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Flesherton Advance, 25 Dec 1913, p. 2

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ONTARIO'S NEW SETTLERS 63,000 Came to the Provincs this Year Most Were British Subjects of the Best Class 1913. January 1,111 February 1,603 March ft, 604 April 11,173 May 11, 3U June 10,189 July 7.62R Augait 4,859 September 3,449 Oc.Uitwr 2. SI* November 1 , 827 Docem. (estim ) t.OOO 1918. 611 1,006 4,200 7,013 7,506 0,097 4,470 3,621 3.1B6 3,638 2,509 1,536 62,571 45,299 Then* figures show the number Ibat. -< P in Ontario during t!ii- year. Aooordiim to Mr. Robert Birmingham of Toronto, Qovern- nii-iii Immigration Agent, there has Wen UD i:.. i .<- of 20,000 over la-it year. It is also shown that about 76 per cent, of the settler* were liritish subjects, -while the others cuino from other European coun- tries. The newcomers were all of the best class, and well provided with money, having from 25 to 500 in draft*. Th only ones who appeared short of cash were those from the K .t Ixmdon districts. THE HEWS IN A PARAGRAPH U HT .MM.s FROM All OVER i ill. M (Mil. IN A M ISIII I I. Caanda, the Empire and the OTorU In General Before Your Lyes. Canada. Throe little girls in Montreal di<xl within twenty-four hours as the re- sult of burns. The late William K. Biule.y, of Mr. Birmingham stated that the Hamilton, left his whole estate of number of families coming tu the &M..US to chanty. province w*g exceptionally large. I A federal fruit commission is to They usually settled upon fanny, and n-Il confidently expected secur- ing farms of their own within fcho next few yearn. Th fact that all *u<- i ! in making a good living was shown by the fact that during the year the Government did not have to pay out $50 to assist any of the immigrants. Illr! MOKMUN I'UF.SIUKNT. Eduln J. Wood Control* the Life of 7,00:i iv.,j,i, in ( ariiiila. <)no cf tiK' most popular men in Southern A Iberia i Kdwin J. Wood, president of the Monno'i Church in Canada. While Mr. \Vood jtn-'iily attached to liis church, be is: nf \ertheless broad enough to believe in tolerance to m denominations holding religious worship in the confmi-H <if tln> large stretch of count rv wlm-h the Mor in . i (r-iipli- h.-U' uk'-M ov-r t" Mormon people from Utah and other Mormon colonies. Edwin J. AVood is also the stook- mnn of the church. When the lavRi- tract of land wa.s j)urchased a num- ber of cattle went with it. The herd j has now increased to several thou- Isand. and these this man has under be appointed shortly by the De- partment of Agriculture. The prices of moat and poultry, it is stated, are 100 por cent, moro than during the decade 1000-10. The cartage service will be tem- porarily continued by the C.P.R., O.T.n., C.N'.R. and Intercolonial .Railways. Oontcieocfl money totalling $620.- 35 came back during the year to tho Customs, Railway and Finance De- partments. PRICES BF F PORT! FROM TH> LEADING T*DB CCNTRei OP AMERICA. ***** < CMI., Grain. Chuit ana Othiv rt Jut, ,| Ham* an* Breadttuffi. Tbronto, Deo. 24. Flour- Ontario -wheat. Boar. 90 nr cent.. $150 to *i.56, irouboard, and at $3.50. Toronto. Maiuwbas -*itt umtiiitw. in juto bajs. SS.JO; U.. xv>nd!, 4.80; Htroug bakvm'. in Jut ba, M.60. Manitoba. wheat --Nu. 1 Norltieru. We. Bay porte. tuid No. 2 at 91 to 91 l-4t. By