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Flesherton Advance, 11 Sep 1913, p. 4

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September 11 1913 THE V L E S H E 11 N ADVANCE T I 1 j. ,-f Icshcrton - A.n independent new*paper, nultliohed every Tmimday t th 1 " office, Culliiurwood Street, Klrsherr.on. Siiliscriotiou |-ice 81 peraunum, wh-'ii \M\<\ in advance ;*! .". > when not so paid Advertising rat mi application. Circulation 1,100 weekly. W H. Tliuratori- Eclltor Plesherton Methodist Church Prayer meeting Thursday evening of this week will be in charge of ihe Epworth League. We invite the young people especially. The Pastor will preach at both services on Sunday. Epirorth League on Monday evening next will be in charge of the Missionary Department. Don't miss this meeting. HUMANE EDUCATION It is rarely now that one will rind a man abusing his best friend, the horse. Humane education has of late years been doing a great work in the amelioration of the condition of domestic animals. Since the organization "f liie humane campaign by Henry Bergh the movement has grown amazingly throughout the world, t>ut more especially in the cities of the I'nited SUtes. In Boston and New York animal dispensaries and hospitals have been erected and endowed by benevolent "men, where domestic animals can be treated for their ailments. The Angell hospital in Hoston is a magnificent struc- ture, and cost an immense eum of money. The American Humane Society places its literature in every civilized quarter of ; h globe, and ill influence for good is felt throughout the world. Its publication, " Our Dumb Animals," is placed on the exchange table of every publisher in A ni'i . i An incident relating the best that is in man comes all the way from Skagway, Alaaka, and contrast* strongly wiih the actions of some mercenary and heartless people, who, when the old horse has reached the limit of his usefulness, ad- ministers a bullet and places him under the sod without a thought for the value raceived by lib* labors throughout a long ..I'd useful life. The men referred to in the item below only did their duty, but their names should be remembered and their kindly Action followed by all who profit from the uncomplaining life labors of their nine friend. ' Of the :<7 passengers oat on the Princeofl May on a recent trip, two o' (hem were very interesting persons," - ys the SkaRWfcy Alaskan. " They were Joe Ham and Dave Cunningham, of 1 1 w..i. . These gentlemen brought their horse with them, and will take the ani- i mat outside to some warm place where [the sreen grass grows all 'he year ri-und, [and there place him in charge of Koine [one who is kind and therefore godlike, to i be taken care of the rest of Bis days. |Tlie old horse has helped them during nany years of travel in the Klondike and an never complained or shown a yellow Itreak. He is getting old now, and these Ug-hrarted men of the North, who have ver deserted anyone yet, are not going commence dirty tactics on a faithful rtley put him on a car and In transferred him to a boat, and are ling him to a good horse country, PI re he can dre&ni in the tunshine and liv.ich flies." NOTES The Toronto eihibition is a millionaire- Thaw Maya In- would like to live in i-iadii always. Whit better proof 5 mlil we have of the man's sanity* Hut just wait until the Matteawan authorities ..t, him back in con6nement. Kven the i .aid physicians who swore he was wine mil g'i back on him now. Down in Kentucky they are staitina "moonlight Hchools." Theie are not of (n gate variety such as we are i with here. ^^ 'SATISFACTORY F If we accept the experience of the t"ntted 8Ue as u proof cif the value of Mr. Rowell's altolish the bar policy it gi-oi^r any groat enthusiasm. r there were 21,554 fewer s ilooiis i in the Stiles than tin' year before, and j^he number of wholesale liquor dealers !cci-ed by six hundred, while the con. 'iniptton of spirituous liquors increased. ~~llml we want in Canada is a plan where- fi* the cOBiumptioii of lii|imr will ho i-ur- \ilvd and not tm-rt'ly switched int" ( llii-r channels. JAN EXPLANATION WANTED ' Will somebody explain lo us just what ,Iic-y uf the Kdu'ialimi ih-pnrtim>nl *Chi8 year the ({rants to rural lfiS.lshe been inwterinliy nil ilowmuiil Hhottage in Ilia fuml.'