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Flesherton Advance, 3 Dec 1914, p. 4

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December :U914 THE F L E S 11 E R I O N ADVANCE An inJependent newpai>r, published every ,'junday at th 1 " ulflce, ColhnKwood Street, l-ih?rt<in. Subucription pric* $1 (icraiiiiuin lien ]>aid in advance ;tl..V> wlu-n nut to paid ' Ivertiiinjr rat* on application. Circulation 1,100 weekly W H. Thuraton- Kdltor Baptist Church It. C. Kerr, Pator. 1'hoin- .".:! R. 2 Sunday School 10 a . m. Service at 11 . in. Bible study on Thursday al the home of Mrs. Muir, Ceylon. Walkerton Krnet.1 Boyle. Hgcd lit, ot S uiliaiii|iti>ii wus \Valkitrtori the other tiny by Judge Klein to three month.s in ihu county jail for breaking into the G. T. U. sUtion at .Southttni>ton on Oct. -.'. atul .i in. i'.ii, ; the cash dntwer. Detec'in- Hodge, of the (i. T. R. secret service, in ves* lotted the :itt'ir und suc- coi-tled in ferreting out the intruder and placing Inn in the toiU. William C'tradyce, lauiiliitiy known * the "Summer Coon", and who is more i.f Flesherton Methodist Church Rer. James Uudu<.n, pistor. Sunday, Decemlwr tilh. I'.tU. 11 n. in. mid 7 \>. in. -The |*stor Sunday. 10 a. m. Fellowship Service. IfunUay uing Kpwortli League at d p. m. Mark Kveretie Wright choir leader and Orgtnist. Weekly Report Flesherton High School Form 1 Writing A Stewart W, Henderson 71', M Wright 7-J, M timid 72. A Mitchell 7L', A Winter 71, B Me Vicar 7>, M Col- |an 70, W Latiiner 70, til Achenou <W, H Smart 8, K Henthaiii 07, A LeGard t>7, H Morton W. S Murray 00, L Lever M, C Porter 4, II Kutledge Bl. Orr Kt, D Patton 5J, K Achwon 01, K Par- .!o 00, F Lever 50. K Thurnton 48, R Williamson 47,R Car*". 47, K C'uswell 45. W Williamton 44, H Moore 41'., K Ding- wall 42, J Stewart 4.' Form 1 (J.'iuadiaii History K Dtiigwall 87, F Thiirot'in HO. Por- Ur HU, O ll.'inl.-i ."o 7*, It \Villinmnon 78, B McVicar 77, 1. Lever 70, A \Vir.- te 74, M Smart 7'!, K Acheson 7H, H Moore 7:2. M Wright 70. E Parslow 70, F Lever t,!t. K Caxwell li'.t. W VVilliMiuon i8, D l'ltoniM, M Acl.i-v n .', K Hen- thuai ;_', M llfiird tiO, W Lvi iier ;V., M Colgan f)7, S Murray .~>ti, .1 S ewurt 51, A Mitchell 4!, A Stewart 4:(,lt C*rn<> 112. A LeCiirJ :). Form 1 (iraitiurii K Iteiitham 71, S Muriaj 71, It Cswell "0, U DiiiKwall i.'.t. \V WilliiiniMiu W. M AcheHin Mi-Vicar li7,K Aches. .11 >'!. O Hender>n li.'i, K I'.mlu* til. A Win- tori IK!, It Uutle..l!> I.:.', M l'olnn 111, M lleitrd lil, It Moit in ii". W l,itimer ,'iH, Ot)n .~>X, F Thurston -~>7.M Sn,.-irt '>', II ."rli, L Lever 5I>. A I.eiiai 1 '>, A Mitchell .-.if, r :-'. M Wii-in :>o, R Williatmoii 47. I> I'.ti .n 4ii. K !-. r 4T). J Stew irt I.'!. A Stew. -ill 4:t. Komi I Science A Winters KM, K Beiitliini M.I. U Me- Vicar *">, M Acheimi Hit, < Heiideison XI, M .Smart HI, I' IVlli-r 7i>. F. Achesntl 7:t, S Munay 7-'. F Tlimsl'.n 7-', It Cw- well 7'J, M f.. -4ii 71. M Wrilr. 70. It Diiiawnll 70, It Untied .'.-liK. ( I )n tiH, K I'mslow l>*. M H. ard W. II Mo .ic, K Ii4, It Willimsi.ii i!'J, I. l.i'H-r HI, 11 <'ar..i> r.H, A MiK-liell ."*. It Mori n all, L> 1'iUi.ii ..I. \\ Willi'iio- n .".I. \V Lilimer 411, A Stt- n' l\ .1 Sirwart Hi, \ l.-tiar.l 4'.'. Komi '1 .Sj t-llni',' K KaistiMli H:., L Miiir *.">, It \\ 'iUi.u M.",, I l.aidlnw HI, I. Pudi'ooii 71. II Me I,. "in M, A liaudiii i. 1 ;. C I. iei .V.I, 1' !,!< 1'iril .".", \VHtiu.v.ii ."il, }'. Caatvel' 4S. M Wintets i: 1 ., W lMti-..n ::-', C Wuile L'-'. It SUrp -'';. > Smart 1M, I) M.'. Hit tan (i, K I'.iiliiiiuent ". Form - J l.i'iu I I/lldlaw !lll, I. Kiid^riin Si, I. Muir 7ti, It Sharp 74, I) Wilson Mil, K KuMedt <;::. I) McMillan I '. White 4", \V I'nUifMi) .'