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Flesherton Advance, 30 Apr 1914, p. 3

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i 1 NERVOUS DISEASES IN THE SPRING Cured by Toning the Blood and Strengthening the Nerves It is the opinion of the best medi- cal authorities, after long observa- tion, tihat nervous diseases are more common and more serious in the spring than at any otter time of the year. Vital changes in the sys- tem, after long winter months, may cause much more trouble than the familiar sprinig weakness and weari- ness from which most people suffer as the result of indoor life, in poor- ly ventilated and often overheated buildings. Official records prove that in April and May neuralgia. St. Vitus dance, epilepsy and other forms of nerve troubles are at their worst, and that then, more than any otlher time, a blood-making, nerve-restoring tonic is needed. The antiquated custom of taking purgatives in the spring is useless, for the system really needs strengthening, while purgatives <'iily gallop through the bowels, leaving you weaker. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are the best medicine, for they actually make the new, rich, red blood that feeds the starved nerves, and thus cure the many forms of nervous disorders. They cure also such other forms of spring troubles a.s headaches, poor appe- tite, weakness in llhe limbs, as weld as remove impigihtly pimiplea and eruptions. In fact they unfailingly bring new health and strength to weak, tared and depressed men, women and children. Sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medk-ine Co., Brockville, Ont. POINTED PARAGRAPHS. True love is never too good to be true. An excess of "bracers" will un- brace anybody. One can't get the best of a citizen who hasn't any. Many a spoiled boy has developed into a fresh man. It's easier to borrow trouble than it is to give it away. Did we ever hear of a married man who flattered his wife i There are some good husbands, but most of them are dead. Most girls are easily entertained ; B.11 OM has to do is to feed them taffy. A man usually gets the short end of it after cutting his wife's allow- ance. If the world owes every man a liv- ing, the millionaires must be pre- ferred creditors. The average man's idea of being unselfish is to let some other fellow have something he doesn't want. A man thinks he has a right to entertain a lot of thoughts that would probably land him in ja.i.l if h were to let them escape. A girl may work hard to obtain a husband, but that doesn't nrcrs- pairily indicate that she will take in washing and scrubbing in order to (support him. _*_. Cures Old Folks' Coughs Doesn't Disturb the Stomach, Eases at Once and Cures Thoroughly. "CATARRHOZONE" A BOON TO MANY THOUSANDS. Because you are old Is no reason lor suffering with everlasting cough- Ing those terrible chest troubles and difficult breathing can be thoroughly cured with Catarrhozone. You simply breathe the healing vapor of Catarrh- ozone, and Instantly its rich balsamic fumes are carried by your breath into the tiniest recesses of the nose, throat, chest, bronchial tubes and lungs. Just think of it a direct breathable medicine, full of soothing antiseptic pine essences that reaches every sore, congested membrane in two seconds. No drugs to take nothing to harm or sicken the stomach, because Catarrh- ozone is the purest, safest cough, ca- tarrh and cold remedy ever devised. "For many years," writes Richard McCallum, Stirling, Ont, "I have suf- fered from Catarrh, and continually hawked and coughed, so that my throat was always in an inflamed, ir- ritable condition. "Doctors medicine did not help me In the least, and all other remedies I used were quite useless. In one case It was time wasted In snuffing powder up the nose; in another using a greasy orntment, and so on. Not one of them was the least bit