A Dark Shadow; Or, A Coming Vengeance The Meaning of a Name f'lIAl'TEIl XXIII. (Continued). One night, about a week lat*r. Clive wa In Lb< library o( the House looking up a rttfTfiuf. when Mr. Graham, the Liberal tender, entered quickly n if in eearoa of Home tiiH-, an<l with an exclamation of cut n <:;ime to Ul.vc. and laid hid h-uU bhoulder. "I i bought I nbonld flnd you here." he 1)< vcreiu i npeaking on the Un- room, and Qullton called out to him from b!e bed. "House on fire?" be axked indolently, as Clive entered. "1 beg your pardon for disturbing you." explained Olive; "but that woman has turned up again; ehe wee knocked d >wu in the street lawt uight, and I want yuu to BO round to Ht Thomas's with ine. "That woman?" said Quilt/in, as If But lauxh. ow to C'live got up with a 'quickened pulse. I * uau , y , - , '.;> returned U. tbe Chamber H ! A " ri ? nt ' Bald Quilton, not too read w full of excitement; and it w: a evi- ''/ " r11 I"" down In a qurrtor of an hour; dent that Mr. l*>ori.ux was playing a loe- tnn Kh I <lon t we why you should expect ho met him ln (hc et , reet . am i wll , Jug game, and was aware of it. Thu HCU.-O mo ? know every member of those i>ujm- means everything that is choicest in fine tea. "SAL ADA" means the world's best tea "hill- grown Ceylon" with all the exquisite freshness and flavor retained by the sealed lead packages. BLACK. GREEN or MIXED BM ..,.,.; ,- termlned a himself. Amongst them wrs IlMjedown In a qurrtor of an hour; K ohki, tho Anarchist: and Clivo. when i *j* il. a ,;iu J1VUX;1' i . i crammed, continual interruyt.oiw lou ." m "Come and breakfattt with me," said il at by K.f-liki, know that he had not only to flght political foes, but a pftreonnl enemy. Mr. liroddy, th third candidate, and jits friends did not mince tbeir Ian , , cain from tbe Libra. ilde, interr..p l ioiiB rl . ftroken with sharp, eager laugiucr as if .\lf . aim JUT. u-irnun u i ui.<, mim-i. <*.*u ...- the Liberals were aware that IXsvereux . u *Sf t:lk<i breakfait. responded QufJ- ruage or exhibit any care in the eelee- wan at bay. and that noon they would ">" ' * ou "-member the ntory of tb man ti))ll of t ), elr p hra*es when they addreeaed pull him down. It wan a wondcnul night **> wll j' n was asktd, after a heavy tho eipcto,-,,. \, ut called Mr. C ITO Harvey to pee the great, the atuio ..taw^a.i. ni " nl before. what he had had for break- frau ,i aml hypocrite, and a traitor to fighting inch by inch with unbroken <v.lrn. "' replied. 'A chop, soda and wbieky. ,), , ie0 n\ ( , O f whom he wu supposed to be ness, and regarding hia foe*, now ra.n *" d , , .- forced by a number of u.a own party. w,lh do ."f * cat the chop. fhatu my case. ' However, he had a cup of coffee with explaining that he had the ft trlrvd: but the other candidate fought the fashio , .. ; ^ . , inBii.^Jii; im n< l "'ey went down to the hospital friendly way ln a ^leggum and gentlemanly und ho and I'live met lu quite a srnilo half amiuied. li Jf ounifuiptuoub. Ho wai or. hM defence, und he was ne.or . - ..,,<,,, ,,. n*tt*r tba.li when he wa wriggling- as tne ' *. house enrgcon caine- to "That chap Broddy" h aaid to Olive. On the Farm - Liberals put it-out of a difficulty; but . thi diiflculty ;u , too terioua and com- ''"' plei to I... wriggled out of, even by tha "<-onsciounr clever and resourceful Mr tbcm, and gave eome aocount of the pa- Flro Protection on the Farm. In probably not one out of a thousand farmhouses or barns is a bucket of water kept in a handy ing, the man who is producing the city milk can afford t" feed more grain than the man who ia produc- ing products that can be held over in storage for longer periods of time. Viewed from another viewpoint, the cow that is fed starvation r- tiona and those fed more than they can digeRt and turn to a profit, are both losing money