!7, K Ck-well -.'ii. | I' 'I III ':' I' I'll. ll M |t,,yd!K), S Hawk n- *;, t M'J. F Hunt 70. K Wliithik.-r li", \ i. ,>i :*. T I >ir .'i. A \\ i i^lii Jtud'teon rj, K \\nji' : :;, I* Ho II . (nodical son than a wanilerin<> Jc*. siiuck town on Thursday nignt and want ed to go to jail. After vainly look- ing for Chief Ferguson to do the job, ha ran foul on Nightwatclumin Swmstoii, who after hearing hit story, struck an I'lit u. !. sod arrested him in the nanif of the King. He was eit-orteJ before. MujfisUte Tolton, who gve him thirty d*ys in the cells for vafjmncy. A Paiolejrite was ducovered by Chief Ferguson utrelched odt on the feidewulk in front of Keicheubach'i jewlery store here on Friday night, and on beinu re moved to the lock-up * ** found to b< in \ [ ml. .-'. itate of intoiicatioD Tli str.neer, who c*ina from a local op- tion district, wai drier ilun along si- 1 in. >u when he re-idied here, at>d the wuy he lubricated hii work.s ith !.....- when he i;.>t next to a real thirst- counter laid him out like a did soldier on the pavement. After severl hours of retreat in the locL-up, he regained liU feetanc was allowed to locoinotor away after a free lecture from the Chief. M. ;i.!i.'.M Mcln'oahof SouthamploD and Sutherland of Amabel, on infor (nation of Ins[>ector Rancv of Nortl Bruce, htd befon* them Charles Dubrick :li'.. on Tueadity last, for having 3 uallona of wh'skcy lent to him by Rar (.Ul A Roos of I '.ei iin. The whinkey was found in tlie express oflice at Tarn add re>sed to Dubrirk, who is . Imrtender in 1 ir i. which is under local option. I>ub nek did not claim the i .....'.. and aa there was no evidence to convict him the case wita diamisH'd, itud the booze wan colligated. On the nu^efction o .lud^e Kl.-ii'. who wn.s in Tula on the iUj .if the tii'tl, the lw J. I'.'s i.rdered tha the whi.skry i- nent to liruce HoHpitel a \N ilk. -it.. i, in .' , . i of i-.-iii _ poured down the street Cutler :>.s ii .soinetiine.s dune. Willnm Kxhini it l'.).yuar-old Irit-h o. in. I i .M ;' ' the ..i nl. A of dishonor ( that prt of the Kmerald Isle from whit- lie i-Miie. by robbing lii^ eiii|iloyei, ,Mur ice Cr;wfoiil, a f.iriner near Tan, 01 SI- 1 '.' 1 ", which he -..!.- n MI. a buroall drawer ..u the 14th of July last. The culprit ilepiuted with his plundei and went elsewhere K. work. II w.'is linally apprehended by .-i klu^lit ..f the baton, and a|iperiii>> before Tin a iim^istrute last wt-ek (-leaded guilty I., tlie theft and wa.s eit to the W.tlUeiton jail on Friday tu await the di.spi.Mtion of his case by the Judge. The pritorer a few h.'iiri after his nrrival h'-re, w.s ushered into the presence uf Judge K'ein, who i , -in in i.' I I. in. to the i el! - for a week to allow time t . enquire into hii previous conduct aii'l clriMcter I.efote (mKHJng >'|iloiu 1 e .M. the ai-cuitfd. Insane in House of Refuge Owiii!{ to certain rumour* to the eft'ect bat persons of weak mind were being ent from the Aysluin tc tha Co'jnty ioimc ..I Hefiige, thus infringing upon he ri^htn of intiniteK, Owen Sound Coun- cil sent a committee to invptiyte. This committee was composed of Mnyor Mc- ^uaker, DC. Hersliey and councilor SVills- jy iiccinnpaiiied by Miss ^fotter, deacon- ess of the King's Daughters. These came from the county town last Wednes- day, and were joined here by Keev e Ennis and Or. Kg", the Home of Refuse phyoician. They went through "Hume" and found eveiything that had any Ijear- ,' on the management of the building iu excellent shape, nothing with the lea-t objection could be found. There evi jeutly xhould be further pio- vision mide for the