.- A Dark Shadow; Or, A Coming Vengeance ' UAPl'KR XXXI. (Continued.!. he Thry wwn approaching the river Bticw ih.u by t!;c character of tho iJiopi and the occutional light of a, tailor and lono-h'Tcman. 'I In night had grown dark and wet, and tin- faint and murky light.* from the:roct lamp* and tho wretched hou-i<- partially rnveuUxl the aqualor of the neighborhood; there wan a uncll of tar nnd of bilgf wa- ter In the thick atmosphere; and. late a It wa. ('live could hear tie clang of ham- uii-r*. jinn-reding from Home of the bl<x-k- makrr-' hnp where tho mcu were nrk- Ing overt ire. Presently he heard the dull lapping of water agairwt the allpa which led down to the river; and a* he leant over Uie pr.ni of tibe cab and looked about him, Ibfi inieery of the narrow i-:rr.-.t, and al- ley*. the noiomeneai of the whole place, mote him with a namnle* drc.i.l. The calimtn pulled up. and ('live leapt nut, mid i'-'kul ruunil. They h.<d stopped In u place cloee by the river, .. t,i.-: il Toid of houec.i4. and t-i badly lighted that It wan almoirt |i.t<-h dark. The cabman nodded towards a low, half-ruined . '.i-'l. which looked if it bad been d*ertc4 by mii bankrupt blockmakcr or ni.itt- kiKldi-r. "They went In there," he eaid gruffly. "Queer kind <>' place, ain't It, guv'norF 1 In- young lady, "lie didn't f?m to fancy It. an' nix- drew back like; but the gentle- man that came oat to meet her. he *aye ornethlng to her T didn't v.-l; what it waa- and they went in together, lie come out again, an' gave me a drink two or three drinlw it wac, for the matter o' that n' I drove nnny. An' that's wot I'm going to do now. Don't catch mo mixing mwlf up with anything queer. Good- oicht. guv'nor." "I'll give you another five-pound iiot to remain." aid Clive hurriedly. But the i.tdiuaii winked and shook h!* Ji..il 'One fiver in the 'and ie worth two in thn bush, sir, " he Mild; "repeclally wlMii then: might be a l>eak arid quod at the >iil of ' -n. he added over hui ehoul- d*T :M ho drove off. Chve went to tlie ruined f-hed. and found door. It ceemed to be the only mean* 1 fiitram-c; for In- ciamiued the ide of Uie building th. i! ran down to the water; nd he went ba<-k to the door, and knock- ed. The Kilfiiei- wa rn profound that It uttm-d im[>nwible (hat any living thing could be * it: but he knocked again. and hi* In-art Irapt at he beard footitepa pproai -Ir.nir 'lie d'xir. A voice from bo- bind r riiti". -nl cautioualy: "W> that your" opened inU> a block maker'n ahop elop- ing to the water'r edge, u ahop long eince d< sorted and empty nave for a few rotting P'iv<ti of timber, broken par>, and enda of rope; and there, lying in a corner^ with her armo bound to her nidex, TTTIM Mina. V Milling with tho odor of rotting wood an. I bilge water wa a faint, hfuvy ucont, 1. , h clung to the thick, dank atmin*- lil. ere. Clivo knew it at om*; it wae chUiroform. With her name on MB lips In- oprang to her ii.de and knelt over her. "Miita. Mina!" he called to her, trying to keep inn horror Iroin hi> voice. "It ii> I Clivel You are nufe. uuite i-ii< : ' Best Tea At Its Best "SAL A DA" TEA is always the same, no matter when or where you buy it. U tha choicest tea green, black or mixed from the finest tea- growing country in the world Ceylon, with its exquisite flavor and freshness protected by the sealed lead packages. osi lie knew that ht* uncongcioufl. He Perhaps we shall i~. near each other, quite clove." "Oh. Mia a. Miiia! .1 n-lieil for hi knife to cut the rope that i ed , i " broke from hie parch- bound II.T. .111.1 he had actually got the way, dire. lean edge of the knife against thn rope when j Let u* face it to| 'he felt a hiiurp pain in bin ld. followed'" If you were al "Ah, don't!" he breathed. "Don't give I can bear anyLhing bat that. together a* you would face Jone, an.l wore not, grler- me." Ing