December 11 1913 THE F L E S H E R T ON ADVANCE m THE ESTABLISHED 1873 TORONTO FLESHERTON BEH KEEPING a bank account for "household expenses" and paying all bills by cheque has many advantages. It show* the balance on hand, the amount expended, provides receipts for every payment and does not require a large deposit to begin with. CEO. MITCHELL, BRANCH Manager. Branches ako at Durham and Haniston. C. P. R. Time Table. A hijh class concert will be given un- der the auspices of the Baptist church in as the high school auditorium on Friday, ; Dec. 19. Mr.Ellwood Genoa of Toronto, Going North ' Miss Winifred Parker, Miss Hulse. the r Misses Osborne and McDowell, and Mr. Perigo, with Mrs. H. S. White and oliowVrFor the noi that 10.40a.m. and! Miss Ina Smith as accompanists con- '7 p.m. ; and the afternoon mail south a.*; stitutes the talent, and an array auch as is seldom heard here. Secure your tick- Trains leave Flesherton Station follows : Going South 7.43 a. m. 11.41 a.m. 4.17 p.m. 9.12p. no. i The mails are closed at Flesherton at i ' 3.40 o'clocK. For morning train south mail close at 9 p.m. the previous ev'g VICINITY CHIPS Mr. S. B. Allen of Shelburne was in town on Monday. Mr. Thomas Benthara of Chatsworth is visiting relatives here. Mr. Walter Cargo returned from the \\Vst-on Thursday "f last week. Mr. Bloomfield Ferns has purchased on the Bust Bick Lin' 1 . Thieve* entered Mr. D. Method's house recently and stole a els at Richardson's dru^ store. Mr. Kendall Mitchell, who has beeu studying law in Chicago for the past couple of years, was recently successful in passing hi.s bar examination aud is now * full Hedged lawyer for the state ol Illinois. Out of a class of 7- unly titty were successful. Keudtll is only .1 years of age and has done exceedingly well. Congratulations from his many friends here are now in order, and The Advance voices its own. At the annual meeting of the Ladies' Aid of Chalmers Church held Ust week the following officers were elected for the ensuing year: lion. President, Mrs. A. case S. VanDusen; President, Mrs. D. Mc- ' 'lavish; 1st Vice-Pres..Mrs. Price Teeter: Sec.- Trcas., Mis. Jog. Blackburn; Visiting Committee, Mrs. M. Ferguson, Mis. The Women Entertain Thn Ladies' Aid of the Methodist church gave a delineati in of bow they i!o business in the town hall on Friday evening last as popularly conceived by the degenerate male inind. As a bur- lecjue it waa a l,i, r success and some of the ladies demonstrated their entire fit- ness to earn their "keep" on the stage a.s comedians. There was a large audience present to enjoy the fun. The piny waa a Ladies Aid meeting of the past century and the absurd costumes were quite in keeping with the date. Una lady was dressed in solidiers uniform from bow to amid ship and she was a suffragette who could think of nothing else. The hos'ess assisted another lady troubled with "uar- ves" in taking off her wraps, including seven coats. Siill another was so bound up in home ties that ahe was talking all the time about what her husband said. The long-suffering president bad much difficulty in holding the meeting down to a discussion of the subject such as into how many pieces a pie should be cut, and other equally nonsensical topics. As a farce the whole thing was well put on. To prevent monotony Messrs. Holland, Murray, vVilcock aud Sullivan rendered a couple of quartets and Miss Irene Wil- son sang very sweetly one of the o'.d, old favorites, "When you and I were young, Maggie." Miss Florence Bunt gave a re-citation dealiug with wht the Lidies Aid could do. After the entertainment an excellent flash light was taken of the group of female loveliness and everybody adjourned to iheir home* in a happy mood. The proceeds amounted to about $47. watch from an upstairs room. , T . . h _j ; 2nd N ice-Pres., Mrs. Jos. Ridley; Mr. and Mrs. Reid of Lindsay visited , f he past week with Mr. and Mrs. Jos. j Buchanan of the Meaford Road. Odds and Ends ARTICLES FOR SALE Lynetta Hanbury of Dundalk spent a couple of days the past week with hsr friend, Mrs. R. H- Moore. Rev. T. Watson, who was pastor of th Baptist church her*** few y*-ar, ago and more recently has been located at lona station in Bruce