of good. "I heard Catarrhozone favorably spoken of, and tried It. Really It bene- fited me more In a few hours than years of treatment with doctors' and other so-called remedies. "Receiving such immense benefit, I continued using Catarrhozone, and in a few weeks I was completely cured of Catarrh and throat trouble." Get Caturrhozone to-day. Large Ize costs $1.00, and lasts two months. Smaller sizes 25c. and 60c. All deal- f erB, or The Catarrhozone Company, Buffalo, N.Y., and Kingston, Ont. ij. Manager (disgustedly) What jwould you do if you had a half-bak- ed fellow lik o that in your office 1 ICaHer I'i ^:ve him the fire. ' "&ee here, Peggy, did you tell your mother that I was one of the .biggest chump* in the world?" No. he knew it without needing to 'be told." OTBS** , ^z >a> A AT THE AITEUL RACES. A Startling New Suit. This startling checked suit cre- ated considerable attention at the Auteuil (France) race*. March 29th. It is of closely- woven black and white material, with the new bias overskirt and cordings. The collar, cuffs and gaiters are of grey. BABY'S~OWN TABLETS KEEP LITTLE ONES WELL Mothers, if you wish your little ones to be well, if you wish them to be bright, active and happy, free from colds, worms, constipation , and tihe rmi/ny other childhood ail- ments, give them Baby's Own Tab- lets. These Tablets never fail to make the sickly child well. Con- cerning them Mrs. Alphonse L*n- dry. Upper C'araquet, N.B., writes: "Baby's Own Tablets have been of great help to me in keeping my litt! ones well, and I can recom- mend them to other mothers." The Tablets are sold by medicine deal- ers or by mail at - 25 oen-ts a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. A GKEAT*Tl NNEL. The C.P.K. IN Spending Million* in British Columbia. Advices received at Canadian Pacific headquarters indicate that the work of the great tunnel in the West, is proceeding rapidly. Eleven hundred feet on the east side have been driven, about 50 per cent, ol the approach has be<-n cut on the west end. Mr. J. G. Sullivan, who is the chief engineer for the \Ve.t, a.nd who goes about planiiiing for work and s?eing that when planned it is efficiently carried uii't, has just returned from a visit to the tunjiel. which he states i.s being proceeded with in a miot vigorous and suc- cessful manner. Mr. Sullivan states that this programme will mean, for the year, at least, $30,000,000 of outlay. A great part of tihiis money will be e.pent in British Columbia on Mie dioiibl'O'brack work : but there are also about 60 miles of new lino to be laid on 'the praiirie. Hails, and tids will be- a big item ; the work on the tunnel will call for large lays; while the double- tracking al- ways postulates big disbursements. AM this work, aa Mr. SuMiva.n points O'U't, is part of the old pro- gramme if iit can be called old. It was provided for last year. It is part of a great p! ; an which is t*> be gradually realized, from jvur to year, untiliiit is all complete a plan which CCHDfbemplobe* the e.ntdri double-tracking of tJhe enitire sys- tem. This alone, would! take y?ars and many millions of The work, however, will be> with yteady persevara-noe. When realized, it will be the big- gest iimdiertaki'n.g of modern time*. The Canadian Pacific ha>* spetut be- fore now. from $50.000,000 to $100,- 000,000 in the West in a single sea- son. It has tiKid* rated its outlay this year, for 1914 will niot be a yew of thrills. lit is not without interest to know that Mr. J. G. Sullivan w*as the first assistant e.7igii.n.r to Mr. Stevens Vhejn the laltiter w in charge of the Panama Canal before t>he advewt of Colonel Goetfrial. Quite a number of hnpo rtenit r&ihvay .men, wcp^ at work on the great cHidi im posatnoiTs of great PespOWttWifisly and trust; and it is related of Mr. Edward J. Williams, paymaster of the Chicago antl North Western Railway, tlhait when he- was disbursing officer ai <te Canal he paid out $250,000,000. His Twiii Brother Told Him The Cure WHY J. <.'