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Flesherton Advance, 23 Oct 1913, p. 8

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October 231913 THEFLESHERTON ADVANCE BUSINESSCARDS WB. WRIGHT, Tl.l.i'OKn A Mi-lniNM.1) Barrister. Bollcitorii. Ac. Ufflo. Gray A Hiuc. Hlock. OWOD Bound. Stamianl Hank mo<-,KlwbertOD.maturdaysl. W.H. Wright, W. P. Tellord Jr., ). O. MclSonaH, L,. U. B. . SOCIETIES A U W niwta CM. ha last Honda} * ID rch uoDtb, ID their louge room Clayton'* ball Klniirrtuu, at 8 P.m. U. W , W. J. Itriiaiiiy ; Kte.. C. B. Monsbaw: Fin., H. J, bproul*. ViiltiDf br*bo Invlud P&1NCR ARTHUR I/ODOR, No. SSS.A.F.A ' A II, maU in tht Masonic ball. Arm tronu s Block, Flesbertoo, eTery Friday on s>r before the toll moco Herb Smith, W. M.; CbM.Munehaw. Set/etury _ _ _ ___ ___ _^ M.^.. - ^ , 985. L 0. F. meet* In Clayton'! Hlock the last Wednesday ew>ulng eaeb tunoth. Visiting Foresters heartily leome'C. H . O. Bellamy ; B. B., U, CattMl D. Bee , W. i .!; 1 1 Pletae py doe* to Flo. Bee. before tbe first at of tbe montb. CHOSEN PllIBNOB-FlMbertoD Council CboMO Friend* meett In Clayton'sball first and third Wednesday of eacb month B p. m Pay awmnnen tf to to* Recorder on or before tec Ant day of eaeb mouth. Cbief Councillor T Blakelev: Recorder W. B. Buot. RUDD ftJATRKWB. alarkdale. Licensed auctioneer for tbe county of Grey. Gooc* awrvice at reasonable rate*. Dates can be :. K . Tbe A.M.' o 09 MEDICAL |\K CARTKR If II C P A 8 Oat . Phyilcian. Burn eon etc Office and residence Peter it., Fle*herton I P OTTEWELL ' Veterinary Burgeon graduate uf Ontario Veterinary College reudeace (econd door sontb weit.on w. street. Thin street ruoa aoutb Presbyterian Church. DENTISTRY Dr E C. MDRRAV L. D. 8., dental surgeon bono, graduate of Toronto University and Hcyal Collace of Dental Surgeons of Ontario, Oaf kduiiiinutcred fur teeth extraction Office at ruiJiuce, Toronto Street. FlesSerton. Our school tetchers, Misft Brunkard Alma and Miss MucFarland of his home here. Mr. and Mrs. Hainmel spent the day with triends at Singhampton. Miss Arlene Buckingham I'earl Whiteosk spent a fe* week with ftiendt in Thornbury. Mr. and Mrs. (Rev.) ThoinM Meaford were callers in day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cui>)uctte with friends nearSinghampton last week Mrs. John Paul has returned home after a vi it with her daughter in Owen Sound and other friends in DunJalk. The first snow of the 8uaon arrived u n Sunday ni(ht last when about two inched fell. Mr. R. J.Colquette of Guelph O.A.C., HpeuC the holiday with his pirents here. Mrs. Thus. Hawton of Rnb R<iy visited with Mrs. John Buckingham thu past week. Capt. Win. Dray of the 8. A. Emi- gration Departmeut.Toronto, took charge of the S. A. meetings on .Sunday lust. Capt. Dray is an old Feversham boy. and his many friends were glad to see him. Dundalk Items The citizens uf (Mark burg and surround- ing country are up in amis aitainst a bind of chicken thieves that are working havoc irunkard 1 1 among the different poultry flocks. It uf Hocktoy, would appear tht the culprits are mak- mi;il home* ing a living out of this illegal business and holiday at becoming quite bold. Sooner or later i hey are bound to run up against the nt the linii Uw and will be meted out the full penally iton. of the law.- Reflector. .in 1 Mis Mr. Cliude Macdonell, K. C.. m-mber r days lait for South Toronto in the House c*f Com- ury. mon*, took icriouHly ill with nervous in- - n! digestion after .iilclrrsNiiii; the big Con- village une servative ms meeting In Walkerton on Tuesday night. The speech, which he it-iii- vibite'J delivered, while a most eloquent utterance LECAL , t'CAB. HANEY & bKSHY-Harristers. *- rio)icitorp.etc.