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Flesherton Advance, 27 Nov 1913, p. 6

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Safety Type \ can be carried in any position Self- Filling Type can be filled instantly, anywhere insures you of pen perfection, guarantee and careful service by The Best Local Dealers L, E. Waterman Company, Limited, Montreal evaporated by tlili timo; but be felt curl- one; b u.-. naturally, not a little Inv lircnaed by fact that lie nbouJd come .':< ve the woman again, (luring at Lady I'.ihtli B t- la- had glared at Lord i II.--K-I lelgh. He knew that he ought to apolo- glie and go away; bat lie felt HtrmigvJy reluctant to do 10. "No; we do not know each other." be eaid; "and yet we have met before." "I do nut remember," tihe eald et.Bly "You have the advantage of me." "Let me recall the occasion, madam." aid Cllve. "I met you outoklu 1'alace Yard on night when Lord Chceterleigh carriage -was paaxlng." Iler face flamed, and she eyed him fierce- ly; but ehook her head. "I do not know you. You have no right to stop me. This Is a free country; th! it a public btrei't. 1 can louk at whom I please." "Quite to," assented C'live, ai quietly as before; "but there are BO many ways of i looklug; and It eeemed to me that you were desirous of speaking to the young j lady from whom I have just parted. Do you know hr? She la Lady Edith, Lord <in ,<:>,,. daughter." "I know." she said swiftly; then, ohe tossed her head scornfully and laughed; and it wae BO unpleasant a : nigh, BO full of scorn and contempt. th'At Cllve eyed the woman in astonishment. "You do not regard the lady with * Best Tea At Its Best "SAL AD A" TEA is always the same, no matter when or where you buy it. u the choicest tea --green, black or mixed from the finest tea* growing country in the world Ceylon, with its exquisite flavor and freshness protected by the sealed lead packages. OM "You mut give 'em up." B"id Tihby firmly. "All the money in the world wouldn't be worth while if Mina waa un- happy, if " She choked back a fur.oua A Dark Shadow ; Or, A Coming Vengeance 9 eob" and (lammed d</wn her tea-cup. "Send that money back they gave you. friendly feelings?" he said interrogative- ! Something else will turn up; anyhow we ly. "Have you any cause of complaint , can't keep It." against herP" "HerP No: I've nothing against her. She is innocent enough, I dare ray; but that man, her father Do you think m time of reckoning will ever come? Do you think that the cry of the injured will never be heard, that a groat wrong will ' what a beautiful gel our lima M; an always go unpunished? No! A time will Quite a lady in her ways and manner of come -when the wronged will be righted, j speakln'. lie couldn't help falling In " when the mighty will be pulled down from ! with her. 80 I meant to i their seat and hurled into the gutter, a 'ave," ahe wound up, with, time when the mask -will be torn from the MILL IBBIGATE THE SAHARA. Will Open Well With Flow of 8,000 Gallons Per Minute. The Sahara, according to com- mon opinion, is a land entirely without water. This is far from the ; in all parts of the are inhabited there is of water. The only trouble is to find it, as it lies at an unknown Bo I meant to eto it. An' I d ept h below the surface. "I wouldn't have thought it of 'im, of Mr. Clive," murmured El shi sorrowfully. "He was a-lways BO go<xl and kind.' don't blame 'im. It's only natural. Look nod of her CUAPTEB XIX -(Continued). But wo are the ilavee of circumstance; and presently he got Intereited well, scarcely interested in th full eeruw of the word bat intereited enough to concen- trate hit attention on the speech, and note the weak points in the Breaker's armor. He had not Intended to address the House, but he oaught the Speaker's eye. and rose. His i -:. was