THE JUSTICE'S JOKE. While Chief Justice Sir William Meredith was lately hearing a case he was disturbed by a young man who kept moving about in the rear of the room. "Young man," called out the Chief Justice, "you are making a Tbat Terrible Fatigue Can Be Overcome A Simple Home Remedy > T ow Cures Lack of Energy, Low of Am- bition, and a Feeling of "Don't-Care." Successful in Nearly Every Case. That miserable nervousness and half-sick tired-all-the-time condition is due nine cases In ten to a clogged- up system. You grow Irritable and despondent, you lack ambition, ener- gy seems all gone. Surest road to health Is by the frequent use of Dr. Hamilton's Pills; they will make you feel like new all over In a short time. Writing from his home in Barce- lona, Mr. Frederick O. Mayer states: "I think no one ever suffered as se- verely as I did for nearly six months. So many serious symptoms were de- veloping as a consequence of this evil condition of my system that I real- ized I must find a remedy. The strong pills of various kinds I tried seemed after their first effects were over to make me far worse and I did not know which way to turn for relief. I saw Dr. Hamilton's Pills advertised, and the first box used satisfied me. I found a true remedy. Instead of griping with undue activity, Dr. Ham- ilton's Pills acted as naturally as If physic had not been taken. I never had to increase the dose and, Indeed, within a month I reduced It, and when the system finally acted of its own accord as a result of Dr. Hamil- ton's Pills, I took a dose twice a week only, just to make sure the old condl tion would not come back." great deal of unnecessary noise. No other remedy cures constipation ! What are you about!" and biliousness so easily or safely as. Y our Honor," replied the young Dr Hamilton's Pills; they are an _ ,, T , ,' Ideal family remedy for' all diseases ?* n > A 1 > v lost my overcoat and of the stomach, liver and bowels. L alm "Ting to find it. Sold in 26c. boxes, five for $1.00. all "Well," said the venerablo jus- druggists and storekeepers or The tioe, "people often lose wholo suits Catarrhozone Co., Buffalo, N.Y.. and i n here without making all that <li*- SCOT I FACE In Bad Condition. Pimples Urge. Face Sore and Itchy. Looked Badly. Cuticura Soap and Oint- ment Cured In Two Weeks. Muncey, Ontario. "Sam* time ago my f:ii-* won In a very bad condition with sorao kind of pimples The pimple* wtro thickly scattered. The topi of I hum were white; matter wu In them. Tliey were quite large and my "aoo vra aore aucl Itcby and looked badly. I bad to scratch to be comfort- ;.l>lo and eomntlnraa lost my sleep. The soros luted about ' V 7 / ' "" montn> *nd I tried some olntsuenta but didn't Ilk* them. Than I aunt for some Cutlrura Soap and Cuticura Ointment, uied them for two woeka and I wai completely cured. ' ' (Signed) Alex. It. Oko, April 3, 1013. How to Cure Horse Distemper An t:\pri i.-m-iMl Horseman Solemn- ly Deelaren Nothing IN So Satisfactory aa NVrvilinc. Says Nervillne Is Fine Liniment. 