A WOMAN'S RIGHT TO HEALTH * 1 No Reason Why They Should Suffer From Backaches and Headaches To every woman belongs the right to enjoy a. healthy, active, happy ' life; yet nine out. of ten suffer, of-- ten in silence, from splitting bead- aches, torturing backaches, violent " heart palpitation or some other of the many evils that follows anaemia, ! . or bloodleasnesis. That is why one sees so many wo- , men with pale, thin cheeks, dull eyes and drooping figures sure . signs that -the blood is out of order. AJ1 suffering women should win Hhe rigjhit to be well by refreshing their weary bodies with the new, rich blood of health that promptly transforms them into healthy, at- 1 ' tractive women. There is no other medicine can supply this new, rich . blood so speedily and so surely asj Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale ' People. Through this medicine thousand's of tired, suffering wo- . men have found new health and strength. Mrs. James Drost, ' phipman, N.B., says: "For years I did not know what it was to be en- j . tirely free from headache or back- ! *, ache. My hands were cold and clammy aJl the time. It was diffi- "* cult for me to get my work done, .- and to walk even a short distance , would leave me completely worn * out. My life was one of constant worry, and I thought I would never , ~ be better. I was doctoring all the N time, but without a bit of benefit, j and finally the doctor stopped giv- j ' ing me medicine, as he said he "could not help me. Do you wonder ', "(that I was in despair. My mother ; .urged me to take Dr. Williams' | 'Pink Pills, but I said "what's the .use ; medicine can't help me. ' How-; 'ever, my husband got six boxes of j the pills, and to please him I began .to take them. By the time I had 'finished them I undoubtedly had ( .'improved, and there was the signs 'of returning health in my cheeks /and hands. My husband thought '.the improvement so great that lie got another haW -dozen boxes, and before these were completed I wa- 1 .' enjoying such good health as I had not 'had in years ; in fact. I was a "well woman, and have since enjoyed . the best of health. I sincerely feel '"that I owe my life to Dr. Williams' ' Pink Pills, and shall always recom- j "hiend them to all sick people." You can get these pills at any , medicine dealers, or they will be t sent by mail, postpaid, at 50 cents ' a box or six boxes for $2.50 by j ' writing The Dr. Williams' Medicine ' ' Co., Brockville, Ont. SIR DOl'ULAS HAIG. In Command of the First Army of the llriii.-li Force. Cameron Brig in the Kingdom of Fife, Scotland, has been well ac- quainted with the Haigs for many generations, and it was here that Sir Douglas, Commander of the First Army Corps in the British Expeditionary Force, was born just Tortures of Rheumatism Wftll I ff Vfill T IVo Yield to This Remedy 1 nUUIU IUU LIIVC flair UKe THIS A Marvel of Speed, an Unfailing Cure for Old Chronic Cases. . GET A TRIAL BOTTLE TO-DAY. With reliable old Nerviline you can rub out the pain of Rheumatism, Scia- /fi .1 -f . I *** viii. in'- paiu ui itur uiu.1 Li.^u: . >v;i fifty-three years ago. In due time: Ucai Lumbago> or N eura igi a _rub it ne went to Clifton and from there away 8O completely that you feel like to Brascnose College, Oxford, buit new all over. the array was his love. He entered the Royal Military College, and very early in his career gave prom- ise of what, was to come, for he passed first ooit of Sandhurst, gaining the highly-prized An&on Memorial Sword. In 1885 Haig was gazetted to the 7th Hussars, and four years later was lucky enough to get on the Soudan Expedition, where he was present at Atbara and Khartoum. Needless to say, this very thorough and masterful young man was men- tioned in despatches, as well as getting the Egyptian Medal. A Scientific Soldier. Sir Douglas is believed to be a very -scientific soldier, and has written a book called 'Cavalry Tac- tics." His autihorship gained for him the name of "Von Haig. He du.ly passed the qualifying exami- nation for entrance to the Staff Col- lege and then had to go before a medical board for fitness. The board announced he was color blind. Haig emulated the example of our army of bygone days in Flan- ders; got specialists both in Eng- . land and France to prove that he | f lons and <*P^ate a lowances was not color blind, but the con- j e started b - v G V clemned Eeeehams, as he called the| M - p -- * proposes a minimum of board, were obdurate. It seemed one pound sterling a week for t certain that he would never be able widow of every soldier and sailor j It matters not how deeply seated the pain is, how long you have had It rubbing with the king of all lini- ments "Xerviline" will cure you. Nerviline is highly concentrated about five times stronger than the or- dinary white ammonia liniment therefore it penetrates quickly sinks in deeply and gets right at the epre of the pain at once draws out the lameness, takes away the stiffness ! eases the joints that have hurt you so much. Out comes the pain every time you rub on Nerviline, which contains some of the most valuable pain-subduing remedies known to science. Worth its weight in gold to every family In the land, and sure to cure the emergent and minor ills of a hundred kinds that constantly arise. Get the large 50c. family size bottle; small trial size 25c. Nerviline is sold by every dealer, ev- erywhere. The child's CllflCIMSfluP WHelpYou Realize this ambition, when RAISE BRITISH PENSIONS. Scheme Proposed Would Mean a I ' II! I'ulil l;.U~r. A campaign to raise British pen- itching and irritation. THE KAISER AS A SHOW. Russians Are Anxious to See him in a Cage. A very curious suggestion comes from Rusia regarding the punishment to be meted out to the Kaiser. The peasants in far-away inland villages, for example, in the very joor province of Riazan, are clubbing together to maintain hospitals for returned wounded, are imposing voluntary tax ation upon their villages for war pur poses, and are in every way indicating delight, their whole-hearted sympathy with "The the objects of this war. A friend frou: these parts says that the peasants picnicker s there have wbat is considered by choice, them to be an admirable idea for rais- _. J , , ing large sums for the war. namely, to everybody a capture the German Emperor and pu; favorite, his Majesty in a cage, which the Rus siaa authorities could then take throughout the Empire as a spectacle to be shown to every village. The vil- lagers would be willing to pay any- thing as an entrance fee for such a = === sight. The proposal has been made In all seriousness, and is interesting from the historical point of view. Apart . from the ancient history of Tamerlane and other such Oriental monsters, the ,V,'*_" <1 Russian authorities a couple of hun- dred years ago took the archtraltoi and pretender to the Throne of Cath- erine the Great round the central province of Russia on his way to Mos- cow for execution. The peasants would like to have an opportunity ot paying a good fee to see the "German monster," as they term him. In a aim I POTTED MEATS- Full flavored and perfectly cooked make delicious sandwiches. roa, SAX.E. W DAW SO IT. laty Colbora* S:r**fc Toronto. WANT TO BL'Y UK SEi.