May 7 1914 THE FLE SHE ETON ADVANCE f i :. BUSIN.ESSCARDS WH.WRIOHT, TKl.KORD & McDOXALD HtrrUter. Solicitor*. Ac. OUlcee, tiroy * llruro Itloek. Owoii Boun'l. Standard Bunk Itlock, Kleenerton. (Salur<!*yi. W.H. Wright, W. 1'. -1'elford J .,,!. C. UcUonalJ.L. U M. . 4, ; SOCIETIES AO U VF meeti ou he lt Monday in ch montb, in tbelr long* room riaytoti'* hall Kleshorton, at p.m. M. W., W. J. Hellatny ; KM., C. H. Mun.naw; Kin.,K. J, hproule. Vmitiuti brethrtn tuvited HHIXCR ARTHL'K LODGE, No :3, A FA I A U. meet* in the Masonic lull. Arm tronK'8 HlocU.FIesborton. every ?"* on or bore the lull ICOCD Herb Smith. \V. M.; C'Uai.Munsbaw. Huiretary. f OUB-nFXRbHERTON, 995, I. 0. F. a-eet In Vn.ytoV. Xlock the lal Wednesday evm..|( each inoiitli. V.sltiup Korejlon >> Icome'U. II., <i. Bellamy ; K. 8., <. < !"., fi&2'toe7 WFln. Sec. before the first avottbe woutb. Council T. Blakelev: Recorder W. H. DUDD MATMK'VS, made at The Advance, o 08 MEDICAL r\K Office , s ., etc t.. F If a man wants to get tic ]uitiiitod with human nature, Ii i him >-d. a new^p.tpar for a short lime. He knows nothing of the up- and duwim of lifo unlit he has Camera Man's Nerves. orved in this c.pamty. He may havi- Wben tho nulllteui . photographer's pruached, conducted a bank, sold j" I*, ri-iriitl asked him why he looked tm'lcd h"r<i's, |'i.ii ii-.- i law, unwed woodipccved the other was glad to explain. LUCK IN PHOTOGRAPHY. A Suggeation That Grated Upon the or operated iv pup corn facnry, but hu needs u few inonih* expvi-iviice as nn editor-in-chief of a country iicwspapiT to complete, knowledge of the ec of human nature. County Crown Attorney John Ann- s'r.iii.; died Friday after an il!nea o some duratiun nritli paralysis. Join .\niMii.,ii.' wa> born in Millbiook in 18D1 ed ihu t'niversity of Toronto, nno Mibsfcjuently taught for lo years in Wcston, unU in 1875 caina to O.von Sound to become Kn<*ish master at the Collegiate Instil u'e. In 1881 he took uj tlio study of law. Jnhii Mel. :lUiid, whuselioine was on lot 4, concession !, Bust Garufrax-k, wa. found dead in a au-.-unp about H m K- from the villigd of Kveitun on Tuesday after- ii' "ii of hist wi-i'K. He was at first iden- litied as Samuel Boyle of tliu same t-wn- .-li.|i. The circumstances Burrcuiulinx his deaili are fery peculiar. McLelland, who resided on the farm in East Guru- J P OTTEWELL Hrwtj-teriu Chorcb. DENTISTRY D r !. .1. R-, dental surgeon t of Toronto' Univ.r.-ty and ot IJeuta) Surgeonn of Ontario. LEGAL , CCAB. HANEV A hKNHV-Harri-tcri;, L- olicitor..etc.-I. H. l.ucw, K. ( :- : ,mV^' Uacev K C. ! W. U. Henry, - A. Offices, ""onto. MM TiBdor. Hauk WftfcTjbWJ .m 1412: MarkdaleLuca. Block, Phone 2 A. Hrtncli oUlc at Dundalk open et ery Saturday. BUSINESS CARDS l CUIAiOUOH 4 YOUNG Kaukeri Markdale neral banking buelneai. Money loaned reMonable ratef Gall on us. DUcIMIUL. Mcnued Auctioneer for th County of Grey. Turmn moderate and tin action guaranteed. The MMBMMOM u 1 laUi of ak>e can t made , TBK A IJVANCR office. Kenidence and P.O., Ceylon. Telephone counectlon. Dec. 8^7. WVI KAITTINO, Licensed Auctioneer foi the couniles of Urey and Hiincoo. Firm and block talee a HprcUlty. Ternii aiorterate. natlitactlou guarautte'l. Arraimi'- oient* for datee may be uiadeat the Advunce offlu- or Central telefbone office &ee>rheiii or by addressing nie at Feyersbui, Ont. Pure Bred Holstein Bull Channeling Prince Joe Itred by Chanxi'ling Butter liny out