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Flesherton Advance, 30 Apr 1914, p. 4

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April 30 1914 THE FLESH K T N ADVANCE XH K An hiile|in<l>*nt neww|>a|>er, pniinlieil every ''nirdy at th e ottici-, Cujlingwood Street, .V ihertun. Subucriuli'iii price 91 IKT annum, > jn-n luudiuadv-tnce ;91..V) wh.-n nnt paid lverti>iuK rates <>n a|iplicatinn. Circulation 1,100 weekly. VI7 U. J.'lturetoiM- Kdltor Methodist Church Rev. James Dudgeon, pastor, ounday, 10 a. m. Class Meeting. Sunday Services 11 . m. and 7 p- m. Thuradav, 8 p. m. Prayer Meeting. Eugenia Paragraphs Frd Mrs. Baptist Church R. C. Kerr, Pastor. Sunday School 1< a.m. Service at li a. m. Wodehouse Doings ha* commenced in this locality. The meadows are slowly taking on their new green robes. Lack of warm pring rains is making growth very low. Mr. Juoeph Cherry made a trip 10 Thornbury Thuifcday, returning Friday. He secured a number of those beauties belonging to the tinny tribe, the mullet, which he generously shared with a few of 1.:- neighbors. Mr. Wen. Cornlielil and daughter, of Kitnbcrley, were the guests of the for- mer's sister, Mre. \Vni. Fawcett, and family, during the week. Rev. Dr. Oaten of Toronto gave an excellent sermon in New England church on Sunday afternoon on behalf of the Dominion Alliance. We are pleased to report little Hilda liutchinson on the mend after suffering a slight attack.of pneumonia. Mrs. Wilson of Beaverdale was a vis- itor with Mr. *nd Mrs. John Pickering on Sunday. Misses K.a and Klla Buskin entertain- ed a few at a i|uilting on Wednes- day afternoon. The Epworth League held the annual LuxinesR meeting for the re-election ol officers for the coming year on Wednes- day evening last, which resu lied as fol- lows : President, Miss Ella WiU-y ' 1st Vice Miss Nottio McArthur, '-'nJ Vice Mihs Nancy Wiley, :!rd Vice Miss Vera Lanktret-, 41 h Vice Miss Orlie Kirk p-itrick. Secretary Miss Alruii Wiley, Treasurer Mr. James Wiley, Organist Miss Jifttie McArthur. The League has bad a successful y-ar. They have been working in committee*, each committee having it 4 own special work tu handle, which has proved very interesting und the column toes were also re-arranged. They will spend :i t".cial evening this Wednesday with Mr. ainl Mrs. Wesley jireadnoi and family. Mr Aaron Birch itii'l Mix Kuncy Wiley vimied wiih friends i'< Mirkdale .n Sunday. Mr. Will Camithcrs and .--ms I m and Ln Verne, intend luavinu this Tuesday fi>r then homestead home in the West, where tJiey will *pi ml the miniiner. Mis. I ui Thompson ban been laid up the pnsl couple of weeks with it very son; Eoot,~8he having steppt-d on a nail which penetrated her foot, inllainmation eet in and it WIIH for a time in a serious condi- tion, but is improving at present. Eighth Line Osprey Horn April f>. to Mr. and Mm. Pedlar, a son. I'-MII April 12, to Mr. ;tud Wallace C.-aliam, a daughter | Mr. Em. Morgan visited in Stratford the | i -i week. Mi-H KITH Stu.-ut of Kimljerley visited wiih Mrs. McMullen recently. 'Mi" annual and regular meeting of the W. I. will bi- held at the home of Mis. K. A. Wednesday, May )>, 2.3O p.m. All members are requested lo be present. Visitors welcome. Win. and Goo. Lawlor have received the sad news i.f the death of their bro- ther, Hemy of Ottawa, peritonitis being the cause of death. Miss Orr <>f Flesherton pcnt the pant few weeks with her sister, Mis. A. Cameron. Miss Xnida Lawlor has resumed her school duties nt I'.i-xley after spending Kttster holidays >tt her parental home. Mr, Marshall spent the week end with friends in Flesheiton. Rev. Mr. Dei-n of TWonto is the guest of his son, Robert, at the home of Mr. Jake Williams. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Carruthers, Mr. Will Gordon, Mr. John Cairns, Mrs. L. Litimeruud Miss Wicken.s were dele- gates to tho temperance convention in Murkdalc. Miss Muriel McTavUh spent the past week with friends here. Mr. Victor Ellis of Hamilton called on friend) here tho past week. truth, claimed many years afterwards that the murderer came into his bane's alive, and that he let, us it weio, the cut out of the bag, and lowered an empty box into iln- grave. Color WHS lent to the ttory by partiot returning frim Do- troit, who i Linn 1 il to have men Hflug tending liar in a saloon ihore. The open- ing of the grave will reveal the falsity or veracity of the oil Sexton's tt'jry, and set nt rest a long standing doubt.