greeted with cheers, and lie started. Cllve spoke at drat slowly, almost lan- guidly; bmt presently he woke up, his voice grew louder, quicker, he made point after poant. and tore the former speaker'! peech raga and tatters. The Opposi- tion were in ecstaciea of delight, the Houne rang with their cheer* ; and when (.'live had ttnUthed and BIU down, a shout of admiration and triumph broke from them, Mr. Uevereux roa to reply this again wan flattering -but though the Leader of the Houe smilingly atrove to stultify CVltve'a points, he succeeded only partially, and the suoceua remained with C'live. He got up Immediately after Mr. De- Tereui's opeecb. and left the House. He knew that he had, of old. made h's mark, but the knowledge brought him no gratification. He (trolled Into Palace Yard, and looked about him aimlessly, after th manmtr of a man who has no- thing to do. nowhere to go. Lord Chester- leigh name out, and laid a hand upon his boulder. "Hplendid. my dear fellow, splendid!' be exclaimed. "That sneech of yours rout- ed them completely. If they pass the Bill at all, they will do ao by only a narrow majority. Where are you going F Gome home with me; I've heaps to talk srbout." Cllve thought. "As well there a any- where - and got into the rvarriage. All the way to (Irosvenor Square, Cbenter- When through o age the bodily functions become sluggislij Na-Dru-Co Laxatives give gentle, timely and effective aid, without art or distress. 250. a box at your IWlggist'S. 173 Sugar [5e CANI THE CHOICEST SUGAR No choicer or purer sugar can be produced thin St. I uwrenrr < H niinl.ilril Whit* Pure Cine Sutfsr. Mlde from choice lelceled oin< u|r, by ill* tniitl modern nd i . i ' . i machinery, tl it now oncred in thrct dirt> i . iii tires of train - . ... I. nnc Ihs ohtiicot qutlity. 8|. l^iurcnoe Hutsr U packd in 100 It, . 2S Ih and 20 Ib. i*>ld hn% nd alio ID 5 Ih. and 2 Ib. carton*. v.i may be had at r.ll brat clai dcalors. Buy il by Iht ba|. IT. UWUNCE SUGAR REFINERIES UMITED. HONTREAL. leigh talked politics, and expatiated on the proupcotB of their party; and CliTe listened with his new indifference and lietlcssneei* again creeping over him; for now that he had made his tipeech, ths re- action was Betting lu, the conviction that there was nothing worth living for re- turned. "" * ujo mil iic ."in i,r<in tne ivj^-i- VT I* face of the hypocrite." She raiavcd her i "What have you done. Tmby? Ehsna clenched hand on high and aU-uck her bo- asked In a low yoice. "Never you mind." replied Tloby a som, glaring wildly at the Y'hesterleigh's house. "I am waiting, waking for the hour to atrike." Cllve "was, of course, much relieved by ' this burst of melodrama; for it now ', im quite evident that the wo- [ B delusion, not uju'ommon, that she uffert-d some great wrong at ths j hand of orae n:ie. That she had pitched To discover and make available this bidden water supply is the mis- sion of a corps of artesian well dig- enough more ten to the band. , .. .. , . . . ... . I T atx^ped it. an tlvat B gera which 11 operating in th south An' now if you don t want any | . father, you can o an' Ita- ' I'll take a cup of tea up I In February one of these engin- eers opened a well for which is , - !- J 1 l I 1 f s DJV vjitw. 4 U*a L mllV II il <1 I) 1 11 Tit Q Fxilth Is In her room, I suppose, said upo n Lord Chenlerleieh was a mere a/-cl Lord Cheaterlelgh as he looked into the aent . He pitiW the poor woman -ind won- I hto ehaken trust In Clive. The band waa ,,l.,.1' jl I. i w 4 n .