-I. B. Luca, K. C. : W. E. Kaney K. C. ; W. V. Henry, 11. A. OUicen. Toronto. HUM Tiaderi Hank Hid/., phone main Hi: ; Markdale Lucaa lllock. Fuone 2 A. Hraucb ottlce at Uundalk open every Saturday. BUSINESS CARDS f CUUX)UGH * YOL'SH Hankers Markdale ,/eaeral banking business . Money loaned at ra*onaule rates Call on us. TCHIBLETT, Ponttuaeter, Ceylon. Comnjimtloner in H. r. J . Conveyancer, fleeils, tnorteuce, l*ae, willn etc. carefully drawn up oll*ctioD mad?, charge* reanonaluo. Alo roceriee, flour, feed etc. kept in tock. Pricei DMcI'HAlL. Licensed Aac'.lonner for the Camtyof Grey. Terms uiodarate and atlun on guaranteed. Tbe rrii|!eiiifiitt and rlatenof tales can be made a'. TIIK ADVANCK office. KeHidnceaud P.O.. Ceylon. Telephone ;onnectiiiTi. Dec. 6.U7. t \\*M KA1TT1SO, Licensed Auctioneer foi '* the counties of Urey and bnncw. Farm an<t Ktock sole* a itpecialty. lerinB ojoderate. fatinfactloii guarantteil. Arraniii- uieiitu for datea may be made at the Advnoi! iffle or < 'eutral telerhoiu- on'.ce r eversliani or by d.lri-lliK uje at Fevcrihaui, Ont. CEYLON'S Meat Market - For Fresh and Cured Meats, Bologna Sausage, Etc. Call at Jas. McClocklin's BUTCHKRSHOP Ceylon, - Ont. Pure Bred Holslein Bull Channeling Prince Joe lirrd liy Changeling Itutter !!-> out of Tidy Abbekerk I'rincess Joscpliine. 'I In- greatest butter making tlrain known. Term of survice $2 for gradi's, 9-*> for pure bfnd. OK<>. MOORK&HON, Props., EVERY GRADUATE I PLACED With the larvext attcndnnce in im hitlory, Tbe Collinf{woo<i HumneoH ('iillege-ha jiUcnl in a good ptwi- tion, evory graduate of the proaent year. Winter term frum 'January -. Hi:; s.-ml fur liHiiil-i.iiii- Catalogue. C-'ollingwood BUSINESS COLLEGE T. E. Hawkins. Principal K Specialist In; disrates of the 'Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Office- 30 10th at. Mat, Owen Sound At the Revere hnuHe, Markdale, 2nd Thursday each month from 8 'o a 12n ra lMiM.l-ilk.lhi Wednesday of each month.. BULL FOR SERVICE The thoroughbred Hhorthnrn bull, Field Mai-liili (HMiiil will be for nervice on lot 176, T. 8. R. Artemesia. Terms tl . 8TIN8ON, Prop. Police Magistrate Fennell heard his Brst case nn .Saturday evening, an inform- a'inn by a lady <,'*inst N. B. Agnew for bad language. A line uf $10 WHK impos- ed. Twn Dundiilk youths, Ernis Morrow and Dan Mossop, weut buiiMng rabbiti near Melnncih- n Siution one dy lsi week. They were going through Hwaiup, not far apart, when Dan stmnlil- ed on an upturned root, and, in thu Nil, his 22 calibre rifle went off, the ball lodg- ing in the fleshy (mrt -if Kniie's thiuh, was made in great phyHical paiu, a fact that wan evident t > many in the audience who had their eyes closely on the ipeaker. Shortly after the c.m, ! -MOM of the ad- dress, Mr. MacDoneil withdrew the platform, when h-- almost immediately collapsed. Dr. Fra.ur, who was summ- nii- 1 , had the sick man removed to his room, where at time of writing he is still confined with hi* ailment. Up to the present time campaigns luok- ng toward local option voting on Jan- BOILER EXPLODED AT MIDLAND Midland, Get, 21 With a roar thai c'-ulJ I"! lierd fur miltH the bmlrr at the Mr>l.-y Chew (.awmill piploded thin morning, cauB : ng the dea'h of Harry Sa- ger, a fireman, *na Frtd Fr> vet, 10 yean ].), who was a h.lper at the boiler house. More than a hundred men were welkin? cloud to the scene of ihe esploMon and two ef them wete eiiounly injured by rtyii.g finguiuiits from the boiler house, which WHH utteily demolished. The cause of the tragedy wn sti'l a uiy.