March 1-2 1914 BUSINESSCARDS T 11 E FL E S H E R T () N A L> V AN C E H7H. \VHK1HT. TKI.VOltD A McDdNAUI) Harriiur, Solicitor*, 4o. Ott)c, Urey * Union Illock, Owon Hound. Btanilaril Hank Illock, Kleuherlo i. (SutiinitvM. W.H. Wnuht. W. l. jYlt.ii.1 J. -.,.). O. MoDoual-J. U. U It. SOCIETIES AO U W met ob l <i laat Uotida> 10 eacb mouth, in Uielr IIIHRO room rUjrtoo'i bill Plesheriou, MM r '" M w . W. J. llellaiuy ; Kcc.. C. H. Muimhaw; Pin., K. J, Hproule. Viiltlm: brethren Invited PKINOK AllTHUR LODGE, Ko. :m, A.K.A A U, meet* in the Kationic ball. Arm (rone'* Illock, Kleahertou, every Krnlny on or botore the full n .. TI Ili-i I. Smith, \\ . M.; Chu.Uuuiliaw, Suirotivry. . 995. I. 0. F. mats In Clujrtou'i Hluck the lt V. ifiiiesdav evening rach month Voitiiin Kor<-ors hnartily leant a I 1 . It.. <t. Hellainy: M. B. . U. 'flin.s; n. B., W. lluKki:.. >'! pay duo> to Kin. Sec. before the Ort av of iLo uiontli. pHOSEN FhlRXOK-Klt-rtiortoii Council v Oiown inwt in Ctayu'<liall&riit i : l tliinl Weilnoadav of aack iiiontU N p. iu Fay ftiMui>enta to tho K<-or(tr on or l>fore tu Hrt ilar of each month. Chief Councillor T. Hlakolei; Recorder W. H. Hunt. SPOTTED UYZNAS. DUD1) UATHF/.VB, . 1 uc'.iotiMr for the county of (irey. Uoo.< rTice at reiuonabln rates Diaile at The AiUance. o 09 Markdale, Moome.t of t Uati*a MEDICAL DB CARTRR M OF ft 8 Out. Physician. Rareou etc OUlce ami reidnc-rter nt.. Fleikwrtou ;p OTTKWEI.U Vetorlnary Rureon Graduate of Oatario Veterinary Collage rcKi.leuc - 3con<i door outh wot .or fcry itreot. Thlt treet ruu "outb an Church. DENTISTRY . E C. MURKAV U O. ri , dental nurgeorj tiono. unuluati of Toronto Univornity anil koyal v'olleRe of l>cnUI iiun|i>oni of Ontario. Gfc ailim-iM-ifi-wl fi>i Until extraction C' at residence, Toronto Street. Klui>::rtoi . D r % LKCAL , I.TA8, HA SKY & hKM! Y-HarrJjters, l> s..ll<<r.-I. H. I.UC.K. K. O. : VS. I.. ItaiH-y h I ; VY. I). Henry. II. A. Otttcen, rorontn. KV. ! Tiadci-n Hank Uli'p.. pliouo n a:M 1412; Markdale I.ucta lllock. I'Moi:.' - A. in micli otlic* at Dunditlk oi>ou overy Saturday, brsixKss CARDS CULLOUOH A YOL'SU lianki-ii Malk.lale neral banking businom . Money loans rniAounlilu rate* Call on . f\ llc-l-il ML. I.tcpnut.l Auctioneer for tin- "* Comity of Grey. Term* uirvierato and ti> nftlou (juaranti'ul. The .rraiigemantr .. I Imtes ol ,-ali--. can l. III>IB a'. Tim AIIVAM-* r.llicr Kutfiilcncr anJ I'.O., Ceylon, Tlo|bone I <-r. C.U7. \\-.M. KAITTISIi. ** III* COIIUIIPH Auctiono-r foi ol itn.y anil Hlnicoe. ranu and Mo<-k Mien a |>ecialty. I'm in* o>o<lurat. talintactiou uiirnuu<l. AiTaueo- aieutM for dav*a may be made at the Advance ttfico, or Central tole|-hom> Knvemhain ur b> i'lrcsMin; in at Koreriliain. Out. I'urultrcJ HoLslein'Rull Prince Joe lin-'i by Chingeling Hutler !' > mil of Tidy Abbekerk I'rinccsw Jmepliine. The grtftet butter inakim; it rain kii'iwu. TCIIII "f N.-rrici' -$t! for grades. ."> fur pure brnl. <;KU. MOOKKA-SON. nKcr<ic'i<m. i niniiiU That "i in.