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Flesherton Advance, 31 Jul 1913, p. 6

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A Dark Shadow; Or, A Coming Vengeance "It'i all U1IAPTKU II. Confd). Ar the K.II o! Dandy Kalbornugh, CliT lunmalrly acquainted with the 'life arlfU>ortic ; he niadv himself a Intim- ately c(|iiain!.-ii with the life of tin- gut- ter: aud IIB had cast lu b* lot . and for all with the people. Lord Rafborough B auiaiciuent and in- dignation wbrn h wax informed of h'S n-ii intention to conuvt Briniflcld a* an out-und-oul Itadical became. in the com- i<ni|ilai-e phrase. nuiro eatily imagined tiidc until the hunchback touched her gently on the arm. She Blaried hllghfljr, aud, drawing her thawl about IUT face. looked round, mul, MH-ing Olive, came to- ward* him with tended. while tho the publlc-houw C'live dropped half a crown in the tam- bourine; without raining hor eye*, the girl made him a graceful little curie**. anil wan turning nway when ('live imol- ovr," h aid. "They h<r gone. You're all right! Oh, my child!" The virlainaUon wan wrang from him by the oensatlon of something warm that wa trickling orer hln hand. The cruel belt had truck her badly, and che wai wag bleeding. "I am afraid you are. hurt ! Are you far from horn* -hav you far to go?" he anked the hunchback. "If we could get a cab -I" The dwarf drew hit hand acroia his brow confusedly. "It's not far." he said quaklngly. "In Hi-ns. m's Rente -three streets off there's uo ' nil- in these, parta ion't eh well enough to walk? Are you much hurt. ' " On the Farm i i i >*,-%. Quality of Dairy Products. Quality is the keynote of a per- manent success. Though the indi- in cooling may be run into stock tank. Low temperatures of them- selves are effective in helping pre- serve quality, but an ideal product Ml never get h.r home. I'm not .fro'n".-! business, present and future, is con-, 1 ' e ' u r 1 w , hen ^7 ftre , <""nP anied you M . what I ,. sir." with natheiio sidered. Failure to realize what j >.v cleanlineM in production. bitterness, "and I'm all of a shake till. VUMUKII w i n. i / i *- > > ii 111 ii< ii jiui i, < i . 11* Mina? I'm -I'm no upset. Is he hurt, : virtual dairyman-may doubt-thia, its badly hurt, do you think sir? Oh. I'm , truth is established when the dairy! afraid nlie IB! She half fainting now. | , . , ' [ " miif rntss, ann i m an 01 H snaue etui. ; ~-._.,i.:i...A t i * a little tambourine, ex- Ood kl)owl) whnt ,,) have ) 1Hp p e ned to , Constitutes success, refusal to meet D hunchback went mto l)M , r lr you hadn - t com<> haok anrt helped i the obligation which every dairv- to collect contributions ... i j mire I'm miieh .liil'ifi-ii in vou , , . ,,tf u pr.r.,, it, ihe tarn- 1 A.', L..S "... T"-." "_!.'*",., Ji"; man owes to the dairy industry, and hurt yourself! That young wretch has cut your cheek, if we were only home!'' to the dairy indutry, and Ob. , competition are at least three con- j ditions which 'have brought upon . . Careless practices in the dairy favor the adoption of burdensome regulations. With ideal methods in use such would be eliminated, and expensive, artificial processes, such and wa, turning away when ('live nnol- .. pM yourgel , tog( . lhpr ." fiai(1 rllv< . en . | ~ BH._IW.>. pasteurization would be linne- untunly ..poke to her. Involuntarily, l" ! oouragingly. ..j ,, * n . t , nink sh( , JK mu ,. h | dairymen the great problem of how 1 ' cause he was even more than dewnbed; but In- WH always, pol- i night of her face than be liad been to the . and courU-oiiB, even when Mitfering from tin- gout, an attack of which I'live'e conduct promptly produced, and he din- niib*r<i and cut off bit* hon with a * and a turug of bi< houldvr aud the. fol- lowing wcrdu the grace of her figure. It wan a *m; j easily, of courwe -- ular face. stranirelv out of IMDiDB with i Th . . , t,., hurt; 'at "least. I hope not! You mut let ! quality can be" raised, for the place TU help her home. I can carry her quite . L* , ? . L , nas be en reached where improved , The girl mut have heard him: for she ' conditions must prevail, writes Mr. f .. . . ^ |. 