August in 1914 MI K ! 1. K > H E K J K ADVANCE I' H K Vii indepfiident H---|M|M-I, |iublUlied every nirnday at th** office, Cullingwund Street, nhertun. Subscriplion price $1 i>eraiii,tiiii ir.n i-'nd in:i,li in,-.- ;$ whrii nut a" paid IvertininK i jt--- on application. I 'im.latii n 1,100 weekly. , -t/ H. Thuratoii> Editor Flesherton ->*vx/7) Baptist Church R. C. Kerr. l'tor. Phone XI It. 2 Sunday School 10 H . m Service at 11 it in. Rev. Janus Curie will pie:u-h next ONLY ONE_SHIP LOST WOULD JOB FORCE _ . n c . Servians, French and Russians Churchdl Dafmitely Denies Stor- . _ '- _ _ v .. . .- __ . o Q . ies of North Sea Battles. Phase of Warfare Says First I ,->r of Admiralty, But Britain I* Noi Dismayed Offlrial I'ress Hurvat Will It, Started In Charge ul K. E. Soilth, M.P. LONDON, Aug. 8. Winston Spen- cer Churchill. First Lord of the Brit- lib Admiralty, announced yesterday In the House of Commons that there Went to Enlist With Canada. MOBILIZATION IN THE WEST BM Will Be Established In BrltUh Columbia Sayit Col Hughes- Order Closing Atlantic Port* Aroue Rumors of Big Battle on Seas Troops to Assem- ble Friday; Sail Sept. 1st. Flesherton- Methodist Church Rev. .lames DuJ^fnii, pastor. Sunday Aug 16, I' 1 ! i 1 p. m. Service .s usual. Sundhy, 10 a. in. Class Mee'iug- IV-t'T will preach i 1 lth service*. Monday evening Kpvrmili League ait THE PRESENT WAR The xrexl wur. wliicli i jui-t beuiiiiiinu in Europe, hs many new fe*iure Alwiut it ttiHt no other war h.v- ever exhibited. There me Do&MuicuBMiae'MBMKi of th inovemen's in nnvy or army. We know that great event)* 'ire tr:u, spiring in borh thee l-ruirhes of t lie service. l:nt theie *re no (let .iU. Werin<-iily rend be- tween the lines and Kiie^ t what IIMS 1 1 in -|. u.-. i *>y the short crisp announce- ment* mud.-. The statement tli-it "l:i|i- ping id now safe on the e;it coast" meuit a great deal more than w;ti conveyed by the lure nnnounce neii'. It menu cunibiuit uf the N",.i(li S^t by the Urili h rtuet]and no doubt iuvolvfd mtny H tl i I- ling incident (lint would line nude good ro-iding and l'.nti-li blooil tin. warm When the lime C' nies for hi' seninu "p.* flood of vivid de'iiil ill be let loo<e .ml wa will then gat the minutiae for ln !, we can ili'ord in *.ii r . knowiii'.; -u.-li A nurti-! "f silence is th>' only Mtfe con-Re lor tin* iiij'ii-.' to pursui!. i '.,n i. i i l.i- n, > ! i ui-iii i i- .mill lo Onvil HriUi'iV r> c|iiitements by otter- ing twenty tbounind u, n .u, 1 one mill' >n JjajjK of rt'iur; i'u^- mil. ion d -ll.v worth. Tins tl ,ur b i^ lie -n purchased iin-l is probably on its w.iy ,.,--. ul .it the present lime. It IMS ii,,t yl lu-c'i aiinouneed, lull we liruMiniti tlu- I'.i :t. .', ti \ernineni itlrendy have iin-iin- H' ik wlutewHsbiii'^ iiml otherwise miointiiix tlio NapottMlic re- dout nt St. Heleiin, for the reception nl xfuitlixr distinguished nm-si. For the i'k,- of liuiiiHiiiiy ill general, WL- hop.: that iK-cupit'ion will nut be lm\> del.iyi-cl. Stinking SA ut In Wheat Nuuieroui ini|Uiriv4 rj bein^ ivci-ived by the Depnrtinerit of \grioultUrP,Mrk- i il'-. for 1 1. 1- ti.-.'n , > l of 'ii l.ii : -iin.l -,f win'*!. The fiilloH-in^ tieatineiit is -ciiia recoinnicn>l(.*d : OTTAWA, Aug. 11. Col. the Hon. Sim Hughes stated last night that had been no nghtlng and no losses ol mobUUatlon woul(1 Btart at once O n any kind other than had already been . offlclally made public. The Klrai the Pacific coast. He also announced Lord said: that Servians resident In the L'alted "Apart from the loss of the small states bad asked to be allowed to British cruiser Amphlon and the Ger- enlist with the Canadian troops. A man mine-layer Koenigin Lulse, 1 whole regiment of Serrlans In Detroit there has been no other fighting and wish to be allowed to join tbe con- no other loss as far as we are aware.' tingent which will sail from Canada. "On Wednesday a flotilla of tor-j^ae mobilization points In British pedo-boat destroyers wnile patrolling Columbia will be Vancouver, Victoria