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Flesherton Advance, 23 Apr 1914, p. 2

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-,\ - i. ; '' * Household MM 111 II-. It ii n- and IliHrullH. M Illllll-". ( I'll- h i ; ' . ,,iir-'' I tie bit of crushed and sifted lump sugar and putting them under the hot broiluiK fire until Luis nufh-.s. The whole crust will > a delicious sweet brown. Or they tnay be brushed with egg and caraway com- fits, sprinkled over them just before they are taken out of tli oven. Pudding Point-. Grease the pudding basin well, as Kiejuw |rev*-uUi t4i mixture nf yeast, two cup* flour, u teaspoon of sugar, a lialf U.-ISJK n >f salt, * oup of lukewarm I i raid' 1 he Mignr with the and a half of sticking. t'> the ba-in. If it sticks the pudding will not turn out jiro- perly. \\ hen making a boiled piiddjnq al- W V* * ...j^,.. i i i_ ' yens; ;i(!<l two tab'i- -p.. ( ,.is ..' hike- ways be. sure that the basin Varm water and let stand for ten <lite Ml. If there is any spa;* left minntes or until foamy. Add to it water will get in, and consequently l-he cup -.f lukewarm water and mix _ the pudding will be heavy with til,- dried and viflrd flour in a' Make sure that the PW'n* 1 s bowl. Cover up and let it riae all kept boiling all the time. If it is night or at k(> for four houtJ}lfiwed to go off the boil it will be AJrer it..i* vwell rwea break d.^wu' heavy. ad beat njiiji tjie Jmud and lot it 1 Whenever possible it is w**e to m again W oim Iwiir. A little' <*> -suet {Mitld-mff instead of i,,i,r.. Fliiiirr may he added if necfls- b')">g >', '< lighter and fMv. bif/the tlMifth should be *,||J. | tool* di*_*fcib'e. AJUm one hour cakes and more for this way <;\ cooking than the time allowed for boiling. bake oii tho griddle after rubbing _ith flour. bikkiug ul tWttt) is :i nice task one can learn only from ex- perience, and the Fame is true in Home Minis. - iijc Use a sheet of asbestos laid over tihe T.LUKMKVKIl. 47 Yearn Srrcan|.iU-Arms In "My coimnw'.siirti," rued Mr. F. J. (JJtU'kmeyer, the. S^rgeant-at-Arms, of th.; Ontario Legislature, in the c .i,i:r of a din.1, "is dated 1**67, thf year of ( 'onfedcrutio'i, whfii Pro- vincial Leg-ia'iatures, M we know them to-day v w*rc organized. John Ka.n<lfleld Macdonald was Premier 'nd' AttorneyHJenerol, with thf Hon. John (a.ft.?rv,ard Sir Jdm) ('arling as Mi'iiJster of Agriculture and Fubliio Works. It T.US thrdiigh the latter that I wa.s oppiointod. Born in Montreal, I had hcen in [jondon, Ont., where Sir John Carling resnded, for some twelve yer*. an<l krtaw htm well. Wh-cn i f lieoaiue nece-ssary to appoint the fi.3rgearii.-a.t-AiW la* nom.ina.tcd in. I was ,twtty.-fo.ur ytars old ,t tfe time, and I bad IR> conception of wliat the. office or its duties meant." "Sir John Curling sent for"m$>" pmce-edsrf. Mr. Glokmcye-r. with a reinij3 : :icen-t smile, "on. the 22nd of December. 1867. Tlsa nxt day w wenit to Toronto together, and new th Premier, who said I liokd strong enough fv.i- tte job. and oci the 24 til 1 got medsured for niy uni- WBIOD one can learn only from ex- Use a sheet of asbestos laid over the '24th 1 got ineiwureci lor my ui perience, and the Fame is true in t,i le t t ,p <,f tJ_u>. stove if yiui. wish to | form in t-be morning, ad we it ha,ck _. __. jfereuce to getting }ust the right! Iaa jj<. a large quantity o toast at to London vvitili Hir John i,i the af- tO* "'effect in mining- t*iem. Thi* is 1 i,noe. . tenioon, to Bpend Christmas. He mmieUmeti accompliMhtxl by making j _\ galvanized tub should be them up into round balls and put- 1 e< j with' gasoline <>r kerose>i;- ting th-rn into a bed of flour to] then scrubbed with hot water i \ urn rme a second time, flattening the so p. baJl when it is suflicie/itly risen and ready to cook. -ThcXe.ore otheV wava ' u'--'-! -uu :-:i .n !