KEEP CHILDREN WELL DURING HOT WEATHER Evry mother knows how fatal the hot Koimmer months are to sma.ll children. Cholera infant urn, diar- rhea, dysentry and stomach trou- bles a,re rife at this time, and often on the restoration uf peace was ap- ] pointed to a first lieutenancy in the engineer corjw. He took part in the Formosa and Tonkin campaigns, and later was engaged in \Ves=t Af- rica, directing the construction of j. READ THIS VERY CAREFULLY, r&ilroads there, heading the relief i column which went to the assistance | How a Sid Woman Can Regain Health of the Bonnier expedition, and \ l a pr^ious little, life is' Rafter j finally peeing - far Tin - only a few hours. illness. The mo- 1 buctoo, and seizing that, mysten- ; ther -w .ho keep* Baby's. Own Tablets ous city, whicli f<>r centuries had in t!ve house feels safe. The occa- 1 been the h-eadquartors of the "For years I lo sioiial u2 of the Tablets prevent stomach and bowel troubles, or if the trouble cooa-es suddenly as it generally does the Tablets will bring baby safely through. They are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 e&ats a box from The Dr. "Williams' Medicine Co., Brock - ville, Ont. GENERAL JOFFBE. A si,-.- MI and ID live trade of Central Africa. He likewise had a Large share the conquest of the Island of gascar, of which he was governor lieneral Jotlrt-. for three years. Then he became Mao, Kiml. Quiet, Unaffected. Tn-e generalissimo of the French army has considerably over 3.000,- 000 officers and men under his com- mand, obedient to his slightest word. Gen. Joffre is the youngest officer of his rank in the French ser- vice. Like eo many great military lead- ers, Gen. Joffre is a very silent man, rather retiring in his demeanor, yet of the kindest, quietest, most un- affected, and easy-going manners, which do net at first convey the im press: on of his rigid will and steel - [ike determination that constitute his chief characteristics. Burly in ; figure, with heavy flaxen mous- j tache plentifully tinged with silver, i thickly tufted eyebrows, shading a; pair of very clear blue eyes that ] often twinkle with merriment, are | usually genial an-d but seldom hard, be suggests when in civilian clothes . one of those courtly country gentle- men that are to be found in rural ; Frar>oe. Yet he can be very grim. ! ind tie re are some who regard him ; as harsh, notably those officers of ' high rank, comprising a dozen colo- ' nels and no less than five generals, who last year at the close of the . annual manoeuvres were by one sweeping and sudden stroke of disci- ; pline relieved by him of their corn- manctsand placed on the retired list for inefficiency. I' abounded ConHilonre. commander of the Second Army During the three years that he Corps wit h headquarters at Amiens, has been in the supreme command ; and t before his appointment as of tb army the latter has bad time G^raUssinw c ,f the army was Di- totaJce his measure, with the result rector .o nc ral of Military Educa- that, it, has accorded to him its un- < bouu-ded confidence and believes in him as a leader who can be trusted to le,ad it to victory. He is liked and respected by the officers, and K Raiments in the Ger- above all by the rank and file, the soldiers describing him as the finest j iy ' of "c-hiens de garde (watch dogs), j Just who and what the Uhian is calm, but always ready to bite. He at the present time occupies the in his turn has had during these ' minds of many persons. An erron- years of comn>and in time of eous impression seems to exist in peace the opportunity of forming a! some quarters that the world "Uh- oorre<t estimate of the officers and , ln" indicates a tribe or national- men upon whom he now has to de- ' ity, similar to the word "Cossack. pend for the execution of his care- This is not so. fully matured plans against the { The Cossack is oorn a Cossack, enemy, and if they are