1 nc GUI iiiiint !** itra* iiiui, ivij > wwuva l**-rilo 111 the shabby nirrounding* and her humble ; 8( , emr ,i t<) become Hiiddenly aware that i-he vr T n.,,.;. . i 'ML' LAMM IK full of nretty girls., wo _ ^.u,,,,;.,., t^. 1,1. ,,;^u u., i, ...... lu - -L'a\is. calling. Ijondon ie full of pretty girls. ( wa< ^(ng^ to him . a vivid bi^j, ro8( , and they are almost an numeromi in the ^ ner pa]e fa<ir> a||(| w ; th u murmur ,,f -.'mi- and the byway* of Pimlico and ; ro f UKa |_ Bhe shrank away from him. and Every person who handles milk cesfiary. Improvement in tho quality of dairy products must begin with the producer, so the dairyman holds the key to the situation. Every effort and encourage him. We had as- cended only a few feet when it be- came plain that sooner or plater he would slip, and bring disaster tu u both. We stopped, and descended' to the bottom for a new start. | I determined to carry him. Hi* weight was forty pounds, and he! would make a top-heavy load. Bu4 as there seemed to be nothing else- to do, I threw him over my shoulder' and started up. When I came to a place where if) was not very steep, I stopped to' transfer Scotch from one shoulder*, to the other. The wind was at its worst ; it would fall quiet one mo-| "Of course, my dear flive. you are old | Whitechapel as they are In Mayfair; but , lool(ed ,. olln< i for llt .,. sha wl. Hire enough lo go your own way, and 1 would 1 this girl's face was not. merely pretty; ; jt , 1D , l|l(1 ue ntly , mt j t ro un<l her not be. no rude a to suggl that you arc i for though it wan not yet quite beautiful, | .. Ynu lir)l better now?" he said. " head. tuggt that you arc i lor luougn n wan HOI. y.. t|ini ur...i. ...... , ..y nu ar<< better now?" he .iid. "That's young fool; but you will peroiit mo to ; It wan rich with the promise of a natural ; ri(tl) , . you must let me help you home." 1 lovelinn-H. - - rcinurk, more iu eorrcw thau in anger. Unit you cannot eipecl me to counten-| In the pure oval of its ront.iur, the dark MM-I this new departure of your*. It '- ,' grey eye*., me long lasheb, tbe *oft, al- u.. i. thau v> , k< 'i. It U absurd. We. Kaf- m.-i black hair, and delicnl/ely-fhapcd lip, lir< uirlir Imvv. I admit, been guilty of ] there wan a euggeetion of Italy or even IK. nil loolifch things, but none of lie have, of spam; but ''live knew, even before she i spoke, lhat was not foreign, and there. I was no relation between thie girl with the downcaft eyee and the tiraid demeanor and tho o'er-rlpe Italian young lady who Her lip moved, und ('live caught a "No. no!" and an appealing glance picked !f r cream knows that they are per- ishable products which require spe- cial care. Failure to observe the necessary precautions in handling of the consumer, the distributer orlment, and then bluster -at me with .He the manufacture will work to his the suddenness of an explosion. Il ultimate benefit. While payment on the quality basis is established, a of three to was just moving Scotch, when it suddenly shifted, and rushed upon' us with the force of an ocean break- been uuite bo idiotic an to pove a Had i;.. aud 'a friend of the i-euple' I believe that ic the ridiculou* title that they give you and I am i-ur.. you will not bo > ir- |irit--<l when 1 hint, an delicately ai> pop *iblc, that w* have no deeiro to be con- utx-ted your euternriiie or to conn. li i.. i,.. your extravagant political opin- ion* I can t cut you off with a shilling, u. n. 1-1 I du no: ptwsfMi at thin moment rtiut Uheful coin; but 1 would euggei-t that wbile thin insanity of youn* lui-ts it would be a* well If you avoided your people and Katou Square, and confined yourself to your new friendo. Ootxl-bye. my dear ('live 1 wiijh I could bid you Ood*pee<l ; but the hackneyvd b nedicti'ui would )H< k. c< mplelely Inappropriate that I re.illy ii, ie refrain from uttering It The only Ixipe I can etprevs in and I do no de- Toully that you will noon be clothed and In your right mind. When you return to this ....t,. rouditiou we ehall all. of iw'ur**-, lie glad to MO you. Until then I- ' i let me detain you. Goodbye." ('live (n'rri-rt-cd that which is a rarity In :'! riay>. a warm heart; and he felt tuc purling from bin father and ii - liri-lln-rs. Adolphua and Hertie, very keen ly ; but he had put his hand to the plough. t ml he i-.. L- i" t th man to leave it and ilink home to Eaton Stiuarr. cruthed and pMten. The money he had Inherited from his ii. :!.: provided him with only a umall liKvime: but tiotwithetauding a lOSMWbat ii. .r time at Oiford. his tiibtev were i - (-.inj i . and he cheerfully nettled down In a couple of - im. in u back -tr-et In I'helnea. and as eheerfuMy den :< r. the familiar luiuries of i' n-'. U'li diunere. Bond Ktreet clothes, and Khilling rigar*. Of courte. he was am- liitl>i.i>: every man who is w<irth hl silt .! viri ;-i make hit mirk on the age in vL.ii. hv lives: but, otrango an it may - i in these pushing, i-clf-sccklng daye, dive's ambition wan nubordmated to ft yetiuire denre to help Ihe people wl.oie ..n i- he had championed. 'I" n.irM be had rc<'red a grea!, ail iiiii.irinr MI.-, <-t ; he had put Inn foot on tie lirrt rung of the ladder which leads i- great things: the applause, the ,!. i> .:.- ilnging In li> earn: but sweet i.- they were and why shouldn t they have beenf the few words pf prnlfe from ln>- leader, and from Lord Chericrlclgh MpMdally, were sweeter : him. Ills 11.. iiirhtt, turned i-,iu<U I. l.lcli He not a susceptible mini, but It would I.,M been im|Kiillile he nhuuld not bine Ix-en i i. k by her youthful grace mid lieaulv. Ills keen eye and I'llve liar- *i \ nas rcry kei-n tudeetl hail noted UK- mil. r .111.11* </f the girl's proud and h: i;ghtv -pir.t. but hi 1 wan not Inclined 1" dwell upon ilu-m; for you see. she had l.i i-ii very gracious to him. She had ^n .it-il upon him. ttf the youngcM woman >1 tier < la** knowM how to smllo when )> w.ints be ,-..(' and to :ini.i. - a i-ii. favorahlv. Her voice had snftened wben le xrMike to and her words wire i till prc-cnt with him. II. Hi (iiilirr and daughter hd given | ,,.,,( bun H cordiiil invitation; >h. uM he avail hunchback: but it" wo impossible that he ; tnes ? products must, therefore, be i poxujd O f butter fat is given for er. It threw me off my balance,! could leave the pair until he. imd Keen considered as a disregard of thel cream of highest grade. Such cream and tumbled me heavily against the' them sheltered safely. He drew Ihe girls nrincinles imdprlvincr nun itv \Vcro T r- i i T r r > mg Qua ity . were can be produced best by paying icy slop*. Fortunately I managed and the three went slowly down the now j tmirymen to apply themselves close- 1 close attention to cleanliness and to get two fingers into one of the two particulars over 00 per - ly in accompanies the street organ. "You eing very well, my child." )ie said; "but your voice i not strong enough for . the ureets; and I am afraid you will | was epoil It." Up to the pretent she haii, when vhv q u let streets. Benson's Rente p.