80 ME STUPID HABITS. If You Are Troubled In This Way Break It Off. Some people's lives are made a misery to them by senaelesiB little habits they cannot get away from, such as the habit of counting the Hteps they take. If a man once learns that trick he is in for a bad time. Another common trouble is that SCALY ECZEMA ON FACE Clarkaon, Ontario. "My little girl, aged two yean, started with a akin dijean on her face. BO I called la the doctor and tie "After fifty years' experience in rais- ing horses I can safely testify that no remedy gives. such good results for an all-round stable liniment as Nerviline." Thus opens the very earnest letter of J. J. Evanston, who lives near Welling- ton. "1 had a very valuable horse tfiat took distemper a mouth ago, and was afraid I was going to lose him. His throat swelled and hard lumps devel- _ oped. His nostrils ran and he had j e<l over three times. However tired a terrible cough. I tried different i he may be he has to make those remedies, but was unable to relieve three turns because he has allowed my horse of his pain and suffering till himself to get into the habit. I started to use Nerviline. I mixed a bottle of Nerviline and sweet oil and ruhbed the mixture on tho throat and comfortably in a room unless th> chest three times a day, and you j n see the door. I hey are not ex- would scarcely believe the way that | peoting anyone to come in and at- horse picked up. Nerviline cured him. j tack them ; they are not expecting I also have used Nerviline for colic anything at all. But they have got in horses and cows, and earnestly re- ! ^JJQ habit commend it to every man that is rais- j Ifc w<mld ^ eagy to fil j a whole "loVs'rains. sprains, swellings, colic. ! P a B? with a list of 'such stupid little distemper, coughs and colds, no lini- tricks as these. The doctors know which li-ads people to avoid walk- ing on the cracks between tho flag- stones of the pavement. There IB no reason for it. It is just a habit, and a vary bothersome habit, too. Then there is the man who can never go to sleep until he has turn- d over three times. However tired e may be he has to make those liree turns because he has allowed imself to get into the habit. There are others who oaunot sit oom unless they see the door. They are not ex- A nourishing, tasty, economical meal. A time and money saver. i A trength producer. Dcr ,*,. * n M u^r aaa a. , , , Bald l WM oozoma. The kln was quite | ment will prove so efficacious in the all about them, ana they will and ail scaly. I washed the part* well > stable aa "Nervillne" it's good for . you that people who do such things Sir WUlium Meredith. Kingston, Canada. ABOUT THE GREAT LAKES. A Few Facts Which Arc Sot Gen- erally Known. We all know in a general way that Lake Superior is the largest and Lake Ontario the smallest of th Great Lakes, but th relative facts are scarcely known to the average person. While Lake Michi- gan ranks second in sue, being forty-five miles shorter than Lake Superior, it is twice as deep at its greatest depth, the figures being 900 feet for Lake Superior and 1,800 feet for Lake Michigan, so that in cubical contents the latter far out- reaches Superior. Lake Huron's greatest depth also is a hundred feet more than that of Lake Super- ior, eo tliat the greatest is not su- perior to everything after all. Lake Eric and Lake Ontario are comparatively shallow, with maxi- mum depth of 204 feet and 412 feet, and yet we should not like to fall overboard in either of them. In width maximum figures Lako Su- perior conies first with 160 miles, Huron second with 105, Michigan third with 84, Erio fourth with 60, and Ontario last with only 52 miles of greatest breadth. In comparison with its area. On- tario leads with a drainage of 29,- 769 square miles, for its area of 6,700, the others being Erie, drain- age 39,860, area 23,000 square miles; Michigan, drainage 70,000, area 22,400 square miles; and Su- perior, drainage 85.000, area, 32,000 square miles. Drop in elevation is very gradual. Lake Superior being 600 feet above