rtxrn TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." PRlXDlIXEb NOT UE.V F ? VOL 3:} No. 20 Fl^sherton, Ont., Thursday February 5 1914 W. H THDRSTON E a D ' T B ( aua I'liO Kimberley Budget Mr. Harold Proctor of Maikdale is ^isiting ut his parental home. Mr. Albert Ellis of Parry Sound dis- trict is renewing acquaintances m this vicinity. He is buying horses to take up intu the north country, (Juile number from here attended the xuarterly service m New England Methodist church on Sunday. Rev. Mr. Dudgeon of Floshertoii occupied the puipit and delivered an excellent sermon. A poultry association was formed in Kimberley .some tinn atf > with the fol- lowing officers : Hon. President, J. M. Davis ;Hou. Vice Pr*a., H. C. Duff; Prea., Geo. .Proctor ; Vice Pres., F. Hickliug ; Sec., Saul F.iwce:t ; Treas., K. D. Carruthers ; Directora-Richird Allen, W-. U. Thurston, Jacob Louheed Ale.x Carruthers, H. Conn, Silas Mc- Aslin, Joseph Ferris, Ben Carruthers, Albert Myles ; Show Superintendent, John Plewes. A meeting of the associa- tion will bo held in the town hall here on Saturday afternoon, Fel>, 7, -.'M p.m. for the revision of the prize list and to engage a judge for next winter's show. All members are requested to attend. Mr. Jasper Stuart v, ou a business trip to Toronto this weak. Miss Alma Xeely of . Beaverdale, who was attending school here, had the mis- fortune to fall on the ice ou Fudsy last and break her arm. Dr. McKeo of Huathcott reduced the fracture. She i getting along nicely. Mr. Stanley Wal-or, who has been in the prairie produces for s'>uie months, has returned home. Oliver Beckett of Rocklyn was a caller in our burg Monday. Mr. and Mrs. \V. J. Martin and two children Wild* and Orvillo spent from Saturday till Monday with friends near Dundalk. Born In Flesherton Died In Toronto An "Id -\i!!inj{w< cd bey. Mr. Janus Akitt, passed away in Toronto ou Sun- day, Jan. 25, at bit incidence, 2:1 Galley avenue, after a very short illuees, llie ira- mediate cause of his death being pneu- IIH.IIU. The deceased gentleman, who was fjr ovor ihiity years .-i respected citi son i >f rullmgwiiod wns horn in Flesher- t"ii "'0 jeais ago, and went to Cnllir.^- wx>i'd vihile <|uite a y^ung man. Ho wa iu the employ of NViU.m Bro.-.. (now the Wilson Mfn Co.) for number of years, lising to be forcintn of the mechanical department, a p "stii'in he held fur many yoais. Four years ago hii moved to To- ronto tn assume a similar position with theT. H. Hanc"ck Co., leaving I'oliing- w. mil to thr t-roiit regret of his former employers, who valued hin services liiuhly. In ltW4 Mr. Akitt married Mi.s Sn-.ih Lunnoy, sister of Mr. (ie.>. E. Luiiucy of Collmgwn >J, who survives him, is do their live children, four bo/a and n girl. The li iys me Herbert in Calgary, <iuore who is in the diMftintt department ut the (.' dluijjwi."! Shipbuilding Co., liny in the architectural depar;ment i-f the Par- liament buildings, Toronto, and Norman. at home. The one daughter, Stella, is also at home with her mother. The fuuoral was held on Tuesday fol- lowing, the remains being interred in Prospect Park cemetery. The palllioai- ers were Messrs. Hubert, Thomas anil Joseph Akitt, brothers of the deceised ; J. S. Spenca and A. Ptnkney, fellow em- pi- lyees in Toronto ; and Geo. A. I.un- ney, brother-in-law. The deceased also leaves Hvu brothers and two sisters to MI. nun his los*. A Moral Degenerate A boy 10 years of ige, while attempt- in); to break into a jewellery stove in Owen Sound, was captured