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Flesherton Advance, 25 Dec 1913, p. 8

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25 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE BUSINESSCARDS WH WRIGHT. TEI-FORD A McDON'ALD Barrister, Solicitor*, d-o. Office*. Orey & Hruc Block, ((won Bour.rt. Staudard Unk IJlock, K'enlierton. (Saturday!*). W. H. Wright. W. I'. Velford J--...J. O. MoDonnH. D.1i..B, . SOCIETIES o u in \V meets ou the lt Monday each mouth. In tbelr louge room M. W., A < l.yton'B h*n Flelierton. at 8 p.m. M.W., W. J. Hellauiy ; <*.. O. . Munnhaw; Via., K. J. KjiroiH*. Visiting brethren lovHed PRINCE ARTHUR tXJDOE, No. SSS.A.f.A I A U. uieMe in the MftonichaU. Aril) HINDU'S Block,FleBbrton. every Friday on or before tho lull luocn Herl> Smith, W. w, ecretury. P OUBTTLF-SHERTON, 995, I. 0. P. meets in vCtayton-B Ulock the lat \Vecluesdav vaataf each month. Visiting Korwtera heartily Icome'C. K., G. Bellamy ; A. B.. U, rants; n. bee , W. Buskiu. i'leaee pay dnei to Fiu. Bee. before the first av of the month. riHOSEN FhlENDS Flenherton Council V ChotMtn Frlendi meets in Clayton - e ball 9rt ixl third Wedresdey of each nioclu ft p. m Fay wieBnient to tb Recorder on or before tDort day of each month. Obief Coanoillor T. Blakelev; Recorder W. H. Bout. ' RUDD MATHEW8, Markdale, Ltcennd auctioneer for the county f Orey. iervic* at reanmable rate.. I)at*a can made at Tbe Advance, o 08 MEDICAL \H CATITER U M C I' 4 B Ont, I'll vBician. Surgeon etc Office aud residence Peter t., Pleaherton JP OTTBWKLIi Veterinary Surgeon 3radnte ol Ontario Veterinary College mudeuce isoond door iiouth weit.on k.ry atreet. Thl. street rone ioutb Presbyterian CWnroh. , DENTISTRY |\r. E. C. MURRAY L. O. B., flenta. ,--_ U hooo.- graduate of Toronto University and Roval College ol Deutal Surgeons of Ontario, Gaiianiismtnturedfor teetli extraction Office at residence, Toronto Street, t leBterton. LEGAL ICAS, HANEY A hF.SRY-Barrirters, ' Bolioltori.ett:.-!. H. Lucas, k. C. ; W. B. llaney K. C. :\V. P. Henry. H. A. Offices, . . . . Aurontn. W&.9 Trader* Dank HWP.. main 1418; Maik<la! I.ncaB lllock, Phone 8 A. Hiancli otuce at Duudalk oi>e every Katurqay. BUSINESS CARDS CCL1X3UOH t YOUNO Bankers MarkdaJs eaeral banking basineu. Honey loaneo ruaeonat'l* rate* Call on us. n "McPHAIL, I.iccne<J Auctioneer lor the County of Orey. Terms moderate sud lit action goaraiitccd. TLe arrarmemefiH . I . of satei can be made a 1 THE A IIVAJ.CK .ttitii. Konideiicu aud P.O., Ceylon, Telephone oitnftctlon. Dc. C.U7. KA1TTINO. I.icenied Auctionerr loi a upecialty. Ttrnm n/M K. " the oouutlea of Urey and bilucoe. Ftrui an I Slock salon aiodxrate. natlJctiou gnarant<:<. rraneP- ti.r 'Uttii may be nimiunt the Advaiice -.r < 't-ntrnl t-1rlion oB'Ce h eerblniu V-IIIK in c ay Fcvoiibain. Ont. Bull ngeling Prince Joe . V -.wirtfer Roy "'it I'rincess Josephine'. . uoiter making ttraiu known. f .s.'i-vicf $2 for Kradi-i, $. r ) I'i'ir pur-- bred. i;K.u. A100RK A SON. Prop*., - T . CHIKl.KTT, . Commimionor lu H. < . J . Ooufsyaocor, , li.n. willn tc o&refully drawu uji conM niftd.*. coar^ea ra8oiil;e. Ali-o "ooerien. Hour. fond etc, ke|it in Block, Prices Small Farm For Sale Hatherton Born on December, 17, t > Mr. and Mrs. I! .in-i 1 I; iii.-, n son. ^ Born to Mi.anJ Mis.John Lougbeed, 8th line, o>iin-\ , a son. Mesai-K. I'.s. v. oii.luM-, Scutt, Louvheed and Down, altendul tho Fat Stock Show in tiuelpli.-uud also the banquet Taesd.