sea-level, Michigan 578 feet, Huron 574 feet, Erie 664 feet, and then comes a big drop to 234 feet for Lake Ontario. Sunday School Teacher "What is the conscience?" Bright Boy "It's wot makes you sorry w'en you get found out." turbance." MOTHER AND BABY. Every mother is anxious for the welfare of her little ones above all she wants them to have good health. Thousands of mothers havo learned the secret of keeping their little ones healthy they havo learned that by keeping Baby's Own Tablets in the house and giv ing an occasional dote to the little ones that they will escape constipa- tion, vomiting, oolic, colds, worms, etc. The Tablets never fail to be of oervicu in keeping the baby healthy and happy. Sold by medi- cine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medi- cine Co., Brockville, Ont. CTRIOl.S UKKKTINGS. Some Strange Customs iln I'ovple of Various Race* Obm-rve. The kiss, tho hand-shake and the bow arc the salutation* that are in tho inoHt universal uso at tho pre- sent day. Yet there exist races to whom, these forms of greeting would siviit as ludicrous as their own customs HCOHI to us. In this connection Jleclam's Uuiversuin de- scribes some curious customrt that tho people of various races observe when tlioy greet one another. The prostration -and the salaam, with the Cntloum Soap and then I put j mau or beast, for Internal or exter- tba Cuticura Ointment on. You ought to i nal use. Wherever there IB pain. i her now ua fair aa a Illy I Nerviline will cure It. Refuse sub- are neurotic. If you find yourself suffering from anything of the kind, th only J . ' "I suffered a ureati deal with piles. I ! stitutos. Large sire botUen, SOc.; i *."!,, ;l ^ + oil had them YT bad. and they itched and trial sizo, 25c., at all dealers, or the tmn S a bumod BO I could hardly bear It. Whrn I got U.u Cuticura Ointment I tried it. Now It baa entirely cured me." (Bignd) Mn. Cyras Ward. Jan. 1. 1912. Cuticura Soap and Cutlom Ointment are old throughout tli world. Send to Potter D. * C. Corp., Dept. 63D. Boston. U.S.A.. for frea "T 1 " oX each with 32-pme book. Catarrhozone Co., Kingston, Ont. Buffalo, N.Y.. aud power to work at once and break it off. Mon have been driven mud by such trifles as these. Risky. Griggs I *ee the English women who are health faddista are wearing their hair unconfinud. Briggs My wife wore hers that SUGAR FACTOHIES IN BRAZIL, way one night, and it fell out of SSSnUrSTSb and paini.. 26o at A DIVORCE GRANTED. After many yearn of patient innVrlni; TOU van be divorced from corns liy ap- plying Putnam's Corn Extractor. which actfl Ui 44 hour without pain. KefutK- bxcauie "Putnam V -= !. the window. Population Itoquiren 8.'i Kilns Per Head.. There are now in Brazil 3,546 u*ed uopordlna" to direction* la ono of tho LIQUID SULPHUR all dealer*. GcttinK BUH;. Mrs. Crabshaw I thought you Pulleys & Shafting Suitable for Mills, Manufacturer Plant*, Printing House*, Bte. 8 Wood Split Pulley*, 12^ x 48 im for 3 '10/18 in. shaft. 1 Wood Split Pulley, 13% x 48 in. for 2 IS/16 in. shaft. I Wood Split Pulley, \*A x 28 in- for 3 7/16 in. shaft. 