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Flesherton Advance, 30 Apr 1914, p. 2

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THIS INVESTMENT HAS PAID 7% PER ANNUM half yearly vine* the Securities of this Corpora* placed on the market 10 years ago. Business c; .<. .id 28 yearn. Investment may be withdrawn In part *e whole any time after one year. Safe as a mortgage. Full par- ticulars and booklet gladly furnished on reoueat. NATIONAL SECURITIES CORPORATION, LIMITED, CONFBDEKATXOir MFC BUILDXMO - TOBOKTO. OUT. SAFETY FIRST Ic the watchword of the day. The unique record of Canadian Municipal Debentures properly place* them, for safety, In the front rank of all Investment*. The following constitute an unusually attractive group to eelect from. 1. They can be purchased In amount* of approximately $100 and upward*. 2. They mature at practically all periods from one to fifty years. 3. They are offered to yield from 4y 2 per cent, to 6% per cent. Intsrest Yield. OWTA*ID QOVT. ,.4.50% OV7KM BOUWD. OBTT. 4.8O : TP. BARTOK, OUT. 4.9O T BROCK VIZ.I.E. OXT. 6.00 , KXCJPEI.BB, OWT. ,.6. CO BBAKDOM. MAX. ..6.10 TF. BKT7OB, OJSTT. b.l* 8TOKBT. NB ...... 5.20 . BUSLIWOTOW. OMT. 6.80 . MII. TON. OBTT ...... B.a8% nOKTB BAT. OHT. E.3S'-. F.I.MJHA. CUT ...... 6.86% OBIM8SY. OWT 3UDB0RY. OUT. AX.BF.KTA SCHOOL 5.38 BT. I AUP.ENT. Q. . HSJ.BON, .C TF. RICHMOND. BC MEDICINE BAT. A&TA ST3iBI!T3VII.LB, OUT DIBT. V. TAJCOOU vr a BO SUDBtlRY (SEP. OCIII.3 ). OUT. . TmjLWSCOHA, MAir. ELTEVAII, BABX. . WATSOU3. BABX. . IJISTKICT5 Yield. 'j-'.n a.r.o 6.40% .6.38% .6.SO% .6.50% .5.78% 6.00% .8.00% .e.60% 6.75% \ Writ, for Pull Particular*. * aiaOly Bent on Huoct. Inveitmont Banker* A. E. AMES & CO. Union Bank Building, Toronto Established 1089 INVEST YOUR MONEY 111 'siJTcT'" 1 MODEL DAIRIES, u ?^ President. Sir H Montagu Allin, - Tr^kk-nt Merchants Bank cf Canada.. Vice-President. Mr. John A. Gurni, .... President Gunns' Limited. Directors. Mr II S. Mull. President. Iloyal Mank of Canada: Director. Canadian l'u- i-lnV Kullway. Mr ' It I'rcHldent. Ogllvle Flour Mill*. Ltd.: Director. Hank nt Monti ml. LMrectur. Canadian I'ui-iHc Hallway. Mr c. it. Cordon. President. Do- Milnlun Trxtlle Co.. Ltd.; Director. Hank of Montreal. Mr. \V. M. Blrks. Director Molsons liunk; Director, Sun Lift) Assur- ance Co. Mr. John MeKerjfow. Director. Sun Life Assurance Co. Hon. Senator Dandurand. Director. Sun Life AxHurum-e Co.: Director, (iranil Trunk 1'aclflc Hallway. Air. It. J. Younice. of R. J. YounKc and Company, ror farther particulars drop a Post Card to: It. J. >. HI \i.| AND (UMI'VNV, - 170 St. JUIIIIM Slrert, Montreal, i IHr NEWS !N_A PARAGRAPH n.vrr.MN(;s FIIOM AM. OVED tin: MUIU IN A Cnn.iiln. (hp rmritrc anil lh> lu (..:. i : p. [mi- Vour l-jes. Can. -i da. Berlin Pi;tj]i<- Library lla.rd will receive $10.000 from AinJrew l'a,r- n>'fiif. Iji^.!i."<,]l voted a loan of $15,000 lo u Detroit firm win will inanu fnnurc aiit > starlrrs. Dr. Hastingn lia.s urd*>r-ixl Toruiil'i dair.vii:i - ;i 1'. drstmy the genus in milk &:A <. tJi: r tlairy pnxlucts. The btMMlM section (if Bryson, Qiir.. as destroyed by fire, tuiMilv < uiil ' .1-., IIIK! dwell ings b;'iiin burnixl < n Tiiury.l i\ . Ofo. P<iwll was found cltvwl flt t'lv I) : '.-n of the im f : 'rift at the J) .; Minf, I'orciipiiiP. h:ivi IK ajip.-.rt >itiy fn'h^i. A IM. . 