for their own- ers. It is some where between these extremes that the successful dairy- man must set bis standard. It is hia business to find out and no dairy authority on earth can' in- form him intelligently. It is one of the many lessons \ve uuuit work out by associating with out stock. has returned," "and she is better: flth a hearty laugh, "will ruin you Hell D lo/. a reAdv for nan in pn.an nf firA , epiit the Liberal vot. and let mo in. P lace aay tor use in case ol nre ts MtwMd. ho aid. y OU -i] , Pe | But for him, I shouldn't stand emergency j yet so effective is a . --! but the n<"k eeerrs m chance." handy bucket of wnrAp when fir He sat down, cheered uy the remnant of to , ll , av ? "* her mind. Phc is q< ite .. Alr , falr , i OTe> war> alld o^tloneer- " f ." , [ " OI , j hi, foJowvr. and how.ed at by ha foes. <> ulct - Ij'it her memory appear* to have ing .. rcBponded Olive with a laugh. Mr. Orahnm. who had already spoken, (tone; she down t remember even her own rather you _ ol ln Gordon, than <-lm-<sl at Clive. As riiva roi*, omldH " anle ' and <'' K' Te no a<vount of hrelf. the wild, anticipatory divert of hie party ' Quilton, who wa Harding a little be- - happened to_ glance up at the ladie,' i!! ud .. < :'!i. ve '., dr< ' w ._ fc , ha / 1) b !T u . th ^ B . lw ?u" - < and you can jaw the hind lo off n donkey, number of filled fire buckets in cer- '? fl^vtTt'be^'B^'i'donrbe'ai'tain locations in their buildings. ' any grudge; and by Oorgol such a Frequently a cupful of water at I'd Sars a e insurance under- Mr. | writers grant a lower rate of in- Broddy . But rm not beawn ye t. I gnrance to maniifactiuvrB anH mer afe eo." aid Gordon. "And you 8 U rance >*> manufacturers and mer- ha T the P ul ! of me : l cn " ft L alk . a . blt - cnants who. Will keep a specified all<Ty: l.ady Edith h..d aald that she hi< ""h. then oongbed ae ra coining down tn the Hoiwe thai night. * JUnd - and hu thought he caught a glimpse of ">ou ran romp up and mv her," her l:f. Mr. Devoreux s caa wu a wenk "' o h" ll ' surtfpou; "you won't disturb one. and i live had an eae'y i^k before Jff* *9J ll ' >r "iind a perfe-'t blank, and ..harainit" lady ought to have her own i, an j u " LI ' B f a rta as ft tinv him. U u probable that he had never h<> ta , kefl n . ' lereet '" ''y"""K or any way why haven t j n wlfe or a Bwee t- J| ana wnen * Dla ^ e st r tS ft t' n y pokcn betur; ho iva armed by his In- , " n e v abollt ncr - ' ho.irt to nght for me?" flame 18 more valuable in prevent- - . .. timai knowledgi, of the rubjex-t ; and in- 1 o rh .[' y * c " t "P. to , t , h<> . w "f ? n<1 "'^ ^"'! Th:i! was very P Vaant; ffrr more ple? pired not by ambition -of late It had I Q"''n "! bejlda the bed. and looked ttnt than ^ bl; , n ^ by ond hear-and C ive ' wemed dead in him but by the. dea.re to '. to drown his thought*, to forget the pnt In eomo strenuous effort, boiuo ex- citcmeut. Ho vpoke with tutoninhlng fluency, con- idrring th numerouv intcrruptioiw from the ot.her side, and he absolutely demol- ished Mr. Itcvereuie p.aiuiible argument*. ! ^hat gentleman we; whinnered to the "That set tint no: a actually nodded 1 Clive as hu ank lnu> hi teat Ht tte v . n . R" ta ''* wft < u!t< ' f nj '' dark > y. ' reiiting it fncM for a moment, ga-d vacantly fire loss than a whole fire de- often did stand by and hear -Mr. Broddy lament ten minutes later. A Bin- on and Koshlio Informing the working men gle bucket of water dashed soon before hor. "Poor woman! no may said f'llvo. in anr nain. like "She, dor , How long : b '^ t that h. Clive. -was a rnisoreant. not only enough Oil blazing curtains or dra- unworthy to nit In the House of Common*, . ..n LI... "". peries, or a small blaze starting in h^rities flour- rubbish or hay, will put out a fire ri . ., . ' lh exceedingly, for those who are eon- U e f ore ; t has" nnnortunitv to The hpuM siirgoon ihrmd his iihoul- npfltvt with ,,,, ,, rB cute, i.noih to D- " elo . re nas _ opportunity to ; p.aimibl* argument*.! . M nonl - neotod with them :ire cute <-nough to ap- r-" ent on wniling; but ho " Imn.wmble to eiy ." he said, by no ,.