1 Wood Split Pulley, 10^ x 36 inw for 3 7/16 in. shaft. Pulley* of smaller SUM and Shafting of various iengt-hs aodl lizce *o be eold at very low figure*.. Box 28, Wilson Publishing Co., Toronto. EDUCATION. f^ J routo. cial School. BUSINESS COLLEGE. TO aiihtlan Popular Oommej* Magnificent Catalogue FARM* FOR SAL*. were going to speak to that young primitive sugar factories and 120 l *** i*orative that *an be I man wno JlM bftn ca ui ng un ' more or less we'll equipped factor- ' *" ke * Together those produce 300 for Hi. or- uns to do thfir work urnjjorly. ao long? Crabshaw 1 guess it's coming 000 to 320,000 tons of sugar annual- j KCZEIU nd eruutunw <rf the nkiu ' out all right, my dear. The tele ly. But in order tu keep the mini- yield t onc to tront-mnit. Uundred* are \ phone bill this month looks ae if mum price of .sugar in our internal ' mom than -willing to teatify to the bone- market above a price below which j floial romltu of in LIQUID 8ULPITUK. our little manufacturers say would HHEiTMATiaM 1> iitnply the result of be utter ruin to them, It is neces- ! lmDUr bloo <l utl "loitired blood arv to put on a prohibitive duty | J , , a ..i by which we suffer an export loss , of 90,000 tons of sugar which should > For ulU ' 6 by all be produced. The population of ' ner bottle. *o~. th. o.u., of impurity and oleuiiaei the blood p rloe M cen u Braxil requires about eight and one-half kilos of sugar a head an- nually, while in other countries th Flower With a History. On the score of age aloae, the ,i . _ V/JtLJIW JV ' ' i u ' i ' * ft ' I -\JiJ >. . conaumpUon varies from 15 to , lou]d commttnd the i utereat kilos a head as in England, Aus- u a f, flower .i overB . It hag a tralia and Xw Zealand. there was something doing. Hi* Last. The Crank. This is the last time I'll ever camp out. The Enthusiast Well, you shouldn't camp out un- lei you can enjoy yourself without being comfortable. H. W. DAWSON, Ninety Coltaorn* sirctu Toronto. FB17IT. STOCK. ORAIN AND DAIRZ Farm* In all ctioni of o u ii.-ia, Pomn innpi. I/ ACTORY H1TK9. W1TU OR WITHOUI Railway trackaKo. In Toronto. ~ry ESIDKNTIAL Brn>p(on mnrt doien PROPKRTIKH IS >r r*O4 H, W. DAWSON. Oolbornt St., Toronto. NEWSPAPER FOR SALE. It i vi- j t w hich began many hundreds dent that a good number of small o{ a The tre<J more producers would dwuppear before ^ an any othef )lower ha been the the great nmnutacturers. But w^jat lory and ide of the chinese for difference should that make ? This nea ;, y ^ yeftr8) ond haa been is a faUl law of modern industry to Bub j eot fc,,. ^ painters and _ which one IB ob hged to submit in theme for the t8 Jn chiua> for Brazil as elsewhere. Brazil evi- dently would also profit by aban- doning her beeb root sugar. GIN PIUS FOR WOMEN Road What Mr*. Harris, Says About Them. Mrs. T. HarrlB of Tyneslde, Ont. knows ull about GIN PILLS. "I am salutations that many Orientals | now taking my third box of GIN use, are only more pronounced forms of thfi bow. So there is a PILLS," she writes. "The pnin across my back and kidneys ban almost en- more than 1,000 years, a record been kept of the parentage <jf seed- lings of this peony and their char- acteristics. Its great beauty and fragrance made it, centuries ago, the favorite flower of China's em- ppixjrs, and it was called Hwa \Vung- king of flowers. Herbal No noinnotu coloring Antistitic Slops blaod-p*ison SMtbiag Ew) pii and smirlinfl, etc. Htils ill iwet. Mlnard't Liniment for sale everywhere. Not That. B. A. De Gree My stomach's out Well Met A Good Appetite And Post Toasties A dainty, nourishing diah for breakfast, lunch or sup- per ready to serve direct from the package with cream and sugar. "Toarties" are thin bits of choice Indian Corn skil- fully cooked and toasted to an appetizing golden brown. Wholesome <jNourishi,nz ' Sold W Grocers everywhere., . C.nitan rettum 0l~).0o.. Ltd. connection between the embrace, so common in civilized countries, and the greeting of the uiombor of the Koiari tribe of British New