-iih tlf>. slefte Towns. The spotted hyena is particularly dreaded in northern Afrkou and cen- tral ABia. They arc extremely fero- cious and powerful, prowling about at night. invadinK cities, houses and tents, stealing and attacking every- thing. On one occasion these savage hunters actually besieged the town, making attacks upon il In organized packs and droves. The inhabitant:*, to defend them- selves, Mirrouiuled the entire village with u barricade consisting of tho branches of Ihe prickly tulip, thus presenting an array of spines six feet in height; but Ihe animals, by mere force of numbers, broke down tin barrier, and carried away two mules and a number of goats before the vis eyes of their owners, who, perhaps, considered themselves for- tunate in not forming a part of the meal. In other large tow.ns they were equally dreaded, and if a gale was accldently left open, they would dart in and carry off any animal that happened to be exposed to their attack. Though cowardly in Jheir natures, they seem at times utterly without fear. In Abyssinia they are extremely numerous, living amou? the hills during the day, and prowling about the towns and villages at night, and believed by the superstitious natives to be evil spirits changbd into this form by magic, so that they can prey upon human beings. When Col. Ilruee, the fatuous Afri- [ can traveler, was at Maitsha. he had some strange experiences with them. One night he was called out of his tent for some reason, and. on return- ing, perceived a pair of llery. gleam- ing eves staring at him through the darkness. Il<- called for the ser- vants, who rubbed in \vlth a light. and there, standing over the head of ANIMALS IN "MOVIES" HE DIDN ' T J!E DR1PPINB - And No Wonder, After He Had Read About Its Strength. What Is dripping? SCHOOL KOU WILD HKAHTS SI I'- I'LIKS M \IIKI ri I. ACTORS. Every body knows tli.-it dripping In supposed to be the Juices, thu savory essences, 11. >! fall from roasting;. ill Human llclng \Vhit I'nrtlci-' ' ih:il is ""' supposition. I!ut what pates lii ihc Show <; rent ei Dlf-j ren "y ls dripplng-the dripping that poor of liiiglHiuHmy l,y the pound l SIIH-.II- upon their bro:id in lieu of luitterV The question perhaps will never be Ilusiness Is One Full of linncrr for licnllics Besot Trainers Thnn In Teaching Aniiimls for Stage d-- .in-., r., . .!, \\ in spoil Film. Undoubtedly tlio most unique answered, but n p:irll:il solution is school of dramatic art in Uws world i eivcn to ll l>y (llt ' fiu ' 1 tl " lt a '-"'"'"a poorhoiise recently bought at $7 a tou tliirtv-lwo tons of di i|>i>liiL r from u creatures are trained to pose along soa|) works . with human actors for the moving IB it place where all manner of wild picture manufacturers. Such school has Just been visited by Mr. Robert n. Moulton. He say*: I found tho school for animal ac- catcd in the middle ol a wood. Moa- Alfred Noycs used lo tell a dripping story. "A little boy." lie would begin, "corn- plained bitterly iilnnit Ibo bre.i<l and fnst. sieur Hourgeoig hiniHelf answered > " 'H'H UiM me. 1 he whined at last 'I my riiiR. SJight, almost frail in up-, know it'll kill uie.' 'Kill ;oiiV \Vh:il il you meno?' 'Wl^r. 1're been feeling pretty bad d "w I know It's all (his wliafs (he cause of the trou- ....I lt |,, n , K ,,,k ' pearanrc. .with n bo.rih face manner, he looked anythUie but a tamer of ferocioui wild bea*t. -Monsie r HonrgeoU led tb' way. t * larpe Voeui fitted up wiNl a- picture "The lilmu r made here." r !lt - l"'ei--i.