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Flesherton Advance, 31 Jul 1913, p. 8

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July 31 1910 THE FLESFfERTON ADVANCE BUSINESSCARDS WH. WIUGHT, TK.I.KOUD * McDOXALD HrriM,-i . Solicitor*. Ac. i > In > . Oruy A liriiri; lilock, OWDII Hounil. KUudard Hank Klock, Klui.lii-ri.iii. (Saturdays). W. II. Wriijh!. W. l. TelJonl J"., J. 0. McUoiiuH, J>. U .B. SOCIETIES AO U W uieeti ou the ltt Mon.liy lu each rooutti, in tlielr lodge room CitytoD'i hall KleUei ton, at 8 p. in M. w . W. J. rtellaiuy ; Kec., C. H. Vlunabaw: Kin.. H. J, Bproul*. Vint i UK braUuwD lavltea PRINCE AHTHUK LODOE, No. 383.A.F& A U. meets in tin Uaiouic ball. Arm trong s rllock.FUBbertoii. every Friday on ar before the full moon <1 . A. Walton, W. M.; Tuoi. Clayton, Bocreinry. f OCRTIFLESHF.HTON. 995. I. 0. F. meets ID ^Clayton's Hlock the last Wediicsdav evetilnR leacb uu.nth Vltititm Korestorn bearlily Icouie'C. K.. G. HelUmy ; K. 8., U, Cairn; ID. t*c.. W. Huekin. PleaM pay duel to Fin. Sec. before the first v of the month. CHOSEN FKIESOS-FlMlierton Council v Cboaen Frieodi meets in Clayton's hall first and third WednMday of each month 8 p. m Fay aMeiuent> to the Kerorder ou or before tee first day of eacb month. Chief Councillor T. Blakelev: Recorder W. H. Hunt. RCDD MATHF/.VK, Markdale, Licensed auctioneer for the county of Orey. GOCK' wrvice at reaicnable rates. Dates can be ruade at The Advance, o (fJ MEDICAL DB CARTER ..!<! A s Ont, Pbyilclin. Surgeon etc OfBee and residence Peter St., FleBherton JP OTTEWELL Veterinary Surgeon Jradnate of Ontario Veterinary College residence sscond door south weitloo lry street. This street runs south Presbyterian Church. DENTISTRY Dr. E. C. MURRAY U D. H., dental surgeon bonoi graduate of Toronto University anil Koyl L'olleije of Dental Surgeons of Ontario, Gat adiuiuiiiiptere:) fur teutli extraction Oflic at residence, Toronto Htreet. Fleshcrton. i UC. IJ A, LEGAL ,CAB. RAXEY * hENl!Y-ani8tcr. riollcitorB.etc.-I. H. LUCB, K. C.: W. K. Kaney. K. f. ;\V. I). Henry, U. A. Office*, roronto. MiG-'J Tiadcru Hank lilelp., plione wain Hl-J: Markdale l.ncas lllock. I'lione 2 A. Brut-h office t Duiulalk opcu every Saturday. LrsiNKss (.'AUDS U UULOXJL'GH & YOUSU Ktnkeri Mi I; Ul- general l)iiki!)iibuliK-n. Money loaned tt reaionaUle ratei Call on UH. TCH1BLETT, Pot master. 'loylon. ComiiilMioncr In H. '. J . Conveyancer, mortnaiici, l-at<-. willn etc. carefully drawn up ollectlou* mad-, chart-on ritasonahie. Alro roceriei, flour. tueJ etc, kei>tiu mock, I'ricei fgbt. DMd'HAIL. Mceniixl Auctioneer for the County of Orey. Tt-ruia moderate anil latUlaction Kutranteed. Tho airaiiKeinc-nti and dates of nalan can lie ina'lo a*. TIIF. AI>VAM K office. Ksideuce and P.O.. Ceylon, Telephone aoDOMtion. Bee. 6.U7. Vt'M. KAITTISU. l.loeiiHc.l Aiictiou>-i-r f"i the countli-H of <lrey and Slincoe. Farm uu<l (Hock nates a t-pucinlty. 'I'.-i in" aiodi-ratn natUfactioii Riianntted. Arnmni-- ujentn for datea may bo niaditat tin* Advnnt-e or Central Mlcrboa* offlM i-<ivi-iiimn or t> adilrcKHiug me at Ftvornham, (Jut. Farms for Sale M Acre* \Vet lilt lot H, con. 11. Township of O*pr*y. W Acrn-K"t half lot H, con. II, Towimhip ot ()i|>ry. .Ml Acrm Wett )iU lot 7, con. 11, Townhl|i ot iik|>rey. Mi A .reH--i:nt1iilf lot 7, coil. 11, Township Of (i- i i . . . 