{, thp fn ,. t ttlrt i,- y ,hould be mado headway, and thus mi man next him him, "''". .' a "<'Ufly. but, iu a matter-of-fjct while tho ( , Rh inini. ad that, at ro means, not Olllv of savi i fine speech!" And he'^ ^' 10 "* ba in this condition or ri(K , are ca , ldi( | ntca BO utx-ral and gen- ..*.. n a friendly way > , M " ' tliuo. months y*r.. jjcrh.^.: I ve frolM M whpll lh ,. v are 8eek lng the . ">B a , nti , ',> <"on ents and Kind, she i froe<y , ,, f ,j lo elrx-U.r. Mm nl<M)d on their c-it, and waved ran "t communicate with them, for there, j lh< :r lialx and veiled; one or two actually '" nothing about her, no letter or any- J danced in thfr rl'e: and it wa with dif- lllin lf of that kind, to help u to Identify aeu.ty that the Speaker enforced order to lu ' r ,;'' permit Mr. Devtreux to move the, adjourn- I " ">""' do noinething for )ir," eald ment of th. House, which was nnderotrod f 'ljve umvrtatnly. liti, ' "," . j " " may be the saving a build- preventing 'fh<Tnet 'charity at the death of stock, but even save IOSB of human life. Most people rely on a pump or ! water tap as a source of water when fire breaks out. In the excitement corraUng ail , following an outbreak of fire it fre- Governor* n-aln- , < to h a prelude to tho reaignatiou of t.he Qovernment. The member* of the. victorious party hook banda wilh eax-h other, and, red and hot nnd exultant, crowded round Mr. Graham with aclamatiODI and congratu Uuilton had not yet Hpoken: ajid he lo.-iked down at the white and now placid face with an imnaealve countenance. A* ('live bodtaUd, however. Quilt-on said In a raeual manner: "I look d their impartiality, and avoided in- vidious selection. The result. proiu'Vod to brilliant financial NIICCIW. I/adv Kdlth want1 to bur up a!) the tickets, and distribute them qtiently is difficult to locate buck- ets, and tho delay of two or three minutes necessary to fill a bucket at a pump or tap be enough to give lations. And not a few preoovd round dive, for they knew that he Wii the com- In* man; indeed, that he had aJmcjt ar- Tired. Lord Cn*st*rllgh had great difficulty ! um In getting at him In Uie crowd, eo cloely "That Is very good of you. Quiltoul" was he surrounded. [said Clive warmly. My dear boy!" be said, laying a JniM Ho thanked him again when he got out- I1UULU bll'-l : ., 1_ , , . but CT!TO the fire a chance to get into the ont tbnt thin" would be bribery In : walls, or spread 16 a {Kiint where st obvious ard overt form; and . J:flp./,,,lt * nn.r,/.), P 1 it most -_ ^'er Lr kU "K W b', 1 ' 1 ? an ^ T 1 " *^^&^&5'*% '"" Thup^n^ l^no^n'e' o'f Z,*^ ttJffij&V& - men and he would he fJ<l. Mlai , n<1 ,) 1B rrHi nt th bdies declared i with a Cover, filled With water, n<l it is verv difficult to quench. Everv household should be eO"ip- with u fire bucket, provided | to take charge of hor for u umall weekly on Cllve'w shoulder. Thui in iplendid! Mi th is outaide. But you will not bo able to come, will you; you will ftant to irDiamf" fide; but Quilton. aa he lit hi* pipe, wav- the ibankH aeide. "Oh. that's all right." ho nalrl. "We'll used for no other purpose. The "Why. Jt wonld neTor do!" .aJd L.dy | L^^ ( of bucket f g one with a thst he certJilnlv munt b preaont. share it botwwn MTTmean you" can pay" BUre (o h " th( ' r0 '' the money -for, of courHe. your dnk ' would insiiit uuou that and I'll do Kdlth. "It Is tho great event of the y<-^r at Hrlmfleld: they eat and drink and rounded bottom, which prevents its eleep 'concert 1 : n-d it wonld look a* If sitting on the floor, and SO mnken don" ^$^w**&jKm* it useles, for ordinary household oh. of course, you tnut , work. These buckets should be "No; i wii, come .t once." ...d n.T.. ^_>J L ?