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Flesherton Advance, 19 Nov 1914, p. 1

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TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." PRINCIPLEb NOT MEN.' ?OL No. * Flestierton, Ont., Thursday, Xovornber 19 1O14 W. H TEURSTON Eugenia Paragraphs Intended fur Last Week Snow Hjjuin covered the ijroueil on M .iiday morning. Mr. Frank Letiatd and Miss Liz/.ie Williams are in Turun'o attending the wedding of their cousin. Miss Gertie Fenwick. Mrs.Jkke Will auis hn aone to Toron- to to attend the O.W.I. Convention held there on the 1O,11 mid l-'th of this week. Mr. Stanley Wallace vi&ited the week end with his lady fiiend in CVllinigwftnd. Air. Russell Tout of Toronto it the t uf his friend, Duncan William). This Week's Items Married In Toronto, on Monday, November ICtb. 1014. Mr. E. Proctor, of Mr. H. Cairns' staff of employees, to Miss Edna Camack of Kimberley. The beat wishes and congratulations of this community are extended to the happy young couple, as they are both very highly esteemed. Miss Barbara Armstrong gave a to her young friends on Friday evening. Stoimy and wet weather the past week. Mrs. Edward Yager entertained a number of friends ou Monday, loth. in honor of her wedding anniversary . Miss Marjorie Park entertained a few of her young friends on Saturday afternoon and evening. At the English Church Uectory. at Rainy River, by Rev. J . Lofthouse of St. James church, Mr. Wesley Armstrong, son of M's. W. Arm- strong of this place, was united in marhaqe to Mips Uildred Mabel Mitchell of Ruiny River. on October 19tli. The happy couple will reside at 1012 York St, North Battleford. Sask. Durham V The iiio-minss "!. T. K. train Friday e veiling uci'lentallykityri the lire< be 1. .itging to Chas. Linn, one a cult and , ue rising three yer, which had, strayed ,n the twck H nhort distance from the -.atiuii. They were anon tube sold f.-r it has provid severe I-**. A horse Vloii^ing to JIM. NVelih WHS aho aMile but uninjured. I', .Ice HttRitr:ite Telford gnve his de- c :-i.'ii on Friday lust in regard to the two 1 <|U<>r tan's tried before him a wet-it pre- viously. Hid judgment led him to di<- miss both casi'-f, a decision which came m a shock t> lr? number in the tow n ax their fallible lay mind bad thought the evidence was suttk-ient to secure conviction. Tli is was mil ill- Ciise in the opinion of the man \vli,. duly it is to gift ovidtrtice and there it rests iu the meantime. The decision was uu doul.t t itcheJ hy ignoring the evidence of ihe g >ecial service men. who -by the decis on itseomaUius tanJ hramled ;is dclibur- ,ao j>v.'ijuwr. NV hat is I e ' >nt:ri" i-'"v- ennmiu noiiia. to do about it. 'Are they going to allow, nay, uro they g" : tu ' appoint men a', the public cxiwnse to g" through tho country to away the g ,oil namaof ivsjH'CUM..- citizen*? Theiv i< room for ;i and wi- hope it will he fiiriheoniiui!. Fever sham Items Messrs. Win. Oiborne and ,Ja.. Conn have returned huuie frou. Owen Sound wheiethey had spent the summer months. Bert Oaborne spent a few days at bis ho ne here recently. Arliene Buckingham visited friends at Rob U.jy list week. Mis. Jas. Conn has' returned from a visit with her mother on the 10th line, Susie Davidson has returned to Buffalo after a visit with her mother here. A number of our villagers attended the fowl supper at Mclntyre on Thursday evenins? last and report a large gathering and ;\ good time- Messrs. James and Henry Pelch and Howard Sample who hive beor. picking apples around Thoinbury hive returned home. Mr. Harvey Perigo, Mr. and Mrs. Eb- eit, and Mr. Dukes of Port McXichoi motored over from that town and spent a day here with Mr. and Mrs. T. U. Pt.r- ig last week. Mr. (leo. Ju!in is finishing up his season's threshing this week. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wcldnck visited with John Uyreof SmKhaiuptoii recently. The Osprey Fanners' Milling Co. have installed a new '.U inch grinder in tbir mill here. The wea-her h-is the appearance that Old King Winter is near *t b.-.nd. Victoria Corners Last Week's h.-ni Born T.I Mr. and Mrs. Hut-h Warner, at Atterelifl, a MMI. League meets every Wednesday even- ing, l luistioje chuich. Would be pleased to see all our friends present at the meetings. The Stewards and managers of luis- tioire church met and officially appointed the officers of the choir. Orga-iist, Miss Shcard.iwn: Ch-iri.ter. Mr. Kabt Ache- son; .\f-K-. -Or p., MUs Ei'n* Acheson Miss W.Hidlan H visiting her <M r. Sirs. Chas. Moore. Mi. Klynn of Holland C.-ntro has |>ur- ch.used the property across from the chuich which was owned by Mr. Kerr of Fle.-ihenon. Mr. Armstrong, of Fleshorton, win- ..wus the o!.l Armstrong homestead is taking down the house and reium-itis: the umber . Obituary Wodehftuse Doings Riverdale Ki-id'iyi.f la-t week before t't-'ice May- is- r-.te Ti-!fo:'il, -inolliBr ciso of infraction ,.f tin- biconse law was chained nsjninst tho Fivprietor of the Middaus-h House. The chnrsji- was that lii-twiHn the hours uf 1? and 10 p. in. on Si-pi. -'. the defen- dant had nold whiskey to tw> special .!.-- t.-ct ivi-sof the ynvermiient. urd also hail supi'linl tin- constable with ilu- sa-ne st ull on wuni) day. Kline, of Walkcrton, conducted the irosociiti.n. Wruht, of Owen Sound for tli d-feiice. Hunter and Stoirart, tUe detectives, gave evid- ence similar to the week pivvious and so ^ did the Constable, that whiskey had been > supplied hy the defriitliuu nd paid for. Tho charges wer Ilitly denied hy both j the propiietiT and his b*r-keepcr. Mr j Te)f ord in aiuiounciuk} his decision ti> j withhold judgment in th moantinu-. j seemod t-) ignore entirely the evidence of i the Roveminent's agents, that of the con- j stable w I.H more lerious, the only doubt I being whether ho wmsupwlifd withinthe ; hours given i" the infortuatiou via: n>t ween 1 .' and lOp. in. The con.stable <wcrnitwaa "abi>ut 2 "which might have be.- Ji before 2 and thmfore not occurrin<; w.t hin thelimit of lime chirked. On j th s point the numistmlc is taking liiglu-i | ! opinion. ilcview. Intended for I-wt W.-A Only seven weeks till ChiUlmas. Mr. J. Steuhenson and lady friend of Vandeleur were visitors on Second Avenue wear, recently. Mi - Cora Hutchinson of Yaudtrleur is ihenuest 'f Mrs L. B .ales, at present . K. Culling is uig.-isjed with Will Tity !or ..f Cherry lirove f.-r few months. Henry Bnrns took his departure for Eusii-nia on Moil Jay, ha\ inn svoimd a lucrative p^-s lion with the Hydio-eleetrie Power C.i. operauni; in that vicinity. M s I.. Johnston vUited friends on the West l'..tck Line. AitenifMa. recent- ly. Me-is. 1.. Mclntosh and K. Johns-oil were on a business trip to Mi-.if.m! on Saturd.i\ . |,,.wis P.oales recent y purchase.! an up-to-date xis'.K-ne engine. Mr. and Mrs. A. Thoiiipson visaed friend* at lla'kaway the first of the week. A lar^e niunler from our burg attend- ed K. l>unlop's auction sale of farm stock and implements in Temple Hill vicinity last week. It was with an emotion >-f pi-of.uunl ivyrel that the citizens of cur coinniun- ity learned of ihe sudden demise of Mr. J tune* I'onnolly, who passed away at his ho.ue here on Sunday afternoon owing to a hUl attack of appendecitis. The sin- cere sympalhy of ihe entire community is extended to Mr. and Mrs, Connolly mul f unity in theii pathetic bereavement. The Hiverdala "Military l.tnd " s>ave a j vigorous open a<r stunt on Main Stn-et Inst Tuesday evening. From a fast ami furious discordant point of view the in- pie w*s miperli'iive, but otherwise it is .