of Tidy Abbekerk I'rincowt Joic-phinu. The greateat butter making itrain k nown. Term of Mrvioe 91.BO foi gndc*, $"> pun' lired. OKO. MOUKE & SON, fraxa, but whose wife daughter, Mrs. James Fergus, is a well-known part of tho country. li lives with her McDonald, in fanner in that left home on Saturday morning with hia hoise and hugjjy to go to Fergas. He spent the "A friend of ours just usked me to come over and take u picture of her baby." he said. "She apologized for asking, which was unnecessary, be- cause I wns glnd to do It, but she spilled the beans by giving as her reason that 1 hud such good luck t:ik- lug pictures." "Well, you do, don't you?" inquired tbe friend. "There you go," the photographer exclaimed. "There is no such thing aa luck In my photography. What vexes me is that every oue seems to consider them Inseparable. "Photography is as exact a science as running a survey nowadays with those who kuow bow to bundle a cam- era. With tbe photometer and exposure tables, proper developer and a ther- mometer for determining Its tempera turc, every last elemeut of luck Is re- moved from exposure and negative making. The same Is true of the print- Ing processes. You know in advance bow much light much you need. you have and bow Factorial tables tell you bow long to leave a plate in the developer. Every step Is timed with a stop watch. And that's why it annoys me to have people say that my art is a luck proposition. "Before I had taken as many pic- tures as stand to my record now there was sometimes luck, mostly bad. Al- though, as It appears to me at present, greater part of thi day there, and WAS! I got better results than I should have known to have left Kc-rg js between 7 obtained. But If a man with a little PICTURES IN THE PAPER. Firat Crude Attempts to Illustrate Events of the Day. It is u little surprising to learn that i in; ttrst journal to give illustrations '.\itii any frequency was tbe Mercu- rlus Civlllua, which came out during | the civil wnr in England with portraits jof Charles I. and his queen, Cromwell :nj'l bis oiIictTb mill Prince Rupert jMore eluborote pictures dealing with {the wnr were, bowever, left to tbe Iliainphlets of that time. Tbe frost fair on, the Thames lu 1683 was inuda the subject of nn Interesting broadside, uud so nlso was the funerul of Queen Mary II. in 1G95. With the eighteenth century the art of Illustrating actualities grew. Car- icatures abouuded. now of tbe Jacob- ites, now of the south sea bubble or .!ini!;ir exciting events. Tbe Dully Post of 1740 afforded an example of a daily paper attempting to Illustrate a current event On March 20 of that yeur it published a detailed diagram of Admiral Vernon's attack on Porto Hello. The St James Chronicle In 1769 pre- sented Its readers with an Illustration of a strange wild animal that bad cre- ated uiuch excitement In France, but this illustration was obviously Imagi- nary. The Gentlemen's Gazette in 1751 gave a portrait of Edward Bright a record fat man. In tbe Town and Country Magazine in 1773 there ap- peared portraits of the principals In a famous scandal. New York Sun. VOICE CULTIVATION. t U Said L ca- ; j to boll eggs, photography is no B,,ylf, a neighboring farmer, the tw,, , onger a matter of , ucki ond j tbank The American voice lacks cadence. being very tinii friends. It was Monday! nobody to call me lucky." Philadel- Tne toucb ot bnrmony is lacking. In night before Boyle ivaclici home and' phla Ledger. de P th or hrlllueBB "s strongest quail- McLelUml w M found dead in the H.,I.II. ty , U mouot0 "* of u . .. i.. i *nr nr -riir inmoo '" conversation It Is colorless, and Ho ,s thought .o have .bed of heart d-j AREA OF THE LUNGS. ! talr of the reljource8 of tlle vocal cords case. Liitei The coroner's jury return- , U re unused or undeveloped. A strident ed veJdict of accidental (b-ath. Hotli N*tur Hat Given Us a Very Liberal n , gh pltcued nasal volce fn ,| a ln Bay . men h.