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Flesherton Advance, 12 Feb 1914, p. 8

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jrehmary 12 1914 T II E FLESHERTON A D V AN C E BUSINESSCARDS JHT, TBI.FORD A MoDONALD er. Solicitor*!, AC. OfflcM, Grey k. 1)1100 Sound. iMdara Bank ton. (Saturdays). W.H. \Vribt, r.,1. C. McDoaaU.L. L,. K., a ;IKTIES beets ob MM last Monday nontb. in their lodge room FlenhortoD. it p.m. M. W , Jainy ; Hec.. C. . Muosliaw: Vitls>Uureninlie<i IXJDGB, Ko. XSS.A.F* belinth Mssomchall. Arm i BTbek.Flesherton. ewy Friday on for the full moco BwbBsnith, W. funsbaw, Secretry. . 9, L ft. F. meet* in jtoVa blocs the l*t We*s<lav eveuiiiK . ib. EKOS Fleeherton Council jfclltMl I I n>ete ta ftfiJ5 1 t yj, IT third Wednesday of otootb 8 p. m . . is*in]iit to the Recorder on or twfor. .* am day of each month. Cnirf Couocillor BUkeleT;K*cotder W. H. Baut. AL'DD MATHF.-.V8. MarkdaJe, auc'.ioneer Jor th county <rf ervice at raatuble raten made at Tb Advance, o 00 . Date. cn l MEDICAL T\lt OARTEI. , . If M C P * BOnt. Physician, i Ode* and residence l'etr St., Flaw**"* 11 t p OTTBWBLL J "5ft&FV~sr SJJ-S A VARIED CAREER. Hon. Charles It. DevrSm Has U.-.-n anj A< (i\.- Politician. The Hon. Charles Ramsay Devlin, Minister of Mines, Game- and Fisher- ies in tbe Quebec Government, re- ports as to whose recent sickness caused anxiety to his friends, has had perhaps a more varied Parliamentary career than any olber man at present living in Canada, says Chesterfield in Tbe Family Herald. He has been a member of both Uemlnlon and Unit- ed Kingdom Parliaments as well as of the Quebec Legislature, in which be still holds a seat No one needs to be told that Hon. Mr Devlin Is of Irish descent or that he Js a native of Que., a pretty place, and FINDING THE NUMBER. I mill 'i.Ktli- liner'- M.iutli IlniK- I .1-1 Saw I -Mk Ontario. Now it. iu the relentleBS force et progress te ovt-rwhelrnlng the Humbr valley, near Toronto, and the lane!- once a very Important commercial and transportation centre, on the Ottawa river a few mile* above the city of Ottawa. He was Imrn in 1858, receiving bis education .at Montreal College and Laval ITim-erslty. For some years after leaving -college he was engaged In mercantile and jour- nalistic work, during which time he made tils maiden speeches. As a boy he manifested somewhat at a precos- special interest Is Imparted to tb>e story of the river's varied past and transient present by K. M. Llzars, 'In the Valley of the Huinber. itiir,- 1913." But the stimulus of this im- pending fate lit not necessary to sus- tain a keen interest, for the authr has Imparted a special charm to every tude of sources masses ! dry Is not revealed by detail, but shows through -facile descriptions, citations and entertaining narratives. Tbe geologist who reads (he records of slow succeeding eras of ice and sub- tropical .warmth Is freely drawn up- on. Prof. Coleman and others whe have Muiii/'ci the geology of the To- ronto di strict are cited as authorities., and there is no sacrifice either of careful scientific accuracy or of the entertaining arrangement of conclu- ity In the direction of oratory and elocution, and an old member of Par- slo " and speculations. llament some time ago related to the lherc '* the most writer that when "Charlie" Devlin was a stripling it used to he A prac- tice H i.i n 1'arllaiuent was in .session for a party of members to drive .each Sunday afternoon to Aylmer to .visit the Devlin family; a feature of Lbeir I hospitable entertainment each visit ' being the recitation of some classical { oration or the delivery of an original ' speech by the youth who Is now I member of the Quebec Cabinet. Not carefully- weighed scientific opinion regarding the aspect >-' adjacent areas when uncovered by the slow recession of tbe ice cap, when the mammoth tramped the rich herbage by the shor of the ancient lake, and during the geologlcaky recent times when the river found its present course and excavated its minding channel and beautiful but deemed valley. Indian tribes i.