- A Fruit. Stock. Grain or Dairy firm. Oawsoo. Bramptoo. or Toronto. . W. PAWSOH. Colbonn St.. Toronto. foa. SALE. REGISTERED HAMPSHIRE SW1XH prize winners. All ages. Both F'.sher Hrj Benmiller. Gnu NEWSPAPERS FOR SALE. assisted by Cuticura Oint- ilar plight - They say ' " Our cauae is J ^ni~l-c*ia. W1_I1L ri-rhf an^I T m-ill rol,^ Tirill KV ternino-'vnnr , oy Keeping \ our clean and free from dandruff Free by Mail fcoo*. ai sold throughout the l mailed free, with 32-p. ' Ctiuom." Dept. K Boston. C.S.A. to write "P.S.C." after his name, when the late Duke of C'amb ridge, hearing of the matter, gave him the Commander-in-Chief's nomina- tion, which exempted the recipient from all examinations. The situa- tion was saved. Haig duly went to the College and passed out bril- liantly. * . ^A TENNYSON CALL TO ARMS. "- . The following hitherto unpublish- ed poem by Alfred, Lord Tennyson. lias been forwarded to the editor of the Spectator (London. Eng.') by the present Lord Tennyson, who recently quoted one of the three ' anzaK in the course of a speech. As the editor of the Spectator re- : marks, the poem seems almost as if .it were written for the present crisis : killed at the front, for the mother dependent on any soldier and sailor killed, for the wife of every soldier right, and we will prisoner, but he is not Napoleon, and Terme we will not send him to St. Helena. anr - but will have him taken around every hamlet in Russia. There is not a Rus- sian alive who will not pay his last fanning to see it done, and the Gov- ernment may have the money, for they will want plenty before the war I Is concluded." OOD WEEKLY IN' LIVE TOWN" I* York County. 6ta::onery iud Book tuts \V llliam Bus: rut^ in connection. Price only liberal. WUon Publishing Com- 3 West .Ule'.a.ue Street. Toronto. MISCELLANEOUS. CANCER. TCMORS. LUMPS. ETC.. internal and external, cured vritli. out Dam by our home treatment. W'r.t* oe before too late. Dr. Bellman HMMM To.. Limited. Co'lin^wood. Ont An Unwilling Thief. The captain of a steamer who, and sailor now in the fighting line, | while loading at Burtuisiand. took and also for every soldier and sail- j on two hands one. a Kirkcaldy or permanently maimed by fight- , man who was without a written "character," and another, a Dun- ing. Such an increase would mean a dee man who had abundance of <)->c- four-fold raise in most instances. \ umentary evidence aa to his 'i-m- From 31.25 a week the widow's esty and uprightness. pension would be raised to $5. Mo- ! They had not been long at sea thers dependent for support on men | who die on active service are now j unprovided for. The wives of men i at the front at present get only | 81.85 a week, while the minimum weekly pension allowed to disabled soldiers is 85 cents. Mr. Barnes also proposes to double the present when they encountered rough weather, and the the Dundee man. deck with a bucket in his hand, was swept over- board. The Kirki-aldv man saw How ii Sick Woman Can Regain Health READ THIS VERY CAREFULLY. "For years I was thin and delicate. I lost color and was easily tired, a yellow pallor, pimples and blotches on my face were not only mortifying to my feelings, but because I thought my skin would never look nice again I grew despondent. Then my appetite failed. I grew very weak. Various j^ h thg ca ain - ' , ian frae Dur d ht;r e mwBM . pllls . tonics and tried without permanent benefit. A '-it to my sister put into my hands a box of Dr. Hamilton's Pills. She aso proposes to oue te presen . , a ox o r. amons s. e allowancV of 38 cents a week for J?L ' , Pjced reliance upon -them and now Wl tne 1 ] d, a t thfv havp marif me a well woman each dependent child. "Yes." replied the oaptaia It is pointed out that the nation has to support these dependents in any case, and to throw the main burden on private charity does not relieve the country of the cost. An adequate separation allowance and pension would also relieve the men rin awa wi yer Sir likely to take the form of a super- tax on incomes, it is not popular with the wealthy classes. , *0 whore is he. the sample fool, Who sys that wars are over. . What bloody portent flashes there Across the Straits of Dover? 