~^ ****& Ka^^.^^"^ r^ii'i"^ i painted red and should be filled "Oh. I 'live!" with paswlouate admiration love. The crowd eaw the action, a'moet hard (rood com-rt. at regular intervals to replace w.i- by evaporation. For the reason buckets provided with aro better than open buck- prevent dust and other m.t- getting into tbe water and unpleas.int. One such least ought to be provid- every floor of the house or wiJhVeurt^'SndTnTr f boredom ! ki ^} $ > ^^ h8 ' htt<1 thrown barn. They should be located near VDkaT 1 n h " hC6 '' tt " d "' < " lter * d tb j r "'Bu> S2rJt"t*i concert, dear." *he went ' the stairs or entrance to the build- worth *oing to. for ing, so that those rushing in from or else can be suspended out They got In and the carriage tnade Its way. neceiw.irily alowly. Into tho street, tho wan free and IndependVnV necfsary that Clive hlo shoulder" "Tonr raa- their way through Uie mob, naught eight of n woman lying on pavement. "There IIM been an accident. I'm afraid," he nld. "Ml >e wlmt it is. Vnn o on, sir. I'll take a hauioin und follow yon." He gnt out quickly, and made liin way he. Kd;cal and Koclaliet *id, might u 1 ..,. the lake the field. hod rouibered. tarty WvthBw hod nrraneod a reach of children, from a metal or wooden bracket. Theso buckets are particularly important in winter in climate* where pumps or tps may freeze. As a general rule the fire risk i greatest in cold wonther. because that is the time when the stoves and furnaces are mad as hot as possible to keep the house warm. for him- and _"Hefii knocked down, run orer. lr," j*UI "And you'll help him to win. my dear. ""' tho ixihoeman. touching his helmet. "My But you muni do our nnrt of the oanvai- mat* her* >aw her trying to uroM the eing. I mint take no hsnd In it; a peer rosd amongst the carriage*. Mho ha* you kuow, must not Interfera In an elcc- fainted. I don't know whether bhe's mn<h tion." hurt. W've cent for a tretcher, and "I'll -work like a Tro'an We'll t^ke n.11 we II take her u> Ht. Tliom i*'ii here." the carrlavcs down, and we'll naliit t'-e The ilrt'V-lier qulck'y arrived, and fHive plce red I" rVil wiie fliie's color. "I'll wont on the hoepital. and wnlted until k!m a'l the babies, nd tell the mothers thci iexiuiinnti.ni had 'bfi-n mnde. i that tbe are the finest the bablea. I "Veo; she's raUier badly hurt," ald the mean- I've e.vor aeen. Of cource. you will ' - lura-eon.. "8h' not conwious yet. I win. Olive.' 1 "Wilh unoh aid fHlIure would be lin- po< .Hi Clive. Thev went down to Brlmfleld; tho Dim. terlelgbt irolng to the lionve of a friend, Wynth.iw. and Clivo i-nt'lnK n" at .candidnte (To be continued.) I'ointcd I'aragraphH. An egotist is &n "I" s.peciulist. Even the union dentists believe in an open shop. It's as hard to moke a hero as it is ensy to unmake one. If all men were to get justice, more of b Bad subject. I'm afraid." "I'll come In the morning to fen how h u," t>id Olive. CHAPTKJ1 XIIT. f'live nked himself, ne he -walked from Ui h.wpltal to Oroven.,r H;iuare whetlier BrlmHeld took elecllo-eerlng (,er!onlv.| 1 1A _ pf . lU . v and tolls more he ihould tell Ibu Chent^rleiglu of his for- and the cmi'nii.m bovnr, In strn e.-r-i- !s " e g ' * mfir encounter* with the woman; but he P ,t ; for, ii'sel t>> ho'lnt hr- denrlvrl nn dei-idod that he would not do no: WPrjaJlMUoa of prl all Ito humor, n"d In li'Mild he d!treee them rredlft^ly? So he ,,] B ce of the old uprnpr'niM merrlme..t,. vinfliitd biOUMl to reporting tho woman s nn( i no t upftmnnlna- h-ivepVy we hrve nonditlon; and the aff-ir made littlo or wAlmg apeechM, hlt.ter Tecr|m|.Mi|^"fl. not seldom, epltefnl and o"'"t.f">o . ;--. .- ; nr,..