about "There is no woman In the world like you, Minu," h eaid. "Bo brave, o no- | hie, nud yet o loving. Yea; you net me an by a heavy blow on the back of hie head. Ho managed to rie, and ewung round upon K<whki. who gripped him, and Bung him heavily to tho ground. . When Clive canoe to it was with a con- ' einmpln: and I'll <ry to folio* it, dear. c,iounei of something cold at his feet. I If I oould only kirn you. If I could only He opened his eyeti heavily, and looked , touch your hand!" about him, and memory returned with all; a "he sighed deeply. its anguioh. The dim light wa n .11 burn- , ing, and by it lie taw the mononlet* form i of Mina lying, bound a< he had hint eeen 'her, and only a few yard* away from him. i With a hoaree cry. he tried to movo to go to her; but he. too, was bound at armfl and feet, and he could only move hit* head. death sweet, dearnt." tome one U coming I'' "That would make he iraJd. "Iliuhl CHAPTBE XXXIII. dive llFtaned; but the heavy throbbing of h'j haxt for a time prevented hu hear- :lng th cound; then he Bid: "lllna^be calm! I can hear It. It etep. Mina. we are aved!' U n woman's of < u Bap p O i r i UncIltj OHAVTB XXXII. dive knew tho <>ii-e: it wa Koehki'n. Almoxt hy an ,r,.|ur UMHI dive thought of Sar i. and, iini:.iting her voice, replied, "Y<-. f|in<-k!" T!n> d"or wu opened, and Clivr Fjiruiig In, thrust it to with hi* foot, .ml n'.ti.) Kn-lil.,. Inhere was a dim light burning MIUIC)I re in t)n> i-li.'Ctored build- ing; ntl i li\e raught the gle.iin of a re- vohir .- Ko-hkiH hand. Ih struck him tbl"* un the arm, and then gripped him v tin- throat; but he wa not qui<-k t-ii'Hiph ii prc\ent K'yhkt calling ouU TI. .!-> <uj<> a response from several i.. . .* and the Ir.irrylng of footp'ep*; and riivi. knew that he would have to fight againct <>dd.. Ilk grin on the n oundrd MT..it tightened. Xo-hlii. nearly choking, tagcerrri ; with a twit of the leg ('live Imr'cd him to Die ground. Krhki' heud muni have (alien on Atone*; for he gaxp- rd, and became unc/on*cioi:ft. ('live sprang to h i- (eel. and caw two figure* roming taril- him from the opening of the paw- age; ' |."':;on of the rough boarding that lined it bad fallen away, and I 'live prew.- *d li.ni'XI into the <pac thus iuad. and waited. Un <if the mon held aloft a hh!p' Ian torn, and ('live oaw that the two approach. Ing aMuilunU were foreigner*; they l.ik- d like !'..! or hul(-br<-d KII.I-I.IIU. and cnumlr*-!* of rcn a lower claw thun Knphkl. One of then) Ii.id caught up an iron bar, and lie lirld till* rrady to atr!k itn ho ruwhed forward. Thoy had pa !<! 'live lnl.ni- they -:iu(ht aight o( Konhkl lying by tho d'*>r ; and u* tJi'y tt>pp>d, I'll vi- upriing on ID thv man wii.h the bar, trurk him between Uie ryei, and tore tin- bar (rum )n hand. riturtlrd by hi* Hidden onolnneht. both men drew back and ('live, belting the mo- !!.. > hiii.iti<.n. ffllid one of the men ,ili h " iwn wenpon. 'I'he ol.her lo'ikcd Iroui right to loft like a rat at bay; and ii <!. wjih the bar mined, raid thickly: H nd back I l>et me pan! 'I IHTO U' a 3dy )nTc-tikii me to ner, and I'll give YOU money, more money than you vo got f.,r iht Job." The man berltated a moment, then li nld in broken Kngliah, and uluim: unin- She ns lying almoet parallel with him; ami the water thut wa lapping at hi* feet wa lapping nt here; and in n flaah ho understood thn oignlflcance of their g r p. then a Joint position; the tide waa rising elowly B1 >. m ., followed but nurely, it would ri to the ledge luft . .., t j,, the wolnan ^ th<) Hindoo woman! ..If.ve their headu; then, receding, would Lady Edith's tervant- nh cam* <o mo .urk thrm out to the dark and filthy riv.r \ g&E38&Sl3S&*l winch would beur tnem on iU inysterioL. , and u fe p iaunl lx*om to the sea or wah >hem up upon Mf wi , h Koshk , and h ,^ Mm gj, a eoin muddy