m ; S II tl* I * c l-f* -::BUTH BEFORE FAVOR."- -psiNcipLEb NOT MEN.- VOL 33 No. 15 Fleshcrton, Ont., Tliursday, October te 1Q1C3 W. H. THURSTON East Grey Fall Fair Eat Grey Ag'l Society had a pleas- ant day for their fair on Wednesday of last week, and as result the gate re- ceipts were pretty good, although they did not reach the high water mark. The exhibition all round was a _", ( 1 one, too. Live stock was out in large quantities and there was keen competition among the various breeders. Kuots and vegetables were much more plentiful, and a better sample, than was anticipated. Ladies work was quite up to former years. Fruit was short, owing to scarcity. The horse racing was considered to be very good, and everybody present considered that they got extra good value for their money this year. The band wus assisted by a number of Dundalk players and the Fieshercon boys returned the compliment at the Dundalk show on Friday. In the hall a piano supplied by Mr. Connelt of Owen Sound made sweet music, assisted by a gramophone man. Gate receipts, $202.00. Concert $115.00. Following is the prize list: CATTLE Holsteins Bull 1 yr and under 2, C Moore; bull calf, A Harrison; milk cuw, A Harrison, C Moore ; 2 yr heifer, A Harrison, C Moore ; 1 yr old heifer, C Moore 1 & 2; bull, any agt>, A Harrison, C Moore ; Herefords milk cow, J Adams. Grades Beef 2yr old steer, J Meads ; 1 yr old steer, F Brown ; 2 year old heifer, C Atkinson ; 1 yr old heifcr, C Atkinson, W J Meads ; heifer calf C Atkinson, G .Walters ; steer calf, C Atkinvon, G Walters ; milk cow, F Brown, L Lisher. Grades-Dairy Cow, J P Ottewell. D McTavish ; 2 yr old heifer, A Thistleth- waite, 1st and 2nd ; 1 yr old heifer, W J M4axU, C Atkinson ; calf, C. Stuort, A Thistlethwaite ; cow for dairy pur- pose, special, J P Ottewell. Short- hornsBull 2 yrs and under 3, C Atkin- son, W J Meads ; bull calf, J I Graham, 1st aud 2 ; milk cow, C Atkinson, J I Graham ; htifer, 1 yr old, J I Graham, 1st and -ml ; bull any age, J I Graham. herd, J I Graham ; Jerseys -Bull, '2 yrs and under :!, W A Armstrong ; cow giving milk, W A Armstrong, 1 and lind. Polled Air MIS Bull calf, A Harrison ; milk cow, Allen, 1st and 2nd ; 2 yr old heifer, A Harri- son. DAIRY PRODUCE -Honey in comb, L Fisher , honey extracted, K B'enwick, L Fisher ; 5 Ibs butter, W Moore, L Fisher, W J Meads; 501b tuf-,W J Meads, L Fisher, W J Talbot ; 15 lb crock, W J Meads, W J Talbot, C Stewart ; home- made cheese, L Fisher ; fruit cake, W J Boyd, W Moore ; jelly cake, O W Phillips, W J Bellamy ; homemade bread, G Walters, W Moore ; home, made bread, made from Royal House- hold flour, S Shunk, L Fisher ; 10 Ibs butter, W J Talbot, Buskin's special ; 15 Ibs butter, O Stewart, Wright's special ; i dozen buns, W J Bellamy, L Fisher ; '. dozen tarts, A Tbistlethwaite, W J Bellamy; pumpkin, pie, w -i Bellamy, L Fisher ; lemon pie, A Thistleth- waite, W J Bellamy ; custard pie, L Fisher, W Moore ; raspberry G. Mitchell W H 'riiiirst.ni ; grape wine, G Mitchell ;6 bttles, canned fruit, c stewart, L Fisher ; 3 bottles, mixed pickles, L Fisher ; maple syrup, C Stewart, L Fisher, FINE ARTS Painting on silk, W Buskin, W A] Hawken ; painting on china, W H Thuraton, G Walter ; oil painting, F Karstedt, < ) W Phillips ; painting, water color, G Mitchell, R H Wright ; crayon drawing, W J Bellamy, R H Wright ; pencil, W Buskin, R H Wright ; col. photos, W A Hawken ; pen and ink sketch, Elsie Wright. W H Bunt ; painting on wood or slate, W J Boyd, G Mitchell ; penmanship, under 16, E Karstedt, M Knox, F Bunt ; freehand drawing, under 16, E Karstedt; F Bunt, P Blakeley ; special for F P S, Amanda Stewa.