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Flesherton Advance, 5 Nov 1914, p. 5

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: : -. - . * * 4 > t : : ^ November y 1914 THE T L E S H E R T OX ADVANCE B THE OF CANADA TORONTO A VINCS deported in thi bank draw the highest current rate of interest. Withdrawals of part or the whole amount may be made when- ever desired without delay. FLESHERTON BRANCH GEO. MITCHELL, D D D Manager. Bnuickei ko l Durtm utd Hurri.too. C. P. R. Time Table. leave Flesherton Station as Maxwell Women's Institute will meet at the home of Mrs. John Morrison, on ! Monday November 12th. Ail members Trains follows : Going South 7.43 a. m. 11.41 a 4.17 p.m. 9.12p The mails are osed at Flesherton ollowa : For the north at 10.40 a.m. and , 7 p.m. ; and the afternoon mail south asj Monday. 3.40 o'clock-. For morning train south Ml . \\: A \ tcr jf ari . |, a8 g evere d [,; con . nail close at 9 p.m. the previous ev'g- n(jction - n Mf D McTavish . s blacksmith Going North ( are requested to be present. r. and Mrs. A. H. Scott of Toronto, who have been visiting the Utters sister, Mrs. W. Buskin, returned home on Odds and Ends ARTICLES FOR SALE Jersey cow and heifer cilf for sile W. A. Armstrong. A car load of cement just Sangatrr Hen [.hill. Ceylon. arrived. ShroDshire rams, ewes, Umba or shear- lings for sale. Prize winning stuck. J. FindUy, MarLdala P. 0. All kinds of vegetables cluding beets and carrots. ford. fur sale, in- A. Shackel- For Sale, Cheap 1 organ, 1 separator, good as new, 1 Klondike stove. H. Woods, Flesherton. For Sale Cheap young driving mire about 950 pounda, or would exchange for good driving horse about 1100 pounds. Apply to R. J. Sproule, Flesh- erton. Jan. 22 "^Individual Instruction permits y.ju"^ < fcJB *\& * to enter any day at the ^ OWEN SOUND, ONT., [t is recognized as the uiot iL.n-5% ough, practical Business School ^j in Canada. ir own three story College Build- j j* Every Graduate guaranteed a po- :sition. Get our success book C. A. FLEMING, F. C. A., Principal. S SO' D- FLEMING Secretary.^ B OWEN SOUND ONTARIO S For S-ile A few eijg vats in prime or- der, suitable for soft water tanks, or watering cattle. Also a good, second hand set.of double harness. M. Scully Co., Flesherton, Ont. VICINITY CHIPS ' (hop here ;md will open a shop at Proton Station. Mr. Marr is down taking stuck I this week and will move hi* family later. _ M ___^^_^_^_^_^___ Wessr*. C. W. .Rutlcdije and J. W. ' Tucker, partners in the firm of The Patronize the cake sale on Saturday, , Standard Printing Co., Mirkdale, have Born On Friday, < >ct. :50, to Mr. and j dissolved pnrtnership, the sme Uking Mr. T. J. Sled, a son. | eff * 1 n October 2Ttb, 1!M4. Miss Maud Boyd spent few days io | Miss Lolita Beat tie, former hixh school Toronto last week. j student here left last Thursday for Trim- Come prepared for^the bu cake sale j mins, Ont., where she will live with her on Saturday. j 9 ' 9ter - Mrs. (Captain) Hamilton, and teach t T i school in that town. Mrs. Charlie Ottewell of Toronto ana I little son are visiting friends in thi; Io t Mr. \Vhitby, Dr. MacArthur, and Mr. cality. j Mercer, all of Murkdale, Mr. Woods, Mrs. McCauley spent the pa*t week ; Proton Station and P. McArthur. Price- with her brother, Mr. Wright, at Swtn- ; ville. left for Dean Lake, Algonia. with ton Park. ! ^ * n( ^ - '- Watson. SauReen Junction, to Mrs. McDonald of Owen Sound visited I deer huut on Friday of last week. tAr*. A. S. VanDusen, last j Tne Misaion Band of the Methodist Church will hold a sale in the Public Library on Saturday, November 7th, at -p m; when cake), pies, home made bread, vegetables, pickles, etc; will be for s<il>. her aunt, week. Mr. Fred McTavUh i* confined to hia bed with severe Attack of rheumatism in the soles of both his feet. Mrs. P. Holman left tlii-s week for J Markdale where she will spand the win- I Artcuiesia Council met on Monday ter with her daughter, Mrs. John Chard. ; >"< nd adjourned to meet on Monday , ... ., ! !