by the police- He had two loaded revolvers lu his poMCMion and a burglar's jimmy, lie gave his name as Smith, by which name he appeared before the police magistrate, who sentenced him to six months in the Central prison. He was the most unconcerned individ- nal in thn court while he was being tried. An indication of the sort of youth he is May b in from the f't that when he WM arrested he was unconcerned utterly, and told the policeman they could do whtt they liked with him, said that life wa not worth living, and that they could hang him for he didn't cart . Fever sham Items Mr. and MM. Elwood Oaborne, nee Miss Edith McMillan, ire visiting friends in the village at present. Mrs. Will fitting has had blood poisoning in her arm, but u recovering nicely. Messw. John Thomson, Reeve, and Irwm Morrison, Deputy Reeve, attended County Council in Owen Sound last week. A number of our young people drove over to Flesherton to attend the skating rink on Monday evening tf last week. Another January thaw staited before they got home, and the rain came down pretty freely, dampening their spirits as well as their clothing, and they were a rather Wdraggled locking parly when thvy arrived home in lhe early morning, having been upset in the soft snow. We understand that the Her. Mr. Watson has engaged to preuch for the Maxwell and Feversham Presbyterian congregations fur a time. Mr. (Ju irgo Burk of Toronto spent a few days last week ;t f . tho old farm. Mrs. John Buckingham is recovering nicely fruiu her recent severe illness. Mr. A. J. Conron is visiting his daugh- ter, Mrs. Win. Djvidson, in Collingwood. We understand that the singing class here is well attended, but still we think there are a number of young peop le who are missing a good opportunity to learn the notes. We think there are a number more young people who should take advantage of the commercial cl uss taught thrte ev- enings in the week by our continuation school teacher. Mr. tad Mrs. A. T. Hut:hinon of Strongneld, Sisk., are visi ing with the latter's sister, Mrs. Julin Brown of Rob Roy. Mr. and Mr.". Hutchinson were residents of tbii village for a number of years before they weut Wos', A, T. IMV- ing'kept store and postofrice heie for some time. Their many friends were g'nd to we them a.;a!ii. Mrs. Tlmmpkini of Singh impt on vi- ited her nephew, K. Haiuniel, last week. Mr. ljC'irg' Alli>tei hax again accepted thonttice ut secretary-treasurer of tho < >sprey Fanners' Milling Co. The share- holders will all bo salUtied with this, <ts Mr. Allister'a place wouM bu very hard to rill. Mr. (ioorge Julian is getting a nice ktock of lugs for next su turner's cut of lumber at his mill here. Ceylon Miss Duliio, Chatsworth, sj'ent the week end with her fiionil. Mi>s Wilson, tiacher here. Mr. J. Mitchell of Weyburn. S.^k., spent a couplo of d.iys iist week us tin' guest of Mr. K. Mt-Cill. Mr. Mitchell bought graiu hero sever il years .1^0 Mi. S. llciiiuhill ;is in Toronto for a couple of days last week. His daughter. Mamie, accompanied him home and will remain for some time. Miss Grace Muir ii visiting llivervicw frliirls. Mr. ,). Cihson has returned from spending * week with Toronto friends. We are sorry to report that Mr. H. Ueunet is not improving in health. Mr. E. Cook, Calg*ry. and \V. .1. Cook, KborJale, wora visitors at 11. Cook's last week. Pricevil'e Holroyd-Holman A great number of welU hive l>fu At the home if the bride's giving a scant supply-of water fer sojne ^-- a "d Mw. (U-nry Uolman, near Port- time back, but