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Flesherton Advance, 24 Sep 1914, p. 3

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FHE BEST MEDICINE FOR LITTLE ONES Baby's Own Tablets are the best medicine for little ones. They are guaranteed by a government ana- lyst to be absolutely safe and never tail to cure constipation, colic, folds and simple fevers by regulat- ing the bowels. Concerning them Sirs. S. Shannon, Urney, N.S., writes: "I have used Baby's Own Tablets for my two children and tthink they are just what little ones need. I would not be without them." The Tablet* are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. violent alarm. Some factories are working short time, bat very few have closed down. There is a good deal of unemployment, but not a larger percentage of it than has been known, ere now, in time of peace so far, at any rate, it is well within control, particularly in view of the very remarkable expedition with which relief arrangements have been made. Those who make and sell luxuries have, perhaps, most reason to fear a slack time. But, on the -other hand, the war itself ac- tually stimulates production in many directions. And dockyards, arsenals, and armament factories will all be responsible for a vastly increased demand for labor. Alto- Sciatica Vanishes Instantly ' TAD Ff 7FMAS If lan-iliiia L ITeml 1 VlV LWjLl J/U AND RUSHES If Xerviliiic Is Used CAN YOU BEAT THIS CASE? No ordinary liniment wli. even re- lleve Sciatica. Nothing but the most powerful kind of a remedy can pene- trate through the tissues *na finally reach tlie Sciatic Nerve, ion can al- ways depend on the old-time "Nervi- line." Nothing made to-day is as good for Sciatica as Nerviline was when first produced, about forty years ago. All this time the same old "Nerviline" has been curing Sciatica, Lumbago, Rheumatism, and is considered to be without an equal in relieving pain or soreness anywnere. " 'Nerviline' couldn't be made stronger or better," BUSINESS IN GREAT BRITAIN. It Is Standing Up Well Under the War Strain. Among many admirable qualities that the British people are exhibit- ing just now, not the least admira ble is the cool way in which they are adapting themselves to abnor- mal commercial conditions. Cour- age and swiftness of action on the part of those in authority, combined with common-sense and coolness on j the part of the main body of the | general public, are enabling them j to make the best of wholly unprece- 1 dented economic conditions. -And. (as so often happens) they are find- ing the reality of every-day com- mercial life in war-time far less ter- rible than they would have expect- ed before they tasted it. In days not long gone by, whenever the mere possibility of a vast European war, with Great Britain for a par- ticipant in it, was contemplated, there were not wanting prophets and many of them not ill-informed people, either who forecasted that, if Great Britain were not brought within a few weeks to the brink of starvation, her currency system would collapse, her sea-borne trade would do ditto, and her Industrie* would stop almost of themselves. In the result, wich forebodings have been proved unjustified. The reality may turn out to be strin- gent and stern enough, but it is not nor does it seem likely to be a hundredth part as appalling as the state of terror which the imagina- tion conjured up. The nation know* that it has to fight economic dim oulties of substance. But, at least, it has shaken itself free from the fear of shadows. First of all. Great Britain know? that she need no longer dread any grave shortage in her food supply. Secondly, she need fear no currency crisis. Thirdly, she has her trade routes open. The Atlantic and the Mediterranean alike are, for practi cal purposes, safe for her shipping. With the great water-ways of t!u- world clear for their transport, she can both get her raw material from every country, save those with whom she is at war. or those so actually affected by the war that they can provide none, and she can send her manufactures into every country save those in which the war has wiped out her market. Her European market has, of course, been seriously diminished. But even that diminution is a matter of far less concern to her to-day than it would have been a score of years ago . For to-day her markets in the United States, in the East, and in the Britih Dominions overseas, have attained an increased and