-..'!' covered. and llated. and when hot en 'ir-sh muwn flvui;. rather <|iiiekTy it t:> ready. .-uwl '. in all ten mn-de a pound not be of thick about one-quarter of <l.niirh. Tiiey should or large. Many Knglinh cijk b:ioks give <l!rfclions for toasting them with none making, but one hioh <l,.cs adds: "When well prepared, t-hey art-, in my opinion, a very- great luxury, obtainable at u trif- ling expense." limiaii.Mi It.itti Itiin-. I -- any gojxl sweet raised dough, ligbtlv iLjrtOicd. <a tilt folV^i'if; Rti^rk aTf cake of yea^t and a tea i of 'Sii^ar in a li<!UeV.(pf<l v.i ter7 nd after it Htatid-i until ^it foams :: Ji U. to a cup of boiled milk cooled until tepid, with one-half c\fp of rognr..'-<ui*fu:iirkii tup-yf ^^i ter. an<l iiic Jinff a beatPTi egg, sav- ing the other half for brushing the buns, vr rolls, if tbe^e'nre instead -f bnn-j, :JC/T (iJ'iiible cipe. Mix t-horoiigbly and cot to ri^e. \V-hen it has risen Mim'cicntly add Dour and knead until is in a vuiidit^on. t<^ be, jjiarj;'.!)^! an_J gl illfe will be .ftiuiKl a simple. matter to mend a hole in a .snjall--- boy's trouswx po<iet if a cbrnlug egg is into Ine pocket ;UK! the darning dtmc oyer it. If salt fish is required for invir. 1 diatf uSfi-it -Mill fre: heift muoh mure Hour milk milk instead f will answer as pre- the water, well as To c-la|x poral took it in soda wa- ter for some hours, 'then naake a lather tif .-.>ap and :c.rub with a soft haired brush riming finally in clear v. ;it^i a>id dryftig. TO Ufa-fii iiall'fbrnugh a 'plaster all vvith-iiit injury to the wall, dip i hot water first. This will cut it from breaking away vull. A'hen ..poet :.ssai_jlj. i fj_) i4 .blue ; blothes n hard watrr add one cup of Bweft nilk to A nib of.'^ijV*. and it will j -ireveut the t'^the's from behig "n- verily blued. To prevent moths from invading go<:tls ;ir:' Mored, 's'p""finklf o, little urpcntiiic in the drawers ot boxes very t'hr'<J .months. -VyJi^H Rj* *^]J5 stirkv, mcditjines to 'hi Id re n heat the sp.jon by dippiliK t for a moment in h->t watfiir, then ed the may be added when is niixtxJ, or lliese Jiay kiieaded int.a the*-. .M^ikc. up into small buns, briuh with bake, a-id when cooked dab over ;a, li:tlf >pac "ii lift- . top with icing and' s| i-i'ikl-- willf cnr.-iway cmiifit: **r -Xe^poliiAjwi^ flit- former n!n he*b:ikrd in the dough. \Vlvirt. f.'t- trite Bnrtl bun. h ha* been :i inatu-r of dispute.' Hut at nny rate it was a sweet and -roft fuiine of some vort <>n its top, sd'ne- which 'i ill < ar< >in<l its - C-'pau. tS\u>et (.i.iliam Doiiiiiiiii s. ().,,> half *MI|> of i/raniil i i '<! 'uu.'i. . -in-. bxilf cup of *<mr- <-reai,' oue-liajf f<-a-poon of Irfdx, < f -.alt. one heaping cup of sifted giali.'i.n H-iur, white Hour "( > Triiidli 1 roH. V"t cn-.-im in mixing ln.v\!. hfii* in tin' - <la. -i<l I sugar fait, and flour, and stir to a stiff U>ugh. Sift white flour on the breadboard) pour out th it, work -into 4', U.'iU inch*\nJ?, ' aml'lh three inch lenglln. 