-iy Miss Hazel Menzies and gentleman friend of Si. Catherines urn visiting for- mers parents here. The Misses Viva and Winnie Seeley aod Minnie' Wiutrra re liomc from Flofhertun His;h School for the holidays. Mrs. Juhn I ii'jln-r.l Hccom|ianied by Mils Carrie. Potts of Mclntyre, left on Monday for an extended trip, visitini; friends in Toronto, Detroit and Ann Arbor. Mr. George Wright, Swintou Park, wat- a caller in our burg last Friday, his daughter, Miss Wright, returning home with him for Xmas holidays. Mr. H.Guy has purchased the tem- peranpe housa in Maxwell. \Ye wish government should bu advised of tbe facts and mike a thorough investigation once. It must be a MI./. -u or more years fiince tbe disappearance of Johsi Jul-diiic from his home in Glenelg, and up to tlia present we havn't a title of evi- dence to ,-lin* what became of him. The lasr incident calls up the former, and many people are thinking. Chronicle. Is temperance it "charitable purpasef" 'I'h 1 .- -jiii'M ion is raiiied to the constructioti of the nil! of the Inte Mirh.n-1 Patrick Doyle of I'll- hin-li towimhip. While re- servinu judgment Mr. Ju/ttice Latcbford inclined to sny }-.-. Doyle directed that $7,000 be set aside until a temper. in -c h ad should be eatablished in ' .ui-1 1 >h, in which event the interest on the then principal should go to the main- tenance of that "temperance hotel." One of the three trustees of this fund is the Roman Catholic Bishop of Hamilton. ID his will, Doyle says: Mr. (luyevery success in his new under- taking, and we believe him to bo the right man in the right place, lie will siill run hi* farm located near the village. Large couRregsitionti gathered last Sun- day in the Methodist Church, Maxwell, to listen to their former pastor, Rev. Scott, of Meaford, who delivered two ex- cellent sermon*. J. The entertainment ou Monday evening was a decided success. A number from Warehani and Feversham ass.ste-i in tbe singing which was much appreciated. Much i-mlii in due Mn. B. McCallum, organist, who trainul a number of little girls in tinging, eacb representing Hjwer. A tableaux given by a nuintier of young ladies from \Viitehain was good. The proceeds amounted to 84t;.CO. Mr. and Mrs. Hudson from the West, Mr. and Mrs. Hartley, are visiting friends in ;ind around MaxweP. Mr. and Mrs, Hudson were old residents of Maxwell, iui 1 Mrs. Uattluy is a of the late Foster Heion. has ever betn one of tbe motives of my life to inculcate In- principles and practices of abstinence from intoxicating liquors among the people with whom I have lived, and I have at all times endeavoied to assist in the promotion of this cause.'' It is a vety worthy cause and probably money could not be used better in its beltalf than in tbe encouragement of the establish unit of barless hotels. DOES IT MATTER? Don IT M AT-rtR to you that of all the men, women and children who die each year in Canada one in seven is a victim of Consumption T UOES IT M ATTKR that one in every three of these is cut off in the full glow of life, with plans ;ni.l hopes and lovea that must be given up? I >oi-.s IT MATTER that a few jargons have joined hands and within a few short years have saved thousands of these unhappy ones and can save thorn all if only there is a little more help and a little moro money? Perhai> it doesn't matter. It is nil very interesting but it is no immediate concern of yrfure. BUT WOULD IT MATTER if instead of East Mountain ')ells are faintly ringing. Miss L\7Me Welsh is visiting friends at I eathcotc. Heathcotc. Miss Sadie Smart, who has been tending high school !it Fleshertmi, entering Rw>ebo<ly else's homo and carry- ing oli their loved ones, Consumption cume into your home and laid its haaa on the one you lovo tho best in all tlie world ? Wom.D IT M ATTKR then if you saw your husband, wife, child or friend dying fur lack, of a little bit of the money Rome other fellow was throwing away ? \Von.o IT MATTER when Christmas came if there were nothing fur you to do but sit on the ed^e of tho lied und stroke the white h ind on the coverlet and realize tliut this- wrt tlio last Christmas ? Thin is how much it matters in thousands of homes in Gumda this year and will oon- "i . i- _ To help the Munkoka Fire Hot- pitalfor L'oHRumjjtirrK contitnir titt 'liff-Kavina fork. I glailly rneloat , the sum oj $ \nrnr. I in ue to matter until enough people like you t -I test the burden und feel how crushing it is. ,-, - It MI;.