbeEyeFreeaik Druggiits or MuIm Eye Bemedy Co., CUcaj* THE Scientific Treatment OF BOILER FEED WATERS Comprises knowledge of llie water conditions, application of the correct reagents. cari?ful supervision as to quantity ami i-egulalion of treatment. Such thorough. scientitii' handling of Boiler Water pro- positions. -.ebuUs In I ho prevcn- Uon of s-'ale. corrosion, pittliis and foaming, and conseiiufntly a great sa\iug of money. Individual analysis of water from your own bo'.lers by oiir cheialsf will be made free ci charge It you are intert ted .n ridding your boilers of scale. DEARBORN CHEMICAL CC. OF CANADA. LIMITED. Engineers. Ctiem;sts. General OfTlces and Works: 1220-1230 DUND^S STREET. Toronto. Canada. I "Before I agree to undertake your defence. ' said the eminent criminal lawyer, "you will have to tell me the whole truth. Did you embezzle the $100,000 you are ac- cused of having taken?" "Yes. sir." replied the accused man. "I'll not attempt to conceal the fact from you. I stole every cent of it." "It's all gone but about a couple of dollars." "Young man.'' said the eminent lawyer, buttoning his coat about him. and putting on his gloves, "you'd better plead guilty and throw yourself on the mercy of the court." "t\\ do it if yott say so, sir. What are you going to charge me for the advice?" "Two dollars." Mlnaril't LInimtnt Our** DItttmptr. Just a Scratch BVT it needs looking aftrr, Carbolated "Vueline" nil help it to heal quicLlv and prevent risk of infection. I'irst aid treat- ment with CARBOLATED Vaseline I'raiicinark . Mad* in Canada It is a most effective antiseptic dressins for cuts, bniises, boils, and skin irritations of all kinds, such as ecieina, poison ivy and barber's itch. Also good for cnina. AVOII) Sl'BSTITVTES. Infix cii "Virc- lliie" In orislnti pKlutit* betrinc tli« namr, CHRSRBROVGH M.\NUPACTVR1NG CO.. Cotmolldateil. For Mie at alt Chemists anil Grncrat &(on«t CHESEBROUOH MF'G CO. (CouoUdal^) 1880 CHABOT AVE., MONTHEAU >

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