. MAPI* I'R.UMKS DODO'S KIDNEY IMIJ.S. Ho Suffered from Kidney f/unibitgo nnd Rhfiiiuutisin I'or Five Ytvirs Now He 1 u Well Man Again. EorV.oaii P. O., Ponsowby, Que., Apr. 27th (Special). J. C. Mapp, a well-known farmer laving near here, whj suffered from Kidney Disease For five ye-ars, is once more a well man, and in a statement given to th press he give all the credit for his cure bo Dodd's Kidney Pills. "My trouble started with a co'.d about five years ago,'' Mr. Mapp states, "and developed into lum- bago and rheumatism. I 'had a, bit- ter taste HI my moutih in tlie morn- ings and I wan terribly nervous. I was <!epreaed and low spirited and found it difficult to collect my thoughts, while at times I was troubled with stiffness in the joints. My appetite was fi'tfuJ, and [ bad heart (jmtterings that added to my fears. My twin brother, who had used Dodd's Kidney Pills and got great benefit from them, advised me to use them. The first two boxes did me so much good that I got two more, and they completed my cure. Dodd'.s Kidney Pills are the right remedy for Kidney trouble." Every person who has two or more of Mr. Mapp's symptoms- has sick Kidneys. The right remedy for sick Kidneys is Dodd's Kidney Pills. If you don't know it out of your own experience, ask your neighbors. BIRD inn YEARS OLD. Fni'rukoet at London Exhibit Still Virile After ( enlury. Of the 2,400 birds exhibited at the Horticultural Hall, at the London C'age Bird Association's annual show, perhaps the most notable i a centenarian parrakeet, says Che London Chronicle. It is a sage-looking bird, a rusty gray in hue, as befits its years, and it views the admiring crowd with an eje half tolerant, half contemptu- ous, which seems to "Why, I know your grandfather, you young upstart." One listens in awed amazement to a bird who has been saying "Hello, cocky" for something like 100 years, and it is not hard to believe the notice which says that ''it is as virile as ever." It has, however, lost its power of shedding scales and dust, and is, as a consequence, un- able to keep itself clean. White magpies, yellow parrakeet. blue love-birds, are only some of the wonders of a show boasting something like 450 foreign birds, some of which are not only of sur- passing beauty, but of almost price- less worth. There is the great ame- thyst, sunbird, of a vivid green with lengthy tapering black beak and long flowing tail of inky blackness, and many other sun, sugar, honey- sucking and fruit-picking birds from various parts of Africa and India. The queen whydah is a little bird which, though no larger than a sparrow, has a tail over a foot in length. Then there are Java spar- rows of snow-like whiteness, and Gould's painted finches, veritable post- impressionistic birds of the most bizarre and daring colorings. Close upon 1,400 canaries of di- verse kinds, the hunch-backed Bel- gian species, crested varieties, white specimens, and Yorkshires and ires, are all represented in a record show, which assuredly coiv etitutes a bird-lovers' paradise. When a Womau Slitters With Utronir Badache There Is Trouble Ahead. Constantly on their feet, attending to the wants of a large and exacting family, women often break down with nervous exhaustion. In the stores, factories, and on a farm are weak, ailing women, dragged down with torturing backache and bearing down pains. Such suffering isn't natural, but it's dangerous, because due to diseased kidneys. The dizziness, insomnia, deranged menses and other symptoms of kidney complaint can't cure themselves, they require the assistance of Dr. Hamil- ton's Pills which go direct to the seat of the trouble. To give vitality and power to the kidneys, to lend aid to the bladder and liver, to free the blood of poisons, probably there is no