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Flesherton Advance, 30 Apr 1914, p. 1

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TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." - PRIflCIPLEb NOT MEN. VI 33 No. 40 Fleslierton, Ont., Thursday April 3Q , 114- W. S. THBRSTON On the Making Of Maple Molasses The season of maple syrup ami taffy pulls is now a thing of the past. Th season has been a fair average season foi this sweetest of all sweets, but a greater quantity than usual has been made ii this district by those who hae the trees to make it from. It is a profitable busi- ness, too, when entered into in a proper way. When the writer was a boy trough* were hollowed out from basswood and other trees, " spiles " were made from pine blocks with " fro " uud " gouge Both these implements ar.? now only seen in old curiosity ahops,and we doubt if they could be found even there. A great, slantingg aping gash was made in the maple tiee, the Rouge inserted below the lowest point of this gush, and a spile in- serted. This method was very crude and destructive on the trees. To-day a very small hole is bored and a tiny iron spile inserted, from which is hung .the tin bucket, the whole costing only a few cents for each tree and doing practically no injury to the tree. Patent evaporat- ors boil down the sap in comfortable Khanties. In the old days iron kettles were huug from a pole and back and front bgs placed, between which the fire was kept up. The smoke chased one to every point of the compass. Ashes and cinders fell into the pots, and the re- eultant nmlisses was very dark but it was sweet and had a flavor peculiarly its People generally are probably not aware that Ocprey township has one of the largest evaporator plants in the pro- vinca. This is owned by Mr. Geo. D. Hun-It of the 12th line, who IMS an ideal sugar bush of fifteen hundred trees. Ho owns a Champion evaporator. List year Mr. Shi ii M manufactured 420 gallons of syrup and has done better this year, lie has shipped syrup to Calgary, Edmonton and other parts of the Northwest. Some of his best runs necessitated boiling from Tuesday noon until Saturday night. On one occasion his bush produced 200 gal- lons in ono week, government standard. The work requires the employment of three hands[during the whole season, and at times live are employed. There are also Hoveral other good sugar bushes in this district where the maple forest has been preserved, comprising from two lo five hundred trees, but none on quite so gigantic a scale an the bush owned by Mr. Shortt. Dundalk Messrs. Jas. A. and Thos. Fraser of Ventry have received word of the death of their aunt, Mrs. James Anderson, at Cariiduff, Sask., on M'irch l.'i. The de- ceased was formerly a highly respocted resident of the 12th con., Proton. Dr. McWilliams was badly huit in a runaway accident on Tuesday afternoon when he had several ribs broken and was otherwise shaken up. lie was driving on ; the 12th con., Proton, when the hor- ses jumped and, breaking some part of the harness, got beyond control. After running a short distance th<j buggy col- lided with a telephone pole with the above result. The bugyy and harness were damaged some tut the horses es- caped injury. Herald. Heathcote Miss Dell Aberciombie of Victoria Corner, 8ih line, Col'inxwood, is visiting with her aunt, Mrs. N. C. Heron. M i-s Irene Clarke of Miniiiehill is vis- iting with Mis. (Rev.) Young. The Anglican Sunday school com- menced Sunday morning last. The He.ithcote Methodist Mission Band held a sociable evening in the Or- rtiige lull Friday evening last when games were indulged in, after which Mis.Kemp treated the children .and visitors to ice cream. M iss Burritt of the third line, Eu- [rhmsi-i, visited with Mr. J. K. Hewson the latter part of the week. Miss Victoria Vickera visited with her sister, bivi. Fred Hutchinson, Sunday. Mr. Mat hew Dillon of Thorn bury has the contract of building a shed for Mr. Walter Rorke. Mr. J. F. Saul is erecting a new wall underneath his house. Mr. McCaltyre of Kolapore has com- menced work at Reekie's lawmill. Hydro Radials Under Commission Hon. Adam Beck has introduced a bill in the Legislature by which the radial railways in the province will be control- Hydro Kimberley Budget Wedding bells wo faintly tolling | Miss Enna Burritt of Ftiirtnouut visit- ed at her parental home here recently. Andrew and Leonard Fawcett visited with i heir uncle, Robert Lougheed, of the tenth line Collin^woud one day last week. Feversham Items led and operated through the Electric Coimnimion. The bill repeals the legislation of last session and puts' Bol 'n At Collingwood, on April 20, to the development of the whole system j Mr> and Mrs - s no" Fawcett, a son. upon an entirely new basis. James Hetherinj(ton and Win. Mc- Uuder the legislation of a year ago t; * 1| u"' of Duncan were ou a business control and operation, with certain re- j ^'P to " ur bur Monday last in the strictions, was vested in the municipal!