>ly. did you * is vilc llook - 'H.vV *-' whined the urchin, 'that wears :i\vny a sieyr liourgeoia e^falned. "beeoWte the animals do not act 10 weN whm I ooAttat dripping wo take them to a ntrange nlttce. I t*r' " Ixchanjje. Here I hey are at home and belArV*. j So the other acton the men aid; H | |MnR np . women come to us, and we bavr I nUHlUn Uh A 110 trouble at all. Now for the ati-i- 1 - mals." He Enjoyed It Himself, but It Didn't th* bed. was a A door at oie Ride was open<'d, and we passed into a long room lined on cither side with iron cages ami Tickle the Victim. A number of natives c:ime to fireot > when we landed at ll.-ui. n l-'iji Is- tlu'iii n lew whom the lo know. They volnu- ferent cages, a few of them appar- cntly do/Jng. while others were pac- i toel ' tH ' to nct as <-' s *'" r '- s f " r s ''<' ^7 ing nervously back aod forth. At j r! ' r l'' B expressions Jriod to convey the otir entrance all ran lo the bars and ! '^ C!l " mt lll( '. v "' pl ' (> >; |;1< l ''> Sl 'e us. hyena, with two Peered anxiously through, some school furiiis one side of (be . , , pounds of wax candle* in his mouth, j rearing up on their hind legs to ob- [ square. Across from thi-s staniN (lie ready to make -off. tain a better view. 1 council chiinibcr. built on the trend) The colonel, seizing a pike, struck | "They think it is dinner time." where the Ixxlics were ronsteil tion, finally sli|ipii)K up the pol- Suddenly a roar that shook the Henenth a picture of QII.-CII Victoria , far that the colonel wan obliged to whole building came from a cage at j J sn _"' "" ul( l sword svvin^in- 1 draw his pistol nnd shoot the aniniiil. .Sinh udveiilun-s an> of common oiTurrence, the animals being con- tinually on tln> watch for pri-y. from candles to a good fat donkey. Though BO ferocious, they have been tamed. According to f'ol. Rlndham, the Kast Indian traveler. In some por- tions of India they are domesticated and utili/.ed as we do dops. TCIlIHLBTT. J'oitiuactrr, Ceylon. Cuuiiniloner In II. C. J . Cnnreraucor, !.- M inoxtKafiM, leaae, willf kc. carefully drawn up olk-ctiuni -. i. chartiai i aanal>,. Alao roccriei. flour, tod ttc, kcptlu clock, 1'iioef Wbt. Small Farm For Sale ^ ^ Kii|i!uasiii, 'irliufl I'SIU Tart lc-d btscmciil ; 4!ut" urcii*rd, j!um, apulejt and x,nM fruit. < i The \\ M- i niul Hie Arm. The rral wrist, ax one might say. is the elbow joint. It is all hand, practically speaking, from that point to the lips of the lingers. When you turn your wrist it is the whole forearm that makes the twist, and every movement of the lingers Is con- trolled by the muscles of the fore- arm. The power to turn the wrist | to and fro at the elbow joint is pos- sessed only by human beings and monkeys, and even the higher apes are not able lo do the trick nearly as well as wo can. In this move- ment the great bleep? muscle in the upper arm In Importantly concerned, its powerful action In turning the forearm outward bfing accountable, for the fact that WP are able to put so much more ntnMigih Into a twist in thnt direction than the opposite way. Many of our most familiar tools indeed, such aa the screw- drirer, are made with reference to the anatomical peculiarity in oues- lion. It U for this roson and no otli*j> tjiat nil screw* turn to the the rear. Immediately there follow- ' '"ed it and fntind it w.-is n l-'n-nch ed a chorus of lesser roars, snarls, ; weapon, no ilnubt the nnii of the iinfor- barks. and trumpets, while through tunate 1'renc.h vessel's ci>iiiiii:imler. the din could be heard a deep voice j Durins Hi., time IhN was pihi" on bellowing, "Monsieur Paul! it to I Jim. Bntn TUdflvu's leiToitt, who ta a , ly K'X'ii type or a a roe mus- the scene of cn |., r ..., cp n, mr . i i th uproar. Monsieur Hourgeo:* . '"' '"'" llis vaulted lightly over a railinK beside , ""' nl '"" ml '"- v w: " st : ""' sll>wl y a cage in which a hug> lion stood i (Imv " [1| . v Hilj:h ">< sma.