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Flesherton Advance, 5 Nov 1914, p. 1

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TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." - PRLSCIPLEb NOT MEN.' 7JI 34 No. li Flesherton, Out., Thursday, November 5 1914 . W. H THORSTON EDITOB and PKO No Paper Next Week The Advance will UkeiU annual holiday next week. \Vn choose the fall for our holid.y ins'ead of summer, and for tin next two weeks The Advance n.. n's personal a>;dre.H9 will he Buukview, Parry Sound District. We are leaving a good .st-ttf of competent hands in charge, how..-\vr, and all kinds of juh work and other bu-iness o--n be attended to a& usua 1 . Bui The Advance will not be printed next week. Ceylon Last Week's Items Mr. Chas. Chiclett returned Monday to Durham after spending a week with hit father. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Muir, and Mr. Beamish t Hanover.spent the past week &t Mr. Muir'shore, teturning to their ho.iie Monday. Mr. Arnol Live, Kevershaiu, was in tin Saturday. Mr. and Miss Kennedy, Mr. and .Mis. Geo. Cairn*, and Mr. D. Wilrock, motor- el to Slay tier Sunday. It. Cook paid a business trip to Dur- htiu, Destro ami Oweu Sound the past rl. taking priaouern from each of the furnier pljtces to Owen Sound. Mks te Hendern, who has been spending several weeks at Mr. F.Cairn'.", has returned to her home in Toronto. Mr. Blunders ul Markdale, has moved his family into tlo^y^lr. Purdy'g rcii- deoce. Mrs. John Wright and Uttk, ^daughter of Wingham, iar >1 <Py Hl Mr. Fred vVrighl's. , ^^tf Mrs. K Sargent is visiting friends at Oiillii. Mi .I , - I: i'il> , while lixi.isj a pump tud the uiisfortuue to have his tinser jammed. Dr. hune, assisted l>y Dr. Kgo ani|iutated the member. This Week's Items Miss Thompson is a visitor at Mr. E Irfwtt'*. yuite a numlwr fron here took in the patriotic concert, on Friday evening at the Durham Road school. Mr. Roy i'iper met with a serious acci- dent recently. While about to get a tank of water fur threshing, hi.s horses took fright, running near Flesherton be- furebeiuut captured. Koy fell off and mis struck hy a wheel, injuring Ins shoulder. We ate pleased to see him aUs to be around again. Our boys hehaved thi'in.selves very creditably on hallow-e'en, very few tncKs lieing played. Mr. Austin Mc.Mulleu of Toionto paid hiqnrents a ihnrt visit Saturday. Aus- tin leaves this week in company with his lirother t 'Inrleii fur the "lie of Tines," Cuba. Miss Helen (iibsoii of T.jruiito is visit* ing her parents. Mr. A. Mctiillof Wjst Toronto spent seven! days of the past week in town. A serious accident befell \\ horse driv- Oi hy Mr. Qiiillan un Thursday last while unloading a lir^-e pipe for Eugenia. The pipe slipped striking the animal on the hind leg outtinf? it severely. Dr. 01- ier,Markdalc, were suinniunt'd.and elev- ,n stitches was necessary to close the noinid. Nixon Dingwall Kimberley Budget Everybody is busy picking apples and fall ploughing. .Mrs. C. Drinkwatcr and family of Powassaii are visiting friends in this locality at present. A hop was ^iveu at the Traveller's Home oue night last week. The pastor, Rev. Marshall, occu- pied the pulpit in the Methodist church on Sunday morning and even- ing last. At the morning service Mr. Harry Bridges sang a well render- ed solo. Kiuaberley can boast of au excellent choir under the able leader sLip of Gordon Leslie, our popular public school principal. Miss Hclla Bradbury of Thurubtu-y is visiting at present with her aunt, Mrs. Jas. Walker. Mr. Geo. Duncan of Dundalk and sister, Mrs. Gooding, of Mauitouliii, visited with their aunt. Mrs. Geo. Hutchinson recently. We arc pleased to report Mrs. T. Abercrombieou the mend after her recent illness. Mr. Rutledge and Leslie Ucwsou of Heathcotc made a business trip to out burg oue day last week. Mr. Thos. Foster of Union visited at Mrs. T. J. Reid's on Monday la.-t. The concert held by the Mission Band on Thursday evening last was a huge success. Miss Smith, a return^ ed Missionary from China lectured on the costumes and habits of the Chin- ese aud also their method of teaching tho young Orientals. The program consisted of recitations aud choruses by the school children, and solos by Messrs. Bridges aud Leslie. Mr. John Abcrcrombie, our popular mail carrier between Kimberley aud Flesbcrton, only missed one trip in twelve months. Heathcote Inti-iiUod for Last Week Mr. and Mrs. Richard Gardner f Itocklyu xpcnt Sunday with the former's brother, J. H. Gardner. Mr. i 'l.n.