-...,., "H'j-ll ... .... .1|A.A -1 i . . a**-~ Wl. >l,u UV" _,__J__ ...I L '., * nrAaAn.lvr i f ' i ir F, A herself all day if I'd let her." Strangely enough, something did turn tip. Eltoha went Badly down to the Kur- j saal. his heart aching for Uina and for claimed the workf*s record, having- flow of 8,000 gallons a minute. This is in the oasis of Tol-ga, about 'fi miles west of Biskra The water of this well rises into a fountain nearlj jix Sect high and forms a small river which will make it possible to cultivate nearly 8,000 acres. The former record for Al- geria was 3,400 gallons a minuto from a well bored in 1907 in th oasis of Touggourt. In the last 10 years this artesian corps has bored wells producing 46,000 gallons a minute, making 116,000 since the French occupation began. This permits the irrigation of 1,800,000 date palms, in which lies the wealth of Southern Algeria. Out of the Frying Pan. "When she married, ten yearg ago, she stated frankly that it wai simply to avoid working for a UT- ing." "What does she do all the time t" "Takes care of seven small child" ren." Explaining His Taste. "Binglewood haa put that wild boy of his on a farm and. the young- ster writes home that he likes it-"' "Likes it? Well, farming ain't what it uaed to be." It requires a tactful man to re- member a woman's birthday and yet forget her age. empty drawing-room. "We'll go up there. She will be glad to noe you." dercd whether he could do her. On both occasions he They went up the stairs to Lsdy Edith's she had been alone: had room. She -was Bitting on a couch with a look after her? book in her hand; and eh replied list- 1 "I am orry you are leely enough to hr father; but a ihe * aaw C'lirn hvr manner changed, the bonk dropped from her hand, and she ros. her faco flushing. "Oh. you are back, Mr. Harvey!" ehe - -. aid. no she gave him her hand. "We "j limt<! awistanc* from stringers; and thought you had disappeared for ever. I l <*o not accept it when it IB offered You anything for ly'"- < Elish >- preeenUy lining h* ' had "n her bowed head, eaw that the conductor was * *5 I his old friend, the old man who had given she no one to . . _ , , i-iuh. woJiorf . , in euch trouble," he said. "Is there anything 1 can do to help you?" "I want no help," she repliM Boornfnlly. "I can stand alone. 1 can do I h.iv e to do alone -when the timn cornea. I d" Come and git down and te J me about your wandcring." ('live i :-.! himself ben'de her, and look- ed at hi r. He could not be ignorant of the fact that she was to >e him. He ha<l U-eii travelling for months, alone. oolltary, roughing it UK men like to rough ii now and then for a ch.inge. The bi-.iutiful room, with :. atmosphere of luxury, wealth. Tenement, had K effe<:t ur>oii him. He roltyl how cou'd he avoid doing ? th c'iming and going of the color in her face, the xuddrn waxmth in her eycc; and her evident pleanure in hit m' >e>d him more than h'.i- re- oT)tion by the Hini>j liad doue. Lord (.hetrleigh wandered about tb* room, ad- dressing a diBjoinlod word r two to one or both of them, then went out, leaving- them nlnne. "Now you muwt toll me all your advcn- tureti." Hld Lady IM i.'i. "I wan going to ay that we have inlaned you; but that would make you vln. We thought you were never coming back. Where have you been?" are a friend of the great Lord Cheater- Jelgh'8? Tell him -but no; 1 will tell him when the hour striken. " With a passionate gesture ehe dragzcd her veil over her face and turned w ('live lo ' half do with i ciimtiou? CHAPTER II. Mina was ill for same days after lier xingiug lessons to Uina. Ellaha waJUd until the programme had been got through and the audience had dispersed, then he sought ths conductor, whose name wae Robinson; but who wae known at Lea-on-Sandt as Chevalier Sordelli. Bob- in*on, alias Chevalier bordelli. received him warmly. "By Jingo!" he ewlajmed; "ths very man I want! Are you staying here, ana are you disengaged! 