'i f tin- IiniKM-ia.! Home R^UII i I. :"<iif was foMTi <! in I i . lit fn.rl ,f !!().()') ) lie. \\IK i 'I'l i I ;it tho bank by a In. ii"'.! i! citizi m. <if IJavlp 1 ! Hllildi:!-/ l lui:^ \Vi'.t, re- tiri'ii? ;; ; 't -r I i \ ' ' ;i l < v. i i : -y. will) u M:!I !M ip.-il ''ai'(|u:v Alex f- i ir-rs is the lif\v s--:-rrt:i'-y. Win. Sur'l'i ,"'1<1 liLs f'iiirt^c'1 VMI '<! n.:i -f Purl l{>crre ii.'ii-r . .'. I.V (l i .i|, d M't'i I heir lives w'v -:i (,l|f : r t : ri ? li : \vi-rc k " <! ;i nl t'r. ir v, .IL, i in, -''.d by a t ivin at Vnilcd Slaos. Voting in Illinois o.n put 78 saloons out of businet.s A Montreal woman was sentonced to prisuii im New York city, s!ie hnv- iiiff pleaded guilty of a charge ol petty larcny. Ci.'. f Itrilnln. ,' ; ! B tri <l to Imni . \TITI- ' i 1 " ) !. a lai-R inn .iTispieil i.i i i . ! ' ;: si . \ i i "t \'.-.t ; - vi.H : i Rol. ' : ! ' ' ' l' it t ' li . , r . ' : tun i .. / i | I. !,'\ I. -i.'lrd nil I:./- }:; : : QC\ '.I ' I '. lir'iuli f .' : il.'i i I 'NiPl'. Th- C-.' ' : - Uhle-t.: A : 'if Ircli". I. . . I l' ;i t i nis,|. :i\ V"inii{ : IP' ' . f ,-ni ; . iiii'ii'iis <f n X.-it - ;!' ! m'lll-iry .'-jc.'i ii/a Hoi n iw cslnii.U-d to uumlier GO, OUO men. General. Villa stated at Juarez t)irt.t under no condn'tiojiis would he be drawn into a wa.r with the United States. ___ 5, __ Ml ST RBLV OX KRITAIV. Nucb Ciiiiudian Capilal Ii Invi-Htrd la Mexico. A despatch from Ottawa says: C'anada has no trade, representative in Mexico. Over a year ago tho Commissioner there was withdrawn on account of the fact that the coun- try was in a state of constant or in- termittent eruption, and the possi- bilities of trade development were slim. The trade of tho Dominion wiUi Mexico in the last fiscal year aggregated $H, 300,909, of which $3,- 1 -12,581 were imports and $SilH,41S exports. The principal imports are grasses, fibres, drugs and tobacco, nd the exports grain, coal, paper and whiskey. Much ('anadia.n cn.pi- t-al is invested in the country, main- ly in tramway, jwuver nr mining cn- tiTpn>es, but for th; 1 pivi'lpction <if Caiiiadinns (here a^ well as of the investiiie-nt the Domini-m must rely tlie mother country . III'KRTA-S Alii'F.KKT (iOMl. Three Acro|i!aii( .s \Vrrelu-il in Han- gar, So Mechanician Says. A d-e |>;ih-h from New York sayn: Hen. Huerta's fleet of thmo a'ro- lilane.s li:iis bern destroyed by a jiale. This information rrarh/.d the avi- ation grounds n<t f!empstPid. Andre Hoitpcrt, a iimiiiiphi le Ilier, aii- iK.unecd tha't be hud a letter fnim Andrew Hardy, the foniK'r Moi^ 1-1' iiieehanicinn, v. ho is now in eharg" < f (J.-n. lh:eil;:'s llei't of an., ]i!ri:'t-i. Haying that a ht'iivy gale blown down Hueiia's htkagar and ba<l destroyed the Me.\i<'a>i ri-'"iJ.;'.it's ncr<ipLuies almost be Vn<l repair. lliieii-i 1m 1 three n"n>plane.s in \\',* liaii.vnr, but none is in coniriii* Hull now. These were lh;- oiily uer<ip'u;is owned by the l-ederula LET REBELS FINISH THE JOB Such is the Plan flapped Out by the Government at Washington A despatch' from Washington says : The battl cry will not be "On fro Mexico City !" according to John l.iml, who was sj.ivial represejuta- tivc of the President in Mexico City until recently. Mr. Lind i sup- posed to be familiar with the situa- tion ;i :i<l the plants. "Now that Amit'til Badgor has ar- rived in Mexican wa.ters with his fleet will it not be