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Flesherton Advance, 8 Jan 1914, p. 1

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"TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." _ PRLNCIPLEb NOT MEN.' VOL 33 No. 25 Flestierton, Ont., Thursday January 8 1914 W, H. THDRSTON The Artemesia Election The election in Aiteroesia cu Monday passed otf very quietly with a rather sma vote. Mr. McKenzie's return to the Keeveship was not a surprise to anybody Probably Councillor Brown is the U -t pleased roan uf the bunch, he having headed the poll, and receiving a bumper vote in the divisions surrounding his own home, as well as at Eugenia. The cwn new councillors are Alduoru au<l Cameron. Mr. Graham had a rather close call. Mr. Latimer was scarcely known outside lus own division, but the figures of that division show what the people at home think of him. Mr. Cameron is a young man whom we think will make good. Following are the figures by divisions Div. 1 Orange Valley, 2 Fleshertoo, 3 Proton Station, 4 C-ylon. 5 Pricevtlk', 6 Yand.e!eur, 1 Eugenia, 8 Portlaw. FOR REEVE Div. 1 Div. 2 Div. "> Div. 4 Div. 5 Di. (5 Div 7 Div. 8 Total Caswell, W. J. 25 16 40 16 51 13 34 18 213 Mckenzie, T. U. 30 5/9 24 59 51 37 77 32 36'J FOR COUNCILLORS Aldoorn, Win. 12 45 1 51 i)l Brown, Fred 44 65 22 71 31 Cameron, Alex. 18 38 13 29 39 Graham, J. I. 35 13 13 28 45 Latimer, J 2 19 3 21 8 Moore, Charles 15 31 56 21 27 18 28 36 41 4 17 47 34 1*7 77 13 17- 23- 12- 17 32- 259 325 230 214 151 205 Eugenia Paragraphs Toronto Line North Good sleighing. Born -In Toronto, Jan. 1, to Mr. and | Mrs. D. Taylor of Owen Sound is visit- Mrs. Elwood Purvis, a daughter. ing at her brother's, Mr. Rod. McKenzieV Born In Idaho, Dc. 22, to Mr. and Mrs. Win. Swanton attended the fun' Mrs. James ICn ->.!, a son. The your.g people of Eugenia gathered eral of a near relative at Mono Centre, one day last week. in a surprise party at the home of Mr.' Mr. and Mis. Clinton Kennedy and and Mrs. Jao.b Williams and started the | babe of Toronto are visiting with Mrs. tirst evening of the new year in pleasure ; K.'s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Win. Davis, with music gongs and games. Master Bertie Sparks spent the holiday Mr. Herb Harper of Cataract was the with his friend, Masier Lloyd Wright, guest of his friend, Russell Park, the Hamilton. past week. Another of Jue good times tho Preeby- Mr. Glenn Dtvis has return-id t ) High School '.o resume hi.s studies after an a!>- terians hav always hid was experienceu sencc of three years. We wish you suc- at the Sunday school entertainment on cuss in your work, Glenn. Dec. :!0. Rev. Mr. Mo Vicar the chair gave out tin: number.', which were Miss Elva Lever left on Monday to wield the birch in Duncan. Au rcvoir. Q Mllthew8011 ^.^ wuh ^ . , ... ., , ,, unt, Mr. and Mrs. tre<l M.ithewson. ' f B arr each one worthy uf applauie. Recita- tions were well rendered and all were of a good moral nature. Throe dialogues j by some of the older scholars were (into interesting and laughable. A fioggie | We :ire glad to report Mrs. J. A. Lever drill, given by the infant class, raised ! able to be around again after a severe ill- roars of laughter. A Christmas star drill ' ness. by ten ladies of the school was well given. ', v nurober {rom lhirs c . oml ,, ul ,iiy 8 tteii l" Tableaux and pantomimes were both pleasing and pretty. Quartette* by Messrs. Morgan, Carruthers, Williams and Cairns, a duet by Mr. Morgan and Miss Gcorgina Smith, i duet by Willie. ed tho New Year's Entertainment in the Methodist Church. They say it was ex- wi soon and Neah Williams, solos by May Car- ruthers, l!i-in. n Curruthers and Hilda were all highly appreciated. Choruses by the children and chuir were | Mr - ltnd M - Sled alld bc " llle l " tf "J">' '" th -' dato and comfortable new residence which is almost completed. A few from this locality attended the also creditable to the singers. Santa i dance at Mr. and Mrs. J Teeter's, E. B. Claus