-! mutter it is the most important ^ -j , .. {thine in tbe life of some unfortunate ui ned home on Fnday last to spend the sul ,4 r _ what >ou do with the atuched holidays. fonn. Mi*s Miiuti Smith of Toronto is visit- n:_- In-i purenttl borne. Mr. C'liiiilie Mai tin visited fi lends at KflwiiiL' recently. Charlie says the) voads are iutnieiite down that wixy and he! will i r.-m-l 'em again. Our mti-e-med toachor, Mi-s Moon,] left nn Monday fur her home at hi. I) to spend tlie'liulidays. Air. and Mis. Heiry Gia-liam luive ro- tnrned to Owen Sound after .spending u fortnight t Mr. John Welsh's. Mian Dell.i Smith .spent n week at Hoi) Uoy, the gutht of Mis II. Mctiuwan. Miss Mary Iluiubi'istuiio of Kpping and Min8 Alma of Tniverstnu have re turned liniiic to spent the holidays. .Mr. F. (i. Martin of Cla.kabiir^viMttd friends in our vicinity recently. Your correHpondent wishes the Kditor and the many reader* of The Advance a Address 5.(XP will provide nmlnUMimice forn work. 20.1X1 will pay fur lour weeks. i'/ will endow u licit for a year. .Smrr the nrrtl /* .itich a ftermanfnt in, . fttttonltt ttlno like to . iilin-i':'>r i|/ name aecord- r ( , (l .r i. iniM A> ,li ...... 1rlniii A, M ttin.r 1 vnl in W. .1. ttutfi.. R-... in S ..... -fi> It- Ixnilmr. S.^- .'in .M .Vtlldit luli.iu, .f47 Kltih'iit. W., foruiilu. Pity tho fxlitor. 'Wlint'fi the foreman as n^Utcr?" inquired '...cnU'retl tbe sane the sanctum Part Lot 'j, con. 4, Euphrasin, brick - t.iri il cottage, ir nn" barn wiih ' iiaseini-iit ; small orchard, cherries, , plums a|> T ili-s and Mimll fruit. Lot contains 44 acres, will liuy it. Apply to - WM. SLOAN Dec. :V>, 1.'! Kiinberley p'. o, Boar for Service A large whit Yorkshire Unai- for service Blot US. 8r4 range W T. A H. H., Arteinoiia Temii "I.OO- Meiry Chiifitiiux and Hnpl'jr Now Yi-ar. H. ALEXANDER MERCHANT TAILOR Feversham - Ont. Fashionable Tailoring Seasonable Goods, first class Workmanship. ALSO- A line of Ready-Made pot alterations if required. Clothing free of Isepl2 for copy, and noted th<; editor's swol- len forehead, puffed red eye, and tat- tered, dusty coat. "Did you fall down- stairs?" ".No -only that," replied the edl- lor, pointing with liiu finger to n paragraph in the paper before him. "It's In our account of the Crapley- wedding. It ought to read: Farm For Sale ' r lift* ii". I"'. 1 !' and 18, lit con. S- Ii. I! . Aitrmesia township. l!nml mail, convenient to school, good build- ' inm, plenty of water. Will sell cheni>. ~m'<;H WATTEUS, Dec. 17 Piicoville p.o. . BULL FOR SERVICE ;>.i';n\! i i .<! Holstein Hull, Korndykc pietertje (.'ioiliilde, No. 14780, whose .Urn, Trixie's Clolbildo Pietertje L'nd.No. 29K8, has produced over 80 His. milk per day. f~ Term* Grade cows $1.00, puce bred cows IM. AlkiowH not returned u ill l<n l-t^l :,,',,. *1 *^ Durham Eilw.nd l>oyct*, a man nbout 70yoira of a^e, WUH rather nviiously injuiel at the fuinilure factory, wliere he is engag- ed in yaid work. He \via on a watfon, H iin-li wnH in-ill-,- iii iM-n through tin- yard and in -.".n.:< down u ,loi-p incline, the tv;i -mi >li!Wi-il ni'l ho either jumped or was tliniirii off, nhun hit head w;is cruih- tl lictwocii the wagon and u lumber pile. He wan oadly crutlivd tiboiit the head and face and hit> skull wa.s slightly fractured. Recovery ia hoped fur. . Mr*. Wm. Hewitt has H valuable hen judging by br friiit,and ihal usually isn't .