advisable under the circumstances to rush the army from Galveston to Vera Cruz and proceed directly to Mexico City end tako possession before Huerta can arrange for a stubborn defence of his capital?" This question was asked of Mr. Lind, wlio is probably the best posted man here on the present situation in Vera Cruz. "No; that is not the- present in- tention," replied Mr. Lind. "As we arc now in possession of Vera Crux, the next etep will be to clean tip Tampico. Then we should retain possession of both cities ant! also blockade all the remaining ports in Mexico. I do not anticipate any more fighting, as Huerta will have all he can do to contend with the advancing forces of the victorious revolutionists." "Has Huerta an effective army 1" "No; the pick of has forces were Bent nort/h, where they were anni- hilated in and around Torreon. All he has left are some bands of hired assassins," eaid Mr. Lind. "What is your opinion of the skirmish at Vera Cruz?" "It turned out just as I antici- pated," replied Mr. Lind. "When called upon to surrender, General Maas retreated from Vera Cruz with *h/e bulk of his command. Those, left behind were disorganized and consisted mainly of roughnecks and assassins. Th"se mem concealed themselves on the flat roofs of the buildings and picked off our men from their concealment. All the buildings have flat roofs and cop- ings, the latter affording consider- able protection to the Mexicans. "We have no quarrel with the revolutionists, therefore, while Huerta is blocked away from sup- plies, etc., the revolutionists will push forward steadily and irresisti- bly. The end should not be far off, as far as Huerta is concerned." - J We unhesitatingly recommend Magic Baking Powder ai being the best, purest and most healthful baking pow- der that it is possible to produce, CONTAINS NO ALUM .All ingredient* are plainly printed on the label. MAGIC BAKING PO\VDJ EW.GHltTTCO.LTD f TORONTO, O NT. I WINNIPEG * MONTREAL CASUALTIES AT VERA CRUZ Official Casualties of Americans in Three Days, Occupation Were 15 Killed and 74 Wounded REAR-ADMIRAL FLETCHER, Commander of the fleet at tbe cap- ture of Vera Crux. From top to bottom: General Leon- ard 'o.l of the United States aim; . ' Blanquet, Mexican MinisU; < War, and General Huerta. Ooraskwally the breaking of a.n engagement enab'"s both parties to live happily every after. Dr. Dessuuer of Frankfori-oTi- Main, reports ability to make X- rnys twenty times more penetrat- ing, rendering thciiii almost, a.s ctTv- live as radium for treatment of dis- eases. TORN UKOWKRS BKNEFIT. Changr of I)ntii'.s Will Apply to Hinder*. A despatch from Ottawa says: It is understood that, the change in duties on binders from 17% to 11% per cent, will also apply to corn binders, which arc used particular- ly in Ui corn-growing counties of South-western Ontario. During tho presentation by the Finance Minis- ter of t'he tariff changes the ques- tion was asked if the lowered duty would apply to corn binders, and he expressed the opinion that it would. It is expected tihat this will be confirmed. Sl'K'IDE OF KEKI'ER. Daniel McDonald Shoots llimsolf at llniifax. A despatch from Halifax, N.S., say*: Daniel McDonald, a former under-keeipcr art tho city prison, committed suicide on Wednesday morning by shooting himself through the head. McDonald was one of the jailers involved in an