-Ued his lip* alternately snarling and roaring. "''"' * w '*-'kI smllo. I lanxlicd :it this while he made desperate efforts to ; <lis l ll;l - v of iborijjlwil hnrnor. but not Ki'l at one of the keepers. v ci'.v heartily, fur the sword of tho I watched Ihe lithe young French- I l'ren< li < ;i|>l;iin still swims before my man who hud distinguished himself eyes. Christian Her.'tld. in the special anil dangerous roca- j tion of training wild beasts to take T . part in plays In which he assumes ,' - im * \, r the Actor to St P- roles with them. .Seizing a long whip ' Klll) J ( ' < ' t <>f PwjlDS the same he applied it vigorously through the |l! "' t " VL ' r "" i'lJelinito iiunilier of bars until th> lion retreated sullenly i lill)es Oavld \Vnrlield s;iys : to a corner. Then the trainer jump- ed into Ihe cage, the door of which was Hwlftly closed after him. and confronted the angry lion. Then be- gan a aeries of advance-H and retreat! of panther-like sloallh. again and again with whirlwind increment, the eyes of the man m-fer leaving thoie of the big beam. Little by little, amid wild roars anil .in evil allowing "There Is no such tiling ns phi.vins a part too Ions. The incllowin-,' process should never cense, but if it doe*, if spontaneity falls, if the actor feels that hu is becoming nt all meclwiiicnl in the part, he should nbuuUon It at once -for hi* own sulvatlon. "The surest danger signal is half ^_ TI .. <?nrte<l applause. Kroui Ibis the actor of Nero's teeth, the limb anil*the"pi'> j knows ^at lie has lost an essential tol diil their work and the great lion Jl"" 1 "*' f the character, nnd the trng- (juieted down. *f t it Is he cannot tell what that "N>ro Is not In good humor this quality Is or IIOTT he lost It An nctor i morning," gaid MniiNieur Uourgeola, i tuny tell a Joke u thousand limes and as ha returned to my side. II- has what you rail the temperament. But provoke laughter, but siiddenlr It Tills of response. Tunis the time' for him bil| star, afld wo must put up Uotop."-American Magazine- with Ian inpods." ^_ Itfh, , I/.t I Dec. : Potfttoei \\ith i h,-.--. . 'inn 44 iiore. will lny it. Apply tol Take one pint cooked diced po- WM. SLOAN I latocs, one-half cupful cracker j.. K iiiiiii-i !>-v ' f crumbs, two lablenpoonfu ; btiller, ' I oDc-lialf cupful grated, cheese, two | fupfuJK iiilik, to tablesnooqfyls flour, seasoning. Holl the diced po ta'nos in Mlli;htljr c-.ili^'l wati-r. n while jiaiii e \iitii th auU inilk. ihli'kenou; tln-ii a.d-1 the grated cn r f-s* sud !ir until mrlled. Add s<-nvoillnc lo lusle. Arrant" Ihe po- tatot'ii In layiTH in t baking illuh, covering escli layer with cream sauce. Stir llic- cracker crumbs Into remainder of KUUCC nnd |iread over '.he lop. llroun In K hoi oven. H. ALEXANDER MERCHANT TAILOR iam - Fashionable Seasonable Goods, first class Workmanship. --ALSO '^f., A line of Heady-Made Clothing Whirl) *"' V"' il'i'i'!"ii l li 1 ' ''^ jhnii'c-, it BILL TOR SRVICR Hi'C'hti'rcil IIi>!stoin iitill, Kuriidyko Pi*tertjfl Cl.i'liilde, S... 147*), wliono n, Tri/.iu'n ('i'ltliil'le I'ii-lerlJB S!m" "How then," I asked, "when the ' animals are really danseroui, can ! _. A , rt For M" 1 )"!