1MJ A<:re Lot .!, 'im. 10, Artuinotlu. KM) Acrm Lot :ia, ( '<>n. 11, ArtomWUk mx) AcroH l,ot .1, ( 'on. l:i, lot 4, ( ' n. 1 i " lOOAoroi - ' con. 14, ArMniMU, 100 Aci'DH 1.O! , Coll. H, A I Ir HM-'-iM. 1110 A. r,-H l-:il, hnlf lot 7, run. 'i, DilpliraxlH. "IJ Acr*> r*ot* 24 ami 'M. con. N. Art*iiiitiii, i-'i A. .<- I'-ni I "i i n. 1 1 ., I n;, c ( ,n.:i, N. i:. T. H. II.. Aii'>. 2'X)A>-rK Lot 'I ii'l in, ron. ]'.'.. ArtiHiif.hin. llfl Acro l'rt hut :I7. con. ll!. Artoin>nla. \V. A. A KMS'I'K(I.\<;, June- 1 .(I HOUSE AND LOT FOR SAM- 1 u .- '. ilwi-llinx IIOUIH on Victoria Mn-.-i i-iisl ill Ilid Villn "f Fevei'Hlmin null two loin. AU liLACKSMITII SH'iI' on corner of mill it serve nnd Wi'Ilinlon Hireei. Knr hill pnrti< ulaiN apply to Kli KoliiiiHoi , I i ! i - -i il..- uii(litrNii{iictd. H< HKKT llltoWN, Uox 4IMI, KuroNt, Out. CEYLON'S Meat Market For Fresh and [Cured Meats, Bologna Sausage, Etc. Call at Jas. McClocklin's BUrCH Kit SHOP Ceylon, Ont. Pore Bred Holstcin Bull Chanrtelln* Prince Joe Hi ! by ChAngeling Iltiltur Uoy out of Tidy Abtokerlc l'i m, ,-.-, Joipphino. Tli>' (rr<Mt*t hutter mkinK *tr*in known. Trim of mtrviff |1! for j-rmli-s, |5 for pun- lirml. QK<>. M >. IKK A SON, Prop*., Canadian National Exhibition EXPANSION YEAR i New Livestock Department Everything iti Agriculture I xhibils by the Provinces I Kxliihits by Dominion Government Kxhibiis by Foreign Countries Acres of Manufactures MAGNIFICENT ART EXHIBIT Paintings from Germany, Britain, I'ntted States and Canada Kduciitionul Exhibits Cadet Review Japanese Fireworks Canada's Biggest Dog Show America's Greatest Cat Show AND IN KRO THE BURNING OF ROME The Musical Surprise The Musical Ride Auto-Polo Matches C'ircus and Hippodrome Roman Chariot Races Athletic Sports Great Water Carnival I IRISH G LARDS BAND Score of other Famous Bands Twelve Band Concert* Daily Wreck of the Airship Wellington's Zouaves New Giant Midway i ,1.111,1 Double Bill of Fireworks PATRICK CONWAY'S BAND Aug. 23 1913 Sept. 8 TORONTO CONCEALED PUNS. James Russell Lowell Cleverly Hid One In a Review. QUAINT HUMOR IN A SNEEZE. The Story That It Told of the Witty Cleric, Sydney Smith, and the Wager He Won While In the Pulpit A Buried Pun by Nathaniel Hawthorn*. Horace E. Scudder In some reminis- cences of James Russell Lowell point- ed out that the poet critic even in bis soberest essays would sometimes bide away a jest for the delectation of spe- cially discerning readers. Thus In a review of Richard Grant White's edi- tion of Sbakespeare, Lowell remarked Incidentally: "To every commentator who bas wantonly tampered with the text or obscured It with his in'.. y cloud of para- phrase we feel Inclined to apply the quadrisyllable came ot the brother of Agls, king of Sparta." Professor Felton of Harvard, we are told, was the first to remember or dis- cover that the Dame of Agis' brotber was Eudamidas. Osprey Council The municipal council of the township of Osprey, met at Fevereharn, on S.itiu- diy, July lilth, according to adjourr- tii.-ii 1 from June 21st last. The mem- bers were all pi went. Minutes of last meeting were read and adopted. Communications, accounts, etc., . u- received from Hat email, Wilkinson Co., regarding road f.crpers ; Ontario Muni- cijnl Axsociation, notice of annual meet- ing ; A. G. McKean, claim fur 815.00 as damages to bin automobile on townline Nottuwatiagn and Ogprey ; Collingwood hospital, regarding their account for 8118.00. keep of McKay's; Municipal World, account f 1 . 