county, has resigned his chirgeand will take a rest. Division Court was held here betore Judge Widditield Ton Friday last, but only a couple of unimportant esses were heard. Mr. R. H. Wright who has been doing rj cc homesteading duties in Saskatchewan for the past two years, returned liist week to his family here for the winter. Mrs. W. P. CrossUy will leave this week for Winnipeg, GlenelU and North Dakota on an extended visit to daughter and mother. Radley, Mrs. T. J. Stinson and Mrs. The treasurer's report Society to be in a prosperous cooditkni. Windsor Record: Miss Winifred Parker, soloist of Old St. Andrews Presbyterian church, Toronto, sustained the role of contralto in the production of the Messiah . All her work revealed the artUt in teiuperiuent and methods, but her rendering of "He w;ts Despised" was beyond criticism in the tender pithetic expression." Huh Schoo auditorium. FOR SALE :tO choice Barred Rock Cockerels; 1.00. fl.SO and ?L' O't. These bird* won all the prizes in tlieir class at the Dundalk Fair. Mail orders filled. Call <>r 'phone. J. W. Hauna, R R. No. 2, Dundalk. Two Jack Screws to rent. R J. Sproule, Flesherton. Apply to Mr. R Hoy of the Collingwood gravel met with a p.vnful and serious accident one day recently. He was engaged whitewuihing his atable with a com- ber pressed air sprayer. The nozzle becom- ing clogued he unertook to turn a nut For Sale Oue cow seven years old, due lo calf in February Apply to A. Tbiatlethwaite, Flesherton p. o. A few choice R. I. Red s.c. cockerels for sale good eiioueh for show birds. W. H, Thurston, Fleshenon. last, attended Hear Ellwood Genoa. Toronto's well- | but turned it the wrong way, and the known reader, in Ch*rle Dickens j fresh 1, me with it was charged i .1 A ri.i-i.tiii-i" b'ew into his face and eyes Mr. Hoy immortal masterpiece "A (.nrutiuus , Carol." High School iuditorium, Dec. 19.h. Rev. .las. Dudgeon occupied his own pulpit in the Methodist church for the first tim in five weeks on Sunday The morning service waa well and was peculiarly touching. Mr. Editor : Through the columns of j hall on FriJay last before Magistrates your paper convey to the citizens of I McMullen and McGill. James Radley Flesherton and surrounding country, i f Ceylon was charged with selling u our appreciation of their words of , gl o* li<l"r to Hany Woods of sympathy and their kindness during our j Flesherto.i on Nov. 18 last. Woods affliction.- Rev. and Mra. Dudgeon | "<> that he had three drinks in the , ,.. . morning of that day from a bo'.tle Mrs. Mary Connor, of VSalkerlon, has H * . T. which he found. He theu weut out to been awarded $2,500 against Township, Bruce County, for of her husband. Connor was suffered cxcruciiting paiu and took the first train to Toronto to visic an eye specialist. Word win received Saturday that it was doubtful if the sight of one eye could be saved, and the other w is very weak. A liquor case was tried in the town Legal Blanks For sale R. J. Sproule keeps constantly on band and for sale cheap a full stock of Leeds. Mortgages. Wills aud all other leical blanks. Any requiring such will rind it to their iuter- est to give him a call. For sale cheap and on easy terms. Lot 13. cou. 11, Osprey, 110 acres. This is a tirst class farm and in a go> d state of cultivation. Good l/ank IMPII &ud new frame dwelling. Apply to R. J. Sproule Flesherton. Fur Sale. 4i yaids of linoleum, 4 yds. wide. 1 extension table 8 f . lonu. one heating stove, all nearly new. Apply to E. A. (iraham or Robert Plautt. Eugenia. MISCELLANEOUS k ;; HILL BROS., nARKDALE. - " " T-T^ T T This Week We Offer Many HOLIDAY LINES FOR EARLY CHRISTMAS BUYERS These lines are much below our regular prices. In our store you will find Gifts suitable for Father, Mother, Sister and Brother. Remember there are only twelve more business days before C'hrismas, and the newest gifts are picked up quick. It will pay you to get your needs Early. See us We can supply you. GIFT SUGGESTIONS FOR FATHER Fancy Felt and Leather Slippers from 75 cenU to $2 00 F*ncy Shirts from 1.00 t-j &5.30 New Neckties from 23c to 75c New Scarfs from 2Cc to $1.00 ..