|uitt evident (hit the iii>:inl>ei.s of the liaml re-|uiro more ins-ruiiioiit* and practice InM'ore they attain H degree of inimical The late Wilmot Gordon Pickel!. whose sudden death from heart failure while in pursuance of his Jut es we ivpirtedlast week, was born in ths Township uf Dar lingford, County of ( lutirio, in the year 184.~i, being the eldest son uf lint late Capt. and Mrs. George Pickell. When a child of six years h s parents moved to the County of Grey, settling on land be- tween Markdale and the Saugeen river on the east side of the road. There they remained until they bought the PicktfH farm in the suburbs of Klesherton which remained in the fimily until ayuarag~>. \\ he 18 yean of age his father moved to Port Huron, where be again engng.'d in sailing, being Captain of a boat which foundered in Lake Erie off P"int Pelee, he bein-i the only survivor, reaching land after nine h.mrs "f exposure in tlK early spring. On goii-g away from Flesherton the boy told his friends he would return when he was il yetrs .1, i work the farm, and this he did after an absence f three yean. Two years later, in ISliU, he was united in ina'ri.n'-ny to Elizabeth A. Wright, dait'jhtiT of the Uie Geo. L. and Mrs, Wri-jlit, the event taking place in Klesherton, OOMMBS'B^ life togethei on the farm. There their children were born to them -in J strew up. Twenty -seven years ago, in lf*87, the family moved to Markdale, residing here continuously since. In the summer of 18li7 deceased united with the Methodis' church in Fleshoiton. under the pastorate of the Revs. Josias tjreene and David Williams, and immed- iately became an active worker in the Sunday School and led a Young People's class. On L" mill:; to Markdale he re sinned these activities, being at different' limes superintendent of the Sunday School, and later Bib'e Class Teacher. He also was ;i member of the Trustee and Quarterly Boudsof the chunlt and was s TruaU-e of the Public Srhcul Braid In politics he was a Reformer an 1 as a- temperance worker was intensely in earn i-.-t. In his active public lift- ha s.iw much of the finished product of tht- li.)- u<ir traffic, and was ruirticulaily anx ious for theyouiiu peop'e "f the coiiimuniiy and hi* v.-i..-e was ..f e'i I.eard in pn.tist and appeal. To him the eu.l i-ame suddeirly. Xo pain. Just => |)aH8iut; from this world of turmoil int.i tha: of peace aud glory- and those who know him best feel assured he is "Forever with the Lord. The funeral was not held util Tluus nay at 1 o' clock, being delayed in order toenalile numbers i-f the family to net home Those who came were Guy ami Uoldwiu] from the West, and Austin from New Yoik. The interment to-.k place in the family plot at Klesherton, a shoit service taking place, at I ho church before loavinv. The hymns were favori e< jf the devenrd, and Mrs. A. M. l>i..wn MUI/ very swietly ''Only Keiiieinberetl 15y Whit I Hue* I) ,ii... " R v. W. W. Wallace'* remarks were very .ipproi.triate to the siid occasion. c"iic'uduii; with a few appio-iiiate rer'erences to the Chris- ian life of the and 1: s w.nth to 'he chuich and the community. The rionil iribiiles from the tooie;ies. Church an.rSumi:iy School with which he hml been connected were beautiiul, HII 1 sev. eral fiiends remembered him also in this way. Tilt" pa! I !