Ontario wh^at -No. t wheat, B'l t< BSc, ouuidr. Oal No. Z Ontario oata, 34 1-J to iSa, OUtUte and at J7 1-2 to io. on track. To. ronU;. Wrwtcrn Canada old oa,t. 40 1-2 for N. Z and 39 l-4c foi- No. J, Bay port*. Pfnn $1 to 11.05. outiide. Barley - Clood ini>ltin bitrlcy, 55 to 66< . onlmde. (Joni Nrw No. 3. Am-ru-iHi, 74 t 74 1-&-, all rail, Toroulo. Hye No. Z at 65 to 660. outoide Buckwheat 70c, outnidu. wild iwnc otfrr- log. Bran Manitoba -bran. *21 to 121.50 a ton. ill burn. Toronto freigbl. Hhoru, *'n .60. Toronto. Country Product. Butter Choice dairy. J to 24c: iulerior. j \A> Mr; fanuert' eparatr priiitii. 24 to Zor; vivamery print*. SO to Jle; ftolMn. 28 r ' nte > n to 28c; do.. 26 to '!"- Cae lot of nw-laid. 45 to 48o per (town: select*. 37 to 3V, and dtornge. 32 I to JJr per .I.,/.- r Cheese New cheese. 14 1-2 to 14 3-4o for I largo, and lie for twin*. HOUND ['-pi'.-krd. $2.20 to |2.25 per Seven power companies exported j U H ney "t-jT/^-tS, '?n 'tin*, n to iZc per 101,423- h.p. to the ( r nitf'd State* i '- r " r No. 1; onmhB. $3 to .2i ti<--r dozen ?.. 'or No. 1. and 82.40 to $2.50 for HO. 2. this year, while 90. -162 h.p. was | Poultry Kowl. 10 to lie per Ib; chickens. i 14 to 16c: ih'.-ku. 12 to 14c ; iree, 11 to IV; 1 turkeyn. 1fl to 21i. Potatoes- Ontario*. 80 t<i 85o per. bag. on tr.'K'k, aixl iH'l.i v. .irt> ui 90c. used ill ('a 'i adit. The body of John HulW, of Can- We unhesitatingly recommend Magic Baking Powder a* being the best, purest, and most healthful baking pow- der that it is possible to produce' CONTAINS NO ALUM , All ingredients are plainly printed on the label. MAGIC BAKING POWDERj EW.GRLETT CO.LTD TORONTO. ONT. I WINNIPEG ' MONTREAL QUEBEC'S NEW LICENSE LAW Close Bars on Dominion and Labor Days No After Hour or C.O.D. Deliveries Ohio', huriwl at (joderic-h as 'control. He- sells to whom \\n unidentified, was exhumed and pleases. No one in Canada asks ; shipped t<- Canton. where the monev goe.s. Xo K 1 - 11 *!. j Fnxlerick Kecc-li, of Cretna, near Mnrmoti dare doubt tho integrity Deseronto, died suddenly, having i . ;; , - . ea i since Mor.ii'in mtb of Southern Alberta '" n In that \eur ("mi'l'-s i'i -i Card, after wji "i ('.mi ; <x t'> Temple fV,\ .f i. came v. it'i 41 <l /fii M->rii on.-' H :<J M.'tlli'd al-m-f ihf S; M/II- . li .,! in S.iut'ici-.i r"j. Tli\ \tii> the nuclei, i ." 'rW M"/ mona to In- found in t 'an.-id.'t i 'i Jay. IVi-sidi-nt Wood ha- 1-nure con triil nf this M 'rni' ii jn'j)u!;ui'i in -ii'iu- i tli'-ir relation to the chun/h is coiii-erned. and relation to i ho Mormon ('lunch means butti- n s. --ocial antl religious affiliation. Kw-i .vthini; tli" Mormon does is con- t/"''--</ by tin- church. His I President Wood. The responsibility of It-rial for it .-'..-.IM.!''!!! trin[ili- is now i.-n in the latter pl.-u-e t!n- day be- f'-re in his usual health. Tho Y.M.I '.A. campaign launched at O-ii-".v;i t,i raise .^."i.DOO for reno- Wind. The i csr structure is to ' . C 'I' it, S < i|- '-11 A]lirrt;i, and it wi' 1 In- tin- t'ir.-t liritish soil. Maihle niiKt he secured, nr 'a'-nts ui.-ui fi-r hauling in;;-' teral. workmen employed, ii'id ,-i th-iil^avd "ther th:ri{- I" -HR;ii;' ^.i^ vations to buildings, resulted in (o:il I ilili! ion.- 1 of ^li.O'JT. AII iiKi'-ewcnt lut^ been arrived at hetwor-n the Detroit Jiivei-Tiin- rc! Co. .'ind the Michigan Central I'l.