mildly demented other than in either the ay.slumj or ni the House of Refuge. It N not right that those who are naithrr very insane or violent should be sent to associate wih thote who are quite insane. Neither is it right that those who are only mildly i in i IK- thould be sent to associate with thone poor old peopl* whose uiiafoituoe is tlmt they %re >' |K>or that they have to go i > the house of refuse. There should be something between '.he house of refuge and i he insan^ asyluui for the iligntly di menled. The mayor ij of the impressiun that whit they saw at the Markdale house of refuge is quitj sufficient, reison for them making the 8t longest representations to the provincial government. Five of those who are in the house of refuge he says are demented, and only on* of those who have been eer.t hick. The othcii< all remained there. The superintendent sayn that though they are never otntrep- erous when he is theie they sometimes create considerable disturbance when he is away from them. This is what is to trying on those who are entirely sane, it is held Stand-trd. \\liite I) Mi 44, C A. C. U.ivey of the Col urn bud oil Co. an Aiiierii-tii concern, was lined S4II and costs by Maistr.'ile T.'lt..ti n Mtnd.iy afternoon fm -i-ilin, 1 e..:il nil frimi the O. 'I'. K. -.talion, here, will out H license. The eli!Ui;e was laid by Chief Ker^uum under the Tiamient Tiaileis Act, \\ h rh (iriihibits . utiideis from M-llirj in \\.ilk- eiton williouta li'''ii-i' P. Itobel (sou, K. i . .j.j.' iie.i l.ii tin- prosecution, while Div.-y bandied I i> own cnse. A number ot w.tiie-.-e.-. tislilied that they 1 i I l,oni;ht coal oil frorn D.ivey on Fir day und Haturdiy Uit, and mi strength i.f "bis rM.l^lice tin- i- 1 lilt imposed the above tine. Two representative, fmtii tlie Columbus Oil Co. lecenlly cm v.issi-il tl.i- rural lUslrift.s mi. mid bi-re di.-p. '-m'-! "f kerosene, hibricntin,' oils and axle yieas,.. in, I also a iirge tin t<, keep the oil in. That the Company hivlciii up !{'iin-t it in oihei places is shown by the fact a tine ol .'.() \\a< in. I ..-eil on 'ne i I il'rii lor selling rcrenlly at Allisum, while t wo charges have been laid nit'iiust Dave) ill Simcoe county foi alleged breach of the link ; und IV.iln Ky-law. I. in..' Herald and A County Sale of Cattle? A | .'iiiii.lil.-i hab been issued giving an idtu t> !> the extrilt of .lyricultural operation.-, in the C'.unty of (iiry. It . "iii mi - a of the breeders of pure bred stock. There may be some names omitted but if so these name.- should be sant to the Secretiiry i.f tlu Board of Agriculture. There U a feeling aiii' the ct l le muii i.f the (.'i.uiity of <>rey an HUC- lion sale >.f (Hue bred c-ittle ^liuuld be heM in the County. To tin- Nile should be contributed nlv lirst class unimal.s and the sale should be held itt some point near Hie c.-ntre of tlie County. xli.' one iimn In- M/nii.-.l liis inten- tion of ountributing s x aiiinudN if the sale is held The advantage wou'd be i hut if a Koi.d number of aniiimls were offered for l . t one time and place it woull brinn in Injers ^fnun u ilistance , anil thus biyner ulitl bettor priees would resu'l. It u.'iilil be a i>..od way to get rid of t.ur Mirplus slm-k. What do the breeders think ill out thi-s.' Aie they in f ivi.rof tin- |.l..n' If ihvre are goodly inimliei in f.uof ..f the . plan umi a food few animals Contributed the I lit') County Uonnl of Agriculture will nuke nil nrr.'.nifemeiit* for conduct 111^ the sale. Will those inteiYsted m this wliethtM- for ..i i".in-t. write to the yecretary ..ftbe llcianl mill let th.