bank into which they would ^ Doming to nninh the work^' Hitik. and b lost for ever. nivo ground hla teeth. "Keep quite He and Mina were .lone In that awful ,,,. ]e( hcr thlnk ^ *55*t3l In , place: and yet not alone; for Death wa g fftin ,;. h<< w j liflp ered I hovering between ahem. guuM'brtka. Ho hirn(1Plf olope<1 hl ffffl h ftn almnel It was evident that Ho,hki had th>ugl t. rjmman ofl . . * Clive already dead, or he would not hino , tjonlosl< u wus Ha gj |owly. left him ungagged; hut there WM no hopo vMi *o, n othin like a cat or a leo.iard hi thin; for Clive knew thnt hid voice. OTer ,J; e ro(tjng t j mDl . r an<1 ^ e ^^y i wc-akened by exhaustion and low of blood, | atollc . 'could not carry many yard*. And even 8he , jft( , d )h<> }anlfrn whi< , n- in ,],elr ! if he could have m;id<- himself heard, there I ),,,,, ,) je scoundrels )iad left behind | wa little chance of awistance i-oming to ; them, and approaching Mina, bent and , him in that place Of ill repute. ( rien for oxaln i ne j i u . r . ( .y VB waU .hed her with a i-help. even women* ncreamn. were , turmoil of emotions which luy poor pen frequent in thin locality to attract atten- ,., w . t llowll He B . lw h<Kr )nk(1 an tton, much UM bring aid. ! Indi.in knife from under the folds of her For himself -ah. well, he could have met ilc .ih. if not with Indiflercnce. with <-:ilm- Item and composure. But Minn, IClnal The sweat broke out on hie forehead, and he writhed in hie bond* until the rpm cut Into h* flwh. llo waa not, able even to writhe long; for h! wound* were bleeding, and he wai almost too weak to stir. He lay Mill. trying to summon all hi fortitude not for himitelf, but for Mina. He oould almo-t bope that fhe w:i already dead; for if o ho would ho -.pan-d the un<Dcak;ibl. agi>ny of Dt'( -HKSS OF MVIII.UOKOl (,!l. l.iM.l.cil I'pon by London's Poor as a Genuine Friend. She has passed into the English language : "as slender as the Duch- ess of Marlborough's neck" serves for a degree of comparison in one order of creation no less than "as bulky as 'G.K.C.'" serve* in an- other, BO says a writer on the Lon- don Sketch. But it is not, with her, a case of neck or nothing ; her Grace has a rare faculty for for- getting her own -graces. For months her -whole attention has D It <, 'in .. -< P| t He heard her J been given to the figures, not of fashion-books or Tango, but of sweated labor. She has come to grips with a sub- ject that ifl too painful for most uvtua j Ing and waiting for the death that s!..wly approaching. Ho began to grow doUrlOIK, and he f'. tight againnt the mi*t that w:i creep- ing over him; but he thought that he had fought in \.uii. tha: h a* r<-:i!ly detir.- ouii, when lie heard -'iniethiiig that fcouml- ' ed like a wigh. llo waited a moment or i two; the *<>und came nirniii. and, utt calm- ly he c<.uld, he caid: The renpoiiwe he had K arcHy dare<l hope f..r came back. It wan <ni!y a hri>:ith. fHKivering breath. b'H it inade him Ujrill tiir.niifli all hi* aching veins. It wan one vf.M, breathed with infinite loi and de- i pair: Clive!" He could not rpeak for a momeut. anguinh of knowing that sho wan lying bound *o near him and th:it vet lie wa poivcrlei* In lielp her, to net her free, to leave her life, .-licked tho word* back; but presently )) managed to control himeelf "Dearest!" ho Raid "Are you in pain.' I Have tliocc K-oundrel* hurt yur" "No." he replied fninlly. "I ran scarce. ly fil; 1 n> <lr<>Ki<y, in a kind of uttipor. ' Ah, but what den it maUcr uliout m<-.' It ' l you you, Clive, nf ivbom I think! H 1 WIIB all my folly, my HCiinclw* ( n-du'.ity. whi.