ever-increasing importance. And in such markets s>he finds herself, in this time of war. practically without any European competitor at all. At home. Great Britain's indus- trial position, while not free from anxietv, is not such as t<i cause am ,i ,, ., - cumuu t ut: maue sirunger or ueiier, gether in comparison with the com- 1 writeg James E Edwards. "The way mercial outlook of any other bel- i it cures Sciatica is to me simply a ligerent nation, that of Great Bri- j miracle. For years I suffered fright- tain is remarkably favorable. fully. I ruined my stomach with in- ternal dosing. I rubbed in gallons of oils and liniments none were strong enough. One good rubbing with Ner- viline relieved. I kept on rubbing and shortly was cured. My father cured rheumatism in his right arm and mother cured herself of chronic lum- QIEEN OF ITALY. Lovely in Person and Has Great Influence with the King. Helene i>f Italy is the one queen < bago with Nerviline. Our family sim of Europe most ideally a true wife and mother. Her husband's interest rests safely in her ply swears by Nerviline and we are never without a 50c. family size bot- tle in our home. We tlnd that for ex- ternal pain, for coughs, colds, earache, Use CUTIOMW ANDOM1 keeping. She will never betray such minor ills it is a veritable family him that the Slavs may tri- umph. Her little son is Italian, and the sovereignty of Italy will be .his some day. His mother, bending over his bedside every night as she tucks in the coverlet with those busy, kind, practical hands, per- forming tihe sweet service which is honored by the lowly but often scorned by the hLeh. is thinking' these days of the future of her son, not of the future of the Slav. One can rest assured that she is physician." WORSE THAN DEI EAT. . German Socialist Points to Danger of Industrial Stagnation. The Berlin Vorwaerts, the Social- ist organ, takes a pessimistic 'view of the German situation so far a? tlje economic position is concerned. The greatest danger," it says, not that Germany mar be de- , .the K thinking of the future of the Italian fed._but tfcat the war will take a people also. She has lived among ' n S time u Germany s economic | them for eighteen years and spent : dan er ls , tha * the En ? llsh t fleet wl!1 eleven of them after her marriage ; P revent the importation of cotton, without gjing back to her old home The itching, burning, suffering and loss of sleep caused by eczemas, rashes and irritations of the skin and scalp are at once relieved and permanent skin health restored in most cases by warm baths with Cuticura Soap followed by gtnde applications of Cuticura Ointment, Cutlcura Soap and Ointment are md throughout ttae world. A liberal sample of each, with 32-pa^a booklet on tbe care and treatment ol the skin ao4 Palp, wot LXMt-free. Address Potutr Drug * Clwci* Corp. Dept. 12K. Ballon. U. U. A. I \ FA Mil V WINS BATTLES. Puts Fini-^hiii;: Tuueh to Cavalry and Artillery Action. SENSATIONS OF SOLDIEH. Fear is Strongest on tbe Eve of a Buttle. Some psychological studies as to the sensations of the soldier who faces a shower of 'bullets, which were written by Col. Margiarotti of the Italian army, are published as timely ia Bohemia, a newspaper in Prague. The question as to how a soldier feels at the height of battle was put to about 2.000 men who had seen service in Tripoli. Almost to a man they agreed that the sensa- tion experienced in battle itself was not as strung as the fear befor the battle. The most excitable mo- ment was that in which the first shots were fired. The worst experience of most of the soldiers was having to stand still in line of battle ; it was the greatest relief imagiua.b'.e to be ordered to run forward. Some said their sensations in battle included trembling, tears, hair standing ...;i end, hoarseness, and even yawn- ing. All of the replies indicated that the soldiers were largely influenced by the conduct of their immediat^ superiors. Asked whether it was patriotism, oath of fidelity, or the thoughts of penalties to which they were liable that led men forward to their duty, almost all of the men replied: "I went forward because my lieutenant went forward.'' The officers above lieutenants were rarely mentioned, for the men did not come much in contact with them. It has been claimed by many his- torians that such valiant soldiers as Henry IV. and Frederick the Great were trembling during battles. Delicately flavoured Highly concen- trated. WHY WORRY ! Choose your variety and auk ycnr grocer for "Clark's". TA.