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Flesherton Advance, 19 Nov 1914, p. 8

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November 10 1914 T II R F L E S II E R T O N A D V AN C E BUSINESSCARDS Weekly Report OT II. WltUiilT. TKI.KOIUl A- JUDONA1 " Hrristr. Hollcitorx, ic. <>Hlr.-, Orov Recollections of Home Bruon lllock, Owoll Sutltlil. KlMI.Ul.l Ml oek,KlMlirton. (Saturdayx). \\.ll. Wright, \V . f. jYIIoi-il J'.. I. 0. McUounM. b. ij. II. Flesherton High School 1 you have i grey haired mothir, K..IIM 1, Algcliiii. I, 10 \i t),,turio fur sway, Sit down mid write, her u letter, IN DAYS AfiGNF. A < - o u SOCIETIES ou the U Morton H7, I- Lever !)2. It l>in^v,,ll (11, 11 Moore t<7, K Acliesnn 87, <> Hen- I Vim put oil' c'ay liy il vy. dcraon *<i, K li.'iith uu si, U tVwell :, l) 01 , t Wll j, ,, nt ii | lt , r tiied steps Mo.ulay " I'" 1 '" 1 ' 7'.i, W Williamson 7!>. t 1'or- K^el, Heaven's Pearly Gate, tor "K, K Lever 78, K Kutledge 77, M Cnlxan 7'!, I! McVicar 74, A Mitchell 74, F ThurMon 71, A Wint-.-rs (ill, M II caul DKIXCB AKTHUK LODGE. No. XB.A.F.* ' i9 ' A Lc ' ; ' lnl "*' A Sl 'l . J ** \ U. nieelD in the Masonic hall. Ann art ('.-.< ( IIT lil.M AchesOD,01,M Wright lait rl B M r 1>>" '>" her that ,,, think f l,,r, tr OKI;'H lljock,Kleliertoii, overy Kriilay on .. . before the lull niocn T. Klaktlcy W. | <>0,M Smart iiil.K I'aislon .,s, |( v Secretary. f OURT^FLEbHEKTOX, 99.-.. I. 0. F. * Clayton'i lilook tliolatt \\edue<lav 8011 50. treeUin Com;> >siti"ii. 1! McYicu 7-4, K A ;liesnu 74. C I'.irtor each umntli. VUitiDB HortHters heartily Icome'C. K.. (i. llellauiy ; K. S., (i. Cain.a; n.Sec, W. Hulk-in. *woltli ."mouth* W Kiu - Sec - b ' ore the Or " Williamson C5, U Caswcll 05, O llender- snii >5, C Orr ii:!,ll Kut ledge <12,F Tluir- If you've n lender messir, Or A loving word to sy. Don't wait till yi.u forget if, lint whisper it to-day. Who knows whit litter memr>rie>. Miiy haunt you if you wait, So mike your loved ones happy, 7:i, K Din-wall S, A LeGard C.S, K Before it is too late. SAHAII J. WYVIT, 1'onteix Sack. CHOSEN FhlENi)S-Klelieiton Council Chonen Frlendi meets in CUyton'ihallflrat st.jn lil . M Smart ;<>, A Winters 5!l, H M'K.-ie 5H, L Lever TiS, F Lever J4, M nd thiril We<lue<lay of ekcl. mouth b i>. ui Pay aeuientB lo tlio llix order on or before Acln'soii OO, U t a'.toll o,!, M UolgaO 00, Card of Thanks A Mitchell 52, M Heard 48, E Benthaml TI ' e family of the late Mrs. Henry 47, K Morton 47, .1 S/ewart 47, W j Hewitt desire to thank thc-ir friends and R UDI1 *rv MATHK'.VB, Markdalc, Licenoed Williainson 4li, K I'.uslo* 4"), A Stewiirt auctioneer (or tne couuty of drey. Goo<' i ,. .. it- . ,., .. p rice at reaatuable raU. UatM can be 4 -'. al 'ngnt 4.1, H ClgO 40. at Tt Advance, o 09 K..KM " \rl C Level (17, K Parliament C.i'.M MEDICAL R CAKTKH ii-', A <i.iudiii .Ml, I Laidlaw ,Vl,D Wilson neisjhhors for their sympathy and kind- ness to them during thoir recent bereave- ment. Wlule Albert A Merrill, of. Louisville, Out., was trying lo extract a bholl fioin D ^"MC'I""* ROnt.Phyiioian, Burgeon etc 58, E KarsUdt 50, S Suurt 54, K CBS- j H rn\ olver \<y aid i.f ii pocUet-knifp, t!ie Offlce and reaid^nce-Peter at., Fle.herton well 53, L Muir 5->, L Dudgeon 52, A t P OTTEWKLL Allen 52, W llaili-on .Ml, A Achesoii 4!, Graduate of Outaiio Veterinary College II Slurp 40, U McMillan 48, H McLean residence ascend door aoutb weit.on 17 , \vint..r .1- IV I'.iti. J7 al k.ry itreet. Thli itreet rum outh *'> A '! !