- interests of the Beaver Valley Municipal ties. The financial provisions left much , Telll Pl> Co. It is the intention of the to be desiied. Study given the question ooin P an J r to run a line up the valley road since then haa shown the need of better j to Kimborloy and continue it on the financing than could be done by floating | 4th line south. There is certainly get- niunicipal debentures and with the sup- i tin S to be " network of telephone lines port of the hydro municipalities of the i ln '"' s v 'Hage. province. Hon. Mr. Beck is asking for Mr. Wm. Curry of Fairmount deliv- lesislation that, while it will place no ' ered throe fat cattle to Stuart Bros, on direct burden upon either the province i Monday last. or the commission, will enable the mu- ' E. F. Caswoll of the Dominion Alii- nicipalities to finance radial railways. aiioe occupied the pulpit in the Metho- The railways, under the new bill, will { <iist church on Sunday morning last and be built with money secured by issues of gave an excellent address, bonds by the' Hynro-Electric Commis- j Miss Etta Latimer ot Eugenia visited sion, guaranteed by the province. The at Mr. Geo. Hutchinson's a few days, commission, or government, will in turn recently. )e protected by the depositing with them The following are the officers of th e of debentures by the municipalities cov- . Methodist Sunday school for tho ensuing ering the expenditure msde. The in- ' yea r : Supt., Geo. Hutchinson ; Asst ., terest, sinking fund or possible deficits J on n Abercrombie ; Sec^Treas., J Reid; Organist, Nellie Burritt ; Teach- ers, Ben Carrut hers, Mrs. S.S. Burritt, pruning will ba met by the municipalities in- crested. The bonds covering construction will ' James R. Fawcett, R. D. Crrrutheia, )e extended over & period of tifty yeare, Mrs. Geo. Burritt, Miss Lucy Walton, provision calculated to lighten the -M Eva Magee. juiden upon tho enterprise, and in order j Jirs. Wm. McKinley of Thorn bury is to tide over the tirtt ten years, when the . the guest of Mrs. W. T. Ellis. cads are getting under way, the munici- 1 m r pl ..,. . Mr. thus. \V ickens is busy jahties will not b required t'j pay wnk- __ /, it- over m Collingwood township, ng fund at all. As an added piotection for the com- mission it is provided that where a mu- nicipality defaults on its intcicst or sink- ng fund pHvmetits the commission shall !ave the right to go on the market and , * ll numbcr alroild y b.ving >* all the debentures of that municipality to | 8 u * r * m ' nake up tho deficiency. Where tho de- ! Mis E. Grummett. who has been in lentuios fail lo ^produce the uecestary , tne West for the past year, has returned inoimt the municipalities can still be j nome again. Miss Wiiyht has (.gain resinned hrr duties after a pleasant visit to her home in Swinton Park. lletb. Irwin of Markdale visited in Hatherton The farmers are busily encaged at the d liable for any amount due the coin- nissioi). The commission's bonds will, of course, >e a first mnrtgiure upon the railway. The responsibility of entering upon a adial railway project lies entirely with he municipalities. The commission is mpowored to enter into a contract with ne or more municipalities, with i liu ap- iroval of the Lieutenant-Governor in Council. The agreement or contract nust i hen be submitted to tho electors ualitied to vote upon money bylaws. tliia locality last week. Misi Maud Black visited over Easter at her parental homo. Miss Sadie Seeley is visiting friends near Staynor. An interesting debate, "Resolved, that city life is better than country life," to be given by eight of the little folks of the public school. Parents should make The diHiculty of finding the right elms ; u a P oint to be present. f men to manage small radial toads, the iv.mi.i "' of