; July 17 1913 ^ THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE >> Every article ot Summer Goods in our entire store to be cleared out regardless of Profit- Slaught- er Prices. Whirlwind Speed. Biggest Bargain Sale Flesherton ever saw. Values unbeatable anywhere, No trash. No fake. GENUINE. Scores of bargains-also from Grocery, Hardware, | Crockery and other Departments. Stunning Bargains added daily. Depend upon it this is a straightforward swift slaughter sale. Worth while to come long distances. STARTS WEDNESDAY IHIVlfi'14 STORE CLOSES TUESDAY, JULY 15. If W JH A VI AW J, & W, BO YD COMFORT SOAP 500 Bars only Comfort Soap. Buy early before supply is exhausted, Limit of 2oc. worth to each customer on any one day. Whirlwind Sale I)|*{I>M 7 Bars for 25c HOSE 500 1'nris Women's lil.ick Cotton Hrm<>, sizes 8J to 10. Color is ^'uarn- ti-. ,1 I.K.- 'nl.n'k. A regular 15c liii" to clear t Whirlwind Sale Price - .10 SUITS 10 Wo fire putting on a gigantic $10 .Suit fc'ale. Everyone should get one nt this low price. Mind, these are not some old trash, but good enough for anyone to go anywhere. Worth regular .$lL>.;>0 to $15.00. Whirlwind Sale Price Best Gran. SUGAR !0,000 11.8 only, Kedpath Granulated Sugar. Can't promise more after 10,000 Ibs. is exhausted. Come early. Buy in-fit the advance lOOlbs. for $4.70 SHIRTS A stupendous bargain in M. n Fiiio Shirts, no), soiled or fad<d. N<> old hahbcens. Fresh New Goods, i.ifiy Palterni with ai.ft collars and wilhnut. Regular $1. Co and $1.25. Choice of lot .69 Underwear Hardware' (> only "i ,,n,..i,i A" and 1 Ciurnry Hangcs, reg. $48. <H). Wliii-1- wind Sule Price ....................................... $4.}. Uxfurd "Uturel 15 A" Coal UsNfter, regular $:)5 fr .......... $25. 1 I; i il Opal otKce H>utei, regular .*" for ................ $28 1 Active (inrland No. 22, reuUr $2K for ................. $25 4 Wringers, teitulnr 84.i'>0 to clear ........................ f )> 7f<c \V h i |(b to clear ............... . .................... .'.Sic 1 Sprayer. renlr $ (XI to clrnr ........................ $4.98 I'L'I" feet Deer.'ug TWIIIH, ihu best twine on ihe nmiket.for cash IL'/- Staple Dry Goods I A great big Snap in 5<>j All sizes and a variety of colors Oood stronit materials. Don't mia this at Whirlwind Sale Price .33 PANTS Kiv doxeii Pairs Men's P.int*, reg. $1.75. These are splendid for km>ck- i 1 MIII wear in nicn dark patlern-i and i "! wearing <|uality. Choice of I. I Whirlwind Sale Price Table 1 .inn., us inclief, wide, pure Linpii Rlunched, rrg. tiOc. 4*>c All Ijiiien <jlt>s Towelling, regular 8c for. ... .......... 5c ;50 Pifccs <>ini^|)arns and Pi tutu, regular 12ic. Choice ....... !)c All l.'ic Soot t-h Oiiighitm^ and Crunini's Prints, Choice ....... lie Apron 'Jiiikrliams, Check* and Bordori'd, n-guUr 12ic for.... We. DRESS GOODS A splendid s<>rtim>iit yf :t()c lines in Vt-netiani, BraMs, K'c. i-luiicH <rf lot ........................... ............ 21c Anothui g<*<! 4(K- lot, choice ............................ 2!c And a good i-'" ii.-i- 1. 1 .'Or Hiid (iOc lines, choice .............. .''' ''> Iiincn AnderNon'ii h'oiilar-lH, Xcphyra nnd Drvss Muslins, clvicn of lot ........... ...................... J.'ic Tp l'nflet.4 K\\V*. all sluiJt-f, regular ."HK.-. choice ............ 'X\o I- : 'mi- u." Binbroiderin. 27 inche-i and 45 inches, rrg. Iflc nnd 75.'., .!!< ....... .> ......................... HWo GROCERIES II I i 1.19 Apples 100 gallon cant Cboiua New Berfrd Applee. Put up in mnitary can* and (Mranteed bent i)ualHy, strictly frenh and worth '<. oau. WbirUitid Male price .19 1 1 i'ii. 1. 1 Siilnion, i i'-.iiili 20c for ........................... 15c Sulad s., I m. ,11. regular IOc for 4 fur ....................... 25c VI'. .Ill lint's I'liiiriiiti'i-il. ine Filial ra Cleaned ('urranls, :J f.ir ...................... 25c Selected Valencia Kni^in". .'{for. . , ....... '. ...... .......... 2fo Red Ciold Seeded Kiisins, 4 for .......................... 25c Ptarl Tii|.'io' i. four for ................................... 25c Iv.ini;, M in Kirr >', llis. fur ............................... 