-i bad criterion In go by. On the 10th of December *hc laid an egu ineasur ing eiijlit inches by six and a half, on the lltli an ordinary nized one, ou the 12th another large one seven ami one-lulf by MX iiu-ln-n. She then missed- a day and laid another ouo on the 1 It h. The four weiuhed nearly 1H ounces, or about double the weight of common eagj. They! were .ill given the editor of tbil "'I family journal, wiih a with for A Merry Christmas and a Ilnppy New War Tlinnks. Next ' Also ro_'isfcii-il Vorkshir* hoar. No. .Ternwjl. HENRY HOLM AN 40, Con. 4, Aitenituia, Portlaw i'.O timnrtf Nothing hag yet been hein-cl of Dunald I. McDonald, who naudered away mys- i. i i i,-ly from his home on Friday, the j fit li of December, nearly two weeks ut;o. The whole neighborhood hag been search- ed for i In- missing man, nnd the utter lack of success leavea the mystery still unsolved. A good deal f tulk and pec- ulution in being indulged in in tlio neigh- borhood, but no -jiio appears able- to givej r tho heroine a satisfactory aolution to the pruhlom. I'nless lie wandered off sonio plnoe for M-nsons of Ilia own and is purposely con- cealing his whereabouts, very few now expect to see him return alive. It teems to us t hid under such circumstance*! the Miss Smith's (II .ipled, shining face formed a pleasing^ contrast to Mr. 'Jrapley's strong, bold iihyslosnomy.' Hut see how it was printed." And tbe foreman read: "MISH Smith's pimpled, skinny fac formed a pleauing contrast to Mr. Trupley's urange, bald physiognomy." "Crapley was just In here," contln- led the editor, throwing ono blood- itreaked bandkcjcliief Into the waste- .!>- i' basket, and -feeling In hlF jli:kl for a clean one, "and he W just send that proofreader man "iere! There's light left In mo yet!" IJO.SN of Mnslral Memory. i in.- of the most notably, cnseH of mMi-ii loss of muslc-ul memory re- ated Is that of Kmlle Prudent. One lay In a concert while playing his wn concerto with orchestra he lost ill consciousness of the connection iri v..rn the notes, and from that line -lie bad music only as confused ounds. Neither from bis own play- ng nor from that of the orchestra ould he train a distinct Idea and oimd that lie had completely lost he ability to read the notes, From his attack, however, he soon recov- rert. The gravest symptoms dlsap- eareil the next day, but from that Ime he could play only from notes. No Reason To Work. A largo, Blouohy colored man went shuttling down the road whistling like a lark. His clothes were ragged, and his shoes were out at the toes and lieels, and ho appeared to be Ito tbe depths of poverty for all his mirth. As ho passed a prosperous looking houso a man stepped from the door- way and balled him. "Hey, Jim! I got a job for you. Do you want to make a quarter?" "No," said the ragged one. "I done got a quarter." Grief and Remorse. "No," said the stage manager, ">ou You an- supposed to a frame of mind which represents grief and remorse." "I know," replied the leading wo.