60, for eight pound keeper Acts ; G. A. Robinson com- plained that the pathmabters had dump- ed rubbish from the roadway upon their property ; A. Hollingshead complained of un overcharge in his statute labor : Robt. Arnott complained that the culvert at the corner of the 30'.h sideroad caused Hooding of his farm ; J. H. \Veatherall, Jos. Gugin, H. Hardy and others were present urging the grant tj assist sideroad ; Thos. Stephens and Edwin i 'in i u- were present asking a special grant be made to improve the valley road ; Henry Heitman, account fur 4<)c, council to make a in opening 40th A more opaque mystification Is con- axl " g re " 8e nd oil for rader J Geor 6 e taiued in a passage In the first chapter | NV hiteonk applied to have the charges for of Nathaniel Hawthorne's "Our Old telephone system changed from his fu MI, lot 15, con. H, to his property in Feversham, lua application being granted iii.i the clerk ordered to make the change, The repoit of the Hoad and Biidge Com- nittee, regarding the opening of the 40th Home" opaque only because be pur- posely seeks to conceal every clew to the fact that a pun is burled beneatb the surface. The chapter Is beaded "Consular Ex- periences." Speaking of the lights and Carefully Wheat .., Oats . mm. Corrected Each Week shadows of the consul's office at IJver- l-iiileioad, beinjt favorable to action being pool, wbere he was stationed during laken to open said road, was adopted by the presidency of Franklin Pierce, U a council and mi appropriation of Hawthorne dwells with special pleas- ^ Q WM made U) be ust , d in d , tchi , ure on tbe visits of a young English friend, "a scholar and literary amateur. " nd "I*""* >'d. between whom and myself there sprang Orders were issued upon the Treasurer up nn affectionate and, I trust, not to pay 5Iunicip;il World 81.55, acct. , transitory regard." Ali . x Gilll)g 1 (M)I iw to ruder ;A[eX This friend used to come and sit or ! C1 ... . . .. tertrusoii 1.00, repairs fur grader , stand by the Hawthorne fireside, "with such kind endurance of the lliany H*rry He.tnmn 4Oc,acct : .lohu 1 h.mi.soi, rough republicanisms wherewith I us- 'I'win Morrison and Jno. K. Muirliead *"<1 "* * '">k assertion of nil sorts of English preju- dices nud mistakes, that I understood to V|, his countrymen infinitely the better for 92. 00 each, service ou road and bridge .-.mimittoc re 40 side nud. The Commissioners for the telephone T , I . . i , . Mia VVUU&AJUJ iiiuuit fi. Lilt; uvilvl IV'l . . "*? y him and was almost prepared to love s y" ot11 hled thelr Ptitioi for extonsu-n j, l) ' JQ ' O0 '' r ' () (' j)^ the Intensest Englishman of them all o' the Kystein, and made application for Which Will YOUR Winter Wheat Look Like? . m , V- - WLL your winter wheat show the full, thick, large grain of the per- fectly nourished crop, or will it be thin and shrivelled, or just aver- agesuch as may be grown on the average farm by the farmer who does not make a careful study of his methods of growing ? T .Hay Butter 20 '.c KugH, fresh 20 i I'utaluci pet hx .'t~> co Geese. Ill to Ducks \'.l o Fowl HI to TdrKeys 2'2 to ., for his sake. It would gratify my cher- a loan -jf &HJIM), repayable in 10 annual i 2(\ Ished remembrance of this dear friend payments at uj per cent, in'erest.und the W If I could remind him without offend- (;1( . 