- -\\ n ; ^ short time iiRn Ihi- iiiiiiiiniiiii Jry reultion HS passed, whi.-l, nn.l,- ulsory for many poor nccii-ms in ,ethe salaries of their leathers, inl , I'.noisaulhori'y f,r Ihe flati-incnt. i-mesH round hvu increased. .,'',<! thi year have t.. benr Hie burden of a decreased graiitiuid increased forces up taliiiies, Vould it not be only fair thnt they pny the regjliition grant wi'huut deduction and without cmiiplnin- ing? \Vi- trow yes. The niom-y be forthcoming from smne source. Artemesia Council 'I'hc Artenipsia Council met t the town hall on Saturday, Sept. ti, the mem- bers all present, the Heeve in the chair. The minutes of l.-wt session were read and continued. Comniunications as fol lows were presented and rend : Fnce At Scot*, engineers of Calgary, intimating that they were opening an ottice in To- ronto and asking for patronage ; Com- missioner Brown, report as to cement sidewalks laid in Eugenia ; Malcolm Mc- Lean, claim for sheep killed by dog*, Alfred Dunlop, claim for sheep killed by dogs, 812 ; Thomas Freeman, claim for sheep killed by dogs, 914 ; Durham Furniture Co., account for lum- ber for covering Eugenia bridge, $19. C5 ; J. & W. Boyd, account $8.50 ; George Pritchard, account for repairs to crusher, $1.25. ** 770 to levy school trustees' rates, was introduced and paesed iU sec- ond reading. Bylaws 767 and 7C8 re- ceived their 6n<il readings, and Council asked leave to tit again on Bylaw 770. Cm well Graham -Thtit the following accounts for gravel used by overseers, duly certified, be paid : S. Pedlar $r>.70, J. Beecroft $<5.05, John Carson 80.65, James Patton 91- 8i>, Mrs. Jamiesen 90c, C. McMillan :55c, H. Stone $2.'.tO, \V. Swanton &!.15, James Milne $4 C*r'd. Mc-Leod Brown That Malcolm Mc- Lean be paid $10. 33, being two-thirds of his claim fur sheep killed by dogs, as provided by law. Carried. Graham-Caswell That Alfred Dun- lop be paid $8, being two-thirds of his claim for sheep killed by dos>9, aa certi- fied by K. Brodiu and A. Sewell. Car'd. Brown McLeod That Thomas Free- man be paid $9..'W, two-thirds of his claim for sheep killed by dogs, as certified by E Brodie and A. Sewell. Carried. Brown McLeod That the account of J. & W. Boyd, $8.50, for supplies, be paid. Catried. Graham -Ciiswell -That Geo. Pritch- ard'n accuunt i.f 1.25 fir repining rock crusher be paid. -Carried. Caswe!) Graham That the Council advertise the closing of part of 150 oide- road 2nd range XV.T.S.H., a distance of ''4 rods, more or less, north-easterly from the west back line. Carried. Graham McLeod That the report of Mr. Brown re the Eugenia cement side- walk be icceived as satisfactory and an order be istued on the treasurer for 875, being amount granted for the same. Carried. adjourned. Embryo Jesse Jimmies On Tuesday evening last, Chief Clarke ovei heard a conversation regarding tire arms, wliich led liiir, to believe three youths -new arrivala to town were carrying concealed weapons. On inveili- gat ion lie learned that three boys, on bi- cycles, had just arrived in town, from Owen Sound, and that they had boasted of having a revolver each. After con- siderable mtnoeuvering and <|ue9tioning of varioua parlies, the whereabouts of tho bad men wa learned ami the last seen of our Chief he was goint> a 2.40 clip in the direction pointed out to him a.s the probable location of tho lade. Sure enough, the three boys with their bi- cycles wera there. They were nabbed, w heels and all, and taken to the Police Station and locked up Wednesday mom- ing. Their names were ascertaii.ed, their place of residence being j>i;en as C wen Sound. Chief McAuley was com- municated with by phone and Chinf Clarke was asked to hold the lads until a constable WHS sent for them, an they were jut the lads that were wanted fur var- ioua little thefts th'it were daily being committed in our sister city. Wednes- day afternoon brought down two con- stables, Thompson und Cm-son, who took the 1 d , back to Owen Sound. Previous to locking the buys up, Chief Clarke took from them throe loaded re- volvers, about fourteen packages of to- bacco, a little jewelry.oto. The bicycles were stolen ones, it is supposed. They acknowledged breaking into diO'eront places of business in the Sound and from all appearances bad Chief Clarke not ;u i .