**". women bo induced to run the risk of 1 Ius P*WW " i.ondon IKIVO learnwl being lorn to pieces in the brief, but i of "" MUNttte way to keep tbelr all too long, period of posing?" I uo s > fi'eo from flies and mosquitoes. "Oh. the* animali aro not as dan- I Tlll> y 'mm sandalwood, which has a Kerous n they look." replied Mon- i plonBing odor, but one ili.ii (lio snni- sleur Ilourgeols. "And th.en-;7 I do nicr |>est much dislike. The idea no^ know how 19 i;-xpltln it--tli Wo- 1 COiues from the orient, where it has luon seem to be more fearless than , Ions been practiced. , -...._, , ... ..... the men. They are willing to take I Tho snndalwood can be bought at nl- i ith ih butter, flour greater rlnka when posing. Look!" j most nny Turkish or .liirmnese Import- "S ''-mil ainooth and | and he pointed lo u beautiful young ' | n j. | 10 usc. You prepare It for burning tigreBs In n nearby <>. -Tlimt 10 ; by cu(|| , t , |l|0 , nbo||t , Jf Prlncsil, one of oilr riui-a. lit ha. ;,,.,, , k , , , , taken part In four productions, o ,,, ,,., far. Doesn't B he look gentle? Wo- be " )n , kc 0r , llr - T ll ' a oy oren for men regard b-r .. . pet." twenty-lour boiira. \on H A lit n plec. One of the productions referred of lhe W00(1 aml '' llt ll ' a ""'al " to. I ho trainer told me. waa "DeatitB or "Cer. After It has Ignited well of the junclc. Princess, the. tlgregs, I BMW ot tho flame urn) U-avo th<> red while something of a pet, wai not ' ml>e.r to smolder until the wood ia exactly the playmate a child would j wholly consumed, choose, but the llt'le actress nestled ' ___ Spico ( nk . The many uses of this cake and its economy make II an extremely vain- able recipp. It may be used for layer cake, put together with carame' Ic- ing, as a lonf cake, or a> drop > jk It takes tw cupfnls of brown fiigar, one lublespoonfiil of lard, one l<?- ^nnnnCi|| each of cillDainOfl. -'.UVHS Wanted Them All. Julia Ward Howe wns once talking with n dilapidated bachelor, who re- tained little but bis conceit. "It 1? time now," ho said pompously, "for me to settle down ns n married man, but I want so much. I want youtb, health. wealth, of course; bentity, grace" "Yes," said Mrs. Howe sympatheti- cally, "you poor m:m, you do want them all." Naturally. "I presume yon tin re n lot of sympa- thy for the under dn<?" "Yes. mn'iim. pi-rliil!. If 1 liri'iiT- to own Ilii'dos" I'elrdi !' ' . Kleshortom Tonsorial Parlors We Aim to (>ive Entire Satisfaction closes Mr.ncUy night, delivery Friday CLEANING and DYEING We are agents for Parker's Dye \Voiks--CIothe* cleaned and dyed, feathers rejuvenated. T FISHER, - - PROPRIETOR INTERNATIONAL STOCK FOOD Makes Cow* Give More Rich Milk. ntf rn.lion.l Stock Food conquered England, i ust as It conquered .'an. i<1,i and the United States, by proving to the Dairy Expert! that It Is the greatest milk producer and health restorer in the world. The test was made on three cows from the dairy herd if S. W. Hackney, Esq.. Leed, England. Chairman of he Yorkshire Federation of Dairy Farmers. Quantity and quality of milk was tetted for a cer- tain time then " International Stock Food " was idded to the regular feed. INTERNATIONAL STOCK FOOD showed in ncrea-,6 in Milk of 14.2 pint* daily, nd 1.21 pounds of butter daily. This proves that International Stock Food, a'lded o the regular feed will increase the quantity