enthusiastic g e j s O f Tartar origin, whose able- him. he is equally enthusias- bodied men are enrolled in the ar- mies of the Tsar. The word "Uh- land simply denotes a certain type tician in the army and a scientific o f cavalryman in the German army. soldier in the best sens* of the i Xhe Uhlan is a lancer. There are word. Gen Joffre is the most de- gg regiments of Uhlan* in the Ger- terniined supporter of the policy of; man army 19 from Prussia, three attack in war. The only tactics from Saxony, two from Bavaria, that be has any u for are those ' ^nd two from Wurtemburg with a of the offensive, ajid it is these that total strength on a peace footing of are best suited in his opinion for | approximately io.OOO. These regi- troops of the temperament of the ments are ranked as heavy cavalry. French soldier of to-day. aiK [ are US ed principally as inde- Hailing from the Pyrenees, a pendent cavalry, forming the car- eraduate of the Ecole Poly tech- | a ] r y screen. This was their em- uique at Paris, from which all the j payment in the Franco-Prussian engineer and artillery officers of the ; -War. and from the reports coming Frcn-oh army obtained the rudi- > f rom Belgium, it would seem that ments of the- scientific branches of j the Uhlans are still being used as their profession, he at the age of j the vanguard of the German army. want thin and delicate , i waa easily tired; a on to feelings, but because I thought :ny .. would never took nice again ! na- I grew despondent. Then my appetite ; failed. I grew very weak. Various remedies, pills, tonics and tablets I tried without permanent beneQt. A visit to my sister pat into my hands a box of Dr. Hamilton's Pills. She : placed reliance open them and now that they have made me a well woman I would not be without them whatever they might cost. I tennd Dr. Hamil- '. ton's Pills by their mild yet searching action very suitable fo the delicate character of a woman's natrre. They never once griped me, yet taey estab- lished regularity. My appetite grew keen my blood red and pure ht-avy rings under my eyes disappeared and to-day my skin U as clear and an- . wrinkled as when I was a girl. f>r Hamilton's Pills did It alL" The above straightforward letter from Mrs. J. Y. Todd. wife of a well- known miller in Rcgersville, is proof sufficient that Dr. Hamilton's Pills are ' a wonderful woman's medicine. Use i no other piil but Dr. Hamilton's. 26c. I per box. All dealers or The Catarrh- ozone Co., Kingston, Ontario. Eczema for Three Years. Broke Out on Head in Scales. Itched and Burned Badly. Cuticura and Ointment Cured. THE FRESHEST FISH. .Still Dripping With Water Drup-l p-d in the Frying Pan. 'Positively the freshest caught fish I ever at*," gaii an ardent fisherman, "was one I caught in tbe wilds of Canada. A friend of niiae and I were oitt with a eaooe and a c,.-- iight o-.iit for two weeks' trout- 5X)a P fishing .*' THE MEN OF THE NORTHERN ZONE. Oh, we are the men of the North- ern Zone. Shall a bit be placed in oar mouth i If ever a Northerner lost his throne. Did the conqueror come from the South! Nay. nay and the answer blent In chorus is southward sent. Since when has a Southerner's con- quering steel Lyons Brook. N. S. "I reared wftll eczema for throe years. !i started ca my bands first In sore* between iny flnew* and all over the painu of my band and fingers were big crackj. Then 1: broke out on my head in scales. I: itched and burned so badly I could not deep. I: vu so Itching and burning that I scratched and mavle suras and ay h.ifr came ou: awfully bad. I al-i no* know what It waj. I wu treated for a Ions time aa<i it did E .c do aay good. I ga^a up my work for non'.h bat as soon an I started doing my t jcsoworfc a?ain my hands got just ai bad n erer. I usad (wo bottle* of and Is did sot do any good. One day I read about Cudcura Soap aad Otntsrenc and decided to try them. I sent for a sampla and I used them till I law it (topped th itcnfnc and burning, zo I got t "-*>' **%keft of Cuticurm Soap aad a box of CuUcora Oins- K*nc aad thac cured me." (Signed; iirs, P. i: UcKearoey. May 27. 