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Flesherton Advance, 24 Jul 1913, p. 3

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July -24 191H THE FLESHEBTON ADVANCE III I- f Icciicrton C An independent new|>a|>er, published eveiy Tmii>.Uy at tic' office, Colltngwood Street, Flcoherton. Subscription price f 1 i*-r annum, when paidinadvonce :-*! .". i when not BO paid Advertising rates on application. Circulation 1,100 u.-.-l.h W H. Xhuraton - Kdltor THE EXAMINATIONS II appears !> in tlmt there in just caute for complaint in the way tlmt the Depart'nental r.nd Entrnce exmiiinations were handled th's year. In the tirst place a misukc . made when two questi '!)* were placed on the cxiiminu- tion paper 'hat refered to ma'luiH with which the candidates weie not familiar. Of course the Department tried to make amends by nllowini; full marks for the remaining jnestions, but the result nn doubt wuuld be to confuse *nd dishearten writing, and tend to weaken their effort, with the other ijuestions. The utinouncement of results in the Entrance examination was delayed in KJMI Grey. They were publish- ed for South Grey week before our own. The pipers in the north of this riding had them in time for last week's issue, but those at this end of the riding only received them Thursday afternoon last after their ppers had been issued . The newspapers were besieged for several uays by anxious pupils, and the tele- phones weie kept more than busy an- swering queries. In our own case, as 8oon as the results came, we made it a point to inform everybody interested with whom we could get in contract. We would like to know why some of the papers were given these returns in t;me to print them, while they were wilheld from others) Such tiling has never occurred before and we trasl never will agiiin. There is a probability that these en- trance results will be more catisfactory next year, owing to tlie fact that the matter is taken nut of the hand* of in- cpectors altogether and left wilh the high i I.. i examining boardf. We would suggest tlmt dale ba set by the Department for the release of these results to the general public KJ that all will be treated alike and everybody will know when to look for the news. As it -. anxiety is strung out over about three weeks time. The unfairness of the present system is particularly noticeable right here. Markdale, six miles uway, which is in South Grey, had iheir relurna H week before Flesherton, which is in Kast Grey. We do not attempt to place the blame for the pit niisni'in*Ke.nent, probably it lies not altogether with any one indiv- idual, but a suggestion such as we have made w mid obviate nil fulurre trouble and relieve the newspaper offices of a lo id The date could be set so as to give the exatnineis ample time. Candidates would not object to waiting even a week longer if they knew the exact day to ex- pect the results to be given and that they would be given to everybody on that As it has been in the past some school* know the lesult even before the papers are sent to Toronto for verification. We have know severtil instances of this kind. I I. is against the regulations and is nut right, and we hopo the now rexuhtioni will prevent such leakage in future. [or North Grey isu friend of prohibition. The election night jubilation in Owen Sound would dissipate any -m-li illusion as ihat. Our informant my* that the loc^il option law was not strictly observed theie, and that some of the officials suffdied s strange tit of drowsiness dur- ing the latter pirt of the campaign, and a remarkable lapse of vigilance. An Ideal Vacation Trip Via Great Lakes Steamship At thih season of the year when so many are pl.iiining their vacation trip the question "Where To (Jo" uiitiiivtlly arises Wlmr c'luld be more delightful than a Grett Lkes trip, where the .111 is pure the sun shines and ci/ol refreshing breezes blowf Few people rexlize with wliut ease and speed a trip from the Ktxt to Fort Wil- liam and Winnipeg, can bo made via the Canadian Pacific Great Lakes Express Steamships. You can leave Toronto 12.45 noon Tuesday or Saturday 'ind arrive Winnipeic 9.40 p. m. Thursday or Monday. Fifty-seven hours from Toron- to to \Vinnipesj: twelve hours fastar than any other service. For those who wish to leave on different days in the week, and have a little more time on the water, the trip can be made leaving Toronto 12.45 noon Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, arriving in Winnipeg 11.40 a. in. Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays. If you are contemplating a trip, don't let this slip your memory. Canadian Pacific Steamships make the fastest time, have the best of accoir.od:ition, and the table is unexcelled. Full particulars and reserva- tions on trains and ships, at every Cana- dian Pacific Ticket Office. The 12th and a Wet Town Six diunks were arrested here on the 12th "cutting 'er up" too boisterously and were assesied S3 per. A couple of Indians were among the number. There were several impromptu scraps around town during the day, but no one wa< seriously hurt. Considering the large was quite an orderly crowd. 1 1 mi.'. i'i'i chief of police can tell a spicy tale of what he saw during tliti ^.iy. Seveial visitor*- "dmd to the world"- were laid aside with wrapping paper over them t<> protect them from the sun. One h'g nigger from Owen Sound prop- erly soused got stuck in the mill race and was r.early drowned. Another chap with a real jug on was sunning himself lying full stretch on the lawn at the pub- lic library, when Constable Beamish came along and turned ttiH hose on him. William says (hero's nothing like water t i sober a man as this fellow got up like a klmt. Hanover Post. Tried to Suicide A DOG-DAY DISCUSSION An interesting controversy is raging in a London newspaper over the problem as to whether woman is not nearer to savagery than man. The question has nut been fully settled and may never be, because it cm not be. There are those who hold (<> the idea that woman can sink In lower depths, and ii-- to more sublime heights than man. It is said, ax in the old nursery ditty, that "when she is good die is very, very qool.and when ho ishad , lie it horrid. "Wo ilni. ol believe such it controversy U worth the ink spilled over It. Woman c.innot rise to my higher plane than man, tie thur can she fall liny lower. She m on the same plane, receives the sami- rjwards for virtue (oxcfpting when 1 man autH arbiter), and the same puni-di- ineiils (excepting wheru man iidtnister.H the punishment). She in "bone, of his b me and Hush of his flesh," ar.u lo say that woman approaches nearer to savas- ;iy than intii is an absurdity. We are, jtian and woman, delivered from th Minut nource at th same time, travelling to- gether towards the name KOI|, and we are all a jumbled up mass of god, bad indifferent, with the bad predomina- ting in the malo branch of the human family, because h is a tyrant nnd will not allow the female the liberty with which ho himself indulges. The question under discussion is, however, good enough for a doit-day controversy whon everybody feels can- tankerous and belicose. A Painful Admission The Advance is sorry to say that it was initinken in siying that the new membei On Monday evening of last week "Danie" Tindale went to Fergus and took back with him Mr. .las. Ashwood, who is a bricklayer or mason by trade, to work on Tiudalu's farm about three miles from that vil'age. Tin; News- Record says Mr. A sli wood's former home was Kenil worth, but he had been work ing in the vicinity of Fergus for some time. On Tuesday morning Mr Tindale went, out to Wurk leaving Anhwood in the In .inr i he wns not feeling like work having been drinking rathei freely About '.' a.m. he returned to the house when upon entering he found Ashwood in a pool of blood, und a bottle ol liquor' him, having cut h<s throat with a razor, flow long lie hd lain there can- not be said, bir when found was rery weak from loss of blood. A doctor truBjtonoa notified and hurried tothuscenu. Fortunately thu man hud not severed the jugular viens, but his windpipe was cut almost in two. He at once stopped the How of blonil, stitched up the severed pin's mill hail him re- moved to the. In i |';i 1 1 where the doctor hass,)tno fainl hupa of hi.s recovery. Mt. Forest Hp. in i-iiuiL! tl <-y were traced for a nule and half nlon/ the track tuwiirds CYoks ille. They had eten a laruu quantity of the Bwcet8,and left the piper wn pper along the trad a. I'iii In-i li.