-h ha* brought you. lured into their i !. .In. It va Koshki who writ the false ni'iage. It wa he who sprang on me 1 mid bound me when one 'it the nther men I brought, me Into th* place. I knew that !thoy had mured me to .piu- you; and 1 {wan temncil; but I wan glad, glail. Cuff, , t.hnt 1 did not leave w.rd where 1 waa long clonk, un4 raioo U; and physical nu-knesa nfailed him. i The k<iifo wa I...IK.I for a moment or , two; then, a if Ba.t;nfled that her victim was dead, and, probably reflecting that i the hlah would not be only iiunecc^xary J lint riky. iho replaced the knife in her 'girdle, and went over to ('live. lli itulwe ! wan -i faint, his appearance no like that of death, that It wan littlo wonder phe wan deceived. "To Cllve'n unnpeakublv re. Lit* not on his own a<x-ourit, but on < Mina " fur he knew that nh now waa watt-hing, .and thut. tiltu would not huve been able to aeo the knife, uplifted over him without crying out Kara did not take out thn knife. Hho catcd herself on a Milk heelde him, and, folding her arnn, looked down at him with glittering ..<- In which nhone tho vindictive malice, tho niel gloating triumph whloh one might l>ii-tur<) in the eyed of a fiend from nethermnet pit. "Lio there, my pretty crooned. "Kara lisa come fool-pig,'' to we you, the the to that V.HI deep eoundly, to alng you a lulla ,,y. Ul ,ie we Hindoo The Durhess of Marlborougb. people to think abnut even at a safe distance. Her statement of tho i> concise, convincing, trrri- in waiting for him. Yen; you are a thief : | blc. Her friends would far rather "he thought and talked of the things Poor of her own world. "Let thdn fight her for that ! Kara warned trash there. farLlnithwmiU| it out thcms< ,i ves; wo can ncvor . uk/1 d< . ad carTlon on t .he ; understand tliem," is the sort of i bte f h ^ ( .. ln And in a lit- !. ,. n ,, t Jn'irayiHl littlo foe not har ^^^^?W^lH^w^*wS;i advice she is always getting. "But all tbo other dirt. And you, too will go j you don't let them fight it out TOU J themselves," she answers; "every and i time you go shopping in j udiciou sly your money is given to the bad foot, siie kicked him with her ! nii:l,i.! with an evil rjret. "I'd Ilk* yon to hear, Co *<>, how Sara Tho !:.:- avtnged the child of her bceom. Hhould have kept Juet enough life In you to give Kara, the joy of seeing you die! Ni MT mind. f<iol-niun; she can watch you wstch you go drifting away down th< dark river. And i*he "Will not have ;ljt F hr ad;ll. n he drew hr ;l o ,, j F r . tho thought t lint I had not done i , , Ul( , rM ua< , aud 6hln . - no and that, you could not follow me help- 1 ed me to light my fenv And now you arc | )i<-n', in their MOdlf Hhe DMMd fur ; l)rcnih. "How did you come h<re? w a < it iliniugh yini traci-d eel liinh uglier un t.he pnri or woou. ..ve kept nis teeth c.l.Miclicd. drove hack t-lio <-ry that threatened to burwt from , him: for he knew that Minn heard every w.me folly of iiiinc I t wor<1 , h( , womnn uttered In her mad and cause of the employers. Every time you are careless and buy the products of sweating, you subsidize the evil system." She rnttlcs out her statistics as "I un iin<lenli\nH Are Ton tee per-lecce? We wtirking men no lady here. " 'Mina!' houted ('live. Thern wua a moment or two of ilenr<-: Ihi-n he heard a faint cry. a cry that toro lite heart in twain. It mopped suddenly. biup'ly ll:il( mad with dread nnd fury. he etrifk the man dnwn, cHiight up the lui.-i :i:. and inr-hcil along the pnerage. 'onr 1 me?" 1 I found the cab, Mina." he faid. "TMr-re [ wa nn folly on your part: it U) I 'ho bavi> heen wickedly, criminally fooUul for 1 did not leave woi-d here I wa fol- 'toning you; and no holy can cnim< t<> iii'. I t.