(, >> 1 attlson 4,,ftl. Preabyteriau Church. Wright 40, I' Leliard 40. / Writing C Lever 4."., L Muir 42, IJ Wilson 40,1 'M, H Sharp IJ2, S Smart .'ill, A Achesoii [ 2!,M Winters 2!,L Uudjjeon 2U,<; White ; 28, W Patiison 2*. I> McMillian 27, M DENTISTRY KoyalCollece of Dental Siimeoni of Ontario. Gu adui>lni*tied for teeth extraction Office at rMideuce, Toronto Street. KluaberU*. ^ i ; K 24, M . UCA8. KASEhKNHV-H.rri.t.r.. ^ riolicitom.eic.-l. B.Lucas, K. C. : W. K. ; H McLean 21, I' LtGatd L'l). lUney, K. '. ; W. D. Ilein> , H. A. Offlces, 2ti, vV Harrison 2.1, 24, A Allen 22, ft .Toronto. HO6.U Tiadcru Hank Will!., phone n-ain 1412; Vlarkdale I,ura Hlock, '-' A. Hrauch .-nice at Duu.Ulk open evury baturday. bus i NESS CARDS Klemfiitiry Scicnoi! L Muir ill, I) Wilson x:>. K K.-u>iilt s:i, A Aclipsoii K2, H Sharp Ml, M Win- ten 81, A Allun MO, \V Harii.Miii 7!', (J vetpon exploded and the bullet lod^fd in Mcrritt's stomach. My a new regulation no IKTKOM is allow- el to six dl or i n|i mink, otter or muskiut or deal in their fan without hnving m-- currd a license from the depart nit-nl, which o.sls 82 a year. The penalty for the violation of this law is $10 to $.'('), and a peiHon Convicted of vio'a'inx the law cannot geeure a license within two year* thert after. Miyor Knlor of Herlin, receive! su urgent appeal from u fiiniier, living near WhitH 7*1, (.' 7."i, II Mrl.r L) McMillan 7:1, K I'urli tinem 72, L Dud- A CULLOUOH & V()i:S(i ' llaukera Markdale 1, A !, S Smart C7, M rtaionable ratc> Call ou ua. Clifford, Out, ic.|iiesting him t wife for him. "No odds how |>oor she IB as 1 my as she ii ood and kind to me, I ill her rijflit . Plenty to live on and plenty to weir. Lut me know a> noon as pnt-siMc,' 1 lie writes anil in addi- tion is willing In ivi> the woman who marries him a claim on Ir's faim for 82,500 aftel he dies. Ho is (HI years ..f a^<-. This M a i>u.i,l chance for j-iils in these slays when war is thinning out tin- ranks of intrriagaiilile men. Mayor liulcr has already forwarcied 22 applications Javis Oil. A Wright' .V,, S ~Hawkins 7':t \ fr '"" wiJ " XV11 ""' "P" 1 -' 1 '"* '" '*1' I" L MePhail B3, 8 Sprott 63, M Boyd 60J I bewme lic 'l ll;limei1 "'"' tliu tl;i '"l , K*itlin K M, V Kinley 50, M Ki.ox 45, I fanllir - ZlKUBVin .'I 'H n>i.- oeral bankinn bulne Money loaned J.cgote >H>, I haullnw i,(i, \V Pattigon i;.'!, FOHM :j, Compoiition. UMIUL. I-lcen-.J Auctioneer for the . . T ' >tr "' ' l *W '''>' * "'.".taker rey. Terun mo<lBrato and M, M McAl llmr lil , I) McVical W G The arr.-, e ,ne..t.l D(ivjs K spencvr 4:,. il si.unk 4\\' 45, II. KAITTIXU, Llceuied Auctioneer lo! C Uiulyeon 4.>, \V Sril|,-y 4."i, W Hiionaiian the oountlea of lirey and Himcoe. ... ,, ... rrui aid ml.< a hpucinlty. Ternid *>, ' ' tte. a*tifactioil Kiiaiantu"!. AriKin;,- U for date* mav tie inaMi. t Dm Ailvann- Ancient llist,.iy Bte, or Central telerboue ' Notice to Trespassers Kever-bau). Ont. Bull For Service O White 1(5,8 Hawkins HO, I) McVicar i Mil, T Orr 7M, (! Davis 78, M Lt-gV..