in- vestigation now being conduced into the management of the city prison. He tendered his resigna- tion a few weeks ago. In (ho Arms of (ho Law. Mr. Tippler (who is being carried to the station house by two police- men) "Ish awfully good <if you fel- lows. I hope I'm not taking you out of your way." A despatch from Washington says : Three dead and 23 wounded are the reports of the fighting in Vera Cruz. This makes 15 Ameri- cans who have been killed and 74 wounded in the (three days of fight- ing. The Navy Department gave out this bulletin : "Admiral Badger wires that he landed a battalion from, the Minne- sota, Michigan and South Carolina, and that the landing force now ashore totals about 5,4O mon. The Minnesota, Chester, Prairie and San Francisco arc lying in the inner harbor. "Admiral Badger reports that as a result of desultory firing which continued about the city three more American sailors were killed and about 25 wounded. "The landing party now occupies all the city, and outposts have been stationed on the sandhills in the rear, who have been engaged in constructing defensive works. "Very Jittle food supply has bean coming into the city, and it is thought that if in a few days the question of feeding tilvo people of the city will become paramount it is possible the United States will be called upon to furnish food. The water supply is also causing some; anxiety. "The Mexican forces are disposed! along the railroad line, and, whil^ Admiral Badger reports the rumor that they are preparing to attack, he adds that it is doubted that this ia true, and expresses his belief that any attack can be successfully resisted." Diplomatic Relation!) Severed. A despatch from Washington gays : The severance of dip-' lomatic relations between the 1 Government of the limited States and the do facto Gov- ernment of Mexico was made com- 1 plete when Senor Don A. Algara R.' do Terreros, Charge d' Affaires ol Mexico in Washington, received his passports from the State Depart-. meat. This action was taken at the request of "'Senor Algara. It fol-' * lowed the course of President * Huerta in directing that Nelson 0'Shatlghness.y, the American Charge d'Affaires in Mexico City,| should be handed his passports. J Arrangements were made for . having the Brazilian Minister in. Mexico City take charge of tho, archives of tho American Embassy, at that place. PRICES if FARM PRODUCTS TH1 LCAOINa T3.\D CENTRES Of AMERISA 'flctr or Cattle, Cram, cn*en na oiait (rtauc* al nom an Toronto, April 28. Flour Ontario wl>at Hour, 90 per cent.. J3.8B, sea- board. and at J3.95 to J4. Toronto. UanttobM First patents. In Jute baRS, f5.UO; do., seconds. 15.10: BtronK bak- ers', In .iiiii- baa. 14.90- Manitoba wheat Hay ports No. 1 Northern. 97o. and No. 2 at !51c. Ontario wheat No. 2 at $1 to $1.02. outside, according to frelMTht. and $1.03 to $1.04, on track, Toronto. Oats No. 2 Ontario oats. 394 to 40c. outside, and at 42c. on track. Toronto. Western Canada oatn, 41c in No. 2, and nt 40c for No. 3, llay ports. Peas About SOc. outside. Harley Good maltliiK barley. 66 to 6Sc, outside. accordliiK to quality. Rye No. 2 at 63 to G4c. outside. liuckwhcat SOc. outside. Com New No. } Air :rlcan. 7Sic. all rail. Toronto. Hran Manitoba bran. J24 to $26 a ton. in IIRES. Toronto frelKht. Uhorts, $--, to $27. Country Produce. Hutter The best creamery Is now selllne at 28 to 30c. Choice dairy. 