-imi -ii solemn and DENTISTRY c MURRAY only did the embryo stausman have mpressive pages <* the number's his- ambition as an orator, but be had \ *"'*** l r "7 '/ entertainingly ability. Some men's maiden speeches Wended with that of European ag- are hardly manly, but Mr. Devlin's 1 fiilon * /, n u * l t l ce B Ie were from the very first of a vigorous! t discovered the river three bun- character. Moreover, he spoke Eng- 1 *"* >' a fB- ,^? n lBce the ' lat llsb and French with equal eloquence < the 8ku1 ' , wltb tbe , arrowhead and fluency. His attainments soon here were salmon < < he mouth o won recognition, and he was elected I * ne f iver - and when , tn mllls at to the House of Commons for Ottawa! Lam Won were young Indians would . UCA8. Li ,io)icitor,etc.-I. H. ' itor,etc.-. .n*, . . . K (' W. D. Henry, B. A. Oroc . ,,:. Ul\! ; Mi-kd.lo Lueu . . hr.uch ottice U Uundalk open eery 8turd>. CARDS . CULOvOUOH * YOUMO * Hankers M.rk.l.le utr.l b.nkiud business Money lo.neo leasooable rate* Call on us. DMcPHAK.. IjltfuacJ Aoctioneer fo the Count v ol (iiey. Iem moderate and lit action KuarautMA.- *'" arraiiKen.onU L J lte ol .I<i. can tMMd* a'. Turn AIIVAMTR 'Dice, incidence and PA, C*ylon. Telephouo VBDection. Dec. 6.07. WM KAITTIKO, Licensed Auctiooe r foi t'iio counties of Urey and biiocoe. Farm aod Htock sale* a specialty. Ternu moderate, satinfaction RuaranUd. Arrange, menu for dates uisy be inade.t tb AdVMM* ottci; or < 'i-nti 1 telej- lione ofllce l>eerfhaiii k rbys^dresbing me at, Out Pure Bred Molstein Bull Changeling Prince Joe Ure.l ly Changeling Butter Boy o'lt of Tidy Abbekerk Princess Jotephinv. The grotUtt butter making strain knoivn. Term "f service *2 for gnwlvH. $"> County in 1891. being the first Lib-, 8 " 00 ' the * " lhp|r ** down u l eral and last member ever returned ! 8Dear - and ln the wampi nearby for tbe old County of Ottawa, now ! were "umeroiu picnic pcrttei. divided Into Wright and Labelle. In ^>r many years in the nineteenth 1896 he was elected for Wright, one century baskets were Bold In Lamb- ot the two new constituencies formed " nd , lhe , swamps of he Lower from tbe old one. He resigned the Humber furnished part of he mater- seat to accept the appointment of lal for making Credit Indians came Canadian Commissioner for Ireland, constantly, entered where they cLose holding the appointment until 1903, and majdng frequent speeches setting forth tbe advantages of Canada as a land for settlement. These speeches established his re- putation as a speaker In a country which Is famous as a producer of orators, and his services were enlist- ed, readily enough we might easily believe, on behnlf of the Irish Nation- alist cause. In 1903 be was with the universal approval of the Irish party leaders, tendered the nomination for took what they chose and ;<.<- departed. They had the right to swamp, and not longer than eighteen years ago a large parly of them exercised it. The dale of the discovery of tbe Humber as the pathway to tbe Lake is not only of respectable anti- quity, but it is worthy of finding a place lu the list of great events of its time. "Brute," says Miss Lizars, "ar- rived In the valley of the St. Law- rence the next year after the English Oalway'citv, accepted it. ran and was (irst ealned a foolholJ in North Am- elected by a. -ciamation, a similar re- "*< a d . n 8tart eJ upon his Jour- ' . suit orci thr . at era good ., : ng at t e general election later. While a member .or, Mr. Devlin made sev- speeches and rendered to his party as Secretary . \ en