the mild wea 1 her ted ' :lvv i '' le marriage of their daughter, Alice rain last week has added considerably t > Ada, Wi > s soicnmizad on Wednesday,. Jan. the water supply. , -3, by Rev. G. F. Uurll.urt of Forest, A large quantity of sawlogs and stove ' ai - sisttd ^ R "'. U. C. Kerr of Flesher- wood is being delivered here this winter. tl>D - The blide IooUed charming in a T - ,. \ r ., . ' . giiwnof alicu blue silk tiimnK'd with It is likely that a .juantity of custom 1-iL's will ba put in the mill yard before sprit g, as it is intended to have the mill tit 'i'd up for saw in:; by early summer The annual meeting of Arteinesia Ag- ricultural Society was held on Jan. - 1 '. There was a fair attendance and a gqpd white lace and peaita, her only ornament being the groom's gifr, a gold brooch set with pearl* and rubies. Although the wedding was a quiet one, only the im- mediate relatives beiiiis present, the gifts were numerous and costly, showing that a bust of friends wish to bo remembered :lel of iute.-est was taken in the meeting. in tllt . blide '. s fjr Wost6rn hl)me for ye . irs to co:ue. The going away gown was blue, wiih hat to match. The young jouple will visit in the vicinity foi a in Toronto and Campbell-McNuIty An interesting foeial event tunk at lhe home of Mr, and Mrs. JnliM M Thu financial statement: showed that more prizes were awarded last fall than ever before, and the entries in several classes were pretty large, l'->2 tine homes 8llB ^ (^^ all(1 the)1 cjn.potms in the show ring. More pure 8onje of lhe c i lief citi( , 8 Llf the ruiud bred cat.lj were on the ground than Stites. on their w..y to thoir h.mie at uual, and the sheep pens weio much Macr, rie. Susk. We wish Mr. and Mrs. more crowded . Spectators who aiade a Hulrnyd bou vcy:i"e. tour of other shows were astonished at our dupl.iy of toots, vegetables, dairy (.roducts, bread and pastry exhibits. The surplus, or balance on hinitl, hs been growing larger duiin> the last fow yi.iis.iiid now malies the nice sum of; ^oT.84, and about :M of accounts yet ' Nu "- v - 1(ith con - Plvton ' * ! "' n llleir due. A fw yemi-s ago whan tho finances *&***. ^dith Mae, was unite.1 iu the were at low ebb so lie of the officers who boild ' of '"""''niony I Mr. Ne:l S. feared a wreck, not wishing their names C.'inipbell of EiiHway, Aller':., fui-.iu-ily connected with the funeral retired from of ^w' 1 ' 1 '"' V*- The bri.'u, who was ottice, but new men tlut aiai.ned the . ""a>ded, w- -iv.n away by her craft studied and steered away from the fi4tl " ;1 '. "i the nmrrUge c.'iom my aa rocks, and now the m.j ,nty of those ' P^ f ''ned by Rev. J. A. Leocc. B.A., of I>. ;....., ;i l.. vi. 1.1 i i. 11 _e discouraged orhcer* aro <|Uile anxious to be elected to ottice again. Good sin, aiii't h! Sierain^ntal services were held in the Methodift church Ian Sunday. We notice that two f our enterprising OR. BURT Specialist In diseases at iba Eye, Ear,Nose and Throat Offic-30 I Oh i. ast. Own 5tind At the Revere house, Markdale, 2nd Thursday each month from 8 to a 12a.m Dun. 1 ilk, 1st Wednesday of each month . Jewelry Eighth Line Osprey Fine weather at time of writing. Mr. J. McGrade is laid up with neurnlgia. We understand Mi. Fred Spott'ord in- tends working Mr. .J. A. Kernahan's farm, this summer. Mr. Graham of Eugenia has been busy the part week, erecting a dam on the Beaver river on the Maxwell lideroad. We understand that a horse belonging to Mr. George Maiden became un- manageable, and ran away. We would advise