February 2 1914 T II E F L E S H E R T X A D V AN C E R ^ < I; BUSINESSCARDS WH.WH1GHT. TKI.VORD & MiDONALD Barrister, Solicitor*. *c. Odlcei, (irey * Union Block, (> won Uomul. Btaudtid Hunk Hlock. Kleshnrtoii.iSatiiriiavH). W. II, Wright. W. l>. lYlloiM J '.. I. 0. M>:Uouul'J. L,. U 11. _ SOCIETIES AO W meet* ou the laat Mouday in each month, iu their lodge room CUytou'K hall Flesbrtou, at 8 p.m. M. W., W. J. Kellainy ; lUn-., C. II. Muniilitw; Kiu., l>. J, si'iouli-. Vihitiur brethren luvitcti PBINCK AUTHIUl LODGE, No. H83.A.F.* A IJ. meets in the Uasouic hall. Ami Irons'* Block, Klenherton, every Friday on or before thu full luoco Hub Smith, W. II.; Cliac.Muusliaw, Secretary. f OURVFLKBHKKTON, 995. I. 0. F. ireetsln " Clayton'* Block the laiit Wednesday evening each month. VUitiuu Foresters heartily leome'C. K.. G. llellamy ; H. B., O. falrbs; n. Sec., W. KnsktD. Please pay duet to Fin. Sec. belore the first V of the month. pHOSEN FKIENOB Flcshertou Council ChoMiD Friends meets in Claytou'shall first and third Wednesday of each month B P. ni Pay aBeau)ent to the Keoorder on or before tee first rtayof each mon'h. Chief Councillor T. BlakelevjKecordcr W. H. Hunt. DUDD MATHF.-.VS, Markdale, I* auc'.loneer for the county of Grey, service at reasonable rate*. Dates cau made t The Advance, o 08 he MEDICAL D H CA T; I p t (StSOnt,Phy.ician,Sarijeon etc Offlce and residence- Peter St., Flesberton P OTTEWELL o Cell... - ond door -outh west oc Jkry street. This street runs south Presbyterian Cunreh. DENTISTRY r B. C. MURRAY U. O. H., dental surgeon liouo. graduate of Toronto University an,l Koyal ..-oIleRe ul Uuiital Humeons of Ontario. Ga axluiisiulstered for teeth extraction OJli':e at renideuue, Toronto Street. Flesberton. D LEGAL , VCAS, BANEY * hKSltY-Barrl.tcn;, -< rto!icitors,ctc.-l. H. 1 "cas. h. O-tW^ia, Kanev K C ; W. 1). Henry. B. A. OUIces, Toronto. (W6-9 Tiartor. Jlauk Hid* phono u.ain 1412; Markdale Lucas Block, Phone -A. hraucu olllce at Duudalk open every Saturday. BUSINESS CARDS " CUUX)UaH & YOUNO Bankers Markdale eoeral banking business. Money loaned i easooable rate* Call on us. DMcI'HAIL, Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Qrey. Terms moderate and tin 'action guaranteed. The arraniieinnnts .. J lates of sales cau he made a, TII APVANCK ollice. Hosideuce aud P.O., Ceylon. Telephone connection. Dec. 6.07. \\TJI. KAITTISO, Licensed Auctioneer foi ' tho counties of (irey and Hlincoe. Farui and Block sales a Hpecialty. Terms moderate, sat lf action guarantied. Arraign- ments for dates may booia'lnat the Advsnce Him-, or Central tiilephono nllice {eversham or by addrsinu me at t'evorshaui, Out. Pure Bred Holstein Bull Bred by of Tidy Abbekrtk Prince Joe ii!? Butter I5y out 1'iincess Josephine. Tli- greatuht butter making strain known. 'J'erm of horvic - V2 for ({radon, 8."i for June bri'd. <;K<). MOURK \ SdX. Prop?., TOHIBLBTT, Postinastvr, Ceylon. Coinuiiiisloner lull. c.. I .Conveyancer, doods, iimrtKai'.i-n, loasux, willn etc. carnally drawn up ollcvtioiiK mail', chartios ruaHonablo. Al-u rocerfes, flour, feed ulv, keptlu fctock, Trices Small Farm For Sale Part L-it 'i, coo. 4, Kii]jhi;i.si.i, brick- faced cottage, frame barn wiih iM-iMimiit ; iirill orchard, chnrrii's, . plums, iip'ilrs ,t:i<l .11. ill (ruit. I. t i C'liitnini 44 acre-, will buy it. Apply to i \VM. SLOAN Iec. :, lit Kimbcrley p. o. Boar for Service A lurgo white Yorkshire Hoar for sei-vlco nlut 1U.I, :inl ranijB \V T. AS. K., Arteiuusia Terms gl.OO' It. W.U.M-'II. H. ALEXANDER MERCHANT TAILOR Feversham - Ont. Fashionable Tailoring Seasonable Goods, first class Workmanship. AL8O- A line of Ready-Made Clothing Which we put alterations in free of 1 .n _'-, if required. Inpl8 THE ANCIENT REGIME CANADA'S FIRST GOVERNMENT The Weather for February In the storm ami went tier foreeaita for F.