22 to 23c; Inferior, 17 to 17|c; farmers' sepa- rator prints. 23 to 26c; creamery prlntH, freh. 28 to SOc; do., storaee* prints. 26 to 2"c; sqlida. otoniKo. 24 to 25c. llnr..-; To Sic per doeen. In case lots. Honey Extracted, In Una. 11 to 12c per ll>. for No. 1; combs. $3 to $3.25 per dozen for No. 1. and $2.40 to $2.60 for No. 2. Cheese New cheese. 151 to 15|c for large, and 16 to ICic for twins. Heans H;iiul-plck1. J2.20 to $2.26 per bushel: primes. $2.15 to S2.20. I^ultry Fowl, 15 to ISc per lb.; rhli'icns, 19 to 20c; ducks. 17 to 18c; teese. 16 to 10c; turkeys. 20 to 23c. 1'otatoes l>clawares are quoted at $1 on track here. stork. 21o. Potatoes, per bag. car lots, DO to 95c. NO MOBILIZATION OF TROOPS Not a Single Order Has Been Issued by th States War Secretary United A d.'S'prUc'h from Washington says: Not a singl' 1 order, ;i'V"- tentative or d'c-fi'iit! 1 , lias been I ra.::.-nii'tted from l;i- Hoc rotary for War to Brigtuie-Ga&era] A. ('. Miles, cliicf <if the Hureiui <if ?!ili lary AftVirs, for th? mobilization of thi 1 Na.'.imiial (iiiard of a:iy tate of tli- 1 I'nio}). This was thf unqnal:fil n, i iiotincJm'ent niiide in th? offien of ('i"i-;il Miles at t!ir close of the ufTu-ial bupinc . i Wednesday \<\ thflt bureau. Th" ;<;at?ir.'?nt was pr-. <l:i 'il <! IITI.I ti'i-'i'llious ii'iini of i'l.;rl\i cd requests for information vollryed into Washing- t<.n from every quarter of |,'i' I'iiited ,Slr.!"s. AJuto it was saJd in the office of tho Provision*. Huron I.onK clour. IB to ICc ppr lb. In cast- lots. Hams Medium. IS to IXJr; (Id., heavy. 17 to ISc: rolls, 15 to Ifijr; l.renkfast bacon. IS to IDo; bucks, 22 to 24c. Steels. Wholes.ile neeil morohanls nrp sflllnit Kvleaned scpils to llin trii'lo, on tlin lili)- !l>. biislHi lle.l olovor. Nr.. ;, $iy | O J21; do.. No. 2. $17.r,0 t $ IS. In; ulsikc No. 1. $30.60 to $21; do.. No. 2. $1? to $IS; Timothy. No. 1. $8.50 to SO.&'J; do.. No. 2. ?7.2& to $7.60; iilruKn. No. 1, $14 to $15: Uo., No. i. J13 to J1S.&0. . N United Stales Market*. Minneapolis. Ar>rll 2S. Wheat. May. 91 to illlc bid; July. 92i to 921. No. 1 hard. 95J; No. 1 Northern, 1121 to 94Io; No. 2 Northern. Ul* to 92!c. Corn, No. 3 yellow. t;_i to 63c. Oats. No. 3 white, 38 to 36Jc. Flour, fancy patents. $4.U In wood; first rlears. $3. GO In jute; sec- ond clenra. $2.75 In Jute. Shipments, 66,684 barrels. Bran unchanged. Duluth, April 28. Wheat. No. 1 hard. 93|c; No. 1 Northern. 92|c; No. 2 Nor- thern, 9u|c; Montana. No. 2 hard. 91jc; May. 92Jc; July. 93i|c. Close: Linseed cash, I1.54J to SI. 55; May. tl.5C; July. $1.57. Live Stock Market!. Toronto April 28. Cattle- Choice but- chers $7.50 to $7.85: Rood medium, 17.26 to $7.40; common cows. $4. DO to $5.60; cannera and cutters. $3.60 to $4: choice fat COWH, $.25 to $6.75. Ktockers and feeders Steers. 800 to 900 Ibs.. $7.25 to $7.50; Rood. 17 to $7.50: light. $6.25 to $7. Calves Hood veal. $8.75 to $10: com- mon. $4.75 to $7. Sheep and lambs I, lent ewes. $i>.2.'i to $7.25; Sin INK lambs. $5 to $8: lainbx. : .MI-MIU:.;. $9 to $D.75. but with 75c per henrt deducted for ull the buolt lambs. HORS $9, fed and waisretl. l.2. sS curs, and $8.CG f.o.b. Montreal. April 2. I'rlmo bwves. * to 8|c: medium. 5! to 7|c: common. 4} to 5jo; cows. $35 to $75. two large Wcst- ernrii were held for $100 each; calves. 3 to 7i -. sheep. 