1 . k WJls i n ,, rilt . te d to pivpare bylaw |.| ing him or lettin; the public know It, fjl . , ho next niee|i U( |W|W j cU . miirt , 14 to Introduce his name upon uiy page. 1 i Bright was tin- illuinlnutlon of my -'-dusky little apartment as often as lie - made his uppenrauce there." The casual reader never suspects that Hawthorne bus deftly nccotnplish- cd his purpose. It does not occur to FARM FOR SALE In th township of \ii.m. - M , in tin 'oiinly of Grey, lot 13, con. L', and lots Lltn that lirlglit, tbe apparent adjective '2 mid H, con. :i N.I) U., containing 10" that so cunningly begins a sentence Apply to N. Me- nm j ti, prc fore achieves the right to a capital Initial, mny be alternatively '"V '*'" read ns n proper noun. Henry A. Bright wns, In fnct. Hnw for the .1-11. -in.! The Council .i.ij unu-.l t.i meet at Maxwell on Saturday, Aug. Uth, next. 1HOS. SCOTT, Clerk. [unio bouM. Faydni, I nolH. wi. N-'iv Lukaai- Ldyl ""' 0nt - or J t,, N. ,,r A. N hn MoFyd Walkerton You are in the farming business to make money ! You want to get the maximum yields from your land. To do this, the most important work comes at the start and consists in the use of a high grade 10% POTASH fertilizer at seeding time. The proper wheat fertilizer is one analyzing 2% of Nitrogen, 8"^ of Phosphoric Acid and 8 l of POTASH better still a 2-8-10. Any agricultural authority will tell you that Winter Wheat removes from the soil more POTASH than Phosphoric Acid. Notwithstand- ing this fact, the average wheat fertilizer contains actually less POTASH than Phosphoric Acid. "Potash Pays 55 .Insist that your dealer gives you a fertilizer containing 10% POTASH. If he cannot, you should add enough POTASH to the fertilizer he can give you to increase its POTASH content to 10%. We will tell you. free, just how to do this. We recommend, based upon actual field tests made by experts throughout Canada, a fertilizer for winter wheat that contains 2". Nitrogen, f\. Phosphoric Acid and 10";, of POTASH. By applying at the rate of 500 pounds to the acre at seeding time, you will secure a good stand before the commencement of winter and thus afford your crop a greater degree of pro- tection from frost, and insure a rapid and early growth in the spring. Write us about your particular farming problems. Our Scientific Bureau will be glad to tell you how to grow a maximum crop of winter wheat. This information is free and it is good. Write for it today ! German Kali Works Inc. Room |8 4 8 Temple Building, Toronto, Ont. K/> w ; n I'oisonini! cuts and seaUini; i!..--- seems to he n pastime in tlu> K.-wt \\ .-u.l. and if thonfe's dnlj"it'itininto"lfrienu"ln' I.ive'r- ' ll0 l'"' f< " """ coi.tinuea the Humane pool. IIo was a man of wealth and j>o- Society won't need to be out of : job for H TT r*Y A IVirtirD K '" on in tlln ' ' own a dilettante who wmt of s.anotliiiig to keep them busy. . A-Lti A AiNL/tlilxliad published for his own amusement Martina Winter, the little two-year- MERCHANT TAILOR ^"^"Sl* SthorT'S --" " ****< " would frequently cnll upon tho local ""'ert..n, li.ul two tinners on hei right _ Ont bookseller, Henry Young, making use linntl so lmil| y f<iunho-l by getting thrm * of a little nook in the rear of the shop Jn u hy-liTk pulley at her home in to