- man. "I'll try to make myself believe I'm one of the people wbo paid $2 to see this play." Train Jacked a Moose. An engine "running light," one dark night, was derailed by a big bull moose In New Brunswick. The driver explained that be had seen the animal standing on the track, staring Intently at the approaching headlight, but until close up to it had not Imar-iiod- that It would re- main there t be killed. He bad however wh'-'led, and then reversed his engine as it drew near the moose. For this he was greatly blamed by the superintendent, wni explained that having made the mistake of supposing that the moose 1 would not, or could not divert its gaze from that glaring light, he should have crowded on al' steam in the hope of throwing tbe hnge carcass aside with the cowcatcher. Montreal Standard. Has Phenomenal Power. Alex. Logan, father of Hugh J. Logan, aged nine years, of Clinton Township, a mile from Beamsville, Ont., maintains that his son Is pos- sessed of a phenomenal power by whir.i articles that he touches are thrown with great force without any effort by the boy. Mr. Logan states that the phenomenon was first ob- served on the day following: an elec- tric storm, during which he noticed a circle of light about the head of a hammer with which the boy was driving nails He further asserts that tbe Influence now seems to be leaving the boy gradually, and that the lad suffers from frequent bead* aches. Honor Rolls Flethciton Public School ROOM 1 Results of term examinations, marks deiioto percentage. Sr.4 Bessie Mi-Vicar 70, Shirley Mur- ray 75, Lilly Lever 74, Reuben Cargo 71, Frank Thurstcn 70, Dvlbert Patton tttf, Amanda Stewart 6(i, Mabel Fenwick 6D, Mary Colgan 03, Aimed* LeUard 62, .Jim Stewart 01, Wilfred Watson (>0,Miua Heard 58, Bobs Trimble 06, Wilfred Tdoter 47. Sr. a-R N Cornfield, Frank Bunt, Clarence FUlier, Olive McMullen, Violet Wilton, Rune Cargo, Mabel Ricli:trdaon , Ad.i Tli- .ni|i-.. .M. ROOM 2 Uop.rt for December Jr.:j Katharine McVicar,Krnci>t. Davit, Gei. Mitchell. Sr. 2 Flotwiu. Richardson, Har.y Le- G;ird, Bert McLeod. Jr. 2-HildaGuldlmwk, Lillian Buskin, Jamie Wright. ROOM :; December Riport Sr. 1 - Harold Bellamy, Jac-k Karstedt, Eimond Walter?, Rc.'->ie Boyd. *" Jr. 1 Nelson Slmnk,' Kenneth Stuurt, Mamie Nutin, Loui.j f.'nrgo. Report of Flesherton High School for fall Term, Sept. to Dec., 1913 -' Honours 75 ' iind over. Puss- 00-70 : Failure under Iii) ; FORM :{ Hnnours: Ha/el Shunk <S7, Minerva Stnll'm-d 85, Dell Thurston 75, Gladys White 75. Puss H Field '73, K!MB \Viij4ht 72. L Beatlio 8, R Spencer 7, V Stafford 60, V Scilley tilt, Miiud Boyd and Stella <>ir HI, K McMillan ;md 1' BeattiunO. F.-iiluie A Kichardson 53, T Orr 52, M Henderson 50, H Sbunk 48, K Spen. car 30. FORM 2 Honours D McVicar 8'2, F Bunt 81. PHIS--L MePhailftf. E Wright 65, E Whittaker 3G,M Mac Art bui 02, A Gaudin CO. Failure M Lepate 5U, W Scilley 67, Wal-ir 55, 8 Smart 54, Xolla Bentham 5:t, M Knox BO, M Winters 45, E Mc- Leod 4H, P Carson 42. C Dudt>eon ,iinl M Wright unclasiried t'irough absRiue. FORM 1 PMK M Irwin 6I, L Muir CO, E Kar- stedt 05, D Wilcu 60. Failure- -F Parliament 57, Glenna White 54, M Legate 60, C McMillan 47, P LeGar.1 42, E Cuswell 42, F Lever 41, H Moore I!5, D McMillan :U, M Wright 30. L Dudgeon unclaBfiitied through ab- sence. Excellent Service to St. John, N. B. and Halifax, N. S. Follow iiitf fast time and modern equip- ment from Toronto to St. John and Hwli- fux, via Canadian Pacific, affording ex- cellent service to mid from Canada's Winter Ports:' Leave Toronto (I'nion Station) !.00 ,\ m. daily, Hi-rive Montreal 7. "5 p. m. leave Montreal 7.25 u. m. arrive St. John H. 00 a.m. and Halifax 10.20 p. m. Ob- servation parlor und ilium.; car Toronto to Montreal, standard sleeping car g Mnntrpal to St. John and Halifax. Dining car Montreal to Hherbroke (dinner served from 7. CO p. m.) anil MaUnwam- to Truro. Ki|i!.i!ly nonil service i-L-turnini; Leave Halifax H.'M) n. in, daily St. John 4.65 p. m. arrive Montreal 8.30 a. m. leave Montreal U.05 a.m., arriva Toronto 7.10 p. m. Standard deeping c's Halifax and St. John to Montreal. Dining car Truro to Mattawamkeag and Sherbroke to Montreal (Breakfast served coming into Montreal.) Observation parlor car and Dining Car