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Flesherton Advance, 5 Nov 1914, p. 4

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November ~> 1914 THE F L E S H E K J N ADVA N C E THK /Icsljcrton C An iiiil*i>rnih-iii M-M -P.H.IT. rmbliimed rvery .ir-l.iy at th 1 * office, Collingwood Street, '. .hertpn. Sulwcri|>tion price $1 IKT annum .ii paid in adv UK-.- ;$l..V) wlu-n not <> paid Ivtrtiainfr rate* on Application. Circulation 1,100 weekly XV H. TI\urton. Bdltor Baptist Church II. C. Kerr, Pator. Phone ."..'. K. -' Sunday School 10 a . m. Service at 11 a m. Subject BaptUm showing what the vhiri.-r.i-s leach on the subject . Baptisms at the c'ose of the service. l.ihb- atudy on Thuraday at the home of Mr. J Kennedy, Ceylon. Commencing Sunday < ct. i-'H, service will be held at Rock Mills at 7 instead of 7.:t" p. m. Flesherton Methodist Church Rev. James Dudgeon, pastor. Sunday, November Kth, l'.*14. 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Kev. A. F. M -Ken/.ii-. Fred Victor, Mission, Toron- to, will preach. Sunday, 10 a. in. Fellowship Service. Monday evening Epworth League at rt p. n.. Mark Everette Wright choir leader and 1 >rgxnist. Dairy and Cold Storage The Repo.-t of the Dtny and I 'old Storage I'ommiSHionei for the fi-i- il year f.uding March HI st, I!M4. has ln-en isu- Thu report dotli with the p:ogiess of dairying, the expanding home market, the export Hade, the impoitation (f New XeaUnd butter and ill,- Work of Ihe Fin-li and lirome Dairy stations, of Ihe Kx'.ennion of M Division, of the Fruit Division and of the Di\isionof Cold Storage. ID the ap|.endict.s of wliL-h' there are civrht, the rep-mi of Ihe chief* of the vvrioii" ilr.i.i i, in- given; tbes-- include CM >uy ili-t . 1- illui'.iatvie not only of their Work but of tin- |,r-,_-i. - U-ing i-i-i'b' in diiryiny. inarketuii;. -luring and slup Jung of fruit . This report, whiili is issued ~ Ses- ii-uiil I '* per No. I'M, IM n volume of 11'-' pli 11. I ( ' 'pi-'i rtf aviiliblt) upon appli- cation to the rublu-itii.'i- Hi nch, De pirtnu-nl of ,V,i i uitui - ' i" *.i Mrs. Henry G. Hewitt Dead Aiiotber old n-sideiit nf Aiti'iiuMi p.i-v-d to the i;ii-at beyond on Wednes- day, Del iber liMlh. in the | of Mr* Hoiry(i. Hewitt, of the Mraford Uoad. Jin. Hewitt, whose maiden name was Kll'-n Kanell, was born in tho t'ounly \Vlini I'i year- of age hhe came loi'aii- id i , and in M.VJ was married It, the late Henry <!. Ik-wilt, who pn-de.ceasfd her 1U years ago. One year aftei her marriage he'moved to Melincthoii Township set tling on a farm near Corbetton where thi-y resided ^unliK-oming t" Arl<-!.ii--ia tw nly ye.u- ago. She is sumvecl by <p;> ; s MI, ll.-nry (J . of Toronto, and two <laiii(hli>is Mis. Alrxau h-i- Patterson, of 3l'-aford and Mivs Hewitt it home. The fun ;ral took place to l>-:i 1 .11. cemetery on Saturday morning. Shot by Enraged Farmer Meaford, >nt; Nov. 1 . Hollowe'en pranks at (iiiersville, live mil?* south of here, resutte d last night in the deutb o Joseph Ferry, of the 3rd line wh.i was shot by in enraged farmer. Qui'e n party of hoys had assembled from the :ird and 4th lines, and, according to re- poit-*, considerably annoyed E. H. Knoll, wlio is a bachelor farmer living in the district. He plumed to neighbors and also to Chief Clarke nt Meaford to go out and drive the boys away, but no help was offered, as the boys' pranks were not taken seriously. Knoll declared he grew unite alarmed when he herd a revovler shot from the pirty. and netting tut an old rifle he shot a couple of times in the air and then on the ground, until , Joseph Feu-y dropped with a bullet between 'he eyes. Another man was wounded, though