-tery np to noon. The boiler loom was a building 130 by 40 feet, built of brick, none of which w Irfl standing. uary 5th have been kunched in forty- eight municipalities. Of these places 'in- is a city, thirteen are town*, fourteen m- incorporated vill i^i-vnul the remihi- der are townships. There are eleven of he forty-eight which hive nut before voted upon the question of Local Option; here arc leu in which majorities were lolled against Local Op'ion in firmer Uristish newtpapeis report that on .June 19th, while vio'ei.t thunderstorms were l>--mn experienced in various parts of Scotland, * dense pall Kettled <.ver GUnow, and at noon the city was plurg- ed in midnight du knots. Heavy lain fell soon uftcr. SURGERY ON THE SKULL Wat The Operation of Trepanning Cemmon In Ancient Timea. While the medical profession to creed that some rongh form of sur- gery must have existed from very an- cient times, It has always been a mat- ter of wonder that so complex and dell- contists: there are twenty-six in which] cate an operation as trepanning should Local Option hy-Uws wore defeated by the three-fifths requirement; and there in one in which a Local Option by-l;iw was carried uml 8ul>>e<|ii<.'iiily ((tushcd >ipon a technicality. W. G. l)ri|{ht, a school teach ?r <>n the the ninth lin -,and oldest son of Mr.inul Mrs. I A. G. Iiright,mct with a terrible accident m Friday ovening, when returning frum i'l'.'.:. 'i- i -' Convention hold at Kimberley. The > > ii." in in in ill-- the trip to Kimlier- whore it glill rtunHins. Th wound is not ley on his lticyc!o and was returning home piiinful and the doctor advised him tojby way of the seventh line. When hi not disturb it. Lucky for him I hut the cme to Qiiinton's bill, he applied Ihe bullet did not lodge in ;v more vita) part. After an illn-m of six months from lirukus arid win e >asting down, when .siiiiiething went wrong und he was llirown to the giiiuii'l with great force. When |, rkt-,1 up In- was unconscious, und has ivit y ' suflicienlly :.- \.-i.u to know , His f -it her wa> y telephone und minutes liu W.IH at the but the cancer of the stomach, (jeorKcCiruminett, a prominent and MBpwted farmer of Us- prey, passed away at the home of his sister, Mrs. Thus. Mills, Gravel Head. J' lst whllt llid Melancthon, Tuesday niht. Decea,e<l' c ' ) '"''' u '' 1 lt>d WIt!l was born in the county of Noifolk. Rni>-l'n tw **J land, and to Canada a bov .of teii| fcuno f *?*** the yeais will, his pirentK, who sealed lint!'" Mr ' Kennedy's ut... The ynuiu IIIH at Clint..n, in Huron county. Th family * l " u * llt 1 """"- whole ho " " moved to O.proy thirty-nix yean, ago. 'l"^'^- N " '"'"^ wel ' u l > r < )kl> ". Mr. Uiummett was married lo .Jemima ^'' t '" " { lh ' <-o dent revived a Penny, who pre-dcceaHed him nearly tvuij; 1 '"^"* "I 1 years pgo. A family of three sons and one daughter survive, nanily: -Samuel, on the homoatead, :','! ,m '. Oaprey, Al- bert, on the same line; William, in Toroii to; Aililr-. teiiding with her Riint, MTH. Arnott, FuvcrHhiiin. Thuro ar 1 , aim. four brothers and threo stWr-.: .lohn, Robert and Jesse (jruiiiim'ti, Osprey; JaiiK'H, at Honey wood ; Mrs. Arnotl also be one of tbe oldest There is authentic record of this op- eration dating back to the time of Hip- pocrates, who wrote treatises on frac- tures, dislocations and wounds of tbe head, \rherein be described the method of procedure to be followed in the case of a fractured skull. His Idea was to cat away a piece of bone so that the pressure on tbe brain might be relieved. The annals of this era also show that file was used for this purpose, which, at a time when modern anaesthetics were unknown, must have been, to say the least, painful. According to Holmes, tbe operation of removing pieces of bone was per- formed long before historic times. The tffects on the skull are easily eeen after death and are risible as long as the bones are preserved. From Inspection of certain skulls of the later stone age In ancient Britain there has been de- rived tbe conclusion that some of these had undergone the operation, which must have been performed with a stone Implement Harper's Weekly. 1 "" 1 "" 1 - tl ' ' ftt *d *> P*W. .'h.'i'l an 1 forks lieii M.