Montreal to Toronto. Tickets reservations etc., from any C. P. R. AK<mt, FlesHeirton Tonsorial Parlors We Aim to Give Entire Satisfaction LAUNDRY Basket closes Monday night, delivery Friday evening. CLEANING and DYEING We are agents for Parker's Dye Works Clothes cleaned and dyed, feathers rejuvenated. T FISHER, - - PROPRIETOR Our Clubbing List The following prices are for strictly paid in advance subscriptionsonly. We have no accounts with other papers. Flesherton Advance S I 00 Youths Companion 2 OOJ Toronto World, daily 3 00 Toronto Daily News , 1 50 Weekly Globe 90 Mail-Empire 75 Family Herald & Star 90 Toronto Star 1 50 Farmer Sun.. . .- 90 Farmers Advocate ; . . , 1 50 Weekly Witness 90 Saturday Niht 3 00 Home Jourukl 90 Poultry News .,,. 26 Poultry lieview 40 Rod and Gun magazine 90 6O YEARS* EXPERIENCE 7RADC MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS Ac. Anyone (ending a ulietrb and deMrlntlon m7 anlcklT lucertatn our opinion free whither .. Invention l> probn Mr patent able, Communlc*- tloni ntriot ly conOdenl lal. HANDBOOK on Patent! ent free. Oldeit agency for eecnrf I'alenta taken through Mm tftcMiuUct, without eberge, I Scientific flmericait A handsomely Utastntod weekly. Canad u ' an? oiemiflc journal. Term* tor ~ postage prepaid. Sold br F SU WMhiiitoi New York iiitoi DL C II II A few lines at low prices, Pocket Kniyee, Razor* Scissors, Pipe* Clothes Brushes' Hair Brushes HARDWARE HOLIDAY GIFTS Crockery &. Glass' Jardi nerei, Jugs, Salad Bowls, ruit Setts, Water Setts, Table Setts, Toilet Setts Autoniobibe Skates, Pucks. H'.ckey slicks, trai>i and. ankle Supports. CUTTLEUY Carving Sells, Berry Spoons, Pickle Forks, Pie Forks. Butter Knives, Knife and Fork Setts, Celluoid Knives and Forks, Rosewood handle Knives and Forks, Steel, Gold Mdal Pocket Cuttlery, guaranteed. CCT GLASS, ASSORTED PIECES-Made from the best crystal, cut and finished beautifully. A MOFFAT RANGE FOR CHRISTMAS A. bettor Christmas Present cannot be bough', guaranteed to give satisfaction. OTHER USEFUL PRESENTS- Food Chopper-., Dustless Mops, Granite and Tin Kitchen Utensils, etc. A full line of Shelf and He'ivy Hardware. Sherwin Williams Paints and Varnishes ooo Frank W. Duncan FLKS HELTON, ONT. II Jas. Pattison & Co. CEYLON, ONTARIO. WINTER GOODS AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES ! Winter Oonds at greatly reduceu prices. Just at tho right time of year Jim don't need to wait until! near spring to gef these wiuttr <M>od :vt little over half Prices. We have on sale for this week Ludies tweed shirts $;i 25, rax-, for .$2.30 Ladies' Tweed Skii ts $2.25 tor .'..... $1.75 1 only, Lidies' Tan Suit, sizo .'U Lust, re;-. ?14.00 for 10 00 (Jills' CoHts, rca 84.IJO for 2.5( Ladies' Coats, S8.IX) for f 4 .:,o' Rn d 9 5.00 Biys' (>\ ercoats* reg $4.25 and $4.50 for 82.9O U iya' IVa Jackets, reg. &!.l)0 for , . $2.2T> Men's Overcoat*, reg. SO.(il) for $.'{ 00 Men's Winter Caps 2, r ic and 50c for 15 C Men's Winter Caps 5i>c to 75c for 2c Ask to see these Bargains. we will be pleased to show you them. Millinery at a Little Over Half Price ! ! JAS. PATTISON & Co. It I ' I GENERAL MERCHANTS j ' ".. | CEYLON :-: x ONT. fiXSRSSRSR^KSnSfcS&SSJvSSSSRivfeS fj s^T^ T ^^^^^*^r^^^r-a>r^,T^vKT. ":< Flesherton Tin Sho I have just placed on the shelves a full line of Tinware, Nickolware and Agatware for domestic use. Call on me and get your supplies. Eavetroughing, Stovepipes and Stove Furnish- ings. Repairing of all kinds promptly attended to. Pipefitting, ineludin^pump work. Furnaces installed. Agent for Clare Bros. Furnaces. <f t - V 'f V <f 1 If * 4 r i 18 i D. McKILLOP CHRISTOE BLOCK FLESHERTON * ONTARIO.

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