1'ric-k f/irk. spiinkle wifh a bit .ami ttip^j bake in it rather hf.-fryirt), he\i. cut ["ii-: iiiitilTT|iT i . 'l v he*f k^rp welt ftre ni''c to have <m ili.-ind. <loiigh is a must Milisfa<-lnry < ,< work wit^i, an<l may bo -at n!iapc t > ple-ise, hut th* d^si are nice with tea. and Itiiking 'L'w.i vnps of Hour, tw I'o^ilcr am* Tin U i( ti-a |fr*i-|il, n'f*! *>r -th' r \L nibbed into it, with h-ilf >i Milt and a ti-nspoim <,f nil ar;(,H eai'h ilni- pieces, and bako for . rl:i is used inst^jid f baking der thcs-.ttre rfl<I "coda scn A part Wibis AJiiK'i rjm.v _ U. to in.'i'r.i' i -nriH pfri sjf liiifeli fur flflernnnn tea by ffiv ppr One vay to do this in to u>!d me _!, , have a ^wrrd. so I tiW flowed <Mir. frunt '('nl >! Mac. bri'.h, vh-j -tiR'-T coTiimand-pd the sev- eiitli regim-'jiit. 1 shall nut SD-C i for- get- Sir John's consternation whf.i h? taw that I proposed fo wear a big military ' ttwoi'd with- A hvarrj Huabbard. I finally borrowed th? Sherriff':i sword, ajid wore it, with my ntw uiwforni at the ope,iing of the House on the 5!7th." I inter Six Premiers. Mr. Glac-kmeyer lias seen six Pre- miers during th-e forty-se.ven years he has held his posth?. has held it longer than any living Sci-geant-at- Arms in tbe British Einpire has. He t-peaks warmly of the fine speak- ing of the Hon. Kdwawl Bl'ake. who replaced SandfteW Macdouald as of ftlake, <:n one <?asion, appra to the (Speaker to cl-&air tine Ho in congequence u! come Buch ni[ti ii^ Hut my <-n-rct-r a r? j?fant-at-ArmR l.jis be'..n alniost lirely mm; M in- from excit^ine/.it this kind. "Nor have <x>mic in.tfluds.s frequent. But I c'an recall two ex- tremely |T;IK ' hapjXMlinga. In t-^K- o.|ie case, in 1881. Dr. Harki i, wh-o bad Len a iiKinber for >.*n;.- fix \<vir, iliexl' "Riiddeiily. T f:t him. sitting in th* third row to tiie Jeft of the Speaker, Huddieaily -drop. He W as itakK'i 4>o' {he 'Speiikef"8 "room, where he expired. In the, other <:a*. in 1892, Mr. H. E. C'la-rkc. M.J'.P. for Kat To^nawto, was e<-- tually addre93rijig the House, witi't hand extended, when he felj dow/i tt'e'ad (rm licart failur*-. A mem- ber, who was' a doctor, jumped ov.r Sir OKver ; Mowat's hed. In hj:-3 haste to jpe-t -tti'lii* 'ttksBiata'Jice. I bad ni'-t Mr Chu-k VI the li-t'.' befoire; whe.vhe liatl tw!d nx? cirr.up by Women. cured of the rlcarette. hublL i.llrilci'. iiuch have been opened In America for the treatment of feminine tobacco Uc- tli8, are not needed In this country. "I rarely encounter ca^en of women who mok -v>uwwlvly." said u promtn- ent London doctor. "Women smoke iiulte moderately as a rule. There Is no doubt, however, that ;he clRarette habit l.s Emm -."' Five yearn aeo the women who unn-k- ed were anxorlated with Sliaslanism und sui'.radsjn;. he WHK i-alled "un- wSiria'niy" Ti'nfl '"not Itiltr- nlrf." TrMrtrv the most reupccUble feminine suburb- anite* Kinoke as a matter of One used to nee the 1HE SOHDJIY SCHOOL STUD* APRIL .26. Lesson M . The f.ost Shrep ami ibe. I ..-t Coin. Luke 15. Mil. Koldm ; Text, Luke 15.. 10. li was feeling "Hpeechcfl in the.Hous'. 1 ar roucli ^bolter roW' tJ;an in the <>1d da'y's. The iittiflgB, tco, are rntrc.h"9hcrtpr. Siiurter sitting' ; cajio - irtto Vogue partly a reil4--of Sir WilV.