-ovpd to be block of small bounce* up an alley ap- _ , e .\ i.. , , ., roached under an archway. It was Ik}** 11 *- f the Duality troubles Would place enouEh: hut it -^ neither BO disappear, and this raised standaid immediate and thorough cooling. raised her eyev. looked past and beyond him, ae if she were- moving and acting in a kind cf dream; but at the sound of his voice she met li* gaM> with a little i.tarl- led look and a tuggestion of fear in a half-bhriuking movement: and I'live wau sorry that he had frightened her by ad- dressing her. He felt that It would be kind to walk away ut once; but, with a mistaken idea of reamuring her, he said: "I hope you are going home now. It in getting late. Perhaps you h:ive had a bad day I know what that means let me give you a little more; your x.nging io , worth it." -li< looked down at the com in the tam- bourine, no doubt expecting to see a , penny, and she colored vividly I:H (.'live' the building*, and Hness and low temperatures are two j right in length and shape. If worn ! the other< j .huffled about until II <ound h.-id coaued the | features the abuse of which leads to ; by the same horse all the time it g O t m v f ee t into two holes in th* _"." ^ T l r ' wir 'I it '" i) ^ low grade dairy products. A large ' will shape itself to the neck. But wall "Stn^lincr in rh^ap an/1 Vn.n.( a corres- acqiiaintcd. The dwarf stopped at ponding gain in net results. Clean- 1 The the last house of knrw-ked at Ihe door. Almost before the KO door onened. and an nuaint flicure nnnearec ('live could nol. tell whether it wn a wo- man, or a *irl in h*r teen child; fcr. though the fitfuix- it was clnd in a woman'm dre.^. . . . ... , hnd siimciiiing of the look -if a child, but getting into milk during the milk- j be adjusted right, its juvenility wan counteract-^ hy an ex-' ' - - if slirewdnrin. t clf-reli-irice. a worldly fitted a Puro wi The Horse's Collar. collar should fit be just chopped holes, and held fast, clung to Scotch with one arm : we came to a jarring stop, both saved.) Gripping Scotch with one hand and clinging to the icy hold with Percentage of the bad flavors in r nothing can overcome a wrong size. free, Standing in these, and !ean- . ing against the ice, with the wind . or a mere . milk, cream and butter are the re- j It must be snug, but not tight, p"Tt*e r f'"Vp i su ' t .f <l' r t. manure, hair and flies but not too loose. The names must age d to lift Scotch again to myl -,nt j getting into milk during the milk- 1 be adjusted right. If the top strap j shoulder. A few minutes later we! ... -.....-. r . .nV lng P rocess - and this becomes the | is too tight the neck is pinched, pause d to breathe on the icy ridge' wiedom which would have he- more serious for the reason that 75 and the tugs raised too high. If o f the s ummit between two oceans' ^"rendered"'! Tn more^weiTd"'^^ P r ?" L f . tliese *6pM*b*&9 the top strap is too lone the tighten- sh-irp lit'ie face 'being' sn'r- materials go into solution nnd can ing of the hame strap oelow causes of erir-kern. iirmnu"t.- be removed in no way, but remain ' a bad fit and may throw the pulling to cause the development of unfav- j joint of the tugs too low down. by n nlghtcan. the like of wh'ch seen in pictures of the early era. dropped another halt-crown ou the parch- j Thin ettrnordina-v mixture of chil'l<">od. } >a< ] flavors in iVip mirkpf nr.wliif nient. Her lips moved with a whispered ! rirlhood. womiinl.ood. a!'d "If W.T. P'cker- orable fermentations which produce | Horses' necks differ in shape and . 'Thank you." and with a uwift. gruteful glance up at his face- u fHce gcod to lo<ik inglv illumin.