the upper reaches of tbe Channel n( j New Westminster. While no found the Koenigin Lulse laying; definite reason was given for tbe mines. The destroyers pursued and! mobilization out there it is known sank her. About 50 of her crew,! that there has been aome anxiety at which probably numbered 120 or 130 the coast on accouat of the preaenc men, were humanely aaved by tbe crews of the British destroyers. "The Amphfion continued to scout with the flotilla and while on the re- turn Journey was blown up by a mine. "The indiscriminate use of mines not in connection with military bar of German cruisers on the Pacific. The closing of all the Canadian At- lantic ports. Including Montreal, simultaneously with the closing o( the Briush ports has started specula- tion here about the possibility of a big naval battle having taken place and some German warships having bors or stragetlc positions, and the escaped. There has been no report of indiscriminate scattering of contact anv such conflict, however, and tho mines about tbe seaa. might, ol| closing of the ports is generally taken course, destroy not only warships, as only a precautionary measure, but peaceful merchant vessels under when the German cruisers on the At a neutral flag, and, possibly carry- lantlc have been removed, there will Ing supplies to a neutral country. be no danger to British ships and th< "This use of mines (a new In war- ports can open again, fare and deserves tbe attentive con- The requests from tbe Servians to sideration of those who are engaged the U. S. wha want to join the Cant* In war and of tbe nations of the ,ij an troops come from various parti civilized world. of the country. They are reservist! "The Admiralty Is not at all alarm- and are anxious to join in the fight iq ed or disconcerted by this incident." defence of their country against thi Mr. Churchill added that arrange- Austrlans and Germans but find 11 ments had been made such as would impossible now to cross the Atlantic, reduce the possibility of accidents The Detroit regiment hag drilled and caused by mines to a minimum. i s a ll ready to leave. The request ol Referring to the disconcerting war the Servians is being considered bj rumors spread by the newspapers, the Government and the advice of th< Mr. Churchill said they were prob- imperial authorities will be obtained, ably due to the very strict censorship French reservists especially In tin prevailing, and this caused the pap- west, are also anxious to join th( ers to fill their columns with reports Canadian contingent also and thelt from Irresponsible and nervous peo- cage i s being considered as well at pie on tbe coast. Mr. Churchill announced that the British Government had decided to establish a press bureau, presided over by Fred. E. Smith, a member of Parliament, and from this bureau la to be Issued a steady supply of trust- worthy Information from both the Admiralty and War Office without, bowever, placing In danger the naval war . and military interests of the couu- During the South African war, a try. In this way, he said, the coun- fund of some $500,000 was secured try would be kept properly and truth- an( j $150, 000 of this was never paid fully Informed of the state of affairs ou t. This would do as a beginning ol the new fund, It Is suggested. The expectation now at mililin headquarters. Is that some of tl 1 ' Canadian troops will begin t<J asecm- bl'; at Valcartier, near Quebec, about the end of this week, while the first contingent will all be there In two week's time and It will sail for the bunking business w:i:i normal every- seer,? of the war In tbe first week ol where and that the people were pay- September. There will be about 24,- Ing In money quite freely. 