-id been ,. a -preo. Marflin f 8 " fety ' Mrs k'n. Kelk , ug fluy g(M)( j tu , ug weM i i. , i Physiologists have long observed. K very one has the power of speaking ,f Ut,,,!,. was tbat many of tho organs necessary to wlth 8 ^ eet lnflectlon . Every one CUD ft.-illy injured by juniping f,,,ni a bugy life have much larger capacity than to! ultnln a rep0 seful utterance and clenr wht> the borM, frightened by a p.,^:,^ really necessary. It Is generally agreed. euuuclatlou by training the ear and motorcycle.Kotbeyondcontrol. Ina.iniilu f , or In8tnl)ce . ^at under ordinary con- vo , ce t) work together ln nvo ldlng accident at Harns,,,,. M,, and Mr., K.d } ^^^^^^^1^ ??? if, were seriously mjund. 2 A ' 9 tue lme , ^ of S2!* more me " OW voice. Excitement sends It up to a scream two. As the same Is true of other glands, the conclusion Is irresistible that nature. In providing for tbe vari- ous functions upon which our exist- ing pitch, but self control will lower Duty Performed. To. glad to see you home no ^nce "depends". nas"left~a "very" libe'ral 1 " <U? In. and 1U playground should be early," said the lady of the house. marg1n of safet y. This Is especially ! turou B h tue Drying harmonies or ca- "Now, you remember I told you to true O j ^ 6 i UB g g I dences of Qve notes. be sure and stop in and inquire how , Q caseg of pncumol ,, a the functions According to Thomas Went worth poor Mrs. Brown wns getting along. o( one )ung have been enUrc |y BU8 . UlggtusoD, our English cousins put H ^,rl 8 8he? i' pended for a time, but life has per-! mor e cadence, more up and dowu. into Th/-' s'o von^dn't 8 't, B ee' lste <J. " 8 " "> u "> Instances Inquiry, "What time I. It?" than I never' saw such Tan abBentnilnd- where tuberculosis has very materially Americans would Into the announce- I never BEW C urtalle<l breathing capacity. Such nt that a president wns shot A "You wrong me. I did stop and cases have led to ex|>erlments In art!- 1 crowd of baseball funs will pitch the Inquire. Hut for the life of me I flclnlly lessening lung iirens for n time cheering on a high note Dnd yell it- TChlBLKTT. PmttuMter, ''.nylon. Uoinuiiioiuiifr ID 11. O. J . Conievncr. daedi. mortRWieci, IvueK, wilU tc. cirelnlly drawn up ollvctiouii iiivl . oliarsei reonlile. Aluo rocerien, dour, loed etc. k eft lu .lock. PrlcM can't remember what they said about In order to discover, if possible, what her. I'm forgetful, as and" you say, the margin of safety renlly Is. I'.v Introducing Inert nitrogen gas "Oh, never mind about that, dar-, !,,( die chest of the subject uu artln ling. What do I care about what t . )nl , )ne ,,, m) ti,ornx Is forinc-d whlcb they said? Just so you stopped and; mny bo V||ru>( , ., t ., ,. ll(ls | n) j C(1| . re . asked, that's all that makes any dlf- mll vurillt , olis , ,,, <.. tl ,. l( .. f^*AnnA ' BULL FOR SRVICE IlejzisUred HoUtein Hull, Kormlykr Pietertje I'lntliilde. No. 14780, whoso <uni. Trix-ie's Clothilda Pietertje 2nd, No. IfliMX, has produced over 80 llm. milk per day. Termi Grade cows $1.00, pure bred cows $3. All COWH nut ruturnud will b chiirged. Term Caah Also recihtcreit YorlcHliire. liour. AX i 14W1., Term*)!. HKSKV IIOLMAN Ij I*ot 40, Con. 4, Artemesm, Portia* i'.O | tftlmar ^^__ _ _^____ ' Bull For Service Pure bn-d Hlioi-ihorn liull, Kmperr, 8T,:J7, f ;rjnervice 1,11 lot HIT, W.T. S.H., Ai li-iiii'-i.