>th inst., at 1. :W P. M., for the purpose You will miss the best of your liieif, , ".___ . v jrou do not hear Bert Petch in Flesherton, on Friday, November 13th. Bert. Petch, the talented elocutionist in Flesherton, on November 13th. Come and bear him. Admission 25c. For Quick Sale A nine roomed frame and metal clad dwelling, good cellar and water, frame stable and shed. Also a vacant lot for sale. Possession given at once. Silas Shunk, Fleaherton. School Children's Eyes. For sle or rent A brick house with frame kitchen, good well aod stable. Apple, cherry, plum trees and all kinds of small fruit on place. Will sell cheap on ea.-y terms. GEO. A. BELLAMY, Fleaherton. Legal Blanks For Sale R. J. Sproule keeps constantly on hand and for sale cheap a full stock of Deeds, Mortgages, Wills and all other legal blanks. Any requiring such will rind it to their inter- est t give him a call. For sale cheap and on easy tf mis. Lot 13, ecu. 11, < >.-iprey, 110 acres. Tbit is a First class farm and in a good state of cultivation. Good bank barn and new frame dwelling. Apply to R. J. Sproule Flesherton. For Sale Cheap and on easy ttrnis comfortable frame dwelling in Flesher- ton ; good well on premises : also Park lot of 4 acres in good state of cultivation with barn thereon. R. J. Sproule, Flesherton, Ont. Sept. 17 U . closing of certain UM Hydro Elec | . ! of considering the : toads at the request tric Commission. Mr. -iiui Mrs. 'l'h">. Lever attended the funeral of the latter'* sister. Mr*. John \\ attorson, at Allindale. on Oct- MUs Adda Wright, teacher at Beaver- , ... 2nL Mrs Wa tterson Wa8 dsughter of the Ute Joseph CUrke who lived llear Flesherton. dale, spent Sunday at her parental home here. Misses O.Henry and Agues Henderson! tisited friends in Shellmrne and Dunda k recently. Several car loads of the Iar*e steel tubes for the Eugenia development arrived last , Aid will hold OO Wednes- (he I Mr . Geo . Bellamy who has a X ood pojition in Markdale. moved his family ani l household effects there this week. Mr. and MM. Bellamy wore very highly respected ciuzsns here and we are sorry ' to [me them from our midst. \\'e wi<h I them success in their new home. , , A f nj u concer < *' ^ > M "> the .church at Rock Mill, on \\edneaday. November 13th. The programme will The Presbyterian Lidie >' a btztar in the town hall, day, December i'lh. At the Communion service in me! commence at 8 p. in. and consist of the Methodist church here ou Sabbath l*N | following : A play "Out in the streets" twelve were received into fellowship.some j instrumental Music, trios, duets, solos on profession of faith and some by letter, j etc Come and bring your friend. Mr. Archibald McGill, of Toronto, The subscriptions fon the Parsonage was in town last week, looking after the estate of his brother.the U'e Mr. McGill. LOST AND FOUND Key Found la Flesherton on Friday Jl! inst., a key with "Peterboro" over a Maple leaf. Thi- office. Gun Lost Between Fletherton and Eugenia, in case. Finder please leave at Advanca office. Strayed- To my premiies on