-ll you iliin. Mina. becaupe I know you: I know that brave lu-art nnd noiil of youin. and Ilint you would turn with fcnrn from any affectation of encouriigement. <if do- lnoivn hope.' "Yes." tbe said, with n tu<-h <if loTmf I pride in her voice. "I would lint have y.m , tell me anything hut the truth. It would' hate, anguish. and uhn knowledge addod to It he could UP free for only The crystal clearness shows its purity Hold this soap to the light you can sec your fingeri through the per- fectly clear cake. But imell It! As toon - you do, you' 11 realize the most wonderful charm of thii loap its rial violet fragrance. Grt a cake from jronr druggiit and know for yourteU tht pltaiurt o/ uiing It, Jerger\s VIOLET Glycerine So&p 10. . .. I . L for llo / . i -.n'.- / * i -1.J.J fi .!> I'lfitli :'f1 (9*3l It tvail. imdntiHt NnfoiMf<ti f r a mpl MlM, ,..! Se t*.mp to Hi* Aodn I****** < ij - 1 !* in HI. l-wtk, uuuik n:io m'"niont MI *nv<> Mina flrvt, itud then to dml ont tlm jmtloe of nn >iitral in. -i vi- n it> thin pitilww flcnd in hiimun form. Hnra wan il<-nt for a time it wcmort yoirn to the two violinm tho TtT rose higher, rapidly now. PreBpnt.ly Siiru, whojc P.VP had hern wnndcrinit from dark river to tho two g.in 1<i laugh. thn hound flKiin-s. bo- triumph* -illy. . . It come*, it coinew!" ehe OMOMu. o do Hara' biddinr. to complete plae- . , rOIIIf n I" l' ni n w* IF ii(^( i ii p t fc- ir:ike it. harder. Anil, llMMd, It would not , %PnEO aiice. Welcome, good river! Sara bo hard to die l.ere so near you, almoH. cl<e hy your aide, if I oould die alnuc, for life is not eo precitiUH ti me." A dry sub burwt from Clive. ami he riUn-<l in IIK bondii. "There iniirht yet be a chance for un. Minn." he s:iid. "If I could ninki> my Ml I heard -tho Tbamea p. In-- might be pass- easily, and charmingly, a^ another duchess rattles out Epsom prices. Though with less American accent than an average Englishwoman ac- quires in a fortnight in California, she has, nevertheless, an Ameri- can's sense of headlines. Sho puts her case with extraordinary brevity and effect. If you want to know the facts about the. east end do not go to the cast end, but go to Sunder- lund House, Mayfair, when the duchess is tolling, in her young, steadfast, and convincing voice, the things the has learned during years of constant study. ''There are thou- s who are "No, dearest." nhc *:iid, ai.<l *h' v ftpOM the wect word tinhecitaMiigly ; for with death so near there WIIH no longer any ni-cd Ui < oiK-i-.'il I heir love; anil heart to boiirt could t-peak freely. ' Tho poli.-e boat has |i:i'-i-l up tin; river; I heard the two men with Koslikl sy mi; nnd if you .-.il'.i^l out loud enough to lie In u I the men might comn back. I think tliev have left us hecaiwe they tJionirht we were <li a.l or in !<:o deep a w<in to call for help. (Hi, It Is bitter to lie here, and !> know you are I'Mlng your life for my Make! And <u< b n life! K.i greal ot *u.h valuci to tho wh.ilo (live laughed, almost ihockiiiRly. almost dellrlotMly. "Put that thoiiKlit nway from you, Mina," he said; "d<m-'t hurl" r it for a moment. My llfe.t It In I who havti fooled it awy, I who have juggled >tli my liiipplnefH. and y<.urn. yoiirnl I/ying here, like u helpless Idiot,, I IIM what ft fool, what n Imliei-ile I've been. Hut no in. in. of that; Kilf-reproach i OMIMf. I can only auk you to forglvo me, Mlua. t<i tell you thut I lovo you, hnvo never cens- ed to lovo you ulnee lovo siirann un in my boeom for you. I had nil nnwlitinicly <-oniproni:ed I.ady Kdith, thinkliiK you did not cjire for me. I wi> in honor i. .ini.l to tink her to be my wife; and then when tho truth of her birth broke, upon me, the. chain* whicji 1 would liave sun- <lcreil were wound more closely roi'ml >n." "I know, I know, ('live!' 1 h iild. "DO not let u think of her, of anything but our love. Are you In pain, drnrentP I fear, I fear t-hey have treated you cruel- ly I" He. heard the sobn she trlixl in stifle, ami he answered cmnit-tly: "I am In no pain whatever. If they prM at tne I gave l.hem s good n they :< Why didn't I kill them when I h;id th chance? Kool ngain! ' "No; you would not do thu*. C'live." Khc aid. "Von could tint.." Thcro wan n will help you!" Hho picked her way to Mina. and piae- , f ...,., .. n .i ing her skinny band on the girl's nhoul- 1 Bands ot Woliun an<l dor. pusht-d her into the tide she would : suffering actual hunger, want, and Mirni-X^'. |m"t 2T?