'Nine hundired thousand slaves in arms . May seek to bring us under; f Bu>t England lives,' and still will Hve, For we'll crush the despot yon- der. . Are we ready. Britons all, To answer foes with thunder? Ann, ami, arm ! shame OB selfish patronage. It is the country's ruin. Come, put the right man in his place, And up now, and be doing! *O galJant, gallant volunteers In every town and village, .For there arc tigers fiends, not men May violate, burn and pillage! Are you ready. Britons all, To answer foes with thunder ? Arm, arm, arm ! .Up, stout linib'd yeomen. V;ue awhile The fattening of your cattle- And if indeed ye wisih for ix.\ace, . Be readv for the battle ! % To fight the battle <vf the world. Of progress and humanity. ' In spit* of his eight million lies And bastard Christianity ! Are we ready, Britons all, To answer foes \\ith thunder.' Arm, ami. arm ! Tennyson. WHEN BABY IS ILL i ___ When the- baby is ill or out of Vopts give him Baby's t)w<n Tablets. They are tiho ideal medicine for Jittle ones and never fail to relieve constipation and indigestion : cure bolds, allay simple fevers and pro m-.'te healthful sleep. Concerning (hem Mrs. F. \Vurker, Ingersull. Ont., says: ''I have used Baby's (hvn Tablets for eight years and oaiv highly rc>coiiuuend them to all pothers for babyhood and child- hood ailments." The tab-lets are jwokt by medicine dealers or by mail ib 25 eenits a box from, The Dr. MrvMi-im' To., On the outbreak of the South Af- rican War, Captain Haig was ap- pointed staff officer to Sir John French, and was at Elandslaagte, Colcsburg. the relief of Kimberley, Paardeberg, and Belfast, and after the cavalry division was. broken up. Had command of all the different columns in Cape Colony. The work was tremendous ; but apparently it agreed with him, for the lianter he worked and the less he slept the fitter he seemed to keep and the more unreasonable did he become when the plea of "tired" was put who are offering their lives for i a handsome compliment : to the Brit- their country from the stigma of ish marine*. He was lunchang with being objects of charity. But as the proposed increase is that they have made me a well woman I would not be without them whatevei they might cost. I found Dr. Hamil- ton's Pills by their mild yet searching action very suitable to the delicate character of a woman's nature. They never once griped me. yet they ^.~;ab- WMM IJk x t<> I'rovr It. lislied regularity. My appetite grew; The German Em P er,,r once paid keen-my blood red and pure- rincrc linear mv pvu.2 ,-?ifi nr u;i rw.i anil "What of it'i "\Veel. he's bucket!" COPEAMD'S CURE FOR CONSUMPTION David Warnock. 202 Withrow Ave.. Toronto. wr:t-* that h> owes h;s life io the above remedy: Now that I am wol! and ronj again. I write to ata'.e '.hat the (act I am alive to-day w.tnetfst-** to '.he merit of rour medicine The dix- t>re gave me only 3 to 10 days '. live. ... I wush exvry one could know the worth of y-nir med'-c:ii - . i~i;ii>.- .illy Uio-e afl'ik-tt-d with C". r l- eumpnon. a I wa.-. (->r I undoulK- tdly saved my lift- :o iti >u>e Etc.' A dot-tor and a specialist a-tteiidt-d Dav.d \Varnot-k and gave him no hope. That was 1:1 March. 1911. Four month! afterward*, he wa a well man and had ga;ned 66 lb. If yon Buffer, or know o( one. aend us your a.ldrc-e. and we will uend a copy of Warnook * testimony .n fu'l and .i!so many other*, no me of wh:ch h.ive heen cured ')f chronic hror.oh :-* of -jver SO yean*' stand- At your druggist or direct us at 1 03 per bottl*. from COPELANO MEDICINE COMPANY, LIMITED. 611 PAPS AVE.. . TOKOHTO. some Royal Marine officers at their headquarters at Knstney, by Pcrts rings under my eyes disappeared and to-day my skin is as clear and un- wrinkled as when I was a girl. Hamilton's Pills did it all." The above straightforward lettei More Likely. 1! feeling the bumps on your head I can tc!l exactly what sort of a mar. > u :ire." sa;d the phreno- ogist. 'Fauh." replied Pat. 