-'*'d by n tnl'ow c-'dlp in a pip'rer-heer liottlo. whU-h hh ft held nloft. nrveved it is wrong to make them wear a collar that was fitted to another pushing and tearing at me, I man- ami amid seas of snowy peaks. Ma&tcr (to Tommy, who is sup- posed to have been in the orchard) I will not cane you this time, inyi boy, as there is no evidence against upon at lhat moment, for it was full of n nnd hv the liht of which she strong man's pity and tenderness she | the tronn with wrath pud a UKiving uway, when the hunchhnck darting came out of the, and, limiv ing uuii-kly towardu 'Jn in. caught her arm, and, looking angrily and cu'pic- iouKly at ('live, muttered: "Come away. Mina!" Annoyed and distressed by the dwarf's bi h d lr n :U f r^'hed' '^ e^'^thr,,^ '' - " 'W'k- -n wishing separator bowls, but'the when he came upon four young men link- ed arm In arm. and walking, or rather dancing, unsteadily acroi-o the pateineiit. They were uproariously t;pny, and were obviously ready for anything in the way |h/l>, C o 114V1V Umjf W **W IAWV . I ^ I >J ' I 1 horse. You would have galled feet] yoll . Tommy Thank you, sir. And] u'i her Vila' 1 ', hi'd-like eyf*. (To be continued.) THE KN MM: KITS BKAR. m For Diniirr. tion. Dairy conditions which nerd im- provement include not only the | f you wore other than your own niay I t ee p the apples? maintaining of more sanitary barn?. ' slices. Much worse for the horse more attention in the matter of tnat pulls a load -with a misfit col- cleaning cows previous to milking, j lar. clean milkers, properly constructed * and cleaned utensils and more care length of time and the manner in which the milk and cream are held, along with cleanliness, must be the other desirable feature, low temper- atures. While the market milk l> . e . U ' nge<1 t0 th ! : f ng ' neer . "' dairyman realizes this to some ex- Fisher, the author of "Through In- dia and IHmiiah," was a passen- ger. They kept chickenn ou board tent on account of his produce be- ing more perishable, the dairyman CLIMBING A WALL OF ICE. Terrible Experience in the Kot-ky Mountains. At the dose of a winter trip| among the Rockies, Mr. Enos A. I Mills and his collie, "Scotch," started across the continental di- vide in the face of weather condi- I.-.';i was the name of a little black honey-bear with a white V- of a larit. of eouree. i.'lie made way for' shaped mark on his chest, and he them, and went into the road; one of the youth) ungratefully acknowledging hi* , polite consideration for their condition j steamer on which Mr. A. Hugh by calling out. truculently : "Wot ho. 'Arrfl Here's a blooming swell; lets knock 'Is 'at off." ('live did not wait for the adoption of this playful suggestion, but before he * had gone many yard-, he .topped and . > } ccop, and one night Lala pulled immediately after separating ,| ience in "The Spell of the Rock- looked round thoughtfully. The hunch- a ducketi out of it. The wheelman brick and the girl would meet these vul* gar votaries ot Hacchus; it was junt on the card** that they would be molested hy them; the pixir little dwarf was anything tuliMjiiate protector for hit* com- there might bo trouble for them, ('live went bok -and just in lime. The tipsy hoollganii had formed a ring round the ilwarf and tho g.rl, and, probably who sells cream often fails to ftp- tions that indicated a snow-storm, preciate the advantage of cooling He tells the story of their exper- but an i ,M deolared that Lala deliberately put p , . ! > , IU *l< I ! I : l i I .t I 1 i II ItTTUllla III C a piece o bread M, the chicken s short , v _ fter tfce mi , k is drawn _ (rough outside the bars, and wait ed till the bird put its head out. without iiieaiiing any serious harm, were nut the engineer