-brunry, Rev. Irl K. Hicks, iho St. Louis weather predict >!, says that " if the Mars influunco should have modified thu V. llllri 1 M"Mr Anil Wi-,.t lin Up to I MM I in- Advisers of the Govcrnor-CJeueral 'period, its dominiitiny intluencii will be- Did Not Car. Much About Kler-iyin to hn-tik down ut tliis tiuie and some lions In Those Uuys, Hut Worried ,,!' the hardest storm* ai.il most severe More Concerning '.'heir Superiors weather for tliu winter will come during KROM PUL.SKNT. and Standing ut Court Inten- duiil Designed to Spy on Govt-riior. Under the political institutions en- joyed by the people of Canada, it has been found possible to carry on a government that insures to the gov- erned the greatest measure of liberty that is consistent with order, that guarantees to each citizen the enjoy- ment of the fruits of his industry, and encourages national development and progress. For these great blessings the Canadian people must thank their heritage In the British Constitution, which, under a government monarch- ical In form, gives to the people re- sponsible and elastic democratic rule. These thoughts are suggested by the session of our Federal 1'arllament which has just begun, says a writer the remainder of Felutmiy. If tho M,-u s iulluuncu should have t ikon the posi ive urn that is, should hive resulted in se- vere weather in Deci-nibcr and January conditions will begin to change at this limo into softening weather and storms of a more equatorial and tropical nature will characterize the rest of the month " The " Mars " or aomo other influence ha" assuredly moderated the wiutsr con- ditions during December and January, ami therefore, if Mr. link-, predictions have any value, cold and stormy weatl or miy be looked for in February. The prognosticator also .states that ''the Mer- cury period, which ends at this time, will cause much and destructive sleet during in The Montreal Standard, and that, . , ,, , too, tends to cause one to look back- |' ts c-ntmuanco the lust ten days of Feb- wards to the beginning of government In this country, and to contrast the institutions of long .go with those under which it is our good fortune to live. This backward glance enables us to see bow far the world has mov- ed In the matter of government since white men came to the valley of the St. Lawrence -nd planted here the seeds of civilization. Canada's earliest rulers were trad- ing companies that. In consideration ' n ,>t yet subsided. of monopolies granted them in the idd , d , fur trade and the fisheries, under- , took to rule the country for the Kii g * equatorial storm* and torna- ruiiry. Piercing cold will visit most parts of the country from about the 12th to the 14'.h. By the Kith of February Mr. Hicks al-o states, "We will have entered well into the esrtl' vernal c<|m- nox an<l tho Venus e<]uinoxial peiiod will l>o approaching i's miixinuini strength. It must not bo forgotten, ls >, that the (/rent Jupiter perturbation has As we approach thu f February, growing of France and develop it as a colony. Among these early >iercantile rulers docs iii the south should be apprehended. Let it never he forgotten that the influ- were the Company of Merchants of f , M , f t , th Rouen and St. Malo, the Company of ! Canada, the West Indies Company, 'heyins in tcl.ruury and thu some of the and lastly the largest and best-known of them all, the Company of One inst violent West India hurftntnes and cyclones sometimes occur during the last 'half of this month. As early as tho 14th ._. ,...,.......