|l.ni neixonnl iicc"-tions. WliPl^er fcy pity and sympathy for this victim of t)m n hnr In one for the bettor. It U. thank idne*i, not for the present writer no Iraiirevslon upon Ixird Chmtorleigh and Lady Mlt h beyond that which w.ii caused found the piece In arext, excitement ; for After a gossip tells all fihe knows ie gets busy and tolls more. Marriage is never a failure but contracting parties frequently our terribly overcrowded Htreet. Kent mumlng ('live went up to Qnlltou'a For nursing mothers Na-Drn-Co Laxatives offer the important advaut nge that they do not disturb the rest of the system or affect the child. 550. n box at your Druggist's. National Drug .ml CKmial Ca. I l_ud, ljmiio.1. 175 "Mors : the . dv KHifh tbre-w hT*lf i^to tile enn- -with nil tlie ardor rh V^d nrom : eH, drove over from the O-Kiif. Lr-rtv tlmw's n^sew. e^ef morninw her rpr- and hor*n lodrt~j(/v| wilh rifle's ?f>viir**4 from )!"" to lite >!">*"'* pnrt 'fllhern In heW^d Ollte. wlt.ti i\n oi> w?*s nil (o^df.^ sut n nl.ttfo e"!"** to Ms "< ,.., . ,t |,i ;,!. which duly surtlenee. e pn^e.-'rM t/> Vrt l*^cftpi>hlA of " ft"'lj r In- ' ...M who ht. Cheerful. Patient: "Shall I ever gnt well again, doctor?" Doctor: "Most certainly. I've had a lot of experience of your , . 1T L ^t I oomplnint. Why, 1 ve unen trfiat- j n ,, anotlu-r ' for it for tlio I iiaii'"i'' by . baud ut men as rongh md do- , labt ..., ~... joftl*. pounds of fus'-d calcium chloride to each Brallon of water. This c'ci"m chloride must not be confused with the ordinary chloride of lime, the bleach'ng powder. The calcium chloride is very inpxr>pnsive nd both keeps the water from freezing at temperntures above tero ar'd also prevents rapid evaporation. With this mixture in his fire buck- ets, the farmer, except in casps of unusuallv low tempera f \ire, has n,l- wnvs at hia cornmand the means of checking the start of a fire in his bams. Fording Dairy Tows. Economical feeding of a dairy herd is a subject which cannot be fully explained in a short panor, but there are a few points whi'-h I might mention which would cauro the render further to investigate for himself, writes M. K. \V. If T could say something that would cause dairymen to look into the matter, mv best hopes would be realized, for it is easy for a man to be shown after he is willing to learn. As a rule home grown foods should form the main reliance, but commercial feeds nnd purchased grains will neceasnrilv DUCK-HUNTING IN WATEB. Remarkable Fe-t Performed By An Indian Lad. A novel and ingenious method of capturing wild ducks is described in the Wide World Magazine, by Mr. W. E. Pedley, who witnessed the feat while on a hunting trip in In- dia. In his party was a lithe, ac- tive-looking native lad, who pro- fessed to be able to swim under water into the midat of a flock of wild fowl, and catch the birds in his naked hands. He was given an opportunity to show his skill in a quiet lagoon near the camp. A gentle sunset breeze was blow- ing, says Mr. Pedley, -when we silently forced our punt into the rushes about 20 yards from where a flock of duck -were busily engag- ed in diving for wild celery root*. Immediately the youth began his simple preparations. He put on a stout leather belt with a rawhide thong that passed through holes, and formed a succession of like a cartridge-belt. It J Boy St. Lawrence Sugar in original packages. Un- touched from refinery to your cupboard, you are iure of tugar absolutely free from contamination or imparities of any kind. St. !. ncr frsanlsted whit* part cine inter is picked ia time nxes ol irsin one, medium end eoe.r. In lOO Ib.. 25 Ib. ind 20 Ib. sealed be> and 5 Ib. end 2 Ib. ciitou*. All fint elan Wr em eappjV it to infill upon navtag SU Liwroee Sorar. ft. LAWRENCE SUGAR REFfflEtlES UM1TED, MONTREAL loops, was n- geniously arranged so that any one loop could be drawn