^ Olive MeMullen, W WatsotK GRAIN AND SEEDS White winter wheat, W Ellis ; Spring wheat, red, A S Muir ; Barley, W J Mead, A. S Muir ; Oats, white, W J Mead, F 1 Stviart ; Oats, black, A S Muir, Atkinson ; Pi as, small, A S Muir, W Ellis ; Peas, large, C Atkinson, A S Muir ; Col. Beans, W H Thurston. L Fisher ; Timothy seed, A S Muir ; Alsike seed, R Richardson i Fkx, C Atkinson ; Buckwheat, A S Muir. PLANTS Col. of cut flowers, J P Ottewel), J Blackburn ; table botiquot, J P Ottewell A Wilson '. Hnd bouquet;, J P Ottewell; Double Gerinium, J P Ottewell, O W Phillips; Single Geranium, J P Ottewell, W J Boyd ; Double Fuschia,JPOttewell, W H Bunt ; Single FuschU.J P Ottewell A WiUon ; Amarilla, W A Hawkin, J P Ottewell ; Rex Begonia, J Blackburn, A Wilson ; Begonia A O K, M Moore, J P Ottewell ; Col. Foliage, J C Adams, R H Wright ; House fern, J P Ottewell, W H Bunt ; Hanging basket, J P Oite- well, J C Adams ; Hydrangea, J P Ottewell, W A Hawkin ; Single plant, A O K, A Wilson, W .1 Meads ; Asters, W H Thurston, J Blackburn ; Carnations J P Ottewell ; collection Begenias, J P Ottewell, W J Boyd. SHEEP-Cotso1d and Leicester- Ram aged, shearling, and lamb ; Ewe aged, shearling and lamb and best pen, 1st and 2nd prizd for both of the' above breeds won by A S Muir. Shropshire Ram aged, J Finley, G Shand ; Ram lamb, G Shand 1 and 2 ; Ewe aged,G Shand, J Finley; Ewe Shearling.G Shaud,land2 ; Ewe lamb, G Shand, 1 and 2 ; Best pen, G Shand. Oxford Downs Rnm aged, W J Meads, balance all won by W Patou. HOGS Berkshire Boar aged, Geo Ross, J Coulter ; Sow aged, Geo Ross ; Sow pig over, and under 2, J Coulter ; Yorkshire Sow aged, A Thistlethwaite ; Boar pig, Geo Rons ; Sow over 1 and under 2, J Coulter. T<tm worth Bom aged, W J Meads ; Sow aged, Geo Ross Boar pig, Geo ROBS ; Sow pig, G^o Ross, 1 and 2 ; Best Bacon pig, Geo Ross. HORSES Heavy draught- W Hawkins, pair geldings or mares, Milliner, 2nd ; brood mare, foal side, H Milliner McRobb Bros., Harrison ; 2 yr old gelding or filly, J Halbeit, H Milliner, Wm Orr ; spring fual, H Milliner, McRobb Bros. Agricultural Pair geldings or mares, L McQuarrie, Geo Shand ; brood mare with foal by her side, L McQuarrie, G Shand, A McRae ; 1 yr old gelding or filly, F Taylor, F Mathewson ; 2 yr old gelding or tilly, McKobb Bros., A Mc- Rae, W Orr; Sping foal, L Mdjuame. R Allen. Koads'ers Brood mare, foa by her side, F Stuart, J A Robinson ; 2 yr old gelding or tilly, W Ellis, J A Robinson ; 1 yr old gelding or tilly, F S: u in ; Spring foal, R II. y, J A Robin- son ; single driver, geldiug or mare, L Chard, C Alton ; lady driver, L Chard, C Alton ; best halter broke colt, Mc- Robb Bros.,J A Robertson ; best) driving outfit, L Chard, T L Mercer ; best spring colt by "Tomliuson'', R Hoy ; fastest walking team, C Atkinson, W Hawkins ; farmers' speeding, F Taylor, C Alton ; Gentlemen's road race, FTaylor, C Alton; Stock Judging Contest, W Graham, U Ellis, H I Graham. R Patton. Geneuil