having a measure of cen- ral control, wilh standard systems of lanagemenr, and tha importance cf bo- ng in a position in the future, when the adial system has extended over the pro- incr, to deal with it on a broad basis, are understood to have influenced the ciiiiiinission aud government to adopt irovmcial control and operation. Among the improvements in our neigh- borhood are A slraw.shud is being built by Mr. D. Gordon ; a driving shed by Mr. James Winters, and a kitchen liy Mr. J. S. Winters. Riverdale Mr. and Mrs. (). Bellerby, Shelbume. visited with tho la' tor's parents, Maxwell. Miss Benjamin of Dundalk, has again resumed her duties with her music class. Mrs. Shires, son and daughter of Port- law, spent Sunday wilh Mr. and Mrs.W. Beattie. Mr. A. Hazard, Toronto, and repre- sentative of Dominion Alliance, gave a order of the day. very able and eloquent address on the Mr. and Mrs. G. Leopard of Proton, TeM> er " n co<|uestioii j n Maxwell Metb- vere the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. Ir- : odillt cllui ' c . '*t Sunday evening, win on Saturday. The loading topic at present time is Our efficient school teacher, Miss Olive ', tllc Ins1 ' Home Rule - k'ue.stion, will it Hatch, resumed professional duties i n ! benulit Ireland or will it not,' What do ur public school on Monday, after ; >' ou think Mr - Editor, spending Easter holidays at her parental lomo in Drayton. Miss Louie Wiley, of Toronto, spent iastor holidays at her parental home in his vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong of Meaford, oper- Killed By a Cow | A fdtul accident occurred on John i Largo's farm, seven lot.s north <if Shcl- burnt?, ou Wednesday of last wcok. John were callers in our burg last week. Although m:i|>!t! sugar making i inns were .somewhat retarded the old residents of Melanuthon, wafi in the employ of Mr. Large on tha fiinii. A owing to cow had come into a narrow alleyway he inclemency of the weather at the leading to the granary and Mi. Exelby weut in to put the animal out. By some menus he was so badly etushed by the cow that ho died the next day. He is survived by a widow but no family- - Shelburne Free Press. .pening of the season, local manufacturers report gratifying success. The Fergus News-Record A couple of weeks ago in tho hurry of going to press picked up the heading "Children's Corn ir" and put it at the head of the Council minutes instead of "Council Minutes." A number of copied went out of the oflice >efore the terrible blundei was discover- ed and last week the editor explains and ipologizes in case a copy should fill info he hands of an irate councilman. ^Another mad dog oame to grief iu Arthur township on Thursday. A strange dog came on the farm of Mr. JHIUM McCaw on Thuisday and attacked Mr. McCaw's dog, which was chained up. A hunt was organiznd and tho offending dog was shot. The hesd WAS sent to Toronto and word was returned that the dog was rabid. Mr. McCaw has destroyed hio dog.- Con. Say, you Kimljerley correspondent, you had better gut operated on (|uick, for you must have .swallowed two or three volumes of Webster's dictionary, and any one in your condition is suro to see ghosts and snakes and all kinds of rep- tiles, devils, gods and fishes. Of courfe I am liable to make mistakes and know it, but you are making a fool of yourself and don't know it. Dr. Sproule liimsi If said in his epistle that the Hon. Mr. Beck presented the case for the deputa- tion. This wonderful specimen of hu inanity ays I started mud-slinginc by allusion to the Kimberley delegate. This is untrue, because it was given as a joke and was taken !iy tho Kimberley dele- gutu as such. As to what this wonder- fully educated fellow says re Centre Grey, sure hn don't know anything only what somebody tells him, and only repeats what Dr. Sproule said about that. His attack on me in the first place WHS un provoked. He took up the cudjjels for the Hon. Dr. Sproule. But say, th|eDr. saw him coming. (Jet the LV>c nr.