-f. .re or after tho entraece \ a made into McClintuck'a tore the hard- ware store befonging to Jainei Gandi-s was entered, but nothing north wh e was taken. At Morgan Bros.' genei'i' storo the men did their utmost to get in by tho front dnnr and window;, but were frustrated. They then resorted to the rear, but barred doors and windows kept them ou>. E*rly yesterday morning tliren men weie seen boarding the train for Cooks- villo and the rutiidents have reaion to b> - lieve that these were, the thieves. On arrival at Cooksville they left fur Orange- ville by car, where they caused consider- able excitement later in the day. Upon arrival there they become short of gasoline, so entered the Klectric Light Company's office and btole a 28-gallon can of machine oil, thinking it containrd fuel fur the motor. Seeing two grips belong- ing to the manager, Mr. T.U. Huxtab'e, containing valuable papers, they immed- iately app-opriatcd them and dashed off in the car. but were discovered by Chii-f Constable Wm. Marshall, who gave chase In a hiah-power car owned by Mr. E. C. 'lark. The g'>ing was fast and ^furious or two miles down the Centre road, iut the pursuers gained and the thieves ;ave up the ince near * wood. They deserted the cir and disappeared among he tree*. The car was taken bsck to the Queen's Hotel baiV to await its owner. Later in the evening the men were seen g"ing NVest on a freight train. OmngevitU) Banner. There was an exciting time at the K. C. Church, 10th line, Kina, on Sun- duy morninu when the shed was des- troyed by lire nd eiht horsed perished in the flamefe. While the setvi.e was in prugrets a lit'le zirl noticed the fire and gave' Ube alarm. The men wi.rkcd frantically t<> remove the horses, about forty in nutiiltfr, the fact th;it the hors-s and tigs were i'i th'ree tie's in places and the lire had uained coniderb!e headway and was fmined by a high wid blowii g lermth wise of the shed, made the work difficult. All but eiaht were rescued and were burned together with an equal number of buggies and the harness. An auto s'andini; in the yard was badly scorched. The shetl was ninety feet long and was a substantial structure with lie'ivy I earns. There was two hundred dollars' insurance on it. Smiie eff.rt was required to prevent the church from bji-ning. A lire such s this, with such disastrous results, is without pnrallel in this district and peihaps in the orovince Bolton Enterprise. Auto Burglars Three . . ',: In , ,-l mi*n stolo a valuable auto owned by Mr. Claude I'ope, I'I WuodUwii swum-, Toronto, late on Monday H'glit, of l."t week, when the machine was loft i>utsic'e thi! King I In ii I II- i ! The car was ufternni'xc ting chase through Friday, und after Hut thit-vus it is itaiil, h'td Im ;l u i <! several pli c H a'ong the couiiliyMili'. Leaving Toronto, tho thieves, it is alleged, wont northwest, und nothing was Imird of them until llmmMures were tampered \vith i>r broken into at Streuls- viltu l.i-t night. On Wednesday the men are supposed to have left the car in tho neighborhood of Cuoksville, taken train t-> streetsville, mill shortly before mill- night commenced operations. The lirst store entered was tlmt belong- ing to Mr. (!. II. McClintock, who con- (luuU a candy businosi nnd Hell Tele- phono FiXchange. Shortly after II. 'W Mr. Mct'liritock took a short nap, but loft the light burning in tlm store. The thieves, teninii '.ho light and iipparonlly no person around, imnuniialely onduav- ornd to gain untrunce, but Httemptn lo open the door proved futile. They then discovered that one of thu windowpimes wore loose and lifleil it ou^. Tho till nas th"i> located, opened, and the count- er damaged. I'll it il>u men .u,- iixpert disciples of Hurtles is shown by the faet that they searched Ihrmigh the whole storo without waking tho sleopin? opor- atoi'. Tho visitors look iibout f'JO worth of c.iudioi with them, nnd yesterday CREDIT SALE SECOND ROUNP IN SELLING OUT . . Except on Groceries Credit given on ap- proved notes with- out interest. Due Dec. 31t, 1913. All f orme r Wonderful Bar- gains continued. New ones add- ed every day, every week. Watch this space. This Stock MUST and WILL be sold .... STUNNERS FOR THIS WEEK! Krcsli Citnnril Corn 7o Kri'nh I'iiniit'd TonmtaM H)o Freud ('uniicil I'liinpUin 7o Casein I ' Siilinan , I'ia Uiih |{i>y Slinnii 7c I'onr.s nr PliniiH . Ho SnKi ..f I j.o hoitlos, Pickles Oo Hoys' Suii.s SI.IIK Hoys' Knickers II9c Itlnck, honvy 25n Duck 21c Any Trimmed Hut in ttoro f I.!t8 Korr's Thrtvul, all ntur.liors 3o McFARLAND & Co. MARKDALE, ONT. F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON ONTARIO. July Cleariqg Sale All Summer Goods Reduced ! Special in Fresh Summer Groceries. CALL IN HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR BUTTER AND EGGS JUST THINK What we have in store for you some of the nicest goods in Grey County. Don't fail to see these goods. Every- thing Up-To-Uate as usual. Pressing and ('leaning done in the most satisfactory nian- C. BLAKELY s Leading Tailor