-!>'! them a large number of our business men would have had complaints to hand the countable of burglary. This is another time that the Chief was not found napping. Meaford Express. Mrs. SViillacc, who was itpoited in these columi 8 last wejk as havinu .SUB- t tined eeiiciii injuries in a nmawf-y accident on Satin day, Au 4 . L'.'.id. says tin? Shelburno Free Press, died at her home, lot 20, con. 4, An.arnnth, on Thursday, Aug. - J8ih. Owing to her ii.h in . .1 x c her contlitutiiiii was unable t'i :-l iml tin- sl'dck, together with thn injuries) she ii'C'.ived. Dicemed was 70 yeotH of age. Kimberley Budget (,luite a heavy ihun lei 1 ttorm passed 1 over our burg on Sunday nijlit. Miss Pedlar of Keck vale visited with her sister, Mrs. Jno Wit-ken*, during the jtiHt week. Mr. Geo. Pios'or and Jno. Plewes visited C dlingwood friends recently. Mr. and Mr.". Wm. Fuwc.-tt and son Willie of Maxwell visited friends in this vicinity a few days the past week. Miss Edna KelU of Edmonton Allu., visited the jMst week with her sister, Mrs. A. K. Myles of "Sprinsjbrook" firm Mr. Harold Ellis who has been visiting at Mr. Altt Knott'*, Epping, returned home on Monday. Mr. Ernest Proctor who haa been visiting friends in Toronto returned home on Saturday last. Mr. Jno. McMullen and sister Ena of Proton visited with their aunt, Mis. G. Hutchinson, a few days the past week. * Miss Myrtle Smith of Weyburn Sask. is visiiing at her p-trcntal home here at present. Mr. and Mrs. Jno McArthur of the !Jth line Kuphrasia visited at Mr. Thos.Aber- croiribie'n on Monday. Mr. Lyness Fawcett and Hartley Likwience made a business trio to Mark- dale on Saturday last. Mr. Geo. Stewart of Weyburn Sask. is visiting friends in this vicinity. Mr. Jas. Patterson ot B'antyre was a caller in our Imrg on Monday. Mr. Dalton Lnugheed and sifter Belle of the 10th line, Collingwood, visited at Mr.J.M.Fawcett's. Mr. Ashley McCallutn of Duncan visit- ed *t Mr. Donald Wallace's, one day last week. Mr. Jno. Welch of the E-wt Mountain is busy at present removing stone on Mr. S. S. Burreti's farm. Mr. Welsh is an exp.-rt in this line. Walkerton Herbett Smith, a local sutoUt, was fined 85.00 and costs, or a total levy of f 10.35, by Magis'rate Tolton here last Thursday on a charge laid by his wife of driving an auto while under the in- fluence of liquor. Becoming angered, it is alleged, at h's wife,8mith was arrest- ed by Chief Ferguson on Saturday night on A charge of threatening to kill her. He wag remanded to j til until Tuesday tfternoon, when he was brought before Magistrate Tolton and released on SliX) bail, the priaouer to appear for trial an Friday afternoon next . George Dainm, a Walkerton boy, wl > is assiiiting his father at nights in the moving picture show at Durham, had his right arm badly torn on Wednesday of last week. At the time of the mishap, Daiinu was rolling up his sleeve prepnia- tory to running a spindle carver in the Durham furniture fact; ry. when his arm gut caught in a belt and was drawn into a rapidly revolving wheel or pulley, with the reiult tint the machine was it stintly stopped by the inixhap and a wound in- Hicttd on his arm that required 2ti stitchrs to clcse. The unfortunate Ltd will be laid off duty for many weeks as a result of the accident. -Herald and Times. Durham Fur lighting on the streets of Durham on Saturday evening, Michael McMillan and Angus Morrison of Qlenelg Centre, weie lined ?.", and cost* each by Magis- trate T. it. .i.l. But'i tines amounted to 87.50 each. The death occurred in Durham on Sat- urday evening of Mis. Margaret Ander- sjn, who passed a\vay after a long illness at the home of her daughter, Mrs. E. Hildubrandt, here. Mrs. Anderson wa< 83 -..-..I ot age, and for the past two or three years had been confined to her bed practically all the time. The furniture company is installing a 7>~> lioisepowur dynamo in tlioir plm.t here, to furnish additional |'o*fr, v. In, Ii lliey lire in need at present. Tin! dynamo will be run Hy the s-tumn engine u-.ed for furiiinluiig poer het'oie tl L - e ectric plant was put i.. nt thu ll.jcky. On Thursday evening last, >t >* bi'lonying to Mr. John MeAulliti'o, upper town, was struck by \V. (Jon's auto, and h.