- .... sometulug to colonize and to protect the colonists, : and loth > '""'K warmer will but on the whole they did more to jbt-um in western extremes, the bar- prosecute the fur trade and enrich :,, mtt ter will begin falling, winds will themselves. CorporaUon-rule did not | g , f t) , d f prove a success, and llially In 1663 It J was brought to an end, and royal gov- ernment was set up. That year Is a starting point in what may be called tho history of government and laws In Canada, for the consequences of many things done by that first of Canadian royal governments influenc- ed the course of Canadian history, and are felt to this day, especially in the Province of Quebec. The beginning of royal government wind and snow eastward career. will start on By the Kith to tlieir 18th these storms will :.!.. in severity asthry cover the great central valleys of the con- tinent. l?y the 19th storms nil! ivach the Atlantic coast regions, and the lising barometer, hlizzardoiiH winds and cold wavos which are sure to push the we*t, and northwest side of the Htonn areas, and local legislation in Canada takes Jwill have spread well over all western c 10 back to the year 16U3, when Que- anil cenlllll ., arls (>f l]lo c ,, ulltr ... These bee City was only fifty-five years old, .... .,, , . , and Montreal only twenty-one, andf >nihllo " H wl11 aavanco eastward and when the great Western wilderness southward, givir-; the whole countiy a of the Ottawa, the Upper St. Law- 'mixture of boreal and tropical Bttirin*, fence, and the Great Lakea reached 'followed everywhere by risini- barometer down to the very walls of the little i , , , , , , n fort that Malso'neuve had built on and ihflr l C "'' J ff "' F''l'"mry. Hmem- what Is now part cf the business ^sr 'the electric lire of \ onus turns (piick- Quarter of Moatreal. ly to ice' that is warm waves with ruin, The seat of that first of Canadian U uni | M am i hail, followed within a few royal governments was Quebec, which ' to-day Is well and ".'.nrlent Capital." At the head of an x 111 - 1 "^. Liiuii ' | * i i truly called the ,' ""'" v cet ' M1 " w ''"' ""' ont to colder, nre tho chatuderistic features the Government 'of tin Venus influence. 8. e if the storms ]'.th-do not Tin- Venus period is cenlial on the '-Mill, cov- was a Governor-General, appointed at t ,,; 8 pcr i,,j_tJ ie 14ih to by the King of Franco, whom the | , .... Governor-General represented and a sllow s " lne slch Venu ' e!l small part of whose glory the Gover- nor-General was permitted to reflect orin;} almost the eiitite month of Febui- In the mlniatun court that In the ' liry niul into Malv)l . rather rude palace on tho heights of ( Cape Diamond mimicked tho pomp ' Not to bo' dared by his brother '" touch his tongue; to n froiiy w In- ! rim of a wagon, William .larvi,of Gravcseiul, only speak in spots for si me days to c Hue. To pntve that he wa-i in I .il'i.iid, and lefule the inipiitationi of hit brother that lie had not the courage, William Diamond mimicked tho pomp of Versailles. Judging from his title nnd 'mm a considerable part of his commission, tho Governor-General of Canada was tho all-powerful local head of the ad- ministration whereas, in fa-t, he was not so. Ills powers were limited and confused by the very w.jrdin^ of bis commission and of his Instructions, and they were further limited by the powers of another hlRh ofllcer, who was generally considered to be sub- ordinate to the Go-'err.or, and