1913. No only are Cuticura Soap and Ointment nor: TatuabU In the tnatamt of eczema* aad ether distmBtng eruptions of skin aad calp, but BO other emollients do 10 craca for pi-.:p!cs. blackheads, red. rough skins. Itching, icaly scalps, dandru^, dry. thiaacd falllac tair. coapped hands aad ahapeiea* caflA, nor do It o economically. Sold, by drjglsa and dealer* eT'.'rywbere. For a liberal free umple of each, with 32-p. book, end poet-vd to Foner Drag A Caem> Corp.. Dtgk D. Boston. V. & A. Along Late one . we struck a likely locking stream. made camp for the night and went to fi-ihrng. In half an hour we had jur pcckets full of trout. 'Then we rolled a couple of stones together, started a fire and fut on the frying pan. While my friend waa busy with that I said to him I guessed I'd catch a rish or two more whale he was cooking. "In half i minute I had a half- pound cront. I swung this fish out and over him. where he st-.i.d by the fire, fcr him to Look at. 'Hold him *o for a minaie,' iny friend said tu me, and I did. ju.*t over his head. ''You know there's a way ^f cleaning a fish by which you remove ite head aad viscera practicallr at a tooch. and my fnead knew how H* reached up wish has knife to that fish dangling over his Lead and nicked it :n the right spot at the ramies FOB satz. Yoraato. IP YCL- WAJUT TO BCY OR sF.r.i. A Fruit. Stock. Grain or Dairy Fari^ write H. W. Dawson. Bruoptoo. ar *4 O.lborn* St.- Toronto. . * W. PAWapJ C<xibora St.. Toi T GOOD WKKKT.r IN HVS TOWN UH i Vork County. Suulooery aad Book' Business in connection. Prte oalXl . - , I4.0. Terms liberal. Wilson Publlatt*'. oaok of its head and thea in front \ Jf* Company, i* wt LESSON. How German} Had Planned a Se- dan tor Great Britain. Lord Cromer. in a letter which ! appears in late issue of the Lon- i don ' ' Speccafc>r' say : at the gills, and then he just drew the hea<i and interior fittings away *!: at vnce. leaving the fish perfectly cleaned, and then, while it was still -iripping with the water from which I had caught it. he dropped this t.-viit in the fryiag pan. You cootin t have fish much fresher that that, do you think !" Tor -nto. i ACEMTS WASTED. WAR ATLAS! ial. of Europe ind W,jrUi, :ated Throat Troubles v .\er\iiine of . welTe i> Courtoea. Big Mon*y> Vtritabl* Cold Him for A*nt*. Pubi^aere. FOB p3 p^U9f{ BfK- Both well. PAIE.S Ont. Hewed out in the North a throne !| --^ septuagenarian Since when has the Southerner ; profitably remind his placed his heel j of events wkch happened s< On the men of the Northern Zone t; ^fty years ago. and of which th* IT ENDS MISERY OF QUICKLY. IWn't wait till night. COLDS ' ANCER. TUMORS, LL'MPS Internal and external, cured wltlfe oat pain by our home treatment. Writ* oa cfcr too lat. Dr. Bellman M\ilcal Co.. Llmltd, Crtllnewood. Ont. tion. MILAN'S ALWAYS 1> FRONT. Our hearts are as free as the rivers that flow To the sea where the North Star shines ; in should apply old-time "Nerviline." Rub your chest and throat, rub presetK generation may possibly Be them thoroughly with Xerviline. Re- unmindful. "In 1S66 N(olon III. alloi hitrrself to be Itt.led into security Prussian assurances and st< - " i wl " be awake will iave you from lying choking Our lives are as free as the breezes j w bi!st Austria was crushed atSa- that blow ' dowa. He paid dearly for hi n- Tbrough the crests of our native j gleet four year* later a: Se*a. pine<s. "Had we declined to stucdJy ^ M> We never will bend the knee | ga^wt French aatic-i i:; tie pre- We'll always and aye be free ; g^m emergency iu.