ney with the savage* which resulted ii: the first expeditiou ever made westward of the Groat Iilver of Can- ada, and In the discovery of Lake Hu- before tbe landing of ruuri! b <;K<>. SUN, Prop*., TChlSLKTT, l'o*tiuatr, Ceylon. CouuniriBioner in II. t:. J . Confeyancer. doadl, iiiortRaRM, leaivn. will* etc. carefully drawn up Ollectious mad?, charges ri>anonal<>. Alto roceilen. Hour. Iced etc, kept In stock, 1'ricci Mb*. Small Farm For. Sale I'.irt T.A 'i, con. 4, Kuphrusia, hr'u-k- fac"il cottage, framu barn with baguinunt ; 'timll orchard, cherries, plums aji-jlon und Kiaall fruit. I."l c-jii-ain- U acres, will liny it. t< WM. SLOAN Dec. "A, i:i Kimberlcy \>. o. of the United Irish League. In No- lue Plymouth I'llsrlnis; and six vember, 1906, Mr. Devlin resigned his years after Hudson Urst saw the river bears his name Hriile stood on seat for Ualway, returned to Canada, and was at a bye-election on Dec. 2, {" the Bauie year, elected to the &** at ] h ? ' aW Uk * Olltnrl the " r8 , . dlan House of Commons for the Coun- 1 l ; lvlll f ed " lo "* out upon that ty of Nlcotel. Tho following year B b *? P nn . B of wal . e - resigned his soat In the House of \ he m "lontry pirlt inspired the ***""* resigned his seat in the House of having agreed to accept a portfolio in the Codin Government at Quebec as representative of the Irish people of the province. He was at once sworn in as Minister of Coloni- zation, Mines and Fisheries, and was The missionary spirit inspired the rly explc and while the message which im- pelled them to give up their liven may broaden with the advances ol tbe age. their heroism and fortitude will endure among tbe most Inspiring records of human devotion. Toronto Clobe. elected to the Quebec Legislature for Nlcolet at a bye-election N ? ov". 4,j 1907; being re-elected at tbe general! elections of 190S and 1912, butclcct-j Ontario's Slaughter of Wild Ducks. Ing to sit for the DOW northern county Over two million people in Ontarit ot Yeiulgkamlng. ' are wailing to sen what will be don< . at th<- coming session of tbe Leglsla turc to save the linh und game sup' ply. Ninety pt-r cent, of the wild ducki Cinial llospitnl Service. Conditions approaching those of a well equippcil army will prevail in, w(?ro d b connection with the building o the: |he hlgh . pr f ced hou . ls aml cafes 1( '' > Boar for Service A )ari: wl-ile Yorki'liire Hoar for S-IMI-I Hlu', Ittl. 3rd ra8 W T. * 8. II.. Artainufls K.WAU.K.K. new Welland Ship Catharines, Ont. Dr. Mi-Coombs , charge of the l.ospita, Is their wealthy patroiiH. The plaii who enjoys (he marsh shores where the birds are available, geli thai H. ALEXANDER MERCHANT TAILOR I Feversham - Ont. j Fashionable Tailoring Seasonable Goods, first class Workmanship. ALSO A lint of Ready-Made Clothing Whii-li we put ulleral ions in fire i if required. LteplS BULL IOK SRV1CE teivd HolMtein Hall, Kurndyku fictertje i lothilde, N. 14780, whoan d%m, Trisci'n I'lntlulde I'ietertie L'nrl.Nu. 8, hit pu'duced over 80 Hi*, milk |>er cal service which the Oo\ernmont w ;ihc frrsf] a|r b(U n|> instiUHing. and pays: T , nllhle85 marktt hunter fcedi -Tho main hospital will boon the, (hR . ks v . hoat and bar) Havens farm on (toe Queonston and- , big , unc , roun( , 8 , Gr.msby road. This will be thor- f d k ,, Blailghter8 them wm oughly oquipp,-,!, and rapab e of } ,,, len . 8ho , puil , p B ,' IDB . i. providing accommodation for thirty; , hat wp ca ,, .. Rporl "Y pHtl^nts. with small separate places w , ](] ^ for men suffering ; from infc-.lmus^ , p disease. 