-ir viewr. bi> known. The Si-cri-'iiry is T. II. liinnie, 1'iice- ville, Out., IJ. Ii N... _'. F. R W. HICKLING FLESHERTON ONTARIO. Only Three Weeks Till Christmas DO YOUR SHOPPING NOW Don't * 11 until th-t last week, when everyone is in a hurry, but make your selections NOW, while you have the bet choice of quick selling merchandise. Our Christmas assortment is now at tha best. A FEW CHRISTMAS HINTS! Hockey Skatrs, all i/.es 7'ic to |4 00 H-x:key Bouts, ll niz-.s *1.25 to 15.00 Sweater Coats", nil colors 75c to $5.00 Wool Toques and Aviation 'Japs 25c to SI. 25 Silk and Wool Motor Scarfs 50c to I1.5C Ladies' Kid Gloves, all lengths W 1.00 to S^'.rx* Knitted Silk Neckwear 25c to |1,75 Men's Kid Glove* and Mitts 75c to 12.50 Initial Handkerchiefs, Silk and Linen 25c to 50c Fancy L%wn and Linen Handkercdi>fa 5cto 50c Lce Collari and Fancy Neckwear 25c to fl.75 Ladies' Wool Shawls 50c to |3.50 Meu'i and Boys' Fancy Suspenders lOc to 50c Fancy Silk and Cashmere Hosiery OOc to $1.20 SilK, N*t and Lawn Waists $1.00 to $5.00 Ladies Fancy Slippers and Pumps f 1.50 to $2.75 fancy Linens. Troy Cloths, Towe.'s, Centre*, etc 25c to $1.76 FANCY CHINA A beautiful assortment of Fancy Chioa, suitable for presents Cups apd Saucers, Fancy Plates, Bon Bon Dithes, 'Spoon Trays, Cream Pitchers, Berry Dishes, SaUd Bowls; Biscuit Jais, etc.. etc. Special Prices lOc to $1.50 Our Grocery Dept. is Ready for Christmas EVERYTHING REASONABLY PRICED. Millinery Special for Friday and Saturday We hva laid out two tables of Hats in our Show Room for Special selling. They are all new shapes and correct styles. TABLE Nl'MBER 1 Hats usually sold from $2.50 to $:>.50 All at 11.95. TABLF. NL'MBEU -> H%tM usually sold from 13.75 ro $6.30 A II at $3.50. Dr. J. Ralph Smith OSTEOPATH Office and Residence- 468 IHh St. East Owen Sound, Ont. IIour.s-l> to 12a.m., 1.30 to 4.30 p.m.; u. 811.111. Other bouts by appointment.; * I FOR A 30 DAYS' FREE TRIAL School! Of the 1900 MAIL CONTRACT SKALKD TKNDKIJ.S addressed to tlni l'..sliiiiilei (ienernl, will be received at Ottawa until Noon, on Friday, the Hth .liiiiniiy, I'.ll."), for the conveyance nf His ^1 .. iiiuili .11 a |iropo.seil con tract for four year", >ix times per week each way over FevL-rshum and ui Lid) (tank) Kural Mail Koute. from Ihu I' Master (leneral'it pleasure nest. Printed notii-o e'.nUininx further in f ' MM n as t<> oonditioni of proposeil < 'oiitract limy be seen and blank forms <ri Tmider miiy he obtiiined at the I'ost Ollicos of Fi'vorsham. I.itdy Hank, mil at tlie Ollice of the I' Otlico Inspect nr nt Toronto. Post Ollice Ins|i:'iM.n ^ ( Mill-.', Toioiitii. November I'litb. I'M4. A. SI TIlKUI.ANIt, I', i ( >tboii Iinpuctor Cmitdian tra le fell >~ f nearly .seventy niiMions in i 1 . r il.iee i. ... tli .ViLii.t to ('Cto'iT, as f-ni|.i.'ii wiih list year. A pecular cotll'iinftlioD. h.-n bn-u din- i". \i-red by Miiiu-liody in the i .'line of tin two leidin^; (iriioials in the Allies' fmces Von [m iy read ncross or tnke each side if tie dividing line. .it IK FI;K i'i;i-: Nfii II ..r. ild, i-ldesl son of .Mr. CJivi. Itnrke und a iie|.lu'w 'f Mis. J. W. Tanner WHS vii..nsly iiiiured n i-enlly by a kick (ruin In. i si- on in. t.irin at rreedule Mm. Tin- f.itlier of the injured youn^ iiiun, who was in M.iikdnle, Out. at onco started f"i Freed ilo on rocuivini; the iiies-ayi'. Itepri'senul i\ e. The Free I're-j w.irus f.ittiii't.s uf S. Itieyand Wellin^tnn to bo on the Inulc out for any stranifero or talkative men and ippkrtntly hlflnggooi linaiiciiil barkings who wiiils to buy it'10 aerei in n block for himself mid tw.. suns. Ht> slipH in ,t".ui meal time in the uvunini; und thus nfton get* buard mid bed for the ninbl while he disctissi's fiinn.s anJ terms. He imineH a lawyer in Mt. Forest n if well ac.