Standard Bank Building Jas. Pattison & Co. CEYLON, ONTARIO. The place you can get nearly anything you want in Dry Goods, Groceries. Boots and Shoes. Also Hardware, Hay Itope and Bind^rtwine. Brant- ford Bindertwine 650 feet, and 600 feet, beat. Also Canadian Portland Cement per barrel. Paris Gieen in 1 pound pound packages. Scythes, Blades and Scythe Stones and Kakes, also the best machine oil. Remember we pay highest market price for Butter, Eggs, Wool, fallow, Skins and Hides. can't be at $1.50 and half Snaths, TERMS CASH AND TRADE JAS. PATTISON & Co. ANADIAN PACIFIC Great Lakes Service 57 HOURS 3T E A MSHIP EXPRESS A SERVICE PERFECTED BY STUDIED EFFORT AND YEARS OF EXPERIENCE. HOMESEEKERS EXCURSIONS I -I.- 1 TiU'sclnv. until 'JS WINNIPEG NDRETURN $35. no EDMONTON AND RETURN$43.oo OTHER POINTS IN PROPORTION. Kuturtt Umlt. two months. HOMKSKKKH'TICAIN leaves Toroutn il>0 |>. in. each i .. i.i until August -JO. in- cluaivo. Iteat train to take. . EXCELLENT SERVICE Ti> Muskoka Lakes Kawartha Lakes Point an Barii Frenc/i and Pickers/ Rivers Rideau Lakes, etc. Summer Tourists Rates Now In Effect FULL PARTICULARS FROM ANY C.P.R. AOFNT. i: GENERAL MERCHANTS CEYLON ONT. m i^m S. Rind, Agent, Fleshertan i FlesHex*ton ^ Tonsorial I V- Parlors j We Aim to Give Entire Sntisfitction .| LAt'NDRY Hiskot lo.ivos jiionn, duliv<ry Kriilny uvcni-ij;. OLKANING and DYEINO \Ve MO Rgonts for Hnrker's Dye Works Clothes \ cloanod and dyed, fi-nthum rojuvcnutod. T FISHER, - - PROPRIETOR MEN -YOU NEED NERVE i Weodtrf ul Nerrou, Sv.te EARLY INDISCRETIONS AND EXCESSES HAVE UNDER- MINED YOUR SYSTEM Th nwres control all actions of the body so that any- thiog that debilitateg them will weaken all organ* of the system. Early lnduertioiu and EXGMM. bare ruined thousands of promising young men. Unnatural Drain* sap their rigor and vitality and they never develop to a proper condition of manhood. They remain weak- lings, meutally, physically and sexually. How TOW fel? Are you nervous aiid weak, despondent and gloomy, specks before the eyes with dark circles under them, weak back, kidneys irritable, palpitation of the heart, i > i ! if ul, debilitating dreams, sediment In urine, pimples on the face, eyes suuken, hollow cheeks, careworn ex- pression, poor memory, lifeless, distrustful, lack energy and strength, tired mornings, restless nights, change- able moods, premnturedecay, bone pains, hair loose, etc. ThbUtiw condition our Now Method TraatmeBl i* GUARANTEED TO CURE We have treated Diseases of Men for almost a life- time uuj do not have to experiment. Consult us FREE OF CHARGE and we will tell you whether you are curable or not.] Wo (uarutee curable CM* of NERVOUS DEBILITY. VARICOSE VEINS. BLOOD] AND SKIN DISEASES. GLEET. BLADDKR URINARY AND KIDNEY COMPLAINTS Fro. Booklet n DkoaMS ol MOB. If uaabte M call | write for QUESTION LIST FOR HOME TREATMENT DRS.KENNEDY&KENNEDY Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. MOTI8E For Sale by Tender Tenders will ho received by the under- j ifiu-d lit Port. MrNicholl up "to 4 o'clock |>. in. Fridity 10th dnyof An ; u t for the puicliii'P ot the solid brick store nnd dwelling ojipisito Kl >ur Mills in the village cf FeveisliRin, also for tin- purchase i'f tho roiujh-cftst dwelling mul |irii|n-rty CM VVfllin^toii St. Wont lately owned hy John Speors. Tender* t" Iktute their r,M ternu of |uiyment nnd; inteiett. Lowest nor any tender Mot necesituily aeco^tod. -I. HARVEY I'EKICO*:. Alt letters from Canada must be addressed to our Canadian Correspondence Depart- ment in .Windsor, Ont. If you desire to see us personally call ixt our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat no patient, in our Windsor offices which are for Correspondence and Laboratory lor Canadian business only. Address all letters aa follows: DR3. KENNEDY & KENNEDY, Windsor, OB*. Writ* for our private addnu. Tamworths for Sale Hotli sex nearly ready for breeillue, 1'ilces right tor quick MM, (IKK. \V. IIOSB. Max well P. A! UK" T ti Boar for Service wl'ito Yo kli Ire Hour (or service T- * s ' H '' Al "- eiuos! R. WALhEK. BULL FOR SERVICE Uesisterod Hol.stein Hull, Korndyke Pietertjo Clothilde. No. 14780, whose dm, Tri/.U-'s i'lotliilde r'ictertje L'nd.No. 20SS, h,is produced over 80 Iks. milk per day. Term* Grade cows $1.00, |'ie bwd cows *;{. All cows not retumeil will be clmrged. Also reuistei-o I Yorksbir" boar. No. :U681 .Tt"im II. HENRY HOLMAN Lot 40, Cou. 4, Attemesia, Poitlaw P.O. tfmartf

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