and im- vove the quality of milk from every cow. It shows that International Stock Food aids diges- tion and keepcowsin better condition. It proves hat International Stock Food is a money-maker or the farmer that every farmer who owns one. >r a hundred, cows should feed International Slock Food every day. Make the tnt yourself weigh the milk you are getting now then feed International for a few weeks, and weigh again. Then you'll gee how Inter- national Slock Food will make money for you. International Stock Food Co., Limited A co, ilil Toronto, Ont- Internationa! Stock Food is sold by dealers everywhere. FOR SALE LY JOHN FISHEIf, FLE3HEBTON. U II HARDWARE ! Listen : Life insurance I- r your house. A tree nften lives Severn! hundred year*. Nalur has |imteetc<] the w.iod by covering it with lark lo shield it from the elements. \\ lu-ii trees ure sawed into lumber, Nature a protection is lott. 'therefore tNe wnud meil in ynur house must be protected to in- sur il nyain.-! the weather and wc:il. S. W. I', in it ijnod life insurance policy n your iiOtme. Il pro- tects BRtirist decay j).-iys fur itself over ami over n^iiin in the re- (mirs it sues. It mlds value and beauty tn ynur hune, s well as .'mi; life to thu wi>od. Slierwin U'llliams' paint ia genuine white Ic.-id, nxiile of zinc purist colors, mid linseed iil yrcund to cxtieme : i . n.- - by l-i i h.l tnnchinery - a e- inbinAtioii of wl.ich prcducf* n puint that. IM in liidnii', coverii'K :md wcurini; i|u;i!ities. ami luiikrR it the cl:cpL'st paii't to Ui-e, HS well as tho mo.-l stisf;ic- tury. Afek color cards or miy infer uiation or suggestions. Fiee fnr ilm atikin)?. . v c/11 ,_" (..' s'H'rTl*F J 'ANlT H KA V V II ,\ I!D\VA UE - M'LITK < '( L1> ULAST l.Al/I EHNS Best yet, fiives chimnejy. will not ^o i-ut in nny wind Frank W. Duncan FLKJSHKl^TOX. OXT. II ARRIVALS THIS WEEK : SA LT :-: A rar uri-ivid 11 few days ai>i>, the same we inivi> il i\ - sdJ you ail wo claim the InWist p:ici'M. :TROIS1-:HS : : Mi <1 urn i ,' tiuniers with c iii'pictc )>ockets and hell loi-ps strong :;nil ni'll made. All si/.o. N.ivy li'uc noige $ D.L'.'I llrown cliecl<etl twce.J S '_'.7o Heavy lull cloth Sl.iK) : : COOTS AMiSHOES :-: A Inr^e crii^ixninent n-iirtd lately. \\ e Itnve the notrest tiling fur i>rin. All >!-. Men's line Dutt tan 8 4.."><> Men'* Hin. pt'd rit't t 4.;'>0 Men's Dong. Blu. Butt * 4..'rt) Ludies' |ut'd. colt clotli or Kun incll toji .. $;5.r>0, Ltdies' luitt tun rlr xitile sole S .'! 00 :- : W A L L P A P K R S : : 2 Stums rluM "> ' Oieam colored paiu-1 pH|tcr for ii dining hall or p.ul n- All other <"]> s follow this I'ui.i.i-'i-'l |N<|ier for beuiy, tiuiih und eiulurance, 18c. n roll. VVf !.-'> also a brown ]>aprr triniraed with gretn that heat.s (hem kitcht-it nr |i mtiy when) * witll |ia|ier jets toiled nil for 11 easily. - 4c. n roll. ::(.' I.OVKtt SLKD:-: Ufiinics xxx -Nil. l.lMnmmolh, Uur.-iiul Al.ilr. l!i iiuir. special No. 1, Gout Stnudard. Iteitnies Nu. V. Extra quality. UmnU'K N" -, ' ut !)tand:iul. Ltt us quote yen JAS. PATTISON & Co.," those. Ceylon. up to the beast and auiiarently felt no foar of the groat yelfow eyeg and Father's Ultimatum. Tho fallior of SftWH, h*-, pi-nilii :d over HH ll.s. milk pfr Uls lived In one and a li.ilf cupful? of soiii' I'.il: ".mil two and a half cup- fuls, level full, of Hour. Tetins firnde COIVH $1.00, |uiiu lired ' r-iwH fit. All OOWB not returned will \> < hurled. Tvims dull AU' ruiihtoriMl Ynikshin' limn, AN .H45MI. HKNItV IIHI.MA.N I.