could hardly be- Tho wheelman was not the sort timul " temperature for bacterial of person to make up such a story, growth, and unfavorable fermenta dancing and howling of tin ir hilarity. The girl, with the shawl cli-oely ilr:iwn round her face, was clinging ar)'riKht<cdly to the dwarf, while he, by the and impii-h niovemetiis of their lor- and thus a condition most favorable ] ie." While the wind blew a steady to deterioration begins to exist | gale, they went forward over snowy, icy ledges, on which there was not the sign of a path, until they reach- ed a cliff of ice that they must climb. The last one hundred feet or so rose steep, jagged, and ice-covered Freshly drawn milk is at an op- tion can be. checked in no better I I II (, VI1V Vllp^lllXVI V. V II IV* I [* 4 VI 1 > UV ( - _ , .. .. ,,d ihe victim,, ,; ,j , k , b ^ ,, d way than by -mmediate cooing. If next l me that the wheelnnn the milk ls to be separated, skim- before me. There was. nothing to tht .. n A. Xt i"?! ,.":!... .,. V" " miim should take i,lace directly lay hold of ; every point of vantage tor*. i them bv l uriiH. r .... it of it: 1 He had got to regard him ! ^ cj| v( , sell us mi ...i-. .1, i from the e:iltei| upbere In which they moved; wi tild It l>e wlee - iro bai L '" the fle>h-potff of Kgypt ; would it be prudent to place himself In the wny of temptation: hiul he nol tn't >ti-k to the people" with whom he had .11-1 in liln lot? I'l.ndi i ing Uiese Questions, he hrnl \vnnd- nil on down Victoria street and Into Pimlico. no lost tn thought that he 'pa thremonlng and imploring Itll- 1*1. Xb ttllll Illftl llll I41.,llllll . . . _ . . -, . saw the bear laying plans for a "I" 1 * s J. uld . U t ke . P lacc th r ect J chicken dinner. R i nee . r w nK ; n every point of vantage ,.., * after milking, but the cream should i was plated and coated with ice. or not Lala used be eo< - llcd before bein K w ' }!ied with There was onl - v one way to sur " , : _i_: : ^ l&nk COol- cam, UP. <,ne of the young to sleep not far from him on a mat " t ! k ""! kimmin K. s me,,, more daring than the <,ther*. was J by the engine-room door. One er , 18 8O inexpensively constructed eiprefsing a dtllrt, with Mindrv oatAa, ' i i i 11 i .1 that the girl ehould show her face; and ''"K 1 ' 1 tlle wbeclmau called the en he It made a clutch at her shawl, and tun from her head. The girl MTeamcd, and clung fit ill more tightly In her com- panion. ('live caught the youth by the hack of hie collar, and Mvung h!ni on t" the pavement : tho nilura. otartlrd hy - ' bei*d to the direction which he had n. In n: and suddenly l<ik:ng riiunil. he ,,,,,. ,,,,,| t. ,- .1 ), ,i he bad #>!rnllcd into one of the I eliahhy '' -s leading off the iniiln thor- iMi(fhfHr- The Mrcet wa^i nearly deserted, though It was not very Inle the House l. -.o risen early- and Ihe public houpes were still open. A drunken man, who was flu -i fully ngzttfrgiiiR home, nearly collid- l with ('live: he hiccoughed an apology, which ho made with difficulty, while he snppurir-d hiniMlf by clutching I llve's in in; and It wa chariU'lrriptic of ('live ilifti he did not push the man away from bun with Impatience or di*gii<ti for the h:i<l.';il Hrl-t<rat hnd learned to toVr me and even to pity that which lie UinllieH. A lillle further <in n sleek cit strutched f a diHir. itii-i mewed plHintively, looking up at ('live and saying quite, plainly, . . ,,,,.,.