Mr. Madden and Mr. Parrel to be more careful, 43 runaways, sometimes are dangerous. Mr. Geo. Burk is spending a few d*js at Maple Grove Farm. Mr. James Burns purpose holding a public auction Sale, Tuesday, K l< 10. We understand Mr. Burnt intends giving up farming. All the territory between Hamilton and j Guelph is now "dry." The last bar room* were cloned by the carrying of local option in Puslinch townhip. young men, A. S. Muir and R. Patton, are home again, and are much pleased with the two weeks' course in stock jud;;- inu that they attended at the i>..\.''.. Rod and Gun "Rod and Gun" of \VooJst> ! . Chit, ha* ji'it out an exceptionally ^o.id issue for February 1014. both as legards the ch trader of the reading matter nd the (iiulity and interest of the illuatr.-i'ions. That wi'll known writer and n.-itiirilist Hoiinyeaalle Uilo, coniributt -s an ariiolu entitled tho Bearin'in, descriptive of a' ruich where boars are successfully raised in captivity. A humorous strain runs '.h lough this fclory, a riigh'. dvpatturo. but an entt Ttnining one, Irom this writei's ordinuy style. "Prints fi.nu . Canadian Trails" is a c ntinuiition of the Hue heries that is beiLg contributed to thu magazine by H; Moi-liinir Batten ; "The Di'iiim-on Parks' :n seen \\ n Aiiio:i-'ui m-itor.it beautifully illuslraUd: lvlwnr.1 I'.r-'c'k writes under thu heading "A Nova Scotia Dwcuvwry" of tho excel- , "i - i .1 . many beautiful gift*, ana will be nt home lent oiviaru that is ' be ubtMlMd in that province ; A repml in given uf tho recent annual meeting of the Noitli Miss Flossie Campbell of Swmton I'.-iik, sister of the Kruom, played the weddiiia march. A Urgi- numl er of euests n.tnosKed the li.ippy e\-iu, aiid after the usu:il congratulations ull re- paired to the ujn iu room where a sump- tuous repast was served. The Rtoom's nift to the bride was i sunburst tt with juarls. The bride was charmingly at- tired iu a diess of uinou and shadiw lace and she cirrio 1 a bumjuet of led anil wtiitp roeps. Amoni; the Hursts from n distance W>TO : Mr. ami Mi-f. W <i. Jones and baby. Miss Mamie McNuIty, Mr. and Miss Cmnpbeil, Tun nt<i ; and Mr. Kenneth Jones, Mull'at. Tho hippy couplo have departed for their home it l\ K'way. and citry with them the bist wishes .if a ho.it of fiivtuls. Hill - - Fisher The Inimu of Mr. and Mr. Win. K ~!i c., I h L:ne. AiteiiK:Mi. w is ihe se.uo of a veiy urctty event on Wednesday o\i.u- i!i_ r , January -S, when their Moood d.ui^hter, Mildred Clan. w:i- united in iiiii;n;i^e t'i Mr. Uobelt Hill, :>rd. Lii e, Osprey. The bride, charmingly gi'wned in cream silk, entered ill.' p.u-Ior leuliing o i the :u m "! I e.- f-iilier, t') the sti.-uus o.' the wedding m.iioli. jdnyed Ijy Miss M-irgaret Hill.sister of tbe groom 1! . Ml'. Dudgeon pelformed lliu noic:n ny- Ainencin Furer, Fish mul l lame l'i- iivt w Ass..ci. atidiiliy A. H. Smith; .uidc. i-ry (.';i.;eo[ t!ic issue it packed full of intertst or inf,.r. inatinn for the Canadian or to theii friends, it tlu-ir home, 3rd.Llue, >pivy. after Pobruaiv the arst. Scott Act Victories Have y > ov> r -<at and waited fur a j Until liLva'e i.' Haie you luuiu around :ho dopnt half a day? Then Aiui'iicaii you've maikoil tin- .