#.00 New Sweater Coats from 1.23 to. GIFT SUGGESTIONS FOR MOTHER New Handkerchiefs, a large range, from 5c to 50c. Sew Gloves from 50c to S:;.0> t'-iucy Fel: Slippers from 75c to SI. 73 Fancy Sweater Coats from $1.25 Co $4.'K> Fancy Hand Ba^s from *5c to So. 00 New Wiists from 2.25 t.. S2.-J New \V_jist Lengths in Silk for 3.00 New FURS, many styles :ind prices. t' \ 4 Heavy Rubbers For Men We have the largest stockof Heavy Rubbers in town. We have anything you can ask for in this line and can save you money on your wants. Special 12-inch leather top, best .[oality, sizes ii to 12 at . $4.<>.> Bottoms for leather tops, solid heel, sizes t> to 12 at .... ... .$1.7.~> Bi^YS' sizes 1 to 5 at ..1.25 YOUTHS' sizes 9 to 13 at . i.i Special Showing in Women's Fine Shoe Leathers We have just received shipment in Women's Fine .Shoes in Patent. Gun Metal and Vici Kid, made by beat Canadian Shoe Manufacturer in the trade. These Shoes were made to sell at 4.'K\ 4.50 and So, all Good Year Welt goods in the be.-t leathers procurable, just the thini* a nice Xmaa. box, Special this week ."..4-* Special Showing in Women's Fur Collared and Fur Lined Coats W e have :tn extra large range in Ladies Fur C !- Ured Co;it m yuilt and Nii>aerhed Linings mar- mot nd sab'e collar*, moderately priced from 14.00 to 18.00 Ltdies' Fur Lined Coats from :57.50 to. . . .tiO.OO Grocery Department NEW RAISINS 31bs.25c. NEW CTRRAXTS 3 Ibs. 'J.V. Our new Special Blend Tea at 3*), .'>."> and 4'>c a lb., put up in '2, :> and "> Ib. tins. guaranteed. NEW Peel, mixed, per lb. l.">c- cannoc be beaten. Every tiu HILLBROS, - MARKDALE II Orders solicited for picture framing f >i Christmas. A nice line of pictures nnd frames for gifts. W. H. Sloan, Kimbei- ley. Brant the death killed in an auto accident, aud the bad state of the roads was the cause. Mr. Justice Lennox finds that the township people had neglected to repair the roadway. After weeks of the most beautiful weather imaginable, winter "came down like a wolf on the fold" Sunday night and made citizens turn the draft on their coal which he found. He theu weut out Ceylon and h iJ a drink in Radky's hotel along with two other men, but he did not think it waa whiskey, although he would not swear positively that it was not whiskey. It was admitted on all hand* that Wood was drunk when he returned to Flesherton, and although he swore he had no other driuks but the three in the morning and the one he got at Kadley's the magistrates thought ih evidence waa not strong enough and stoves. The wind blew "great guns" as ;dUniised the case, sailors say, and six inches of snow fell) The village council met on Wedues- but piled itself into such f-iutantast ic fay evening of last week aud appointed heaps that it could not be called either a delegation to go to Guelph to attend .t sleighing ot wheeling. banquet which is intended to push along P. Munshaw of Etigenii engaged ; the electric railway scheme. The delega- young man to attend to his guests this i tio appointed, loft Tuesday morning year while he was away ou hU hunting | for Oualph and is composed ,,f the trip. The employee was so indiscreet j fo lowi "S gntlineo : D. McTivish, as to supply liquor t aa Indian lister Reflve : T - Blakeley, L. Fisher, and thereby subjected himself to a tine Reeve ; Wilson and M. K. Kichardson. Mark Large of $100 aud costs. Mr. Munshaw, we delegations went from Collingwood and believe, paid the shot on hii return ' Owen Sound and from many other home. It made the hunting trip a costly in the coutty. Everybody one for him. electric road and are prepared wants the to cheer themselves In ;ir.-i- for it. Hon. Adam Beck wns to bo piesent at the banquet, where he will have ac opportunity of learning with exactly what enthusiasm thii section of country ha.s fallen in line with his new Electric Railway Act. Arteuiesia council, we understand, also attended the banquet iu a body. Mr. Win. Carter, of Antemesia, left his horse and buggy for a moment oue evening last week in front of Mrs. Nesbitt's grocery while he stepped across the sidewalk to tho store door for a bag of flour, but the horse, renlizing his freedom, started olf with a dnsh, and before reaching Toronto street collided with a telephone pole, and on l!in nurtli side "f the s.nno street ano'hor pole WHS struck. By this time tha buggy aa in kindling wood. thehorae free from it and in I The KuiMiag Committee of the a few bounds ran foul of a tree in fiv; t Methodist shod rv.