n >t se'-i-iusly. Knoll sy* it must have been a g'ancing bullet that hit the b y. Medical aid vi as summoned, but Ferry died at ti.:!0 this morning. He was 18 years of age. Chief Clarke of Meaferd went out today and ane-ited Knoll, who is now in Meaford lock-up. Knoll is 40 years of age. An inquest will be opined this morning at Oriersville Durham The ar:est and of the English lad, .loseph Hamle*. wliich took iilice last week In-fore Co. Crown Attorney and Police Magistrate Telfoid, rebulte<l in his being committed for trial at the next sitting of the Court in Owmi Sound for the killing of Kd<jar I.awience by bhoot- ing- Thtir-i',:y of this week, the two lower town hotels and Mr. K. Itowti ar,- to .ipjieur in court at the Town Hall to de- fend themselves ayaiust chillies of viol- ation of the liquor law. It appears that last Thursday two or more orliciaU of the Provincial License Depart invnt, made a surprise visit to the town, but their search of the hotels proved fruitiest*. However, unknown previously, information had been laid of irregularities found Show d:ty of telling forbidden stuff or keepinc for -lie in iindiu* i|UHiitities in the places menti nieil. To have Mr. Howe's nime brought in thin connection la a kiirprisn and the trouble is tint he Irid some over- ripe c.dei in bis cellar*. Two charge* .!. we believe, living made ii; j iint each of the hotlelriea, .'ini all will I IM' the opportunity tu prove their mrriccnce or East Mountain lor R. .Me. Mullen left last week Parry Sound on a limiting trip. I>. McTavish motored from Fli-shei- ton and visited W. Humberstone. Mr. Cbas. Bojcc, tlircsher, met with an accident at G. Harbottle's threshing, by being caught in a belt and thrown against the wheel of the engine. Several from here attended a party nt Kimberley last week. Mr. \V. Humberstono ha8 erected a line new barn on his farm here. Mr. John Simmons, who has been in Owetv Sound this summer, returned home last week- The Latest News TheGieuteat War in Hijtury is now on and never since printing was invented have there been such universal need and ili-iii ird for the newspaper. We have made arrangements by which we can supply all the news of the wide world, all the news of the war, and all the local pews within the limit: of our 3wn circul- ation, at n price that, from a Imrgain standpoint, le 1l es nothing to be desired. \Ve will supply our own piper aud the Weekly Mail and Empire the two to- gether- from now till January 1st, 191.%, for ^5c., or the two together from riow till January 1st, 1!)1, for *1.7."> This liberal ott'i-r is good until we withdraw it, therefore, we suggost early subscription for greatet value, and le-iuest that all orders be sent to the office of this Dundalk i The dog poisoner lm> ag.iin been gett- iii-j in Ins work in Mumialk. Mr. K. Ii. 3.,111-pis loit both hut i 'lliii aii'l hound on Sunday. Then- wen- -yin|itoins of Hlry- The pi~-in^ irouud of a I'ttition lasr we 'U iskiny for the siibnii.-t- : on c.f n by- law to repeal I .! Option i- an indicat- ion that i v "i i desired on ih.- 'iiie^tion next .liiiiu iry. Th ise in fivorofa ;,;... .. ii of li- cen-e ue .piitc wi'hin their riyht.i in KO movine And th.iU|(h the petition h.