-vn , appeal to. . Hir O'lvrr Mowa.t for them. As a rule, i'tj is rarely now 'Mat the House sJIS la- ter than haTf-past tr-n. or e!evf\i. The kingerjfc *'U:ng f remember was towards the ciosfvuf -the Ilos G>v- ernmen-ir's t;-*ri of of&ce, wheel thf House t^t fr^nn eleven of o<ne morn": ing till e-igh't.'.c'f tlie next/' The number of members whom Mr. Glick'mcyer hVts. seen au<J known, during his forty -seven years of oflica,.is literally (norrnou.*. Sir .fumes \\liitney, who is the. prcseat "Father of the. House. V first *ii- tered it when Mr. Glackmeyer had been ScrgeajM-ttUArna* f4<r more 1 ban twenty years. But tin; present ( Irrkof the. HoW', Mr- Arthur H. Sydere, was C'lerk Record's at the hdn-'oomiiiie JolU* J" me<(ici. > if. an* will */ it slip easily from the s|> ..... l. ' .;'-ti'->> __ i r .- *^P i; it \ INS OF iOi.i). <n.v'V li.-i.lf IV- batt!* of life; r t. ' i hn-'l !':'< rn qroney as .;>; xl it well. ,S|lurKi'ott ; lr'-M-r : l i- !: ir f v!tioll.-.f>f nun to k '!ic sbijuld give his first and ,' at tent! -n. ;'J! put ii'i ac^trtuit < ;i :' ii'l '< t i<T ii C. .Mi.- him --lio e- thelj.Hipular clian i- I) raiwj* him.^- high -' ge'K-rosi.ty of _____ for ibi 1 brave an nf til*-' in-t'-l fjjreohvus thinjs". t'ul- t'l'i. . , ._. . T.I b.- nl\v:iys l 'lirrkiing ;ililAit - y.nir ni.''f .is n : t!m AVH.Y to make 'n n gooa,n)ecttM the ;l <lf 11IU VlrffS U <1 t uii'l yourself. ly. l.d it* h.-liev,; that th "pnkcn in vain, although f them n-'iy not Spri'ig law t!.' % Bii{ii:i '.<! cr at \V. j_R"h.iifc<lrr. .,' . tjijitik it a light mat- t ; r>-*'fU.'"ltf J|i J i(l his precious time in idle wordr*; let no inifci 1 be tuu VM'U.ry <.'f wl^tt fl'i'i a\vuy :.<><.' fa alfd tS'iuKjti be rcJalJtecf^ as," to UM ui^ti ui:d devices t;i J>:UK l'ie t!'ir away i'i \ unity, wiu.cti -lii'igliA l rarely sprnt ?n the- ijjtprcats (if clenn if y>- Jeremy Ta&l<i<;*- p.-c-t : : . Routines a"nd' time 'that he ajon: Toronto Staj Weekly. __j!f MAKVKLS OF II Be In<Tulrles at Went . -r olion linlter. Bnd toi>ac< o ii<-iii.iir.ii-. i "indie*' <-iKarette.".. A bran(1 a men. A KturpltM nurse told me that almuiu evei-> mr-nibcr .of her profession smoked usuallv In their birdrooimi and that It required ne lmstiulty ,to exude the Ujcllam'e of the matron. ' ; t.tet Brttlih aabmuiaM. . I/i the new Kiibniarlri<-s the adnilraltT TH build! UK. and ahout which u rreat xteal <rf .(<Te<Ty ia n^lnlatiied. u depart- ure lias been made, for the nrft tinj. In -tlits i-ounlry. from Hie. liullundt tvD<". The S 1. now bulldlne at (Jrcenm-k. IM 6f Ihe litiurMill - lyr>e. : Knormous Pre- cutlon.<i were taken to sn-een It from the view nf nnaUthfirlZeU i" r-ons. but 'It 1 known, it. Is built, miner Hrettm from an Italian company df-^lsn which IB favorably reKtirdRtrt by tha admiralty. The chief features lire the provision of water ttcht compurtmentfl. w hli'h linn uu i'l:i<-e In the de.slen " ke.l, . nvr-i i- ir.ji-. which can ' ' ., . be releasea by' those' on hoard should -n cesern? bQj(a;i< exlittunted. Two other Vessels of the same design arc now <m-6rder. and will be known us S 2 and S ff. -f. New Aaamtbttlo SacccifftH. . ._-. Borne interesting esperlmeiitH with the-.nerw anmPHUiettr urethnne ai-e beVnjr c-onductefl on animals In a fambriUrlf* lahniatory. This druic l cibtaine.d by coMitjinil.ff ur-a with ;il< .hi'l Jirni is arl- mimstered hypodermic-ally, like mor- Iihla. with & " Huge. The great uvanUuca <! urethnne Is -.u.l to b*. the fact that heart failure never errors when it is properly used. ShOTlIrl the ilruir be irlven In an over- done death will, of i-uurse. lake j'l.u-e, hut that Is due )irlnmrtl>' to 'failure nf i-s'i-.iii.niK. Tue. HI.I.I-. -j-.. . i r this f not clear until one realizes that the iti.