remedy so suc- cessful as Dr. Hamilton's Pills. For all womanly irregularities their merit is well known. Because of their mild, soothing, and healing effect, Dr. Hamilton's Pills are safe, and are recommended for girls and women of all ages. 25 cents per box at all dealers. Hefuse any sub- stitute for Dr. Hamilton's Pills of Man- drake and Butternut. No Change. "How does the poor woman sup- port herself in her affliction at los- ing her husband V "I suppose the same way she sup- ported herself all the time he was living." Prevent SKln Blemishes By Using CuticuraSoa andOintmeni They do so much to promote and maintain 'the purity and beauty of the complexion, hands and hair un- der all conditions, and are unexcelled in purity, delicacy and fragrance for the toilet and nursery. Cullcura SOAP and Ointment ore Bold throughout the world. A liberal sample uf each, with 32-paia booklet on the care aud treatment of the nkln -nd ralp. aeut port-fro*. AddreaN Potu* l>ru & Corp., Depl. '.Hi. BuMoli, U. s. A. CHINKSE DIXNKRS. CrarcN for Puppien Boiled In ..! and Nhark'8 Fiim. SPEND LIVES IN COFFINS. Woman Tells of Horrible Prison Condition* in .Mongolia. The contrasts of Mongolia its strong attractiveness and gleams of western civilization, and its de- praved morality and barbarity were recently vividly sketched by M-ra. Herbert Bulstrode- at a meet- ing of t)he Royal Asiatic Society in London. Mrs. Bulstrode accom- plished a remarkable feat last year, when.- with but a solitary compan- ion, she travelled over 700 miles Ify caravan in Mongolia. Describing the prisons, the lady said : "Within a small compound, fenced in by high spiked palisades, are five or six dungeons. There are human beings in those dungeons, and among them quite a number of highly civilized, refined a.nd gentle Chinese, who are hut up for the remainder of their lives in heavy, iron-bound wooden coffins, out of which they never, under any cir- cumstances, move. They cannot sit upright. They cannot lie down flat. They see daylight but for a few minutes when their food is thrown, into their coffins through a hole four or five inches in diameter twice daily." Cheap Form of Insurance You are Insured ueainHt cornn anil bunions by the purchase of a Hinvl 25o. bottle of rutmiin'it Torn Ex- trai-tor; It cures painlessly In 24 hours. Try Pulimm's Uxtruutur. 25c. at all dealers. NEW BRONCHITIS (TKK. Instrument I scd to Inject Medicine Into Tubes. A new treatment of chronic bron- chitis and a.S'tihma and pulmonary gangrene was outlined recently be- fore the Paris Academy of Mediciws by M. Guiaez, who sitated that hs; had been abl by means of a sitnjjli* instrument devised by himself to inject into the bronchial tubes by way of the mouth and larynx a re- latively large (uiantity of medicinal suLstance in a solution of an odly na.ture. Experiments, said M. Guise/., had shown that such injections ini|>n-g- inate iKt -Jiily bronchial tiilu-s buit the whole pulmonary parenchyma. thus constituting an extremely effi ! ca/ciuus int.rapuin>on<a.ry treatment. i The method was shown to be of un- i doubted efficacy in cases of ehr-onie j bronchitis, asthma- and It if claimed that patients suffer- ing with e-i'ther simple or double ga.ngrene were invariably cured when subjected to the new injec- tio'ivs, which are lake-ly in the futur? to revolutionize the treatment, of the*e diseases. Tlie latest product of the Parisian craving for the bizarre is to- din* a lo chinoise. O&y citizens love x peri men ting with freak diisln's. Every year a new delicacy makes its appea-ra ice with the appi\>ach of Cihrietwias to grace the table at .e.pi;:iirra i Revil- lon pa.rtios. Panther K teaks, camel cutlets and i-oast boa -constrictor have had their vogue in years, and though it rarely hapj>ens that these delicacies are appreciated by thtise who are able a<:id willing t-i pay for tiham, such a dish is