1 I want a first vio- lin-mine's gone on the burst, and I should like to *ack him. You're the very man! Thirty shillings a week and a bene- you Klisha clowd at once, hurried back to t*ll Tibby and Mina of the good fortune had befallen him, and next morning took his place in the band, in which h:a presence was promptly welcomed and hit talent promptly appreciated. After a time Mina grew strong enough Cllv MJ her of omo of the be had v!ai!cd; her eyes, while he was HpeaV- ing, dwelling upon him if she were ab- H'rl>ed In hla narrative. Every now and fainting flt; and the d<x-tor declared that' to sT down to the Kursaal and hear the be would not answer for the consequences band that la. lllisha playing; aud If nhc were not taken aay into the " country KM soon as she was strong enough to travel. He said that she had been , overworking herself, that i>ho had some- ' Looked rather pale and lackadaisical. thing on was , her mind. a>nd neceaBary. that a change day *b Chevalier said to Klia "Didn't I nee you daughter, Minn Mina. amongst the aodiencef thought BO. Hhe's got a voice; and I've taught her to use It; why shouldn't ihe uae it heref I'll . -,- ..... . __________ - ---- Tibby knew what was on Mina'B mind- ** tlnr * trial on the programme If sh but the did not enllht<<n Kliaha. and as- ' oribed th troable to "too much, practis- in and too many lewors." No one ixiuld ------ ---------------- .- .- c - bare bean more devotd than Tibby was to ' '"' front, and informed Mina of th* C'ne- Mina; but she s&ld n%li in of the trie- valter'B offer. Her pale face flushed, and ' like*." Kllaha went hrnne to thf ir modest lodg- ings), an old-fashioned cottage away from ' gram and Clie' returned Utter. *nd, In- deed. Ignored his eiistence. That Mina u light stole into her yei. of late so dim and listless, and she begaJi to tremble: OI IUT and led him on to- further detail. M-ntly, after .. m, >-, she aa)d: "Oh, 1 waiitod to toll you about fiddler protge that quaint little put lu a word -whlih rnvealed interest In the smtU'eot purtloularB. Pro- your man, should be tc!nated by this good-looking for though the heart may teem full of "swell" wai to Tibby natural enough; but love, thwarted love, there is null room for It seemed equally natural to her thiit rt - Mina. if ahe aw and heard nothing mor | "I'll try," she laid In a low voice: " of him. would recover from her infatua- you think it la any good. Tea, I'll try. , yon know, for whom wo got. pupils. Whan, I lion, forget him, and .become the sums Ulna an. of old. Hhe began to praotlos tHat same day, and a date wa fixed for her appearance, much Import ..__,_,._ . A soon as Mina -was itrong enough she The llhevaiier attached _ . they went out of town )>,> ga/> him the went to ths seimide; but they did not go , unoe to her debut that he "billed" her all mono? yu,cca>itvKiI for to kt>u him go- to Margate or Bouthendi for at ths mil- ' over the place In huge letter*; and on the ;i*B niitir th'r return; un<l he oemr<l ; W T ofBce Elinha hud heard of a new wa- night w>olnt*d Mlns. appeared as Miss very grateful, no they naid; but, strange- terlng-plooo which appeared to hold out Veronica Vsrnon: the OhevaJ'.er .'hone into ly enough, they had a letter from him a " the attractions of the older ones, and hlgh-falutin name bffure a fairly large few days afterwnrds. returning ths money i ' possess ths advantagu of being much ' nnd, fortunately, good-natured aud'ence. :in<l throwing up the lewiniiit. I forget ! <1 h*P"'- Bo thry went down to Lea-on- Her heart throMxd as It hid never throh- whai <!,.. h made, lie h'ad gone into i "andin, BUS th new place was called. It bed when she wa tinging in the Htreetx. I he country. I think; at any rate, we have ! '* new - indeed, painfully now; but the nn she looked down UJKHI what, In her nn- lit'iird no more of hlin." Cllve's face grow I " a ' ld * ^ere there right enough, and the i sophistication. Beemed like a ea of facefi. t . . i . M.W **.0 1 ... . _.V.J _!. . 