25c I in ii 1 1 Soda 2, for . ................................... 5c Puni|ikin, rocular 10, for 4 for ...................... 25c M-II, rrgtiUr IOc, 4 for . . . . ....................... 25c n <Jlo* S-arch, :! for ...... !L ............. K ...... 25c Bulk Tea, <iroen, r^ular 'Me, for 2Hc. Black .'(3c, tor ...... 27c. 40j B!ue !! i Ilium Tea for. .............................. 3oo MEN'S WEAR Only Men's 2 piece Suits to clear .................... $<; 'is Summer Fancy YeM, regular $1.50 to $2.00, choice ......... 98c II II II i r t Luntre Coats to clear fl.4 Boys' Felt and fluting Hats, all shades :!9o 12 mily Raincoat* to clear $I.!I8 Overalls and Smocks, bide stripod and black, reif. $1.25, for...89c 1M only Men'* suits.jiizes ;i to 42, reg. $10 to $14. choice $7.98 Bojs' Norfolk Suite, sizes 24 to 28, reg. $2.75 to s:; ;,n, choice$l.-8 Boys' Double- Bre-tNtud 2 piece Suits and '{-piece Suits, regular $ii Otl, choice $.S.2i Splendid $2.76 line Men s Pants to clear 91 89 Boys' Ribbed Hose, sizes 7 to 9i, regular 25c to clear. ....... lite Fmicy Socks, and Plain Cashmere, to clew 19c Men's Work Socks, Sample lot and light wool 12|e ."Go Work Shirts, lo cleu- :$c Hook on and scores of pielty Ties IHo Hoys' Jerseys IWo, Brownie ( >verall 25c, Supenderi IWc Self-opening 1'mbrellas, regular $1.00 for f>9 Women's Wear (lirl's Heady-To- \VVar Hats :tWo, Straws to clear 19c ' Wsct 'Jm ers and Drawers, soiled 15c Samplii GIIWIU, reduced .. . ONE THIRD. 15 White I'nderskiits, regular $1 .25. choice 79c Whita Summer Vests Ktc Tan open work Hose and Plain BUck 20j Hose 12jc Splendid assortineiil Sample Hose, reduced t >NE THIRD. White Ijin Waists, all IWl: 1 . Uoods, reg. $2.00 and $2.25 fill- 1 Maud $125, for 80e 1* White Repp Skirts, all sizes, reg. $1 25 to f2.25 to clear 8We in- 11.48 Silk Waists, cre.im, sky blue, pink and black, res. f2.7"> for $ 1 48 12 only House Dresses, Idll! .stylos, sizm :!4 to 42, ree. f 1.25, choice 79^ Print Wrappers, all sixes, $1.00, choice 59c 10 Only Tweed Skirts, reg. $:t.50 to $5.00, choice $2 : Children's Wash Dresses, ages, 2, 4, G, re. 75c for . 5"c and all others AT COST. BOOTS m A big lot of Indies' Oxfords, reg. up to $3.50, choice. ... $1 3!) Kirst Class Haunt and Chocolate, do fir $1 .<,8 Women's White Canvas, Button Boot, reg. f2.25 for $1 .89 Pebble Milk Shoes, reg. $1.00 to clear ^ 79c Men's BhcU Canvas Bals, sizes 8, tt, 10. reg. $1.75, choice. . . !Wc Men's Kangaroo Congress, teg. $2.7&, to clear , $1 48 Men's Oxfords, reg. $3.60 to $4.50 to clear $2.Gt, to... .$348 Children's Coarse Boots, sir.es 4, 5, tt JiOc L't Baby Boots to clear jjfi ODDS AND ENDS Women ( Sunshade! at cost. Cream Window Shadrs, tvg. 40c. .25c Kauny Pitchers, rrg 40c, choice 25 100 doi. Oup and Saucers, Clover Leaf, reg. $1.00 per dozfor75c. Millinery Kutire balance of trimmed Hals, com- prising some very choice creations have been made into two tables nt about half price and less. Choice 1.98 & 2.98 Boots 300 pairs Boots, broken lines in Men's and Women's in price* up to $3.00 and $3 50. Choice of whole lot at whirlwind Sale Price 1.98 DRESS GOODS A few pieces only black figured Dress Unods. All are in perfect condition. The greatest snap of a lifetime. Regular 60c to $1.00 Be on hand 8 a. m. Wednesday. Choice of lot HATS Paints A big clearing in Paint*, all colorn, ju cn brighieu up for very little money. Quart Cam, regular -V>i. Choice at Whirlwind Hale price 45 BROOMS :!0o Brooms, all new first grade, now corn with lino Straight hamlles, ." strings, A tremen<loa snap worth 40c to 60c anywhere. Lay in a supply be- cause brooms have been und still are high in price. Yeast Kresh Royal Ye**t, guaranteed. hi order to btr merchant* from buying number to cuitomer limited. Whirlwind Sale price 2 for 5c Cleanest hat stock in Canada. No old numbers whatever. All best Standard English makes, hard and oft felt*. Come in Wednesday and aet fitted with $1.50 $2.00 and $2.50 Hat*, at choke \ WALL PAPERS We have dittided to clean out every roll of wait-paper at cost amd less, ami are making up a great leader in bioken KnsA to clar at Whirlwind Sale Price J 5 CENTS i