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Flesherton Advance, 13 Aug 1914, p. 1

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ial * I i^.U'H j \ ' i n Uy "TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." NOT MEN.' 4 ** ?OI 34 No. 5 Flestierton, Ont., August 1 3 Thursday, 1914 W. H. reUBSTOH Kimberley Budget '!'. Late For Last W, ,-k Everybody is busy harve'.tlng in this _\i i'.ity, Miss Lillian Aruutn.ii^ and Miss Henry of Flesherton visited recently with Mrs. George Pr"cr r. Messrs. Jas. R. Futwt, Donald Wallace and W. S. Birbop Httumlfd a meeting of the Quaiter'y Oftic'al Board " of ihe Rocklyn circuit 1*11 .Motidty last. We *re sorry to rep< i". Mr. George * McCounell on the sick It-t at present. Harry says thac ph'iiiogruph on the ' Ki-; Mountain is certain y a peach. ' Miss Edna Ciaiack and Mis.- Ferry if 'Toronto are visiting at Mie. former's par- tntal home. Mrs Jos McMaster and Misses Mc- . Master und Wheeler, all of Thornbury, .visited, the past week with Mrs. James Miss M in i Fawcett of Mnrkdale visited Jflcently with herparents at the Travellers H>.me. r" " We offer conratnl.ti'>us to Maud . i'lewes, who was successful m passing . the exam for a second class certificate. Maud-? is 0110 of Kimberley ' most pnpu- u!r y> MI,' ladies. Miss Marsjaret Reid is \i.-Uing with Mr-. :ie <r%t Smith of Duncan. Joe Armstrong of Thornbury visited ' at Jame Stuart's out- Jay last week. Mr. John Smith of Kob Rny visited . hue the past week. Miso Nellie Burritt visited the past week with Mrs. J. K. Corliett, Dundalk. Miss Ella Knott of Thornliury visited at It. J. Stuatt'sduri:-.s{ the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Melviu Harris and s>nis i W*l*i-r and Ku-sell, of TWout p, are re- . newing old acipjiiintances in this vicini'y . a' present. . This Week's Items We got a very heavy rain mi Monday lat, and it was certainly much needed . * : n this locality. Miss Alma Nedy of Beuverdale visited *ith her cousin. Miss Maggie ReiJ. .1. E. Hammond took iho topic in the , Epworth League on Sunaay evening l<k*>t .-.n 1 handled it iu a very able manner. ^ Born On Tiiursday, August li, to Mr. d Mrs. Fred Smart, a son. Jas. Crowsten of M;irkda)e \ -:u 1 with >fi-s. A. K. Myles ncently. Mr. E. R. Brown of Meaford WHH a . c .Her in our burg on Wetlnos-Uy lnr. Mr. and Mrs. Uobt. McKee of Port- l.vv visited at the Jfttter's paiental home recently. Chas. S;uatt who has been taking a ourse in elementary agricultuie at the Ontario agricultural college for a few weeks returned homo on Saturday last. .las. Walker made a business tiip to Meaford on Friday. Mr. ai.d Mrs. Thus. Robinson of Uui:- 1 .'alk visited at Mr. Goo. Uutchinson'a hf |wst week. The pastor. Rev. Mr. Murslull, occu- pied the pulpit, in the Methodist church on Sunday morning last, and preached HII excellent sermon. ' Everett McLean of Ohio I'.S.A. is . viMting with his pu-cnts Mr. and Mrs. McLean. George S'uart -md sons Nurval and Lloyd, visited the past week with Ja. < Istuart. Stanley Achesnn ond sister, Hay.el, of , Dutnliilk, accompanied by their consiu, Ada Acheson of Proton Station, visited with their aunt, Mis. Ge<>. Hutchinsou, Rod and Gun The August number of Rod and Gun issued by W. J. Taylor Limited, 1'ublish- tr, Woodstock, Out., has appeared aud is up to the usn-tl standard