-afoid Kxpn-s-i. R. J. COLQUETTE Fevcrhiiin ; Mis Goo. Hron-ii, H'-ulh- coie : Alrc. Thus. -Mills, Mel-i.ictlion. Durham (iordon (iun, oldest son cf Dr. A. Oun broke hi.s wrist on Friday las'. He wai- liding on the water tank nf MortleyV threitliinit oullit and i. !i , il when the back axle suddenly broke. It. waH a double fracture and lii father had him taken to Sti'iit ford on Wednesday for ex- ray examination. Whether lliu children of the iiiciiilierH of the MrtlnxlUt church are reyulat chuich attendants or not is not known*, but a ,n,i | M. way hah been adopted to keep the j . .III.L-I >-n L.. ,11,-; steadily aii'J is said to he sucuiHsful. Kuch child i- given a packet cf licketv, i--|i. i .-ill\ iiuniliem 1 , .mil dropH one in a box nt the door at the cjo^Mffovery Hervice. When the tickutsJJgone, the c-ln ,1 ia given hymn l.^^u 1 lestaiiient as a reward. Mrs. (Rev.) I'rudlmm took her hus- band's place in the pulpit of the Met ho dist church on Sunday evening <>nd proved an able milist it uir. Caused by a defective chimney, i .!.->'] in in,- tire burned the home of Mr and Mrs. Harvey Hnyi-o on the lientinck luseline on Monday. The hmwe, which was ihe property of Mr. Kohl. Twamley, burned rapidly once the blaze had a start and efforts to save it wore in vain. The neighbors who formed a voluntary brigade were able to savo most of the duwnstaits furniture but the 2nd lloor effects were all consumed. There in $260 insurance on the effects. Iteview. Feversham, Ont. \;;cni for the Cockshatt Plow Cos Full Line of Farm Implements. Wagons, HuxKii!", Cuitois, S!eigh, niitl Giisoline Eiminen, Melolte Creini Sepiiratois, Tinker Wind Mills, Pumpx, Piping and Pipe Kiim-j. ahvayH i >h hand. Iteatty IJroH 1 . of Fer-ju", Ham Trucks)* Littorj^ CarriorH uiul stable inim CockKlnrt iincl Frost A Word Ucpiiii-rt alwrtj-s nn hand. Wareroom Wellington Street. Feversham, Ontari Andruw Keechie, the IH.HI who III)H. ii-iiniisly diHAppetrud from hiit hom Rome six weeks ago and has been roam ing the woods in an apparent listle H state, was captured by Chief Ferguson at the home of Mr. Ignatius Weiler near theO. T. K. station here about I) o'clock Saturday night. The mnn had beet sleeping in various barnfto\er night and had been stretching himself in Mr Weiler'n stable fur the few ni^h'a pre vioustohia capture. When found ho was in a weak and pitiable state, and on being ushered before Magistrate Tolton wa* given 30 days for vacrancy. Bruce Herald. Origin of St. James' Palace. Henry VIII. when he built St James' palace designed It for a country resi- dence to take the place of the manor of Lenulugton, where he bad been in the habit of going for a change of air. He pulled down the hospital dedicated to St .I.HI.I-: the Less nud on its site, as ll>. :;.':, i tells us, "built a goodly manor nnd made a falre parke for bis greater comoditie and pleasure." Th pnlacc stood In the midst of fields well Blocked with gamp, uud these were | inclosed as Its private demesne. Even ' while residing here Henry held bis j court first at Westminster .and then at I Whitehall nfter he und taken the lat- I ter palace from Wolsey. It was not until 1G97, when Whitehall was de- stroyed by fire, that St James' pal- ace became the London residence of monarchs. London Standard. Dnchcrty Upright Organ for sale, gootl as now, can ho bought cheap. Apply to It. C. WALKER Flesh 01 ton, - - - p. o. NERVOUS, LIFELESS) DEBILITATED MEN I YOUNG MEN AND MIDDLE.ACBO MEN. the victims of early tndlaurctluns ami later veaMS, who are failures In life you ar that ones we can restore to manhood ami n-vivo the spark of energy and vitality. Bnn't (!