tii<ht, and the slack passed to its neighbor. Next, he drew from his bundle what looked like a decoy duck cut off at the water-line, or just below it. Turning it over, ho showed us that it was simply the skin of a duck, with beautifully bluffed head and ne-ck, but quite hollow inside. The main frame consisted of a strip of split bamboo, bent into the shape of a long, narrow horseshoe. A little crost-bar was stKiurely ties on with KinrwH about an inch and a half from the heel end of the shoe. The skin was sewn with sinews to the main horseshoo-bhaped frame, but under tho tail it was entirely cut away, so AS to leave an open space. on the water, it looked like a 'badly nuitie decoy, because the head and neck, being atuffed. were unduly heavy, and th bird rodo with its ha<l tapped forward and its tail absurdly cocked up. TIio youth slipped into the water, mul, turning on his back, took the ittle cross-bar between his teeth. HI> then lay floating quietly, tho x>dy of tlie decoy covering his nose, eyes, mouth and chin. The water was clear, and we could easily sec. lim under tho nurfaco. At once we saw \viiy the skin of the docoy was cut away undor the tail. It was to enable him to see out. The lad swam down the narrow [>assage toward the Rock, and we more or less prominont dairy rations for years occupy ft place in to come. How much of thes* 1 f"eds we can use at a profit don n nds utxm thir cost nnd (he (|iia |: tv of the cows wo are feeding. Generally spcak- '/'.' mtmtnt fu Hi it, / / it/ Smell it! just once! If you love violets if you love to have their delicate fragrance clinging to your hair and hands and face RO to your druggist and sk him for Jcrgcns Violet Glycerine Soap. Smell it just once! Get one whiff of its real violet fragrance, and you will join the thousands who have found that this crystal clear soap gives to the toilet and bath a de- light no other soap ran. There tre imitations, but you won't find the rtal perfume of violets unless you get Jtrgcnj. Jergeixs VIOLET Glycerine So&p For tali by Canaiian from coon to const, ut.luji, s Write 'for sample cake today If your druicgfst h&tn/t it. send 2c stamp for generous, sam- ple eske. Address the Andrew Jertfeus Co.. Ltd..6Shcrbrook St.. I'eiih. Ontario. 'oc ftti. Thrc* cakes /or Jc. del a gi Hr'tvortk. noticed that th swiftly moving de- coy looked exactly like a swinv ming mallard ; the same tiny wave ran out in a straight line from each side of the breast. I had looked away at a fish-hawk at the northern side of the lagoon, and when I looked back. I coula not distinguish the decoy ; but su<i denly I caw ono duck move ba/cky ward, and two that wore inim** diatcly behind it disappeared b*> in .ith the water. A moment later another disap* peared, and still the surviving member* of tho flock showed no anxiety. They doubtless thought that the others had dived. Several more went quietly undo* the water, and we began to wonder whether the lad would get th wholo flock, when a bird went un- der with a great ;>la.sh, and sev- eral ducks raised, themselves in tit* water, and twisted their head* v sharply from side to side. Appait. ently unable to toe any danger, V they stayed where they were, al though on the alert. Presently aa other one went under, and then two at a time ; but one was caught, only by one leg, and made a groa* t squawking and splashing a* h went down. Thereupon the reel took alarm, and flew away We poled up, and found th youth grinning, with eleven dudn * in his belt. The baby fell and struck his head '* on one of the pedal* of the piano. "Oh, he's not hurt, mummy." said the elder brother; "it was the coft pedal he struck 1" ''My wife went out yesterday af- ternoon, and I kept the baby still two hours." "How did yon do itt" "Nailed his clothes to the floor, and gave him a tin of syrup to play with. f V I