of excellence maintained by this representative Cana- dian magazine of outdoor life. The cover c >t is au ttttractire one and illustrates a big catch of tuna in Nova Scotia where theaportof catching this bi^' lish with rod and lino is growing iu favor. The contents inctudu m.uiy uiret e<i m^ stories am', articles ninong them another canoe story "T<> Moose Factory by Canoe" wliich in so far as the terriloiy covered is concerned forms u ctmiinuatinn of the account givon in lant month's issue of a Trip from Lake Temiso.iming to Lake Abltibi. Bonnycostle l>;le gives a graphic description of "Wild Fowling with the Kwakiutls" and tho issue in- cludes stories of intei esc t the general i-eader an articles and departments con- i ..ii.n^ K|>eiMiil iuformati'di foi the sports- man. W ode house Doings The intense heat of the p*t week to- gether with the dry weather, has ripenel the grain very fast and this week will practically see all the grain cut ir> this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. White and two children of Toronto motored up on Saturday week and spent the week end with the lattei's parent', Mr. and Mrs. John \V:ird and other friends here, returning home Tues- day even n^'. Mr. Richard Bentham and daughter Xella of FUi-hertoii were visitors with Mr. J'jhn Buskin and family over .Sun- day. Mr. Jac..b Louyheed left laa week for F\ irida it here he will spend sonia tiiiK*, owiu,' to his health. M, -: . James Brown and Joseph Cherry are Insily engaged, rebuilding the bridge on this line which was demol- ished some two weeks ago by Mr. Will Wood's engine breaking through. This bridge his berii an eyesore for some time to tlie public and will indeed be a credit- able w.rk when completed. Mrs. J. J. Cherry of Thornbury visited old friends here during the past week. M r. Sid Bowi'ti of Toronto has been visiting his brother and sister, Arthur and i x >ueenie Bnwen at Mr. Will Ward's l lie past wtek. Mr. Sam Wiley jr., had ;t successful barn raising ou Wednesday afternoon last. Much sympathy is extended t > Mr.and Mrs. Hal. Abeix-rombie in the death of the former's mother at Rocklyn a -hurt time !_'. Mr Russell Harris of Toronto is up on a two week* holiday with friends here the uuest of Sam Wiley, sr. Quite a number from here attended the social evening at Abe Knott's. Kpp in j. on Wednesday evening. Our boys had a friendly name of base- ball with the Roeklyn team resul'ins as usual in. our brave Uds being r-eitou. Duncan Berries have been a tine crop in this part this season. Mrs. Amos Saunders and son, Murray, aud Mrs. Timothy Hives ami daughter, Lucille, all of Detroit, spent a fortnight wiih Mr.and Mrs. M. L. Kerr. Detective Cul'.y -is engaged with (loo. I'l-octor during the harvest. Messrs. Litile and Paul of Colling- wood renewed :ic<pja.intancfs in this burn reec'i.tly. We must not forget to congratulate Yera (joodfellow, Minnie Smart and Clifford Brocklebunk, who were success- ful in passing their Entrance ex-im. Miss K Lever of Klosherton will re- sume duties ttiauhini; in " Sundown Col- lege " next term. Miss L'X/.ie Martin is spending a couple of days with ihe Misses McKenzie liefoie leivinn for Collingwood. Clive Kerr met with a painful accident oue day last week by being kicked on the face by one of the working hoises. Lydia Rear '>f Clarksburg