6c: lambs, 8ft to tc; Hiirlng lamba, $4 to $6 each; hoca. uj to lOc. IMPORTING G.VJIi: BIRDS. Movement by Alberta Fish and Recivlary for War that no a?! : < >'i bad been taken UM>king to UK- n:: !.i lization of the militia. Secretary (larrifon let it bo that hs liHikeil to Genra.l M.'ies' bureau s'lnff to keep the Wu.r Department Informed as U> the exact <xmditii>n of all thc> NaiLionnl Guards of the various states, and tha.t he was OOM- vine.vl tbe bureau had every it IT.. "f nMeusaJy iuf> riuati-in ready al hard and all plu.n.s for the mcvbili- zalion of the guard if orders for mobiliaaitibn shall issue. Volunteers for so>rvies in Mexico will noit be called for unless there is a fnrn:al dwIwAlUoB <if war by Con.gri\-M. Tiis w-iis :iini-uinc?d in the Ho n*o by ClMiirnmi H.ny, of the House Mi'itaiy Affairs Co:nmitto. April 2S. Cash: Wheat: Nn. iii iii': NI>. 2 Northern, sane;! rn. S71|c; No. 4. S4.'.c; No. a, I Sjc: No. B, 7;Uc; food. CSJr; No. 1 re- Juoted seeds. S7U - ; No. 2 rejected seeds. *5le; No. 3 rejected soeils. 31o; No. l! Miiutty, S71i-; No. 2 smutty. SDic No. 3 .smutty. S3}e; No. 1 retl Winter, llljc; No. 2 red Winter. SOSi': No. :t reil Winter SSc. t)uts No. 3 (J.W.. 35c. No. 3 C.W., 3lc; No. 2 feed, 3Sic. Hailey No 3, 4F.ic; No. 4. 43Jc; rejected. 4i,c; feed. 4lr. Klux -No. 1 N.U'.C'.. $1.3. r >i; No. 2 C.\V.. $1.324; No 3 C.W.. $1.241. A dcspaitch from Caljrary, Albcp-i t, says: A shiprne.nfc of Hungarian pbeawuita arrived in Calgary on. Wednesday from Pennsylvania and will be liberated on several ranches in the territory surrounding this city. This movement was promoted by the AlbprUv Finh a,nd frajnn Afao- ciation. It is bolivr<I pheasajits' will thrive in tluis pjovincc, ship-, meats having been bixmg-ht in year-, l.y for the past five years, and tbe birds Appear 1o bo multiplying ra-' jiidly. rartridges aJso been Imported, and there an- now m,any thonsiMKls in the provijico. I'h&a- sants will be proteotrd unti! 1020,' and tho society will, continno im-| porting them until that daU;. MOUKh DAIRUIS, LIM1TK1). It soklioffl ha.ip'.' that pi-h';it>a btveotcm are given the opi^n-t RiM-iiij.nfr .stuck in Hin-ii .'iitiTd Mon'.raal S Montrnil. April 2S. Corn. American' \o '2 yellow. 7S |o ";'.<. lints. Ciouullan No. a. 4:ij n- -T:u-. Hurley, Man. teed, m lo f>2o; ni:i! i !!:.-. CS to 7I><-. Klour. Man. SprliiR wheat riilnntB. lirstx. S5.(!l): sec- 1, oiKlH, $5.10; BtroiiK bnliers*. $4.!iU: \Vin- ler nati-'litK. t-hnK'n, $3.25 to $5.50:1 BtrnlRht rollers, $4.71) to $4.0; do., butts. JJ.L'n to $3.3u. Roll,., l (HUH. bar- i reH $4.55; Uo.. baK.. 9 IbK.. $2 15 ! Hrnn $23. SliortM $25. Middling* $2S. Moullllc. $2S 1.1 $112. liny. \o. a. per Ion car lots, $i:t.i.u to $14 Thoc- :,.. tin- westerns, 121 to l^o; li'yst r.-islt-rnM, 111 tii I2c. I'.utliT. rli.i.ri-' i i ai'icrv V5J to 26o: scroll'!.-. -4i lo 2Dc. K-KH. i. > to *3c, KvlecicU. 2&u; No. 1 t(d, M'..'r,t,!v:il, advertisod in tihia issue. I. urgo dairy c tmpanii'.< in all Mil- hu-g:- cafcias of i r ..n:,h Amor- ,n> j-,.iv:n^ b.antlsain-. 1 / di\'xbnd<!). to ttihoir sli .'iiT'luiIdi'i's every yir.' Model Dairios lias bot-n organi/.cd by a i-.U'Milvr of lh." kconost aoid im,-t succerisful busini'SK IIKMI i.n Canada. Tho names ovf tln-sn uwiii pprmia-ienoe )ind g..od maji- It pays to k>lk;r.v gvxx'

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