000 in all, including the first army The Orman banks in London have division of 20,000 men, the regiments been obliged to close until thu Hrit- o f a thousand men each to be equip- isli Government grants their applica- pcd by New Brunswick and Maul- tionn for licenses. i toba. Hamilton (iault's regiment, th The response to Fluid Marshal Earl automobile battery, which has been Kitdifiier's appeal for recruits for offered and accepted, and the batta- the Itritiah army surpasses anything Jion of 500 mounted men offered by in the memory of British military the City of Calgary, men. HuK'i i low, 1 ., of all ages au.d The Government has 41osed the ull Htations of life, Hllk-hatted men pO rt of Montreal as well as the porl F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON ONTARIO. See our Window Display THIS WEEK A Large Assortment of H;tml Painted Nippon China, just unpacked beauti ful ^oods large Variety of Different useful Articles all Reasonably Priced, frcm 1 ;">(. to $'J.f>0 each. Preserving Season is Now on Jem Jars, all sizes Jem Jar Rubbers Parowax for sealing Granulated Sugar HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR BUTTER AND EGGS Voters' List, Ipl4 FOR A 30 DAYS' FREE TRIAL that of the Russian reservists. A suggestion which Is being made, and which has support in very Im- portant circles, Is that ic would be well to establish a patriotic fund for the relief of the families of men who go to the. front and for the men who are taken sick or woundnd, the same as was done during the South African from day to day. Chancellor of the Exchequer Lloyd George Informed the House of Com- mons that the Government was con- sidering the question of taking over the entire harvest throughout the lirltish Isles. The Chancellor declared that thn Municipality of the Township of Artemesia, in the County of Grey. Notice is hereby s-ivcn that I have i iMnsinittetl or delivered 10 tho persons mentioned in Sections H mill '. of the Ontui-io Voiers' Lint Act, 1887. nd ihe Hineiiduifn s therein, the uupifK reipiiuHl to lie so transmit >ed ur delivered of the Lint, mvle putt.u*nt to s'lid Act, of all persons appearing l>y the lost revised Assessment Koll -f the wid Municipality to lie entitled in vote in the Municipal) at elections for Members f the Lfgis- litive As-enilily toil at Municiral elect ions, and Hint said List was first po-ted , up u. my omce ' Klexlierton on the 8th j Apply IO d ty of Auust.r.14,-ind ivmains there forj iusppction. Elec'ois ire called upon to; e\amine Haiti List, :iiul if any omission | or other errors are peiceivoil ih-rein to lake iiiiinedmte procre<!im/s io have the j Miid eirois correct i-tl aeonrding I" !**. \\ . .1. UKLLAMY, Clrrk of Artemesia. Flesherton, Auznst llth, 114. Of the 900 Gravity Washer S. Hemphill, Agent ^ !. of ttli-'-t'. I'litce -In- sued to IK- i'i- 1 in H sack, l. I. rui ii-l, -. ,-x - 1,-ir r the purpose. Kill the f-ack lioul '-!! puts full n<l iniiiii i-,- in ill for- .1 . lini solution for !KIU| twenty iiiinnti--. "l';ien upreitd the H<-ud out on n cl.-nn Ho it * dry. Oieat care mutt lie tfke n to -i , iiml -,. -I i- not reiiifected with nun -,'orui. Sucks, liiiH, iiiiploini'iit!', etc., sed in Imndliiix Batted giain must H|HO IHJ disinf' 1 '- cil. The jwokx in-iy he lioil-nl , i dipped 1n Hlronx f,,rmilin KO!II i,,n 'I pint to icn )>illoiih). in, I ili- -,.,.,! ...ills should he i-lein, ,| nut ili>infm:ted iih loriii'ilin <>i mi -slacked I mi. The il n,r on which 'hi- :(i-iin is spreit I out to ry .should hu soriHilii.-,! with -i stum-; * iiion of t i in > .n If the cei- 1 win-Hi 'n ! treated c .n. ' ,111- I ul n' i-d griuiiH 01 'milt lulls iliey MUSI I...- removed Mure treutmx tl,.- .i.iin. Thin cn lie j , ne |>y plicin-'ihe mill, I'iniit n buttle! ;i' n tun--, in tuli f water. The smut lull', l-i-ini; light. will rite to the tuirf.t'v. in 1 cm he skim .o'o on. S , A i lu* hi'i*d .so'in ufier iinii'iii as jnn-i'-l--. .Sprinkling with OIIL-'f pint of for- - ilm I'i live u>illons : w.-tter i* ;i'-o very ilisfnctory. With td,- ii,-,i-iii,.iit the Sec-nie n one pound ':- ,-ii.- , i t in, -1m MI- pound opi.i!-. i.-- pint) >nd mix iih w.iirr in tin' proportion i-f one |, mi, d of formalin 'o forty two .