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Flesherton Advance, 31 Jul 1913, p. 3

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LEGIONS IflSI III LONDON FIFTY PERSONS VANISH IX BIG CITY EVERY DAY. Twenty Thousand People pear Every Twelve Months. Disap- London is great in everything, even in the number of its lost. The capital does not shout and boaet about its mysteries. It is only when something dramatic happens such as the vanishing of a wealthy man, that one is reminded of the grim fact that somewhere about 20,- 000 persons disappear every twelve months within the area looked after by Scotland Yard, says a writer in the Philadelphia Ledger. Many of the missing persons turn up, but a large number are lost to their friends and relatives for all time. London is the best place on earth if you want to hide. It is the most mysterious and most wonder- barrow, there would be a shorter criminal life for the wrongdoers who at this moment are rubbing should- ers free and fearless, with straight- living folk in the city and the West End. A friend of mine, a private de- tective is making quite a little for- tune in London for no other reason than that it is a land of mystery and suspicion. Who ever heard of a countrywoman becoming suspic- ious of her husband to the extent of having him watched by a detec- tive t But in London this is com- mon. Because the capital is a great shadowland with millions of hiding places and millions of cloaks to pro- tect the wrongdoer from the public eye. That young friend of yours who is flushed with ambition and means to come to town to make his fortune if he should fail he need not feel ashamed a bit. If he wants to hide well, London will find a corner for him. And nobody will ever find him until he wishes them to. London is as mysterious as she is great. GOLD MINERS' LIVES SHORT. ful maze ever inhabited by man. To j F5frccn Y eare in Transvaal Limit of look in London for a friend with whom you have not made an ap- pointment is like looking for a needle in a haystack, or a diamond Workers' Activities. The mining of gold ____, Africa produces a South mortality roll in a desert, or a pearl in the Pa- j which is appalling, cine Ocean. One can live in Lon- j "However healthy a Transvaal don a lifetime and travel about it rock-drill man may appear to be and not know one thousandth part : on his return to this country," Dr. cf it. Within the last twenty years Haldane told the British Depart- mental Committee on Industrial Diseases in 1907, "he will probably quite twenty murders have been committed in London which have gone by unexpiated. You may be , quite sure that the murderers, if! alive, are in London. They are be dead within a year or two." Miners' phthisis is said to be due to the inhalation of fine dust. probablv living very near to police ! whlch aris s not merely from rock stations", for it is a popular and a ' drilling without the accompaniment well-founded belief among crimin- 1 * r Pying but also als that if vou want to keep your blasting operations. Last wrists free 'of the handcuffs vou P must pitch your tents close to the pegs on which the bracelets hang. The London Detectives would be proud indeed, if they from year 1,000 of .000 men exam- ined by the Medical Commission were found to have phthisis. No rock-driller could work in the mines for sixteen years and escape it. Death occurred as a rule before the could find onlv half the people who ; * p * 40 - vanish in the capital every year. | Here is a table which showed at But they cannot. Some time ago j that time how meltable is the two girl students took rooms to- [ doo1[n of an >' man who undertakes get her in the West End. One night tm8 work: they were hanging pictures and they ; t found that they had run short of * ears nails. "I'll go out and get some," one said. She went, just as she was, without hat or coat, to a little shop *' round the corner while her compan- ,-; ion set about preparing the even- 8/ * White Blisters Spread All Over Head. Scratched Until Mass of Sores. Hard Crusts Left Raw Flesh, Had to Cut Hair Away. Healed by Cuticura Soap and Ointment. Hair Growing Thick. 