-J.tHS SALE. While there have been many dis- cussions as to the relative value of \ the different branches of am army | there is no doubt but that it is the 1 infantrv that wins battles. silk, copper, oil lead, leather, rub- ber, and other raw materials which are necessary to the continuance of Germany's industrial life, and that therefore she will 'be compelled to close her factories. "Already the number of unem- j While it is probable the success : ploved is immense. If it ia not pos- o f a battle will depend to a large sible to help this armv of starving extent on the support of tbe field neople it will become a greater dan- artillery, it is certain that the prin- j ger than the danger of die military | cipal and most important arm is army's defeat." 'the infantry, whu-h in practically * . every case must decide the final is- IMH IU.F. TRACKING C.P.R. j sue. The cavalry may be the first to j be drawn into a battle, and the ar- The K;ist Will Bi> Similarly Treated tillery may destroy the enemy's ar- A .\ova Scotia Case of Interest to AH Women H.-W. D&wSoa. Ninety Colborna Street. Toronto. IF YOU WAMT TO liL'Y OR tsEL*L. A Fruit. Stock. Grain or Dairy Farm, write H. \V. Dawaon. Brampton. or <4 rolbnrnB St.. Toronto. H. W. DAWapK, Colborna St.. Toronto. KEWSgAPESS fOB 8AJ.E. GOOD WEEKLY IN LlVil TOWN LH York County. Stationery and Book business In connection. i'ii-e only. 1 14,000. Terms liberal. Wilson Publlau- Ing Comuany. * Wost Aciehiidu acraeU Tornnto. g SEEP POTATOES. ^ KW BIU'N.SWK'K SKED POTATOKS. o.^ On r.c-count of thu war. this fall will , be probably the best time to buy your ! seed potatoes for eieit year. Write m I for price ht uf Varietm. C". Fred , Fawet:. t'ppiv S... k, .... N.B. CA-NCER. TL'.MOHS. LL'Ml'S ti'C, Internal and external, cured wlU , out pain by our bom* treatment. W rlta [ us before too late. Dr. Bellman Medical i Co.. Limited O- 'llnirwooil. Ont. \Vilh (lit- Modern Heel. What ,.n .'arth are you doing vvi-.ii your .shoe on the desk ,'' 1 1 in ..n'y rubbing out a niUiake. I've 'jsl mv eraser." Minard's Liniment Cures Dandruff. As the >V-st. While the vast enterprise of double trucking the entire Canadian Pacific system is one that cannot, in the nature of the case, be fully tillery, but a battle is never won until the infantry has driven back the enemy's lines. The present mode of advancing : for the infantry is to deploy them in a Line with a long intenal between realized for years, yet when it "each soldier. This, naturally, is for ' slated that rhere will be shortly ' tne purpose oif offering a 'smaller' 1.095 miles of double track between target f or tne , enemy. It makes it , Port Arthur and Calgary, leaving more difficult, however, for the gaps of only something like ISo i ea< i rs to keep as good control over miles one- gets a realizing notion tne men an< j f or ^at reason one of the work involve*!, of great dis- tance covered and oif the courage and persistence involved in this large and notable undertaking of duplicating the whole system, which comprises some 13.000 miles of track. Of course the chief con- the objects of field artillery is to the enemy's troops deploy early. The infantry soJdier is armed in all the countries with a rifle and bayonet. The rifle is the weapon upon which reliance is placed, the .-^deration is the West, whose ra- ( bayonet being used onlv as a last pid development called for this new wn en 'n a hand-to-hand en- counter with the enemy. Queen Hclene of Itttly. policy ; but the East will be si m 1 larly treated in tame, especially , __ ^ the lines which connect large cen- : _ tres of population, and prc,mi AfC YCUF FCCt bicKer business. The cost will be i at Kaey to remove lumpe by apply. ng Put- ! so enormous as to baffle exact &g- 7 ures at the moment: the doubl 1 Halifax Sends Out a Message of Help to Many People. Halifax. .VS.. Dec. 15. When inter- viewed at her home at 194 Argyle St.. ' Mrs. Haverstock was quite willing to talk of her peculiarly unfortunate case. ' "I was always 'blue' and depressed, felt weak, languid and utterly unfit i for any work. My stomach was so disordered that I had no appetite. : What I did eat disagreed. I suffered ' greatly from dizziness and sick h->ad- ache and feared a nervous breakdown. : Upon my druggist's recommendation I used Dr. Hamilton's Pills. "I felt better at once. Every day I improved. In six weeks I was a