-iK- Cruickshank >p n! -Sun- day at his parental home here. \Ve are sorry to report that Rev. Mr. and Mi* Young .and family happened with a serious accident on ^ Friday even- ing of last week when returning from Fairinount. On coming down the lull at Dale's the harness broke, starting the horses to kick. The entire party were thrown uut, and with the exception of |Miss Mabel were more or less injured. Mr. Dale brought the injured party home m his car and then summoned Dr. McKee. We hope for their speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. John Down m-ived to Collinywood last week . \Ve wish them success iu thwir new home. Mrs Letlie Hewson is visiting at her i.-itrenUl hotne near m this week. Mrs. Hadgeiow and family of Duncan visited with friends in Heathcote tho early pa.t of the week. Miss Oladys Black is visiting with fiionds in f$iyview. A i|uiet wedding took place Wednesday adfi'Uoon at the home of Mr. ai.d Mis Andrew Dhi[(*H. when Uieii- oldest daughter, Edith Elizabeth was united in marring*- to Mr. Richard Nixon of Owen Sound. The ceremony *ns pcrformc d hy Rev. J. A. Leoce, Priceville, under an arch of autumn leaves banked with ferns. The bride who mis s;iven away by her father \vs dressnd in silk Garbarcliup, trimmed with satin, and wore a beautiful necklet, gift of the groom, and catricd a bouquet if white bridal roses. After the ccretn'my a dainty meal was served, after which Mr. and Mrs. Nixon left on the nighltrain for their home in Owen Sound. Many a""**! wishes follow thorn for their happiness i;wl prosperity. Creemore Clifford AUitt started fur Avciiiiii; Sunday morning on a nece&saiy errand on horseback. The horse ran away and he was thrown oft' but happily escaped without a broken bone, though badly shaken . G.T.K. agent, (ilen Hur- on, was riding down hill on .-i bicycle on Sunday, when the front axle broke and he was thrown violently in tho ditch, where he lay unconscious for sometime before being found. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. UozxarJ, Suntii- dale, hud a rather exciting time for a while on Sunday night they aru not like- ly to forget for some time. With their family of four children and another lady they were driving towards home and a they wont to cross the iron bridge ovei the river ibout a mile below Ulencairn, one of the horses shied which turned the Fevers ham Items Hallowe'en passed off quietly in this burg. Some of the little folks had some fun carrying off gates aud other small wares. The Hard Times Social held by the Union Sunday School came off on Friday evening last and was very .veil attended. They realized about fourteen dollars, ~ Mr. John Hunter, an old resident of Ospiey, died at his home at Notta- wa on Wednesday last aud the re- mains were brought to Fevershain and interred in the Presbyteriau cemetery . Miss Frances Alexander is visiting with her aunt, Mrs. A. Stewar, in Fleahertou . Miss Susie Davidson, of Buffalo, is visiting with her mother, Mrs. A. Davidson of this place. Mr. Bert Osborue of Badjeiros is spending a few days at his home here. Mr. James Arnott has been laid up with blood poison in his hand for the [jast week . Mr. Chris. Thompson has returned lietue from hospital but it will bo some time before he is able to move around much as his injury was a serious one. Mr. Thomas Conron was |home for a few days. He has been away for a few month asailiug, being h'rst mate on one of the lake steamers. Portlaw About halt past five on Sunday morning the alarm was passed around that Mr. Thomas Sherwood's baru was on liie. Thore was a general rush to the scene but help was of little avail as the building was a mass of tiames when the fire was lirst dis- covered . Mr. Sherwood succeeded in getting out oue horse, but three others perished. The bam contained all the season's hay and straw aud a quantity of grain, a new cutter, har- ness and a large number of fowl. There is a small insurance on the building bui the loss is a severe oue for Mr. aud Mrs. Sherwood, who have the sympathy of the community in their misfortune. The cause of the tire is shrouded in mystery. Mr. blier wood had just received word of the death of lus mother