130 r.i'.malne St.. PeMrboro. Ontario. "My llttlii KirL'a head was in a terrlbl* tate. It narted with little white UUitera, which would break until It praad all over her head. The burning and Itching were dreadful, especially at night when ah* would si-riwh It until It wu one mau of ton* ail over her head and the pllln w would ba covered with blood. She could get no rat at all with the pain. She would beg of me to put something on to cool the b'lmlnc and Irritation. Bard crust* would form on her head which when she scratched 1C would leave the raw flesh underneath, and her hair came off with It or would be In mich a dreadful state that I would be. obliged to cut the hair away. "I tried several remedies bat none of them seemed to do any good. I then cut her hair quite close, waabed It with Cuticura Soap and bandaged it using Cuticura Oint- ment. It la now quite bealed without a mark on the skin. Her hair Is growing nice and thick again." (Signed) Mrs. M. Saun- ders. Feb. 13. 1912. Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Ointment arc sold by drugglaUi and dealers everywhere. A single set Is often sufficient. Liberal sample of each mailed free, with 32-p. Hkia Book. Address post card Potter Drug fc Chun. Corp.. Oept. 36D, Boston. U. 9. A. URIC ACID NEVER CAUSED RHEUMATISM I WjLNT to PPOT It to your .ati.faotion. IT yon hTe Rheumatiim. ariit* or chronic no mMr what -four condition -write to-day for my FBEE BOOK on "BUEUMA- TISM-Iu Can Be and Cur*." Thousands call it "Ttia mugl wonderful book -v-r writtn." Don't Bend a (tamo it'* AB- ^OLCTELY FREE. JESSE A. CASE Dept. 476. Brockton, Ma*.. U.B.A. Percentage affected. I'inero's Methods. Britain's foremost living drama- tist, Sir Arthur Wing Pinero, has just celebrated his fifty-eighth birthday. As his name indicates, he is partly of foreign extraction, for his father was a Portuguese. His mother was Miss Williams, sis- ter of a noted Trinity Pilot of Gravesend, and it was in that dis- trict Sir Arthur spent the days of his youth. He was at one time in- tended for a business career, and | studied at Hirkbcck College, but the call of the stage proved too strong. Ho made his debut before the footlights as a general utility lav; 25 40 68 70 80 90 100 KEEP CHILDREN WELL DURING HOT WEATHER ing meal. The girl never returned. Inquiries showed that she did not visit the shop, and she has not been heard of since. Vain also were the efforts to trace a girl who came from the north of England two years ago to take up a situation in a northern suburb. It is known that she reached King's Cross safely, but after that her movements are hidden behind the .. .. . . . . . T 1 1IVCO, ^A*OtUH O.A.%* KH/VMJW^,.. V.V.- veil that hides so many of Lon- b , es are rife at this time and often don s mysteries. She has not ap-l prpcious little life is i^t after reared since, and it is a thousand | onh . a few hour3 ' i]] nes s. The to one that she never will. There | mo ^ er who keeps Baby - c Own Tab . w8 tlie young solicitor who left his ; , etg in the houso feels ^e. The chambers in the ttest End one I occasionaj uge of the Tablets pre- bnght morning last year and was v<mt 6toma<; h and bowel troubles. never seen again. Everything hu- 1 i{ trou bl e comes suddenly as it manly possible was done to trace I nerally does the Tablets will Every mother knows how fatal the hot &uinmer mouths are to small children. Cholera infantum, diar- rhoea, dy sentry and stomach troii- biro. but all in vain. bring the baby safely through. IN MEMORY OF 111S S0>\ ('has. G. Davies AVill Erect Hotel for I'nfortuuates in Chicago. A hotel for "down and out" men, $100,000, will be by I know an old woman who has i They are sold by medicine dealers been trying to find her missing bus- [or by mail at 23 cents a box from band for 30 years. She lives at The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Hammersmith. One morning, some-' Brockville, Ont. where in the '80s, he went off to & catch his omnibus for business in the city, and she has not seen him fcince. For Years and Years the poor old woman has travelled over the same ground twice a day in the hope of finding him, but I am afraid that their next meeting will be bevoml the Great Divide. president of the Central I Company of Illinois, as a memorial London has cloaks enough to hide i to his ^ Rufus Fear i ng Dawes, a million. If you want to disappear! who was Browned in Lake Geneva all you need do is move around the j lftst _ Eventually Mr. Dawes corner. \ cry few people in the me- wiu ; rect a 8 i m ii ar refuge for wo- tropohs are on speaking terms with men o f t h e same class, those who live m the next flat or I Thege hote i s had been projects in the next house. There have been ! whioh the father and son had plan- several case* in recent years of po- ! ned to car ry out together, and Mr. licemen having resided in the same Dawes, in a statement given out block as men who were wanted for recently, pledged himself to devote .some notorious crime, and there is & \\ his'spare time to carrying out an instance of a wealthy former con- ; tn e work his son had long looked vict who vanished, assumed a dis- 1 f orw ard to. guise and another name, became a "l n memory of my dear son, Ru property-owner, and actually leased 'f u i Fearing Dawes. who met his a bouse to the judge who some years death last September," said Mr. Before had sentenced him to penal Dawes, "I shall duriug the present servitude. Not very long ago it [ year inaugurate the work which we was found on the death of a certain had often planned to carry on to- public official that he had been run- 1 g ther, am l to which for the rest of ning two establishments for twenty j my Hf e I shall devote that part of years. He had two wives and two | rav time not required by business families, yet neither of the women duties. GUESSING THE TEMPERATURE How It Was Done With the South Polar Expedition. It often happens on sledge jour- neys among the arctic ice that the thermometers are broken. In that case, the party finds itself without any means of determining the tem- perature. But Mr. Roald Amund- sen, the discoverer of the south pole, says that if the explorer ac- customs himself to guess the tem- perature, it is possible to estimate the mean temperature for a month with a fair degree of accuracy. This fact he proved by means of a guess- ing competition during the winter that his party spent in camp on the great ice barrier. As each man came in in the morn- ing he gave his opinion of the tem- peVature outside, and each guess was entered in a book. At the end of the month I went over the fig- ures, and the man who had guessed correctly the greatest number of times won the prize a few clears. Besides giving practise in estimat- ing degrees of cold, it was a very good diversion with which to begin the day. When one day is almost exactly like another, the first hour of the morning is likely to be a little sour. The competition engaged every one's attention pleatantly. Each man's entrance was awaited with excitement, and one man was not permitted to make his guess in the hearing of the man who fol- lowed him. Therefore, they had to speak as they came in, one by one. "X<iw, Stubberud," I would sav, "what's the temperature to-day?' Stubberud had his own way of cal- culating, which I never succeeded in understanding. One day. for in- stance, he looked about him, and studied the various faces. "It isn t warm to-day.'' he said at last, with a great deal of conviction. I could immediately encourage him with the assurance that he had 1 guessed correctly. It was -U!) decrees F. ! The monthly results were very in- teresting. So far as I can remem- ber, the best performance in any month was eight approximately cor- rect guesses. A man might keep remarkably close to the actual tem- perature for a long time, and then suddenly one day make an error of twenty-five degrees. The winner's mean temperature agreed within a few tenths of a de- gree with the actual mean temper- ature of the month, and the mean of all the competitors' mean tem- peratures gave a result that was al- most exactly correct. So if we had been so unlucky as to lose all our thermometers, we should not have been entirely at a loss. SAW NAPOLEON: STILL ALIVE. M. Sham-l.Roy Went to St. Bel- fii a. the Emperor's I'n.