-ul its leg broken and ufterwiuds had to bo killed. From what we team, tne Miinml c.osaed the road immediately in front of the auto, aud was si ruck before (lie nachme!d bo stopped. Chion- lole. Dundalk Mr. J.iMii-.i Henry hs roeivrd tl.c ap poiiitment i f Ovoisutr i.f ihe stock de- partment of tlie Muncey Institute, west of St Thomas. A very sen-'iis ru.viili.-iit was narrowly averted S>tlimlay ntuning as tl.t ."> Yuluck n .in t\;i, (' MI, 11 : in! i ii.i su;n n. Mrs. '1 honms Aitcliisdii of the Milan! s was ftt thu depot wmling to take il.e train o vih t fru'inls ;,t Kei-^u*. :.!;>'. llitliding too cl<.Ku to thu track, WAS etuuh liy the cyli'-dor of the tnyiiij r in i lliivnn lo one F. H. W. HICKL1NG FLESHERTON ONTARIO. MILLINERY FOR FALL We have pleasure in announcing that we are adding a Millinery Department to our increasing business under the direction ofMiss Park, a capable and experienced milliner. The day of the Formal opening will be advertised later, in the meantime Miss Park will be pleased to take special care of any advance orders. This week we place in stock the first shipment of New Fall Coats for Ladies. The prices are moderate and styles just right. Come in and see them. Coat Sweaters-f2lCool Evenings Just Received, a big selection of these popular garments for Men and Women, Boys and Girls, new Colors and Styles ; all reasonably priced. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR BUTTER AND EGGS side. Luckily no bonea were broken, but Mra. Aitchimm got a severe shaking uu. Tho train being held for ten or fifteen minutes, she was able to proceed to her destination. A laaket of eegs came to grief on the platform. The sad news reached Dundalk en Tuesday of the death of Robert H. Stephenson (Bert), wh", while working on the construction gang of the Hydro. Elrctiic at ScrertHvill, came into contact with a live wire, killing him instantly. The home of the deceased i; in Melancth- on. lie is a brother of Jamei Stephen- son of this place. The young man who is about twenty years of age started to work with the Bell Telephone Co. en construction woik about two or three years ago. He lii'er changed to the Hydro-Klectric. The last time he was home he intimated his intention of quit- ting the job on account of the danger. Dundalk will have a big re- union of the "old boys" and girls at the fair on Oct. 9th and 10th if present indications count for anything. A public meeting was held in the town hall Tuesday night and various plain of entertainment were proposed. An "Old Boys' Associ- ation and a committee was appointed to confer with the Board of directors of the fair. Another public meeting will be held in tho town hall next Monday night at 7.30 when reports will le submitted and further plans pioposed. One of ihe features of the "re-union" which it is hoped to cairy out is an "old boya" band for the fair under tlie leadership of our own Joe I'ul.. who is now residing at Boisaeviin, Man., and who has expressed a desire to come if at all possible for him. -Herald. r 1 Jas. Pattison & Co. m CEYLON, ONTARIO. MM The place you can get nearly anything you want in Dry Goods, Groceries. Boots and Shoes. Also Hardware, Hay Rope and Biudertwine. Brant- ford Bindert wine 650 feet, and 600 feet, can't be S beat. Also Canadian Portland Cement at $1.50 Ijjll per barrel. Paris Gieen in 1 pound and half |M| pound packages. Scythes, Blades and Snaths, }N| Scythe Stones and Kakes, also the best machine Wj oil. Remember we pay highest market price for IJjj Butter, Eggs, \N'ool, fallow, Skins and Hides. 3fe (lit I ' 1 "4i j| TERMS CASH AND TRADE S H ! JAS. PATTISON & Co. CEYLON I GENERAL MERCHANTS ONT. I GOOD LOCAL AGENT At once to represent th Cbe Old and Reliable F o n t h i 1 1 Nurseries Splendid list of fruit and ornamental stock for Fall delivery 1913 and Spring delivery 1U : : : : Start at once and secure exclusive territory. NVe supply handsome free outfit and pay highest cominiftsions. Write for full particulars. 