October Itith. one Yorkshire sow and one Haiur- shire Sow. Albert dill. Kiuiberley. Sow Strayed --From my premises about the 'Al h of September, white sow, weighing between 2"0 and .">IH' pounds. Finder please commutii.'ate with Chas. Best, F'eihert'm. MISCELLANEOUS T Kent A luick house :md double lot, opposite the high school. Apply to J. T. Paikcr, Flesherton. Wanted !ar<je second hand l:m heat- ing stove, must be cheap and in reason- ably good condition. Apply to R. J. Sproule, Flesherton. Jjii.i'2 Fund are still coining in, and so far the Roger amount, received has reached 8104. 4i>. i The latest returns include Mi. Aikeu- Mr. T. H. Dyre, of Thorubury. has head. Toronto ; Mrs. F. Sinclair. Meif- been appointed County Crown Attorney | " rd M - . **** T ^ ontl1 '" for the County of Grey, in succession to j Wlme - Sarni4; Mltls Swltz " ; d Ml - J ' the late John Armstrong This **, a ' H "''l'hi". Saskatchewan. BUrpiise to the public iu general, aa the j I |Constable Cook of Ceylon took a busi- hances for this office were iieuerally ness tr 'P lo Desboro last week where he conceded to Mr. H. G. Tucker or Mr. A. j arrested a youn man by the name of D. Creasor of Owen Sound. Ernest Malinof.xki, on the charge of steal- ing a registered letter from 'the Desboro Rev. A. t . UcKenzie of the Fred ^ ,c- Poj , o ^ f He ^^^ ^ when tor Miwton, Tor iUo.w,L give an illus- j ^^ Mon Magistri|te A- D . Cre&or, J. P., and was remanded until the next court, which will be in December. Mr. A. E. Trout. Owen Sound, the agent of the Children's Aid Society of County of Grey, was H caller in town last Thursday, he had been out in Osprey visiting a ward of the society. Mr. Trout that owing to the hard times he ToroiUo.will trated lecture on the war in France and Belgium tit the Epworth League on Monday evening next. These illustrations are from photographs tiken by Rev. McKenzie while visiting in France md j .Belgium last year. Come and hear Bert Potch, under the , auspices of the Methodist Ltdies' Aid, Flesherton, on November 13th. Mr. Petch c >mes to us with the highest of j recommendation, being a talented and ! clever pupil of Ellwi-oi Genoe. An ad- ded interest will be felt in Mr. Petch owing to the fact of his boyhood days having been spent iu Flesherton. A few from here ruve heard Mr. Petch aud give him the highest praise as a firat class elocutionist. Music by local talent will also be provided. Admission 23e. Four different parties of hunters left here on Friday for Parry Sound iu quest of the fleet-footed antlerei beauty. The fears many children will have to be tak- en care of by the society during the win- ter. At the semi- annual election of ottioers at the Epworth League on Monday uight the following officers were elected: -Hon. Pres., Rev. J. Dudgeon; Pros.. Miss F. j Thurston; 1st V. P.. C. Latimer; 2nd V. I P., Mrs. H. S. White; 3rd V. P., Miss j Olive Henry; 4th V. P., W. Buchanan; . Cor-Sec. , Miss Switzer; Rec-Sec., Edna ( Pulton; Treas., Ella Karotedt: Organist, i Agues Henderson. Thursday, October 20th, was voting first party consisted of O Mitchell, J. i d J hete on the question of Hydro Elec- Wright , S Pedlar, J McKee, P Munshaw; while the second party were made up of O Stuart, J Cairns, R Stirt, A Fawcett J Stuart, \V Hammond and R Me Mullen. trie, -mi also for the issuing of deben- tures for the sum of $5,300. The vote was very small, only 58 votes being pol- led, but these were unanimous in both The third party WHS W H Thurston, F , cases, not a single vote beiag polled