< not lii m |iii-'h!,-d i.i'.' \vethink it, not a bad limit; on the whole that the lii|iior party should h:ue one inure chatu-a to si'i- where llu-y -land in the </ immunity. This li'i-lm : will li'ul t i.'iu.l i i to -I.M :i . wa il. i. three years ax", mid will not b iv llii 1 ] kne. 1 tu BtCohux by vot- ing to leslolt- llcellli* riil.iiitiolH and a'tempt loehitlie with respectability a Hiillic lhat every day is coming more nnil more into dUrepute. That t'ie n-peal, if attempted, will be defeated, ^' N with- out M> iii'j. - Ue\ iev* The Christinas Thought Ide n on Christmas gifinq are r-ipidly ctadgii> among the .sensilh 1 . Those *ho think they gi\e are looking for a yenr round nervice us the important thing. In a week of ahopping, wiih all it* -t LIU- you will not find a better gift thsti a yi'trc tbbsoriptiofl to Tho Youth's Coiiipaiv'dii. It offers its service, its clean enti'i tainment. ets fim* suggestive- Deis week after w.ssk; and the end of the year, wh ( h finds nrtiiy a uift id tee atie, du<l-coverod and forgotten, urings The Companion asjuin, with all the chuimc'f last Christ matt ide. No Ameiictn nion. ihly at any price offer* the same amount tit rending. ud pone can i-ffer better i|itnlitv. Less (ha-i iibe wnt-i a week provide* the best of gifts $ _'.2."i a year. If you suscribe now, all i '-in nun" I-.-.MI-- of the year will be sent free, and The Companion H< me Calen- dar. Arnpy ot the Calendar is also sent to those who a gift nubsciibtioii. Send for sample copiv*, and tlie Fi.recuM for 1915. THK. YOIT1I S Ci'MPAXlOX 114 llerkeley Street , BoKtoii, Mats. New Subscript i'>ns Received at this Killed at Boothville Mr. Wm. Denn-ll. iiii-likn *' Ihe ac-huol, had the en-1 of tin- thud linger of hit left bind taken oil' the other mthl while Hlalting the pumpinfl nppinitunat lli fChool. Four ctihmdn of onl> uud potatoen con- tributed by i-'-i.i- p ' of M. -I-, ,|,-.o toMiiship v. i.- hhipjied 1 1 -' week from i '-M '"-I ton and Mel met !H PI stationH. The contiibutioiiN are consigned i Itrit- in for the relict of Ihe Helgians The militi'i company, newly formeil in Duildalk, had the In -t nnil practice At tlio rink Thursday iiight of last week when Lieut. Spencc. of \Vhittingtoii, put thu men tbrouKh the first hte|. There ware thirty-four memliers out. The com- ,"'py IH now up to I in iiumbi-i. It p-, the intent ion to have regular drill every 'Jlnii.iil.iy night. ILieut. Spi-nce will be present to instruct. ('hi*. Kullerlon,the bundalk drayman, will im*iiibr I'-'l in the htreak of HUH- fortunes wliich lm\e befallnn him durinx the pitit fix montln. In thu >pring he fell from a dray load of empty bullcr boxen onto a cement crossing breaking tx)'.h arm*. Ho wan then kid olf work for A couple of inonthi. "n Monday lui again broke his right arm between the elbow and wrist. In pulling a heavy commercial trunk on the high platform t I ho depot, the handle of the trunk In oko and he fell onto I ho track. Much ympiithy IB fell f</r the uiifoitiinate men in his jminful aeridi-nt and en f < iced idleaesi. ( 'lie <pf the mi'.st hefti't- that ever occurred iii this neighborhood, bus darkened .,. home aTi<l rant a .;lnom i i ,- the community. Inlay, (he II year old only daughter of Mr. md Mi. Vrnl Bunoiman, had her lifo sriiitt'rd nut iu a moment in a moil Mid anil tragic way. The oiKOIMtMUM were JIM fcllnws : Her fut her wan working nenr Ihe bare, bU son and daughter near him iind chut ting and lumping in '.heir own way. >>,.,,,.. agenU calling, tint father entered into conveifutt.inii with Ihom and tho children look lo pi 1} under (he turn. Suddenly the father heard a report n of a uiuiKho from the Ixtrn nn'l a moment suthci'd to lee. what hud happened. A 'mud" sill hail snapped with Miperincumlient weight of straw U'tting down sleepers on thu pour liltlu body, whose back wits luokeii. As the father approached, the boy, of 14 yi-rtis, was Been emerging from the wreckage, somewhat slur.ned, and told the distrncti'il father his sister was in ili. -ii' somewhere, (iropiug among str:iw nnd t m, bi'is In- felt the body, and being pinned down fast, help had to bu gut to recover it. On Ihe father fell the ter- rible task of :u liiiaml m the in other ami i neighbor's telephone w-i.s utilized to call help from Wm. AldcornV, where threshing was in plogress. This WIIR re- ponded to at once, but before they got to 1 1. 