-i.l. ni K. J. \Vod. in better known by t,lie president than by bis banker Hi* goixls arc the <-hur<ir if th eliurch wishes f<i ije them. Over matters of t'hi* ^iucJ Mr Wood hnn direct juriidic- tu >n. . \Vh< j u tlii i:hureli undertook to j.'ii. '...r. th^ old C<K-lirane ranch in SoutJic^n, Alberta, it \at Mr. Wood who diil ifir IIM-S', fin- hi organ- ization. Home (j.vioo <-i-e wre in- volved iu thi <l<!iil, and tho Cana- dian prr-M ( |fi. luii- luul the itelling of tlua i > i in Minall parcel* to A Mi.rnion prr iii-nt <io--~ n-t re- ceive :m\ vil.irv. I'n -i.i.-nt Wood is ;i in;iii ..f >-oVi ; lerab!.' \veulth, iiinussed probably >> lore his ap- point me in to the presidency, and can afford t*; niv the tin:*-. It h;n h.'eii said that his wives number more than oin- Tlii.t has Keen disproved on several Ocea- nians. Mr. \Yood. how<-vrr, be- lieves in the principle of polygamy, although he adviser, his people to refrain from ihe practice bec&UM of the laiw of thf laud forbids it. find the <-ity of Windsor, which il is estimated will net tho city *:::.. II:M a \eiu- in taxes. Seven of the, ten Hydro-Electric companies operating under Domin- ion charters, generated l!tl,!'Si> year. and of this 101.423 was exported to the United Suites. Klsi,> Whitman and Margaret Johnson, Knplish K'rls of twenty- seven and twenty-four years, re- spectively, have for n month been masqiHM-adinjr as C.l'.K. telegraph messenger boys in Ottawa, also having worked in J. R. Booth's mill*. One is a mother. Baled Hay and Straw. Tlalfd ):.-iy No. 1 at *14.50 to &15 a ton. on track, lierc; No. 2 at $13 to JU.iO, and mil- I cd nt *12 to Si2.50. JVileil -traw fur lot?. 58.50 to W.75. on track. Toronto. Provisions. Bacon Lone clear, lie per Ib.. In case lot/.. P.irk ;-!,.jrt , ut. 828.50; do., 7111^, $2150. 11. -i iii' .Mi-diuru to linht. 191-2 to ?.V: beary, !C.-; ivill-.. 15 '.&. to 16< - : break- 1 baron. 19 to 2i>: l> 'he. 23 to Me. l,:ir,l i i-t-fi ,. 13 J.4 to lie-; tubs, 14 to 14 I-*,-; l.Hilw. 14 1-4 to '.4 l-'Jc. Montreal Mr.rkttt. Moitr/ril. Dec. U. < rn. American No. 2 v-'i!..\v. 80 t/i 81<-. <>:.:-. CniiHiliun West- j ern. .\,,. 'i. .il 1.2 to 4Zc- ; .1.... Xo. 3, 40 M lo 41c. Barli-y. Man. lerA. 48 to SOc; malting, ! 6-1 to Mo. JJn< kwh?at. No. 2. 66 to 57c. KJ'.nr. Man. yprinu wheat, patent*, fir*^, '540; do., tHvon<lb, J!4.^0; vtroiiK liJikera', $4.70; Winter patents, ODolo. ll.75 to ^5; traifbt rollra, $4.M) to f'.W: Btr-ii-fht ; roller^. IISK-. S2 K, $2.10. Rolled oat*, bnr- 1 TO'H, H40 to S4.50; rolk-it ont*, 50 Ib* - 10 ' to $2121-2. Bran. 20 to 821. HhorU. t'tt ; to m. Middling". >25 to 26. iloulllle. Z7 I lo *28. Hay. Xo. 2 pr ton. oi\r lot?. 14 to 81'). ('he<-Hp. fluent MuBteriM, 13 3-4 to !<-; Hnent c:iBtern<s. li 1-4 to 13 l-2o. But- t-r, i-hoicrt creamery. 28 1-2 to 29o; ec- ouil-. 28 to 23 1-4,-. EB. fre*h, 64 to 60cj .i-llftnd. Mr; No. 1 SUK-k, J+-: Xo. stock, 26i-. PoUitoo. per b|f. < r lot*. 