1- - 1 l* * '^ * *' " * hard: hut )m was standing hr the window, and !i did not notice It. "I suppose he got an engagement somewhere, something ' tier than teaching," she remarked. obfihly," that uinMiA thn Subject. While he had Wn with Lady Edith, If In- had not forgnttrn Minn, the keenneps of his loss was for the moment blunted b; the tiroilmtty. the fr:endlim-M, the er d^Bt *ymjmthy of this, beautiful girl; but tli'* reference to Klinhi woke tjjs old liln which WJK .ilwuys So ready to s>t*rt gnawiiiK nt Inn hi'iirt. Mina's face ross before him. hf . i ! hear her voice; Lady III Mi i , .i-r.i tn interest him, inn) he knew tli it he wa eager t,i get away, to be nlone. "I hupp we hh.ill ft-f,-: li ii(- of you rows) of houses, which th* landlord-pro- >rl*tor, with the *scdtAr.oe of a peculat. prli . Ing builder, had put iu>. looked straight over them. There wa* also a parade, with the to with uuoon. a bandttand and a Kurnl" lu.-li Inhabitants and niont vf ths visitor* Lea-on-Hands pronounced. solbiui irony, : .iv all." "The place wai falrrjr full, and Ellsha, . )..' promenaded ths .ir.i.i, and the In- ,', f, in i if,- pier with a keen enjoyment and pride, derived much satlnfaction from the tact ii..,- he was actntlly taking a noil- day by tha sea. But Mina did not apvrnr to recover very quickly, and Tibby dis- played In Ulna's absence -some anilely about her. "We shan't h able to go back to Lon- don for souio time." uue said. "8he don't (To be continued.) u ^ Put to the Test. Littl Willie'* father found hi* , bin lint. will he said. "I laughed at what the doctor youthful son holdJng up one of his j rabbits by th ears, and saying to him. "How much ia seven and even, now?" "Bah!" the father' heard the boy gay, ''I knew you j couldn't. Here's another one j nix and six is how much V "Why, Willie, what in the world arc you doing with your rabbit i" asked the r,mJd u!k tn liim quietly h-re; bexUlei, I -li:ill fci'l n ti if I hull worm' nlmre in the liig uiiiiiin anil ,\H if I were aiu-'stlng in the iiii|n riant nccupal n of fahlnot. inaklntr llf ciniriHi, ynu will be In lf" nhe N.iid, with a nml and H<I entrancing ^inilf 1 . "(III. I il:irr nay nut," t-aid Cllve. "There :ir- ton many men lo >rov,ide for. and in, mi if tliem. if not all. have stronger I'laiinx than I luivc." "I dun t think nn," dho d'; "and I :nn iirn father divsn't. Hut I niUAt not intruiie nil t.)ie sanrta niim'torum of poll- t'cs. Ynu kniiw I wish ynu well." She niHcil IUT lio.iiitifu.1 eyes tn liin. anil n faint, h .. i; Mole m-er hor f;ice. (' ive held hir liunil fnr n. moment, then went out. On bin way down the si.ilrH he met Hum coming up. Nhe :.,,! , ,|,- to let him pans, in. I , I|:I.IIMI.,I in Orlentnl fashion; and. for the first tune, inilp<l icra<'iounly at him. her liii <lr.iwn back, li, i dark , \ , flashing with a strange lull- lure of fi llini'wi and defiance. ('live. ratiir Hiiriirisud by thu pleasant- ni<. of liri manner, nodded mid went on. As lie reaclusl the hall hn n.,w that the ,i,.:ii:r wax wiiiting t ill,' dnnr Lord ( 'liPMt<Tli'igh hrnrd him, and, ron\lng out nf the library, drew him into the room. Tlnv talked pnlitli'd. of cnurap for near, ly hnlf an hour; ami at the end ('live a<v . i. ..I nn i uvit ftt.ion to dinni'r at mi early date. Hi' MUN going out of thn house when I,. id}' I'kluh ami Kara, dretMi'd for their drive, came down the otalrs. Clivs put them In the curnlage, and *t<ml for a min- ute or two talking to Lady Kdlth. WhilK he wan doing i a woman crred the road from the nt.hor side of the BQiiArr. mid. as If attracted hy the sight of the r irriage, plopped short: then she walki>i| iloiig liv tli raillngii, hr eves flied on Lady Fxlitli Clivc's attention was at- trnrti'il hy the woinnn'ii traio, and lie Inok- i-il ut IUT. a vagun i < m, mi,i :m, , faintly