<t o-J 1 - slould we For liberty reigns in the land of the have rightly incurred chest and acute paia in the throat. Nervillne will break up that dull neuralgic headache will kill the cold and chill at i:s very begirding will from perhaps a serious ill- leal ; derision of tie Our brothers are 'round her j m f a lUbIy. should the throne; f succeeded in crus.iin^i* Southerner never shall place his ftn< j ^ Russian*, th-ev heel On the men of the Northern Zone. endeavored to prepare us before the Lapse shatter our Uc about them. Although the cleverest mathema- Or, shall we name. And lower our patriot crest; And leave a heritage dark with shame To the infant upon the breast J Nay. nay and the answer blent In chorus is southward sent : ''Ye claim to b free and so are we Let your fellow freemen alone: For the Southerner never shall place his heel On the men of the Northern Zone Shall the mothers that bore us bow the head. And blush for degenerate sons* Are tbe patriot fires gone out and dead? Ho! brothers, stand to the guns! Let the flag be nailed to the mast Defying the coming blast; For Canada's sons are true as steel. Their mettle is muscle and bone, i ' The analogy appear* ancient striking." To take away hoarseness to break up a grippy cold, to cure a sore throar sorn and or bad cold :n the chst. you can use vor U. but nothtag so speedy aa<i effective as mans have Nerviline. For forty years it has been French rjle nics? largely used family remedy in the Dominion. Tim* has proved its merit, so can ycu by ketpicg hand? on the shelf the large 50c. family sue bottle; small trial s;:e -5c . sold by any dealer anywhere. ONTARIO VETERINARY COLLEGE Under tn control at tn 3oar; tncnt (f Agriculture of Ontarl* Affiliated with tfl Unrvtntty at Toronto. . *e wffi rhorday ta !t of October. i th new Cotlege SiJAi : ."a.Tr5!yr AT*, Tcconw. C CALENDAR ON APPLICATION. E. A. A. GR.i>GE.V.;..M.S. ?Hncipl. '.: J !d have for ears, to be ail .1 Guilty of telssinalioD any A tnJ.ii. raior in h wife assansinat a corn what Corn Extractor; its sure. Try "Ptttn*m s - at all .- . by but and On The Go. Madge She says he haso : time to sleep or go to the theatre She must be very busy woman. Marjorie She cer:a:r; y is. Sh^'j via".".2g A'.! the time. Crua Oarc*t la Cow*. The l)eur dirN. Here comes N<irsa. N - her comp.ex -. er fin ' I will." volunteered e: me do it.' ur^-d Pa i- ; I kt:. .w where her f r-cki4 : Cursa UIGtST FOOD BK'!IK But Huw Tree- J 1- .1 , >poilfd Uff Argument. 'She had almost proved that wo- of Even- garde*- can be fed a*' racreased vi^pr' mnt in th .,. -. grow Uilficult to 'man is in every way the equal man . ' ' "Well, what happened! ' Just then a mouse ran across l tree with; gen. about '-.:* svvrb tl-a RIM- Sr- \ : : -- r^r rx^urish- :\-i*. nitro- i:e. etc.. be placed > - ..> :ret> will ab- the and it was ail off.' She I>:d you re-iii in :he paper w'osra ] a woman stabbed h^c li'.isband ' a bread knife i" '"No. Probably he was crust;. - her when she aked him for vtae of his dough. YOU ow* DLGG;SI MILL reu YOO Try Kuru> Ej EUaiiiT icr Sol, WwU. '.v:--j 37 ad Groitiat<i 4j^-i . Ko Sr ^.-r' J W>ti* fur Book Mu.'tae "Are vou Harold !'' "I don't know Opinion. really going to marrjp. j the girls in my :< sctne- ] Thie It to certify t.aat I hare u**l HIN- ' ters.'' "-" *~" T n ARDS Lininwnt ui my tamilj for year*, what more Olfl iaa ^oeider it the Ihwt 'tcrmem on th all prvb.! - ' '" e trei? u'-S^stS Its market. I hsTe found it eio*lleat for . whac to say. Atf{ c'.a,*s read his le:-^ food firsc Summer Days Call for wholesome as a d a in t y, food such 18 commanded a battery of artillery J fh I'hlan is armed with lance, throughout the siege of Part*, and ! sabre, carbine and pistol. He is well mounted and hi* equipment is especially designed for the purpose for which he is employed ready to fight or run. ride down outposts or scouting parties of the enemy, har- rass his flanks and screen the movements of his own main body. The word "Uhlan" itself is of Polish origin and denotes a lancer. The Uhlans in the German army ,\ear the czapka, the peculiar flat topped -headdress which was worn by the Polish Uhlans, and which to this day is the distinguishing mark in the uniforms of the lancer regi- nu'iits of CJreat Britain and other Kumpean countries. The Uhlans (.luring the Frauco- Pruss'an War made name for liieius.