re- garded nnv as a gastronomic ne- cessity a.t the festive season . Then there is tlhe annua.1 luncheon of the Paris Zoological Society. where the preparation of the bill of fare must require a very fertile imaginatkin, and the meal itself a specially adapted and tiie di- gestion of an ostrich. Roast anna d'illo ajid Chinese rice wines w< PC the maa n slay of the last luncheon, j and the event always furnishes tin- newspapers with plentiful "copy.' The latest culinary extravaganc- is a dinner consisting entirely of dishes eatn in the Flowery Eas:. Puppies boiled in oil, sharks' fin^. and swallows' nests do not figure on Che menu, however, for, accord- ing tu la-tent reports, such delicacier are no longer favored by the Celet- 1 tial aristocracy. The real Chine*. \ cuisine is distinguished by its "dis- cretion." According to a promi- j nent Paris chef, it is ''delicately strange," instead of being barbaric and absurd. It resembles some- what Italian fare, but without its heaviness. All ready baked to a nicety ; whole, mealy and full flavored. Heating only is necessary. Parks MCURKS Bsens GIN PILLS FOR Road \Vh''< Mrs. Harris Says About Them. Mrs T. Harris of Tyncslde, Ont. knows nil til-out GIN PI M.S. "I n> now t:ikliK my third box of (SIN I'll. I.S," she writes. "Tilts limn across my tack ami kidneys hux almost on- tirrly Rone. 1 waa a ureat HUlrercr from RhournaUsm, hut It lias all left me I HtroiiRly ndvlne all women who suffer from I'nin In Tho Hack and Weak Kidneys, to try (!IN PILLS." BOc.'a Box. 8 Cor $2.50. Sample freo If you write National DrUK A OhtMiiU'al Co. of Canada, Limited. Toronto. : :t':J Hopetu KEEP THEM CORKING A horse in the fit-Id i* wortii two iti the ham. ,-.- prevent Spavin, Ringlione, Splint, or Curb from putting your horse In the l>arn but you can prevent these troubles from keening horsesiu the barn vrr lunff. Vuu cuugct KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE at nnvdmg^istsat 91 nholllc.n for $5, and Kriidalriwillcure. TlioilMUdHOf furmrr .in.l horsemrn will say so. Our buolc "Trcatiae ou the horse ' free. o4 Dr. I. J. KENDALL CO., Eimfcurg 1'ilU. VL ton *n Nerviline Ends Neuralgia, Brins Relief Instantl No Remedy Like Old "Nerviline" to Cure Pain or Soreness. That terrible ache how you fairly reel with It that stabbing, burning neuralgia what misery It cauueH. Never mind, you don't have to suffer use Nerviline, It's a sure cure. Not an experiment, because nearly forty years of wonderful success has made a name for Nerviline among the peo- ple cf many different nations. "There is nothing speedier to end Neuralgic headache than old-time 'Nerviline,' " writes Mr. 0. C. Dalglelsh, from Ev- anston. "It is HO powerful and pene- trating that it seems to eat up any pain in a minute. My family couldn't get along without Nerviline. We al- ways keep the aOc. family size bottle handy on the shelf, and use It to end chest colds, som throat, coughs, ear j ache, toothache and pain In the back. My wife swears by Nerviline. For j cramps Its effect is astonishing and | we believe It Is better and speedier than any other household family rem- edy." N. w. OAWSON Nlntty Calborna (trssfc Toronto. IF TOO WANT TO BUT OB SELL A Fruit. Stock. Grain, or Dairy ?"" write II. W. Dawcon. BramyU-n. or * Colhorne St.. Toronto. M. W. OAWSON Cclburnt (.. Toror.m NIWSPAPERS FOB SALE. _ _ OOD WliKKLY IN LIVE TOWN IN York County. Stationery and. Book Huslness In connection. Price only, $4.000. Terms liberal. Wilson Publish- ing Company. 73 West Adelaide Street. Toronto __ MISCELLANEOUS. _ _ ONION <;i>\VKIlS. <JET LITBRA- ture re onion weeders. H- U. Bruner. olliulq. Ont. "So Paddy's still on strike?" 