- Her- ald and Times. Miss O_ueonie Kaittini! visited recently with Mist Tolly Spotfurd. Harold Quinton of Hopeville is visit- ing .t Mr. Kil. Maddeti'd. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Brackenbury (nee MikS Altha Heron) visited recently with -Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brackenbury. Mr. Ed. Madden visited with his sis- ter, Mrs. K. Culliton. We understand Mr. Snell his com- menced tho new school for S.S. No. 5, Osprey. Keppel Farmer Suicides Jesse Woods, a well known farmer resident about a mile and a half west of Ciuikshauk, committed tuicide on Friday morning early, by hanging. Wood* arose on Friday morning and lighted the fire. After lighting it ho went to the barn, as had been Jiis custom, to do some chore*. When his daughter, some lime later, had occasion lo go to the barn, nl\, WM horrified to find him hanging by rope from a beam. She at once returned to the house and informed her brother of what had happened. Deceased had been despondent and melancholy since the death nt his wife last autumn and had several times expressed the fear that he would become insane. Although his ion and daughter, with whom he waa living, knew he wan subject to fits of melan- choly and despondency they did not an- ticipate any such sad end an that which happened. A grown up family of five daughters and two sons nurvivo. 0. S. Advertiser. Killed in Sawmill Orangeville, April 2(5. A tumble fatality occurred here yesterday afternoon whereby Robert H Harrison, a young sawyer, was instantly killed. Harrison owned a fawmill at the corner of Kast Broadway and Wellington street and had a lanjc business in cutting up logs. The belt was runnin" loosely and he placed his foot on the ehafting to tighten it up, when the bottom of his trousers caught on the belt, and he waa whirled around twice. His nock and back were broken and his body waa fearfully crushed. Harrison's father-in-luw, Mr. T. .1. Robinson of Caledon, who stood beside him, was nearly knojkud against the revolving saw by the swirling body. The day was dark and very foygy, and the men were about to shut down for the day on this account. Deceased was about thirty-three yearn of age, married some two years ago, and leaves a wife and infant child. The m ;ii..- 1. 1 1 ii in iiim of tin- unfortunate IIIHII were removed to hii home on Welling- ton Mivet, within sight of tho mill, where the shuck greatly afftcU-d the young wid- ow. The property u owned by Jud^o Anglm i.f Ottawa. Coroner Huitry and a jury held mi in<|UU'st last evening at the town hall. The jury atroiigly recommended that ihaftsaitdconplingiin all Bawmilla,thrMb- ins outfits ami other machinery should be covered and protected :m far as pos- sible lo prevent such luture ucci'.lents. Crnwn Attorney Mc-K-iy cnnducted the examination of Dr. T. H. IJrm.V and four employees, including the father-in- law uf deceased, Thomas ,1. Jtoliinnon. DttMUed had frtijuently wurned others of the danger of tho exposed shafting, and was bin-self a careful and experienced man. The accident .stripped I lie body of almost all f'.othin;;. This WHS the second fatal accident in the Harrison family, a brother having been killel a f<;w years ago by a fulling tree. The mother of deceased is Mind owing to para'yzud eye- lids. Durham We regiet to loam Ih-tt a son of Mr. W. J. Blakestonu, of Stroifoid, formeily of Priceville, and wull-known here, is at present in Stratford hospital, seriously ill with pneumonia. We are pleased lo learn of a slight im- provement in the condition of Mr. John Collinson, who lias been ill in the hospit- al here for the past three or four weeks from what appears to be a species of paralysis. He is still <[uit8 weak and will not be out again for some time. At a recent meeting of Fleshorton council it was decided to purchase a chemical engine for fire-righting, the the small gasoline engine not proving satisfactory. The Chronicle predicted as much when tho gasoline engine was bought for the purpose. Though an ad- mirable motive power, we would