iu Colling - wood. Mrs. S. Wanchope, Mr. and Mrs. Porritt and son. Jack, and Mrs. Nicholson of Bolfjn, motored up lust week aud visited with 3k' r. and Mrs. Lewis bheardown. Little Miss Freda Porritt, who had visited for two weeks, accompanied them home. Mr. Wesley Jamieson and his friend, Mr. Glenn, of Toronto, visited the foimer's brother, \V. G. Jamie - sou. The 1 patriotic contri billions of oats and potatoes lias been takeu up in this pan with great enthusiasm, autl the response has been very spontan- eous. Markdale Mr. .1. B. Thibauilrau received IT Monday niorniiig a wire message dun his brother I'. .H. Thibainlemi, t Stet- tlor, Alta; with the sad news of the tra- gic death of his three-year-old lUughu which took place on Sunday in a burning stable. A pretty wedding tjok place in Christ Church on Tuesday morning, Oct. 'J7 at six o' clock, when Miss Mabel Tuck, daughter of Mr. ,tnd Mrs aiif<>rd Tuck, Miirkdale, was united iu marriage to Mr. Oswald Jl. McKenzie, of l j ort Arthur, Ilev. J. U. Llofford, B. A., Rector i>t Christ Church, officiating. The bride who 'Wits neatly attired in a blue suit with black military hat, was given away hy her father. The wedding March WHS played by Mr. J. H. Duudas, and dunu? the signing of the register Miss IVrlha Died Suddenly Near Markdale Mr. W. (i. Pickell, of Markdale, an old resident of Arte nesia, died from the result of heart failure on Monday last. He wiih driving to a farm in Kuphrabia on some Imiim-ss and when passing through a buh a fallen tree barred his way. Mr. Pickell yot out of his buggy to ruiirive the tree aud it is supposed the exertion was too much f->r h;m. On arriving at his destination, the fartnei> who was ploughing near the road, not ced lim leaning over the fence and thinking that he was t.yuit; hU horsj he kept on uyhinj,', but on turning to lo >k a<pt : n ! ie noticed him fall to the ^rojnd, and upon teaching his side he found life ex- tinct, Mr. 1'ickell was well and favorably known here luving resiled on his fat m near here and the .sympathy of the entire community is extended to Irs sorrowing wile and family uf who.ii there aie three sons and two d milliters. Walkerton Three .sons uf Mr. David Hoi ertson K. C., hero, havj enlisted as civil engineers for the front. Hoy Robertson h us already crossed the ocean with the first Canadian Contingent, mid his two Irjtheis, tied and Arhur, ill follow shortly wiih the second overseas army All are graduates of the S. P. S., Toron . j, and will l)e engaged in throwing brid es across streams and otherwise astia- ting the movement of the army. As there is a big scarcity of engineers, three from DUO 1.1,11.!} ii a most notable and valuable contribution. While coming home from hunting on Saturday night, Tony Wanner anJ Arjgle I'aeck were run into liy a wagon travel- ing at a rockiest r*t's in flu opposite di- rection. As :t result of the collision, which occurred iu front of Mr. Win. Richardson's on the South Line, a wheel was ripped of the 1% and they were left straded on the load, while the drivtr of the wa_'"ii whippej up h s horses and vamoosed in the dark without wailing to gee extent of dan age or the seriousness of the injury done A man who was caught stealing apples in Mr. Henry Dippel's orchard near the G. T. R. station here on Sunday after- noon, rushed ort' with the big sack he was tilling and attempted to conceal himself elsewhere in the yard in imitation of Mother Eve who, we are told, hid in the garden and was at liamcd nt what she hail done to the first apple tree. Bui while Kve was ordered to come fort h, her de. scendant in Walkerton was allowed to go forth, fur the owner of the orchard here sta'us that lie mixht have had for the asking the apples that he sinned over by stealing. William Craig, a i.iovernnu lit inspector fro ii Ottawa, arrived in Walkortuu on Fhursdiyand in C'nntany with Chie ConstaMe Ferguson drove into North Brant to investigate a srnry circulated about :\ (ijrniin farmer in thtt vicinity, who on being ipproachtu fora contiihu- tion of oats for the Liiii.Uh army is iillcs ed to have made a statement to the affect that he would sooner contribute money to buy dynamite to blow up the Biitish fleet. Un being quizzed about the ;il! ejied utterance l>y the ortiei il >>n Thurs (Jay I he farmer denied nuking :my such statement and declared the yarn circn- jared about, him was false. Mr. ). t'leskey who bought fiom Mr. A. J. Smith the general store here lat.