purpose Pair of geldings or marcs, W F Taylor, W Swantou, McRobb Bros.; brood mare with foal by her aide, Mc- Robb Bros , 1st, 2nd, & 3rd prizes : 2 yr old guiding or tilly, McRobb Bros. 1st 2nd ; 1 yr old gelding or tilly, R Fisher, F Mathewsnn ; Spring foal, Mc- Robb Bros., 1 and 2. Carriage Pair geldings or mares, T L Mercer ; brood with foal by side, McRobb Bros ; 2 yr old gelding or tilly. J Finluy, Wm Pa'on, Rev. J Dudgeon ; 1 yr old geld- ing or h'lly, McRobb Bros., 1 and 2 ; spring foal, F Stunrt. (Continued in Next Issue ) J H by A A Feversham Items Mrs. Andrew Douglas of Cobalt is visiting her mother, Mrs. Jus.Thomptirn, who is very ill at present. Mr. and Mrs. H. Alexander visited the latter's cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Os- borne, of Nottawa, last week. Miss M. E. Heron is visiting her niece, Mrs. Eneign Plant, in Owen Sound. Miss Rita Osborne spent a few days last week with Miss Annie Guy in Max- well. Mrs. Will Kaiting is visiting friends in Colliugwood. Miss Bessie Clinton has returned to Collingwood after a two weefej' visit with her parents here. Fred Weldrick is on the sick list at present, Our school teacher attended the teach- 6rs' convention at Kimberley last week. Frenzied finance is a popular theme with some Owen Sounders. George Me- Intosh told a couple of bottles of whjskey for about $1 25 each and w*W unable to pay the license fee Iked by the court viz; $200 and costs. Consequently George in doing a little real work forthe next thrc* months. A similar fate awaits Arthur Mernii! when he gets tired keeping way from the Sound. He skipped out in advance of his trial. Priceville Prize List HORSES-Draugbt Span Horsei Alex McGillvary, J A Rwanton, H J Milliner ; Brood Mare, H J Milliner. J & C MoRobb, L Me Arthur ; 2"yer old colt, H J Milliner.Dan Campbellj; 1 year old colt, Neil McLeod, Geo Campbell, Claude Eking ; Spring Colt.Coliu McLean, J & C McRobb, Milliner ; A McDonald's Special, Colin MoLean.Geo Campbell, C Ekins. Agncnltural Span Agricultural Horses, Henry Love, E C McRobb, Geo Bhand ; Brood Mare, Don Mc- Millan Archie Conkey, Geo Campbell; 2 year old colt.D McMillau.Geo Shand R A Nicholson ; 1 year old colt, Geo Campbell, Alex McRae, D McMillan ; Spring Colt, D McMillan, Geo Camp- bell, David McMurdo. General Pin-pose Span Horses D McMillan, D L Sinclair, E C Mc- Robb ; Brood Maro, E C McRobb, R T Cook, J & C McRobb ; 2 year old colt, J & C Mciiobb, E C McRobb 2 aud3 ; 1 year old colt, C Ebins, R A Nicholson ; Spring Calt.E C McRobb 1 and 2, R T Cook 3rd. Roaster Span J O Greenwood, R A Nicholson, Archie Conkey ; Brood Mare, E C McRobb, J & C JleRobb ; 2 year old colt, W Patton & Son, F P Reiley ; 1 yr old colt Harry Morrow F P Riley ; Spring colt, E C McRobb; Farmers' Trot, D McLaughlin, Her man McLean, D McMillan ; Single Driver, Les Chard, Robert Cullitou, Jos Young; Lady Driver, Les Chard. fhoa Niohol. CATTLE, Durham, Hull, aged, L McArihur ; bull, 2 years, W J Meads ; bull 1 year.Pattnn & Sou ; bull calf, Milliner 1 2 and 8 ; Milch cow, 1st by Dr. Jamieson. Milliner, Patton & Son ; 1 yr old heifer, Millin- er 1 and 2, D McMillan ; heifcr calf, W J Milliner 1, 2 and 3, Herefords.Milch Cow.D W Adams, Holstein, Milch Cow.Alex McMillan, D McConriack, Thomas Nichol. Grade Cattle, Milch Cow for beef purposed, John Bin net, F P Rieley, Tuoa Nichol ; 2 yr oldheifer.T Nicli- oll 1 and 2,, Wm Mather ; 1 yr old heifer, D Campbell, 1,2 ami :! ; 2 yr old steer, W J Meads. 