-iii;;iy pagtant iim-ch- iii'.; round tl.e si.; on Hgout, and ha 1 , e c Msed to wnnuei ^'iat y that he's uray. All the atbos line up b.fore li'in 'Hid uo- i. ounce him uid imp'oiu him, and t hoy ask i In- s,ime ok) iliniL' a milli m times; and the ugont, still politely, gives the in- f iiniiitiou rightly, iu an eft'irt to deserve his rueagi-ii dimes. Forty million tinus be answers all the snorters and ll o Hy tho vote on ThuisiUy last of 1'eol, W. Hand and Huron, 'hcio are tirenty- embt iniinieipaiitiei 1 , containing 1C4 li- censes.which will go dry immediately the (Jovernor-in-Council proclaims tho Gin- p rt ,,cersand he nvorgri>.iis or whimpors ada Temperance Act as coming in foico - tf i. iiis task, there are fit and fussy in those districts. Tint is the formality ,trngeM,there are sour beivhiskeredgraii. le.iuired beforv a Dominion Act can come gel ^ al ,d they all have silly .)iiostions into force in the Province. u>ey wuu j d Hsk 'twere are women In those three counties there were al- withtheh babies. ihoie are gouts who have raily twenty two municipalities which ' h ' rabies, aud they gather round tho hvl been voted dry under the Vrovincial B" l . ln " r .l n ; f hcr h V h ?, -' iiyS n f "" tk " cripttona throwing tits they call coiiinp- Local OpiK.n by-law, but now, so long .is u ^ , UK , (1)ey M t) ive fll()1 c ,,,,utidrums the Canada Temperance Act remains in they would spring. And the agent an force, all temperance res'rictkm as pro- swersplainly.answorspationtly and sanely jgj I'd aJmirethostationageutforhisphick In bis place I'd rise in audgvon, soixe the nearest wet olm bludgeon, and amon Flesherton Planing And Chopping Mills I am now prepared to do chopping every day in the week except Sundays and every week in the year. Bring along your grists. Our sash and door factory is always st your disposal for anything you w*iit in oiirlme planing, in itciiini.'. u'c. Floor in. sash and dour*, and all house fur- nishings supplied promptly and at ieas- cinabie ra'e<. (let estimates. T. Blakeley, Prop. Febl.-, l:i ly vided by local option will be suspended. The Dominion Act supersedes the Pro- vincial, both as to res'rictions and penal- the <iuestion springers run amuck. Walt ties, though if at any lucceedmg vote the i Mason. Canada Temperance Aet should bo (f A. \V. Hixon, jeweler, of Mef..rd, tell pealed by popular vote, luen the original ! on the icy sjdewa i k ,,d broke his right local option would come into force auto- maticnlly in those twenty-two municipali- tie* which had asked for it in the tiist place . A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se- lection. We car- ry Photo Supplies. W. A. Armstrong, Jeweler FLESHERTON, ONT In Affectionate Remembrance A. Frot, C. P. R. iv,adm*8ter on the. of a loving brother, Oeoi-ge V. Holman, Orngeille to Owen Sound division, lias of Gtaud Rapids, Mich , who departed been promoted to a similar position on I th'" W *" lt ^- * 1 '^- the Mutkoka division. His s.icoens.ir is 1% Blessed are the .lead who die J. Goodman, who has been from Woodbridge. s.icoens.ir is, transferred ' J 1 '"- iu the SISTEU MINMK. ! A Sign of Spring! Your clover and timothy seed has arrived. (All No. 1 Gov. Standard.) Note Not just Gov.tested. All seeds must grade No. 1, 2 or 3, at the Flesherton Grocery W. BUSKIN, Flesherton. L. J Ml-:N\S :: oyi'It-t Iluhl.ers, re-. _'. in (.-K-iirin^ 1.7 'S I. rather Top llab- at ....1.90 I5al. tit Boys' at reduced Prico. (iirl's (hvrstiK'k- iii^s with I!ul)l)crs. c'f.-ir- in.; ;it $1 HO Custom Work and Repair- ing as usual, Trunks, Telescopes and Suit Cases. Thos. Clayton Just Arrived . . . Fine Stock of New Over- coats, New Suitings. When in town leave your order for your Winter Suit with J. Bowler >THE TAILOR rench Cleaning done every Saturday. Get your old clothes renovated. BUSKIN BLOCK, FLESHERTON, ONT.