hate to depend on them for fire-fighting purposes. S .me persons of shady character en- teivd MacFai -lane's store on Thursday night and committed depredations that iiualify them for the penitentiary. To enter, they removed a pane of glass and replaced it when they left the promijeu. Mr. Macfarlune occasionally leaves a -in ill quantity of silver in the inside steel but doea not fasten the combination on the out-side door. The safe was opened by the intruders and the steel compartment pried out, from which fifteen dollars or more in silver and "shin plasters" worn nbs'.ract- el, together with promissory notes of considerable value. We understand they carried oft' some other articles, in- cluding a small ijuantity of gin. Strong suspicion lies in a certain direction and a chain of evidence is being established that may lead to intereatin? develop- ments Chronicle. F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON ONTARIO. New Corsets, 1914 Style The importance of a well fitting and comfortable Corset cannot be over estimattd. Poorly fitting, lie best dressmaker's efforts aie futile < and a Corset that is uncomfortable ia most unsatisfactory. The D.iA. is essentially comfortable and well fitting non ruatable ard embod- ies all the new ideas. We stock all the leading styles from the 50c. kind to $3.00 in all sizes from 18 to 84 The model illustrated La Diva 790 is a most popular design, and gives universal satisfaction comfortable and well fitting. Price $2.50. Ask to see the New Lace Front Corset Waterproof Coats for Men and Women Jnst placed in slock a large shipment of Kaincoats, including a variety of popular colors in all sizes. The styles are all new. The garments are dependable and quality is guaranteed. Prices from $5.00 to $12.75. MILLINERY DEPARTMENT A lot of uew shapes just arrived and some very pretty new flowers Let us show you how well we can execute your order. Everything reasonably priced. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR. BUTTER AND EGGS BULL FORJERVICE The thoroughbred shorthorn bull Field Marshall - 9WW1 - will be fcr service on lot 17<5, T. 8. R. Arteme.ia. Terms 81. Aug JAS. STINSON, Prop. > FOR A 30 DAYS' FREE TRIAL Notice To Creditors In the mutter of the estate of James Ciirtro, lato of the Village of Flerhvrton, in th County of Grey, Laborer, deceased. Notice is hereby given, piusunnt to Tho Trustee Act and amendments thereto, that all the creditors atu others having claim* ugainst the estit of the said James Cargo, win died on or nbout the 2Htli duy of j January, A. U. 1914, are ft quired on I or before the twemy-third day of May, A. D. 1914, to Kind l.y post prepaid or deliver to Messrs. Wright, Tolford A McDonald of the town of Owen Sound in the County of Grey, solicitors for Joicpli A. Cornfield and Wesley Uuckm. Kxecutora of tho last Will ami Tet.uiu-nt of tho said deceased, their (,'lnis- ti.-tn uml snrname, addrestai and de- scription*, the full particulars of tluir cliiims, the statement of their accounts and thn natnro of the .securities (if any) held by them. And furthei tike notice thut after mch hist mentioned dale the suit! executors will proceed to distribute, the unset* of the said deceased among the parties entitled thereto, naving ivi'.-ird only to the claims of which they shall then liitvo notice, ind that tho sitid executors will not he liable for the wiid assets or any part thereof to any person or persons of whose claim notice shall not have boon received by them at tin- lime of such distribution. Dated the 20th day of April, l!'l 4. WRIGHT, TBLPOED & MCDONALD, Owen Siiund, Out. Solicitors for Executors. Of the 1900 Apply to Gravity Washer S. Hemphill. Do You Ever Sleep? If you do you will be wise to pay attention. am at the present time making a >pocialty of Iron Deds. The original f the picture given at tho head of liis advertisement will only cost you Walkerton A Walkerton youth was mulcted $7-20 by Magistrate Tultun hero on 8,tturdny for swearing on the front street Thursday evening. Nightwatchman Swanscon, who laid the charge, report* the langutgo as being of tho vilest nature. A sensational drop in eggs occurred in Brant last Friday afternoon, when the horse attached lo Mr. C. V. Nutting's egg wagon took fright