visited at .). McKenzie's Leila McKion visited a few days wiih her aunt, Queeilie Kaitling, Feversham. J. McKenzie has completed H tmcy wire fence which docs ci edit to tlie ap- pearance of liis farm. Miss Cunningham, who taught in our school some years ago, renewed ac<|iiain lances here Islely. Frank Miehe of Parry Sound visited a few days at Geu. Pioctor's. From lifty to sixty thousand dollars' lUm _;c was done in the destruction l v lii-. of 34 Rummer cottages at Grimsby Beach, couicd by the trpmMtnig of a con! oil stove. No more money orders are payable Kng'and. S. R. Henderson FLOUR and FEED Is giving splendid satisfaction. We also keep Fresh Groceries in stock and are paying highest price in ca h for all kinds of Farm produce . firing us especially your EXKS and Poul ry. S. R. HKNDERSON - Flesherton Eugenia Paragraphs Mrs. Anderson f Panama is the guett >f Miss Smith here. Jessie Armstrong is home from the city, accompanied by her niece, Eleanor Graham. Little Hilda Williams is visi'ing her c.usin, Bessie Stewart the past week. (jeorge Williams is home from the city on a visit. Mrs. WiMxlburn hits been ill t'uriog the jjast week, but is improving. R. Dean, J. Ciighteu ai.d J. <'.iiri>s motored to Toronto f.jr the week end. Mr. and Mrs. John Campbell and son visiied fiiends at Flesherton recently. Mrs. Knill of Paris, who is spending the summer here, received a 'phone mes- sage from her two sons tint thry have volunteered for the war, also Mr. vVliite, one of our hydro surveyors, has gone to be examined. Mis. R. Park and sun, Uussel, along with their friends, Mr. and Mrs. Fo-jir, of Toronto, visited menus in Euphrasy recently . The lat'er ?uuple have been visiting Mr. and Mr?. Park before leav- ing for the Weat. Mrs. J. Walker and Miss E. Lawrence of Kimberley visited fiiends hero the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Godfrey of Meiiford are the guests of Mr. ami Mis. L. Latimer. Mrs. Sam. Fisher and daughter "f To- ronto visited friends here Monday. Toronto Line North i< ill full "wing. Mrs. Jtmes Brown of Maikdale, ac- companied by Mrs. Robert Brown of Malloryto*n, were the RUOS'S of Miss Bella Blown one day List week. Sirs. Fred Mathewson am! Mis. \V. Ewers -tad babe. Victor, visited .Mis. Ewer's pareirs at Proton Staiin S<uuU\ . Mrs. Kwevs wi'l remain there another week bi-fore returning to h-*r home in L'I ronlo. Little- Hilda \Viliims ..f K i^enia is holiday-in-.; with her cousin, Misi Uessie Stewart. The neighbors of Ill's vicinity and o. Toioiiio Line, s mth, held A picnic at Kiu;eiiia on VVulnes'Liy of last wn'k. i-i'liiill, fiuitlui'l and oilier games were indulged in ,is well as viewing the works inu on there. All njoyetl the outing a .d intend to meet there again in the near future. Wallace Malliewson of Harrhead Mills spent the week end with his brother. Lyall, here. A number of our young men have d< - elded to ei l^i the order of lienedicis i re they a-e culled to war. Oneyonnz man says he lias found a " pearl ' and would rather stay ,il home. Mr. Glenn Davis is engage I with his brother, Wesley, at the painting business. Mrs. Knx has returned to her home in Dresden after visiting a few days with her brother. Rev. F. Kerr. Her li'tle daughter, I,)is, who has been v'citir. heie tlie past month, aceumpanie.l her home. Walkerton init to