yet who, with respect to some mutters, , seemed to have outranked him. That the " f " r s " 1 " ' )u "" d Wo second high, ollicial wa, the Inten- [kitchen and brought nut dant. The Intendant was virtually a spy on the Governor, and every year ho sent to the Minister of Marine, whoso department administered colonial af- fairs, letters, often forty pages touohi d tlio wheel rim with Kit tongue 'i nd, it .stuck. Mo tried to free, his tongue, I ut could not, When his liulo brother uiulei. stood tliftl. William was rushed to the some boiling water nnd tried to thaw him oil', I ut in- M -.-id .scalded \Villi,iin's lips and lace. Mrs. Jai-vis then eame to the rescue, but brought oold water, and succoedid in ^ett. Con- forty pages in j n( , | K .,. M>n Hlu i i|, d wheel apart length Illled with the secrets of thd Lj dmb j skin of , ho , uo WM Htlllc | lwl colony, political and porsonul, great! and small. Tho Governor also wroto '" tno HW. BULL FOR SRVICE Registered Hotstein Bull, Korndyko Pieterlje Clothilda, No. 14780, whoso dam, Tn/.ii-'.s Clntliilde Pietertje 2nd, No. 2088, ban produced over HII n,,. ,,,,11, per day. Termi Grade cows fl.no, pure hred cows $3. All cows noi returned will he chnrged. Also registered Yorkshire In mi, AN :i4ortl. Term* 81. HENRY HOLMAN Ixtt 40, Con. 4, ArUmeiia, Portlaw iMi t Minor Farm For Rent or Sale. Lot U nnd 10, N.D R., A itemem->, 100 acres, about HO cleared, frame barn and cUbles, small orchard, '-.'.', miles from two lationi. For particular's apply to MRS. A. R. McLEOD Mrclil Ceylon P.O. letters, and each was jealous of tho letters of the other To assist the Governo.- and the In j tcndant there was a body known a:l the Sovereign Coinicil, composed o( the Governor, the Intendant, thfl Bishop, and at first of five other coun- cillors, but whose number was sub- sequently Increased to twelve. This remarkable Council combined some of the advisory and executive functions of tho Cabinet of to-day, with some of the legislative functions of Parliament, and the functions both of a trial court and a court of appeal. The law that It enforced and, therj- fore, Introduced into Canada, was what was known in France as the "Coutume de Paris" the Customs of Paris, based on the ancient Roman law. The rule of the Governor, the In- tendant, and the Sovereign, or Super- ior Council, cor.tlnued to the end of the French regime. It had Its quali- ties, especially with respect to mili- tary affairs, for It made New Prance the strongest flghting unit on the con- tinent. With respect to civil matters, the systeni did not work remarkably well, in fact, It si-ems to have worked re- markably ill, for a French writer in describing the state of Canada In 1758 two years before Its surrender says that It is the "country of abuse*." Such, in outline, was the first royal government in this country a sys- tem that cam* to an end witb the surrender by In September, fears of existence. Broke Up the Show . A man in Paris made a good deal of money exhibiting a cartons ani- mal. The most Interesting feature of the show was the fact that no one could tell to what species the animal belonged. The showman professed that ho didn't know, and the specta- tors hazarded many guesses. One da) a visitor entered, accompanied by t dog. Immediately the wondrous ani- mal humped its back like a diminu- tive camel and began to hiss and aplt. The mystery was solved it was a shaved cat! The show closed up thai very day, but no one denies that a man who could shave a cat deserved to make money. thU The Only Effective Way. "There are a lot of evils In country." "That's true." "Then why don't you proteal against them?" "I do." "I never have heard you iay i word." "No? I can't see that conversa- tion does much good. I protest in i more effective way." "What do you do?" "I vote." n 'If He Farmed In Canada. Cyril Maude, the great Kngllu* comedian, came to Canada at the ag< of twenty and worked on a farm foi foi IB Honor Rolls Hepoi-t i.f Flrshertou Public School for J .'