ernmlne nnd discuss the recent pub- Cn-eouock mi Friday last, that Dr. McCue llcntions. This cuino to be known as | f Kormosa, who was summoned, found Hawthorne's corner. There Is n story told about Sydney .. Smith that represents him us carrying n concpalcd pun into tho pulpit with Fashionable Tailoring Seasonable (ioods, finU class Workmanship. ALSO f Konnosa, who was summoned, i( nae ,,, IHnputnle lh , H1 M llu . A line' of Ready-Madc wo put nlti-rat inns it' Clothing; u |in. Tbe most familiar version is that ovor this section i.n , f f which Lord lloughtou used to tell. Vi* l w iho electric storm which swept A\ lii'ii settled at his smull living In ,Vorksl,lr,,. sydnoy wllll,, K ly nssfsted hla brethren In Hint neighborhood In tbclr t' lcl 'icl duties. On one occasion he dined with the Incumheut on the .Sunday afternoon, , ,.f Mr. fhnrU-M Uiiiisuinn, near "' tt ," s " nu-k , '" lllu rouml - A Ui-jjo f lm >'- which wus in the huililirg at tlu- time, was also coinsumod. The, EVERY GRADUATE PLACED \\illl tin- hili'r.'-l H!triii!;iiuv in IIH hii(orf| 'II.' Cull n -..... i I'.n in. ' .il.-'--- llHS 1. 1 I. nl Hi It ..,.. I |IONJ- lion, i-vi-ry f>rniliinli> of I lie prt<mit ywar, Wml><r ii-rm from ,1'imiary -', IIH.'l. S.-i.d for IIIIM.IHOIII,. Collingwoud BUSINESS COULEQE T. I!, llav. I.MIS. - Principal | preceding Saturday. Tho evening (though hoavy, is tiu-tmlly covered hy in- passed In great hilarity, tho squire, Bllrilllce in ,|,e Formosn Mutual. Kershaw by name, being conspicuous by his loud enjoyment of tho visitor's jokes. "1 nm very glad tlmt I have amused yon," Bald Sydney Smith at parting, at ui Perfect Sight a matter of Foresight. Many cases of eye trouble are averted by early application of proper lenses. Present neglect means future trouble. "I .should hope I know the difference between here mid a church," remarked tho .- .pi nv a little tartly perhaps. "I'm not so sure of tlmt." "I'll het you a guinea on It." "Tiikc you," said the divine. Next day tho preacher ascended the Steps of tho pulpit apparently suffering W! " lt '' 1 from it Rovero cold, with In; *- chlof to lilM face, nntl nt once neor.ed T*o \Valkeiton gents, who n> ni ; d to lmvt< inibibvd too freely fioni the up hut cheers, travelled into the suburbs if I -i .1.1 lint work and pulled oil' somu <d lo.7r> by Mnxistnito Tolton here on M'HI.IIV According to the story told, ilit>V mi. i.. 1 llit) hotel stable at ('argill mi Tuesday nnd s'ole the collar, haines and in ;-. from the Imrnesx of Mr. John Parker, bu I'her.thort'. Kverything wont merry as a funoral '.-II until 1'iirkur :ch hi* horse, whpn on goini> lie missed tho stolen harnms nd at otico Kinpoolrd the visitors of the CALL ON W. L. WRIGHT FOR THE: BEST BRANDS OK I gilvies Hoynl HousehoKl. Five Roses, DaiuUlk White Rose, Foul's I'.iu-ni and Mi-rniiu Glory. Everything You Need in Groceries ! Leave your Order with us for your Cherries, Black Currants. Berries, etc. Our Ice Cream Parlor is open day and evening. Ice Cream always on hand at THE FLESHERTON GROCERY LESHERTON, OXTAKMO. ilt-ed. Th u Walkorton drunks in the ?"'..!!!. ".".T."! < - P l l" Wl lf? Ve . rnl U . mM * '*'' depnilod tor Dunkold, and it I'.iik.-i iiM-,1 ill,- |-|i,,n, (i iii vnrloiH IntOHiitlona. This Ingenloui assumption of tho rendlness with which a iimn would r.