f 1 i . "TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." - FRlA'CIPLEb NOT MEN.' VGI 34 No 15 Flesherton, Ont., Thursday, Octobers 1914 W. H TfiCRSTON E ' T ? I-i.O i: Andrew McCauley ^ Instantly Killed Terribly sudden was the call tint cam; tj Mr. Andrew McCauley, cattle buyer and shipper of this place, on Saturday evening last. While drivi:--^ home along the Collinpwoud gravel his horse rail sway, and at Phillips' corner turned ifharp'y south on the town line, pitching Mr. McCauley out of the Im'jgy. When picked up a few moments afterward >>y Mr. Martin Phillips and his son, who witnessed the disaster, life was ex'lnct. The horse ran us far as Mr. H. Holman's on the 4th line, where it was stopped. One line was broken, evidently in an tfiVrt to stop the animal, but it is not. known how far it ran or what s'arted if. Jfh'e accident occurred just after dark. The remains were? brought home the name evening and interment took place Monday afternoon in Flesherton ceme- $ery. The deceased gentleman was torn in this county and was 52 years of age. The teirible accident ent a thrill of horror through this community, where Mr. McCanlcy was well known, having been in the business here for many yens. He leaves a widow and three .ns and two daush'ers to mc.urn his ~ UB'.ii-.relj^nih'aBd these are recipients of much sympathy in their hour of trial. The SODS arc Jack of Walkerlon, Howie nnd Hoy at home, and the daughters are Mr. W. Meldrum and Miss Jessie in Manitoba. Kimberley Budget; Sunday School Convention Held Intended for Last Week Talk about a heavy frost. We i had one on Monday morning last. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. McConnell ai visiting frie.ids in Meaford this week. Mr. '<. D. Carrutliers took the topi in the Kpwoith League on Sunda evening last. Mr. and Mis. Juo. \Vebe.r, who har been oa a visit to the prairie province for the past :'. month:;, returned horn one d.iy lust ncek. Walkerton The bursting of a blood-vessel in the it :och of Mr. Philip Kantoer of Dim- ke!d on -Saturday afternoon, ciused the blood to rush .-o profusely from his iii' nth, that he nearly bled to death be- fore Walkerton physician could be secure I and the hemonhaye stopped. V\ illiam Forsythe, treasurer of the local lodi;e of the Woodmen of the World, aud who was charged with embez/.ling the .society's fund* to the extent of .".">. :J7, pie idee.! guilty of the crime 'vhen Mraigned before Magis'rate Tidton in the police court here- on Monday I i.-i . He wis reuiMii'fed to | nl, but was later ie!eased on bail of '.'.> i bcinit furnished that he would appear lefore the Sessions on Dec. Sth for trial. Theodore Anderson, who n few weeks assumed the principalxhip of the ( ,i. p-t. w separate school, created some- 1 thing of a sensation there on the after- noon of Friday, Sept. ISth. when In- is Ktated to have punished a pupil named Frank Meauher, son of Mr. John Meag- hcr, in a manner that terminated in the tail's collar bone being broken and a deep (.ash inflicted in his forehead that requir- ed several si itches to close. As a result of the occurrence Mr. Anderson has re- Mgnud from the priitcipalslup of the g jhool and another has been placed^ on the job. Seven prominent men of Chesley, in- cluding a constable, were hailed before JIaistrato Tolton in VValkertononTtiurs- day last, ch'trxed with forcibly entering the factory of the Chesley Furniture Co. on Monday, Sept. 14;h, for the alleged purpose of liking possession of some goods to satisfy their claims. Manager Durst refused to admit them, anil the magistrate, hold that they were violating fie law I \ liicaking the lock on the door aud forcibly i utering. He therefore de- eded against tln'.n and ihe '-optetto \\eiv sent up to a higher court for tiiil. Dav- id Robertson is acting for the prosecution in the artaii and '. J. Mickle of (.'hesley for the defendants. His horse taking fright at an incoming (i. ']'. U. train about 7 o'clock on Mon- ilay moliiiiij last, .)oe A bell the Jew, had the chagrin of seoing tlje steed run away rh a load nf chiikens lie was about to ship. Coming down the grade from the utkn), the fr'ghtoned beast attempted "to turn west at the first corner, but col lided with a telephone- polo -it this poMt, cipM/"<l the rig and dumptd tin' cliickcra unto the ground, wheie some o( the fowl were killed and others escaped over tho oiuntiy from the wreck. The horse, with the two front wheels in tow, continuJ its flight westward, when it wasciplured by .