wll woman, cured completely after differ- ent physicians had failed to help me. ' It is for this reason that I strongly urge sufferers with stomach or diges- tive troubles to use Dr. Hamilton's Pills." Dr. Hamilton's Pills strengthen HIM ; stomach, improve digestion, strength- en the nerves and restore debilitated systems to health. By cleansing the ' blood of long-standing impurities, by i bringing the system to a high point i of vigor, they effectually chase away ' weariness, depression and disease. ' Good for young or old, for men, for women, for children. All dealers sell Dr Hamilton's Pills of Mandrake and Butternut. ing ! i.iii . "Now then. Cousin Emma, let me give vuti a bit off the breast." \ -.-. please. I should like to laste tiiat. for in my young days they always gave it to the grown- ups, and now chey keep u for the children, so I've always missed it." nam . g Corn and Wart Ext . ractor . This UUTe \ y T *geta.ble remedy acte painlessly i n Montenegro, a comparatively tracking, too will be built in a vast- ' a.,,d i s guaranteed. Inaiat on Putnam's' j short distance away and a land . ly different way from tihe original only. 25o. per bottle. i which she loves. It was a sacri- | railway, which was put through in | * ! fice she made in order to prove to ! a tremendous hurry. The present! KlXi ALBEKT 01' HL"I.(iIl M. double tracking will offer a finish-; e d railway, in every respect both n,, s >| )>S ( Ip-to-UaU 1 Ideas Cua- ^ regards the weight of rajls. the! per- ' her husband's subjects that she had 1 come to dwell amoug them and re- inain as one of them, and that her marriage did nut mean that she was strength of bridges, and the Here's a Happy Hunch Post Toast ies and cream for breakfast, lunch or sup- per. Choice white Indian Corn, rolled into thin flakes, and toasted to a rich golden brown delicious ! This food comes in sealed packages, always fresh, crisp and sweet ; and ready to serve at a moment's no- tice. Post Toasties make a mighty satisfactory dish at any time. sold by grocers. Canallan Vosttim CVresil O>.. Ltd.. Windsor. i''it. to be open to the predominating fection of roadbed. dict&tioo of Russia in Montenegro, the new policy will The Queen <_>f Italy is lovely in ' immediate return. person, as all the world knows, en- { * dowed beyond that with force o>f character. This is the explanation of her influence upon the King. Feminine beauty merely of face and f. mi inner has and never will sway [ the minds of men and dictate the I foreign policy of a state. Force of; character, with sincerity of devo- ' Thus applied, work out for Fire* and Fertility. Experts state that forest soils have -lost and are losing much fer- tility owing to little i corning Koyalty. King Albert of Belgium is tall- over six feet well-knit, broad of shoulder, and in fact is a. little chubby and pink cheeked. His hair is light golden, his features straight and manly, and all Europe calls him its Ivajidsoniest king. He made a trip around the whole world in Sun-, Credit. Man- Nv'. we c<t:i t sell you those goods ou four months' time. Isacs Vy not ! 1 gifs you my note. Credit Man But your notes d<> not sell on the street. Isaacs Mine gracious, m> : or I vould go home and make notes it! stead of cloding. . .-.'Id. Minardn Liniment ('> . Liniiu^!. IV. .- ^irs. While .11 *he rotini.-v Lint t-iimiiHT I \vut t).uily bitten l>y tn<v<i'i.t- ot 1 *. so liudlv that 1 thought I would be dtaORUied for i couult- of wi-'k:-. I wx advised to try your L.niment to allay the and d d so. The "'ffc.-! *;m mor** thiui 1 expected, a few BppliottfaHM oomplotely <-urinic the irritation, and i>rv ventine [he hiti* from tnvoin..'iR -.ire. MISAKO'S LIMMKNT 11. .ii<"> i k'oud .tr 1 - ' :' kft-i) off tht- mosquitoi 1 *!. V'i:irs truly. W. A. V. ft. Ih.- Way Oul. Pail- The kind of wedding you want, my rhi'.d. wniiid cost *-.OtX). Daughter - Tlien what is to be done, papa ' Pa<l You w. 1 iiave i.' <ie mar- ried without my Minard's Linment Cures Burns, Et;. married him to tr., to n,.iko a man of him. Succeed ' Perfectly -- n<>w ho washes Main's, sxveejjs i! ora and makes up beds jtist like a maid of ail work.'' ACCEPTED NK1I.SOVS GIFT. Sore Eyes Chocolate Bars Valcarticr. In forest fires which. ; ^ vmmg(?r unnlarrid davs It is well known that Albert, had no desire to reign. Like his father, bhe deaf duke, he had the tastes of a country gentleman of moderate means, and no desire to live beyond them. He has, in fact, a strong , aversion to ostentation hi* life . provides considerable fertility ami , , dous titsks ... th? high councils of I 1 _j ......... i .... ,i.;,. when heir to the throne was einbar S *** Wi ^'':.: beaUt ?,, ; 1 T ^, and. where such forest land has noi it dozens of times. Allied with been burned, there is a large per- , i . i . UCtrll uuim-xi, vn^v^ *^y * i** ft^ i^~ beauty making its appeal complete. : c(?e Q v<>getab i e inaUer which it has often proved equal to stupen- Sharp Cat. Little Pauline came in, bringing ti scratched finger for salve and sympathy. "I cut it on the cat," she ex- plainccf 1'fi'ils f She You know very well that von had to ask me three times be- f,i!v 1 would .consent to be your wif(>. He Yes. I know, and that only ;.> --h -iw that it is sometimes possible to be too persistent. This Boy ill Bear Wali-hinp. Si-xl i, School Teacher Once ifl a time there were two rich men. one of whom made !iis fortune b" honest industry while the other :ade his by fraud. Now, which of these f.vo men would you prefer to ' B : To iipn (afier a moment's hesila . i ru Which made the most? a good texture. Moreover, as this soil has a greater capacity K> ab- sorb a-nd retain moisture, it is less likely to be washed and guljied un- der heavy rains. If the bride has seven gowns the honeymoon will last at least a week. , DODD's' KIDNEY 13 THE ?5 rassingly simple. After his mar- riage it was proposed to lease the Duke d'Arenberg's palace at Brus- sels for him. But he could not re- sign himself to live in this sumptu- ous but far from homelike ancestral 'abode. Instead he chow the litt'c 1 itown house of the Marquis d'Assche There he and Princess Eli/alx-t > ' lived a quiet a.nd most uneventful i life until their accession in 1909. King Albert ; s credited by t!' - ! who know him best as having th mc.-t up-to-date ideas conrcniins; | the functions of royalty. He is a steady worker. The Inseparables. Young Arthur had the study of anatomy at school and had shown interest in the course. One a I noon as he was hungrily eatiir: a i generous-sizrd piece of bread and ' niola-Bses, he asked his mother, grave perplexity : "Mother. 1 k<i.i\\ where my liver is, but where is m> bacon i "' Toronto. September il WiSii. tin Neilson LimiuHl. Toronto, offered u> .supply the Government with ijj.i". ! bars of chocolate, for use in whatever manner the Government should choose. This offer has been gratefully ac- ici'ted by the Minister of Militia. and the chocolate is t < lie .-hipped to Valcartier. and from there will be reshipped with t!^ % Cana<iian C'omjtussariat to Europe. The sev lera.l hundred members t f the scilT I of \Yil! \eilson Limited, havt: also douai-.'d one full day's pa.\ : the Cu-iii'.'.iaii Ked Cros< Kipid. Granulated Eyelids. Eves inriamed by expo- sure to Sun. Dust .md Wind' quickly relieved by Murlna Eve Remedy. No Smarting,! just Eye Comfort. At Your Druggiit's 50c per Bottle. Murlne Ey SalveinTubeaZSc. ForBookallbeEyefreeask Druggies or Murloe Eye Remedy Co., Cbiwg* Economies. "\Vhv don't \<>u try t' .'<>k more ti.-a: ' I'm P.-. noini/.inji'." replied l'!<>dding Pete. "I jes' heard about de money a railroad kin S.IVP bv not waMi'.nn <i" -Mr \!<>w. Jes nn- uicino <J<" f.\|ien<e d : < nation c -I cut '!it bv I-. -. . Win' - ! ; Min.rd's Liniment lor salt cerywhrt. With a \ e" t<> increasing 'lie at- riculturai production -t' Tripoli the Italian C>o\ernn;ent will i ;m experim^ir s.;u;..n THOS. BARKER MODEL. 12-GOAGE 30 INCH DOUBLE BARREL SHOT GUN, STORE PRICE $12 OUR PRICE ONLY , BIG VALUE ' T SMALL COST ED. 7. ISSl'K 'U. in i Minard's Linlmtnt Relieves Neuralgia. Mow we come to !> ablo to sell this gun at $7. 95, will not Inter* >t you. The , !e.-=:-'" fact is (ha main thin*;: and WA are gotn n to tise it to get acquainted. This gun rcta,,* .it s._ i/,i to $ u.^.i accordtng' to locality- Here air th detaili- Double barrel ukc-down niodol. laminated steel barrrls-Wt trl choke hercj. R^Souml back, ction locks, circle hammer, mtru-firini; pin. Walnut finish, pistol-drip stock, with Aunybott ;>i.ite, Automatioeiector. Charges prepaid If this ad. Is fient with order Monet tuck if you want It. This is mst a sjiMtiio of moaer-savinft values in har-iwart-. tools. hore comls. biucksmiths' and fafr MfauppHwttwc BIG CATALOGUE SENT FREE ON REQUEST. THE HALLIOAY COMPANY. LIMITED Stanley Mill* 4i Co. Mail OrOtr Dciit Established 1888. HAMILTON. CANAM

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