appeared and distributed the pres- ' Line, which was given in honour of then ents off a well laden tree. Th* proceeds- 1 s011 ' Frailk - alul llis wife ' mounted to S41 10 ' Tho Stewurt & s P ellt 1 1 iv with friends in .Markdale. Joinplinii'iits <if tho season to all. Durham Mrs. Uobtrt Purvis has gone to visit friends in Toronto. Born At Eugenia on Jan. 5, to Mr. ami Mrs. Fred Jamiesoii, a son. Mrs. Henrv Williams and Mrs. Fran- , . . \ Mr. Alex. McLichlan had a slight C:s Geuoe spent tho holiday with friends i . . . . . . . , , . , I itrokt of paralysis in one KCM of his face in loronto. f i on Saturday evening la-st, and has been Wo are all delighted to see our "M | confined to the house ever since. friend, Mr. ilenrv Feuwick, with us for < _ . c -, . Dr. K. L. Allan, of Leon, Mexico, the winter, looking halo and hoartv. . put a marked cheque for Sl.i,i*00 on the The travelling library us in grtat <M C olleelk>n plate uf the Baptist church at maud. Don't mis, your chance for ?ood I Haill . y |, urv on Christmas Day. Tli.- gift * f t I 1_ _ 1 P. _ II I fc leading. Books can be had from Williams, librarian, at her home. Allie ;, ^ be ap ,,i ied , o Ulc |,,aildin.,' of a new church M<1 piu . souilgo . [ f au event like that happened in the Baptist church ' here, wouldn't it make Allen Itell look chcsty , The furniture factory is not likely to lleslmction froM The Feversham The liev. Mr. Soulo of Toronto preach od in the Presbyterian Church hero on ' autmuatio ~ VprinU""aytcm " Viia.alled Sunday evening Ust. We understand | th h|iut lhe who , , (lut wen)s , that the Feverslwn, and Maxwell Presby- , fo My clllerReilcy- A fow j ays ^ terian congregations have secured his ser- , wheu ^ f ^ My w ^ ^^ ^ ^^ vices for a time. Thero a very good c ongregitioii out to hear hi>n at both places on Sunday last. steam pasaing through the heating pipes m the store room, melted one of tho .-prink ler plugs, and before discovery Mr. Wiuslow Kernahan 'nd sister Miss j was matle the room was deluged with Carrie, lojl for Kegiim,S;isk. on Thursday water and a largo quantity uf furniture last where they will attend Normal School. ] damaged to some extent. Tho loss, We wih the young people every success, which ia variously estimated as the result Miss Davis of Lmirel baa been engaged ' of tno shower-bath, will be considerable, to teach at S.S. No. ti. for the coming | b ut the problem has been satisfactorily demonstrated that tho whole establish- ment is conioaratively safe from tire. M;ss MoFarland :ind , , . . .. . ., i Those plugs aro placed throughout tho Miss Brun.iard, huvo retuviied from their i . , . . .. . .... , . , , interior of the bmMini; at distiinces of holidays, and are again wielding the birch | , , . ... * . , about ten feet apart, -uul the water year. Our teachers, in our schixil. . [pressure from the tank alono Mr. Kitcheiimaster of D'Arcy, Sask.,ia poun j s to the visiting at Mr. I. II. Perigees. Johnni^ hud a ni\rr<.>w is .'ta This pressure can be greatly increased in a few niinutes by the watchmen turning mi escape on Monday by a kick (torn (i hoi 61) ji iii'o pump 'ii cwo rire is In his father's blacksmith shop, Chronicle. Rkhaid Boyle of Alma is something of a pork man, and annually feeds up porker to H little bigger size than usual. Thi year ho finished an eleven month pig that tipped the scales at 415 pounds. Tho pig and feed costs as ne.