-t- Jorlty of nude:- chl<>rofarni oc- Mr- F. J. Olaekmcyef. Premier, on the hitter's defeat a.t tlic general election four and a half yeans after he hud fojmcd liis (5ov- rrnment: - And he also uieiitidns tho Hon. K. B. WOIH). Pruvi u'ial By Wnvo of Knor- gy Snino ns Wireless. In tlve ne'itt naval battle lave of th most efff*ctive weapons will un- doubtedly be th Orliiiff Amvrtixuig torpedo, as it is known, which <-nn be ntcered by waves of energy trans- r nutted thmiigb ether, much as wire- ' less messages are s;nt. Once theco I torpedcHs aro dixipped 'into the wa- | ter, they can be fent in any desirod itlirection, to left, iigh, or^ straight abead. just ax-cording ti) tJie will of (be man who is handling the con- trolliiig instnimeirt a.--tlK>re. Some astoiiLaJiiDg {*'-< ahd-.i' thesei torj)e<U?e> ar. giv^n by Mr. Archibald Willaajns i" 'The Won- d'l-rs <if Modern ImciitKm." He re- la.t-!-s how, in the first placv, in <>r- Lder that the operator iniglK- be able to follow the uioyeiiii-iiUs of the tor- |ie<lK> a inaF-t of sume frort had to priiject- rt|l<Vtl th^ torpe<k>'- back. "Sim*. hau-iver, thi8--w4W-*.> lia- ble to b deatroyed.hy tb* enemy's firr, some hetter nrran-gvinent hud to bV thought of. nnd the inventor. ip .the, a I'd Admiuii't ratMii. wlio as "Hig Thunder," as 1 inarkalily fin,o spcakw. Ht- lias k iion 11 ten Lieutenant-Govern ifs, the first of wlmin. Major 0?iiiTttl H. Mr. Armstrong, has a-:d tfii-at- it ca-nif to him in, a dream. It certain- ly was an 'inspiration, however it Miu'don-jcaHi.e, for h,:^ ;<k< maker, the ,s, k K>wn ! umch.'iw wfk, ii *.iu - r. and tlwii n ri;-jhlo\v it. upwards. in a jet, jusf as the 1 " w hale dos \vh-:i i; r.Miics to the sur- face to breathe. TV* \yater mast in -\vcrs ictoally, -Fadd, for \V. Stisted. held uffire f:ir coly . i; 1 ! rt-eHvintf the Trireless ouiitrol, and yeH'l-, Tht> prenont Speaker is the jit i quite e-vide-wt thitr the em-my iliirtivonth oot-upant of tile chnJrjmvglit hlnze away ait i.t all <ly long s!m-e liis appointment. One of j \vit.hout inflicting uhe slightest l.rni i-li L- -..;.. tJie Hon. R. W. Scott, wa| it|M>n it." i-ur ax the result of hrurf failurp. \Vu,en breathlnr stops a It' frequently do*s durlnic ton a<linlnlMtratlun of an Inhaled anHtsthfUc' It ran usually be started :.qnbi by :,mmia! reT><r&tlon. always provided that thf heart Is Hllll heating. Ti.. assurance that In Hll ranen of over- <lo<>e the breathing would be affected before the heart and not after It would be a.n Immpnae comfort to the patient. Seventy-five I* Younf in London. Once It usd to bt said and believed thiii the true Londoner, the "Cockney." died i. ut In three jrenera-tlonS. Thin niu have been true once, but It Is lu-t the case now. lhded. a report or the Lon- don County Council proven that l.omlun- . . .- Hre 1 1 '.INK lontcer. while Htatlitlo* of old folks Indicate that the capital la rivalling- BrlKhton In the lonnevlty ut many of lt Inhubltaitta. I.t year, for example, there were 7.600 deaths oT Londoners who had- liv- ed .for. over Heventj'iflve, years. A, mean future life ta'Me liasej 'on tnoderri iitt- IxTlr* shows that the Iwvndoner who is 75 Is due to live for another five OP nfa yearn atrd that thosn-' who have reached .5 ;.