.unary ROOM 1 Fouitli class Shirley Murray, Uoiaia MeVicur, Jim Stewart, Aleda Mitchell, Mina Heard, Hubs Trimble, Mary Col- gan, Mainly Stowart, Frank Thai'hton, Delbert Pation, Alino-U LeGard. Lilly .Lever, Heuben Cargo, Wilfred Wa'son, Wilfred Teeter. Si'. II Frar.k ttunt and R. N. Corn- field equal, Clarence Fisher, Violet Wat- son, Mabel Fic'd, Wesley Armstrong, R -no Cargo. ROOM 2 Jr. :i Total 600- -Kathorino McVicai- 540, Kendall Boyd 441, Geo. Mitchell 438, Stewart McTavish 390. Sr. 2 Total 200-Bert McLeod 138, Harry LeGard 121, Gladys Lever !)4, Russel Trueman ill Jr .li-Total 450- Hilda Goldhawk 413, I-: li.-i Ferris 403, Lillian Buskin 402, Mamie McTavish 301. ROOM 3 Class 1 Sr. Reggie Boyd, Jack Kar, stedt, Evuda Wilson, Olive Mathewson and Freda Mathewson (equal), John Cari'iugton, Esunnd Walters, Harold Bellamy, Xorval Stuart, Lillian McMul- len. * Clara 1 Jr. Elcie Frrris, Mamie Nuhn, Kenneth Stuart, Maijorte Dudgeon, David Colgin, Willie Carrington, Altie Fields Errol Trueman, Louie C.irgo,All : e Nom, Orrell Fisher, Ida Lever. Report of S. S. No. 7, Kuphrasin, for January, 1!H4. Fourth- L. Cornfield, M. Cornfield, H lingers, G. Rogers, G. Reid, G. Risk. Third- 1. Bec^elt, 11. Dale, H. Reid. G. Knott, U. Whyte, J. Suiy. Second- K. Giliuy, A. Knolt, R.Risk First Sr. N. Petch, I. Gilray.S. Clug- ston. First Jr. R. Risk, S. Beckett, E. Patch. Primer- -S. Haines, \Y- Clugston, C. Risk, N. Knott . Those who attended etery day, G. Risk, II. Rogers. M. H. HniKKKsToNK, Teacher iti-porl S. S. No. (! Artemcsia for Jan. Sr. 4 -Stanley Butlrr, Alfred Butler. Jr. 4--Lottie Whittaker, Muriel Spicer. Sr. 3 Nora Sproat, Gordon Mac- Arthur, Johnnie Whittaker. Jr. 3 Millie Whittaker.Vary Hazard. Jr. '_' Harriet Huzai d, Charlie Ilnzanl, CLus 1 IVtbbio Whittiiker, Joseph Ha/iird. I'linn-r Bradey Irwin. Present every day L. Whittaker. N Sproat, B. Whittaker, M. Whit taker, B. Irwin. A. Harrow, Toucher. A Fort Williai'i de|tteh >ay.s:--Wheii attacked by a pack of seven wolves en ihs governmeiit road on Saturday ni.fhr, W. D. Camjibell killed the leader with .1 blow on the head with a pick haiuile and the others ran ort' into the b'ush. He w.is walking from Fort William and about a milo beyond tho riHe rinses | ick- 1 up a pick handle which ho rimed ,-iluiiL' w th him. li'iunding n curve in the rosd ho was met by a pack of seven wolves, the leader of which made for him. With i well directed bl uv on the head he killed the animal and brought the skin to (he oily Monday morning for 'ho bounty. On account of the lack of snow thi? winter tho wolves have been unable to overcome drer and oilier anim- als in the woods. This has mnde tlieir food scarce, several cases have been iv- ported in the district of their willingness Ic attack people travelling alone at night. Carefully Corrected Each Week Wheat , 85 to 85 Oats 3u to .::$ Peas 1 18 to ] 18 Barley 55 to 55 Hay 12 00 to 12 00 Butter 22 '.c 22 Egs, fresh 82 i 32 Potatoea pet bag 75 to 75 Geese 12 to IS Ducks 15 .o 15 Fowl 1J to 13 Chickens 13 to 10 Turiceyg 18 10 21 6O YEARS' _ MAIMS Dswam COPVRiaHTV AC. V.'hsit Surprised Him. Dr. Thirdly was a mild, gentle and prosy clergyman. Hut at one evening service he grew a bit sarcastic. "I see