-'y conducted U- Mr. J. B. Reynolds, ;n;<J who WHS to give as part payment on ihe transaction some Toronto real est.-iU*. in- structed his lawyer not to hand over the deeds of the Toronto property until some diirieulty between him and Smith had been satisfactorily settled. Smith and Reynolds, it soem?, called at the lawyer's Matthews saux very sweetly" O Perfect office for the deeds, and while the lawyer Love". The bride and gn,tmi Ve io ui at was phoning to Mr. Pleskey iu Walker- tended. ton a bout the matter, it is alleged the A handsome Studebake car just three the papers were takeu off bis desk. Mr. woelxs out from the faa:gry, came to I Plesk ey thereupon laid a charge against grief near Markd.le'on Sunday, vud the i Smith and Reynolds, and which was to automobile pany, who hailed from Owen OR. BURT Specialist in dlscuea of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Offie-30 i t. West, Owen Sound At the Revere house, Markdale, 2nd Thursday each month from 8 to a 12;i.ra Dumhlk.lst Wednesday of each month.. Jewelry .Sound, were compelled to take noon democracl so abruptly that the whole ' train Monday back to the County party were dumped out on the edge of ; Capital. We uiidji stand the repairs will the bridge. Mrs. Gozzarcl was carrying j cost iu the neighborhood of $75, and- Fleshcrton Planing "And Chopping Mills I am now prepared to do chopping every day in the week except Sundays and every week in the year. Bring along your grists. ! Our sash and door factory is always at your disposal for anything you want in our line planing, matching, etc. Floor in 1 .;, sash and doors, and all house fur- nishings supplied promptly and at leas- iniable rates. Gel eKiinintes. Blakely and Henry Proprietors. Kebl5 1:3 ly A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se- lection. We car- ry Photo Supplies. A. Armstong, uuby iu her arms and before she realized what had Inppemd it dropped out of the shawl in which it was wrapped into about four feet <>f water under the bridge. Fortunately the current is uot swift ju<s t there, and the child's clothing kept it j afloat until it was rescued, iMt much the I worie fir its involuir.ti-y bath. Scar. iihog-.-tber it will prove an expensive SuivUy outiug. Standaid. I. (.i'-ldstfin an < >rangeville junk deal- er had $.">0 silently removed froui Ifs punts pockets one niyrn, while he sh-pt on. lie has no idea who took the slick - rk the (.'tt'ecf that tiny ln,d Molcu certain doecis and documents, nhieh were in the custody of Ktne3t W. Dillon, member of solicitors. Smith admitted taking tl e papers, and to!d the thin they might take whatever pr netdings they liked to re- cover llu in. He ail god that he only took th'SOjtn which he was entitled. Mr. Frost stated that he told Smith tha* he could not come i'lto the cttice and pick up papers anJ walk off with the", and Smith said, "1 have t'iem and I'll keep them. They are mine." The case canit? up for tr'til in Toronto on Tuesday last, when, we learn, the papers in di<- pute were oi-t?ercd te be vo'urrjeil toPlp: - key.- Bruce Herald and Times. Jeweler FLESHERTON, ONT If the War Continues, Flour Will go up. I have a lar^e supply of Five Koao Hour. Mc-(low- aus Hour, Mcliowans Pastry Hour at reasonable prices, also lots of Bran, Shorts ami Fee<l flour. Lots of snur anl fresh ^r .\t the Fleshertou Grocery. W. BUSKIN HOT WEATHER SHOES S As 1 have some lines of summer shoes to clear out at reduced prices. Women s Patent pumps and I'.iti-nt and Uiiu nirt n\ < '<i *%. with buckle ml. Womi'ii's Dmi'4'ila D\fo:d.s with .! nnl 1 i'\vK-N, ^ty.vsM, 4 iV 4i. A lot of children's Imv -hues in.l punip,>c'earini; 'it Sil c f s. a pair. If in need i'f a uood tritiil; "r .-ui' i.-i*e, we luvi- a nice is-ortmcnt mi hand . Thos Clayton. You'll Want to Look Right SOME ot these evenings you'll want to look just right," ami you know as well as we do, that there's nothing like a well tailored blue or black serge suit. They're right at night. The proper caper always ! Let us take your measure for a HoU>erlin-imuIe. all wool serge. The kind that won't fade, or get rusty. To-day i-s the day to order. $20.00. S.J. BOWLER Sole Agent for the Hobberlin Tailoring.

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