75 to 85o. A de.vpat-oh from Quebec says : Further details of the bill to amend the liquor license law indicate that | the Government will go to greater lengths than at first stated. The proposals include : The bars shall not open until 7.30 in the morning, shall remain closed on Dominion and Labor Days, and there shall be no delivery of liquor after closing hours, that is, stores after eleven o'clock p.m. week days and s ; >ven o'clock Saturdays will be prohi'oir-d from delivering orders even if they were placed before eloping hours. Another clause provides tint liquors shall not be s..!.l C.O.D. This will, to some extent, eliminate telephone orders. Another striking clause prohibits statements in ,id- vertisementa published in periodi- cals of any kind which clim thai .the liquor advertised is "benttfidal to health or mind." The same ap- plies to illustrations. * The Government has not iu th coin-so of its temperance pro gramme forgotten to look t-ov^irdi if- wn revenues. It is provided in tin? transfer of club lk-ensfs<th--il twenty per cent, of the transfei pri-e shlll go to the Governrtlriit, | and another claiise provide-s thai license holders operating open flmn shall pay '25 per cent, more than those operating under the 1 tir..- pr-an style of tnbles. This is t en coin-i-.p;? the elimination of tb. T'<r Government also defines rhaj liqii-ir i-; by Ftating; that "any! i with more than two and a hal 'cent, of fpirits shall be . liquor." ON THE ROOF OF A CHURCH. i Baby Was Blown There By Powder Explosion. A liuby UHliX'ii In a craillH on the ItrUain. Tlunnas Hardy, the Knglibh nov- elist, may obtain the Nbcl Prize for literature in 191-1.* An attempt to blow up part of a wall at Ffollowny .(ail in England wan blamed on the militants. t wmneie< Grain. . !><><. 24. C'ah: Wheat -No. 1 NorthiTii, 82 $&; Xo. 2. do. T> 3-4c: No. 3. do. 77o: No. 1 n>irru*d, f>d. 76 l-8o: No. 1. do.. 74 1-Z<-: Xo. 1 viiiiny. 76 l-2<-: So. 2, do., 74 1-1- ; No. 1 red Winter. 82 l-2o: No, 2. do.. 80-: N'o. 3, do.. 78c. OaM No. t l-.W.. 3JJ-*.-: No. 3. rto.. 32r: vitra No. 1 feed. 32 l-4<- ; No 1 fel. !!<: .No. 2. do., iflc. Barley No. 3. 42 l-Zo; No. 4. 40 l-8e; reject- ed. 3712.I-. feed. 37o. Flux -So. 1 N-W.U, 1.20. Xo. C C.W., ~ The amount paid by Harrv MaJ roo for a el,,m-h both baby ant oradlP ! | llllv .| )eBlBV for (1|P , )uko ,,' f ,.,,. liavlng hoeii placed thern without i . j. /, ,-, hands, een,H tnoro like an eptoode * ord ' ( ovcnt <:inrd<1 " <* . iu from a fairy tule than u fart of history. ' '-ondon is now reported at having but tlmrc lit an old cliurrh tit London ! been $!.'), TSO.Oi'n) in-trad of J-l.iO.OOO. of whlrli the story is told. Tin) cliureh in the Church of All llnllow-1, Hiii-kliiR. and this (K the Btory. It happened thut in the last ninnth of tho relcn of ' h.'. l- i I a cnrlutu shlp- chandlnr was foollHh pnoiiich to htmy hinixnlf over Homo barrnls o( gun- powder with a lighted ratidln In his hand. He paid the i.-l. of his folly. A sipiirk fell Into the Kiinpowdor, and tho im.i .> -MH blown up. The man who did the mStirhiof wan unfortunately not (lie only one to porlHli. Fifty houHtiH worn wrnckod and a number of pardon* wnrn killed. In on lioiiH'i among tho Hfty, a 01 V I ll'l.