Ouiuoa, who, in saluting a missionary, placed ono arm about his neck and stroked him under the chin. Among tho Masai ajid tho Ukr- ewe, it is a mark of respect u> greet an acquaintance or a stranger by spitting at him. Almost as strange is the custom ascribed to the Tibe- tans of sticking out tho tongue by way of salutation. Rubbing noses is quite common ; tho Buraneso, and many tribes of Eskimos, Lapland- ers, and Malays do so. Stranger than any of those cus- toms is the weeping salutation that has been observed among central South American Indians. This form of greeting occurs, too, in the An- daman Islands. New Zealand, and ! Polynesia. A Portuguese explorer 'describes thn custom a* he saw it used among a tribe of South Ameri- can Indians : "Whenever guest enters a hut ; he is inmirvJiatoly honored, and j nmdo welcome by being wept over, i Without, a word being apokon, ho is ! led to tha hammock. As soon UK he I is sealed, tho hontnss and her 1 daughters, nnd any of their K'rl j friends who happen to ho In tho i ItoiiRO at l/hn time, coano and sit about the guest, touch him lightly 1 with their fingers, nnd commence to j weep loudly and to ehed ma-iiy tears; during this oercjnxiny, in a sort of connected discourse, they recite overylhing that ha* happen- ed to them recently, and talk of the hardships of the road that the visi- tor has suffered, and of anything and everything that can arouso uomp/isttion and tears. The gueeft, his hand before his faoe, pre-tendp to weep, and does not apeak until the crying has gone on. for some time. Then they all wipo awu-y toMjs, mud bix'onio aa lively they h|d i nvor ; <jmt merry n if "'cried In nil their _. '.p'Wfe:Joti smitten by vuir'wiie'befbrVybft married her?" Pjapheoker "Yf|^,llftfc i}<?t hJf ,so *" tlrely gone. I was a groat mifferer of order, doctor. from Rheumatism but it has all loft Doc. Shipp--Have me. I strongly advise all women, who home-cooking? suffer from Pain In The Back and Weak Kidneys, to try GIN PILLS." 50c. a box, 6 for $2.50. Sample free if you write National Drug and Choin- Ical Co. of Canada, Limited, Toronto. you tried B. A. De Gree No, that's not the reason. Practical. Mrs. W.-- Odd invitations Mrs. Baltimore, Md.. NOT. 11. 1903. Mlnnnl's Liniment Co.. Limited. Him. -I oame ocroM a bottle of your MINABD'8 liINlMENT in tho hiinda of one of Uie xtudenlti at, the University of Bt>id issued for the oominv nuptials Maryland, , , . ..^ . IM (si- It For vry uw*l WIFICTI,,, . ... . * of her daughter just written af- i obtained in training for foot, raoea.^ and fairs, with the first line reading, I to w^'Jj^*,^ 'Mrs. L. W. Reid requests the hon- or of your presents," etc. Mrs.' W. Truthful, at any rate. Mlnard'i Liniment CurM Burn's, Eto. A Sign. "Jinks appears to be putting it very mildly, and I therefore *k if you would 1st me know of one of your agoutu tJiai it vlowwt to Haltimore en that I may obtain some of It. Thanking you in sd- vum-e I remain. Toure trnly, W. C. McCDEAN. 14 Bt. Panl dtroet, Car* OliTr Tjrpcwnlar Co. P.H.