'Oi w al *'" - lf a wom PRKSSED HARD Heavy Weight on Old Age. When people reailue the injurious effects of tea and coffee and thej change in health tlwM. Postum can ! bring, they are usually glad to lend ; ^ their testimony for the benefit of| others. "My mother, sdnee her childhood, was an inveterate coffee drinki'--. had been troubled with her heart for a number of yeao-s and complained of that 'weak all over' - ~.* i utr au^Mf DumiAuuwi WAfv - mouth, and he told them: 'Icon- from Mrs. J. Y. Todd. wife a well- belave it wad give ye mor aa sider that the British Royal Marine known miller in Rogersville, is proof is the best all-round fighting man ; sufficient that Dr. Hamilton's Pills are in the world." That was twenty years ago; but the "JoJlies" are now wishing for a chance of remind- ing him of the incident. a wonderful woman's medicine. Use no other pill but Dr. Hamilton's. 25c. The Nat: .iui.1 Citv Bank An Appalling Condition Invariably per box. All dealers or The Catarrh- York city hus. a graduate ozone Co.. Kingston, Ontario. to reeult htn you ueo a cheap corn ahre. Bo judu-ious, ut> Putnam's. ' 'or fifty years it has cured corn* auU waxta tiiut nothing rise .-.1:1 touoh JUk Cor Putnam* Painle Corn j Pat Aye. master, the plane may Of No t se To Him. Coal Dealer Why don't you wheel the bar.-ow along more quicklv. Pat! It's not a very hard job; there's an inclined plane relieve you. of Xe woman cook whos.- duty it is to prepare good wholesome meals for it^ 100 rl!T:. cai'lv ] Extractor only. 25c., at .ill forward. This could not go on, so I feeling and sick stomach." (The he was made a brevet -major and got a C.B., shortly afterward being promoted to command the 17th Lancers ("The Death or O.lory Boys"). Went Nt-xt to I ml i.i. After the war he went to India as inspector-general of cavalry. There was much grumbling in the Shiny over the appointment. The Indian cavalry thought he was much too young, and tluit he knew too little about India. They short- ly acknowledged they were wrong. Though he succeeded that brilliant cavalry soldier, Sir Edward Locke- Elliott, Haig was a great success, and only returned home in order to become the direct/or of military training at the Army headquarters. Five years ago he became chief of the staff in India, and on Cien eral Smith- Dorrien going to the southern command General Huiis succeeded him at Aldershot. Smith- Porrien had done much for Alder- shot. Haig did more, and it is ecr tain that uhe troops there were never so emoient as under this young and brilliant soldier. But effeets on tihe system of tea and coffee drinking are verji similar, be- cause they each contain the drug, caffeine. ) "Some time ago I was making a visit to a distant part of the coun- try and took dinner with one of the merchants of the place. 1 noticed a somewhat unusual flavour of the "coffee,"' and asked him concern- ing it. He replied that it was !' - turn. lli Clean- 1 p. "Did you find anything iu that house ' asked the footpad. "Nothing worth while," answer- ed the burglar. "But it's bad luck to come away empty-handed, so I brought along the watchdog and a lot of burglar alarm apparatus " be inclined, but hang me if I am ! Mlnard's Liniment Cures Cargtt in Cows. "Why are von so down on Briggs. the hotelkeeper ?" "He gave me bat! quarters in exchange for ,-i good dollar. ' Mlnard's Liniment Cures Colds, Ac. Sore Granulated Eyelids. Eye inriamed by expo- sure to Sun. Dust and Wln4 quickly relieved by Hurint Eye Remedy. No Smarting, Just Eye Comfort. At Your Druggist's 50c per Bottle. Mtiriue t > "I was so pleased with it tint'., galvein Tubes ^5c. ForBtokollbeCyefreeask after the meal wa* over, 1 bought, Druggists or Marine Eye Remedy Ca.,Cokag His lU-port. During the sugaring season a| farmer sent his hired man to find out how the sap buckets were fi!!