-.l M ii... Canadian oftioial* opposed at \Vashin (ft-on the proposed embargo on potato*/, going into the t'nited States. Foreijrnora j n Xew York aent 406,89ft raoiwiy ordora ii^rgrefratinK <l7.77^,ono to tho folks a-t home. A new Komau Catholic chutvli nilo, m-<virding to Rov. Ja. Mc- Mahon of Now York, is to be laid I III/ I 1^ LIITT III I > , il . i * __ . - , mother had put hr liahy Into HH ow whereby Protestants believ ci-adl to nlni> linforn llm uploiion I * n B '" divorce cannot wd Itotiuan oecurrod. What became of the mother no ono ver knew; hut what bncame of the baby wan vnry wldoly known. Tho next morning, a young child In a cradl H . found upon tlto loadH of tho church. Baby and cradle wrn both uninjured by the explosion that bad lifted both to xuch u giddy height. U wa nnver IIMUM 1 who tbo child was, but Mho wan iidoplnd by u KMitln- man of th partHh, mid gr\v to woman- hood. Rho tmiRt ftiirnly all h"r life have had n pncullar Interest In that ehureh. lieneral. Goneral Villa, loader of tbo Mex- ican rebels, deuiexl that the foreign- CANADA HASLOTS OF MONEY The Government Has $98,500, ooo In Gold Stored Away In the Vaults A despatch fr.iin Ottavu nays: A book of glided lii/iiii' t ii;i , jh.nlr il . unnuul a|ipevuiine HM the "Public Acxv>unt" report.. Tim book tells how man.y dollnis tltt-rc wrre in t-he fV>mtnion tr'-a-Miry nt the <-los<- <>f th' fiH:al year. It tells how many rU,! l.i ! wre uuulo in tin- mini, hw much Kinftn' Minister White bor- rowed, and loi niueh \va s|M>nt. Among trn-r inteie. liriK iteinn in the }\ftnV i.t the isnue of Dominion not-r 'Die lolnl isoi< f*.r Hie \eiiv wa. *an,74n.(ioo. whieii it .-\i\ milli-in le," ihnn tlie ,\ear lieforo A if>- 'I <i'-al of elriiniiiK up was flono. ovr thirty lliree Tiiillioiis lie Ing ii-tlred and lehtniy-d, or more than t.wMir it* tnueh ;is tho year JUT vioUi Tli. i lii.rgri| bill prinU-d for grn rn-l oirciilation !< Hl.OiHi T'ie de ma nil for them wns mm-lt i-fdncvd. t - . iriillion dollar! worlh having been inouod in ]9li! and only a mil- lion do-Ham laM. year, Tho coin factory had n busy year, stamping King Ueorgo on silver and bronze to the value of iihoiit a million and a half dollars. ( )ld coin was made to about tho name amount.. In npi'te of linrd limes them is a good doaJ of niouny around Can- ndn, evou if not, much of it. iu loose. At tho close of |}ie \eiir thorn were hills out to (he \aluo of nvor a bun <lred and tv.eK,- inillion clnllai-H. Tu gold the i;..\i-inm.,it had l<n-k rd u|> ninety eight and it half mil 'ion-, It. ia ,,f VIIIIK iiuertist. to <ib nerve tlmt of this !:> milliuns uro in <'niiii<linn ruin, and only a little over four iind n hnlf millions in British. Though ('aiindu k<-pt Amerii-,i'i Bi!<l, it s.iut, b.K-k AnuM-ican silver to the f:i -c \iilufi <,f six million* and t is thouoand dollar* to do it. wre moleHted -- Chihniihua. \((U)ENT TO CONDI CTOIt. Mr. Munon Smith Loses His Left Hand at (bo WHt. A dt>pa,t<.-h from Belleville *., : Mr. MKIII Smith, a (I.T.R. freight OOOdttOtOT of this* city, had the mil- fortnno to I,. .s hi left baud at tho wrinl by mi RiOcidvnt at- Napane.e on Thursday morning. Ht a.tUiupte<1 to board a moving car by sizing the side bar, which pulled out of the \vood and his hattd Ml on the> trit-ck : beforo ho could mo\ e the whcpl had run oven- it. Ho was given trwAtmnut at Napaneo and later brought to Hollevillo Hospi- tal. The hand had to he ampii- tiited. United States Markti. Minnenuolii. T>irr '1A. -W be.t IVvemhor. 84 3-8o: MH.T. 87 3-4v. Ciinh -No. 1 liard, 881-V; No. 1 Northern. 843-4 to 71-Zo; No. 2. ilo 83 3-4 to 16 !& : No. J whPat. 81 3-4 t/> ' 1-2... Corn N<>. 3 ,TUnw. > W to 61 !