1 Jly 1 Stone & Wellington TORONTO, - - ONT. FlesHer-ton Tonsorial Parlors We Aim to Give Entire Satisfaction LAUNDRY Bisket leaves Tuesday noon, delivery Friday eveni-ig. CLEANING and DYEING We are agents for Parker's Dye Works Clothes cleaned and dyed, feathers rejuvenated. T FISHER, - PROPRIETOR For Sale by Tender Tenders will he received by the under- siuiii-d at Port McNicholI up to 4 o'clock p. m. Friday loth day of August for the l>uu:lm*G ot the solid brick store and ,'lwnl ing oppisile Fl'.nir Mills in the village of Feversham, also for the pnivhavc i>f the i-"ii<;li cfv-t dwelling and I lup'rly ' n \\VUinjrion St. West lately ( r.wned liy .Inhii Sp.ors. Tendeis to ^tll^ t':p v invn ierii)9 of pxynient and . intjie t. L'wi-^i i-or ai>y tender not neces>a;ily accepted. -I. HAUVEY PERIGOE. ? SECRETS OF HOME LIFE Sutemeat* made by pititnts taking the New Method Treatment. They bow ft dm V No NUBM or f e.bmonl.l, ui.d without written content CONSTITUTIONAL BLOOD DISEASE. Pstlrat No. 1M74. "The ipot* are all gone from my legs and arms and I (eel good DOW. I am very grateful to you and shall never forget the favor your medicines have done for me. You can use my nams In recommending It to any sufferer. I am going to get mar- ried soon. Thanking you once more, etc." SATS TWO MONTHS CTOED HIM. Patient No. 18766. Age 23. Single. Indulged In Immoral halts 4 years. De- posit In urine and drains at night. Varicose Veins on both sides, pains In back, weak sexually. He writes: "I received your letter of recent date and In reply I am pleased to say that after taking two months' treatment I would consider myself completely cured, as I have seen no signs of them coming back (one year). THE WORLD SEE3IS DIFFERENT. Plent No. 159*3. "I have not had regular Emission I don't know when and am feeling fine. The world lecms altogether different to me and I thank God for directing me to you. You have been an honest doctor with me." VAB1COSB VEINS CUBED. Cue No. 16888. Symptoms when he started treatment: Age 21. single, In- dulged in Immoral habits several years. Varicose Veins on both sides pimples on the face, etc. After two months' treatment he writes as follows: "Your welcome letter to hand and am very glad to say that I think myself cured. My Varicose Veins have completely dis- appeared for quite a while and It soems a cure. I work harder and feel less tired. I havo no desire for that habit whatever and If I stay like this, which I have every reason to believe I will. Thanking you for your kind attention." etc. GAINED 14 POUNDS IN ONE MONTH. Patient No. 13S22. This patient (aged B8) had a chronic case of Nervous De- lllty and Sexual Weakness and was run down In vigor and vitality. After one month's treatment he reports as fol- lows: "I am feeling very well. I have gained 14 pounds in one month, to that I will have to congratulate you." Later report: "I am beginning to feel more like a man. I feel my condition Is getting better every week." His last re- port: "Dear Doctors As I feel this Is the last month's treatment that I will have to get, I thought at one time I would never be cured but 1 put con- fidence In you from the Start and jron have cured me." CURES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY peculiar to men. CONSULTATION FREE. Blank for Home Treatment. BLOOD AND Ud .U DiMUM FREE. If wMbl. to call writ, for Quwdon ' A J! Ut i* ri * rem C""l mu* fc. *ddreM.d to our Can- 1 1 S5.o 1?.'P . nc ' ence D.pwrmt M follow. : DRS. KENNEDY & KENNEDY. WINDSOR. ONT. DRS.KENNEDY&KENHEDY Cor. Michigan Ave. and GrUwold St, Detroit, Mich. Tamworths for Sale both sex neavly ready tor breeding. I'ricus richt toi quick sale. GEO. W. ROSS, Maxwell P. 0. Boar for Service A'M'RC wbito Yorkshire Hoar tor service nloslGi.Urd raiiga \V T. * P. K., Artemocia Terms 41.00' 15. \VAULEU. BULL FOR SERVICE Registered Hulstein Bull, Korndyke Pietertje C'lolhilde, No. 14780, whose dam, Trizie's Clnthilde Pietertje '2nd, No. 2!)88, has produced over 80 Ibs. milk per day. Terms Grade cows $1.00, pure bred cows $3. All cows not returned will bo charged. Also registered Yorkshire 1>nnr, No. 34581 .Terms $1. HENRY HOLMAN Lot 40, Con. 4, Aitcinesia, Portia* P.O Cuiartf v.

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