-ill, us .VL-lve uuo'sof formalin makes a luiiilv I and poorly-clothed lahorers stood In of Queboc, and as far as any Invading ..uantiiy t.. work wi-l, ; thirty f*Umw of lon lines al ! day ln f, 01 " f l^ re ; slllp8 * nl ? T ["K lh st - l -*" T . c ? a . rc crulting stations awutlliiK their turn concerned there Is not felt to be ' 'ic solution will ire*', thirty buwoh i to go before the wedlcal officer. much danger. If they came up to Plans to prevent unemployment Quebec they would meet the battery through the war and for the system- of heavy guns of the emhaukmenl, allc relief of the distressed are being which have a range of ten to twelv. arranged on a large scale. Instead thousand yards. Then If they turnc,! of economizing on public works In to leave the Interest of military expenditures,' selves trapped by the Krltlsh (iovcrnnicnt has adopted four of which are now on the North the policy of greatly Increasing Gov- ernment employment for the purpose of providing for those who will lose their work through the shutling down of factories. Iload building will be one of tbe principal employ- ments, and the hoard for the di-volop- For :- Washing machinesjolding Dr. J. Ralph Smith bath tubs,windmills,pumps,pipings OSTEOPATH water tanks, Beatty water bowls, steel stalks and stanchons, litter Car= riers, hay carriers, slings, forks and tracking, McCormick Binders, mow- ers, rake loaders, tedders, drills, cul- tivators, harrows, Chatham wagons, Mount Forest buggies, and Frost wire. Satisfaction Guaranteed. ioilice and Residence- 4118 'Kb St. East Owen Sound, O*U. I Hours!) to 12a.m., l.SO to 4.:U) p.m. I to 8p.m. Other houiN liy ppontinent. again, thiy would, find then:- rapped !>y hrliish cruisers. Atlantic und can be often reached by wireless. Invading ships would b' trapped in tho same way in the Bay of Kuiuly If they tried to reach St. John, and as for Halifax the entrance Winter Term .lanu-uy oih BUSINESS COLLlNfiWOOl) COLLEGE Ailend this lii;,'. Snccfi-hful School of Imsim-SR ti-iinii.g nd let us help you into some hin worth \\li.le. Krce oiililojjuc on request. Kn'er iniy time. T. E. Hawkins, - Principal Colliiiizwo, d, Ontarii I ' ' ' ' ' . ' ' . . of the harbor is well protected by rlnht for quirk i powerful guns. In addition the SI. men) of roads has a fund of several Lawrence and the maritime ports arc million pounds which it will spend. 1 protected by mines. The building trades' Htrik Tamworths for Sale I Hotli si'* nearly rrndy lor breeillni!. I'licea! UOSS Maxwell I' O CHKAP FARM TOR SALE which has kept I'.O. ouit men out of work, has been set I led, and a truce has been do- clareil In the marine engineers' htrik--. which began In June. TIIKY n:\ii;i:s. i.i i.i.i \\ KiN(/s Kai.ser's Men Have Horror of Itaynnet Atln'k.s. LONDON, Aug. 11. Correspon dents of various London papers at different points and out of touch with ;\||MT| llenrii'ii-i His SuliJts-l.H Heforo each other comment upon tbe terror I.eavhiK I ' Kront. i with which the (iermans face a bayo- 1 net charge. They show mil, \ii.i-- courage In the face of heavy or llcht ritle lire, but a charge with tixed i, .111,11, -i- Invariably makes the de- fei.ce waver and usually makes It break. KrportH continue to come In of tbe IlliCSSKLS. AUB. 8. Before de- parting for the front KiiiK Albert ad- dressed a proclamation to the IlelRian army saying: "Without the least provocation on our part our neigh lior. proud of ltn fo.'ce, las torn up treaties bearing Its signature und ha.s broken In upon >tirred until kill NH(- i. tin should be ciri>fully .'iiouglily inniHttiiied. The foruiitlin in vinr'1' will not Hie loose Hinut of whfil but i^ vny* . -fiic'.ory for looso Hinut (,f ,, i> i. M'in> in MUM, are nlno 1 . ,n. ; i , , , >. | f ir tin: trununont of filling- hiittDrlly. I'm- moil t'lfeotive i -in,' ly fur this tronb (.M ...... imect \H pyi'fthriiiu |mwiler >,o fiound Inoroughly mi . ,! with four I.OUII(!H of lluiir iiml , i, .' in un iiir-lixlit ir or Cin for twenty-four IIOIITH, M, lint <he puisoii nuy lieconu- thorouulily in lUrporttled with tin- Mom. The mixture in be n|i[ilicil with H |, \,1 r igiin i :t li- i- , cloth Ing, duKtiiiL' (lit) i,lo,' lightly. Thin pow.lcr will kill the inse--ts Inn it- i* pei-fectly Irirmlf'-H to Innii-iu ii-nu*. Pyrethrum cnn lo tm npplifd i i li(|ti il f 'fin, HH f I'o> : Dutolvetwo ^iunui'4 of the |M>\\ l.