again- Mathewson, Dr. Murray, W Morton, Dr. C. (Ottewell aud C Richardson, while among the fourth party e;e J Dargavel, Win Phillips, I Smith and B Fields. H Wilson left on [Monday to join his party. st them, which surely goes to show the feeling here. We need lights here and the sooner we get them the better it will be. for the tillage. Let us put foith our best efforts to have the village a; soon t possible. The Durham Furniture Co. h-u 10)0 ci-rds of wood fur -sale at Roc'.c Mills. Price 75c. per cord. Can be bought in large or small 'luantities. J. l>. Dnrgav- el in charge. 1 Jan. 13. ML01C STUDIO Murk Everette Wright, organist and choir master of the Methodist church, Flesherton, teicher of piano, or^au and voice. Mr. Wrisfht holds credentials from conservatories of music where he has taught, also from eminent doctors and teachers iu New England c <nserva- tory, Boston Metropolitan Conservatory of Music and Steinw.jy Hall, New York city. Buth Mr. ;md Mrs. Wright re open for concert engagements. Many lives have been ruinea through neglected eyestrain in childhood. The eyes of every child should be examined. We have made a special study of this branch of optics, and'guarantee satisfaction. Consultation free. W. A. Armstrong. Mr. Thomas Sherwood, near I'ortlaw, met with a very serious loss on Sunday morning last when his barn, including grain, hay, straw, implements, fowl ,ind three horses were burned. Mr. Sher- wood arose about five o'clock in the mor- ning to atteiul the deuth of h ; s m >ther iu Collingwooj and found the barn a m.i-- of rlames. He only man.iged to save one horse and it is a severe loss to Mr. Sher- wood, especially at this time i'f the year. Then- was only small insurance on the n. The ctiti-e of the tire i^ : com- plete mystery and we extend our sym- pathy to Mr.&nd Mr*. Sherwood :o their loss. At the Presbyterian Guild en Tuesday night i>f lst week the election of officers took place as follows : Pres., O Stewart; 1st Vice Proa., Mr C Stewart ; :>nd Vice Prei.. Mrs. McVioar : 3rd Vice Pres., Mr. T. Chird : 4th Vice Pres., Muriel McTavish ; Re^. Sec., Lena Duncan ; Cor. Sec., D Me Vicar ; Treas.. (.'has. Stewart ; Organist. Rita Buskin : Ass't. Organist, Lena Duncan ; Devotional Committee, C Stewart (convener), Mrs. Kadley, J Harrison ; Missionary Com- mittee, Mrs. McVicar (convener), V Loucks, 0*v-. McTavish; Educational Committee, T (.'hard (convener), Miss Holmes. Miss M Wilson, F Duncan : Social Committee, Muriel McTaiish (convener), J Leliitrd, Rita Huskin, I,. White-head. Mrs Ooldhawk. R Clurd : Flower Committee, Mrs. (!oldh:wk (con- vener). Amanda Stewart, A T Wi'son. ANADIAN PACIFIC Winter Tours TO THE LAM > OF SUNSHINE AND SIMMER DAYS CALIFORNIV FLORIDA. LOl'ISIAXA. l.iniiteii trains leavo Torontn tiailv. making Jirvct wnn.-tirtii at l>ctroit ;iml Butfjlx for the Southern "^tutes. and at Chicago for Cali- fornia. etc. Those ouiitf inplatiin: a trip of any nature should c> mult Canadia i Paciti.) Ticket Air ,nt.-. who will bo pleased t c\uot- rates, ar- range rv*f n at ii 'int. and ttteud :< all detail? in mnuifction wif.h yiMirtrip. or write M. G. Mnrphy, Distrii-t Vanseuffer Ajent. corner nuo' >tiwt.