'IbPro will bo a thorough-; inl ? n , Tho s i lulKh .or at Poinl ly competont gtaff o nurses and jloo- , for )ust . ^ ^ OQ( , tors, as wi-11 as good offlca and cleri- Thpro W0] . e ]? . w , 1( , ( , uckg knle() cal staff. At Thorold wo shall 'ave|, markpt huntl , ri| at M itche n Baj a small hranrh hoopl al for about ,, Tbe uumber killed . : . . p rt>(a u-ltl K/i iiaail ua * ten patients. Tbis will be used as an emergency hospital, In case of bad awldents. There will be another such branch hospital at Fort Weller. "Along the line of the canal, dis- pensaries will be located, where the men who are sick will receive medi- cine. Three doctors will be con- off at Rondeau was 19,000. Wind' eor Iteconl. Knur Hnlo Ortnjtenurlnns. Four brothers, all over eighty, and known as the Gammon quartette, re- side In Brant County. Ont. The fam' Ternm Grade cows $1 iXj, pn hrad cows $.1. All cows not returned will IH> charged. Alto i>-ji--ii'inil Vurkliir, AN 4A8I. Term$l. HENRY HOLM AN Lot 40, Con. , Attemstift, PrtrtUw i'.(1 tfOinitr For Rent or Sale. X.U ore)*, stantly patrolling the canal, so that lily oame to Can.-.da about 1830. and them will bo no lack of attention. 'settled near Hamilton, residing there An ambulance will be egtablished [for about ten years, and then moving and small stretchers will be in every I to Brantford. After a short stay in camp. It is my Intention to have, the I that city they took up iheir residence clerks and time-keepers on the canal at Mount Pleasant thoroughly drilled in first aid work. Each will have a medical and surgi- cal case, and be tauelil how tc han- dle it. We shall give a prize of $50 every ilx months to the man who proven most efficient." TIlO 4 'liniiillK l'o\i. Mr. Mark WiUon built a fox corral The eldest of the family, Alfred, was born in Kent County, near London, Eng., In 1828, and Is at present living at rlatts- vllle. The other three were born near Hamilton, Richard, born in 1830, re- sides at Mount Pleasant. The next, William, born In 1SP.2, Is living in the village of Washington. The young- est, Oeorge, born 1&34, Is now a resl- last Mirttux i and has had In his pos- dent of Hrantford. session nine or ton red foxes. These were in a wire Rni-lnsure covered over with wire, and a cement floor, the wire being embedded lo the cement. Notwithstanding all these precau- tions, Mr. Wilson has but flve foxes DOW left. Some time ago one got out In some mysterious manner, another broke its neck against iho wire, and :<O,<MH Musk M.-I.HI Plant*. Western Ontario fruit men are tak- ing much interest In Ian experiment that is now belnK conducted at Leam- ington, by which it I* expected that honin-grown musk melons will be of- fered on the Canadian market, before, or at any rate, as soon as the arrival fnioo bm n mid Kinsll nn*Ii tril, '.'.', miles from two KOI I'-irtii-u! u spply to iMRS. A. R. McLKOI* .r. u. on* night recently the cuto llitle anl- i of lhe southern product next season. iiial.s found a weak spot in tho wire 7 n | rly thniisnnd ttuiKkmolon plants and three broke through to liberty. Since then some of the hen-roosts In town have suffered, B. Welton losing twelve fowl. These losses of fully $50 .worth of foion will be charged up to . Flesherton Advance. have been placed under glass in the Leamington district, and a great yield Is anticipated. Thus far tbe plantn an- being kept 'in a mil* fact cry condition. Fever sham Items The winter h<<8 i t in in earnest now ikud our ni.iil did nut sjtt thrcugh on Monday en account of the bail condition of the nmds. Mrs. L. PedUr of R >ck Milli* i-i u.s t - ing with Mr. and Mrs. G*o. Tliompton of the suburbs. Mr. and Mrs Thomas Julian of Flesh- crton vtm'ted friends in tin- burg lust week. Mr. Walter Kertosi hat acain taken popsescion of the temperance- hotel in this village. Mr. Ira 8. Perigo spent a i-.\\ il i\ ,-, in Fleshertou recently. Mrs. H. Alexander pent .1 few days with her sitter, Mrs. A. Stewart in Pleih- crton tbit week. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Lon^ of Raven- na spent Sunday with the Utlor'H parents Mr and Mrs. Geo. Whiteoak. Mr. and Mm. Harry Hartley of Ogema, Soak., are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Colquette. The Rev. J. PhiinisUsr'* talk on how we got the Bible, on Tuesday evening o each week are very in-tni. i n and inter- esting, but cot as many go to heir him a* should. We were sorry to hear that our former townsman Mr. Thos. Julian now residing in Fiesherton lost a valuable horse last week. The night school bring conducted by our continuation school teacher, in Rain- ing in number*, about ten in the class now, we believe. A daring robbeiy was pei-|>etr.tted at the O. P. R. station ut Markdale on Monday e\eomg of last week when 941 was taken fr>m the till. The robbery cciMired when the evening train was at the station and I he agent WHS on the plat- form looking after the express, the till was pried with a chisel and ihe theft was committed in n remarkably short space of time. The thief inadu a clem get-away without leaving the faintest clue. ASTHENIC PERSONS. i . iisprratii.ii of Their Vital Forrce I* Their Only Hope. "Asthenia" means "without strength," and it describes a condi- tion of general debility. Nerve weak- ness Is "neurasthenia," and muscu- lar weakness Is "myasthenia," but the word without any prefix whatever means a general weakness of the sys- tem that the sufferer brings into life itli him. In infancy a child will asthenia is incapable of prolonged muscular effort. The normal baby screams lustily and kicks vigorously, but the asthenic baby cries feebly as it fatigued and nurses with slow i>iid feeble movements. Such children cut their first teeth late, with a good deal of digestive disturbance; they catch disease eas- ily and are slow to stand and walk. The motor apparatus that is, the nerves and muscles used In moving the body is not and probably never will be capable of much hard work. In later years, esreclally during adolescence, life goes mere hardly with the asthenic person. His lack of stamina may show Itself in any one of a number of ways among others backache, chorea, weak eyes, weak heart, slowness of wit, poor digestion or undue fatigue after ordinary exer- tion. These symptoms all Indicate that the asthenic person cannot work or play like other people, but must arrange his life with regard to hte constitutional weakness. Many asthenica are persona of su- perior intelligence and moral force, and they often offset their physical limitations by an exercise of will. The ability thus to exert the will and to triumph over fatigue marks the dif- ference between them and the neuras- thenic or the simply indolent. The greatest mistake a person of the asthenic type can make is to use his will power In an effort to keep up with normal people in their work and play. He can often hold his own in the battle of life surprisingly well, but he cannot do it by "burning the candle at both ends." Success In life for the astbenlo means a careful con- servation of all the vital forces from hour to hour. Had Them Breathless For Moment. A regular customer at a certain restaurant was a confirmed non- tipper. Not only so, but he loudly ad- vised his friends not to tip. At last, says The Manchester Guardian, the waitresses resolved to give him a les> son. One brought him his change be- fore his friends. It wac Is. , all in coppers, neatly spread on a tray. The mean man looked at It, and bis friends thought that this time be would have to give something. "There's a penny." said the non- tipper. For a moment It WM thought that he had swerved from liis principles, but he added, "Now, young woman, take all that away and get me a shilling and a six- pence." The Peoples of Italy. There Is a marked difference to stature and temperament between U>< people of nortb Italy and those ol south Italy. The Uingobanto. Of