* up In despair because you have treated with other doctors, uieil elect rlo bells and tried various drug store nostrums. Our New M.itiod Treatment has snatched hundreds from tue brink of despair, baa r- atored happiness to hundreds or homes and has made aui-ceasful men of Ihoae who wera 'dowaandout." Wa prescribe apeclflc rem- edies for each Individual case according to the aymptoma and complications we have no patent medicines. This Is one of the secrets of our wonderful succeaa as our treatment can- not fall.for we prescribe remedlea adapted to eaten individual caae. Only curable caeca ao- cepted. We hare done awsiaees thcMfce CnU fe* ever 20 Yean. CURABLE CASES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY QCinCD Am >'"" * vlctlmt Rare you loot nCHULn hoper Ar* you Intending to marry r Haa your blood been duwaaedt Have you ny weakness? Oar New Mettwd win cure you. What It liaa done for others It will do for you. c*iuli.tio> Free. No matter who has treated you, write for an honest opinion Fr.. ef Chara-e. ITiifci rVeer- -Boyhood, Manhood. Fatherhood." (Illustrat- ed) on UUeaaes of Men. NO NAMES USED WITHOUT^ WRITTEN CONSENT. Ne ..m.. . keee et earnl TREATMEN'T '"" CM>Ura>UL - List CM* * Tri.i FREE FOR HOME DRS.KENNEDY&KENNEDY Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. . AT 1 1* C All letter! from Canada must be addressed w ** I W b to our Canadian Correspondence Depart- ment in Windsor, Ont. It you desire to ee us personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat o patieBte in our Windsor offices which are (or Correspondence and Laboratory for Canadian badness only. Address all letter* aa follows* DRS. KENNEDY A KENNEDY, Windaor. .Write for our private address. II II New Hardware Shop New Hardware Stock We have just placed on our shelves a bran new stock of Hardware, consisting of Guns and Ammunition, Wire, Rope, Nails, Granite and Tinware' Lanterns and Globes, Lamp Chimneys, Oils, Gasoline, Paint Oils, Highest Grade American Coal Oil. Pratt's Astural Salt and Cement. Sherwin Williams' Paints Vainishes, Moffat's Ranges and Heaters. Frank Duncan FLEJSHEI^TON, ONT. Jas. Pattison & Co. CEYLON, ONTARIO. NEW FALL GOODS JUST ARRIVED ! Blankets, Sheets and Compforters. J(ew Coa's for Men, Boys, !> Women and Girls also for the Babies. New Dress Good., New " Collars. Yokes and Fancy Goods, New Shirts, Ties and Collars for ^*i the Men. Underwear of all kinds. New Boots and Shoes, trunks and 8$ .Suit Cases, Hats and Caps and in fact almost anything you require. D(] Special for sale this week in Boys' Overcoats and I'eajackets. st |M| prices that can't be bent, also some Boots and Shoes your choice ))(, for 75c and 50c a pair. Live pouliy taken on every Wednesday. Dressed, any day. Highest market prices paid for Poultry, Butter und Fgs. Best grades of Vlour alwiys on hand. Five Hoses, Cream of West, Purity, Toronto Pride snd Milverton Flour. Everything Reasonable. |^! < l"R MOTTO IS : "Small Profits and O.uick Keturns." 1^1 H liu Hlj JAS. PATTISON & Co. HI! H I" I GENERAL MERCHANTS ~ ~ . ' |M : . CEYLON w : - : fcs ssj=s W. L WRIGHT General Merchant *T. L,. TV tXIVJI I I , FUESHERTON -ON ONT. isj | WISH to announce to the people of FlesluT- * ton and surrounding country that I have open e<l up a (ienenil Merchandise business in the store lately vacated hy J. & W. BOYD and have put on the shelves a well selected stock of Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes. * * We pay the the Highest Market Price for Butter and Eggs. 5 1 W. L. WRIGHT GENERAL MERCHANT i esherton, @ Ontario. Flesherton Tin Shoi I have just placed on the shelves a tull line of Tinware, Nickelware and Agatware for domestic use. Call on me and get your supplies. Eavetroughing, Stovepipes and Stove Furnish- ings. Repairing of all kinds promptly attended to. Pipeh'tting, including pump work. Furnaces installed. Agent for Clare Bros. Furnaces. D. McKILLOP CHRISTOE BLOCK FLESHERTON * ONTARIO. LV

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