>carcis were li'e lony friends and aMcc'iitca, being Messrs. I*. McCu'louuli. John Tl.i l-iuJeau, W. J 1'ottc-i, Hot f. lUun-ide. Knd Siri'':inl, Markil-ile, and Uobt. Co >k. Ceylon. Besides the widow who journeyed with him for for' y- five y.-ais, he leive* two daughters and five sons, being Mr. J. I'muhart. of Outlook, S.isk., Mrs. (Rev ) V. ('. Si.eveiis, Fisher Hiver, Mu..:<teo. of 1'hi'a lelphii: Aut n A of Wappin- g.-rs Kails. N. Y.; Wilniot t!uy. Por'ago la Prair e, ^lan. : tlo'ilwin of (.'arm-in. Mm , and a sistur in Michlgaii. Tu the home his departure means i void th it ciin never be filled, having been n considerate husband ami a tender fatho^ and in the e. immunity there U sjeneuil feeling of sa.lness and a deep sympathy for the bereaved. Dund-tlk.lMt i Mother Earth is appar ntly about to pir. on her winter rol>e. Just five weeks till Christmas. Heartfelt sympathy is fell for Mr. -ir.d Mrs. Vii: C-'Dley ai d fa.nily of River- daU in the loss of cheir eldest son Jim on Sunday last after but a few days ill- ness of appendicitis. Jim had ft r tie f.-ur years been engaged Ed'jir Donnelly of this place and was working with him when taken sick the Tuesday previous. He was a yuunt; man just -7 your grists. years of age uf sterling character, and a reserved kindly deposition. He will be sorely missed by Edgar, who valued his services high'y,aud by nv-niy other friends who mourn his untimely Jeath. The funeral was largely attended. Another of Euphrasia'* worthy pion- eers passed away in the person of Mr. (ii-orge Hu'chinson, who died very sudd cnly of heart failure on Wediie.-day h >t. Deceased who had reached the ripe i of 82 years, came to there pirts vvilh his wife who predeceased him e-^'it veais ago, when all was ypt Duwh, and together they endured tlu- hardships of a pioneer life. He was a man who loved his home and lireside chat, a he.trly kind natuied defendant of "Id Eni-Uud a staunch con tervalive and a pienilwr of t'le Aiii-lican church. He leaves to mourn a kind father, six sons add three dau^bteis .ill of whom are grown up . namely,* i.-orge, Vtndeleur.Robeit and Albeit in the west. Will of Markdale, J.ihan of th s I'Uee (Carrie) Mn. Lewis B >ales, Kive.dale, (Libbie) Mrs. John Kirkpatrtck.t String, and Edith .iiid Lance at home. The funeral t >ok place to Markdale Cemetery on Sunday aftsmoon, heini; withheld awaiting Robert who arrived ho:iie Satur- day evening, the services conducted hy Rev. Mr. Hosford D- A of Mar.iil.. Tho p.tllbeareM were the live sons and on-in-law John Kirpairick. Sincere sympathy i.s extended to the Lereavid ones . Miss Lilly A 1 ercrombie of Uoeklyn is ig her brother Bmlundtwdwlfeoftbia [il tee. Your Cor. had'he pleasu-e of seeing three of those much prized untUred beauties pass this way one afterm-on the pa.,1 week, they were 140101? e*t n.l seemetl to be afraid to tarry lonn lest they would l-'se too much Mine but stopped oc:asion.tlly to take a look Iwek no doubt to see if anyone was on iheir iwck. "U >pc ye Klitor had a pleasti.t liuntinuc hoi day and a safe retum with your prize, but it makes tine limits i; is too bad to shoot down the cut-free fuote-t Ix-au'ie-i. ' Mr. Robeit Batty. lUnryre, called -n his fiiend Mr. -John Buskiu week. Born -Dn Friday Nov. i:Jth I'-'U to Mr. and Mrs. Thoniiisoii .1 s n. Coni;ratulatioi.s. .Mr. James Brown sp>-nt part of 1 .M week with his son John near Thorn bin y. Mr. Will Lawson rotuineo. home from the West on TueMlty last, vvlu-re he sp.