- 7:1, K Wright 70, H Shunk 07, S Sprot I 05, , '^ Kaittin 04. / Kontlmm U."., I' Itcittlie ; Nolk:e is liuruhy givon that 'iny peismi ir M i -c.ii t .nn.i hunting oi i , -|M ii, on lots :'.."> and lit), con. U) ai; I II will he p ,,. m . t . uu . d I to law. Dr. Robins Hecall* lli> Early YtfiK In the Teaching Profession. In L. S. Icobins, ex-principal ot .McGill Normal .Scliool, Montreal, ii one of the veteran educationists ol Canada, being now well over eighty years of age. In addressing the gra- duating class of the Macdonald S< liool for Teachers at Ste. Anne de Bcllcvue, he spoke of the marked advances made In education in botb Quebec and Ontario since he first en- tered educational work over sixty years ago. "I wish I could be starting iu with you in the work which lies before you iu the Province of Quebec," he said to the graduates; "for 1 know your lines will be cast in much more pleasant places than were mine when 1 entered the teaching profes- sion in what were then the back- woods of Ontario. Let me tell you about the examination which I pass- ed for my first teachers' diploma, back in 1848. I will report it liter- ally, accurately and entirely. The examiner was a co'unty school super- intendent. "Do you know any arithmetic?" was the first question. " 'Yes, a little,' I answered. " 'What do you know of it?' he continued. " 'Pretty much all of it.' I replied confidently. The superintendent did not seem anxious to pursue that line further, for his next query was: " 'Know any grammar?' "Again my answer was: 'Yes, little.' " 'Then parse "Will you go?" ' wai his command. I parsed 'Will you go?' ' 'Have you got a school?' was the last question. " '1 have,' I answered; 'on the fourth concession of the Township of Dummer.' "Thereupon iny Inquisitor wrote me my diploma on a sheet of note- paper. I think 1 have it yet some- where. Passing that examination was easy compared lo some of my subsequenl experiences, for Inside of six months I was obliged to lick one of my pupils who was older, taller and heavier than I was. Bui I licked him all right, and after that I was boss of my school." Dr. Koblus, iu paying a tribute to the pioneers of education in Canada, now gathered to their rest, said: '"There have been great and slrong men engaged in the work which you are entering upon. One of my own pupils -dead now and almost for- gottenactually walked across Can- ada to devote himself to the service of education on the Pacific coast, In the days when there were no rail- ways, and the only means of getting /Tom Winnipeg to British Columbia was to hit the loog trail across the prairies." Toronto Saturday Night. TIIOS. Din. Terms H\ .">0 for r \r thoronyliliri'.l.. I cows nerveal must lie for. yftu. B. Quigi; Propriel Bull For Service , g:', Wright iill, F Hunt .">!, K Spencei ,'irt, C j Dudiicon 51, K Whiii iker 4!, W Scilley 4'J, V Kinley I.'., W liudiaii in :!, M KIMX 40. Algobra. j White 100,11 Shunk H,W Scilley M7, F Hum 7!>, M Kno\ 7H, A Wi^ht 7, M 7<>,C Diiilveon 7-.',M McAillmr ?o, f.T s.-i-tH-e. li.ioii Holly NM. Ill det'ii AII^II*. on :ot .'14. !ith cn.i iArleinesia. Terms. Jl.0<> if puid I) McVicir (i2,L Mol'hail 00, \\ Itiuhin i lt .Ian. I'.H.'i.