^!3 ^a destituti.m th.-ugh they are work- utter ha. but a* her victim floated Hara .,,. ., ehrlll laugh. Then khc went k to ('live. He would hnvo npokrn then, esuaycd prayer\, entreat m life, but the counterfeit of a passed into reality, and he wan fur Mina' <.! i )i:;l Five minut les? -after !l:;.hisl off, Tibhy realiied he had mn<le. t.he nwful m giving her t ho Mld'enB of tin) place v> i which he hnd gone. With a cry. she ru -h- led out of the room, and down tbo K'airn. I llut. ('live hiul ft:irtsl, and the MOM who mill hung about could give hcr no Inform- ing every available hour all the year round" that is tho gravamen of her charge against the existing order. The Duchess of Marlborough's ih' IV ni Intake philanthropy has not been sp'asmo- in not die. During scvi-ral years she has spent more time at Ka.it Ham than at Blenheim, though in no sense has ln|| 1U14] , n ,] y u t her dii ln>M. Hho tered. Though so good. ' | ; i ' 1 ' 1 ' 1 ";; '|"'i'nui"tlie'lreet"in fnri-h of a pc,- countrv. | ,,,,,, , ; ihi-ii, nut Bnolrif one, and e-cart^e. lv knoH-ing what sho was doing, nbe r:in back to the house. Hho hnd scarcely reached the r<om when K'IU heard nonie one coming up the rtnlm two ol a tune, the door was Hung open, and Qullton en- ,. he hail come po liurriedly. he outwardly unite, calm, and ho epoko .von luorv ttlowly nnd imjiatwlvcly tban US "\m 1 in time, TibbyP Ah, apparently mil!" us Tibby Hung herm-lf uixm him cry. "*Hhe'? gone! Mina In loflt cni-ried awny! And In- h:* followed her. And I don t know where Iliey arc. I'm worne Uuiii a wretchisl nliot I let 'im go without imkin 'lin! till, they'll be inurilcreil!" II,, look b.-r by the nhouldcrH. ami shook her none U>o gi-ntly: II- was the lur.t UJmJ lie roiilil have done; f<ir i*aUlng w nnil phraem would have Ix-im lout >u hy .n her frantic eonditlon. (To bo continued.) j won None arc BO lilind as tln'se uro looking for trouble. then he *ald, 'Will it will tt be ( 3,05)0, Ohl potnxis. ha\<- ad(l<'<l longr He answered her In thr spirit worlhy of her. ' 'Not Wing, darling. It i a spring tide, and rises quickly." "Ye*. I can feel it rising." fhe said very qulotly. "W* thall float out to the river. In Co. throo have years tho who Tea Hulnda their snlci tn other words they have added to their alreadv large trade "tit tenth <if t 1 !.- cbUr annual tea cotiMimptio'i ii the Dominion of t'amul.t. she left the world in which she fi.ids sho and her campaign carry most weight. She does not relinquish her houses, nor her parties, nor her pearls. Her fascination does not wane nor her jouth turn to grey- ness because she lias tilings to do and things to say, and a sot of very cruel, and depressing observations always on her mind and in her heart. Hy station, by habit, hy the very finish of her features and the elegance of lu-r build, ghe belong* to a world of trivialities and lux- ury ; IKT manner, minus n. certain seriousness that will not bo wholly hidden even by the mask and domi- no of fashion, i.s the manner of Va idtM'bilt - cum - Mnrlborough, of Fifth A\enue rum Wenhpim, of n perfect worldliness of the most at- tractne sort. Rut it ii made more charnii'.ig thii;i the most complete world'.ines.s < a;i <'\er bo by the soft- ening influence of her large sympa- thies. Tl'e MI'. !'- - i iTtaiflS, in :i fuller K-ii'o ;!ian ('ui/i-ri Street is apt to tl'i k, an Ann-' 1 ' -:i'i. \\ 'ii 1 " she is ahs rind li\ !if- :i Ivm'a^d. ami ia th IT f. T ij;<d. .