-u ly a? can be cmmu-il $'28.00, and M>- ~>*le^con- aiders he is f20 to ''""'. - %s - Ceylon Mr. U. McGill rotuiuod JJew Years eve after spending -i week with Toronto friends. Miss Ha/.ol Mi'ii/ios of Port Dalli MIS is renewing acquaintances hero. Mi. G. Pickell of Carman, Man., ami Mrs W. 0. Pickell, Markdnle, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Greenwood, Ebordale, were visitors at R. Cook's the pafct week. Mr. James Hempuill of Regina viaited his mother here the past week, returning to the city Friday evening. Miss Lena Legate, who has been teach- ing school at Cadogan, Alta., returned home Saturdoy night. Mr. J. W. Cushuie returned D the city Saturday, after spending the past two weeks at R. Cook's. Miss Lizzie Sargent, who has been in Owen Sound hospital for the patt two months, returned home Saturday. Mr. Pattison and Miss Zella McLeod, visitors at D. McLeod's for a fortnight, returned to Toronto Saturday. Mr. Fred McMullen returned to To- onto Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Whittaker and babe, of West Toronto, are visitors at Mr. A. Whit taker's. Mia. J. McMillan returned this week :o her studies at Guelph. Mr. and Mrs. R. McLeod and three :lul Iren, who have been visiting their mother here for the past month, returned to Cvlgary this week. Mis. Ruthvn of AllisLon is a visitor t Mr. F. Cairns'. Mr. .Stanley and Miss Doily Muir left for Hanover Monday. Mr. and Mrs. D. Trueman of Brent- >od were visitors at J. Wrights for a r ew days. Vandeleur Miss Leslie returned to her duties at the school on Monday, after spending tha lolidays with her mother at 51arkd tie. Misses Violet and IMI Gilbert of Kim- ),'i-ley were visitors at >V J. F. Hutch- ison '.- for a couple of diys last week. At our annual scheol meeting Mr. Jos. Buchanan was eiec'ed trus'ee, Klmer Warlini \ran appointed care'aker, ami .1. . tiraham secured chc contract for furn- shing the wood. Mr. Clias. Jones of SuUbiry vi-ucJ riends in thii vicinity lust , , .. Mi. W. Gaudin of \Voo.lf.. id was a -ttller at Mr. Ed. B.ikei'.s 1-n- week. Mr. (ieo. tii-ili mi of Cobalt is visiting rieiuU in this vicinity- Mr. SiJ Gilbert of Colpoys Bay spent lie past two weeks with friends in this icinity. A number fru:n this neighburhoo.l pent a very enjoyable time at the home )f Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Myles of Kimber- ey on Monday evening week. Mr- and Mrs. Harcourt Heady of Si. Mary's, Mis^ Kate Davis of Orillia and Jr. Jim Cochi'ine of Colborno were New "ear visitors at the home of Mr and Mrs. J. M. Davii. Miss Kvu Giloert and Mr. Hurry GUI- r of Toronto siK-nt Chris-mas with the oriner'a parents, M . and Mrs. S. Gil- >ert. Mr. T. .Johnston spent the holidays with friends at Colborne. The annual Sunday sohcol or.irrliiir lent i. f the Methodist church was held n New Years eve, real zing $-f> for the otters of^the school. A sp'cndid pro- iruui was rendered by the cholari. while h secretary's report .-bowed the school bo in a tlouri&hinir condition. The iverago attendance was 4ti for the year, nd a total of $4 1 was raised in the weekly collections. Malcom McNab a young farmer in >ydenham near Bngnor had a very un- ortunalc nccidt'iit tin* other U ly in vhich he got both of his arms broken. :le with some >>f his friends wore putting n a new rural telephone system mid Mr. McNab while woikinn on one of the poles ixing tho cross piece or the wiring lost m hold ami fell to tho ground breaking mth of bis arms, and was otherwise bad- y shaken up. He wa.s taken home and a doctor was called who reduce^! his 'ractures and while he will be inciipacit- ated from work for a number of weeks le is reported to be recovering as well as could be expected. II! lltltll vareiully Corrected Each Week Wheat ' &> '0 8 " Oats 3;{ " >:! Teas 1 1-' to 1 12 Barley , , , 55 to ,v Hay 13 00 to 12 00 Butter , !:L' :<. -.'-> Kugs, fresh Xt t .>o Potatoes pet bag T"> to 7"> Geese.... 12 to 13 Ducks !."> o 15 Fowl 11 to 11 Chickens 13 tu W Turkeys IS to j!0 Sweeping Victories for Local Option Sixteen More Places Went Dry Whitney's Three- fifths Clause Forces Liquor on 19. Municipalities in Ontario i<35 Number now without bars 502 ANALYSIS OF VOTE Carrying Local Option Towns 2 Villages 4 Townships 10 Total 1 Including Meaford and (I rand Valley. Defeated by Three-fifth?: City..