-4<-. On'* No. 3 white, 37 lo 37 1-io. Flour mid hi-Hti I'nrha lifted. Duhtth. Div. 24. Wrn-:it N.I. 1 hard. 87 18r: No. 1 Northern, M l-8fl; No. a. do.. M 1-8 to M Mi. Montana No. * hard. l57-8r; Dvii>ber, S41.8.-: Mny. 88 l- to 83 t Jr. T,ln^'d W.4S; rX-T-^niliel. $1.43 i-4| Ma.v, !M.*8 Live Slock Market*. Toronto. I>o. 24. Cattle- Choice tiut. chern, M to 18.70: food medium. $6.60 to 1725: rommon. .i to Sd M; OOWH. V4.M to T.25; -non <-OWR. W.50 lo 4; butt-bun' bul!, (.173 to (725: . A- - ud ruttr. .V,0 to f4. Caltw, C)WM{ veiil. HI.75 to lit; rommon. $4.75 to (15.10. .-.-',,-;. au<t ff*4- ero tttrr*. i-.ii to 1.050 ih . fi to 6.TS, itoo<l quaJity, 800 lb.. M.M to S5.BJ; llKht. {j.iVI to Khetp and lamb* -Lbht wm. to 6: '...- J to S3 60; buckn. A to IJ.V): - ,i-:i.c lambn, M.50 to tint with 7Jc per hend deducted for all the bn.<k 1 ami's. Horn 8.75 to $8.83, fed nd o.-re.! nnd f."-'- lo $9.10 .-IT .-*i 8.!5 lo M.40 f . -.1 .ifr<- . lie. 24.- A rArload ' prime b*eve wa "'<i at u. a pound, lleduim anlmitlf eold at 6 to 7 S-*.-. oommon. 4 to S .' i. : large bull*, i 1-2 t<> I l-fe: ana ran- I1.T- 3 t S ' V- LIHI, 'i .-..T.F |40 to *80 M'IKKLESS COMMIMCATIO.N. For It;iil\vay Ferrie.s IMjiuj oa Lake (Inlario and Lake Krle. A despatch from Ottawa PIVR: The- new (iovernment wireless sta- tions at Toronto and Port Htirwell aro now practically completed, and will be ready for operation at the beginning of the new year. They will afford wireless communications for the railway ferries plying all winter on l^ake Ontario and Lake Erie. This will give- through wire- less communication from Tort Ar- thur to Toronto, with the iutrrvcn- ing statioiis at Sault Ste. Marie, Tobermory, Midland and Sarnia, covering Like Superior, Lake Hu rou, Georgian Hay and Lake Erie. Next spring the- station at Kingston will bo opened, giving connect ion right, through to Montreal, and Completing the chain from the he-ad of tli<- l*ke U> Belle Isle. , . aoh; o&lvei, 4 to Be: het<J>. 5 to K; .tmtn, 8 to B l-2<-. Hot about f 1-ilc. FAUMF.n'S SAH I'LK.HT. >\ile Dead Si\ Weeks ItrlWe He t ..nlil llury Her. A dfftpatt'h from Keimra. Out., says: Frank Cutler, a farmer at l''alc-on Ixlund, fort.y-fi\n miles (i-oin here, on the Lake of the \Vonds, arrived here on ThurMlay with the body of his wife, who had died din- ing child hiith on the 5th of Novem- ber. Owing tw the. freeze up of the ill.' ill. -ii ho wa*, to comn to town, not hnvinif a power boat, ami until tlui i-i. hail formn<l h could not travel. Besides the infajit aix other young children ar loft, and during Ins absoruie art- bning cared for by a neighbor. lft,5 CIVIL SKHVANTS. Siiueranniiuliuii Allowance* Total \pariy $ A despatch from (Ht.wa MT: Tho total number of permane-nt ofll- ciaU in tiiv pay of fl'o Federal ()ov- I M'lii-in at/ 1 1n- rmi of the iHut risca.! year, u-tording to a blue hook pub- linhed ou ThurnluT. was 10,593, iwid the total amount paid in snlarit's was $11,040,813. During tho year A3 <-ivil ~f! .mi- wer superannuate rd, i.!i.- annual superannuation al- lowiuiee. totalling $j:i,840. Nvrtrly half a million dollars per yar are now paid from the Federal Trea- sury iu superannuation on rotire- fund allowai>ces. UKQTKST FOK PKAVKHS. Fur Peaceful Selllcmenl for Home Illllc (|ll"-l Mill. A <les|Mitch' from IxMidon says: The Iti.thop of [.oiuloii lui^ nvei\ed from 15'j i-lergymen of his ilioci-se n request to be tUlMMrlMd to public prrtyprs in their chui-chos f<ii- a [ipni'^'ful settlement of tlw> issue between parl of ( T ln.ter nud the rest of 1 1. '.i 1 10 over the Ilomo Hulp question. It is Axpeotcd Uiat the Bishop will coii'ctit. IIIK! that tJie ( last SiiTiil.