>mo workmen on tlu>> way to the Knechtul factory. \V understand thai Mr. Abell hasn't recovered a'l the escap- ed fowls yet, which would indicate that the birds ate slill on fhe an. Herald and Time*. a number from our burg attenc ed the corn roast and hop at Mr. Joh Welsh's, Rist Mountain, on Wednesda even.i.g last, and all report an excellen time. The eveoing's fun was, enlivenet by a large number of selections on Mi- Welsh's ti phonograph, which ws thoroughly enjoyed by all present. Miss Emma Walton of Holland Cenlr is visiting with her aunt, Miss Luc; Walton, at present. Mr. and &Ir.s. ..' UcCullougli o Markdale visited with the former's sister Mrs. T. J. Reid, one d*ay last week. Mr. Chns. Wickeus, while driving ; team at No. 'JcUin, Kugenia, waa struck on the legs and severely bruised by thi big rooter plow. We are pleaiud to re port thrl he will soon be around again. Mr. Ezra and Wellington Fawcett: alsi Allen Ferguson attended the (ircal Nnrthern Kthibicton at Collingw.iod lasl week. The Pasmr, llcv. Maish-dl, occupiec the pulpit in the Methodist church 01 Sunday uiornii g last. Mr. Jts. Johnston of Dundalk i- visit- ing friends in our bur.; at present. This Wtek's lty. lUlph Waldo Emerson, th eminent American author and pot, in his immor- tal essay on "SucceW advi*t.iM every young man to liituh hirt wagon t a star, not so with Andy, i.ly the biggest satellite in the Iieavens "the moon" will pluanc him. Mr. Stanley Smith of Edmonton, Alta. and brother Howaid of Rob Roy visited with their s'ster, Mrs.T. Lewis, recently. Mr John Plewes and S Kawo-tt made a business ttip to Markdale on Friday. Mr. and Mis. Taylr Abercromhie vis- ited Eugenia friends on Saturday last. Mr. and. Mrs. Hugh Hammond of Priceville visited friends in our burg last week. Mr. and Mrs. U. J. Stuart attended the wedding of the latter's sister. Miss Ella Kuott, to Reginald Fcigusoa in Thornbury on Wednesday last. Mr. Wilfred Hall and chrldrcn of Fairmount were callers n. our bur/ re- cently. Miss Kmiiia Smith of Toronto is visit- ing with her mother, Mrs. K. Smith, nt present. Messrs. Marshall miJ Mageu of M , aiietlion, umlored over to our burg on Sunday last, and were the ifuests of Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Stuart. Heathcote ' irder i t he The ' of snow cms i g the. n.nfn two mot >r gHva/es at Calgary to fni in c i' ;si<>)) ?d f .!"),< Picking po'atnes is the day. Mi. and Mis. C. Sine ! loinaiiiH|iie and Master Cl.li'.nd and Miss I'hylli.s, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. J. L. White. Mr. aiid Mrs. Uobc-it Stiusoii and childicn of N'oitlr Dakoti visited with Mr. ai.d Mis. James Cainplin List week. Messrs. C. Deuiis of Thorubury and W. Leach of Meafoid, fori'ierly of iieatl.- oo|e, left on Mondiy of last vuk to resume their ftudics at the Medical College, Toronto. The Church of England will hold their 'iniiual fowl supper on Thursday, October l.'nli, cornuiericiux at ! o'clock. Mis. Johns of Oollinywood is visiting with her si.sU-r, Mrs. S. IKvidson, this week. Mr. and Mrs. McDonald and little son, lloss, returned to their home in Tiucknow on Friday last, after visiting with their daughter, Mis. (Or.) McKee Mr. John Pratt, who has been here (ireuarir.g his evaporator for the season's work, has returned to hi< horne in Toiontr. A number from here attended the Me <f old fair. Messrs. Isaiah and E-irl Gardner of Rocklyu visile 1 with fii nd.s in Heath- cot, 1 on Sunday. The Heathc-ite W. I. md t tlu- home ! of Mrs. (Kev. ) Kemp on Wednesday. Miss KUie <!irdi.er visited with her liiond, Miss Alice VickeTS, over Sunday. Sund.iy tchool workers st4>rmed Flesh- erton on Thursday last, with the Pres- byterian church as their objective. It >vas the occasion of the East flrey Asso- ciation's annual convention and visitors came from all the t iwn.ships of the rid- ing to receive inspiration and a new viiion for tlieir work of the coming year. Prrston <}. Onviij of Toronto was the main speaker. A young man, lired with enthusiasm f>r Sunday School work, his addresses were warmly received and proved helpful. Lunch and te-i were served in the base- ment of the church by the ladies of the three Flesherton Sunday Schools, and