(Sault .Ste Maiie) 1 Towns 8 Village* 5 Townships 4 Total 18 Including B.irrie. WoodbiMge ana Wiiirtou. Defeated by Majority. Villages Ii Townships 4 Repeal Contests Sustained: Towns Villages Townships Total 15. Repeals Lost Nu.N'E Kimberley Budget Now that the elections are over, every- thing will sfiiY down ii again. Mm lUcIu-1 Hulchiiisoi), who has b i-n visiting friends in Toronto, returned homo "ii Mmiday latt. John Plowes and R. D. Carruthers made a business trip to Markdale Friday. Born At Toronto, cm Saturday. Jail. 3, to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Graham, a daughter. Tile pastor. Rev. Mr. Collcy, occupied the uulpit of the Methodist church on Sunday evening. Mr. Colley is a very ttucnt speaker and his address w;is l>s- teiK'd ii with interest by a large congre- IfaUon, Masters Verne ami l:in Carruthers of VVtjJeliuu-o were callers in our burg. W. Hammond, Belle Gilbert, Maud t'lewes and KNie Fvnis loft on Monday last to resume their studies -it the Mta- fi'id lii^li school. Mr. George liuicliiusun of lleathouta was a culler recently. The municipal candidates of our town- ship held a rousing meeting lime cu Thursday evening last. Municipal u. al- ters were threshed out until a late hour. Everybody should be sure and atteii'l the poultry snow tu bo held here on Thursday and r-'riday uf this week. Mr. Harry \Vright of O.veu Sound will place the awards. We are glad l> know that Meafoid carried loe:il option and we oiler eotii;rat- ions to our former townsman, Mr. J. K. IlttimuoiKl, who worked very stienu- ously in iu behalf. Mr. James Mackenzie of Winnipeg, renewed old iic<maiiit;mces in this vicin- ity recently. Mr. M.icken/.io is an old Kimberley boy. tin lather, the late Benjamin McKen/. t', ran a bladttUHth shop in our burg some 20 years ago. Miss K'.vio Bishop left on Monday l;i. I to lesume hei studies t the T> ronto I'liive/sity. Mi. Clarence Cruikshank of Healhci'te visited friends in this vicinity Saturday. Euph.-iiMu Council Reeve, Millei (accl.), Drp. Reeve Muiray. Comic. HITS Gaudm, Mauaivy, Cook. A. S Thnrston, Mrs. \V. H. Thur-tou and Msr. G. H. Walter, t'lesherton, and Mis. U. Shaw, l.inns Head, were ealleis in our burg Saturday. A strapger went into a Tarn store nrul asked for a pair yf shoes. The young cleik m>t them dovn and the custuiiier said they would suit and akud the price. The clerk svd ^.50- The custoiuer said he ha.i only s:f. but he would be in the next day and pay the 50 cents, The The dork said all right. Alter the oua- t oilier went i lit the boss asked the clerk why lie let him have tho shoos withivli all the money he wmiUl never come buck. The clerk said he would be buck because the shot 1 * he wrapped tip wore b< th for the left foot. 5pecilift In disouet ol the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Office-30 10th t. east, Owen Soucd ' At the Revere house, Mai-kdale, 2nd Thursday each month from 8 l*> a 12a.m Dund-ilk,lst Wednesday of each month.. Jewelry V Fleshcrton Planing And Chopping Mills I am now prepared to do chopping every day in the week except Sundays and every week in the year. Bring along your grist!) . Our sash and door factory is always at your disposal for anything you want in pur line planing, matching, etc. Floor ing. sash and doi.i-s, and all house fur- nishings supplied promptly and at ieas- onable rates. Get estimates. T. Blakeley, Prop. Kebl5 l:My ~ A Splen$<* Stock from whici. |J U may readily maKe A Satisfactory Se- lection. We car- ry Photo Supplies. W. A. Armstrong, Jeweler FLESHERTON, - ONT THE l'a>t year was a lijr yeafs Imsiness with us. This year mus* I still greater. To :lo so w> have iust completed a irranary ami store house an-1 can now supply you with (Train. Fee. Land Flour from a luir to a car load, at W. BUSKIN, Flesherton. Now Is The Time To Leave your Leather Tops to get Rubber Bottoms sewed on. Custom Work and Re- pairing as usual, Agent for Dominion Express Money Orders Thos. Clayton Just Arrived . . . Fine Stock of New Over- coats, New Suitings. When in town leave your order for your Winter Suit with J. Bowler THE TAILOR French Cleaning done every Saturday Get your old clothes renovated. BUSKIN BLOCK, FLESHERTON. ONT.

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