-.' 4', I ',in. -I, Al-tetn0ia, rortUn- t'.O tflinur r.nil lor Service 1'uro lired uliurilioi n bull, W.:.:i7, fir xervieoi.ii lol H17. W.T. S U .\i ti'ine.-iit. Terms $1 ."iO fur xrnili-H lor thoroughbreds. All CIIIVK I-M i-il must lie pai'l for. 2<) Mur. II. i.i. ;ii Syntein. "What is ihe speaker's nysti>m for bringing up her own children?" "It's a system Mm perf*rtd all by herself, and she tells me it works to a charm." "Tell me nbout It." "Why, Vhcvi she wnnlH them to do R (Mnft ho enys, 'Don't' and whon -hi> wants MI. .1 not to do a she says 'Do.' " moving piotur-> company were not 10 se^yrf ns to ^e. disposition of Prln- TeSH, kiiU itood Til" breathless silence, oach currying n [oailod rerolver pointed at the beast. Allliougli Monnienr Bourgeois has Ing paper. 'T\'li:it's that terrible rncket In the liall, Martha?' 1 "One of the children Just fell down- talrs." "Well," he replied, turning over nn- made a business of ftirnlikiiiK do- O i uor ,, n ,. o of t |, e pnper. "you tell the mesllcand wild animals to the differ ' ,, )(> y f,,n downstairs another in liiR eventful career, come in contact with most birds, beasts and reptiles, he H.tya ho has uot yel , discovered any rcul histrionic ability piiu'ott's. Showing Him How. "You yon 113 scoundrel:" said tho fa- DIVISION COURT 1914 FLKSIIKKToN \M HI MiAI.K Fli'flleltoll Apfl I'l I i Mill l.i-il IlllpniVCIIII-llt. Ilev. Caller Well. Mrs. Marble*, and Is the good man any better? Mrs. MaiiKlcs Oh, yo.i, sir. 'K'R nearly all rUht i gn sir. 'K don't say 'Is prayers no i. ore of a nl^ht now, II. Ml ''. Rnitinslast (at niusi !) - We s'nli hoar inn-p of this yoiint-' man. Sufferer Not to-nlht, I hope. ninong those croi\lures. (her, selxing his disobedient si't; by the AoruHioniiiiK a wild animal lo a ' hnnd. "I'll show you ho\v to treat your numlier of r)c6pli', accordint; to Mon- mother!'' sleur H^MrfBooia, U ovon more 1m- Am i | m jjr,., V e hlii) sevcM'iil bnnss on porurrrin training urh creatures (| le enr 3 nnd then bim until bis for nw>vliiK plcliire ar-Hns than in , , , . f trainlV t'iu for the variety MaRe, ' "* since In the "'movies" the animal uctor has actually to take'part In a Her Little Slip, cast of ri^al neople. while ihe stage i Departing i!uest \\Vvo had n slm- nnliiiiil performer neod only grow ply dolishtfnl time! Hostess I'm so accusliiiiiod to the lunlie-nee and his glndl At Ihe same time 1 regret that keepers. Another Important differ- ' tho storm kept nil our best people cnco Is that the animal can walk, ! n\vny. Itrooklyn I.lfo. trot, amble, or perform hU numer- ous tricks without hcing luimpered by space restrictions, but In the :mriu;e indoor moving picture niuilio ftettlnR the staK<- In not much tarter Cum 11:1 ttUli::it; lei; Flesherton Tin Shop^ I have just placed on tho shelves a full line of Tinware, Kickelware anil A^atware for domestic use. ('all on mo and get your supplies. i Eavetrdugbing, Stovepipes ant| : 8tov6 Furnish- j" ings. Uepairinj; oi'all kinds promptly attended to. Pipctitting, includinj' pump work. Furnaces installed. Agent for Clare Bros. Furnaces. Ever Present Help. "T!n\v sny that u wnumn's tears come to her aid at any nmirent." "Yes. Her tears are volunteers, so (o 8jik." Bontoti Trnnncrlpt D. McKILLOP CHRISTOE BLOCK FLESHERTON & ONTARIO, jg