1- spot nearer neighbors had < iih eied, and using piyn the body ws re- covered, life of course, extinct, in all likelih- "il, she had not onu moment of What accident !it have proved anolhi-i fatal i i Miii-il the lame duy. As llu> were rushing to aid in a demo- rial, the tongue dropped out of Ihr neck yoke and ran into the ground throwing all the occup:ints rut, but luc'xily no one ' but ciiusing a dislocation <pf was hurt. Durham Review. |l>os. Mt. Forest Rep. Beck's Weekly ISeck's Weekly, edited by l-Mward lieck, the m in who employed the liurns Detectixe A'^ent* to une'ilth yialt in the i.iuebi-e Legislature, and publi.shcii m Montreal, is an tin: -(tie publication mid HIM- that i growing in f.ixoi throughout the country. While dev< li-ii, |nim,inly, to the promotion cf honesty in tic ad- ministration of public nllails. il is by |-o nieiins obsesM-il of one idei. lull is uinde Up ovirry week of clever cmlnons and piirtures, Ntuii-s, hmuoious sketches and a department of inlelliyent if Komewhat caustic comment on Canadian allair*. Among its contributors are feveral of (be besl \vrilei8 and artists in Canada. [t fumishea one of the most appetizing week-end collations of information, dis- cussion and entertainment ' be cbtain- >-d anywhere, The ptico is J-J per year, and Ihe |>ublisheis will be pleased to send a nample co( y upon n-i|uest. Ad- dress, Iti't-k's Weekly, '''<> Crng Street West, Montreal. F. H. W. HICKL1NG FLESHERTON ONTARIO. Overcoats For Chilly Days Stock at very These cold row days emphasi/e the need of a j<ood, cosy, comfortable Overcoat. Vou'll find garments to suit every individual need in our New Fall reasonable prices. Chinchilla Coats with Shawl Collar and Belt. Friexe Coats with Deep Collar and Kelt, (/'oats with Convertable Collars. Single and Double Breasted Coats. Black and (Jrey Melton Coats with Velvet Collars. Prices from $7..~>0 to $15.00. Men's sizes from :36 to 44. FURS ! PURS ! ! FURS ! ! ! Men's Fur coats, Ladies' Fur-Lined Coats, Ladies' Caperines, Ladies' Stoles and Mutts, Men's Fur Caps, Children's Fur Setts. All Reasonably Priced. Our Underwear Stock for Ladies', Misses', Boys', Youths', and Men is complete in all sizes, prices, and qualities. New English Linoleums, 4 yds wide, some New Patterns received this week. Prices from 50c. to 60c. per square yard. Anything you need in Stylish Millinery, our Millinery Department can supply you. Agency for Butterick 's Publications Butterick Patterns Butterick Fashions, 2f>c. per copy on sale The Delineator, loc. per copy on sale. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR BUTTER AND EGGS . . > Dr. J. Ralph Smith OSTEOPATH OBice and Residence- 4<i lUh St. F.ast Owen Sound, Out. Hours to 12 a.m., 1.30 to 4.30 p.m. to 8 p.m. Other hours by appointment. .i A Business School That niwssful school whose oraduates occupy prnminer.t po- si'.ions fro. o thu Atlant.c to the Ptcilic, re-open* for tin; FALL TKRM S-pJcmber 1st, 1514 Send for free catalog at once to COLLINGWOOD BUSINESS COLLEGE T. E. Hawkins. - Principal ColbngwO' d. Ontario. FOR A 3 DAYS' FREE TRIAL Of the 1900 Apply to Gravity Washer S, Hemphill, i Agent i . Tamworths for Sale Hoth ex nearly ruajy for breeding. Pi icee I i-liibt tor iiuii-l. *i!,.. (iKO. W. ItMSS Maxwell I 1 (H Rod and Gun BonnjTOMtlfl Dale is the leading con tributor to thi Novi'inber issue of Rod ami (MIM i'.siied by \V. ,1. Taylor, Lim- ited, Woodstock, Out ; xvritir;/ on the subject "Tni| pillti in (ntnrio l!U.'t-14 In "\Vandt-rings in ihu Winter Woods" W. Dtistin White ('escribt's vividly ihv joys of the winter cani[iini< trip. "Bear Tra| pini -in, I 1'rtck CHriyinj; in H. C." U-lls of n hunter who tiappod n husky bear , i"lnn .some i ne hundred itnd ttixty pounds and then carried him on his.lmck for n dist'ince of ten milt's over an uneven weeds trail. r.iii and lice and Me" is a well wiitten ficcount of a cniioe trip in the northern \\iMi i m ... TIlC i-i-maiinliT of I In- i,, . - i in- i i i-|ili-i .- witli mtuiesliim articles and the various departments are well maintained. An accident befell Mr. Jno. Muldoon, of Arthur I p.. on Friday which plight c-aiily havi' reunited iimu- seriously. Hi was standing in the buck ofnwa^oait his homu hi-n the team driven by his son stepped forward unexpectedly, jerk- ing Mr. Mllldooll Ollt h.-U-kttlir,:;,. ih> had his hiiiuls in hi* pin! [loclieM at the lime .mil lauded on his .-II, i- i re:ikiiu> his ijall and probably savim; li* luck, of tlu- CHEAP FARM FOR SALE 12400 twenty-four hundred dollars will buy the wi-sl half of lot No. 'J and I art of the North west quarter of No. 1, all on (he 4th con. of Kuphrasia, contain- in^ .ibmlt I'J.'i acres. There is supposed in IK- ninety acres cleare.l, the bahinre "i! hardwood bush nmple, beech and i-lin. '1 hero in on the property a frame h 'Use and Uilchen, a fiamc barn, straw 1 ise with stone foundation uiulor it, ilsi> wood shed, driving shed, pi); pen md hen house. Thero arc- also two or- liird* on the farm i>rowiiij{ ditlVrept l-mds of fruit apples, pears, plums berries and grapes. This farm is wcl I'l-ni-id with wire and patent fencing. I; fret! from frost. It is iilso well waterei with water in nearly every Held. Then i< i uuver-f itliui! sprint; within 10 yarib f the house. This farm is within out milo of the thriving village of Kimberley Fni further pmticubirs apply to .1 AMF> SITAUT, Kimberley I*. O. ISept For :- Washing machines. foldinic bath tubs,wmdmills,pumps, pipings water tanks,Beatty water bowls, steel stalks and stanchons, litter Car- riers, hay carriers, slings, forks and tracking, McCormick Binders, mow ers, rake loaders, tedders, drills, cul- tivators, harrows, Chatham w agons, Mount Forest buggies, and Frost wire. Satisfaction Guaranteed. 1 J H. ALEXANDER MERCHANT TAILOR Feversham - Ont Fashionable Tailoring Seasonable Goods, first class Workmanship. --ALSO A line of Ready-Made Clothin Wliich we put alterations in free i ch:iii!e, if required. Isop FRESH STOCK We aro placing a larg shipment Hour and feed this week, also old an new oats in stock. Fresh I'rocei ie.- fresh barrel of vinegar at oU price. We me agents for thu fcuuous (iorraii Hi mi in in piano. Call and see on sample. We want a good horse a* p-ir payment on piano. Oood second ban organs in stock. S. R. Henderson. FLOUR and FEED Sheep I sii ,i\ Stray <>d from my puMuise-s, lot :M, con. U.Arlomcs a.'ih.uit the middle of August, one ewe and lam I), cwv ho tar cross on right should -i. liifcrmation thankfully receiv.d. Gooro Oourloy, Eugenia I'. t'. Steer Estray Farm For Sale Cit>' to tho premise* of iheundersittn-l Lot 17 18, first range N. D. R., O od about the middle of June one 2-year- prey UK) acres, IH) cleared, balance hard oldsli'ei. Tlie owner is requested to wood bush. Oood buildings, brick house, prove property, pay expenses i\nd take' small orchard, Will be sold on easy the saim- away. ' D. Romm, lUnk. terms. A. bargain, Who will pick it | up? F.d. Hillock, Prop., Proton station, I R. R. No. j u i y

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