-In liu'd-. t.i her i'uith in the States and her natural passion for her country. She be- liev^s in the women of Am-erica, in the college-bred girl. She is criti- cal of the Englishman's rooted ob- jection to tho higher female edu- cation. He must, she thinks, have a secret fear that the wife he finds so hard to understand even when sho is unlearned, simple woman, will be absolutely incomprc hensiblc when she is highly educated. All questions are to her the Women's Question. Her study has been the woman worker ; the li'isU'ls she op?ned not long ago were hostels (the first of their kind) for the sex that Lord Rowton left out in the cold. But if her guest in Yorkshire not long ago was Mrs. Pankhurst, it does not follow that the duchess has given her support to militancy. On many points these two were in agreement; on many others they were in opposition. In America her Grace could, like her mother, be an out-and-out suffragette, because in America out-and-out suffragisra wins the vote without recourse to extreme measures. All the -duch- ess's chief problems have been en- countered in reconciling of Eng- glish and American habits of mind. And East Ham believes she is solv- ing many of them with something very like genius. A MEMORY OF JENNY LIND. One Who Met Her Tells About the Great Singer. In 1834, writes a friend of the Com- panion, my father moved from New Hampshire to a Little Canadian settle- ment on the stage road halfway be- tween Waterloo and Montreal. There be set up an inn for the convenience of the traveling public, who wished to break the tiresome Journey by stage. There had been a distillery on the place, but, true to his principles, father promptly destroyed it, and had L sign painted "The Temperance Inn," so that no one might mistake the character of the place. Our nearest neighbors were French people, who had no children; but there were six of us, so we did not get lonesome. The daily arrival of the stage never ceased to be exciting. Then there were other travelers in chaiue and on horseback, and once a year a caravan cf animals passed through. Think of six children hav- ng a whole menagerie to themselves. We enjoyed the elephants espjclally. There was a lake a little way from our house where the men took them to bathe. It was great sport to watch the big animals squirt water over one another with the'r trunks. Our house would look very bare in i these days of palatial hotels. There were no carpets on the floors, hut Irish Norah, the maid, kept them Im- maculately clean by dally scrubbing?. On extra occasions our mother would sand over the floor of the public re- ception room. In intricate patterns, ' ind then woe betide the youngster who ventured in to disturb the work of art. One day there waa the stir of pre- >aratlou that always preceded the ! arrival of a specitl guest, whose coming had beer previously an- nounced. We asked no questions, for In those days children did not Inquire Into the doings of their elders, tut we stationed ourselves where we could command a good view of the ! passengers as they left tlie stage. I Imagine our disappointment when only I Na-Dru-Co Laxatives are different in that they do not gripe, purge nor cause nausea, nor doe3 continued use lessen their effectiveness. You can always depend on them. 250. a box at your Druggist's. i7i k National Dni( and 1 Chemical Co. cl Caozda, Umlud. maimauiii Choose which Grain you like best (or your white Sugar and buy St. Lawrence Pure Cane Granulated white, in original bagi Fine (Jrain, medium or coarse. Each the choicest sugar. Ask your Grocer. tt. UWIENCE SUGAR REHNEB1E3, UIUIZB MONTREAL 96-10-13 two or tliree men and a plainly dress- ed woman got out of the stage. Th woman wore a Tell, BO we could not see her face; but her clothing looked rather shabby, so we ran into the kitchen to tell Norah that no one of any account had come. Norah was not in sight, but presently she bustled In, very much excited. "If you childer want to see tha greatest singer in the