-mi. There is still a Frenchman alive who saw and spoke with Napoleon and in his childhood played with the King of Rome. M. Pierre Schaniel- Roy went to visit his father, who was one of the "caged eagle's" at- tendants at St. Helena, and there was presented to the Emperor. His most touching reminiscence is that Na-poleon showed him a doll which had belonged to his little son, remarking, "It if dirty, as you see. But they were his little hands which soiled it." M. Schamel-Roy is a handsome old man of strong features, though sunken faee, with a hooked nose and a flowing, silky, snow whit* beard. He was for many years cos- turner at the Opera. Park. He ha* now a pension from the State of some twenty-six cents a day. M. Schamel-Roy is nearly 106 years old. His father was a soldier's or- derly who spent his life in close personal attendance on the great Emperor. English Roast-Beef. dih ready to cooked ind economic-*!. -I j .... - . , A FRIGHTFUL FIRE Cauees widespread sorrow likewise a lively corn causes much pain tb cure j "Putnam's." the old reliable Putnam's i Corn Extractor, that nerer faile and al- , ways cures; try It. 26c. at all deuler*. Work and the Weather. The restless days are here. All outdoors invites us and our work becomes a conscious effort and a bore. It is the time when we are j most in sympathy with Jerome K. ' Jerome in his confession as follows ''I like work; it fascinates me. I can sit and look at it for hours. I 1 love to keep it by me : the idea of I getting rid of it nearly breaks my heart." (ilnger Vi . -. Steady persistency will outrun spurt. Only sma^j-eculed people are vin- dictive. A man is not necessarily bad be- cause he has the re;:'i&a,fcion of be- ing tingnlar. There in 'but one I^imiri class in this country : hoboes -int the iul sons of the rich. Framed mottoes a '.: do not make a happy home. If a man was bora i fo->t hf i likely to die <ne. After all. we miss more trouble than we get into. Mlnard's Liniment Cure* Colds, Etc. He I expect to die in homes*. She Then I take :t for granted that you havt a. sl.vjin p.mnn'n. FARMS FOR SALS. Sir Arthur Wing I'inero. actor at a salary of one pound a week, but the experience he gained has proved of inestimable value, and there is no living playwright who is his superior in stage tech- nique. One of h ; s earliest efforts at writing for the stage was a curtain- raiser for the late Sir Henry Irv- ing, but it was with his striking play "The Magistrate' 1 that Sir Arthur gained his first big success. Sir Arthur Pinero's method of writing a play is certainly unique, for he first devises the final scene, and from that works back to his opening. When he is about to re- hearse a play he has planned out the minutest detail of business. He is a kindly autocrat at rehearsals. and the actor or actress who does not follow his direction is soon brought to task. Well Begun. Officer (to recruit who has massed every shot): "Good heavens, man, where are your shots going V Recruit (nervously): "I don't know, sir; they left here all right." Wire Wounds. My mare, n rery valuable one. wa hndly bruii-Ad and cut by being caught in a wire fence. Some of th- would not heal, although I triexl many different medicinee. Dr Bell advieed me to nee MINAHDS LINIMENT, diluted at first, then stronger as the soree began to look better, until aftvr three weeks, the (tores have healed, and best of all. the hair in growing well, and ii XOT WHITE a. is moet alwayu th caee in horee wound*. F. M. DOCCBT. Weyinouth. H. W. DAWSON, Ninety Coition. o Street, I Toronto. HT1T STOCK. GRAIN Nn DAIBT Farms in all ec:lons of Or.'.ario. Some inap*. ! UTOHY hlTES. WITH JA WITHOUT P Ha;!wny trackago. in Toronto. Brnmpton nnil othrr town -n<! riv**. R ESIDKNT1AL PROPBimiirt I It Brampton and a doson nfn^r wo. H W. DAWSON, Coluorne St., Toronto. STAMPS AND COINS Evidently Preferred >"obs4>. "Is he fond of peace and quiet ?' "I gues not. He's giving his three daughters musical educa- tions." ^ TAMP COLLECTOHS-HUMUUKli 1>I k^ lerent 8tmi>. Cin'ogoa Album. cn!T Seven Ceuts. Marti BIKB Company. Toronto. MISCELLANEOUS GK.M1AM bBO(., l"tt BAXCHBBfl, .ll pay>*t pr:vH !>ir it:.irk. >'.! rer. Croe f'oivv. Mink. M^rtjui. ?ii.hcr at all tune*. Duugul. L. u.ianui. Stralhroy, R.R. No. 1. Ont. Mlnard'9 Liniment Cures Diphtheria. The Way Of It. Some men make fools of them- selves for a pretty girl and a lot of others don't even have that excuse. Mlnard't Liniment Cures Garget In Cows. Exactly So. "Embroidering letters on hand- kerchiefs is a very ncn-prugressive business.' 