Lombards, who about G8 took f session of norther- Italy and p manently established theraselvM In the rich valley watered, by the Po and Us affluents, were of Teutonic stock their original borne having been the region on the left bank of the Kibe round about Madgeburg and Lune- burff, Germany, while the Italian! south of Lombardy ar of the ok Latin stock. This fact explains the physical and other differences be- tween the people from the north am the people from the south of Italy. An Invitation. "What nre yon thinking of. Miss \fombnt?" "Of your name. Sir. Hugsins." "My name?" "Yes. ns Shnkexnenre sny, I* there anything In a name'/" Scuttle Post-In- ttugvocir. . bnre often wondered how every mnn loves himself tnnre tlin.n nil the rait of men. Antoiilus. Flesheirton Tonsorial V- Parlors We Aim to (live Entire Satisfaction LAUNDRY Basket closes Mondny night, delivery Friday eveni-ig. CLEANING and DYEING We aia agents for Parker's Dye Works Clothes cleaned and dyed, feathers rejuvenated, T FISHER, - - PROPRIETOR THIS IS THE WAY YOUR HENS WILL LAY WHBM YOU OIVB THKM International Poultry Food Rirht now U the time to feed INTERNATIONAL POULTRY FOOD. Hens aeed the tonic effects of ibi wonderful egg producer to start them laying and to keep them laying. Ordinary feed is Dot eourh to m.'tke hen lav regular! \ . INTERNATIONAL I'DULTRY FOOD nays for itsdf -over and over again in the increau in egg*. It i* not an ordinary food, but a tonic, purely medicinal. It ac-tually produces more egg 8 keeps fowls well and vigorous preents Chicken Cholera cures Roup. Jut feed INTERNATIONAL ' POULTRY FOOL) aad see bow it increases your fgf production. Write telling u> how many chickens you have, and what other stock, and we will tend you free a copy of our $3.000 Stock Book. You aeed it on the farm. International Poultry Pood and Poultry Remedies also International Stock Food and Veterinary Preparations are for sale hy Dealers everywhere. If your Dealer cannot supply yeu. write us direct. All our goods are *alll ttndtr a tfof cash fuarnitf of your monfy tack if not sot a fit d. MsrsstisMl Stack ftU C.. timted TOBO>T ONTARIO FOR SALE 1>Y JOHN FISHER, FLESH ERTON. II M HARDWARE! A car of salt, in barrels, sacks and packages to arrive this week. Rock salts, fine .salts, dairy and table 5 and 10 c. sacks. What about fixing up your vehicles for spring. Sherwin Williams carriage paints and top dress- ing make buggies look as good as new. Shelf and heavy hardware Coal -oil iiOc. this week. Frank W. Duncan FLEiSHEI^TON, * ONT. II i jContinuatori Sale ^ for the purpose of raising $2000.<M) before February f 15th. Wo have to do it. Look at the exceedingly strong values we oft'er below. Men's Neckwear' n and silks from 8c. to 12 Men's Underwear Heavy woollen rp^- I '{ r ' 1.08 Woollen reg. 1.25 98 Woollen reg. 1.0(1 78 Woollen re*. .75 58 Fleece lined (>0c .38 Big reduction iu Ladle's, Men,s and Boys' winter coats. Ribbon Groceries AIIVOIIH wanting ribbon of any | Kurt <MII siivo money hero, as wo havt) ribbon from 1<\ . \ ,u il up. r comfort soip 25 C . Ibs icing sugar 25c. 4 uki^s corn starch 25c- ;>> pkgs corn fl*ku.s 25c- 4 pk-jts wheat Hakei 25c. American coal-oil per _ ilion 20c. Values in IIEAVT Rubbers that, no one should miss. CANNKD (M)ODS- \K-M, corn, Tomatoes, pumpkiiiK, etc. .1 emu for 2oc CeyloiVsBusy Store Jas. Pattison &Co. ! Flesherton Tin Shop- I have just placet! on the shelves a lull line of Tinware, Nickelware and Agatware for domestic use. Call on me and get your supplies. Eavetrouglung, Stovepipes and Stove Fnrnish- Uepairing of all kinds promptly attended to. Pipetitting, including pump work. Furnaces installed. Agent for (.'hu-tf Bros. Furnaces. ! D. McKILLOP CHRISTOE BLOCK FLESHERTON m ONTARIO.

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