the delegates"c-unped"in the church fur the three sessions of the day. "Efficiency" w,s the Keynote pf the addresses by Mr. i irwig, and more part- icularly of his opei.ing one which had to deil with "Standard* and what they iieni.'' He declared that there were il^h and low standards with no in be- tween position. This applied to the l,HUU,UO!j Sunday School teachen of the Continent a much aa to anything else. In dri /ing along the road the condition >f the various farms spoke of the stan- 1-u-d of utticiency set by the owners. Coining down to the question of Sun- dty schools, Mr. Or wig dcclaicd that .he school which just pegs along as it did It) years .!_:'. and for no other reason ban that, never gets anywhere. It is a 3<>or business concern. For instance in in i )*e:i Sound church a class of lioys lad been put do* u by the furnace, ami when you put them in the environment ik boiler factory they will make a nuise ike one. He would give even a clasi of toys the best possible equipment aud f they took an axe the piano there uust bv something wrnni! with the axe, he speaker enigmatically dfcl-ired. If the Sunday School workt-rs present at the convention all went home and i|>p!ied efficiency to their work the school *'>uld be fifty per ct-nt. liet'er ir. a year hail it it now. Ho challenged them to [>p'y the methods of a detn efficiency X|x*rl to Sunday school work. For iri- t.in.-i- it had been t und that >ix'.een ;io'ioi>i ere made in laying a single rick. Inve- _ by an efficiency \pert reduced that number to li : while i tin- Baldwin locomotive works three icomotives a day used '" be turned out. \h IT an L-tliciency e.vperl had eliminated ivaste the number was incrca.sud to six n b the same e<|iiipinent and workers. unday school workers should also elim- late the unnece.-sary work. In 'tivitlicr ildress he spoke on "The 'etchers Seven U.iy < >ppoilunity", point- ig out how i he toi.crier sliould come in ;uch w.lli ihe scholars during ihu week ud u<> cement the lies hetwe.cn them. Ir. Or*i t.di of a chinch oIKcial who ft in -.mpottaiit business meeting to lay a name of carpet ball with bis Sun- ay sclioul eU:s, roth'/ing flic importance f it. The h in- of Sun lay Scho d might I c liil t be "abnormal' 1 , said tho speaker, It is a lull m the uctivilies of-t'ie weik. he bii opportunity i- on: in I he mid- eik bclwei-n Sunday and Sun l-.y' 1 . e ch;i ii-nged workt-rs ivnd pareiH.s to link in terms of t'ie bey, i git down ist the Sundiy afternoon hour and give lougbi to thw daily activities ,.f the holar and t.ike an ir.tircst in eve y 1,1' i>l their life. I'lio "I'een A-*e Tenehei " w-.is the ijojt of Mr. Orwig's third addre.-s. he tca-h. r was not to be merely a sign ist, but rather a guide, to go along. tie chaim'terist c of h >ro worship in >ys made U neccs<aiy for tin- sncfe^ ful acher to be also n leader. He must Ip ibe l'"ys to 'find thfinselves". lie speakir declared that if the teacher m il not reach the. boys there was sonie- ius; wrong with the teacher. To be iccostfnl the teacher o( suholHis of this ,'i- iiui-t estalilisli a point of contact in 10 ho'' bies and sports an 1 sive a con- utiun of the nmnly Christ. Patriotic Concert DR. 5pcclalit in diit-uti of tho A Great Success Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Close to il 5i) has been raised through the patriotic concert for the Women's In- titu'j; war fund. The event took place last week. The occasion was one of thrilling enthusiasm and patriotic fervor. A large audience packed the High School Auditorium until "standing room only" wa; available in-1 responded instantly to the appeals of the 8(>eakei8. Round af er round of applause repiatedly in- f errupted 'he addresses. llev. A. McVicir gave the most not- able address, thrilling with appeal to tho hearts of the hearers. In the midst af the pi-mid reference to the valor of tin. British soldiers and the sons of the em- pire from the Canadians to the Ghekwai of Baroda and his men, the speaker ad vised that Canadians stop and think oi the moiheis of the Germans, who are wishing for peace ag fervently as those of this land . Rev. K. C. Kerr's address was a dis- passionate application of the war and its conditions to tho world welfare, win! Rev. Jas. Dudgeon n called the fact that those who remain nt home aud keep Ihe wheels of commerce moving provide ih