|uosls tlmt all bills for .- 1 1 . M . .-. i , u i ' *>bnr, material etc. be ImnUed in nt once of the M.rkd.l IIo.e Uwn. where he ,,, M , Arm!%lriiViC M thev Rre doMl ,, lls WBS captured, the buggy .mly u-ceiving u , complete their w^ik bcfne end if *'ri'us damogo. Standard. jjear. Notice "SPECIAL" Some intelligent laborer wanted for all year work, in our different department*, ni-n who may grow quick- ly into better than common laborers' pay Enquire for particulars and send qualifi- cations to the Collingwood Shipbuilding Co., Collingwood, Ont. private funds to loan on farm mortgage security at lowest rates of in- terest. Apply R. J. Sproule. Fleslieiton. Notice Re Tuxes I will be at Portia* on Friday, Dec. 5, and at Eugenia on Friday, Dec. 12, to receive township taxes, from 10 to 4 o'clock p. m. Do not overlook the dates. Jits. Carson. Collector. Port law school will giva a concert on Thursday, Dec. 18, when an unusual (rood Diograuimo will be rendered, cnn- sistixg of dialoguts, tecitations, drills, chorused, dut)t, quartettes, *tc. Fleth- ertmi and Maxwell ta'ent will assist. Admission 15 and 25 cell's. of the Property To Rent Good 'roomed brick house in the vilUgo of Flrsheiton, with woodshed and well, also good brick stable for 4 horse*, with hay luirn nnd 5 lo's. Possession 1 1 'i -i IT 1st of .Inuunry. For particulars apply to MRS. S. COLyl'LTT, KleBherton DR. 5pclallt in;:.ii.a Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Office-30 10th at. east, Owen Sound At the Rnvere house, M-irkdale. 2m 1 Thursday each month from 8 to a 12i m DuiuNlk.lst Wednesday of ^ach month . Teacher Wanted Pioteatnnt, ataling quahtication, ox- perience ; Salary &MH.1 per aiiiuim. dut- ies to e -iinn 'ni-o J ami try ."', I'.M I Apply t> W. G. J mi cs'in.lVit L.w,Ont Secy. Tieas. S. S. No. 8, Attcmesia. L. W R I G H MVCESSOR T<> .!. A W. Bi'VD FLESHERTON FIRST MONTH IN GENERAL BUSINESS A SUCCESS ! Sales in every Depart- ment far exceeding expectations ! No old stock all new and well bought ! Realizing the Proverb " Good* well bought are half sold " oo Mrs. Wright has just returned front Toronto with renewals of stock and can now offer a LARGE RANGE of DRESS GOODS with LATEST NOVEL- TiES in BROCADE VELVETS DRESS GOODS All SJk Dress Goods in Blick and Colors -Spendid Values. Plain Bro.uUl.>ihs in Blues, Browns and Greys NEW MANTLES-First Stock ^iu* alnust sold out. This is the rght place, evidently, t buy Lccst stylis of make up. mantle*. FURS A new line we hive not before handled, bu' we lure a stock will sell ^uiok. The price w;ll set them going Some of ihe Newest, Choic*t th-nas for Ladies' Wea r A few Men's Fur t'.ist*. Right values We ii.mdk 1 S'an.ltie'ii'* IV.s'.ri: ,kal>\- I'ndcrw.iir in \'\ lints ** BOOTS AND SHOES In this Department nur aim is to buy the Best to rter good.s Well Made in dood Styles of Best Materials Go. >ds th-ir will bring back hence. Groceries OO Fresh in Good Supplies. II! [HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR PRODUCE" IT The Gift Makers Great Opportunity . uir Now and l>eautit'til Line of Holiday Goods, full of ChoicMl Selections for the C'hrist- nus Trade is now ready for the inspection an; 1 approval of all who ] tnow ;l Q OOI J when thev see it USEFUL PRESENTS - BEAUTIFUL PRESEM^ APPKOPKlATE PKKSENTS \Ve hae Sew JioveTTius in nice but inexpensive yx>ds. Wo have choicer and more custly gifts. prices we can supply you with Gifts for LITTLE or IUU. But in ALL grades and at OLD or YOUNG The Nicest and Most Appropriate "UO'XOT FAIL TO SEE Ol'R SPECIAL A1TKAC T1ONS IX TOYS, BOOKS, DOLLS AND NOVELTIES FANCY GOODS. NOTIONS, ETC. Our Stock is Generous iu Variety ami tm-huies Only (ioodsof Approved Worth & Superiority You can not Help being Ploase-l with Our Well Srlecti-il. I'.ipuUr :in 1 in overy w.iy Dcsiiuble Line. OUK VEKY REASONABLE Sulvct your Gifts from .>ur I'p-To Dale Slock nnd y WILL DELIGHT YOU will sft tin? lie-it an J M st Ap->ropri.ttu Presents at the F.iirest vuu IIHVI- over kucwn. W. E. RICHARDSON & SON, f; FLESHERTON.