- W. .1. Ma^ee. an 57, <i Davis 55, M Legate 54, T HIT WH >' ' ' 42, K Whhthker :!K, /. Benthani .".2, K Wright HI, K S|i. n,-,'i ."I, S Spruit 2il, S II mkilis 111, V Finley . Bull for Service ^e In-c.l Hliorthorn Imll, Alie.Mccn for HUI vice on 1..' J I, S.S. l:o f,,r ,. iMr, hrod ^J'ure lir.vl T.IIIK*.'! Ii 1. _ f n icrvic.- nlj-Vf lot. mi -i [iu be j. .HI II^B \\\ .1. MI . BuM For Service '1 iininii^liliieil Slim ili'iiu l'.u : !. " Hill <; .1 ,i n i . No. r.Ml'.x. f<T M'I \ ic Ugt 27. CO" i I. Vltdl.i >!:l. I'rlMP- H0lor "in Ics. >-.". for tlmi, .11 ;liln, .I-. \LK.X I'.Mtui MI;:I:S. 6O YEARS' EXPERIENCE MARKS DESIGNS CoPVRIGHTa AC. , * (kr(r)i and dmrrlntl.m may BlI aacercain our .ipinion free wli'Mlicr > inil..1 ) nrohnl.lf pjtieni Nl.U*. l.n i, i r^!urldt)r'-'>"il.liit>,il. HANDUOOK on I'alenu i-<,i AM. <tld.' atioiii-ir I -T << urliiK pateiiln. I -null* taken ihrauvh Munii A r.j. receive nintalnaUft, wllli'mlclimritu, lutha Scietimic Mrican. A bntloniely U)utratu<J weekly, r . . M .* , ., (tilatioa of A"T fciytinn.- Journal, 'turnin for t . WMbtuuluu. New York I.KliMI. D C. Thilt prniniddloUH xhiKilillij in Ihclmvn of (*en Sound i!o. s n I |,uy \\.i-, l.iMiii;ht f .rciltly Ii in, lo |Joy Tils.. n. a l.i.l ,-i l ,out seventeen je:. is ,,|,l, on Tne>il ij , li,.n II'! H.I. liro.lL'ht I'l tol'C III,' I*, lie,! M;il;U I'll S,tnrilny he w.s sli, o;in..r n,.,, r Si'venlli si TC; e-t, below ll.r lull, mid 1 a Inillet c.i in- lulh.'i [close lo 11 |IH>-IIIL; lii'de-lii.iii on Second Avenue-. Tin- Hi it i-i \v.n ii|niiteil, iilnl |)|.|in'y '' n t Thlililpioq went over nii'l look eliHix- i f llii'iilli- Tl!' II ai older. .1 to (my the ('..nil co-.|., ,u. ,1 |l ,. lid,., O L , ( , ;l | _ Wi(N T.iern nre soma big iii>iiie<< in Itiiti-h iCnlniiili :i. A p'lo o M-ni to '|'|,,. HciiiM ,ny .lohn Siinptoii, foiincily of Alii \\vell, ( 'iifiw residing at K:mi'iio|i-, |t. C , h h,, lvs ! his polulo (.,,1,1,,, i,|, die spu.K- li,.sh , ilX iilnl sctllcre.l on ilm ^I'uiind. Tim , surface is literally covered -md all ,,f |, u .j,,, | ii*e. Mi . Siin|,,oii s .,y, : 1 ,.,,,, f, y 1|(lr '"I" 1 "f '-"ill lid in iiivoiini , f (],,. weiflit i f sonu> |)ntitli)L>M i;rown I y Tllos. Jubnioti nnd uther* In y.,m locality. ] Imv.-ju I w.ulird Ueiily.iwii point,,,., mil i in i, I'll tli.. MMlennt sixty pounds. LThenWara K r..ivn on ,,,y c i y !(, tho lirs' crop. ill' il, which , ,.s i,, m |,.,l llt Iweiry ions to the ..,.,.. " D,,,,,);,^ Ik-lahl. The following prices nre for strictly |.ui.l in ndvnnce suhscriptions only. Wi- Inive no accounts with other p.ipers. Klehherton Advance $ I 0(1 | YoMths Coropauion '.' (MI , Toronto Woihl, daily .'! 00 Toronto Dnily News L 1 HO ' Weekly (Jlobu ... !I(J Mnil-Kinpire , ... 75 Family llcnil.l A Star !0 Toronto Star '_> (M) Kurnu r Sun !l() Knnners Advoosta 1 ."id Weekly Wit.,ieH !H) Saturday Niht :MK) Home .Joiiri-il !MI I'onlny ltc\ inw 4d Ito.l itiul (inn nui^a/.ino '.HI l"ii. Sc.indal. Ilo\v is it tint the c\ il which men e our uooil, Kind words dnn't f.,-em Miiiieln.w to t:il;e root nnd heiir lilossoin? Is ii th;it In Hi,, .si.iny l:e:ir(s of in:iiil>linl these pretty flowers ciin't Hud n phici- to KI-OW? CVrliiln It IN thiit sciindal is noutl hrisU l:llk, wliL-ri'iis praise of olio's neljjlilior Is liy no uiL-ans lively he:iriiiK. An iictpinint- unco grllleil, scorcil, deviled