-r ill t In ae gallons of ukcwuin witei UN 1 \-i 1V ' "''>' Ho' water |>|i!i,'-l lit n t.-m;i ritnr,- of l.'tO lei/ru " I', will kill flu 1 w in.- an I n,> i jure tin- plant. i lack of provisions among the Oerinan ems that the IIM air."uiuii- um. urinlcR of Invasion II seem* the territory of our fullers because ar " , 8 " l " lvaslou - . ',, , wonderful C.erman organize we ref-jsed to forfeit our honor. "An attack has been made upon us, anil the. world marvels at our loyal atlil.ido. "Be comforted by our Indepen- organization has partially, at least, broken down In tho commissary department. I 1. 1 1 1,,- l nioN \lsiiiiniis. I'Allia, Aug. 11. It Is olllclally "Our menaced nation shudders, announced that citizens of Ali-ace- and Its children have bounded to the Lorraine are to be enrolled In one of frontier. the foreign regiments beli.g orKuniz- "Uravi> sDldl-rs. I saint' 1 you In the ed to help France. Immediately up- iiame of Belgium. You will triumph on signing for the duration of the became your strength ha; been put war such volunteers becaivo of tj the services of th right. French nationality and may ttu-n he "tllory to you soldl>-r:i and defend- transferred to any regiment, ers of the liberty of our menaced The personnel of the Itnsalan em- falhurland." bassy at Vienna has been roml-.icli-d to tho Swlss frontier and i.- coming U .mi Shipping Kef., '.'ni.-i. to Paris. MONTHKAL, AUK. S. Tim Mont- The lli-!lan Government lias given real Hoard ol 'I rud". at a meeting yes- orders to the Nelglan state railway terduy afternoon, pause. I a. resolution management to place Itself al the dU- asklng th- press not lo mention the Posal of tho Krench military lulinln- ts of VIM* 'I i. Istratloo tlfo same as the !i*'lglati. 8-400- -twenty-foul 1 hundred dollars | will Imy the west h:ilf i>f lot No. 'J mid | piirt of the Nol-lh west ijiiniter of No. 1, ; i I on the 4-h con. of lviplinisi:, contain- 1 IMJ; .il'.onl I -'." iicrea. Tlicl'e is supposed | I,, In- ninety nores cleare.l, th ImlHiice tm id liardwood Imsh mple, hcccli and i-lin. 'I h.-i i- is on the property :t fr.ime h .use and kitchen, fiHino \irn, straw hoase with >lone toiindtioii under it, iil.i,- wiioil shed, driving shod, pit' pen j und ln-n buns-. Tbeieiiu; also two or- 1 ctitrd* i-n tlie f,>">i in-"wing diffurept j kinds i-f fruit- tipples, peiiiR, pl'timV chfi-ii-'S und urnpes. Tliif fHi-ni ix well i feuci it wi-h wire inul pu'enl ft ncii'K. Isj frt'H Iniiii fnwi. I' i.s tilso we 1 ! wiitered! with water in neii'ly eu-ry IK-KI. Theiv i> H iiHver-fitiliint opiitu! within 40 y.ird-i | i'f the li use This fm in is wiiliin onej miln of the thnvinK villnj>i-of Kimlieiley. j Km fiirrlmr pmticul us npply to .1 AMES STl'AlU, Kimlierley I'. <>" ISept H. ALEXANDER MERCHANT TAILOR Feversham - Ont. The Right Suit .... For the Right Season Your next suit will l. t . a f ; ,l] or winter suit, am if you want anythinj: in A Tailored or Semi-Ready Suit, it will be to yoiu ailviint,i ; ,v to leave your order- with. C. BLAKELEY Sole Agent for the Semi-Ready Clothing Standard Bank Bfeck, Fksbcrton Fasliionable Tailoring Seasonable Goods, first class Workmanship. ALSO- Steer Estray Farm For Sale A Which (nine t., tlio ptwmnnof the muKT.siun , 1..,; 17 - H. HrM mrge N. 1). U., t >< ed I nV-otit the middle of .Tune one L'-ven pu-> - li>0 ,cie.H, W cleared, balance hard- old steer. Hie owner is requested to tush. Qand baildinn. brick houa. line Of l'e;uh -M;n!e Clothing prove property, pay expenses and tnke, MIU! I orchtrd. Will he solil i-n easy thesiuneawy. terms. ^ A Ivuuain, Who will pick it Kd. Hillock, I'top., Proton station, we put chaise, alterations if in free of Isep D. Roman, Lady lip .' R. R. No. 2. 1 July tf