-i. Terms $1 50 fur ;.! .nl.'N, $1 for thoroughbreds. All cows gervcal mUHt ha paid for. o Mm-. Ef, Qoigii, Proprietor. DIVISION COURT 1914 KKKSIIKKTON AND IH'MMI.K Kl<*h<-rln Api-i l.'i Puiulalk lumi 17 Kles'ierton Oct. 14 PhysloKiiomy. Physiognomy the art or science of telling a man's character from the cut of his face Is very old. The flrst systematic treatiie on the sub- ject is that attributed to Aristotle. The first printed works on the sub- ject came out in 1470, since which time innumerable books on physiog- nomy have appeared. As to the com- parative merits of physiognomy and phrenology, It is perhaps not too mucb to say that, a* a key to charac-i ter. the former beats the latter "all 1 hollow." By tbil HUMUS Courinont llnds that perNoiia who submit Ilieniselves In his luvestlgiitlons tret along very well with a quarter of Ihe usual lung cnpui-ity. Similar experiments In a 1'aris bos- pltnl 8ho\v that pntlcntx deprlvexl of live-sixths of their breathing cnpai-lty KiilTcr very llttlo Inconvenience and ex- hibit no symptoms of the luck of a proper amount of oxygen. The conclusion Is that if one can live self bourse. In the snme cumber of Europeans tbe shouting would he full of undertones nnd cadences. They wonld sing their enthusiasm. New Vurk Sim. ought to do very well Indeed with a lung. Boston Herald. A Tardy Act of Justice. Mnrrluges between English actresses and men of a high social position be- gan in the eighteenth century, if no earlier. There was Lavlula Feoton, tbo Polly Peocbum of Gay's "Beggar's Opera," who became Duchess of Uol- ton; there was Miss Farreu. who mar- ried I .or, i Derby; also Miss Brunton became Lady Craven not long before Lord Tburlow married Miss Bolton, Earliest of tbe list thougb, comes the of Peterborough, who married Art Defended. In a picture Anastnsln Hobluson, tbe singer, and kept the marriage secret until a few days before bis death ID St James* pnlnce, wheii be assembled his relatives and rather Inclined to be critical. Tbe girl was from the city and filled with civic pride. Lights of Mars. It U claimed tliut curious lights hnve| nd I friends nd bo<> " 81>C " on JI " rs nud hlne bl>en be "|the womnu "to whom he owed the bc-t and hopplest hours of bis life," a act of Justice that caused tbe Inhab , \\orld. This > 14* ' ' ' .* < > L * ' ' J lir I I* I plieiioincnoii can ue eiislly ripliiliied|| a( iy to swoon away. ns follows: Tho prevailing color of They paused In front of u striking Mum Is opal. When seen by daylight old master!" ei- plcture. "Ah, that's an claimed the man. "Maybe It Is," defended the girl, "but you can see for yourself that the frame Is perfectly new." tliL-re U u nilnglliiK of this color with n i MM 1 1 white, a rose saffron, and n i "i.iii'i vgn stream When (be- lts surface nt certain imi;lc!i flushes of curious light niv pro- ^ The Luxury of Sugar, Stignr was considered an article of luxury lu Europe until tea nud coffee becnnje usunl nrtlcles of g was then used to sweeten these bev- erages nnd so gradually caine to have Overtime. "I^ook here," said the office boy, "I diu-ed resemble somewhat the H p roln | nPI1 t ptt rt In the daily diet Be- color ruys of Hashllght. These h:ive.! fore the dny8 of gugllr lnucu donbdess, been mistaken by the curl nient W1I8 eaten nml (he drinking of OUR fur flashlight signals. They ure think the bois ought to gimme a bit , , nuw .