-.'iu-in/i- bi-i own nnuie In ;.Miii,ii ; unintelligible to the ears of others proved accurate. Tho poor qnlra burst Into guffaw, to the scan- dal of the congregation. Tho minister after looking at him with stern re- proach proceodod with his discourse and won the bet Another version niakei the victim of Syiin.-y's jest a certain Sir Archi- bald Mncdonald, oquerry to tho Duke of Busses. Sir Archibald Bald to the prolate, who WHS tbn a ciinon tit St. 1'iMii's cathi'drul: "I will come some Sunday to hear yon "if you do I shnll nnme you from tb* pulpit." was the reply. Undaunted i>y this threat, Sir Archl- Im iii wfiit to si. rani's. Svilo.-y riileri-il the pulpit, looked hard nt the bnronet and was seised with n wonderful nt of sumlng. "Ar-chle, Archie, Arrhlel" wss how It Miuiided In Sir Archibald's ears, and Notice in horeliv ((ivon that all parties, be could not help a sudden laugh ot inii-ifi-i in with the fenoing aruund ihe'rmiKiilttoii -Wllhuiu & Wahsli ID Bos- W. A. Armstrong:. Notice To Trespassers for dsnmi;eA. Into. property will be held renpnntiihle JOHN 11KARD, I., ..,-e. ton Tost apprise the hunk. -hi bulol-keoper of his loll and ml mi hii Hmvieea to help ii'i ipiuit' iln' g lods. So Mine Host. Si-biilur w alreatly wiio when Iho pair .(rove up, and on searching their hugKy 1'HOovoti'il ill.- missing Imrnrss, whioh lio -..i i ill. .1 and later turned over to its riuhtful owner. \\ luK- tho pair were, at Dunkeld, Denny 1'halen onterod on the 1,-riu- with a wagonful of meitt, an,l its tchers Ne*ml to be their favorite prey they pioceodcd to "lift' loine 40 II.-. of i'1-i-i. which they hid in tho hotel sUblo. A party who copied them in the act juvo Denny the necessary tip, and when ho l.iirr :n-i-ii-.i-il them of the deed, an iliriibt . 1 1- n in I followed and H Katie battle unaued. When the war cloud had even- tually liftrd, it :is di>cvered that the butohpr liuil n 1. 1 it nl his opponent* and nulled ..II notnlilo victory in Brant. I'lu- meat was eventually leoaptured ami Iho locals, like the I'rodigaJ 'ton, came home. Such in substance is the story, IB told the polico, of this intei-cat-ing illini . and a n-mili of whioh two ohnrgpsof theft wore Uul .-i-.-.tinst the l>ir. The matter, however never oine I tlinl, the Jllilbol'llli-s wit lull awiht; i i-bai^e on Saturday, and the accused t t led all ivstx incurred by the action, which amounted to the respectable mm of i:. Tt-.- llei.Kl and Timea. f . Be Careful! You better be careful in the selection of your twine this year. Be sure you get the best. Beware of mixed twines, which are really composed of low grade manila. They are unsatisfactory at the best, and they will annoy you to death straightening out tangles and picking up loose bundles. Buy good sisal, standard sisal, or high-grade manila binder twine and save yourself annoyance. When you consider the satisfaction that sisal, standard sisal and high-grade manila binder twine will give and the amount of extra labor good twine will save, you will more fully understand the value of McCormick twines. McCor- mick binder twine is made in four brands sisal, standard, raanila, pure manila. Every brand is up to the McCormick tiuality. Yon will get perfect satisfaction if you use McCormick twine. Don't be misled, come direct to us and we will explain the twine proposition. S. Hemphill. Agent Ceylon

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