-'.ves for their quick dashes and raiiting expeditious and the, ruthless manner in which they ' ravaged the country through \\hih they went. The patrol of I'hlan? who tried to gallop L:ege. according to reports^ Brussels, and capture the U General Staff, was ac-tius tr , ue th Uhlan reputation *> r ?'- work. Post Toast i 65 with cream. There's little work, and much satisfaction in every package of these crisp bits of perfectly cooked and toasted In- dian Corn. Appetizing flavour, substantial nourishment and convenience of serv- ing are all found in Post Toasties. Sold by Grocers Canalian I'ostum Corwvl Co.. Ltd.. Windsor. Out. -,:n?es it after- Certain :.t ts chat tbe aver- jr-.v -"J* a ^ :naas of consutn- , .jg The Southerner never shall placolfc^ food a* * i me-mbers of his heel /the On the men of the Northern Zone, f ell absorb it. It i* tiv* the Un-ae of c*r- Aned W. . PINKO. Woodland*. ' Jllddleton. Jt S. Well!" 'Eigrhteen of them think him dear, and nineteen say he's a aub.'^' Oh, we are the men of the N\i/tb- J and ern Zone, Where th maples their bri The eat Bear rides in tette Afar from the Souther/ Cross. Our people shall jfe be free. They never shalf bend the knee : And An Appelite. Towntey So you have a ga-rden. What <*o you expect to raise ! ivnsum* it afterward. Obser- wofd indicate that this i h*iexa<-tlv w*t the tree does. The tinv roo-t*t ot *>a the substances rth. d-*.lvin S and break- >"^^ M- v - -: ing U**"" U P * ^^y * n ^ e absorbed th-roii** 1 t ^ > * r "- v t P 1 - 11 "**- In orv>r = t^, V taken up the chemicals t^ a liquid form ami devoid ;' Umlaunt CUT** Dttnsri Ao Even Break. Mrs. Hiram Offen Your r-'ov/nH ; rnenviu. us are rather poor. I taast ! say. Maid We!', mum. yez weren't recoainiended very highly to me, avther.*' For this is the land jt the true and the leal. Where freedom k bred bone. The Southerner *>" *ball P' " his he! On the meo f ^ Northern "-' Tht- ' ha " The end of each root is ar .rith a horny substance with which th*-*t can burrow through the hatJ ' soil in search of food. When fo. <.i found it is dissolved iuto & tk) aod abs.>rbed by the root fibres From the rvot the KH.X! is ca- by the sup to all parts of th-? r WAR MAP OF EUROPE F - e!M4 uj-to-dt tn T color* *nd baati!ullT \* M cotnpU>t T, eoadiuon* bron^f. d to any yart of I'aaaJ M :n the 'mry. - Pop -v nd other :a:*xvv.; : n* Uvi* terr-Bc !s by pos-i: M Kl H. R. MORRISON Room US St. Nicholas Bids., Mantrtal. f-- 30 vaw Wirttcd. Ds vour wiH ever te!1 >', u that she might fcve married a mu 'innaire if sh,-i<l't thrown her- away OTJ. ,y*>U ' e that. Mv wite s people. Siie never until we had been foil DODD-> KID>EY I'ht- Calf. The wicked, witty prodisi.Hi rt turned and in his old manner .1. costeit his father: "We:!, guv 'nor, I've cotue back Are vou soins to kill the ?a calf I" But the o'd gentleman a match for h:m and said: "No. ray son. I think IT. live " 1SSIT. 3i '14. t^erythinic of His. "Maud declares that since - been married she has been thrv everything." "Yes. her husband says < too." Cur Cold*. Etc. OPENING OF THROUGH PASSENGER SERVICE BETWEEN Toronto & Ottawa STATION AUG. 13, I'll. Station* CENTRAL -Crarid Tr_nV. STATION AND THEREAFTER DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY bound' TORONTO 0$HAWA PORT MOPE COBOURO Ar. P.M. 9 7 U I U TRENTON L*. 159 at- i bound j 1 H L 1 J "TITI*-- i a L*. ~ ' BELLEVILLE NAPANEE KINGSTON Ar 5 15 - 3 S ?} (.M. SMITHS FALLS Ar. OTTAWA _ Central I > v ; 1 45 n is HMD Eitrlc.Llgl>;d CMshM and Cat* Parigr Cart on Thrjujh Tram* For tietart* nd !1 infcrtct!on !;> -o tierr-. C.N R \ivr- -r Paueuftr Dept.. Tuaxt'to aad Mor.u