-, onMaughl. drew hack; but nly fr.'r a inonient. After all. they were three to Miiirllehmcn. Their drunken hll- lit ar||y gl , vr , remittm-nt wl|at lh< . y ,,,,, ,,,,,, t .j <[ ,.,. l . d ,, ,,,.. Tnked Httitck U|ion their friend, nrul an Minciil Intel Icrrntv with the right geer up 1 and operat-ed that there can be no II- IM.III . .1 ' 'l llifr ^I" [ ... . ..., ,.,.. and he actually saw the ' reasonable ohject.on to il. use. bear drop a piece of bread in the'. Such n ^ ler . may be made from a trough. He stood ready to cuff bo , x f r barre1 ' . a " d . sh t " d b , e P ro ' Lala if he touched a fowl, but the vld f d W .' U ! an '"'^ at the bottom bear was tuo i,uick for him. and the ftnd *&**** at the to P' , Ordln 1 very moment a hen put her head through the bars, the bear whipped her clean through. The engineer never gave Lula rfcft stranger, ami, I meat, but some one fed him once or twice on "bully beef," and tlmt seemed to make him restive. He never really bit anybody, but the engineer felt it was Biifent to get rid uf the Iveast. He got off one day at ary milk cans are successfully used as containers, and the water used mount this icy barrier, and that was to chop toe and hand-holes [ from the bottom to the top. Such I a climb would not be especially diffi- 1 cult or dangerous for me, but could I Scotch do it? I grasped my ax and chopped my way to the top. Returning forj Scotch, I started him climbing just ahead of me. so that I could boost Cbfldren Need Sugar Pare saga* U rwoo'w rr to (to bal th of yooug o* oi<L Gootl honuvntad* caudy. fcrgar on foiriilgo, halt or bread^-BOt only plaasas but stimulates Buy St. Lawrence Extra Granulated in bags and bo lure of th finest pnre QMifttUjar, untouched by baud irom factory to ypar kitchen. ttegt i9 Ux.. s Ibt.i Ib*.. C4<Un4 >!!., 16*. nn. vvkiurtt crun AN ITED. II. Lnme* toHr hnitrlt^ LWM, owllllg eW|i|l. "You're Inller than I am: do ring tho I.ell. or I thai) be shut out all night!" K<. I live stroked the rat and rang the Jj'-ll. fl^ lie walked on In- heard the w>U"d ..f* music, nnd. turning" a corner of lh> treet. cnmo upon a pulillc-houM<. It wan n nuiel one. no donht "used" only by the tiil.abiiiinls of the shjhby. needy hou-e-. ami outside on the kerb st<iod a man. a diminutive hunchback, playinit a nol'ii. mul playing it well. I-. . .1. him f 1 . .-I a voiing girl s nginif. It *us not a stroiiir vi.iee. but It was wo wi-et a one nnd wilh such i-igim of careful tin niug that ('lite tlond ou the other nld< of Ihe street and i.Mcncd. The girl's with turned to him, and she uorc a nbnn-1 o\er her head, no thai he could t-re n. ,...ii of her face, but hi' was struck by n certain grace in hrr figure and hi r I4tt)lurte. Hie wan Mamling with her he. id lightly thrown back, her hands loncely elespeil In front of her: nnil, n > in sang, the cllgbt itlihfb figure moviHl almost imperceptibly to the rhvthin of the inueir. riivc fill the pathoi of her priwencn and her sweet, low voice, and he crossed the i. .1.1 nnd stood junt behind tho pair, HI il. i' he might hear thu song more dis- tinctly. H came to an ond presently, hut tlie girl st'M>d without changing her nttl- of the eltiien, hy a what was in>c, a Kti they were unw ('live with fist and hoof. At first ('jive look the out-laugh! poiul mil iircilly. and, keeping t hem at iirm'n length, <'arnetly .i.l .il them to be off before the pol cc came: but suddenly one of them, the moot sober of the party, mid therefore the most capable of mischief, whipped off u heavy I ' ne village near the tletlle, took the belt from hl delectable person, and j bear a mile and a half away into lost" him. Soon after, the villagers peti- tioned the engineer to take the bear tin board again. It seemed that struck out viciously. It just caught ('live I , on the cheek; bill unfortunately H fell. H " Jl'l'R 1 ?. ' buckle end. on the glr" heard her moan, and l'n utiouldrr. (')lvp BW lirr mnk to tin* rop, grew angry. Inn nl her moan, and ground; nnd, of coil and lout his temper. The gentleman