1 , 2 and 8 ; 1 yr old steer, Mather, l5 Campbell, Mather ; staor calf, Mather 1 and 2 ; heifer calf, A D MoLeod, Mather. SHEEP Cotswold, aged Earn, A S Muir I and 2 Shear ling Ram, A S Muir, J A Swanstou; Ram lamb, A S Muir, J A Swanston ; aged ewe, Swauston, Muir ; Shearling ewe, Swanstou, Muir ; ewe lamb, Mnir, Swauwton. Leicester, Aged Ram, Swanston, Muir ; Shearling rani, Muir 1 and 2 ; ram lamb, Muir, D McMillsu ; aged ewe, Muir 1 and 2 ; Shearling ewe, Swanston, Muir ; ewelarab.Swanstou, Muir. Shropshire, Geo. Shand all Millan ; buckwheat, A S Muir, Win Humane : field corn. W L Diroti Timothy seed, A S Muir, D McMillan flax seed, D McMillian. J 'N Coulter ; Beans, white, W L Dixon, D McCor' mack ; beans, colored, Lewis Fisher. ROOTS & VEGETABLES-Elephaut potatoes, A S Muir, Alex McMillan ; beauty Hebron P, W J Meads ; a o v potatoes, W J Meada, Wm Rumage ; coll. potatoes, W J Mead*, W L Dixon ; turnips, nweede, Jumbo- , Thos Nieol; turnips, Sweedu, a o v, John Burnett, A S Muir ; turnips, preen top, Aberdeen, Geo Shand, A S Muir ; turnips, a o v, A S Muir ; mangolds, globe, A S Muir ; mangold, long red, A S A S Muir, Alf. Hinks ; umngnld, yellow, A S Muir. D Harrow : sugar heetn, A 8 Muir, D Harrow ; carrots, Held, white, D Harrow, W L Dixon ; carrots, tield, red, A S Muir, W G Watson ; carrots, short, tabie. Watson, A D McLeod table cairots, a o v, Wm Mather, W G Watson ; table turnips, T A Ferguson, D McMillan ; beets, lone red, Muir, E McMillan ; beets, turnip rooted, Muir D McCormick ; parsnips, Muir, A D McLeod ; radishes, black, D McMillan, Ferguson ; radishes, white, Ferguson, DJX..II ; cabbage, Win. or Ox., Lewis Fisher. Dan Cmnpboll ; e.'ilib.-toe, red, N Coulter, Fisher ; cabbago, a o v, D McCormack, cauliflower, JN Coulter Fisher ; pumpkin, yellow, Lewis Fisher, .1 J McKne ; piuupkin, HOV, J X Coulter, D MuCormick ; squash, Dixon, Km,,-.. rjgBt&ble marrow, \V X Pan arson. W (J NV.-itson ; celery, white, Fisliw. Hieley celery, a o v, Fisher- : citrons, A D Me- Lufld, D McOormack ; watornioloiiH, J X Coulter ; musk melons, J N Cnultcr, W W Patterson ; tomatoes, Harrow, D MC- Cormnck ; cucumbers, pickling, Watson Harrow ; cucumbers, ripe, Watson, Coulter ; table c->rn, Ferguson, Dixon coll. garden herbs, Muir ; coll. vcij. , Dr. Lane's special, vcrormic, Muir, Fenntson coll. Held roots. Muir, Dixon ; coll. of garden veg. Coulter, Ferquson ; coll. ve,'., Women's Inst. special, boy undoi 15 yrs, Coulter. FRUIT -Apples, Xoithera Spy, w <; watson, J Kuklmrdt ; uolden uusst-r, neo Tryon, w u.unage ; winter, a o v, Mcror- mack, r miter ; snuwr, J A McMillan, A Muir ; Alexander, Mcrornmck, coulter St Lawrence, D McMillan, Harrow ; Fall,* a o v ; j Eckbardt, V Rielpy ; collection, J Eckhardt, irunlier ; crab, large. Ram age, J N Coulter ; crnH, medium Alex MuMillan. i> Tuccurmack . Plums, r Rieley, D Campbell ; pears, full, F Rieley, ; pears, winter, .1 .1 Mcltae, i> Mccormick. FLOWERS- Hand bouijuet, w .1 \ieaOs; toble l)uui|uu', .1 Meads, Kur^u <;oraniun in bloom, Ferguson; housu fern, Meads, Furjjunon ; begonin. Mi-ads w i: watsun. Oxford, Aged Earn, Meads ; and for Shearling