|'ninted, who will draw npilu. (laperf. The name .-..MMIIS to I u that he makes free will) vilnikblos, si'drobci puck- <>ts of i;riiu"it i - in 1 1, n i . .m anil i.ccnsion- ally i!i|" away bofore others aru up. Sevei 1 victims in Minto kept it (| iiii-t for n while but the facts cinie mil H.I look mil . lie i< of under s/.e, hen\y intttaclu>, pcakn rliifiitlv, in prm.ed i i, the war, Irivn ., i-. he :} two duu^li- teriinthe K.-.l Cr. > Society , it ihefn.nt Some tliinU 1 e is a tierin in py. nri Accuracy and S ^^ Penetration "High Power" Repeating Rifle No. 425 List 1'rin- $20.00 ' f I'M; ncniiiiijlun AdU' A Big Game Rifle that ^ Makes Good. ~A Sure Pire No Halkr No Jams Ot I,'.' l\..: ! j .(if IVMl,-!' /5 Send for lt;iiMls.tini'!> Illii^triittij Oiljk.n No. II liillt- J. Stevens Arms & Tool Co., whose po- lo the That successful fcbool ..radu-iten occupy pr.iminer.t po- silions from the Atlant.c I'-icitic, re-open for the FALL TKRM September 1st, I'-'U Semi fur free catalog at once COLLINGWOOD BUSINESS COLLEGE T. E. Hawkins. - Principal ( Intario. Apply to Gravity Washer S. Hemphill, CHEAP FARM FOR SALE 12400 twenry-foor hundred dollars W illbuytl,,.w,..t hulf of lot *">-tA part of the North west .luarter of No. 1, ,L ! | on the 4-h eon. of Kupbnisu, contain. .., iibout 1-2:. acres. There UMPBOMd iu be ninety ac-s cleared, the balance ,,,od haid....d buh-mple, be* nd ,"lm. '1 here i> on the property a frame house and kitchtfii, a frame barn, straw h.use with utone foundation under U, ,,Ui. wood shed, driving fdioJ, \>\x I"'" ami hen hoiwo. There are aU, two .u ,.1,-ii-di on the f^inn Ri'owms ditlerert linds .'f fruit apple* fears, pHims i-herries and grapes- This far.,, is wi-ll fi'iic.d with wire and patent fenciiiR. free from Croat. It is also wel wiUered with w.-iter in nearly every lu-ld. llu-re i, a never-failiim pf' ll wllhln i'! 1 - Vl>ltis oltheb.'use This farm is within mile i>f the tl.rtvin village of KOI fui-thei-paiticuliirsapldy to STl'AUT. lumberley P. '- Agent For :- Washing machines^olding bath tubs,windmills,pumps,pipings water tanks, Beatty water bowls, steel stalks and stanchons, litter Car- riers, hay carriers, slings, forks and tracking, McCormick Binders, mow- ers, rake loaders, tedders, drills, cul- tivators, harrows, Chatham wagons, Mount Forest buggies, and Frost wire. Satisfaction Guaranteed. H. ALEXANDER MERCHANT TAILOR Feversham - Ont. Fashionable Tailoring Seasonable Goods, first class Workmanship. ALSO- A line of Ready-Made Clothing Whieh we put alterations in fn-e of , if required. Isep Take Your Hats Off To These Clothes 1 ou'll take your hats oft to these clothes of refinement ami quality. I have the nicest and best suitings on the market and the prices are no higher than the rest. del a made-to-measure suit or overcoat for Christmas. I t-an supply you with them for prices ranging from ,$14.00 to $2r>.00. Come in and look them over. Chicopee Falls, Mass: We have been fortunate in lQuttag another sliipment (.f fresh ^o ids at re- diie.'d latesand will yive niir ciistniiiors Kin benefit of the reduction. All kinds of feed and several kinds of flour to clmos.i from. Also some barnains in groceries. We have purchased the clock of Inter- natkni-kl Stock Fui d from Mr Fisher, You are n.nkiii.' money when you mo feedinsi tlielntertiatioimlSti'ck lU>medies. WL- wi.n: your butter and egga and 1 will. pay ft little in re than market price. S. R. Henderson '*? FLOUR and FEED T. C. BLAKELEY Sole Agent for the Semi-Ready Clothing Co., Montreal Standard Bank Block, FUslKfton : :

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