- re)y , on an H.'.-ruK. of aillilher threS years' of life. The .if 36 hM> a^> u*erae future of (wenty-nlx years, hut the wotrian -of th.<uune nat< will live tat another twemv-iilnq years; for In all the ir<- rrr>ulis 1 the womrn hold ' to exlateuct: with a yrealer tenat-lty. But th.e not- ulile point Is that Londoners do not in ttiese dmym nutomatlcallr die. off at the Ihlnl Toe Qaren a ConTerstlonL1t. Uuet'ii Ktary Is a poor- conversational- ist, ttn'uitllng to her must, recent critics. On some one being brought w to her. It In said slie will buln to talk with remarkable f elli'ltv. setuhir the ' other ut eane mid UelUhllnir him. Then all of u Kudden. *he suddenlv ueases. an acute silence suu -venes. and the other doe.s Dut^juiom-, a ether to break the I'ause trr->VlT' '* *. The fact Is the ouei'ii talk-4Mli jy dint of concentra- tion: this lUx's not always last until the end of the ronveroallon. and am< the ttirmd IB broken she Rrows abstruut- **li lr-"i i!i ' MiniethlliK ,.|nii. '( -^ ; J. a : . . . World* s Itii-ic-ct , -ntrc. The new Charrtng Cnrvsa' 8ta< k>n . Verse a! period. No events intervene be-" this and our last leMforT. ^oT tihe- government, and de- b*"*.ue < ic Jews., there existed in Pa4e-^ stine the system of farming the' taxes, and the coUecttirg could, if* dishonest, demand toy. much ; n*cny^ and keep the balance for "them- 1 , . ' .- ."'.. * , : ' selves. -Pharisees Membsrs oT <he re-' tigkuw-patriotic Met dating back ' in their origin bo the Maccabean P-i .id or stil-! earlier-^ Thev wer Mriet in the literal observance of t'he Jewith law and rituaj-v bitter ' in their hatred of the Roman*, and self-righteous' in'd op'pr"egsive in their attitude 'toward' the commoa people who kn*w nt the >aw. 2. This man receivrth. sinner* How much hope for th world in this fact ' Eateth with them-Mere a tion with the socially otifcafrt. re- pardless 'of the 'motive prompting S> ;ich a^sortation. '** e-nowgrh to -bar Jesu* from fellowship- .-rth t4e i'sharisees ; at-cording to., their standards to eat with . such, out- casts involved social ostracifm. 3. Unto them To the Pharisees who fownd rank with J'e-Mis for as- ocisiiijp with publicans- and .ni- nert. ... : - 4. What man of you Jesus, ajv peals to their persona! experience 1 . The wealth of nianj of them, may have consisted in flocki a ( nd" hcntls. One of them Jtt9t ; one UVlo^t and eo many remain, yet the utmost concern is felt. Thus is the lu\e of God for each individual shoun. Leave the ninety arid nine The ninety and nine are nvt nejflvH-ted. but left in their usual cummer pasturage, that- i, the wiWerne**. ' or the uninhabited regions among ' tihe hills where they are properly tended and suffer no And g<i after that which i-- i<t, tinti! he find it The search is con- tinued iin-til the lost- is found. -6. Layeth it on his shoukiers 'here is no upbrakling vr.--mar- u n ring at the trouble., Thw ; i?!iep- "iftrd returns rejoicing. that the lo*t ne is saved. Note the oontraM >etween the tender feel ing' 'of the ihejherd and the cold indifferenc* if the Pharisees. 7. I say unto youThis i*te of rUthority is pre-sent in all the teaching of Jews. - Joy in heaven TJvfl int*re*is of leaven, and earth MBeet, indi- lup oulj t)i: 11 became a .