-i.t the si'iiimer. Mi-.A!')eit .li.-k-.n's we'.l drillini; ou'- fit with caonUe of .\Ln . . are at pr.seiit .liillmu t well for Mr. .1 W. \\ilev. DR. BURT 5pecJali9t In dlsi'uus of Ibo Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Offi:e-130 lOlhst. Wt, Ow.n !ond At the Revere house, Markdale, Bud Thursd.-ty each month from 8 to a 12a m - .if ech month.. Fleshcrton Planing And Chopping Mills I am now prepared to J chopping every day in the week except Sundays and every week in :he year. Bring alon" your grists. Our sash and door factory is always at your disposal for anything you want in our line planing, matching, etc. Floor ma, sash and dours, an d all fur- nishings supplied promptly and at leas- unable rates. Oei esumntes. Blakely and Henry Proprietors FeblJ I.'! ly J e welry A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se- lection. We car- ry Photo Supplies. W. A. Armstong, Jeweler FLESHERTON, - ONT WAKE UP S i'k and j;et your supplies of ^ Cranberries, Honey and Syrup j: FISH frinur and Trout, ticsh nr s FLOUR jui'l L'ei'il of all kiiv if lirini,' in your Wheat. Oats. I'.arley. Buckwheat. w IVus. Butter an<l Eg<rs and irer the highest market. 2 AT THE FLESHERTON GROCERY W. BUSKIN RUBBERS ! RUBBERS ! Ceylon Thixf in noeil of Riiliiiors, Hi^h Laci- Lt-iithor Tops or Low I.,U'c Tops or Kul ilu-ix with- out Tops or it' you have olt! l.i'iirluT ""ops hrino; tlioin in anil -; now 'lottonis on tlit-in. W1IEKK: WHY AT Thos. Clayton's FLESHERTON il. r i A mit.i.s'or iu a neig'ibourinj l*n a fev\ Sundays ago surprised his itiulieiue by vciulinjt the following aim 'unceinent: 'The leyular session of the Donkey (.'lub will be held as usual at the close of tl o service. Member* will line up just out- si.ii' ot i he chinch door, nitke remarks and stare at the ladies as they pass, as is their custom. Any member known to escoit a lucly to church and sit with her like a gentleman will be expelled from meinber-sliiy." The application was to the point and the effect was marvellou Mrs. S. Haul and tluldun vi.-.led T. r- .into fritillds last week. Mr.. I. I'.i'ti-ton speat lh-- week end t O v.-ii Sound. Mrs. K. S.n-ciU h is ri'tuiiud from a few waeks' visit with .)rii'ia liieiui- Mrs. J., l-'tveisl.ain, is visit- ing with IHT sis er. Mi^. 'I'. I'hisletl.. Mr. lieo. Stewait i-eliniied Sa'uid.iy from a two wieks' hunting trip. Mr. Alex. Mc">oimU, H*en S -umj, is a visittr at Mr. K. Cairn--. Miss .Jennie Mnir luft Thurs.lay I'm Torouto, where sha enters a piivate h-n- pital to train for a nurse. Miss Maud Homphill returned Friday a wee'.i's visit wiih Keversliam friends. Her une'-e. Mr. t>. McK. n/ie accompanied her. Miss Spears, r'c\ersham, "as a visitor the l'bt week at Mr. S. Heiiiphill's. Mr. Fikl Cliis'elf, ^heltun e. spent over Sunday with his parents. Mr. S. Hemp'iill mul U. Cook attend- ed the stock sale of the late Mr. Picks! t Markdale Saturday. The breaking of t *''> | liti- Ljlass win dow in Grilan'< ----!. St lym-r, was one of the- hallowtj'en p-auk-j in that town Christmas Suitings | Just received & bunch of nobby new suit- inn:'; and ovcruKitin^s. an immense choice of newest pattrin>and at very reasonable prices. Leave your order for a Christinas suit now and have first choice. We aim to please everyone and we hit the bulls- eye every time- Call and look over our stock. S. J. BOWLER Sole Agen; fcr the Hcbbe.'lin Tailoring.

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