^ Mtjtlnn Uerala . extra thin week, but 1 guess he ! won't." "What for?" a!ed the hook- kooper. "For overtime. I wiiz dreainln' ANADIAN PACIFIC MOMESEEKE RS' EXCURSIONS MANITOBA, ALBERTA SASKATCHEWAN Each TiiHoduy until < (ctober L'7, iiichiNivu Winnipeg and Return $35 00 Edmonton and Return $43.00 From Toronto, and stations west and north of Toronto proportionate fares from stations east of Toronto. liriuin Lmiit tw, i months. PMtteulm ngttdioa RAIL or ocKAN 1 1. !. from ' ' I'acilic Tioket Agents, or write, M.G. Ml'RPIlV, D. P. A., C. P. Hy,, 'I oi. into. Bull For Service For Hoi-vice. Huron Hnlly Nn. (i4is>. Aberdeen Angii*, nn lot 114, 11th rmictiiiH- ion, Artomesifl. r rerin, 01.0O if paid before lit Jan. 11)15.- W, J. M ,...,-,.. IMu.v 15 about me work all las' night." Lon- don Mull. Her Greatest Trial. Onion*. A i.i'ly, whose busbaml wns the chmnploii snorer of the community in whicli they resided, contlded to n i<-in;iii- friend tUo following pulurul In 1 telligeuce: "My life has not been one of nn- '. .iiir, onions, shalots and leeks alloyed delight. hare bud the have long been cultivated In almost | mciinles, chlckenpox. typhoid fever, all countries, and their origin Is very I rheumatism and Influenza, but I never uncertain. That of the scalllon Is Uuew , v | mt renl misfortune wns until better known It grows spontane- , ninrp|cd n bll rgl ni . a , ,,_ AiialrltiUltvnv>( ously In Siberia. \VceUly. What H* Mad* of It. First Physician-Can you make any- thing out of the patient's troublel Second Physlclan-I think if wo man- NEW BARBER Cynical Sympathy. She (gentlmental)-Three yenrs I was' engaged to htm three beautiful, happy yean-then It was all over. He (lyffl- pathetlcnlly)-Oh, I inppoM you mar- ried him Jlien?-Kllgeiide BlattsW, Indignant Denial. "Prisoner, have you nny cotlnteral about yonf" "No, tnh; nn' dnt tnnn'n n liar what aid I eveh don teched any."-liiiitl- more American. Tbe m cannot be pollched wltboat friction, nor man perfected trl.U. ' Hi jo, where I will be prepared to nuvl i many of my friends H s oui nmk out to call. (Jive me call when ) want a tmir lit or shave. Itn/.orH honed. . tm.iliy basket goes Tuesday noon, re- turns Friday. CHAS. HOY, - Prop. FARM FOR SALE I i' .! -' .ll-i-re fnriii ruiini*:iiig n( |,,u '.> n III in tin' ITtli inn. f tin; l.iwiiHhiii of I'n.tcni. Hood tmildlmni with r\i'i.||Knt \vntoi- cciiivcn ifiici.-, linlf mile frum store, oliiucli m taboo); -\p|ily on prcinlnca or to J.K.SL1K WATSON, Dnii.lalk, alcoholic beverages wns much more common. The fair maiden who could not with Impunity drink u pint of ale for brenkfnst was unusual. Perhaps, In spite of tbe fact that most of us ent too much of It sugar is n blessing. Even ovcrsweetened coffee and cereal covered with sugar sound more bene- flclnl (ban a pint of ale nnd a hnlf pound of beef for breakfast Boston Herald. Poor Alexander. A high school freshman, asked to ro- cite on the life of Alexander the Great, extemporized as follows: "Alexander was a quick tempered man. Once when lie