-t next time, for you did not get it this. As to what this babbler might say re the depu- titioii, he was not there to know any- thing about it, and any one that would in any way throw out such a base ^nsinu- atiou about gentlemen who have been honored by the highest positions .it the command of the municipalities they re- side in- bah ! He ii lower than the snakes that crawl on the ground, and if he hould have another spasm and do what ho has threatened, he ha> no- thing whatever lo reveal, tut lie delights in mud sliiiuitij; and of course must have a sliiiij at the other members of tho dep- utation as well a myself, tho delegates from his own township nt well. Oh, go and crawl into a hole and die. After this f will ignore your scribbling. Mr. Wedgerlield and Malhew ( 'onron spent. Sunday in this burg. Mr. Irwin McKeown and daughter Lula, of, spent .Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Knitting's. Mrs. John Stoutenburg and baby Jean of Collingwood, are visiting with tho former's mother, Mis. A. Davidson. Mr. Guy Kaitting has returned to hi? home here after a two weeks visit with his sister, Mrs. McKeown, at Duncan. Mr. Will Perigoe left this week for Kirk held, where lie has secured a position. Mr. and Mis. R. Brackonlmry, nee Miss A i ha Heron, are visiting friends in this part. The young couplo was married at Cabro. Saek., on April 1">, and will be at home to their friends in Brace- bridge, afler the loth of May. Their many friends wish them every joy and prosperity. Biigadier Adby of Hamilton, who worked under General Booth, of the Salvation Army, will give an illustrated lecture on ilia life, death and burial of tho tale General, in tho barracks here on Monday evening next, May 4. Tho ill- ustrations will consist of 100 lantern slides. Specialist In dlnraies dl the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Office-30 10th t. east, Owen Sound At the Revere house, Mui-kdale, 2nd Thursday each month from 8 to a 12a.m Dundilk.lst \Vednesdayof eachmomh.. Jewelry Address and Presentation On Fridny evening, April 17, a largo circle of friends met at tho home of Mrs. Roy, Rock Mills, to show in a slight wy their appreciation towards Miss Jon-iiti Roy as organist in the Baptist chiinli. An Hildn *s which follows, was roaii by Rev. Mr. Kerr, nml a gold watch and fob we o presented by Mrs. Dari;avcl, Misa Roy replied in a suitable ninnticr, after which lunuh \ served and the re- mainder of tho fvoiiing spent in aames and social chat. The aJdress was a followe : Dear Miss Ruy : We, the members and adherents of thu Hockva'o church, havegathoic.l here this evening in order to express our appreciation of your long and faithful service as orgmmt of our church. In this materialistic aso a mon- etary value is placed on every Ulent, but you served without any thought of re- muneration. No night was loo dark, yon ware always at your post of duty. Wo kindly ask you to accept the accom- panying gift as a slight token of the high estcom iu which we hold you, and may it over remind you that our thoughts:, bs-st wishos and prayers are that you nr.ny have a long, happy and useful life, and that the presence of tho Almighty will over- shado you all along life's pathway. Sign- ed on behalf of tho memliers and friends of tho congregation Mrs. A. Blackburn, Mrs. M. Mai tin. Fleshcrton Planing And Chopping Mills I am now prepared to do chopping every day in the week except Sundays and every week in the year. Bring along your grists. Our sash and door factory is always at your disposal for anything you want in our line planing, matching, etc. Floor ine, sash and doors, and all house fur- nishings supplied promptly and at icas- onable rates, Got estimates. T. Blakeley, Prop. Febl ly A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se- lection. We car- ry Photo Supplies. W. A. Armstrong, Jeweler :< FLESHERTON, - ONT r ! Seed Grain ! Buck wheat Spring wheat Barley-Peas A full line of timmothy and clover seeds, mangle, sugar beet, carrot, turnip, potato onions, dutch setts. All kinds of flour and feed W. BUSKIN, Flesherton. FAIR EXCHANGE IS NO ROBBERY Bring your Eggs and trade them for a pair of boots. In men's boots we have them in light and heavy, suitable for the spring trade Ladies wear patent.gun met- tal and tan,eifcher lace or but- ton, also a nice assortment in pump, colonials and strap shoes. Custom work and repairing as usual, Thos Clayton. New Suitings FOR SPRING We are showing nearly 500 different lines of suitings for spring wear. Many of them are exclusive designs and cannot be obtained elsewhere Come in and have a good look, even if you do not buy just now. It is great to see all these new lines. Prices start as low as $16.00 S. J. BOWLER THE RELIABLE TAILOR

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