Ram, Ram Lamb, Aged ewe, Shearling ewe and ewe lamb, Patton & Son won 1st and 2nd prizes. SWINE, Berkshire.Boar over 1 yr, G W Ross J N Coulter ; Sow Coult- er, Ross. Yorkshire, Boar over 1 yr. L Mc- Arthur ; Sow, J N Coulter ; Boar of 1913, W Ross. Tarn worth, Boar over 1 yf, W J Meads ; Sow, Ross ; Spring Pig.Ross 1 and 2 ; Boar of 1918, Ross. POULTKY-Ganie, male B Wolti.n 3ame, Female, B Wulton ; Whito Wyaiidotte, T A Ferguson, B Welton : White Wyandotte, fomale, B Weltoii, Ferguson ; Bun" O, piston, T Nichol 1 and 2 ; White Leghorn, male, B Welton, Ferguson ; While Leghorn, female, B Welton, Ferguson ; Brown Leghorn, male, Ferguson, I and 2 ; Brown Leg- horn, femaleFervuson I and 2 ; R I Red, male, Herman McLean, B Welton; R I R, female, B Welton, 1 and 2 ; B P Rock, male. Ferguson, B Welton ; B P R, female, B Welton, Ferguson ; Black Minorca, male, D McMillan, 1 and 2 ; B M, female, D McMillan 1 and 2 ; Duck, male, D Campbell, Ferguson ; duck, female, D Campbell, Ferguson ; goose, male, Coulter, Ferguson ; suose, female, Ferguson, D McMillan ; Bronze turkey, ,nale, Ferguson, Paton & Son ; Brozo turkey, female, McMillan, P.ton & Son ; turkey, anv otper variety, male, Coulter ; n. o. v., femalr, Coulter ; Win Stone Sons Special for collection, Poultry B Welton, Thos Nichol ; Special for best 8 P Rock cockerel- Ferguson., GRAIN AND SEEDS-Fall wheat, white, D McMillan ; Fall wheat, Red, W Ramage i Spring wheat, A S Muit ; wheat, a o v, A S Muir, Wm Ramaiie ; Barltty> l roWed, A 9 Muir, W J Meads ; Barley, a rowed, A S Muir ; oats, large while, t> McMillan, R A Nicholson ; oftts, small whlte\ A S Muir, D Mo- IWllftn ; oats, large black. Oeo Campbell, D McMillan ; oats, small black, A S Muir, Wm Ramage ; peas, large, A S Muir ; peas, small, A 8 Muir, Alex Mc- DAIRY Honey in comb, L fisher honey, extracted, Lewis Fisher 5 lb roll butter. Meads, i> i. Sinclair, n narrow ; ir> lb. ciock butter, w .1 ralbot, c;eo runpbull. Harrow ; 5011). tub butter, narrow, r.lbotr, fisher : cheese, home- made, Fisher : MoKeclmiu'a butter spec., Harrow, ueo shand. Mends ; Id Ibs butter, Eaton's .opncial, fisher ; 10 Ibs butter, Toronto World Special, i;uo c<tnipl>ell. MISCELLANEOUS Maple syrnp, Lewis fisher ; nmple sugar, Lewis Fisher ; pumpin pie, w H ratter- son, Kishcr ; leinun pie, risher, A Mc- Millan ; apple pie, coulter, fisher ; cream pie, A McMillan, n McMillan ; custard pie, Kishur, coulter ; mince pie, Ferguson, Fisher ; layer cake, Patterson, fisher ; fruit cake, i-attersmi, fisher ; cake, ; o k, l McMillan, A McMillan ; 2 loaves "of bread, < miter, Harrow : 2 loaves brown bread, Patterson, fisher ; fruit buiiK, n MCMIU.A.V, fisher ; plain buns, w n Patterson, \ McMillan ; tarts, fisher. i> McMillan ; collection canned fruit, f.sher, i> campbell ; mixed pickles, A n Mci,eod, I, Fisher ; jelly, Patterson, n campbell ; Simpson's spec. cull, pastry, coulter : women's ins. special for baking powder biscuits, willa Patteison, Nellie McLean ; Mcnowan's special, Meads, f.isher. LADIES' WORK-Rg carpet, Mrs w P crossley ; woollen blankets, .1 ,i MC- Kie ; woollen yaru, double twist, \v p i-rossley, .1 .1 Mi-Kae ; woollen yarn, Niiiitle Mcime, K McKchern ; men's socks, R A Nicholson, w pcrossley ; woollen stock- ings, MCRue, w i Adams ; men's mitts, w iiuskin ; patchwork .juilt, w uutkin, t> i-ampbell ; log cabin ([uilt, w iiuskin ; knitted or crochet quilt, w i.Tossley, w MI mis ; crazy quilt, w p crossley, w n Adams ; inficd quilt, w p crossley ; fancy quilt, w iiuskin ; a o k quilt, ' w Huskin, N .1 coultet ; Berlin wojl work, omlter, Ferguson ; wreath, any kind, T A Ferguson ; hooked matt, coulter, A n Mci.eod ; crochet in cotton, w p crossley, Mrs Adiims ; crochet in wool, w m-rossley, coulter : fancy knitting in wool, w P crossley, w iiuskin ; fancy knitting in roil mi, w P crossley ; braiding in cotton, r> t-ampbell, w nuskiii ; tatting in cotton, w r crogsloy en ,b in cotton, campbell, \v crossley ; emb in silk, i> campbell, w p crossley ; emb shadow, w i:uskin, ; eyelet emb. , it cimpbell, w p crossley ; pillow cases, emb., ixMmpliell, n narrow; woollen work on canvas, Meads, w .. wat- son ; toilet sett, w p crossley, Meads ; lanin cushion, w p cioisley ; spider web eushion, Harrow, Mocoi'tnAok ; homemade slippers,, Harrow, Ailains ; drawn thread work, campbell, Hieley ; nuttenburg work, crosnley, campbell ; lace or netting, oroRsley ; table centrepiece, emb., camp- bell, Patterson ; sofa cushion, mounted, campbell, crosaley ; darning, best and neatest on stockings, Meads, crossley ; display, buttonholes, croscley, A n MC- i.eod ; coll. fancy work, Campbell, w P crossley ; by women' institute, bust hand sewn kitchen apron, Patterson, Tena Me- i: ic ; w i spec , best lawn handkerchief T Memo, coul'.er. Flesherton Planing And Chopping Mills I am now prepared to do chopping every day in the week except Sundays and every week in the year. Brim- aloui; your grists . Our sash and door factory is always at your disposal tor anything you want in our line planing, matching, etc. Floor ine, sash and doors, and all house fur- nishings supplied promptly and at leas- onable rates, Get estimates. T. Blakeley, Prop. Febir> 13 ly Jewelry Fifth Division Court County of Grey Following are dale* for 1913: Wednesday, Feb. 1!) Dundalk ; Wednesday, April 1 Fiesherton | ednesday, June 1H Dundalk [ Wednesday, Aug. 27 Fleshorton ednesday, Oct. 15 Dundalk Saturday, Dec. (5 Flesherton W. J. BELLAMY, Clerk,* Flesherton, Ont. A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se- lection. We car- ry Photo Supplies. f W. A. Armstrong, Jeweler 9 ONT. f FLESHERTON, GRAPES, GRAPES ! A Specialty This Week. At the Flesherton Grocery W. BUSKIN j Drop in the Price of Boots To clear out. balance of Summer Goods, in men's Wear. We have some Velour ami Box (_'ali*. sixes "i and 9. Regular price $'J..*~>0 to $'J.~."> fo'clfear at $1.99, and a good line of Mn's Gun Metal Button worth j}.50, clearing at $2.90, .sixes 7 i, *, ^. In Women's Dongola, Oxford, a nice straight UH-. si/es 3, 3, 4, -U. Regular price $1. ."">(), $1.7.~>, Clearing at$l. 19. All Women's Patent and Tan Pumps at greatly reduced prices. In Misses and and Children's Chocolate and Dongefc Oxfords Must be cleared to make room fon Fall Goods. Thos. Clayton REPAIRING AS USUAL BOWLER, The Tailor- French Cleaning Done Every SATURDAY Get your o 1 d Clothes r e n o- vated .... J. Bowler makes your SummerSuit from the Choicest line of Goods to be found any- where .... Our prices are right. Our workmanship the best. Give us your order . . , >THE TAILOR BUSKIN BLOCK, FLESHERTON, ONT.