at a panning auto- mobile and departed of its own accord from the front of George Flach's farm, while its owner had gone afield for eg^s. After running about half a mile down tho gravnl road it turned into Mr. Fred Glinta's lano, where it wrecked tho cart gainst a post and manipulated a "back frj the land" inoremunt by dumping some thirty dozen of eggs onto th ground. The bcHplattered -nay looked like a huge omolet, and wa indeed a sight for city eyes that don't know wlmt the in- side of a fresh ihcll looks like. As goon as tho weathnr will permit the gravfl where the murderer Haag. is aup- poned to be resting will be publicly open- ed in WnlKorton. Thu bunging which took placo forty years ago, is fluid to Imve been done by t nigger who was brought hero from Toronto for the Job, but tho black skin is stated Ui have, cut Iho body down before lift) WHS extincl. The old Ht-xlon, Daddy Uenson, who liy t he way wa no George Washington for Personal Initru etion nt Htu Iviit'^ eHk makemt iKMiiible to inter anv lny itn.-l uiiHiiren rapid advancement nt. ' OWEN SOUND, ONT., Large Staff of Socialist*. I'oniliona i iuiiniiin-'-il h. iliHiln.iii--. C. A. FLEMINO, F. C. A., A Principal. M, Q- D. FLEMINO Secretary. OWEN SOUND - ONTARIO $5.00 5.00 $5.00 3ct something nice and comfortable n which to lay your woary kad. )f oonrso we have other beds at other n-ices, all equally low in price Sanitary Beds such as everybody vants. Sprint's and .Mattresses to it all bods. Examine our stock any way, before purchasing your slto) itulucers. W. H. BUNT FLESHERTON, ONT. Agent For :- Washing machines,folding bath tubs, windmills,pumps, pipings water tanks, Beatty water bowls, steel stalks and stanchons, litter Car- riers, hay carriers, slings, forks and tracking, McCormick Binders, mow= ers, rake loaders, tedders, drills, cul- tivators, harrows, Chatham wagons, Mount Forest buggies, and Frost wire. Satisfaction Guaranteed, R. PRO YDOHSIGHT H. ALEXANDER MERCHANT TAILOR Feversham - Ont. Fashionable Tailoring Seasonable Goods, first class Workmanship. ALSO A line of Ready-Made Which wo put alterations charge, U e<paircd. Clothing i free of I p He who has lost his sight best knows its value. Hundreds suffer loss of sight Timely attention might hav prevented it. Examination free. Satisfaction guaranteed. W. A. Armstrong J. COLQUETTE Feversham, Ont. Agent for the Cockshutt Plow Cos I' i ! Ls of Farm Implemeta. Wagons, Buggies, Cutters, Sleighs, and Gasoline Enginea, Melotto Cream Separators, linker Wind Mills, Pumps, Piping and Pipe Fittings always on hand. Beatty Bros', of Fergus, Barn Tracks, Litter Carriers and stable fittings. Cockshutt aud Frost & Wood Repairs always on hand. Wareroom Wellington Street. Ftwrsbam, Ontario. Tarn worths for Sale Itoth BOX noarly ready for breeding. Prices lit for quick sale. GEO. W. ROSS Maxwell P. O Dr Ralph Smith OSTEOPATH Office and Residence 468, 9th St. East, Owen Sound, Ont. Hours 9 to 12a.m., 1.80 to 4.30 p.m. to 8 p.m. Other hours by appointment, Good Salesman Wanted ! we Winter Term from At January 5th BUSINESS COLLINGWOOD COLLEGE Attend this big. Successful School of business training and let us help you into anmelhing woi'th while. Free catalogue on request, any time. Principal Ontario. T. E. Hawkins. Collingwood, For every town and district where are not represented. Fruits are bringing high prices, and Nursery Stock is in demand. Make big money this Fall and Winter by taking an agency. Experience not necessary. Freo iiii-ni. Exclusive territory. Highest Commissions pnid. Write for full particulars. Stone & Wellington Fon thill Nurseries Bull for Service Thoroui<hbred American bred Uere ford bull for service on lot J51, 2nd. W. T. and S. R., Artemusia. Terms f 1.50 cash. JOBN ADAMS, Prop. HEREFORD BULL FOR SERVICE The undersigned have a pure bred Hereford bull for service on lot 171, 3rd W.T.S. R., Artemesia. Terms 93 for pure breds, $1.50 for grade*. All cows served must be paid tor. _T. & J. WATtON. 1 n,ii 14 PROTON STATION Implement Agency Deering Implements -:- -- All Kinds Barber Buggies Louden Litter Carriers Hay Tracks and Slings Pedlar Siding Floury Plows . < I TORONTO, 14 ONT ED. RUTHERFORD A nt Prolon Station

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