<. Toronto. S. RANDS. Agent. Ceylon. THIS World - Wide War has created demand for newspapers unprecedented in history. The fact that Cana;la is in a state of war along with the mother country and their Allies against the combined forces of Germany and Austria ami the further fact that Canadian troops are now on the firing line, will have the effect of increasing our interest in the struggle. The ADVANCE clubbed with The Toronto Morning World will be mailed to subscribers from now to the 1st ol January, 191ti, for $3.50. Think of it! A morning daily paper and a weekly paper 15 months for only $3.50. Take advantage of this special offer at once as we are ob- liged to reserve the right to withdraw it without notice as the ramifications of the war may cause a very rapid increase in the cost oj white paper, which will mean a much higher price for your newspaper. SUBSCRIBE NOW The noise ou Saturday ni^ht aounded like a Genii in invasion, but iin.'n '^ok ing up the cilendar it was found to be Hallowe'en ni^ht. Tile boys get at their mischief eirly and several of the village citizen* had a hunt for their effects on MouJay.bul the tricks were of a harmless n iture, no serious damage bein^; done, and we should remember that we wer once boys and liked our fun the same as the boys at the present time do. Mr. Roy Piper met with a seriou- accident one <1 vy last week while ussist- iuj his father at the threshing. He hit- ched a team of spirited horses io the tank and when c^ininii ar . und tlie end of (he barn they became unmUMgeable and r:in awiy. R-y w:is thrown froiu the tauk but hur.g t.> the lines until the hind wheel of the tank hit a gate post and re bounding struck him on the shoulder, breaking a piece "f l>one off his shoulder blade. The horses continued their mad flight until stopped in Fleshertoti. Roy is prtitty biiiily used t up with one arm but is lucky r '" -tfc.iiJ 1 with his life. We understand he is pryirreSJ>itv< favorably. Huw Mutt explained it to Jeff: JeS- Say. Mutt, I don't understand what started thi 1 } wr anyway. Mutt It's simple. Food was so scarce and Austria got so huugary that King Peter !?aid : I'll Servia,' so he went for a bit of Turkey, but slipped in some Greene and fell down and broke up China and got in Dutch ;ind Uru-seld sprouted up with Indm-digtiation and of course John Bull-ed his way in, but money is ge'tiny; so scarce - -leff Uood-uiaht. "Taj;" day f.r the Children's Aid S,. ciety wat duly ohserved in Fleshertou last Saturday. The day WHS all could be desired, the collectors were in good humor and the people with a few exceptions rose to the occasion ai'd re- sponded in a hear.y-ood-i)tured mann- er : one thought wo were doing a most I unchristian act in collecting for the ne- glected children of oui own country, we should send that money to Belgium : another one felt the giving aw-iy of ten or twenty five cnt such momentous matter that he would "not go into it,' a ill t8.00 was raised and sent to the treasurer of the Children's Aid Society who wishes us to thank .ill who gave their time nd their money o freely. Card of Thanks Mr-. William Fisher and family desire to express their thanks to their friends and neighbots for their kindness a' d sympathy to them iu their u cent oereave- men*. R. J. COLQUETTE beversham, Ont. Agent for the Cockshntt Plow Cos Fu Line of Farm Imp ements Wagons. Buggies. Cutters. Sleighs, and Gasoline Engines. Melotte Cream Separators. Baker Wind Mills, Pumps, Piping and Pipe Fitting always on hand. Beatty Pros', of Fergus, Barn Track*. Litter Carriers and stable fittings. Cockshutt and Froet Jt Wood Repairs always on hand. Wareroom--Wellingon Stree. Fevrsbam,_ Ontario, We Want Now A GOOD SALESMAN For every town and distiict wluit we a not represented. Fruiii are bringing hiuh jme,- . .scry stock is in demand. MAKE BIG MONEY N"\\ > ing ;m agency . BEST TIME f i is during the bummer ui"nth.