with the bell Mrui-k the pavement with Ihe hack of liip foolish bend, another of his jnyoun com- Jinnions WAV hurled with considerable nrce against tho wall, nnil the third. In avoiding a blow straight from Clive'h ehoulder. tripped up, nnd sprawled fiver hid fallen friend. The Incident had now development Into that form of row which the reporters are. fond of den-nh'ng a a "fraras ; anil ('live, as he caught right of n policeman tramping with orderly hurry towards them, saw himself next morning. In I of hooligan** nnd with n parly THE PERFECT SHOE, FOR SUMMER SPORTS i ASK YOUR DEALER. puir of Hlreet elanii, nt the nehreM pohre-conrt. Hy thiH lime, howerer, the lr<iuhleoirie young rufflHim had hei'ome Holier <>noiiirli If) notice the approach of their natural foe, mul. trnlhcrlriK tlienwclvcn t<i their feet, they mode off with till 1 iinolitrimive f^peed nnil nilence tif t.hf proverhial Ar-ilm. To the demand ol the policeman that he hhoulil lie informed ol the nature tif Ihe tn.iilile, ('live, who wan bending he- Hide the hunchback tivrr the null pros- trate form of tlu> girl, rvplioil lhat they had been nltiu kt'd hy n parly of yontliH. nd amuring him that the trnutilv wan all over, heirircd him U> follow them, uiiil iiee lhat they did no more mischief. i. in might have 1.. :i.ii'-.l Tho comply- po- ly- cany very with the re<|iieet, and aci-eptmic this notation of tho inalt'Cr; but ('lire Improperly bneked It up a boterelgii. and the ing with half murmur- g: "Yen; lie'd hotter Ifep )ii> y> on them," hurried in their direction. Hy Ihlo time the girl hn<l recovered eon- wioinnieBK, If. IndniMl. file had altogether Wit It, Hiul riiilng un*ieadlly with Cllve'i aid, tood tremtiliiig mul waylng i. and fro. Hhe wnn p yel, wareely able to (land, and I'ltve pui bin arm round her to BIIU- port lien for tho hunchback oeemnd for the moment helplenii and overwhelmed. Qnlld unooniirlouKly h* leant agalnnt I'llvc. and hid her furo on hie breimt a If to *hut ont ih. i Hound* and th,- BlghtH that li.ul no terrified In r . and almont a nnoonMlaMlf ('live M'X>thed her. and tried Ui reamiure hrr. Lnla hiumted the village and stole rhirkens persistently. Bo there was nothing for it but to take him n butird the steamer agnin. Then the engineer ga\ e him to the Rangoon Zuo. It v;fi months afterward that he wr-nt to BCD Laia. He took \vith him a retriever, whifli had V>een the licnr'ti cliuin and playfellow. When he asketl about Lala, they said he had gut very take his food. wild, and would nut 1 give the rest of the Btor.v in the engineer's own wordn : "They were just going to give him rations, HO I said, 'Give me the focxl, and I'll go into the cage my- Belf.' I took the retriever in with me, and I'll never forget the way that bear looked at me as long as I live. The poor thing jiiHt utooo! up and put his forepaws on my chest, and looked into my eyes as much as to say, 'Is this what you've done to me?' No. I'll never animal again." keep a wild The liiuiiH I.-IMI Qiicxtion. "I tan't live without your daugh- ter." "Well, can you live without her father t" When some men feel like commun- ing with the spirits they interview the man behind the white aproD CANADA Portland CEMENT OME men ask for so many bags of "cement" ^ " Others, more careful, say they want "Portland Cement" But the man who does the best work insists upon get- ting "Canada" Portland Cement Aid he looks to see that every bag bears this label \ Wtite the Canadi Cement Information Bureau, Mon- treal, for a free copy of "What the 1'ntn.r, fan Do With Concrete." There it a Canada Cement dealer in your DcighboiKood. If you do not know Kim. write far ku name.

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