nnd serv- ed with mustard mid cayenne pepper eM-iti's the appetite, whereas n slice of cold friend with ciirrnnt jelly Is lint a sickly, niirellsliin^ meat. ThacUcniy. I xv,. i- Home An 1'lster Irishman employed on a Montreal morning newspaper is a de- termined anti-Home Uuler, while a pugnacious little Irish Catholic en- gaged on a rival paper is an equally urdent advocate of the Nationalist cause. The two met one e-vening on >; assignment, ami become involved In u basiled argument over the merita and demerits of Home Itule. As they reached the outer air, ihe t'lsterite remarked: "\Vell, 1 sail next week for home, und all I hope is that the ngluing isn't all over before I gel Ihere." "Is Ihat s.p?" replied the Redmond- Ite. as he pulled off his coat. "Well, if all you want Is a tight, you don't need to go lo Ireland for It." After u brief but bloody battle, the Issue vsas declared it draw, but the incident prompted a fellow reporter to make a timely suggestion. "If so many of these Catholic and Orange- men are eager to tight for or against Home Hule," he said, "why should they go to Hit 1 trouble and expense of an ocean trip? Why not let them organize and light it out right here In Canada, and cable the result over to be included In the tinul score?" Well Acquainted. An American (,'lrl WHS talcing n Liv- erpool Rlrl home to the States with her nnd toward tho end of thu Journey re- niiirUu.l: "It Is dfllKhtl'iil to feel (hat ono Is so neiir home. We- onyht to flight Sandy Hook this afternoon." "Shall we'/" uxclaiined her friend. "That will bo nice. Don't tell me which one he Is. 1 can always pick it Scots- man out of a crowd." Chief Steward. i. i Moves \ Canada a^iiin has a harbor open- Ing on the Pacific Ocean through the Alaska 1'aiiliandle. Throe years ago It WHS discovered that by the move- ment of u giant glacier a harbor hud been i>|ieii'd through that part of t'le I'nlted StaloH territory known as the I'unhumlli', thus uffordin.i; the uorth- 'in part of liritish Columbia access lo the sea. A year ago the news reached CH- lawa that the glacier had changed Its '.mi. i and trundled the harbor back again out oj| Canadian territory. And now word has reached the Geo- logical Survey here that the Oecislwu In m reversed, and the h^'bor is back UKiiin. Prof, liiock, 1'epuly Minisier of .Mines, says that tile general niove- nieni of IhcM 1 glaciers is backward from the ocean, so that Canada u ill one day have its harbor for good and all ' Strong Presumption. Lawyer You miy Hint the defendant ran his autonuilillt: Into (lit- show win- dow of a millinery store; lint that doesn't show he was Intoxlciiti'd, does It? OUIctT-Well, no; but when I ar- rested him he was trying on this lints! New York (Jlobe. GOOD POSITIONS uretJ fnr *l lour irmduat** f n Book- th (. .- 'Mrnf PU.-I-I'- fnr all aur . m n Civil 8ervlr. Chnrterrd m'> nd Mmriculxilun .; COLLEGE . . ., ). V. XI.: bell. JtA . I'nn ip.l : ; Property of the Late Roger McGill for Sale In Hut township ,.f An j,,, j,, ,| )( , I'oiinly . f Crey, Pr.,vin,v ,.f (lulnrio. ,vinip(i8(i,l of |,,|s 1 |H mid U!l, ,-,,. > ^ W, I . A" S. It., nnd p:nf nf lot 15(1 2. S. \V. T. A S. H , conuiniiiK f,('l ncri'K in ii',' ,>r less. AKCIIIIIALI) M.fill.l,, (',! Mavi ly St., " We.