world," she said, "jist pape in the dining room at the end of the table be your fayther." We "paped," and there eat our plainly dressed traveler. She had a sweet face, but we could not under- stand why "the greatest singer in the world" should wear an old black dress with patches .at the elbow (I saw them myself). As we pushed and scuffled in our eagerness to see her, the door ew^ing wide open to our great con- fusion. My father shook his head at us, but the lady laughi'd. As -we beat a hasty retreat, I sa-v that she was speaking to him. We felt we were great offenders. and when father came out into the kitchen a few minutes later, we ex- pected a reprimand. But he only said. "You children may go into the parlor for awhile. Miss I. ind wants to see you." It was a very bashful company that filed into the room. The great singer sat in a low rocking-chair by tho fire- place, and as we entered, beckoned us to come to her. I was the smallest of the group, so she lifted me np to her lap. and then B!IO began to sing to us. I wish that I could remember what she sang, but we knew nothing about bongs or music, and could only feel the beauty of the tender voice and the charm of the woman herself. I am sure Jenny l.ind never sang to a more appreciative audience, or left a sweeter memory behind her. Makl ''If you please, m'm. man lias railed with a bill." Mis- tress "Tell him we have some al- ready I" Slokhaadachos neural 2lchedaohes splitting, blinding headaches all vanUh when you Uko Na-Dru-Co Headache WaJers They do not contain phenacetln, acelanilld, morphine, opium or any othar dangerous drug, 2Sc. a box at your Drugist'i. 123 NTIOII*I on v.i . CMCDICM.CO or CANADA. LIMITED. $200.00 IN GOLD GIVEN AWAY FREE Can von tmnr* the ftbote 5 ct cf ]umt IcJ letters Into the nm of ekht well known frjhr. U w. YOU CAN S11AKJ. IN THE DISTRIBUTION CH IKE ABUM* TKK L : - It 11 noeur U^k. litt hy patiene* and jwr- <.'W\-f you can i n i ,,l i y tntke uut 5 or 6i<( them. Tott.e f>crsoiitiocan IUAKO out the largest nunibr WQ will i , . - f.i- 11 f One d .n-.rr i DolUn. To the p^nun maklnf i .i the sc>ml lanrcat i< .;> . . lh $um of Fifty I Doltafti lothe pcnua maktartUe ttilrd l^rvcit eumber the * cf Thiny l>oll.ir*. 1u i.,<- ;--i . -u niakln; t' fourth JT. .1 ir-i'. : t tKe -in * i Twenty 1. >; ,r^, M 1 1 !,i two persona xnd amwrr* e<|baity torr-i t, the fiiu two 1 M v.... I* tUvKleUl-clwcen th-n. (!-, li i-- cUipp f 7^,00) Bwuld thne sen<l In ci|tiaUy coirect anfiwctl.thc i.rst three prizes will have to ' < un i l>-.l, (ea<~h rec.e|iiT!)C Jto.oo), Shuutt] fotirpenoni >cn<l e [ualty (nrrect aniwen. the whole turn nf $JCKI.CO will be equally dUldrd (each receiving f,v>.n>\ jjni kit oa in lilc rrnnjnions. provfdcu they ruraply with aiii>te <-ondli|.>n a^oiit whi- h we will *ri!^ ma < n inswer* re rcc^'ved. Wli DO Nt'T WANT A CLNT oi : VOUR MONEY \VULN YOUANSW^R THIS ADVI-KTISLMILNT. u>oucnm*'*c tr..c nvthlnr UVe a conj-lcte list, wjtte us nt onre enclosing - ent Ump f-r our rei'I>. UO :-. i 1 : - i \ i , \VKUB ATONVn, At '^f-CAyAPfA!J MKOKPINK COt, VpL 61 MOXTRRAL, Qt'E. A HOUSEWIFE IS JUDGED BY HER KITCHEN. FOR A BRIGHT STOVE AN<> A BRIGHT REPUTATION. USE BLACK KNIQHT. A P/ISTE I THI F F DALUEY G. LTD. I No DUST HAMILTON. ONT. No RUST THE RIGHT WAY In all cases of DISTEMPER, PINK EYE, INFLUENZA. COLDS, ETC. Of all horses, broodmares, colts, etallionn. "SPOHN'THEM" on their tongues or in the fevd put Spohn'a Liquid Compound. Hive the remedy to all of them. It :-. -i on the blood and clandit. It routes the aisoase by eipelling the din- ease g*nr. It wards oft the trouble no matter how they are "eponed." Aboo- lutcly free from anything injurious A child can mf<y t A,- It. Sold by drag gifts and ! 11 - de|cri. Distributors: All WholtaaU Druggltl* Spchn Medical Co. Chtmliti nd ottrloloflttt OOtHIN. IND . U. S. A.