1 "How so ?" "Because it never gets beyond the initial stage.'' Try Murine Eye Remedy If you have Red, Weak, Watery Eye* or Granulated Eyelids. Doesn't Smart Soothes Eye Pain. Druggists Sell Murine Eye Remedy, Liquid, 2Sc, 50c. Murine Eye Salve 'in Aseptic Tubes, 2Sc, SOc. Eye Books Free by Mail. An t>* TO..IC Cood tar All CyM tt,.t N...I CM* Murine ET Remedy Co., Cblcag* Fine. This sure would be A dandy world, life would be one big bubble. If money could be borrowed just as easily as trouble. Mmards Liniment Cures Olstempsr. MAIL OHI)HH MF.N ** *) per <-<-nt. iiiail.Mf < M''"W >r mr .lift-. > ir, I Mrihuiinir rn:al<>ffuve. -..malAr*. H.IT.I 'tr. l.cte. Pnrr.fiiinr Irrr. R-iHiilt oorta.n W. !i LiiwruK'^. Or. Ilia. Of-trm. Ca.NCKR. Tl'MOItS. LUMP 1 * KTO, Internal and external. ourd wjtV ' oat nni'i bv cor borne rHtmnt Writ* a> brfor* loo la!" Dr. Bellman Uedloal f> I.lmit*d nnlllnrwnnd Ont GALL BTONEH. \ . V AND v ! >- der Stooei. Kidn:y trouble. iJrneU Lumbago and kindred sllmentt positively rared with the new German !!.: if. "Biinol." price (1.90. Another new ri-madp for Diabetes-Meilltne. anci mr-> enr. Is Baool'g Antl-l)iabetea." Frlc* KM from druitgleta or direct. Tb Hanoi It^niitae- 1nr(n> Company of Canada. Lin>ite 'VtnnTpeit. Mail MALE HELP WANTED. MEN WANTED TOITNG MAN BE A BAKRKR, [ TKACB you quk-kly. cheaply, 'liorouglilv and rnruisb UM>|B free. W> <iv you actual sruop eim-rii-iKH- Wn:. for frr- oale>* login- IK'.i-i College. ". i Quouu St .;:.*, Toruuto. MEN WANTED IMMORTALITY CERTAIN I *^<ved*nhcrfiy s work on flrnv.-ii ,in,l He)ll I and Ihrhle^l'ii t di .ith. Wfxine-., ..iilv 25,-rnts I I 1 - - 1-., .A H. Uw 4M Eadi4 Ar . r .,-,. . On. | had the least suspicion. It was be- the mac lived in. London. It is next to Impossible to carry 'As the first step I shall erect on the west side a hotel at an expendi- ture of $100,000, to be known as the on such duplicity in the country, ! R u fus Dawes Hotel. Lodgings will but in the British capital, where 'be furnished at cost, not to exceed neighbors, so far from being friend- j five cents. The doors of this hotel ly, are terribly suspicious of one will never be closed to those out of another, a burglar or a murderer employment upon their promise to n live for years among respect- pay when they find work again. It able people without being discov- W U1 extend credit -to the unfortu- rred. If London would only absorb nate upon their proraise olope. A a little of the neighborliness and free employment agency will be run good-fellowship of the provincial | in connection with the hotel. I Khali hope later to establish a simi- lar hotel tor women." street, a little of the How Do You Do? on the stairs or over the gar- den fence, a little of the country- wom-ii') friendly chat at the green- grocer'* cart and the fishmonger's A strong-minded man is one who has occasion to say "I told you so" ;UH! iluesn't. Bobby had worn his mother's pa- tience to the limit one Sunday. "You are a perfect little heathen '.'' she remarked, giving way at last. Do you mean it?" demanded Bob- by. "I do indeed,'' said his moth- er. "Then say, ma,'' said Bobby "why can't I keep that penny you gimme for the Sunday School collec- tion t I guess I'm as hai'd up as any of the rest of 'em.'' KIDNEY PILLS ED. 7. ISSUE 3I-'1S. A Bowser Portable Tank For Sale Cheap WILL MAKE HONEY FOR YOU GARAGE OWNERS and others who require a cheap and convenient method of waiting on customers should investigate this tank to be sold at a sacrifice. 'Fhis has been used a short time in one- of our departments, lately discontinued. Our brandies and Sales depots are. already equipped, and we cannot plae this Tank in our own Company. THIS BOWSER TANK IS A BARGAIN In Good Shape- Almost as Good as New BO gallon capacity one gallon to the stroke. Pump self registering. Mounted on rubber- tired wheels. Can be moved anywhere to the sidewalk and back to any car in the garage. Ph.* bet inveetment you ever made. It will sav your gasoline your time- your tnoiey. Regular Price J3RO.OO Special Price $22.00 Russell Motor Car Co., Limited, Aooessorfea Department, West Toronto)

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