- 1 Toronto A Hard Ci. "Ills wife cnruB hur own money." "Indeed! I did not know sho was ' omployod.' 1 "Oh, yes; hnrd nt It all the time." "Whnt does sin? do?" "Works him to give up. 11 New York Journal. Walt Is n hdrd word to the hungry. (in iii.-ii, 1'rovi'i'b. Wool iii'in- IM (irows. 'Hie fact that lll'ty thousiind pounds of wool, worth $!l.()0(i, has just been Bent in one shipment from Saskatche- wan is merely another instance of the awakening of live stock interest in the West, and an example of the benefit to be derived from the farm- er working along co-operutlyp lines. Last year the sinal! wool growers ob- tained prices ranging from 8 to lu cents for their clips; this year the price is practically doubled. In ad di^ion to these smull producers tliu large Hock owners have also availed themselves of the opportunity. Alberta wool growers in consider- able numbers sire Belling their wool through the Saskatchewan Govern- ment agency; and in addition, the clip of u large Mock of mohair gonts Is being sold by the branch on behalf of ranchers of Debourne, Alberta. v-i iv , I Vet. Samuel Keid. aged 74, of Kingston, IB one of the oldest printers in Can- ada -nil at work, and the other day he completed . r >N years at a printer's case. He Joined The llrltish Whig staff in n sixteen years of age, ; - ' baa nrt i, with that papv ever sine* Ceylon's Busy Store NEW STOCK Stan-fields' Unshrinkable Underwear, all sixes in iln-ec weights. Woollen goodd, blankets, underwear, sj ks, hose, stock - irg legs by the yard . Men's heavy, leather top rubbers, all sizes, 9 inch and 12 inch. Full assortment of sheep-skin] lined coits for teamsters. Leading brands of crosscut saws. See our stock of driving rugs. The latest is the large plait shawl rug. Ladies' ready-to-wear coats. Something altogether new. .vlen's and boys' top coats and also heavy overcoats. We have nearly anything you want in either ready-made or tailor-made. Canned Corn, Peas and Tomatoes $1.00 a dozen Special Price on Sugar this week only : L Highest Prices paid for butter and eggs,~ IlCash or trade." JA/VIES PATTISON & CO. i Farm Implements ASK US When you want information regarding any article of IJinu injichinery that you are thinking of adding to your equipment. Remember we are agent for the Massey-Harris and Cockshutt lines, and they, as you know, include nearly everything the fanner needs. WE'RE MERE TO SERVE YOU- PLEASE GIVE us THE CHANCE D. McTavish - - Agent FLESHERTON, ONT HARDWARE! An All Canadian Product For beauty, strength uid siniplk-ity \ve I'liallengo compari- son. Experts pro- nounce the 'Canada 1>" the best Through- out Steel Kange on the Continent. Guaranteed to Give Satisfaction. Coal or Wood Heaters I FRANK W. DUNCAN Hardware Merchant ; HLKSHKI^TON, ; Phone 30 r 2 OXT ik/; ... Flesherton Tin Shop- |Wj 1 have just |>laiT(l ou the shelves a fuil line of 1$ Tinware, IS.' iekclware and Agateware for domestic i! ; use. Call ou me and get your supplies. .*' W Kiiveti-oughing, Stovepipes and Stove Furnish - Repairing of all kinds promptly attended to. ill Pipefitfcing, inoJuding pinup work. Fiirnacoa installed. Agent for Clare Kros. I PurnRce*. D. McKILLOP CHRISTOE BLOCK FLESHERTON I K III ft ONTARIO.

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