the yreatir part ui Brucfl couniy bein<( under local option and the bars for the most part being aKilisheo 1 , I be Ontario government, we unders'and. jiurposos putting ihe whole county in.der one license inspec'.or instead of having it divided in'o three inspectorates as nt present. The new job will be extensive in se ipo and be enlrinced with a tempt- ing Nalary. A drowning He.'ident occurred iu tl.e Situgecn river at Hanover on Situnlay evening last, when No,ah Barten.agcd 17, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Barter, formerly of Biant Tp., lost Ids life. How the event happened will never be known, as he was alor.e at the time. !! left home in tho afternoon to s^o bathin>?, ;ind wlien he did not retuin at T o'clock bis parents became anxious. They made inquiries of neighb >rs' boys, who told them that they had m.-i him about 4 o'clock on the way to the rive". They at once made i seaich mtd before lon^ bis el.rhes were found on the bank by his mother. His bixly wiw re^ivered about 10 o'clock near where hi cli<thaK were found earlier in the ev<wini>, i:i about e:i{ht feet .f .vater.--Hei.ild and Timts. Maxwell Mr. an.l Vrs Blakely, Corbet! on, spent Sunday a: Mr. George Linley's. Mi-s Mary Hei-.m i Winnipeg is visit- ing ar her parental home. Mi-s Mi-gux". Preston id visiting with friends in this locality. Miss Kva Ink, ter and Miss Dairies of Wureliini, \i a ;t ,1 at Dr. lioszeii'i la.-t wee:. Mr. Mrs. Angus Moriisoii vUited wi'h Slielhurue friend* ii eii'ly I SftuUerj; tiny s vi.-irin^ with her 1 aunt in Mclnly e. Laiden pally l:eld under ' he. h us- pires of i In- Meth. diM Ladies' Aid was a Teat MiC'-essJi 'tli li: anc:al!y and socially. The | r.'eeeds amounted to ?'.l!.'_ > tl. Dun- j*lk silver bai d r n\c t. me excellent selections. Mr. l!;ii ey ..f B.idjeios ren- lered smro veiy |i!ea n^ s n^f, also ut'ier locl lal^n'. All Went Inline, feel- ing they had t nj'iyid tlu-nirelvi .. Mr-. .Ii.tin Kil't'll is visUn g will eiids in S.n^! amp mi. East Mountain A tV 'if 'lie farini r have lu.l t'ie uiu- ircipal teli-piu'iie inntallrd in 'heir hi. me". Sir. Allen . f Krin vi-it d w!tn bis nepliew, Thu'iips; n Allen, of this par'. Xe:iiaiid Ci ra Slartin :' Owen S.'-.ind nre visiiinj with iheir par. n-. >!.. aiiJ Mi- .lolin Mai tin. F.I 1 S.uith is buck v c neeriii.' h< .u-e, whii-h will m*ltr:a ly ;ni|jrve its appe riinci' . Misses L. Mai tin an 1 K v t Lcv-r of Fles'ieito:] visitid w tn Mr. .tin: Mr-. Wi,l M.ntln recently. Sir. u. d M's. II. MoMallen auJ ikin- ;!\ i u-ndeil thewelJing "I Mr<. Mo. Viill.-n's -Utir, M ; s< M he I Chard. *t Mills, 'in 'Vednesd.iy .if Li-t wecli. W e rue <;Ud to report Mis- Anoie Allen reco\ erina from ber i! Sirs. Ruii-it Mi'Mullen and rt iuetta, are v ,-itini; fri---.i'.s in Toronto. SIi>s L-.xx'i- Wf's'i i f Heat!i-.- 'e it the p.i'ental Im'tie uwii'ly. DR. BURT 5peciilift in d!i. < i ol ihe Eye, Ear,Nose and Throat Orfice-13010th st. West, Owen Sound At tho Revere house, Mui-kilale, 2nd Thursday each month from 8 t.u a 12a. m Dund-ilk,l.-t Wednesday at each month . Jewelry Flesherton Planing : 'And Chopping Mills I am now prepared t.i do chopping every day in the week except Sundays and every week in the year. Bring alor- yum- grists. Our sasli aii'l door factory is always at your disposal tor iinythin^ you w^nt in our line -planing, matching, etc. Fl-'or ing, sash and uoorx, and all lions,- fur- nishings supplied promptly ani at !