-. ' j. I ' two ,);- iiir,:'iii . '*'r jmd (i l\ t)l9 i. AV. U. Halfour, was, elected l-'ehruai-.v. 1895, and tooS 'office irt t lie snirtn-er of I'i? year following a* in Mr. \V jJiaiuA einjiiluitioally states that fci rpyd'. >;. have not proved \cry siu'ir^ful ill modern warfare, and In 1 menl i-ons tlio fa-.-t Uiat in tlie ItlTSfib-Japaiweie War they did ci>m- pR.ratiu-l.v I'ttl--' drwnngr. On the Over a \cry lrgi- nre.a <>f Aus- tralia, n nd i-Kpet-i'illy where t|i? rn in fall is li^h't. it in powdbT'd fi tap a. i apparently inexnaust-fbls rupplv <if Hitr'sui'l wat-i-r by liori'ix In this way much has been icUlwl In lli<: value of hirjfc Irakis of pupitrv, liclll f'M 1 s'to^k br-<dini; 'i;r! HIM puni ,i|i Alits, I'oo Triii*. "There are more impurta itthiiiKs ill li than mi nr.\. ''Yes, ,1)111 you ha,ven't th l * a " : ^ ; fie/H!*Wo hawu't tlvo leni re liinont. Wimt if " A 'fiitk, arch?" his own thor tihe queerest i wwrMr -"Hecwisc out of his head." e-lt'ct'.-d in 1903, nJMl miffed, <ift*r a coinparatively short t.ims, to he- i>me Min-i'-'.t .('! of \Vorks in first appui.n.t-ed," sa : -'.l Mr. lack m:\vei', "the Hoiis;- nu ! i'i the okl building on Kroivt. SLrc.:it. Thiis uus (inilc iHimiitiiliV. It was inconvenient, and ha<l .Hone t. \vi:ick a ul ruin, liA\ig been l-r<l a'; a bR'i-riifk's. Thr first K;VJ- fion in the pref<-nt lltiil<liiiK was oppnod in tlie .s|iri'ig of ISiill. Tb.M-c wen- only cin'.it.v t\\<> nionlbprs, when 1 was !i)i|H'inl eil, ft" .-iga'i'.st a lni:i<liT(l ipul nix t-.i-Hny. Tho longest. s'H?\ii of :'i 1 Imvo had ortpciwrvi'i' th' of the lenith l'i liuinc'it lasttvl J1Q .-<!>'*. T|io HlHii-t-i'.s|--.tlm-r in lasted .unly forty day.-*." Scenes Are Hare. \Vlia.t, 'porlinp'i, ini|iri^rs Mr. (Jlrickinever most. <>n li..iki'i,n; bnck, is the with which the 'Oivtnriu l/e>jriv-latitavv Itas pilMiied t'ho-even tnor of.i I'arlinnnyit, w)i(r.fl trn -'thraslxxl" out. of tJi>^ Ho-U'.se," in tl k lis-- no liki'i niiMiibci -. ' TtvHsurer. Vet aiK;hw'. ! otber hn-nd. mines in several In- the Hon. W. A. C'liai'lton, was! stances blew great u-attlhips to absolute d(sstructioi i; a few miii,- ut-es. The favilt sc*-aiw to .lie in the fa-ot that the torpedo cnnnot carrj r 'a sufficient quantity of explosives to civat'i* any greart damage, and, ac- cording to Mr. Williams, "if any- one can mijirove upon it > ns to muk<* it of grea-ti-r e>xplusi\-;' Ftnennih, tli"it> is a tin.' clinn,', 1 for liini.' "nil the fkx>r nu'it literal 1^ fur seen**, he said, "are i, busine?s-likr men I have ne\-cr be^.n onll'fd <-n to t-jM- any llvnugh o-Tiiw, very'mia.ny ago, 1 nearly was. lnten-nptiin '.rangers, t.xj, have he-on very i* Society. An (irpuni.'.ati<>n fi-r the- tio-n of, temperance, in. .If.rance has foiuuled, by .11. Sclnuidit, de- ]>\ity for tin- depart nis-nt. of the Vosjrrs. A fc-iture. of t.he new bcdy is it-s cathvlii-ity. It inchidc-s every n( polilu'al aiul religious be- ticf, ' nnd all "clnP'So'!* of s'U'it't\ (n'litioiaiis, profes)ii(iT].r s ificn, ;I:K! workmen. A nnotiiiK v atklrr ? M'd bv doctors, la-j'!rs and a deputy, jus.f. been held ill HoTnlc-auK. now assooiati(in. -which is called "I/. Marine," justifies it* wanic h\ cabling attention to the rising HO<H| : 'You arr chatged," sid! the njag- istratc, "with tnlkitiK Itack at an (.Ilicer. Have vim anything to say '!" "''"Payvil a \vord, yVi'iif honor," replied the culprit. "Oi've naid too much already." Ihe hus : cst traffic <>r!