bad tnken too much wine h% got angry at his best friend and killed him. Alexander was very much grieved and did everything he could to help bury bis friend." Ev- erybody's. Public Aids to Efficiency. Address your mall correctly. Speak distinctly when you use phone. >Vulk on the right side of the side- walk; ** -iv ,. . Cross the street on crou walks. Cleveland Plain Dealer. Simplicity and Nobility. Between simple and noble persons there Is always a quick. Intelligence. They recognize at sight and meet on a better ground thnn tbe talents nnd skills they may chance to posseaa, namely, on sincerity and uprightness. Knitreon, II! MAR KITS. Carefully Corrected Each Week Wheat 100 lo 1.00 Oats 40 to 40 Peas 1 12 to 112 Barley 55 tr 55 Hay 15 CO to 15.00 Butter 20 to 20 EC gH, fresh 20 t-j 02 Fotatoea pet bag 1 00 to J. DO Geese 12 to 13 Ducks 15 .o 15 Fowl ' U to l:j Chickens 13 lo 18 TarRpys 18 to 20 Flesfeerton Tonsorial Parlors We Aim to Give Entire Satisfaction LAUNDRY-Busket closes Monday riiijht, delivery Fiiday evenrig. CLEANING and DYEING- We are agents for Parkin's Dye Works Clothes cleaned -nd dyed, feathers rejuvenated. T FISHER, - - PROPRIETOR i/T OVER two million practical fanners and stockmen say International Stock Food is the greatest animal tonic and health preserver erer formulated. Added to the regular grain feed, it helps digestion and assimlr.llon enables the stock to get all the good out of their feed builds up strength ;ud keeps them in prime condition all winter. And cost* only 3 fed for one cent If you will write and tell us how many head of stock vou ovrn. we will forward to you free our $3,000. Stock Book. , 06 INTERNATIONAL STOCK FOOD CO. LIMITED, TORONTO. FOR SALE LY JOHN FISHER, FLESHERTON. II .11 HARDWARE! Bring Along Your Producer- Highest Prices Given and Get Your :- SCREEN DOORS WINDOW SCREENS SCREEN WIRE POULTRY NETTING PAINTS AND OR ANYTHING ELSE NEEDED FOR Spring Renovating Will Be Pleased to Have You Call and see our line of Ham mocks from 1.00 to 4.00. Frank W. Duncan R.LES HELTON, ONT II Spring :: jOjpjenmg :: Sale RARE VALUES IN EVERY LINE r.KOCKRIKS- -Cl'T PRICKS- JKLL-O, jelly iwder .................................. reg 10c & ^ Roal fruit ja:n made in liolfast, Ireland, in stone jars, reg ..... 20c. @ loc. Pl'RE BLACK PEPPERS in 11 ll> puck ages ..... .' ....... ..... 20c. a FLANNKLETT, 700 yards to be sold at HATS A large assortment of ahapea and shade*, Hurst quality, felt. A Bargain $1.1)0. We also have mcn'a wide brimm- ed hi's for 50o., 75v . $1.00, $1.25 and $2.00. HOl'SEDKESSES FOR Ladies nd children, si/. -s from 4 years and up. Itibby's civim equivalei.t calf meal. Royal purple calf meal. BOOTS and SHOES We have 81000.00 worth of boots to be sold at a large discount as we are over stocked in men'*, women's, boys', girla' and children's heavy and tine shoes.bigh and low. SEEDS Kennies goeds, Steel Biigg's seeds, Ferry's seeds. Men's gray suede glovea, this week , , 50c. JAS PATTISON and COMPANY'S i general merchandise warehouse CEYLON, - ONTARIO J Flesherton Tin Sho I have just placed on the shelves a full line of Tinware, Nickelwaro and Agatware for domestic use. Call on mo and get your supplies. Eavetroughing, Stovepipes and Stove Furnish- ings. Repairing of all kinds promptly at tended to. Pipetitting, including pump work. Furnaces installed. Agent for Clare Bros. Furnaces. D. McKlLLOP CHRISTOE BLOCK FLESHERTON *r ONTARIO. i