> is- onable rates. Gc-i esiim.te. T. Blakeley, Prop. Febl.i A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se- lection. We car- ry Photo Supplies. W. A. Armstrong, Jeweler FLESHERTON, - ONT 1 car Western Oats 1 car Five Rose Flour Bran, Shorts and feed flour. A: the > -'. rton Grocery, W. BUSKIN .- \v. 'oe' ! I Ceylon Mr?. George S;-.i.i:t :ni'l t p liil'tll -tie endiiu a \Vtek it:i h r pnenls at Tli on 'jury. U. Mi. Gnl. T'li'M-t", <p-nt 4 c.iuule f ihys in town !.i>' week l.i.'kirg *t:>-: brother's estate. Sir. Victor Klli, Ktmberlt-y, is .-- n^ his uncle, (i'o. Stuar', heie, in the butchti- I us ness. Mi.-s Maud Heii'phill \isi:el t un!i linu frii-iuls the eek. Miss McD"iia'd. D'lihiui, i- a vi- ' i at .1. MeFaildiii s. Miss L. Br >wn mid biother return, il t> Toroino Sn'mdy after spendii u a fortnuht wiih fneiids here. Mr. D iniii.', Hinover, visited at Mis. Muir's I ist week. Mr. T. Ch .-! i: -;u'i,r ;lie week with Ins iUughti-1 in i i\veii S> ind. .1. J. I'. It son h is gone to Owen Sound whure he lm aivrp:e.l a j. sition with M, O'Mi^all A- K\.-I-IS as tiavelltr. Mr. S. L'hislelt le(t Monday for the West. Tile Misses J. and Xcll Crawford, wbo have been viirois at Mr. Collinson's. lelt Thursday fur their home at Durhs-n. Miss O'MelJH ,,f Cleveland is vis ting her parents hure. i^uite a mmilier Hum hei.' t.ook in tl e picivc at Swintou I'aik Fr.dny. I): 1 . Martin, Dundalk, was i-illed in ti'iisulia 1 inn with Dr. L-\ue on li'.llo Bail While last week, who wiis lying very ill with sen lot fever, but we are g!ad to re- pml all out of danger ai d on i fair wny to i Coo very. Mrs. Grirfitlis, Toront", airivid Tburs- j day evtiiilift to assist her daugli er. Mis. 1 \\hite, in carinu for 'he svk cms Ruv. Mr. Coburn, Tonm'o, addiescd the SubUth schoi.; and took the service on Sunday .-ifterti'.'on ami intends giving an address in the hall here Wednesday i-vriiin;. 1 , IIIK subject being, " From child- hond to mtnbood without siuht. ' While ( here he is the s;uest of Mr. S. Hcmphill. ^ Ai'Ofl Luvi '.'f '"Vypishiiii was a caller | in t..wn on M'-ndty. Chilli's 1'bi I i>-', Toront'i, w. s* culler i in town Saturday. The Koyal N'Tihwest Mounted Police; fores is. to bo strennthene<l at once by the addition of ">< n(n, :..ncer mem- bers to be given the pi\* HOT WEATHER SHOES As I have some lines of summer shoes to clear out at reduced prices. WOIMMII'S Patent piling ami I'.it -in ,inJ (!iin Colonial AI'!I inick!. "ii. W. m,'ii'> I n^. !i ' )\i '.'ds wiili .1 UK! t vyclt-ts, -i , s ::, 4 A- 4. 1 ,. .i-iKsj at -*1.'H'. A In: i if ehilche" - ! -' .'i-^ mil pump.^cleariun at MI cis. a pair. If in nei-.l irf a tf.joJ tiiiuk nr ^nir eaii-.wc have a iiico issni-tinent Mil II..H.I . Thos Clayton. You'll Want to Look Right SOMK nt thi'so ovenings you'll want to look " just rijjlit," and you knmv ;us well as wo do, that there's nothing like a well-tailored Itlue or black serge suit. They're right at night. The proper caper always! us take your measure for a Hohberlin-made. all wool serge. The kiutl that won't fade, or get rusty. To-day is the clay to order. $20.00. S.J. BOWLER Sole Age"t for the Hobberlin Tailoring.

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