-tx of the year will bp ; Krne-ii Kelly, aged I'.'. \\us I-M : cuted Ht Maiu'hoKtiT, KUK-. f"i'i killing a book dfali'r, n+ied MI. A j crowd of 6,000 from OKIham madt a demon ist rat ion on his beh.ilt' nut aide tho jail. BANK (I.KRK DEFAtl.TvS. >'or<b. Vancouver Branch of the H. VV. I- Short $11.1X10. A dpatcL from Vancouver says : Cash in tJie North Vancouver branch of the. Bank of Britinh \orth Americ* is short $11,000, according to a reliable statement roado on Wednesday. It i itated at the bank th*t tho clrk .suspected re- cently a.pplied for leavo of absence to get married and had overty>d his tirno. An investigation result- ed, with th abov> discovery. TB\I>!< AND MTEANKRM. Will Make Ue(t,-r 1 ounection at Comment on Even s A desp*t^sh from Halifax, X.S., aays : Th Halifax Board M Trade has reciv<] a telegram frora. M. M. Bosworth, vi-pre8idnt of the C.P.R., stating that the Inter colonial authorities have taken te.p8 to remove th cHtteVtutMtlQII that lii orwipa*} h* had in <vn- nwtion \vitJi the train facilities at Halifax on the arrivaJ of tho Km *teamei-s. IDIOTS IN NF VRh. atl.lMHI In Ihe State. Hut Awommo. ilation for I.IMHI. A d&patvh from Albany, X.Y.. sayB: There are thirty thonsaud idiots and feeble-minded persons in | the State of New York who should j New Line to Shorten Atlantic Passage. Th.> project for Hhorteniug the Atitn . wa pas-iago by tlie inauguration ..[ . iteauMAip wrvlcc between , the * o( Ireland and Halifax, Sova riootla. anrf Kostoii w at liuit approacliing the region of realization. A contract was ily.ird in London oq .^ovember 26 gifinif power for the <Uaw. Ing- of plan< for the construction Jft 9 harbor at Blaolnod B.iy and the uiutng of a railway conueoting- that point tli the three principal railways uf Irfhmit. lh^ ia tho scheme kiwwu a.-i tbs All Boot* whi.-h wa* advocated iu -in itWl Parliament and out of it liy t)r. aoMrl Ambrose, foi-inerly uieuibor foi wst Mayo, aud the ueocseary capital ha been provided. Tho designs will b curHod out by enry ( . Lou*, of Boston, a -well known aix-Uiteot in harbor oonstrcc-tioii, and ti ne<.-*iiry Bteamship*. rolling stock jnd (>iTuian!iit way material bave ali--:ldy bwiu he*p.iken from English firm* TIM railway commniik-ation with Blvk- <vl wUJ bp made from CoJloonwr, Iti H.jgo where the Midland Oroat Wentcrn f l<r- land. the Great Northern, aud Ores,* Southern ud Wentero yteui eoutergv. A weekly net-vice of fat etoauiert! Il oontompUted. whirli mill crry mail!i ut p*,afluger to Halifax tu three day and a half, and the voyage will bo carrifrt on to Bwtpa an the port of debarkation OB outward cargo. It iu vxue<-tMi that the now root* win dive.-r Ui Knglaod much trafflo that now goes from America to the Continent Jir Jti>u <if superior HpeeU and bortnt*jT Wondert of Iht WlreUis. The <l<ivlopment of wlrelee* tlegrii)hy It a<vompl'hing thi'igj which a few- yeaiv ajo weiv regard^ M beyond the realm of po.lbllity. When Marconi gT n'.t great diwo?ery to the world tu* wcn- ileni .f Us future development were un- lrenid of. We are beginning to reRi tum. Ooean travel ha been mad com- prthrlv K.IN for -rtivsel*. mcage sr lasbvd thousand* of mile* between * tlous. Inetaut eommnnicatlon ) mad njom point to nolnt through -rust utretcieg of prliueral foreat In wiUlern.