- init. The man investigated and re- ported as follows: "Some is full, half full, and some runnin' over; but they average about full." a package to carry home with me, and had wife prepare sotne for the next meal. The whole family were so weJl plescd with it that we dis- continue*! coffee and used IVstum entirely. "I had really been at times \ery anxious concerning my mother's condition, but we noticed that after using Postum for a short time, she fdlt so much better tlian she did prior to its use, and had little trou- ble wiuli her heart and no --ick si,imuch; that the headaches were not so frequent, aiw.1 her general condition much improved. This More than a quartar of th- 1 work- ing people in tho United States are women. Minard's Linlmtnt Cures Distemper. Impossible. 'Women mav learn to smoke and drink." "Well?" "But they will never adopt the habit of getting behind a- news- paper at breakfast and contribut- ing only grunts to the convovsa- ( \OKI! illl^l U 1 ll'l Wl.ll*.' c^rl^ltv i . *^ v^ Tfurn -I j-.|) there is always a but- he made s-ad j ivntiniH'd until she was well and _ _ the hearts of many by publishing a i hearty. very strong order on the subject of cigarette smoking. There is no doubt that General Haig was right. fo>r die wild and fragrant Woodbine played greater havoc with young soldiers hearts than all the pretty girls in Aklershot, and stopped their powers of marching more even than tight boots. But T. A. was not the only one to come under Haig's eagle eye. Offcers were- blamed for spending too much on motor cars and not enough on their polo ponies and chargers. Cavalry officers had to be well mounted, and after all, good chargers make very good hunters, *nd polo and huniting General Haig looks on as being essential for the proper training of a cavalry officer. I know Postum lias benefited imse-'.f and the o*her members of the family, but not in so marked a degree as in the case of my mntlier, as she was a victim of long stvml ing." Name giveni by Canadian Postum Oo., Windsor, Out. Postum conies in two conn--- : (tegular Postum mus-t be we!! boiled. .)(>!. and -25i % package-*. Insliiitt l'ituin---L a so-hwile pow- der. A t^uspoonful disskvlve quick- ly in a cup of hot water and, with cream and sugar, imikes a dvlicious beverage instaiilly. :nv and 50c tins. The cost p^r cup of both kinds is about the same. "There's a Reason" for Postum. Id by Grocers. We believe MISARD'S LINIMKXT i Uie best : ilutbUi Fol-y. Oil "'ty. Ont. Joeeph Snow Sorwty. Me Oharlog Whooten. Mxi^gnivo, N s. R.-v K. O. ArnuCrong. Mulnr;iv.-. N S. Ptm LaiiJt-rs. senr . l'.>kcm,Mii-lic. N.B. Thoni:i El>. 5. ISStE 45 *14. All lion;'. When the doctor called to see the baby its mother in formed him th.-it the medicine left for the infant the day before was all gone. "Impos sible!" declared the surprised physician. "I told you to give him a teaspoonful once an hour." "Yes, but John and mother and I and the nurse have each had to take a teaspoonful. too, in order to get baby to take it." Aunt Ethel Well, Beatrice, were you very brave at the dentis; s Beatrice Yes, Auntie, I was. Aunt Ethel Then there's the fifty rents I promised you. And now te'l in what he did to you. Ut-.itrie- M- pulled out two of Willie's t<-eth ' Mlnard's uinimsnt Cures Olphtharia. Just A Scratch BUT it needs looking after iust the same. First aid treatment with CARBOLATED will help it to heal quickly and prevent risk of infection. Carbolatcd "Vaseline" contains I l i <v y of Carbolic acid, blendeo with a pure "Vaseline" base. Itisampst effective antiseptic dressing for cuts, bruises, boils, and skin irritations of all kinds, such as eczema, poison ivy and barber's itch. Also good for corns. Sold bv drug nd department stores everywhere, of sent 10 you direct on receipt of price 20c for a f\ill si zc battle. Free booklet on ivqucst. CHESEBROUGH MrS CO. iCoraolklutd) 1880 CHABOT AVE. MONTREAt