~. What About -THAT- Baby Carriage Regular Price $5.00 to $14.00 Greatly Reduced NOW Verandah Chairs ! Now is the time to purchase your ; \ eiandah Chitirs. i>n s;le fee $6.50 a Pair Nothing like them for Comfort. W. H. BUNT FURNITURE DELER PHONE 23 R2 Flesherton Ontario. EXPERIENCE NOT NECESSARY! Free equipn.eir Kxolusive K-m p .\ Highest Commission* t -.ii't Write for full p:.".; l! -r- FlesHeirton Tonsorial Parlors -Vim to Give Entire LAt'N'DRY Basket cl nitfht, delivery Friday e,-i;i i^ Stone & Wellington TVID/-VW 'V-uiJTADirk CI.K A NINO : U .d DYEING- W% are TORONTO - ONTARIO ,. uon ., .-.,,. p :lrkers Dye \\ U rk* Clothe. clf.u:etl and dyed, fe-i:her- rejuvenated. T' FISHER, - - PROPRIETOR Potatoes Wanted Two Car Loads of Good Potatoes Wanted Current Market Prices Paid, -M. SCULLY & CO.. Flesherton. BILL FOR SERVICE Th th r-y^hlireii -l.^rth-'i-n !-' Y .<;'. i Mar* hall '.KHi'.U will be fo 'icr\i--e n 1ft IT'.i. T. * R- Artemesi* IXSOS, Pr->p. Fast Montreal, Toronto, Detroit, Chicago Train Service. Then* Solivi It- lux.- ti-:i:::>. i.Mrivi:i^ luirftt ' library-eonii'artin>'iit-olt'r\ tioncan,elecCric, lighted ntandart sle*(iers, together with -tan- , dnrdilining ear seme- betweeii M i 'i .'. i Toronto. Detroit. Chii.i^ . \i.i <'.in:nlian Pa- itif and Michigan Central railroad^, are known as ' 'The Canadian. " and oprated dafly thMiigh the Miclii(in Central twin tnW * be- twet'ii \ViiuIsor aiul Detroit. \\ustl-oiiml : LeaMiiit r " a. m.. irrivin* Toronto .\4i> p. in. : leiivins- Ti>rn: < n p. m.. leavinif London '. 3;>|. m.. arriving j Windsor, 12.10 a. m.. an ti ing Detroit 11.3,1' >. in . central time : leaxinv LV;ti"it tl..V>[>. n,, ani> ing Chicftg" 7. *"' n in. HEREFORD BILL FOR SERVICE T':e underaigoed h;ive ^ i i:ie lirei Hereford bull fur service "ti lot 171. ">rd W.T.S. It.. Artetr.efii. Terms fit fur pure '>re<N. ?l.">0 {_; jrailej.. All cows served :irj.-t he faid t ir. -T. A J. WATSON. 1 mar 1 4 Pure Bred Holstein Bull Changeling Prince Jce Bred 1<\ Channeling Butter Bi y : of Tidy Abbekerk PriaceM Josephine T!'. _;reutest butter m ikini strain kno Term of service $1.5i for prides pun bred. OKI ). MdURE & St'N. Props.. Bull for Service Thoroughbred American bred liert foixl bull lor service on lot 151, 2nc'. W. T. :ir.d S. R., Artemesia Terms $1.5*' cash . -JOBN ADAMS. Pi-op. Farm For Sale li>0 acres, 1} miles from Fleshertot;. I buildings, easy terms. .10HX WRIGHT.Flesherton. Mtbemxl : Leaving Chicago 6.10 \>. t.-.. centra! ti-ne : arriving l>etr"it: M. C. K. LV- l>ot I2.35a.iu. : leaving IVtroit. M.I'. R. dc- ,,,,t. V.'.l:t a.m.; lenvin,t]T>ecr,.it. Kurt Street. , G(Jod building, easy terms. 11.40 v . m.. lea\ ing Windsor. C.P.B.1.M .i.m. eastern time, leaving; \ViiuUor. M. C. R. LHr- l>ot. '.'.H* a. m.. leaving London .M"- a. m.: arvisinl >rirat<) ^.30 a. m.: loavinif Toronto '.'.'Hi n.'m. ; arriving Moutreat (1.10 i>, in. Full (xirticulnrs from Canadian Pacific ticket agents, or write M. <. Mnrt'liy. L>is- triet I'usseniter Agent, Toronto. HE niint Carefully Corrected Each Week Wheat tl 15 to 1 15 . Oats 40 to 40 Peas |1 12 to 1 12 Barley 55 to 35 Hy 11300 to 15 00 Died Hewitt -In Artemesia, on Wednesday, , ! October e*lh, 1914, Mrs. Henry Hewitt p^toes per ba^.'. in her S3d year. Geese Mac Arthur In Priceville. on Tliu;>d,y, f^^^ '.",','.'.'. October -29th, WU. Mrs. Donald Mae- Chicken's.. . '...'... '.'.'.'.','. Arthur, aged 74 yews. , Turkeys 23 to 23 25 -.o 2.- 40 to 40 12 to 13 15 to ir. 11 to 13 13 to 13 1? to

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