1 Yes. First he ntruok work, then lie struck the boss, then a 'copper,' and now he's striking lumps of stone in jail. " Ke<n> Mlnard'a Liniment In tha house. Kxprrt Service. The Diner What's the idea of serving all my orders under glass covers ( The Waiter The glass covers magnify, sir, and make the portions look larger. Only One "BXOMO QUIlfXVE" To get tha genuine, call for full name, LAXATIVE BKOMO QUININB. Look for signature of E. W. GRuVfi* Cures a Cold In Unu Duy. 26c. CANCBB TUMOES. LUMPS. . Internal and t*rn.l. cure* {* cut pain bf car hom treatment, writ* c. before too l.t. Dr Bellman MedloU f/ . Limited. Colllnrwryd. O"t. _ FrwlifiiiM Versus Fact. Teacher (explaining fractions) Suppose now, Willie, you had eight little buys visiting you and you had only oni- apple; how much would each little hoy get ? Willie Wouldn't get any. Id wait till they'd all gone home and eat it myself. Klee Cured la 6 to 14 Dy DruBglsla rclund money If OINTMENT lalls to cure Itching. Blind. or " Protruding Piles. (firm ai-yllcaUoa gives relief. 60c. HIT First Visit. Mrs. Younnbride I'd like some fih pleas*. What are these in the barrel 1 Clerk Salt mackerel, ma'am. Mrs. Youngbride Are they quit* fresh ? A FiRlit for Principle. Why did you oppose that motion at our meeting? linked one lady. "Oh, 1 had nothing against the motion. But the member who made it opposed a motion of mine and it's the first vhanct: 1 have had to get t- veil." Mliiarcl'c Liniment uaed by Physician*, .M! nurd's Liniment 'o . Limited. I wan veiy sl-k with (JuliiBy und , thoiiKhl 1 would Htninle. 1 Ueil i MINAUI-'S LINIMKNT and It cured me at <>m <, 1 am m-ver without It now. YOUTH Kt utefiilly. MHS. C. I). rillNCB. Nuu iijcwsiuk. Oct. ZlBt. A lluprfiil Oullook. "Are you satisfied with the jury?' he asked his lawyer when the twelfth man had been accepted. "Yes. It's one of the tougheHt looking jurie I ever saw." Oversight. Smith That dog 1 bought of you howls all night ! Dealer- Have you tried sitting up and entertaining him, sir? Try MuHne Eye Remedy U you have Red, Weak, Watery By** or Granulated Kvelidi. Doegn't Smart Soothes Eye Pain. Druggists S0 Murine Eye Remedy, Liquid, 25c, SOo. Murine Eye Salve in Aseptic Tube*. 25c, SOc. Eye Books Free by Mad. * Teeto o~< !< AS i.. <at Murln* Bye Rosnedr C*.. Little George (to physician) "I say, I don't think you look like a duck." Doctor- "Who said I did?'' Little George "Nobody. But mamma tuld papa that you wa<s an old quack." Xlnard's Liniment Lumberman's Friend His Prescription. "And how long, doctor, should I stick to this plain, inexpensive diet which you recommend?" "Why er until my bill is paid."' Ask for Mlnard's and take no other. Lord Strnthcnna's Haxims. Be content witii your lot, but al- ways be fitting yourself for some- thing higher. Only cheerful perse- verance wil.l bring you to a better position ; grumbling won't help you an inch. Do the work yourself; don't dpewl upon the influence of friends o-n your behalf. Oppor- tunity comes to sorno me-n more frequently than to others, but tibere are very few it does not visit a* some time or another. Fallow the old counsel : "Trust in Providence keep your powder till' ''I have come to consult you," she said to the prominent lawyer. "Wliat is the trouble r' J "I have received three proposals of jQjirriagc, and 1 do not know whioL to AScepJi-." "Which has the most money?" "Do you imagine," she asked, "that if I knew I would consult you or any other lawyer?" The sentimental youth who is <!'-,-ixl in love comes to life agaiu. Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills re made according to o formula in use nearly a century ajo among tb Indiums and learned from them by Dr. MurBc. Though repeated at- tempt* have been made, by physi- cians and chemiits, it qas been found impossible to improve tnc formula or the pilli. Dr. Morae'a Indian Root PilU are a household remedy through- out tho world for ConstiiMtion MU! all Kidney and Liver troubles. They act promptly and effectively, aad fl Cleanse tne Srstm ED. ISSI:E is M4.

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