*e*, *nd by thl wonderful agent tho world will oon KI inforoiatiou of th phenom.ui of itorniii nd other nnturnl dlsturbatiTe* of enornjow. taluc to mankind. It 1 pr- dlcuxl tht with Oio cueapeninv of the PTRtem the newrpaMr* of "or l<* will have their owu -w(rela pUnti and be In oummunlcation with all part* of Jh world, while bulneas houuen iglll hare iu same eonrenlonce. The winlfc* will aliio traturutt the human voleo (fc Iminniwii dtetonoe*. and It ti not Inore- dlt>l that a ipeeoh or concert in London may b lifitnud to In any I' i-lty. Modern Unrest. This |( an Age of noolal uureet. -md JT >IM< K" th * leading tnduetrtal eountrleJ pa^ boen Immune from dlncontout uiv)"g t worker*. Canada. perhai>n. ha no tt boeu '.-- dlMirly1 th^u her uleter utale* of Aiiatralla. New Zeal.tnd and South At- rlca, but tho Dominion mut *ooni- "f later b ooiifronted with the name pi>"' blenw In the name urgBtit way. Tndewl, tlioiie M>untrle bavo been wii that ti.iv* been preparing their political OMiUonf to mevet thn dernund for wide anil u- 16 mud reform*. That wii* nei-exaary if f" nothing rlat than to avoid a civil revolt!' Hon. and even that nhaee ot thii old and' world-wule <xmiet :. not over. But hs l blind, indeed, who faili to recogune th a moTeniont w under way which can .mlf end In , rec<m*tilut<on of the KOC>I or- der and of th moral etaudards nf lit*. ' A ftuggMtlon. 1 i that a patient entering ant --.... or r,erm*n honpit-al for an opert lion mut ntn^unt to an nutopoy In env- oi BM Ueath. It in , 'i<<i(> n 'i by lo.^dcivJ of the inorenient to ral.-e the off Auier.on surgery that limllM* rule b idr.yted in AnierK'H-ii hoApltHU. A dootor * be c;irod for in public institutions, j J?.? M a _ b f ,'\! K>WU but aoeoBunodtyUont for only 4,000 are provided. Thi- is tho J ' traltied t-..^. eo Many blnK* . w<mnrp no muiy -. i I"' " I* n ' d *vln thiit th raw- "'^^ *1 "' l '''*> more, lie niMed nnd that the work on tho.-e no\v V(i- iriff lui ill be ex THU IMIST VH TIM. ^ A <lFpni:h from t>Uui >,:i\s NapolBOD Proiil.x, a local Imcknian, f'j'N the doubtful <li-l.inction of bf- in the fti-nl victim of tll white Hla\r act in this -it\ , On nn\vsdii\ 1 1 1 I I M 1'i-oulx to t\vo yxfti-o hi prison on infoi-mation supplind by Inspector MvLuughlin, Chief of tht- Mtu-ality b(juud. .,i u betti-r Covirnmtnt by r. W n h* prniric towiu uiul ci< ir li.ivo throtnh th* tln-ow ni :ui rlcrl'on. ietilo4 tor A ,ri'ir at- n re.-tr at- KM^C, wmj i W rule th<>tn, Ti-ohulily rh iimjit iutorc.<> jiiie^xt city h,un ad<>pi<{ lh plan of liini tlir> rnramieoionnm who lli'e to ont'OI i..nrr, vnminiwiHinorv wno are lo OOUJTVI Hit '>:< itiimlnti,!! niton during 1W14. TII'IJ nynlfpi a)Hilji>ik tliu AlUernuinio Coimoi) (Out u a niiiiin* d[i:>rlnre. f.vthbrirte b- i\ii m Ciian* to adopt tlie. now ny^il"" *. John-* had tlie MVUIK n.vte.m In l" r ' ' ri<l t It i tacked tli ilvi< ..( inlU- ilrij. rfernndnm and vti-nll. Oilier U 1 '" wl'lf -wt tHiH With K ( lUtiMV. A oold bath ia e.DJoyab'u' ,vt>rr day throughout the winter if you put plenty of Iwt w<*r iu it. \Vi bou] to tha] the

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