<l. By the pr<HTs.>4 ol re<?o7i- HtTuctH)n which Via* ber-n going t> ; ] f<>r t^'ii aji<J a half years there, are four railroads one above- the The Bakerloo is a,t tlie bottom, the Hampstead tube L'5 feet ahove it. the District Railway 50 feet higher and tV South -EaMr.rn ftftd C'ha- tbam at the top. In trie cour?* of a year these four system* will rur iHXi.OtKl trains over on* poipt. It -is estimated that la,0(H),000 will be handled ; yearly. Altogothei -'(i ^jparatc lines a ul routes of traf fie afe aVBiNable from ' Oha ring Station. Yieldablc A western car ; u>anu,f*otnrer is building ".vifldablo.ext?xisLon" rail road cars, \\liichj jt is c''iijned, tril greatly kv-ou thi- daiigor (o life ami limh in railroad accidents. |The <-;ir> are especially constructed, '. framework d-e^i^KHl t>o \ U>W and t< a tfM-tasfc pxr-.-nt- tlesc<>{>e wndcr a se\erp shock iiiRtctM< of fpiMmg to , whilt- r>':ni'i'jng rigid under .-u-.v I'lttnus, .Mii'U 'i 1 - would be re'ceiu'd in' >\cl y^'^fiy* usi> hy tbe coupling of" cars or the Riiddeh a^ji- pHcati<Mi'of the emeriioiu'v lirakos. v ' .' :~ ~'l ' T" v xCna T^uy Change n tjuartt-r. 8l^ 315 w\-R-*>f nuarterof a doll**: Tli picoes UM* are the ao cent piece, }0~e.nt pw4 5-cent p^e<ce-, 3 -vont- pioue, i-cev( pievapd th- 1-^'iit piix-e. fi> inak* all Uiese j'lian^<*s \vith<iut using the- same coiri t ice would inquire. 1,223 1 -cent : pieces. ffl4|t\v<>s. ,'?S three*, 1M fives, BJ> tens and twsntie*, making -2,ft84 piOoes, \\orth #>3.,Tf>. Matrimony ic a eA in which manv courtships have been swamp- ed. " Rer>ent^th Roth iii the "Ueral ense of facing about from the wrong to the rigirt and in the Kense f regret and sorrow for' wrxing- doings. 8. What woman having ten pieces of silver The silver ''in v the Creek drachma, worth' about sixteen cent^. Women of Pale*tine wear strings of thee *ilrer coins hanging- from the head as . : n.-i . ments.. . Peykaps.the lot con had be*n worn in this WAJ-, Light a lamp A peasant '& hul has no '.nxlow. t ; nil w^ &nd it As in the ( ase of th lost sheep, the earnest, per- severing activity vf the owner is emphasized. l. A charming picture O f bimpl* village life in which the iuvs nnd _ .. .. * ' , of one person are* s'ire<l by all: 10. Eyeja o In like .manner not aJone the ajigels^ hut the iieivenly Father himself rejoices <J\PI one sinner that repentcth. v .,- r i ~" ' Hndson y Wfpclem. The Canadia-u Miuist-r ,.f Marino has announced that hi* department is making- active, prepartkt lofts' to im- prove the- aids to navigation tin the Hudson Bay route- season. t^is,- Twelve 'new lighthouses' will bT> tablisihod from the South Siu,.> t.. Port \elson-. nn<l n \\7v-;, . iti-n will be establisheti on straits. . Mco Distinction. ''Mr. P," said a gentleman K> his tailor, "how* is it you have n"t- call- ed on me for your account?" "O4i, I never nsk>a 8*ntiwn::i for money." .'.'Indeed. Sow the ; n, ^,-jijim get on if ho doesn't pay !" "WJiy, after a, certain time I con- ' "'' clude lie is' not a. then I ask hirri." ' n'tlem'hh. ud TaMiis .y you ay you weddings any more?" asked the sweet young thing. 'No. I do not," re-plied the b-ch- *ior. -. ' k .i 'And why hot, pray I" "Why, don't you see. ixitat's hajv every day to

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