necessary materials to prolong the w*r until victory comes to rest on the Allies banners and right prevails. M. K. Richardson aave a masterly review of the events leading up to the war, reviewing the minor incidents which had In (iiu lit the trouble to a head as a result of the loni; years of militarism in- dulged in by the great Ho. P in powers and led by <!crmany. Patriotism titmed high when Mrs. Albert \Vfbter of Toronto g*ve approp- riate selections. The tirst one w-is "The Eve of Waterloo," being the vivid sketch of the famous scene of a hundred years a:.o. Thin the thrilling account of llie battle of "The Revenge" was also given by Mrs. Webster. These two famous poetic masterpieces which havo immort- alized the courage of British tighters on land and sea were rendere 1 with wonder- ful power and ( attms. The musical portion of the protrr.t.n was well rendered. A number of patiio- tic teleclions were given by a nialechoru s with the audience spontaneously break- ing into the chorus, and at the close ris- ing to sing the chorus of HnV Britannia. "The Starch of the Cameroj Men" as- a trio by Mrs. Jos. Blackburn, Miss Maude Richardson and .Miss /ilia Trimble, was enthusiastically neeivod, and a s..ilo by Mis. M. K. Wright WHS splendidly sung. Office-13010th t. West, Owen Sound At the Revere house, Markdale, 2nd Thursday each month from 8 to a IL'a.m Duiidiik.lst Wednesday of each month Jewelry Durham We ng'pt to Icain of the initoituiie of Mi-s t'luistopliei- Williams, who had a leg broken and ws otherwise iujurtd hy a fall a tew days ago. The old lady is about S3 years of age, but Mnirt for wodi-in of lier years. Con.stalile I'ef.igrevv, through the in- fluence of Mr. .1. P.Tth'ord, was appoiir- e.l a fnll-riediicd Co n y Ci nstable on Monday by t'e Judge ,r_ Owen Sound. Ho has now full power to exerci.se the (inMos of ollic . ill any part of the County nf dry. W 1 ,. congriiiuhiti; Mr. IVt.ti- gri>w on his elevation, and hope a better slate cf law and i ider may result from ir. \\li.le driving home from the Fnir on Kiiday eveuins:. a bungy driven by W. Wiggins nnd containing Mefsis. llubei I aud James Me Lean, was turned too short at one of the down town corner.", with tha result that the rccnpants wuru ;il' thiownoutand more or less injured, llobt. McLean escaped with a few minor bruises, but his brother w;.s rather seri- ously hurl about the hend and had one cheek bone fractured. Reginald Pinker 1 on, who was comm- itted to Owen Sound j iii on or about the 25th of July, and who broke loose from the town trap 0:1 the nigh', before he was to be delivered up, ami has time boon a fugitive from justice, wns re-arrest- ed in Markdalo n few days ago, and on Tuesday was taken to < hven Sound, where he will siivrrd the next three months, i In his way there he was un- der the cliiiperonage of County Constable IVttigrcw. We regret tho young lad's conduct is deserving of such pur.i-h nent and sincerely hope hie short peiiod of I confinement may cause a vast moral im- provement mnl a boiler aud more useful life. -Ch run icl. - Fleshcrton Planing 'And Chopping Mills I am now prepared to do chopping every day in the week except Sundays and every week in the year. Bring aloir- your gns's. Our sash and door factory is- always at your disposal for anything you W-IIH in our line plai,i,,g, m-.tehins;. ere. Floor lug, sash and do.irs, and all house fur- nishings supplied pi iptlyand at ieas- onab.e rates, (Jei es-niMtes. T. Blakeley, Prop. Fehi.-, i:;iy JJ A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se- lection. We car- ry Photo Supplies. W. A. Armstrong, Jeweler FLESHERTON, - CNT YoujCaji Get Any quantity of Sugar, Tea, Flour and Feed, At the Flesherton Grocery, fe^ W. BUSKIN gaoxm^^ HOT WEATHER SHOES As I have some lines of summer shoes to clear out at reduced prices. -I 8 mieu'i D ng.,la <Uf.)ids with .'. and ^ e\vk-ts RJZ s M A !o. of children's l.nv shoes an,lpuni lv , Wm ,. :ltslof / If in 1 t" MI hand. >-e,we hovu rv iiice iNgortment Thos Clayton. You'll Want to Look Right "t tlR. si; ovciiinKs v,,,n| , v . look j,,st n f h<; ; Tliry'iv right at night. The proper caper ahva\> ! Lot us take y,,nr ,nea,re for a HcH>berIi,,., lw ,le all wool ser-'e c* ' The kind that won't fin IP. or -.-trusty. To-day is the flay to order. $20.00 S.J. BOWLER Sole Agent for the Hobberlin Tailoring. V