a great many of you sleep- Ing," said the good doctor mildly. "I do not wonder at this, for your work is hard, and many of you have come a long way. Therefore, I am not surprised to see many of you sleep- Ing soundly, but what does surprise in 5 a little Is to see so many sleeping who had such a comfortable sleep at both our morning and our afternoon service." Flesliesrton Tonsorial Parlors We Aim to Give Entire Satisfaction LAUNDRY Basket closes Monday night, delivery Friday eveni ig. CLEANING and DYEING We are aents for Parker's Dye Works Clothes cleaned and dyod, feathers rejuvenated. T FISHER, - - PROPRIETOR INTERNATIONAL STOCK FOOD Makes Cow* Give More Rich Milk. nternational Stock Food conquered England, just as (t conquered Canada nnd the United States, by proving to the Dairy Experts that It is the greatest milk producer and health restorer in the world. The test was made on Lhree cows from the dairy herd Of S. W. Hackney, Esq., Leeds, England. Chairman of the Yorkshire Federation of Dairy Farmers. Quantity and quality of milk was tested for n cer- tain time then " International Stock Food " was added to the regular feed. INTERNATIONAL STOCK FOOD showed an norease in Milk of 14.2 pint* daily, and 1.21 pounds of butter daily. This proves that International Stock Food, added :o the regular feed will increase the Quantity and im- >rove the quality of milk from every cow. It shows that International Stock Food aids digea- ion and keep cows in better condition. It proves hat International Stock Food is a money-maker for the farmer that every farmer who owns one, sr a hundred, cows should feed International Stock Food every day. Make the test yourself weigh the milk you are getting now then feed International for a few weeks, and weigh again. Then you'll see how Inter- national Stock Food will make money for you. Inte-natlonal Stock Food Co., Limited ./ < csi Toronto, Ont. International fi Stock Food is sold by dealers everywhere. FOR SALE LY JOHN FISHER, FLESHERTON. il II HARDWARE! A car of salt, in barrels, sacks and packages to arrive this week, liock salts, fine salts, dairy and table 5 and 10 c. sticks. What about fixing up your vehicles for spring. Sherwin Williams carriage paints and top dress- ing make buggies look as good as new. Shelf and heavy hardware Coal oil ^Oc. this week. ooo Frank W. Duncan SS HELTON, ONT. II ontinuation Sale for tho purpose of raising $'2000.00 before February liitli. We have to do it. Look at the exceedingly strong values we offer below. Men's Neckwear . Men's Underwear wo " llc '' rp - l -X> ......... L08 \V oollen i-cg. l.'J.) ............... !)g Woollen reg. 1. W .............. 78 Woollen re./. .75 ............... 58 Fleece lined (iOc ............. 38 Big reduction in Ladie's, Men,s and Boys' winter coats. Ribbon Anyone wanting ribbon of any sort can suve money here, as we have ribbon from !.. a yard up. Groceries 1 Img comfort soip 25c. * Ihs icing sugar 25(j. ^ pkis corn starch ioc. ' pkgs corn flakes ^5c. 4 pki-s wht-ivt flakes 2:'Jo. Ameiican coal-oil pert{'ill"iv 20e. Values in HE AW Rubbers that no one should miss. TANNED (JOOUS IIIMS, corn, Tomatoes, pumpkins, etc. I! culls for 2iic. Ceylon's Busy Store - Jas. Pattison &Co. Flesherton Tin Shop, I have just placed on the shelves a full line of p Tinware, Niekelwaro and Agatware for domestic {.! use. Call on me and get your supplies. Eavetroughing, Stovepipes and Stove Furnish- ings. Kepairing of all kinds promptly attended to. Pipeh'tting, including pump work. Agent Furnaces installed. Furnaces. for Clare Bros. D. McKlLLOP CHRISTOE BLOCK FLESHERTON * ONTARIO.