--Kindly an*wer at ono. aside something for a rainy day." "His failure to return umbrella* made me suspect as much." Mlnard't Liniment Relltvte Nauralila. Vftluo of ft Good >'nni<v. A good nnmo is rather to be cho- sen than great riches. Both are treasures and both easily lost. It is no email thing to be well thought of among friends and neighbors But, to lose that confidence is to lowj the best part of one's possessions. Reputation may be regained, but it may not be until the brnt years of life are p*t and opportunities de- parted forever, Query. Lady Customer (peeved) I've oome to return this paper-cutter. It's not ivory, as represented. Storekeeper (musingly)! won- der whether that elephant had false teeth 1 DODD'S ;// PI i L 'Ji- f / ' > l ,\\--xx<- ,v. I * v pi" 1SSTE '13. Try Murlne Eye Remedy If you liax-e Red, Weak, Watery Eye* or Granulated Kvelldn. Doesn't Smart - .Southea Bye Pain. Druggists Sell Murlaa Bye Remedy. Liquid, 25c, SOo. Murine Bye Salva in Aseptic Tube*, 2Sc, SOo. Bye Books Free by Mail. A* > Tnc a4 tar Ml y Ihrf NMd Cw* Murln* By* R.m.Uy Co., Cbloa 1 ELECTRIC DYNAMO OR GENERATOR FOR SALE 30 K.W., 110 VOLTS, D.C.. 675 R. P. M. At a Vexy RcMonablo Figure for Imiiifiliaii- Sale. S. FRANK WILSON & SONS, 78 Adelaide St. West. TORONTO. COTNTY WEEKLY NBWBPAPBB JOB - Sale In good Ontar'o town sal*M opening for man of nnmry. Write W Uon PutiHshlnn Company. Toronto. AGENTS WANTED. WANTK1) PKRMANKST MKN OR , Wumon locally, Salary and Com. i in. Muke Fiv to Ten Doll r <iy. time ff.pted. .1. L. Nichols i-<x. -hrjv. Toronto, Canada. STAMPS AND COINS. STAMP COLLECTORS HUNDRED Hltf] feront Foreign Htampi. L'atalogn*. Album, only Heven Cents. Mark* Siami Company. Toronto. MltCELLANEOUft. SKN1) Ji t'KNTH FOR THF. W U,TZ Song Suuuemi. "My Wonderful Oirl/5, N. Wilson. 25 Melindn, rll., roroiito. KToT' ith. i Writ*; CUNCEK. TUMOUS. LUMPS. ' !i .. i . ; and oiternal. cured with. out pain by our homo treatment. Writ* ue beforn too Into. Dr Bnllman Mrdicall Co.. Limited. Pollinnwood. Ont. FIXOIA' i i-vrr K AOKNT8 WANTKll UT ry uwn to hnndli- boQMbolC] nonentity. K<-11 on siitht, Airriitw inrtk* 500 to WOO n day. Ai>ply N. Wilson. & Mclinda. Tnronlo. (A ALL STONKS, K1DNKY AND HI,AD- ~t der Stonen. Kidney tmubln. Oravel. Lumbago mid kindrrd ailments poiti^ly cured with the new Oerman remdy. 8nol." pric<> $1.50. Another new for Diabete-Mellitu. and Rtire r.ure. li Hanoi's Ant.i-Diabetw." Prir $2.00 from, dniRRiBtc or dirct. The Runol Manufao.1 tnrinK Company ot Canada. Ltmitd,i Winnineit. Man. FOB SM.E FOR SALE OF USED II. T Bent Bargain. An old lady accompanied by her daughter who was about to be mar- ried, wout to Dublin to make some purchases. Having finished shop- ping, .-is they had Honifi time to spare, they strolled into tlie Phoe- nix Park, and fealing tired, they sat dowi'i on two chargeable chairs. Shortly afterwards the collector came around and demanded, two- pence. The old latly asked, '''What forf' (so then, the collector ex- plained that if she wanted the chairs they would have to pay a penny each for tjinm. "Oil, said the daughter, joining in, "we'll take halt a dozen, and T think it'fl the beet bargain we've mode to- ' Mlnifd'i Liniment Our** Dandruff. AUTOMOBILES pHE Cars listed below have been taken in cx- change for our latest models with tho Knight Motor. They are in good rejwir, fully inspected, and are ready to go on the road. The prices we are asking are juat what we allowed for them in , exchange. Model "W," flttcsl with Uairaler-KiiigUt Motor. Beantiful Torpedo body. Fully equipped, at a reasonable price $1,500.00 "BU88ELL" Model "B." Car In uplondld shape. A llve-paBswoger Touring Prlw ; JjWOO.OO Et'BWSLL" M.oc!ol "22." A bt-aullful flve-passengwr. iiNi-im-h whoel bane, M-iiidi wheel. A full; equip- ped Touriog Cut n ith the Knight ntotur. Thl* oar will carry eiir n-eulnr guaraulev. Price, $1,500.00 a The cars are in splendid shape, and will bear examination and comparison with airy othecsi-- the market. RUSSELL MOTOR CAR CO., LIMIT! 100 HH HMOM) STHKKT Dlntance PboiM, Adnl. 8271.