r-tirrinir within hln mind. He had K< ,"i her before whorcP The carriage drove uw.'iy, .in.l C'live t. mill, ,,l v rsOnllwted : it< tlic woman IIP had *PII thrcritrning Imrd Clii'uterU'iith at the gate nf P.ilacn V in). Mi, veil hy A midileu jinpulff^>, )m \>i'ii; C,\IT to hi-r, and, raining his h.ii, In- qulrsdi "Are you Inoklng for any one,'" hhe "iMing round nn him with n d ! - tinctly foreign ginture. :ind hor dirk eyrs wi<|il him up nnd down. Cllvn nw tnnt she had changed .1 great il> il ,,m . h Irui last noen her: hr f<-e \vun thinnrr, mil IUT eyes ninio ui,ki'ii, )i-r h.iii fathor. Willie threw down with disgust. mind; but I begin to believe that he was right. Khe aeoius to me to be frettln' about something ; though what he i-ould 'ave to fret about i>uzcleH me." Tibby was silent f- i u moment, then she en Id: "I'll toll ynu, father. If you'll promise not to let out that I ve done so. It's that Mr. Clive." Kllha : n ii-.l. nnd looked at her incxe- iiul.'iiili and Homewhut Indignantly. "What do you incnnF" he demanded. u n.,: I say. I see it a long time ago, aluioHt the nnt day he came i the Rents. He wan fair struck "with Mina; and she - well, it's only to tie expected that she -in ml be took with him. Oh, it weren't fancy on my part ; I have proof- but never mind that. V.m take my word, there *as Homcthlng atween 'cm: that's why 1 was mi sharp with 'im and didn't want no ( i .Mint i, or anything of the kind. For why? There couldn't be any good in il. HP'H n xwell; and it isn't tn be Hiipnosed that Vd marry a girl ) far bi-liw im ax one ol us. Now. father, keep your 'air on. nn' don't swull yourself out like a turkey cock. Ynu leave 'pr to me. If we can stay awny from Londnn an' we must, d'yer underi-tand? she'll won forget all ulioiit 'im, n' be >r old ;*lf ag.iin." "My lemons!" gaped 1.1 -h , the rabbit 'I knew our teacher was lying to us," was all he said. "Why, how?" asked the father. "Why, she told us Miis morning that rabbits were the (rreatost multipliers in the world, uiid this dummy can't even speak." The Neighborly Spirit. The neighborly spirit is an ex- cellent thing to cultivate, although not, perhaps, as it is cultivated in the following story : "How do you like your new home?" a friend n,sk<d a man wha had recently moved into the vil- lage. "Pretty well." "Havo you called on your neigh- Viors yet 1" "No," the newcomer admitted, "1 haven't. But I'm goini? to if any more of my wood is missing." BLACK KNIGHT ) STOVE POLISH ( "Who are you?" .<hi> dcm i -it i-i 11 with an accent , - foreign us lor gesture. 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It imparts to the entire body an exquisitely fresh fragrance, diffusing from the hair and the hands a wonder- fully persistent perfume, contributing its own iwectnett to your toilet Jergei\s VIOLET Glyceriixe So&p Stnilfor sampli , . I ' laJa.v. Ask nr Jruuiil for il first. If Hi luun't it. itxduia jc ttamtlar t *amplt fakt. Address Iki Aadrtw J trims t'o , Ltd . XlurtiroolU Strict. Ptrtli.Omlorio. lOc a csJcc. Three caket for 25e Get a quarter'* worth tar lalt by Canadian Jrufgiiti frtm etail It ctait including \fi: toun.i'uin.i IN THE big, roomy house or in the small cottage there is always some cold corner where extra heat is needed. >RFJECTIO1 SIOKEI.BEi>! Solid Comfort in Cold Weather gives you heat, where and when you want it. The new model Perfection Heater, just on the market, has improvements that make it the best heater ever made. No smoke - automatic-locking flame-spreader. No smell. Flat font insures steady heat. Indicator in sight. Burns nine hours on a gallon of oil. Finished with blue enamel or plain steel drums; nickel-plated. Stock at all chief points. For best results cue Royalite Oil THE IMPERIAL OIL COMPANY, Limited

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